I made a slideshow called 'Benedict on the run' - but here is a link - to see the paedophiles 'in action' (and 'fixing it' for themselves etc etc)
2011: I had to write a victim impact statement in order to give to the parole board in order to keep the guy that murdered my brother in prison, at the same time I was working as an extra within tv/film industry and also had an online ebay business.
I went to my local GP and said that I am having trouble coping with writing my victim impact statement, he then asked if I was suicidal, I said No, he then went on accused me of being a 'crackhead'.
At the same time my daughter was going through her adolescent phase and as well as having a very bitter ex husband whom refused to help with the care of our daughter and insisted that if I needed a break - I had to give him 6 months notice, he had also previously tried to have me arrested for kidnapping of our daugher while at the same time I had a neighbour who would repeatedly tell to 'fuck off back to my own country'. If I ever spend anything on myself i would be a selfish bad parent. I had kept a book that my aunt gave me when i was about 10/11, called 'Adventure stories for girls', my brother scribbled in it and I have taken it everywhere with me, it is of sentimental value, I also kept a picture of an albatross that my brother drew, again of great sentimental value - my daughter (Shivon) got jealous as I was busy trying to write a victim impact statement and my attention was not focused 100% on her so she threw both these items away.
when it came to events/traumatising experiences of the past, a lot of traumatising events happened to me during the 1990's as well as a horrible excruciating divorce and again having to relive these events during the time I was writing/attempting to write a victim impact statement approx 5 years ago - in order to go home safely and keep the guy that murdered my brother in prison.
I wrote about my experiences, I dreamt/had a premonition that my brother would be murdered - and it happened, I went to Dunedin not long after my brother was murdered, he was 17 and i was 16, then a whole bunch of horrible nasty stuff happened such as gang rape, sex abuse, as well as a massacre which I have never discussed with anyone including the police or police psychiatrist when arrested and sectioned for an assault that never happened.
Anyway, so I'm writing my victim impact statement, bearing in mind that I have never had the opportunity to express how my brothers death and other traumatic events have impacted on my life. this got laughed off as 'just a bit of banter' and because i wrote about it - those who are in a position of power decided it would be better to use/abuse/exploit/discriminate against myself and say it is not real and I'm not who I say I am - when it is in fact real - very real. Also having an only child, a bitter control freak ex husband, being an extra, an online business, a neighbour who kept telling me to 'fuck off back to my own country' (for 6 months sold, i had to keep notes like dot cotton and the police have absolutely no record of this, they even said he would get an ASBO), it seemed everyone else seemed to think it would be a much better idea to abuse the shit out of me, hence - cybercrime, plagiarism and my internet got hacked/ghosted, resulted in me losing my ebay business, my car got stolen, the next one blew up twice, police just called it 'banter' and me 'delusional' just laugh it off as if its not big deal and i am the one with mental health issues such as 'delusional' etc.
I have kept records of the malicious/abusive correspondence I have received both email, text and social media as well as intimidating behaviour by professionals - of whose job it is to give a shit - quite the opposite where the bullied gets bullied some more and people support the bullies not the bullied. I have also kept records of parole board/governor general communication etc. This has been ongoing for 5+ years, apparently it is not a crime (cybercrime, cyberbullying etc) when the people who are in a position of power call the victim 'delusional'.
So, after Shivon (daughter) threw my brothers book away, chucked my brothers picture that he drew away, she became obsessed with me not giving her full 100% attention when demanded - said she was raped by a school friend, prior to that she had claimed that her dad was 'touching her up' (I had detectives round the house to inquire as she'd put it on social media and it got reported), I had to inquire whether it was attention seeking or factual and this all came to blows because a the same time I'm still in the process of writing a victim impact statement which involves extreme violence & gang rape and me being the victim of it. I asked her dad (Andrew Hawgood) if he could help, the answer was no and then one night I ate her chocolate egg. she left a cadburys creme egg on her keyboard in her room, I ate it and that was it, how dare i eat her egg - turned into a full scale argument and resulted in me slapped her across the face, she phoned her dad and her dad and the police arrived within minutes of each other and thus she went to her dads. her dad refused to talk stating 'you slapped her, shut up'. Nothing else was allowed to be said or addressed. the next day she phoned and said 'i want to come home for 4 days and spend 3 days at my dads', I refused and said "Don't you think now is a good time to stay with your dad as i cannot have anymore agro (aggravation) around me. I apologised profusely for slapping her however fell on deaf ears, I have had very little/nbo contact with her since apart from her joking in a text message 'whats hitler got to do with anything' when discussing how my brother was murdered while I was attempting to write a victim impact statement - which was hijacked and plagiarised and also having the complete piss taken out of me. because I wrote about my experiences and i dreamt about my brothers death before it happened and it happened - somehow they've said/implied it wasn't real and/or blamed me for it and also current psychiatrists insisting my life is a fabrication.
while working as an extra, I got told to 'get a normal job', so I left the extra work, my business by this stage had been completely oblitereated, it was on the set of Frankenstein movie that an indirect message of 'have some more debt' was said to me. I got a job at Shendish Manor Golf Club (still being called delusional by the police etc), the bar manager pulled me to the side and jokingly asked me if I had murdered anyone (i did not tell my employers my life hisotry or brother was murdered etc), I quit - I went to the job centre, employment tribunal but was not allowed to com,plain and did not get a resopinse to my emails. At the job centre the lady said "i find that difficult to believe, shendish manor are one of our best employers - you should get into acting". she then stated that she doesn't like Putin - which was totally irrelevatn, off track and I was rather taken aback by such a statement - what has Putin got to do with Shendish Manor?
Also by this stage I am paying bedroom tax, out of work and desperately need another job, I got a packing job in Borehamwood - no contract etc and driving home from work one evening I got the sack by text message because apparently I am stupid. I then got another jobn working for Yodel, self emoployed courier where I had to pay upkeep/use of my own vehickle etc and get paid 40-70p per parcel delivered, I did that uip to when i met Mike Penning Mp's ex secretary to 'tsssssd' me, just looks at me like a piece of shit on her shoe, I had not said anything untoward to her. she accused me of being violent however when asked could not provide any evidence of thism, she even said she had on CCTV - however again - would not provide evidence (probably becauise there isnt any), of course they refused to let me deliver parcesl there and that created huge probvlenms for my work. the date of last employment/self employment was Nov/Dec 2015. I spend Christmas' on my own, always have, it's second nature to me, never go into detail about my life hisotry with anyone and when I did report a crim - get/got called 'delusional'. so throughout Dec/Jan 2015/2016 I had no wrok and that is when i seen the ex mother in law at Sainsburys. No help with/at Dacorum Borough Council, they wouldn't repsond to emails, phone messages etc and there is an emergency housing benefit fund to helop with bedrioom tac that i used once however was not entitkled to again. My car had/has an incredibly flat battery and is unable to move unless towed or the battery replaced.
In January (beginning of) I seen the ex mother in law (Margaret) at sainsburys, Apsley lock, hemel hempstead. I went up to her and said "Do you understand the amount of unnecessary stress you and your family have put me through for the past 20 years", she shrugged it off and said "No, no , I'll have you arrested for assault". that was it , that was the whole conversation, I mightve touched her elbow nothing more than that - it was no way assault or should be classified as.
I also had no access to a phone as my phone was broken, no credit etc and the only emethod of transpiort was/is walking. a couiple of days later there was a knock at the door with an enforcement bellow "open up, it's the police". As soon as i opened the door i literally got pounced on and 4 police officers were there, I was handcuffed quite brutally straight away with "We're arresting you on suspicion of assault, public disturbance and cannibas (as i had a small amount of cannibas in a tin in the kitchen which they inspected). they did not gtive me a chance to grab antyhing and I had not long stepped out fo the shower, I had to yell to lock the back door and get the officer to do it while I was being held in cuffs. I did not resist arrest, they then squeezed the cuffs tighter til they hurt.
So, on way to the police station in the poilice car, the officers started to talk about movies, namely bradley Cooper Sniper movie and Star Wars, chit chat, nothing 'abnormal', when we got to the police station at the desk the arresting officer said "She's saying some really outlandish things" while waving his arm around - which is when i had 3 pscyhiatrists come and 'interview' me in a police cell - I did not mention anything about my brother, I do not call massacres 'cascades of murders', i did not argue with the ex mother in law about free food, i did not say anything about my daughter which what was written by piolice psuychiatrists and thus i was sectioned and stuck in front of a psychiatrist in January insisting my life is a fabrication.
While at the police station, the officer asked me if i had my passport, obviously I didn't as they didn;'t give me a chance to grab antyhing and also it expored in januwary 2016. this seemed to be a legitimate reason to suggest I am not who I say I am and i have no idea where they got thier information from - but seemed to suggest my life is a fabrication without telling them anything about it. I asked for a solicitor upon arrest, the pscyhiatrist said "I don't think so". the staff at Swift ward insisted on talking to me like I'm stuopud and the psychiatrist (in the tribunal) when talking about a massacre - of which i didn'ty tell them anything about - said very patronisingly "were you there" as if to get a reaction by provocation. Swift ward did not give me any opportunities to call a solicitor, I got a solcitior card from one of the sevice users whom then represented me at the tribunal (Catherine Pease). without that card from the service user I would not of been able to get hold of a solitior. the very brief interactions I had with psychiatrists & nursing staff on Swift ward was very demeaning, belittling, provoating, intimidating and patronsiing - all throughout talking to me like I'm stupud and this implying that my life is a fabrication. None of the points laid out against me at the Tribunal were discussed - they merely 'assumed' without discussign it with me. As i said because I wrote about ti - which was very therapeautic - they have taken that and implied its not real, also picj and choose bits & pieces of literature without asking. Highly and incredibly unprofessional. it aslo got hijacked and plaguerised by the likes of Simon Cowell. when Simon Cowell's name got mentuioned at the tribunal, they watned to up the dose of drugs.
_2011: I had to write a victim impact statement in order to give to the parole board in order to keep the guy that murdered my brother in prison, at the same time I was working as an extra within tv/film industry and also had an online ebay business.
I went to my local GP and said that I am having trouble coping with writing my victim impact statement, he then asked if I was suicidal, I said No, he then went on accused me of being a 'crackhead'.
At the same time my daughter was going through her adolescent phase and as well as having a very bitter ex husband whom refused to help with the care of our daughter and insisted that if I needed a break - I had to give him 6 months notice, he had also previously tried to have me arrested for kidnapping of our daughter while at the same time I had a neighbour who would repeatedly tell to 'fuck off back to my own country'. If I ever spend anything on myself i would be a selfish bad parent. I had kept a book that my aunt gave me when i was about 10/11, called 'Adventure stories for girls', my brother scribbled in it and I have taken it everywhere with me, it is of sentimental value, I also kept a picture of an albatross that my brother drew, again of great sentimental value - my daughter (Shivon) got jealous as I was busy trying to write a victim impact statement and my attention was not focused 100% on her so she threw both these items away.
when it came to events/traumatising experiences of the past, a lot of traumatising events happened to me during the 1990's as well as a horrible excruciating divorce and again having to relive these events during the time I was writing/attempting to write a victim impact statement approx 5 years ago - in order to go home safely and keep the guy that murdered my brother in prison.
I wrote about my experiences, I dreamt/had a premonition that my brother would be murdered - and it happened, I went to Dunedin not long after my brother was murdered, he was 17 and i was 16, then a whole bunch of horrible nasty stuff happened such as gang rape, sex abuse, as well as a massacre which I have never discussed with anyone including the police or police psychiatrist when arrested and sectioned for an assault that never happened.
Anyway, so I'm writing my victim impact statement, bearing in mind that I have never had the opportunity to express how my brothers death and other traumatic events have impacted on my life. this got laughed off as 'just a bit of banter' and because i wrote about it - those who are in a position of power decided it would be better to use/abuse/exploit/discriminate against myself and say it is not real and I'm not who I say I am - when it is in fact real - very real. Also having an only child, a bitter control freak ex husband, being an extra, an online business, a neighbour who kept telling me to 'fuck off back to my own country' (for 6 months sold, i had to keep notes like dot cotton and the police have absolutely no record of this, they even said he would get an ASBO), it seemed everyone else seemed to think it would be a much better idea to abuse the shit out of me, hence - cybercrime, plagiarism and my internet got hacked/ghosted, resulted in me losing my ebay business, my car got stolen, the next one blew up twice, police just called it 'banter' and me 'delusional' just laugh it off as if its not big deal and i am the one with mental health issues such as 'delusional' etc.
I have kept records of the malicious/abusive correspondence I have received both email, text and social media as well as intimidating behaviour by professionals - of whose job it is to give a shit - quite the opposite where the bullied gets bullied some more and people support the bullies not the bullied. I have also kept records of parole board/governor general communication etc. This has been ongoing for 5+ years, apparently it is not a crime (cybercrime, cyberbullying etc) when the people who are in a position of power call the victim 'delusional'.
So, after Shivon (daughter) threw my brothers book away, chucked my brothers picture that he drew away, she became obsessed with me not giving her full 100% attention when demanded - said she was raped by a school friend, prior to that she had claimed that her dad was 'touching her up' (I had detectives round the house to inquire as she'd put it on social media and it got reported), I had to inquire whether it was attention seeking or factual and this all came to blows because a the same time I'm still in the process of writing a victim impact statement which involves extreme violence & gang rape and me being the victim of it. I asked her dad (Andrew Hawgood) if he could help, the answer was no and then one night I ate her chocolate egg. she left a cadburys creme egg on her keyboard in her room, I ate it and that was it, how dare i eat her egg - turned into a full scale argument and resulted in me slapped her across the face, she phoned her dad and her dad and the police arrived within minutes of each other and thus she went to her dads. her dad refused to talk stating 'you slapped her, shut up'. Nothing else was allowed to be said or addressed. the next day she phoned and said 'i want to come home for 4 days and spend 3 days at my dads', I refused and said "Don't you think now is a good time to stay with your dad as i cannot have anymore agro (aggravation) around me. I apologised profusely for slapping her however fell on deaf ears, I have had very little/no contact with her since apart from her joking in a text message 'whats Hitler got to do with anything' when discussing how my brother was murdered while I was attempting to write a victim impact statement - which was hijacked and plagiarised and also having the complete piss taken out of me. because I wrote about my experiences and i dreamt about my brothers death before it happened and it happened - somehow they've said/implied it wasn't real and/or blamed me for it and also current psychiatrists insisting my life is a fabrication.
while working as an extra, I got told to 'get a normal job', so I left the extra work, my business by this stage had been completely obliterated, it was on the set of Frankenstein movie that an indirect message of 'have some more debt' was said to me. I got a job at Shendish Manor Golf Club (still being called delusional by the police etc), the bar manager pulled me to the side and jokingly asked me if I had murdered anyone (i did not tell my employers my life history or brother was murdered etc), I quit - I went to the job centre, employment tribunal but was not allowed to com,plain and did not get a response to my emails. At the job centre the lady said "i find that difficult to believe, shendish manor are one of our best employers - you should get into acting". she then stated that she doesn't like Putin - which was totally irrelevant, off track and I was rather taken aback by such a statement - what has Putin got to do with Shendish Manor?
Also by this stage I am paying bedroom tax, out of work and desperately need another job, I got a packing job in Borehamwood - no contract etc and driving home from work one evening I got the sack by text message because apparently I am stupid. I then got another job working for Yodel, self employed courier where I had to pay upkeep/use of my own vehicle etc and get paid 40-70p per parcel delivered, I did that up to when i met Mike Penning Mp's ex secretary to 'tsssssd' me, just looks at me like a piece of shit on her shoe, I had not said anything untoward to her. she accused me of being violent however when asked could not provide any evidence of this, she even said she had on CCTV - however again - would not provide evidence (probably because there isn't any), of course they refused to let me deliver parcels there and that created huge problems for my work. the date of last employment/self employment was Nov/Dec 2015. I spend Christmas' on my own, always have, it's second nature to me, never go into detail about my life history with anyone and when I did report a crime - get/got called 'delusional'. so throughout Dec/Jan 2015/2016 I had no work and that is when i seen the ex mother in law at Sainsburys. No help with/at Dacorum Borough Council, they wouldn't respond to emails, phone messages etc and there is an emergency housing benefit fund to help with bedroom tax that i used once however was not entitled to again. My car had/has an incredibly flat battery and is unable to move unless towed or the battery replaced.
In January (beginning of) I seen the ex mother in law (Margaret) at sainsburys, Apsley lock, hemel hempstead. I went up to her and said "Do you understand the amount of unnecessary stress you and your family have put me through for the past 20 years", she shrugged it off and said "No, no , I'll have you arrested for assault". that was it , that was the whole conversation, I mightve touched her elbow nothing more than that - it was no way assault or should be classified as.
I also had no access to a phone as my phone was broken, no credit etc and the only method of transport was/is walking. a couple of days later there was a knock at the door with an enforcement bellow "open up, it's the police". As soon as i opened the door i literally got pounced on and 4 police officers were there, I was handcuffed quite brutally straight away with "We're arresting you on suspicion of assault, public disturbance and cannabis (as i had a small amount of cannabis in a tin in the kitchen which they inspected). they did not give me a chance to grab anything and I had not long stepped out of the shower, I had to yell to lock the back door and get the officer to do it while I was being held in cuffs. I did not resist arrest, they then squeezed the cuffs tighter til they hurt.
So, on way to the police station in the police car, the officers started to talk about movies, namely Bradley Cooper Sniper movie and Star Wars, chit chat, nothing 'abnormal', when we got to the police station at the desk the arresting officer said "She's saying some really outlandish things" while waving his arm around - which is when i had 3 psychiatrists come and 'interview' me in a police cell - I did not mention anything about my brother, I do not call massacres 'cascades of murders', i did not argue with the ex mother in law about free food, i did not say anything about my daughter which what was written by police psychiatrists and thus i was sectioned and stuck in front of a psychiatrist in January insisting my life is a fabrication.
While at the police station, the officer asked me if i had my passport, obviously I didn't't as they didn;'t give me a chance to grab anything and also it expired in January 2016. this seemed to be a legitimate reason to suggest I am not who I say I am and i have no idea where they got their information from - but seemed to suggest my life is a fabrication without telling them anything about it. I asked for a solicitor upon arrest, the psychiatrist said "I don't think so". the staff at Swift ward insisted on talking to me like I'm stupid and the psychiatrist (in the tribunal) when talking about a massacre - of which i didn't tell them anything about - said very patronisingly "were you there" as if to get a reaction by provocation. Swift ward did not give me any opportunities to call a solicitor, I got a solicitor card from one of the service users whom then represented me at the tribunal (Catherine Pease). without that card from the service user I would not of been able to get hold of a solicitor. the very brief interactions I had with psychiatrists & nursing staff on Swift ward was very demeaning, belittling, provoking, intimidating and patronising - all throughout talking to me like I'm stupid and this implying that my life is a fabrication. None of the points laid out against me at the Tribunal were discussed - they merely 'assumed' without discussing it with me. As i said because I wrote about it - which was very therapeutic - they have taken that and implied its not real, also pick and choose bits & pieces of literature without asking. Highly and incredibly unprofessional. it also got hijacked and plagiarised by the likes of Simon Cowell. when Simon Cowell's name got mentioned at the tribunal, they wanted to up the dose of drugs.
Written by Police psychiatrist when arrested & sectioned:
this 41 year old divorced caucasian lady originally from New Zealand. she was arrested after alleged assauly on her ex mother in law in sainsburys. It is reported that she feels there is a conspiracy against her concerning abuse, the murder of her brother, talk of Putin and Obama planes dropping out of sky. It seems she has been isolated from family and medical care for some time. Not known to mental helath services at interview she was articulte lady who despite superficial appropriate conversation soon became apparetnty that she is thought disorder and paranopid delusions about police, politicians, doctors, she said they don;'t take her allegations seriously concerning massacres, black magic. she had a victim impact statement stolen by a Hollywood actor and turned into an event. she said her identity had been stolen and she no longer exists (under occupation she put hologram), she said she had clairvoyant power different to paranoid schizophrenia. She is a disturbed lady, she admits cannibas use, her psychosis may be liong standing it needs assessment as an impatient she has apparently assaulted in community, she refuses voluntary admission.
Tidy, 4/1/2016
As I said previously I saw the ex mother in law at sainsburys, i went up to her and said "Do you understand the amount of unnecessary stress you and your family have put me through for the past 20 years", she srugged it off and said "No, no, I'll have you arrested for assault", no accountability etc. I was arrested by 4 police officers who left bruising on my wrists, the brusiing took 2 weeks before it even started to subside. On the way to the police station theofficers began talking about movies and Star Wars, I did not instigate any conversation with police officers no did I even mention anything about Putin or Obanma or planes falling out of the sky, nor did i mention anything about 'claorvoyant powers' or 'black magic' etc, however i did put 'hologram' on the occupation as I thought it was funny - none of my emails get responded to, I didn't have a working phone and the feedback i get/got is mainly abuse. I did get a text message telling me I don't exist - however its not a joke. so as you can imagine i am completely mortified they seemed to have plucked this stuff out of thin air.
Police Statements AMHP Assessment: (responses are in brackets)
This is ms johnstone's first presentation of mental ill health. She is not known to the Mental health services, she has not had contact with a GP for at least two years
L. Caravan/Rob Marsden, 4/1/2016, Hatfield police Station
This appears to be the first presentation of mental ill health and an assessment is required to establish the nature of the illness
Michelle believes that people are conspiring against her, this leaves her vulnerable as she could confront members of the public accusing them of trying to harm her and this could lead to retaliation against her
(bullshit - i do not believe that joe bloggs is conspiring against me)
Michelle was arrested for assaulting her ex mother in law in a supermarket today which led to her arrest
(no assault took place)
Any significatnt facotrs affecting the assessment eg/delays
-michelle Johnstone (service user)
-Dr Chavda (section 12 doctor)
-Dr. Tidy ( section 12 doctor)
Police officer Weatherspoon
linda Caravan (AMHP)
Michelle was assessed in a custody cell as she refused to come to an interview room
(lies, I wasnt asked to go to an interview room)
She was casually dressed in jeans, jumper and coat. she was sat on the bed in the cell. I introduced myself and the doctors introduced themselves. I explained the reason for the assessment and possible outcome.
(no, the officers said "she's saying some outlandish things"
Michelle stated that she was a 'victim' and that she needs help and noone is helping her and that she wants 'compensation' from the police and GP.
(I did not say that I needed help and being called delusional is not my idea of help)
Dr. tiday asked Michelle about the assault against her ex mother in law. Michelle stated that the ex mother in law lives severeal miles away and goes to the sainsburys store where Michelle goes to deliberately challenge her. michelle went on to say that she 'touched' her mother in law on the elbow and nothing more. Michelle informed the assessing team theat there is a conspiracy against her concerning past abuise. She beleives that she has been neglected by the doctors and police nd that she is owed comepmsation and once she has this money she can get on and 'live happily ever after', her though were very disordered and she would 'jump' from one subject to abnother buyt uit appeared that she believes her 'victim impact statement' had beens tolen by an actor in Hollywood and that this is to be used as an event she spoke of ebing raped but was unable to substatniate this with further information.
(I did not say anything about being raped - however regardless - that is a crime and they are busy calling the victim delusional etc)
She said people laugh at her, she spoke of kidnapping but again was unable to uinform the assessign team what the cuircumstances were. she said her daughter now lives weith the father adn she hoopes that they get on.
(i said my ex husband tied to have me arrested for kidnapping when taking our daughter back to NZ for a holiday - what is so difficult to understnad about that? and i did not mention anything with regards of them 'getting on' or not)
She said she does not have her passport, but was unable to explain the reason for this
(I did not have a chance to grab anything and had to shout to have the back door locked)
There was pressure of speech and it was difficukot tio focus her as hse kept referring back to her briother murder and past abuse
(I am slightly deaf and no i did not)
She has stated that she does not legalluy exist and on the police form she com,pleted she had crossed out 'house-wife' and written 'hologram'
(I had a text message telling me I don't exist and I did write hologram and none of my emails get answered or responded to what i do get is mainly abuse)
throughout the conversation she spoke of massacres and murder but was unable to explain these statements
(No I never, however - what is so difficult to understand that my brother was murdered and then there was a massacre and there is a movie based on that massacre)
The nature of Michelle's mental ill health is a presentation of thought disorder, paranoia and delusions that the Police, Doctors and Politicians are cobnspiring agaisnt her. she is pre-occupied with the murder of her brother which took place several years ago.
She has a belief that her daughter 'planted an egg' on her pc and has been provoked to behave in a certain way so that is captured on the pc. she has also stated that she 'slapped' her daighert very hard on the face as she believed her daughter was wearing male makeup from dead mexican people.
(My dauigher left a chocolate egg on her keyboard, I ate it, she had a strop, i had a strop and it resulted in me slapping her and she went to her dads with the help of the police, she used makeup as a means to take the piss out of her mother)
She also believed president Obama and President Putin 'banter' about planes falling from the sky.
(errrrr... No. either way - no mention of plane accidents/crashes etc)
the degree of the illness is suich that a hiospital admission is the most appropritate way forward to assess michelle's mental state as there is no previous mental health history
(I am not mentally ill and one must make something up to section the victim and call victim 'delusional').
Michelle was arrested at her home at 7.42am by PC Mann. This followed an alleged attack on her ex mother in law at sainsburys. she was seen this morning by Nicola Hutton and assessed as needing a mental health act assessment due to her paranoid beliefs.
Michelle was bnorn in a town called Invercargill in new Zealand. there is no hisotry other than what Michelle's spoken of during the mental health act assessment. michelle informed the assessing team that her brother was murdered whe she was 16 years old and that she and her brother were abused as children. she was married but is now divorced thjere is a dauigher who lives with the father.
So, on admission to Swift i requested a lawyer, the staff were not helpful, gave me no numbers, were patronsiing, a distinct lack of empath, everything you say is considered 'delusional', were provocative and would say things in order to provoke a reaction. i wqas placed onto anti pscyhotic medication anmd was told if i fo not take them they would inject me in muy bottom by force - then they would ask you "Why do you think you need to take the medication?". the conversation with staff was minimakl and it was thier job to 'observe' that is all. I was in a traumatised state - totally beside myself how i came to be sectioned and being in a pscyhiatric unti and being told "You are delusional". i had blood tests, body vitals upon 'check-in' and the doctor on duty also noted the bruising on my wrists which was inflicted by being man-handled quite brutally by the police when pounced on and arrested. What has my brothers murder got to do with getting arrested and sectioned for an assault that never happened and then to be told/implied that my life is a fabrication by the police themselves.
i did not go into detail with the police nor did I mention anything in relation to black magic or clairvoyants etc, I have NEVER discussed gang rape with anyone toher than kate Hawgood about 13 years ago and only once again when i questioned an acquaintance called Fiona - online via Facebook whilst writing my vicitm impct statement, Fiona lives in new Zeeaalnd and was 'around' when my brother was murdered. After they (6 skinheads) had me pinned up against a wall ruipping my clothes off, i was pinned, couldnt move, frozen by fear - another girl walked in and screamed "RAPIST" and they beat her to an inch of her life. I have also been branded with half a swastika on my ankle. I am a deep sleeper. After that happened (Fiona was in the next room at the time of the attack and didn't do anything) - I went away for a couiple of days and when I got back to Dunedin (NZ), Fiona had said that she was gang raped herself and they used bottles and carrots etc and she laughed it off as no big deal, she said "They were just big boys".
I have not discussed this with anyione until I talked to Fiona about it via Facebook. also on facebook during the time I was writing my victim impact statement - during the murder trial back in 1990 my uncle came and stayed with me - only to discover when i woke up I was being molested by him as my flatmate walked in and woke me, my flatmate later wriote a letter to his mother about what he walked in on and I found the letter - this was *during* my brothers murder trial and I got called 'fucked in the head and full of shit' for that - in front of everyone for being molested - on facebook. It also got laiughed off as 'just a bit of banter' - again when I'm writing my victim impact statement approx 5 years ago. I have not spoken to anyuone about uit suince. let alonge when getting arrested and sectioned for an assault that never happened. so it is very bizarre that the police psychologist should write about rape and also say that there is no evidence of this neglecting the fact that it is a CRIME and she/they are calling the victim delusional - it is very demeaning/belittling/dehumanising/degrading/discriminating to imply the victim and call the victim 'disturbed and delusional'.
So at Swift ward in january, there was no empathy, no understanding, no accountability, they had a set of preconcieved ideas bnefore even speaking to me. Completely heartless. As i said i got a solicitor card from one of the other service users and then applied to have a tribunal.
the tribunal Swift Ward January 2016 (r4esponses are in brackets)
-Michelle Johnstone
-NHS Number 630 069 8408
-Date of Admission: 4/1/16
-Responsible Clinician - Dr. Frances Burnett. Consultant psychiatrist
-Date Report update completed: 11/1/16
the pirpose of the report is for the tribunal hearing for Ms Johnstone's appeal agaisnt her detention under secrtion 2 of the metnal health act. the sources of information for the report are liosted below:
i. Mental Act Assessment recommendation
ii. Recorded medical notes from prior to impatient assessment at Swift Ward in Kingfisher Court
Michelle reports she has no friends or family. michelle is from new Zealand has been in the UK since 1990. Has been diovorced 'for a while' and has 20 year old daugter who lives with her ex0husband in Hemel hempstead
(wrong, my brother was murdered in 1990, after the trial ended i travelled extensively, got married and was in the UK in 1995 when shivon was 3 months old, the dovrce began when Princess Diana died)
Michelle has been engaguing well with both staff and peers and has attended group activites with occupational therapy. Superficially conversation with staff is apporproiate, however if conversation sustauined for a lionger period of time michelle starts to present with deluisional thoughts round her life story. michelle lacks insight into her illness and had needed encouragement to take oprescribed medication.
(my brother was murdered in 1990, then a whole buynch of other nasty stuff happened, and then a massacre and there sia movie made about it - and my victim impact statement got hijacked and plaguerised, it is my life story - is it possible for psychiatrists etc to know my life story better than myself? what is so difficult to understand about that? As far as medication is concerned, I am not delusional or psuchotic - if i did not tajke the medication i would be injected into my bottom by force - then they very patronisinly ask you "Why do you think you need to take the medication?" - thus forcing you to agree with them).
G) Michelle has not been granted section 17 leave
H) Refused risperidone on the 5th, 6th, 7th of Jnuary, has been comploant with prescribed medication sicne the 8th. Michelle reports that the medication has helped her sleep. However said when she is discharged she will not need to contuinue with the medication as she will be in her own home environment and will be sleeping better. Michelle alwo went on to state that if the doctos thing she needs the medication she will take it. Michelle has stated that being in hiosopital she is not recieveng the right help, when asked of the help she will benefit from, Michelle said she siffered a 'grief reaction' die to trauima in 1990 and needed counselling then, But could not state what help she requires at present.
(At no point id I sau that medication helps me with sleep, i said it knocks me out, i feel groggy, unable to converse - it interrupts my sleeping pattern which is/was fine without prescribed medication. I have stated that I asked for counselling fromt eh GP when I said i was writing a victim impact statement and the doctor imploed I was a 'crackhead' - which was 5 years ago - not 1990. I had PTSD, amplified by the 'treatment' i have recieved by both being manhandled by the police and claled 'delusional' by both the police and the NHS. I have stated what help I required - what is so difficult to understand about that?)
I) there have been no recorded incidents of harm or threats to cause self harm, others or property since admission. Arrested for assault of her ex mother in law prior to admission
(i was arrested for 'suspicion of assault' - no assault took place)
J) Michelle had not required restraining or seclusion during admission
i. Ms. Johnstone was admitted following bneing arrested by the police for assaulting her ex mother in law. During the arrest the police became concerned regarding her mental health and a mental health act assessment was requested.
(no assault took place & police were talking about movies)
ii. Ms Johnstone stated that she bverballuy confronted her ex mother in law and then left, on admission Ms Johnstone reported that she encountered her ex mother in law in Sainsburys and stated that she had been maliciouis, unpleasant and askled Ms Johnstone why she taking free food. Ms Johnstone stated that she snapped in response to this and was then arrested.
(i said to the ex mother in law "Do you understand the unnecessarty stress you and your family have put me through for the past 20 years", she said "no, no, I'll have you arrested for assault". that was it - no assault - no talk of 'free food' and i was arrested at muy house approx 2/3 days later.
iii. On admission when asjked about her problems she vouced a nuymber of apparentyl bizarre beliefs including her conviction that her brother had been killed by nazi's in the 1990's (though later stated that he had been killed by Skinheads). She stated that there had been a 'cascade of murders' follwoing this by the same people and that they had gang raped her and then massacred people in New Zealand which was why she stated she left the country.
(my brother was murdered by George Charles Trounson - google it. i do not call massacres 'cascades of murders - again - google it. I have spoken of gang rape to police/NHS or why i left NZ. my brother was murdered then a whole bunch of other nasty stuff happened then the massacre and the murder trial finished february 1991, I got a job that took me all over NZ and left the country shortly after. No empathy, no understanding, so far: NHS - cold heartless SOB's)
iv. she then spoke about her beleif that she had been going to act in a movie about her and her brother but presidents Putin and Obama flew over to the Star Wars set stole the idea and tried to change it so it was about 'gay people'
(errrr. No. I was an extra and while working on an Ad at the George Lucas Building I was asked which is worse saying 'we're going to kill it', or, 'that's so gay'. never said such a thing)
v. she spoke about celebrities being cruel to her and her beleif that was a clairvoyant
(never have i said such a thing regarding clairvoyants, however, since I have written about it and my own experiences - this seemed to be a great excuse to take the poss and having it hijacked and plaguersied (victim impact statement). Celebrities are celebrities, they will 'shaft whoever for banter' and they are famous - you are not which gives them a sense of power whereby they will take advantage of anything and the vast majority of people that are famous have generally 'shafted' quite a few people to get famous in the first place.
vi. On her first assessment on the ward she requested we look at the blog about the problems she had been dealing with: mxenaj.blogspot.co.uk
(my book/victuim impact statement has a table of contents - got hijacked and plaguerised and those in a position of pwer thought it was totally hilarious victim shafting for bets, ganmes abnd 'banter', then call the victim deluisional etc
3) This is Ms Johnstone's first presentation to metnal health services
4)i. ms Johnstone did not present any management problems but refused to take oral medication and was prescribed PRN IM Olanzapine 5mg to be given if she continued to refuse oral medication
ii. She continued to present as thoguht disordered and expressing delusional ideas on assessment
(eerrrrrr... No. It is a FACT)
iii. she had been observed to be lauighing inappropriately at times on the ward
5. current mental state is based oin assessment in ward round on 9/1/16
ii. Ms Johnstone continues to state she does not have any mental health problems, does not need to remain on the ward and does not need to take oral medication. She stated that she did not think that she should have bneen arrested for assaulting her ex mother in law and felt that she was justified tin telling her ex mother in law that she hates her
(I have PTSD, not 'delusional psychosis' and at no point did an assault happen or i tell the ex mother in law that i hate her)
iii. Ms Johnstone spoke about feeling that her life story had been plaguerised and used to make the plot of the film 'Out of the Blue'. sghe also spoke about Simon Cowell usign her blog to make large anmounts of money
(My book/victim impact statement was jhijacked and plaguerised - was not used to make the plot for a movie. The massacre that happened - in real life - was made into a film, not 'a cascade of murders'. when simon Cowell was mentioned they wanted to up the dose of the drugs.
iv. Ms Johnstone contuinued to state that she is owed compensation bny the police, the governemtn and social services for negligence and laughing at her when she tried to talk to them about her pronlems. she described the root of her probnlems nbeign the murder of her brother 20 years ago by Nazi-Skinheads and states that this murder was used in a political agenda regarding black and gay people.
(I am owed victim compensation levy for approx 24 years from NZ and what has happened to me is a CRIME however according to the police/NHS its not a crime when they call the viftim delusional and write bollocks as to 'discredit' the vgictim. far right agendas, poltiical elections and all one needs to do is look at the state of briotish/global politics)
v. she has spoken about writing a vgictim impact statemtn about her brothers death but stated that this was thrown in the bin and then used by others who made monmey from it.
(see previous resposnes, very repeatitive - eyeball roll.)
vi. She conti8nued to present as thought disordered and it was difficuilt to follow her speech
(i am slightly deaf, as well as caffeine/nicotuine withdrawals and being drugged with medication that I do not need)
6. Respiridone 2mg OD
7. Possible IBS
(confirmed by GP IBS)
8. none known this is MS Johnstone;'s first presentation to mental health services and a collateral history that may or may not have indicated other risk facots has nor yet been obtained.
(Because there aren't any)
9. due to Ms johnstone;s ongoing lack of insight into her mental health oproblems there is a sifgbneificat risk that Ms Johnstone will contuinue to refuse medication and that her metnal health will decline fuirther
(I have PTSD, not delusional psychosis)
ii. Givern her history of assault prior to her admiussion there is an ongoing risk to others as a resulty of her ongoing delusional ideas of persecution
(No assault took place... and FACT)
iii. Ms Johnstone ebleieves that by the time she is released from hosptial she will be homeless thought it si not clear why this would be the case
(I was self employed and the Dacorum Borough Council, Police & NHS are calling me 'delusional')
iv. ms Johnstone has reported that she has been getting free food from sainsburys. it si not clear how she is obtaining free food and whether this would be a potential risk
(At no piont EVER did I mention ANYTHING about 'free food' - and i certainly wasn;t getting free food from anywhere.
10. Ms Johnstone is a very determined, confident and articualte woman
11) Ms Johnstoen is siffering from metnall illness. Ms Johnstone is expressing paranoid delusional ideas. Assessment of her metnal illness is ongoing and a formal diagnosis has not yet been confirmed but, a functional psychotic illness is likely based on her symptioms and current presentation.
( i have PTSD, it si not delusional or psychotic therefore they feel that they must make something up)
ii. Ms Johnstone's illness is of a degree which makes it apporproate for her ongoing detention in hosptial. ms Johnstone lacks insight into her mental illness and refuses to take oral medication. As a result she cannot be treated in a community setting.
(I have PTSD, I was taking oral medication as a result of being threatened with injection, therefore one must make something up)
iii. We beleievge that detention is necesaartuy fro Ms Johnstone's health. due to Ms Johnstone's lack of insighe it is highly likely that she would refuse to engage with mental health servcies or take medication if she were released from her section. As a resulty we would predict a further decline in her mental health if she is not adequtely treated
(I have PTSD, not delusional psychosis therefore one must make something up in order to be sectioned and detained)
iv. We beleieve that detention is necessary in the intests of the safety of thers, Ms Johnstone was admitted following abeing arrested for assaulting her ex mother in law and contuinues to express thoguhts of being perscecuted by her ex mother in law and others
(The NHS' lack of comprehension is deeoply distrubing, no assault took place, what has happened to me is a CRIME, however not a crime when the police/NHS call the cvitim delusional etc and watnt to force anti-psychotic drugs which are not required and detrimental to my health/wellbeing on me)
12. Ms Johnstone will have treatment in the form of medication, nursing and medical care in hospital uintuil she develiops insight into her mental health problems and her symptoms settled to a degree that it is safe and approprioate to transfer her care and treatment to the community setting
(I have PTSD, due to the NHS lack of insight and what appears to be 'admitting to a mental illness by force', the NHS appears to be oblivious as to what PTSD actually is)
ii. ms Johnstone would likely be transferred from Acute Assessment Unit to a Treatment Ward
13. Ms Johnstoen would be encouiraged to continue to take medicartion as an informal patient. she would be allocated a community care co-ordinator for support and follow up and would be encouraged to attend appointments with her local ciommunity mental health psychiatrist
(I have PTSD, not delusional psychosis)
Dr. hannah Sheftel MBChb, MRC Psych, MSc
ST5 psychiatric Registrar
Swift Ward
kingfisher Court
After tribunal i was transferred to albany Lodge pretty much straight away. the staff at Swift Ward were patronising, belittleing, and demeaning whereby I was put into a postiio9n of where I had to prove who I am and in fact - they are incapable fo googling.
upon arrival at Albany Lodge, i arrived poretty much empty handed as i had no one to bring em anything and I had to wash my nickers and dry them on the radiator at Swift. i was pretty much picked up and dumped in the NHS by police - no cash, no ID, no passport etc as i did not have an opportuinity to grab anything as I did not expect to be sectioned for an assault that never happened and have no idea where they got thier information from nor be so traumatised by the NHS implying that my life is a fabrication and forecable get me to take drugs for an illness I don't have.
Staff at Albany lodge were just as bad bny way opf patronising and belittling, Nurse Abi questioned me about my brothers murder so i told her to google it, so she went tinto the office, googled it and turned to look at me and back at the computer lauhging bnecause out surnames are different. I got spoken to like I'm stupid and again issitng on me taking anti-opsychotic drugs when i am not delusional nor psychotic.
one of the male nurses, wghen I was sat in the female lounge watching television requested that I leave the room so he could opray to Allah.
i was seen by a trainee psychologist whom requested I write a timeline of traumatic events that have haoppened in my life, so I did abnd she simply said "I understand why you don';t want to talk to us".
i was also seen again with reference to whether i should be section 3'd - the answer was no and it was said that I should bnot have been sectioned in the first place.
for the whole 28 days which i was sectioned I was telling them that my hips/knees are really sore, it was painful to walk so i took paracetamol daily however this did not help with mobility and when released from section i found it incredibly difficult to walk and couldn't even walk up stairs, the doctors passed it off as beign 'delusional'. Both my hips and both my knees turned purple and blue abnd also came uip in lumps anbd scabby tyope brusiing - and it has not yet been disagnosed with anything, I have taken pictures of my injuries susteained while in NHS 'treatment'.
I had no form of contact, was not allowed on the computer due to 'lack of staff' and when I was it was about 1 hour per week, prison conditions. they sauid to ask when want to go out for a ciggette, the same with computer use - however, you had to ask and ask and ask and they would get irritated by you asking.
My contact with the outside world was/is very minimal, no phone, no cash, picked up and dumped. My life pretty much stopped as a result of being secrtioned and detained and spoken to like I'm stupid. Its a very traumatising, belittling, demeaning and de0-humanising experience where tyou have absoluitely no rights at all.
Again, I have PTSD, not delusional psychosis and the inital police station section tells me that theyve known about it for the past 5 years however passed it off as 'just a bit of banter' while calling me - the victim - 'delusional' etc.
upon release of Albnay Lodge, i was completely traumatised, if the door knocked my whole body shook uncontrollably and it takes/took ages to stop shaking. i could not walk, let alone walk uip the stairs, mobilitiy was very diffciult, my car battery went completly dead, the 'after care' unti woul not help me with benefits or job prospects as i was told "We don't do that here", Dacorum Borough Council was unrespinsive and yet they still 'assume' me as being delusional and lack insight with thought disorder' while showing absoutely no empathy, no understanding etc, talking to me like I'm stuopid, my phone was broken, my other phone had been cut off and the only internet access I could get was at Sainsburtys in Apsley lock.
My emails/messages/twitter did/does not get a response.
I made a complanmt by smail mail and email to CQC in january, i also made a comoplaint to Albany Lodge. No response from CQC, in fact CQC said on social media that they have had no correspondence from muyself at all, the complaint at Albany Lodge, they refused to take it further because I swore at them.
I have kept records of correspondence etc. what has happened to me is a CRIME - however again not a crime when they call the citim delusional.
After that i was so traumatised I could not speak to anyone for 6 months.
during which time i was evicted and made homeless. Dacorum Borouh Council was unresponsive, my phone was broken and I did not have the measn of cimmubnciation that I once did prior to being sectioned and detained - unlawfully.
all the stuff in my house bar a few bits and pieces got taken to the skip and i had no chouce but to sleep in the car. It was then that slippers hill said to me at a meeting at sainsburys, Apsley Lock "come and talk to us about hostel accomodation" adn thus - I was sectioned again. That was July 2016.
Again, insisiting that my life is a fabrication and I have 'delusional psychosis', when i asked Dacorum Borough Copuncil for help, the lady looked at me and saud "You're homeless now, do you know what that means?" - very patronising and very vindictive.
So I found myself at Swift ward once again and still bein called 'delusional psychotic with thought disorder and lack of insight' etc
I met Veronica from Pohwer at Swift where I showed her some abuse that I had recieved online as well as government correspondence etc - I also phoned CQC whom previously said no correspondence had been received from myslef and lodged a complaint.
While at Swift I was going to have a tribunal as i was sectioned 2'd - however the doctor said "there is no need for that, I'll take you off section" thus becoming informal - however - I am still homeless. My bank card went missing fromt he staff safe and as if by miracle showed up when being transferred to Aston Ward (which is where I currently am and have been here for the last couple of months).
I had to cancel my bank card, got a replacement however the benefit has not come through and the DWP sauys they have not recived the sick notes sent to them so a replacement has been sent. the housing lady, Porche, said she would speak to me about hosuing - which is now 8 weeks ago.
Support is very limited, there is no understanding, no empathy etc and definately no accountability from govt/govt agencies and no sense that theyve done anything wrong or abhorrently evil.
So after the doctor at Swift took me off section I was sent to Aston Ward as informal, still on section 2, it was here the doctor/social worker said that they calss be as ebuigbn 'vulnerable and homeless' therefore put me on a section 3 and straight after that I was told that there are 4 members of staff ready to pibn me down and inject me. I did not refuse medication, this was used an excuse to inject me and INCREASE the medication given. After they injected me (I was not held down as the mere t6hoguht of being pinned down is extremely traumatising and my whole body shakes and takes so long to stiop shaking which is a PTSD reaction). i do not put myself in a traumatising situation and my body/central nervous system is pretty buggered. After they injected me one of the nurses said 'lets talk about your PTSD' - i was like - 'you taking the piss?'. there is no such thing as delusional PTSD.
So now, they have increased medication and also the doctor said while on ward round 'you came here as informal so you are admitting you need help', which is not true - i am homeless abnd I have been sectioned and detained unlawfully.
So currently, have applied to Dacorum Borough Council to get rehoused while sat her twiddling my fingers, being spoken to like I'm stupid or not at all and being called 'Chronic delusional psychosis' by Dr. Mon, I have said repeatedly I have PTSD.
I have applied for a tribunal, these are the notes so far:
patients name: Michelle Johnstone
Date of Birth: 30/05/1974
Ward Unit: Aston Ward
Date of Admission: Admitted to Swift Ward on the 13th July 2016 under MHA Sec 2. Transferred to Aston Ward on 30/07/2016
legal Status: Section 3 of the Mental heatth Act from 4th August 2016
Responsible Clinician: Dr. Mon (Monserrat Prat)
Date of Report: 25/08/16
Ms johnstone's first presentation to mental health services was in January 2016 when she was admitted to Swioft ward under MHA Sec 2 on 4th January 2016. She presented with thought disorder and was expressing paranoid and perscutory delusional beliefs. She has history of using cannibas as was given diagnosis of Acute and transient psyhcotic eopisode and Cannabis harmful use and discharged to Acute day treatment unti with risperidone 3mg od and she disengaged with ADTU and stopped her meduication on her own. she did not engage with commuinioty team followign discharge from hiopstial.
Ms Johnstone was admitted to Swift Ward under MHA Sec 2 on 13th July 2016 and transferred to Aston Ward following deterioration of her mental health in the community
(Re first presenation in January 2016. i do not have a 'history' of using cannibas and was not given a diagnosis of 'Acute and transient psychotic episode and cannibas harmful use' - see notes on first presentation. i do not have thought disorder, nor expressing paranoid, persecutiory beliefs, I really am homeless etc - IT IS A FACT. I do not have a hisotry of cannibas, I have smoked it for abnout 6 months, i disenegaged becasue i am not delusional psychotic - I have PTSD however evertything you say is classed as 'delusional'. I have been evicted and I am homeless - IT IS A FACT
Ms Johnstone first pressentation was in Januwary 2016 and she was not known to mental health services before
(I was not known to mental health services as i do not and have not got a mental illness other than PTSD and beign called delusional by police etc)
Ms Johnstone was arrested by the police for alledgedly assaulting her ex mother in law. during the arrest the police becanme concerned regarding her metnal health and a mental health act assessment was arranged and she was admuitted to in patient unti under sec 2 in January 2016. Mis Johnstone calims that she verbally confronted her ex mrohter in law and then left. On admission ms johnstjoen reported that she ecnountered her ex mother in law in siandburys abnd stated that she had been malicious, unpleasant and asked ms Johnstone why she was taking free food. Ms Johnstone stated that she snapped in response to this and was then arrested and denies any physcial aggression
(No assault took place - see prior notes, police started talking about movies, i was called delusional by police etc, no such arguement about free food took place - see prior notes
Michelle was referred to crisis team followign deteroriation of her metnal health. she was seen at Sainsbury at 3.30pm on 12/7/16 by Dr S Kaur along with Aiah T (CATT manager) as she refused to attend St p[auls as she did not want to leave her car. The assessment was arranged following concerns that she became homeless and been lioving in her car after evicted from her flat. Copuncil staff reported some bizarre behaviour. Michyelle has been evicted from her home for rent arrears but could not explain why council didn't offer any suitable place. she informed that she didn't work or claim benefits since she was discharged from hiopstial at the end of Januray this year.
On mental state examination, michelle presented dishevelled, was appropriately dressed for the weather, she became agitated couple of times but no hostility or threatening behaviour. She was over talkative, mild pressured speech, tangential as drifted from topic to topic without any connection and there was poverty of content of speech. she believed that police and government in UK and New Zealand were persecuting her, putting information about her on internet,. She mentioned persecutory beliefs that "Milley Dawler' hacked into my phone, police are waiting for me, Whole NHS system us discriminatory, i was sectioned and suffered from delusional pain". She showed lots of picture on her tablet including Princess Diana and a new Zealand minister whom she blamed fro Diana's murder, pics of various government ministers and copies of letters that she apparently had been writing indicating delusions of reference. She kept mentioning her mother in law who she felt was planning to get Michelle arrested. she presented with thought disorder with persecutory delusions and delusions of reference.
She has poor in insight into her condition and did not think that she suffered from any mental health problems but said she had PTSD but does not want to take any medication. when asked what would be helpful; she said "the compensation". she could not explain how she ended up being homeless and what her options were, informed that she is planning to go to London and start begging.
She admitted of cannibis abnuse nut not clear how she was fuinding it. she has no insight and does not want to take any medication or needing inopatient admission. she lacked the capactity to consent to treatment due to her delusional beleufs. To prevent risj of further deterioration of metnal state, vulneraltibity given the social sitaution and risk to others givebn past hisotyr of assauilt on her mother in law earlier this year abd beign bnot suitable for CATT she was assessed under Mentakl health act and admitted to Swift ward under Sec 2 on 13th July 2016
(There is no deterioration in my mental health, I have PTSD, I am homeless. the people from St Pauls said "come and talk to us about hostel accommodation" and I get sectioned. what 'bizarre' behaviour was reported by Dacorum Borough Council? I explained that when my dauighte left to live with her dad I had bedroom tax and the councuil have been unhelpful and unresponsive.
i would look like anyone who has been sleep9ing in a vehicale. i am slightly deaf. I do not 'drift' from topic to topic and defiantely no 'poverty of content of speech'. No one is putting information about me the ontehr internet - quite the opposite, victims get called 'delusional'. i did not say "Milley Dawler" (referring to Milley Dowle4r where the News of the Wrold hacked into the dead girls phone) hacked into my phone -how rediculous. i did not say the police are waiting for me - quite the opposite - they called me 'delusional'. my hips and knees have been said to be 'delusional pain' by medical professionals. Not once have i showed anyone pictures of princess Diana or even uttered that John key is responsioble for her 'murder' even - how insanely ludicrous. i do not lack comprehension or capactiy and in order to be sectioned and injected - one must make something up)
more bollocks - see prior notes from myself
Persistant delusional disorder
ICD code F22.0
There is no known disgnosis of learning disability and no aggressive behaviour that could be explained by it either.
Michelle has an established diagnosis of Persistent delusional disorder which is of a nature and degree warranting ongoing detention under the Mental Health Act. Her mental condition is of a nature which is chronic and relapsing with incomplete remissions and of a degree affecting her daily functioning. her mental disorder is characterised by formal thought disorder and paranoid and persecutory delusional beliefs with delusions of reference (internet accounts are hacked and famous people are trying to erase her existence and fixed beliefs from her past) and has no insight into her condition and cannabis use. She has responded well to medication during previous admission bu discontinued the medication on her won and disengage with her community mental health team and she doesn't have insight in to the need for treatment.
Ms Johnstone is a very determined, confident and articulate woman
On admission to Swift Ward Michelle presented as dishevelled, thought disordered, hostile, quite irritable becoming agitated when discussing her diagnosis and the reason for admission wearing sunglass inside the ward. She expressed paranoid beliefs about a prime minister from New Zealand having hacked into her computer. she was preoccupied about the death of her brother stating that he was murdered by skinheads or Neo-Nazi's and that was linked to a well-reported massacre that occurred in New Zealand in the 1980's although, on further questioning, she couple explain exactly how this was linked. She also said she had written a book about it. She also stated that some Neo-Nazi\'s attempted to gang rape her after her brother's murder but this was prevented by the intervention of a stranger.
She was adamant that he has PTSD that has begun 5 years ago when she was asked to write a victim impact statement following an application for parole in New Zealand of her brother's murderer. she claimed her PTSD had been exacerbated by the way she had been treated in the UK. She also believed that she was being manipulated via social media and that the book she wrote had been plagiarised by David Cameron, Ed Miliband, UKIP and John Key (Prime Minister of New Zealand). she stated that the people ad accused her of fabricating the death of her brother by Neo-Nazis and that she had ongoing correspondence from the New Zealand government. She also stated that the police and home office had erased all evidence of her existence. She informed that her neighbour was previously harassing her and accused her of being a witch and she feels that she is a 'victim of extremism' and she has been ostracised. she expressed feeling that everyone was harassing her. she reported that she was in the police car before she was sectioned in january and the police were talking about bradley cooper movies and because of that she was sectioned and was blamed that she was fighting over free food.
UDS was positive for cannabis on admission
She was stateed on Risperidone 2mgs notce which she was initially compliant with. michelle was found to have capacity to consent to her admission and said she would be happy to remain informally in hospuital, therefore her section was discharged on 22nd July. As soo as she became informal she stopped taking her medication as she stated that she had changed her mind and that she didn't want to take any antipscyhotic.
Michelle was transferred to Aston ward on 30th July. She continued to present with the same delusional beliefs, very hostile and paranoid about the staff on the ward. She stated that she was informal and she wanted to discharge herself from hospital but agreed to stay on the ward after reassured by staff. She continued to refuse medication and remained adamant that her diagnosis was incorrect and that she was only in hospital because of her housing situation. A mental health act assessment was requested and she was detained under section 3 of the MHA on 4th August.
She continued to isolate herself most of the time and spending her time on her tablet and appeared preoccupied with her delusional beliefs. Treatment options were discussed and considering previous noncompliance and poor insight into her illness, risperidone depot was started and titrated up to 50mg every 2 weeks. She was reluctant to accept the depot and needed a lot of persuasion from staff.
After appropriate use of escorted leave with no concerns she was given unescorted grounds leave. She was encouraged to participate in ward activities but she kept her interaction to a minimal and spending most of the time on her own.
(What a pile of fucking SHIT)
January 2016 kingfisher:
- police called me delusional when effectively they had said a crime had occuired while calling the victim ;'delusional'
- psychiatrist insisted that i never had a brother and he was never murdered
- psychiatrist lied as i do not call massacres 'cascades of murders'
- I did not mention anything about gang rape/rape or abuse/sex abuse
- Psychiatrist insisted I am fabricating my own life
- psychiatrist sought to provoke a reaction by inferring my life is a fabrication
- psychiatrist very patronisinly asked 'were you there' when speaking of brothers murder/massacre
- psychiatrist appeared not to do any research before making false allegations
- psychiatrist lied on tribunal papers/clinical reports
- no arguements about 'free food' have ever taken place nor did an 'assault'
- refused solitor on request, got solitor card from other service user
- with reference to medicartion, got told 'you are delusional' etc
- nursing staff would either a) not talk to me or b) talk to me like I'm stupid
- nursing staff would seek to provoke a reaction
- psychiatrist tidy when asked for a solioctior said 'I don't think so'
- I was told someone would help me get clothes etc from home - this did not come to pass, I literally had nothing the whole 28 days of section
- I was treated with disrespect, belittled, demeaned in kingfisher
- I did NOT ONCE mention or talk of Putin or Obama
- I did NOT ONCE mention or talk of 'planes falling out of sky'
- I do NOT call massacres 'cascades of murders'
- I did NOT argue or ever have argued about 'free food'
- My bnrother was beaten to death by George Charles Trounson at 88 Dundas Street, Dunedin < new Zealand, 24/6/1990 - FACT and google-able
- A massacre happened and there is a movie based on that massacre that heappened in Aramoana, the movie is called 'Out of the Blue' - FACT and google-able
- Nurse Abi google George Charles Trounson, she looked at me and then at the computer and began to laugh and imply that I was 'delusional' becauise our surnames are different
- I was asked to leave female TV room by a male member of staff so that he could pray to Allah
- I was complaining about my hips/knees, the doctor called it 'deluisonal', they later went purple and blue and i could not walk
- I was unable to access computer (1 hr per week, the excuse was lack of staff), and when i was on the computer I had a makle nurse who sat beside me telling me what I could and could not comment on when reading other comments on Daily Mail website.
- I was picked up and dumped by the police/called delusional by the NHS - I literally had nothing - no change of clothes, no phone, no cash, no toiletries etc - no one would help get any stuff from my house.
- the nursing staff a) would not talk to me or b) talk to me like I'm stupid
- The psychiatrist quizzed me abnout 'planes falling out of sky' - I have NOT ONCE metnioned or talked of planes falling out of sky, plane accidents, plane crashes or suicidal pilots, or the 'conspiracy' surrounding MH370 or MH17. people have been known to discuss 'conspriacy' theories WITHOUT being sectioned for it.
- Was sectioned by Slippers Hill, Hemel Hempstead
- No arguement about 'free food' has ever taken place
- staff were provocative, seemi9ngly to proviok a reaction
- again, pscyhiatrist insisting my life is a fabrication
- bank card went missing from the staff safe, I was told to cancel it, it 'magically' appeared back in the staff safe upon leaving to Aston Ward
- psychiatrist took me off section 2 to avoid a tribunal
- i do not have a 'hsitory' of cannibas abuse
- I have PTSD, not delusional psychotic
-At no point have I shown picrtures of princess Diana
- At no point have I said John key is responsible for Princess Diama 'murder'
- At no piont did an arguement wbout 'free food' ever take place
- I do no lack comprehension with regards to medication
- At no point have I said Milley Dowler hacked into my phone
- At no point have I said 'police are after me'
- One must make something up to be sectioned and detained
- I like my sunglasses - it is not a sectionable offence
- 02/10/2016 - it has been established that I do/did infact have a brother and he was murdered and there was a massacre and there is a movie made about it and also that I am a victim, I have said for the amount of shit that I have gone through I should be on valium but alas - i still get called 'delusional', and having an injection in my bottom for being 'delusional' - so anyway the last injection from that date the female nurse injected me, it was really sore - she then encroached my personal space put her arm across the top half of my body and rubbed my bottom to the point of feeling very uncomfortable, awkward and she's being totally unprofessional bordering perverted, she would put this down to 'just caring'. It was uncomfortable having her place her hand on my body when the injection had been done and no need for physical contact let alone caressing the puncture afterwards
-3/10/2016 A male nurse named Tiggi from Sierra Leone, started to call me Michelle Obama when I arrived on the ward, I told him it was offending me, he has then gone on to patronising level. A mental patient from Kingfisher started to call me Michelle Obama - what that says is this particular male nurse has the same mentality as that mental patient at Kingfisher.
I also asked for a sleeping tablet last night because due to being injected in the ass and called 'delusional' it interferes with my sleep, makes me groggy during the day and just can't get comfortable at all, I have not said that medication is helping me in no circumstances - quite the opposite, the female nurse said when i asked for a sleeping tablet "I'm surprised they're giving you anything" and one of the nurses looked genuinely shocked when I said that they've injected me. Totally evil.
Still absolutely nothing from Dacorum Borough Council, no benefits have come through, no word on housing etc. Sat here twiddling my fingers and getting called "delusional".
I asked the nurse for lorazepam which is on my prescription chart, as I am having an adverse reaction to the injection in my arse, I cannot get comfortable, I feel agitated, it has completely upset my sleeping pattern which was normal before the injections in my arse, the nurse went off and said she spoke to a doctor and gave me promethazine instead - without the doctor talking to myself, I asked if the doctor can prescribe anti-inflammatory cream for me knee and she said 'oh he gone now' - same nurse who rubbed my arse.
-4/10/2016 - Benefit has not gone through and the bank account is accruing interest charges, Porche the lady that deals with housing and benefits said that she had a form to give to the bank to stop fees etc as well as talk to me about housing - that is now over 10 weeks ago. Still no word on housing, no cash or anything etc since April 2016. Sectioned in January 2016 and having psychiatrists insisting to me that I never had a brother and he was never murdered.... just *think* about that for a second,