Here they are 'flattering' *themselves* with thier own vulgarity, 'fixing it' for pedoes (themselves) annnnd - carry on BEING paedophiles - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE - there she goes - on her bike - to paedophile island 2011 world cup resulted in Brexit - that's hard to beat - like visiting another country and getting subjected to more retarded ridiculous paedophiles that help themselves to someone else's life to 'play' rape and pillage the victim 'game' (and I didn't get there on a dinghy - SICK SICK retards MORE and more and more retarded MORE... 'game day' for paedophiles 'space jam' for rapists - absolutely completely retarded VULGAR revolting inbreds MORE - watch the pedoes - BE what they ARE - paedophiles - hideeeeeeous retards MORE - 'must like movies' - they LOVE BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles MORE - the 'sun' son of Morgan Freeman is Fred West - PEDOPHILES - vulgar revolting retards - MORE and more spectacularly retarded more embarrassingly ridiculous hideous MORE.. and they're 'travelisting' to virginia for thier 'tribute' to Hitler 'cleverly disguised' as a 'gift' to Africa from paedophiles - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting retards - MORE - and thier namez is pedoes too!! Paedophiles - vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE. sooooooo much mooooore than *juuuuuust* an international embarrassment - completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE. Charlene is not a neighbour, is she Croatian? Cos Calum Best is Nigerian and Mandela is not the sun 'funnily' enough - Zelensky - "the sun son" (pedoes vulgar retards) - what did they 'do'? (apart from pigs sheep and bloated carcasses ETC) EW EW EW - ridiculous vulgar revolting retards MORE- they're paedophiles, pedoes 'busy' 'promoting' the 'culchaa' of pimps & hoes and hareems of pedoes (paedophiles capitalising on their vulgarity and making about themselves cos they ARE vulgar revolting retards like that) - they're going to 'come out' as being paedophiles at the next paedophile 'meeting' at the UN aren't they - Paedophiles, pillaging paedophiles, vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles & serial raping traffickers being - 'victims' - vulgar retards. MORE. Absolutely completely ridiculous inbreds - MORE retarded MORE. They're 'serious' about 'acting' - they all want 'roles' in thier paedophile 'documentary' about themselves BEING paedophiles called 'Brexit' - huge success - to all far & wide - pedoes say by wearing: 'loose lips sink ships' - the ridiculous paedophile - SICK ridiculous inbreds MORE- sicker and sicker and sicker - when is he going to wear his 'fashion for paedophiles' and 'designer terrorists' 'I AM a paedophile' top like that ridiculously retarded Pharrell Williams or wear a tea cosy like Lewis Hamilton while they 'stage' more pathetic paedophile crap among themselves - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting retards - ridiculous inbreds completely totally retarded paedophiles MORE - hidddddddddddddeous retards MORE. Absolutely ridiculous. 'There you go guuuuurrrrls' - being ridiculously retarded paedophiles (female paedophiles just as SICK - if not more - than thier male counterparts - sicccccccccccck vulgar revolting retards MORE - SICKER more retarded as thier 'pedo ball' rolls along - sicker MORE. Clearly says PEDO - they capitalise make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - they get alllllllllllll excited about being retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous paedophiles - siccccccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE.
Hitler is ALSO a household name - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE - 'all blacks' - do they describe themselves as Jewish Nazis like Nicki Minaj and Kanye West & like the Mongrel Mob & 'black power' - they made up for thier child raping with the 'help' of Paris Jackson who gave her baby to a dingo to eat - Paris for 'PR' like innit - she's a 'star' - oh no that's Paris Hilton that goes round locking minors in toilets to give to her pal Calum Best - actually it's 'better' for pedoes if they can hop on thier bikes and ride over to pedo island to partake in 'fashion for pedoes' 'campaign' with the 'help' of thier minors that they've 'sourced' to use abuse and 'entice' with fame and be pedoes 'out of sight' and paedophiles in yah face at the same time - gloating and flaunting thier vulgarity wherever they can. It's no 'secret' to paedophiles that they're paedophiles - when they ALREADY ARE - famous paedophiles - cos they're famous and being paedophiles is a bonus cos they get cash for supplying (it was £2k last time for 'bebest' paedophiles - 'worth it' - they got the pedo look because they ARE - SICKER MORE) Dey in da 'business' of buy sell swapping and raping for rapists etc AND because it IS the 'culchaaa' of pimps and hoes and harems of pedoes. Here they demonstrating thier raping, pillaging, meddling, abusing, capitalising and profiteering with more 'help' from MORE paedophiles that get a cash bonus TO 'fix it' for the retards. Clintons Cameron's Hancock Obama's Trumps Clarks Biden are reeeeeally 'into' thier sheep pigs and bloated carcasses, Kim Dotcom is Margaret ('acting' of course) and of course Tony Blair is famous - there's *that* 'famous - and there's *that* famous. Pedoes - They're famous!! They're famous!! - So is Hitler. They're paedophiles - all good tho cos got 'crusading' paedophiles to 'compete' amongst the vulgar for the vulgar retard award in thier paedophile campaigns featuring George Floyd.
Thier 'heroes' are Fred West, Shipley's, Myra (Kate's role model -he points at a picture "that's my wife -LOVES babies - just like Myra) - they're paedophiles kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers - The UN is a paedophile organisation - nothing more - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles that she is - he is - and they ARE. Remember that guy that wrote the speeches for Banki Moon (has he retired because he made too much money for Tony Blair... errr...LOL - ridiculous retards MORE) they're vulgar revolting retarded paedophiles. Helen Clark - the prolific paedophile - and the Portugal paedophile etc- they're pillaging paedophiles and 'fixers' for alllllllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque. Political paedophiles that pillage a civilian to capitalise on being paedophiles and make about themselves for profit - errrrrr... paedophiles - that's them - mustn't 'forget' the Movember serial raping traffickers, the 'ChildLine' paedophiles - 'kidscan' - help them be paedophiles - pick a 'charity' *any* charity - paedophiles - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS - MORE and more ridiculously retarded. Like Myra - they've just kidnapped a minor, chopped the body up and stuffed the limbs into a suitcase - and they'll insist 'they saved her' (from getting eaten by a whale) and blame someone else - for thier crime/s - that's *thier* 'version' of 'freedom' - capitalising on thier vulgarity and making about themselves. Raping and pillaging is the ONLY 'idea' that they have BECAUSE they ARE - pedoes rapists serial raping traffickers etc etc vulgar revolting& rape for rapists - that's what they ARE - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE. Someone else's life IS NOT an 'idea' - thier 'idea' is BE PEDOES and rape for rapists - nothing else - cos the precious retards don't like being told what they ARE - and they ARE paedophiles, pillaging paedophiles, meddling paedophiles, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers and 'fixers' for alllllllllll things vulgar revolting retarded ridiculously grotesque - MORE. Cameron's - who are really into sheep pigs and bloated carcasses share that same 'fetish' as Clintons and her ridiculously retarded paedophile 'posse' - whatsherface -"racism" is … YOU Rowland (as well as a kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficker - where's maddy? OH she's pregnant (breeding to profit etc - go compare - ridiculous inbreds MORE) - is she gunna call - it - the appropriate name of 'paedophile' - it's a paedophile before it's even born. VULGAR RETARDS and thier spawn - "Apartheid" - errr what's that? Must mean Nelson Mandela calling Fred west his 'son' in the 'best' paedophile award show to compliment the 'grandad is his brother' paedophile award - they're paedophiles - with pathetic excuses for BEING paedophiles and serial raping traffickers - especially when they 'recruit' more retarded paedophiles like Swazenegger - he knows 'real nazis' … Oh wow! REEEEALLLY??? Good for him - he can slop around in his cesspit that they made on pizza pedo island with his paedophile mates now can't he - RETARDS. Oprah - another ridiculous inbred - is it cos she's 'brown' that she's a paedophile like Whoopi Goldberg - cos the pedoes gather round the paedophiles in harems of paedophiles to 'help out' with BEING paedophiles - cos that's what they ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles. Absolutely completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE - PEDOPHILES - vulgar revolting RETARDS in thier 'tribute' to Hitler 'cleverly disguised' as thier 'gift' to Africa featuring Damien - from out of the Omen 'cleverly disguised' as George Osbourne - paedophiles - RETARDS MORE ridiculous MORE. siccccccccck sicccccccccck MORE
"Put the lime in the coconut..." sung by Michael Keaton, at Disneyland Anaheim '95. Was it him... he had less flies than his carcasses back then, with more pigs and carcasses.. bzzz bzzz ..... stillllllll paedophiles - siccccccccccccck retards MORE - oh loooooook there you are! Being ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccccccccccccck MORE.. - again - I'm not 'blick' and I didn't get there on a dinghy. Absolutely completely vulgar totally retarded MORE and their namez iz iz iz... peeeeedoes tooo!!! ohh pedoes - so 'hilarious' - ew - there they are taking cash from someone they've never met (or probably) to rape and pillage someone they've never met (or probably) to capitalise on being paedophiles and make about themselves - for profit - there they are capitalising on thier vulgarity because they ARE - absolutely totally completely retarded MORE. Monaco - they all 'gang bang' together - that's true - what an embarrassment they are - absolutely completely retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE. Also demonstrating thier kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficking 'tekkas' - (as well as being pillaging meddling paedophiles etc and 'fixers' for allllllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque. PEDOES - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS - MORE.. speech!! speech!! speech!! speech about your paedophilia is more appropriate for the pillaging paedophiles - ridiculous retards MORE .. he wants to do what? lol. Retards. Absolutely ridiculous inbreds MORE. siccccccccccccck MORE.. .'boaty mcboatface'.. tooootally retarded MORE.
"do what?" PEDOPHILES vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE ("woo yeah" said the paedophiles - they 'fixed it' - for themselves coscos peeedoes haha's (vomit) and thier pedo 'ball' rolls on and 2023 - STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles - no matter how many ways they make BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles and grotesque inbreds - about themselves - guess what? - They're STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles, sicker and sicker and sicker and sicker more and more ridiculously retarded MORE. It's amazing how Benedict and thier paedophile pals have convinced *themselves* they're not paedophiles and ridiculously retarded inbreds.. 'freedom' - for what? -capitalising on thier vulgarity and making about themselves etc annnnnd 'fixing it' for *themselves* to ensure they they make being retarded inbreds about themselves - because they ARE. "Victim - what victim?" says the paedophiles that like to blame everyone else except themselves FOR thier OWN paedophilia that pillage someone else's life to capitalise on being retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles sicker sicker sicker more and more retarded MORE. Again - my own life - who/what the fuck are they - they know what they are - they're *FULLY* 'aware' of thier severe retardation as a result of sheep shagging and whale humping etc they ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping raping serial raping traffickers. I have lunch with someone and paedophiles - make about themselves - how the fuck - what the fuck - they get even more 'excited' about paedophiles 'fixing it' more for themselves by making thier own shit up and laughing in yah face coscos paedophiles 'fixing it' FOR paedophiles - themselves. "Phew!!" said the pedoes "Fixed it - not paedophiles" said the paedophiles cos paedophiles 'fixed it' for paedophiles"... "Not ridiculously retarded paedophiles" said Daniel 'Russian Villain paedophile' Craig that *also* went to the 'university of pedoes rapists and vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds with his paedophile mate (that got thier qualifications 'straight outta' the book of Savile) that he met in a gay bar on the other side of the world - thaaaat pillage an extra bekozzzzzzzzz they're paedophiles - they're paedophiles so he's going to join in and be a paedophile because they're paedophiles 'together' -sicccccccccccck RETARDS - MORE ridiculous spectacularly vulgar more more more revolting MORE. He's lying in the gutter clutching his fiver he made FOR being a retarded inbred - he's not even worth pissing on BUT he will pay £1 for someone to shit on his face so the whale can suck it off - siccccccccck VULGAR RETARDS - MORE - 'precious' hideously retarded paedophiles. "What the fuck are you doing pillaging someone else's life?" "uh uh uhhhh dunnnoooos jus being peeedoes haha's" (vomit) said the pedoes - RETARDS - MORE - "What's Brexit?" "uh uhhh uhhh dunnnoooos jus fixin' it for peeedoes haha's" (vomit) said the pedoes - that's them - tooooootallly completely retarded vulgar revolting grotesque inbreds MORE. Soooooooo much mooooore than *juuuuuuuust* an international embarrassment. Ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE. Benedict is going to read out his 'mean tweets' to avoid declaring what thier paedophilia has achieved. sicccccccccccck vulgar revolting ridiculous retards MORE. Totally completely retarded MORE
That time I went to Spain - and pedoes - made about themselves, that time I went to NYC and pedoes - made about themselves - that time I went to Monaco - and pedoes - made about themselves thaaat *also* capitalise on pedoes and rape for rapists because they ARE vulgar revolting retards like that & so on and so forth - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDED RIDICULOUS INBREDS. MORE. Absolutely grotesque ridiculous retards - NHS - LOL - pedoes that make being pedoes about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of being pedoes and pedoes 'fix it' for demselfs coscos pedoes haha's (vomit) sicker MORE retarded MORE (when they ALREADY ARE pedoes - that capitalise on their vulgarity because they ARE VULGAR - they're paedophiles. I've not spoken to Samantha Cameron, Temuera Morrison, Rihanna Hilary Clinton, David Cameron, Kelly Rowland Calum Best Guy Ritchie Sean Penn or Tony Blair, Beyonce Simon Cowell David Bowie ETC - they gave THEMSELVES 'permission' to be paedophiles - because they're paedophiles - that *also* capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles that take advantage OF paedophiles BEING paedophiles to get allllll they can out of being RETARDS - BECAUSE THEY ARE - paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - SICKER more retarded MORE
Nick a picture - replace it with something else, nick a street sign cos being retarded paedophiles - really IS thier 'idea' - they're paedophiles - they're soooooo 'hilarious' (said the paedophiles) VULGAR REVOLTING retards MORE retarded MORE hiddddddddeooous retards MORE. I don't pillage someone else's life and make about myself while gloating about being retarded ridiculous paedophiles - only reeeeeeealllly retarded paedophiles do that - I don't pillage anyone else's life - for WHATEVER 'reason' (pillaging greedy profiteering paedophiles) - I don't pay paedophiles or offer incentives TO paedophiles to 'fix it' FOR paedophiles because they're paedophiles BEING paedophiles - completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE - absolutely completely retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE - (leveson) the dowlers (according to paedophiles the dowlers murdered thier own daughter hid her body and wanted to be as famous as the Karshadians so the Karshadians could fight for her 'freedom' like they're going to do with Ted Bundy, Maxwell, Murdoch and Victoria Hervey etc and Tony Blair will give them a promotion in his 'crusade' to make America broke (chugging through the trillions - he's done a fantastic job in Britain, the self-hatchet job is remarkable - and he was paid in advance by his superiors Bin Laden to help George Floyd get a sainthood because North West did such a great job of making the JoJo Rabbit costume - they are finding themselves in demand - Hancock and Karshadians want to release alllllllll the prisoners and put the victims in prison - calum best & daniel craig & co - paedophiles that like paedophiles like minnie driver because paedophiles - that's what they ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles. Ben 'Where's Maddy? Affleck and - what's that retards name? …. francois penar jonah whale - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds completely totally retarded MORE. They've definitely 'earnt' thier £9million in thier 'quest' for destruction to capitalise and profit on thier paedophilia and 'fix it' for themselves to avoid looking like the ridiculous retards that they are - paedophiles and thier 'PR' paedophile 'campaigns' that include 'shagging sheep' in farmers markets to get in 'touch' with thier bestiality 'sides' before they 'wake up' - (they ARE pedoes, serial raping traffickers, pillagers, plagiarists - absolutely completely vulgar revolting retards MORE) - siccccccccckkkkkkkkkerrrrrrrrrrr . Not just *any* sick - they're spectacularly sick - more & more retarded MORE 'majesty of spaaaace' - lol - 'space foooorrrce' - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - pedoes - sooooo 'hilarious' (not) - sicccccccccck and George the paedophile Clooney on being a paedophile 'America will survive' (errr Obama the paedophile Trump the paedophile Biden the paedophile (that *just* America) they lie on government documents, abuse and break numerous international laws to - intentionally - to 'fix it' for paedophiles that rape pillage to make rape about themselves and abuse and pillage a civilian when it's my own life pedoes have pillaged and made about themselves - because they're retards - pedoes - it's that simple (and laugh in yah face as they make thier own shit up to ensure they make BEING retarded inbreds - about themselves - cos they ARE *anyway*) *AND* make someone else's life about someone else to capitalise and profit on thier vulgarity and 'fix it' for their ridiculously retarded paedophile peers. If Marilyn was alive - she'd probably be too embarrassed to even step foot onto a stage where paedophiles 'joke' about giving blow jobs 'undercover' while addressing the American public - off the scale disrespectful - regardless if the skank was or wasn't a minor - what a ridiculous pathetic 'excuse' for thier retardation EW EW (annnnnd hugh grant.. 'phew!!' he says 'he was only in the pig porn movie for 5 minutes but Stormy and Trump got that covered with his toadstool penis that competes with Weinstein's mushroom in thier upcoming 'docudrama' featuring Danny Boyle and Quentin Tarantino whale humping - absolutely hideous retards - MORE. Even to this day - if in doubt - bring Lewinsky out - they milk thier OWN paedophilia for alllllll it's worth and then some - the ridiculous 'victims' - paedophiles vulgar revolting retards - MORE
They're paedophiles - serial raping traffickers - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS - ridiculous spectacularly ridiulous completely totally retarded vulgar revolting inbreds - here they are 'showing off' - thier paedophilia - like retards do
What's Brexit - "the NHS is 'fair game'" says the pedoes. 'Clap for pedoes etc' loads of pedo PR campaigns (over a decade) to help take the focus off what they ARE - and they ARE - paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pillagers, plagiarists, fraudsters, schemers, liars and 'fixers' for allll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque.
They got thier 'qualifications' out of the book of Savile, there they are making stuff up about someone they've never met and laugh in yah face, they patronise to capitalise and 'fix it' or their paedophile serial raping trafficking peers that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity - ridiculous inbreds MORE
Where's yah passport from? Not Russian, or Chinese, or French, or German, Or American, Or Saudi - or British - siccccccccccck ridiculous inbreds - MORE .. how much to 'fix it' for the pedoes? RETARDS MORE
"sue the minister of Justice" - LOL - they make stuff up, laugh in yah face, make thier vulgarity about themselves, reward *themselves* for being paedophiles, laugh it off and carry onnnnnn BEING paedophiles - like they HAVE and ARE. Sicker MORE retarded MORE & lolz hidddddeous retards MORE
'Investigate thier OWN paedophilia, raping pillaging serial raping trafficking' - LOL - they're pedoes that pillage someone else's life make about themselves annnnd 'fix it' for themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles that are in the 'buy sell swap rape for rapists 'fix it for pedoes' 'business' completely vulgar revolting retards
Vulgar revolting retards - MORE
"Being pedoes 'reveals' what they ARE" - and they ARE paedophiles, serial raping traffickers fraudsters schemers liars and 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - MORE ridiculous MORE - they're *STILL* on 'the cusp' of telling everyone they're pedoes - they might lose thier jobs if they do that - recap: resign resign resign resign resign resign (coscos 'coming out' as the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they ARE - is obviously too embarrassing for them - soooo make sumfink up 'fix it' for the pedoes & lolz - SICKER MORE ridiculously retarded MORE.
This is my life - and that's THIERS - pedoes BEING pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves - BECAUSE - they're paedophiles like that annnnnnd rape for rapists thaaaaat make stuff up & lie to suit themselves coscos peedoes and laugh in yah face when doing so cos cos peeedoes you know haha's 🤮etc it's quite obvious - I don't pillage anyone else's life and make about myself - only really really retarded ridiculous paedophiles do - I don't pillage anyone else's life - for WHATEVER 'reason' - I don't offer incentives or pay paedophiles to make stuff up and fix it for retards that pillage someone else life and make about themselves to avoid looking like the ridiculous retards that they ARE - when ALREADY ARE - ridiulous retards
That's *thier life* being paedophiles capitalising on thier vulgarity and making about themselves BECAUSE they ARE vulgar ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that - MORE retarded MORE
"Dear Embassy, please explain why you do this to a citizen and why Zelensky& co take advantage of a civilian" (ie: Jared Leto... "Surprise!! PEEDOES!!" - err no - they've known they're paedophiles for years) "Uh uh uh to ensure there's evidence of being paedophiles" - said the hideous retards. They're *also* world cup paedophiles -Olympic paedophiles, serial raping trafficking paedophiles and coscos they're pedoes that like to blame victim for THIER paedophilia 'fix it' for themselves *more* & carry onnnnn BEING retards - no response -that's their 'no shit sticks' 'governments' - they might lose thier jobs if they 'come out' as being ridiculously retarded paedophiles - resign resign resign etc - probably too embarrassing for them if they come out as the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they ARE. "All they're laughing about is you" - that's paedophile politicians - just gloss over that - make sumfink up - 'fix it' for the pedoes & lolz - again - my own life - paedophiles that pillage and make about themselves to avoid the vulgarity of thier vulgarness- I met Richie McCaw in 2011 - I did not meet Dan Carter etc or Jay Z or Brian Cox etc (paedophiles that - pillage someone else's life and make about themselves BECAUSE they're pedoes - that's 'clever' pillaging paedophiles - cozcoz thier names is pedoes too!! Pedoes - they're soooo 'hilarious' - RETARDS - MORE. I went to Monaco in 2011 - I haven't seen my daughter since 2011 - it's now 2023 - they're STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers etc - where's maddy? "Dunnnoooos jus fixin' it for peeedoes haha's" said the pedoes (vomit). That time I went to NYC - and pedoes - made about themselves, that time I went to Spain and - pedoes - made about themselves & so on and so forth - "what's Brexit?" "uh uh dunnoooo jus 'fixin it' for pedoes haha's" said the pedoes (vomit) - "make sumfink up" - the pedoes did and laugh in yah face laugh in yah face, make sumfink up - laugh in yah face, antagonise to capitalise, make sumfink up laugh in yah face - fix it for the inbreds & lolz & 'fix it' some more - completely totally retarded inbreds MORE. (I'm not black neither is my daughter - 'all blacks' - if there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves WHILE raping for rapists - THEY WILL - BECAUSE they're paedophiles - takawot? takadapiss - they're paedophiles - embarrassing ridiculous retarded - paedophiles - 'freedom' for what - to capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves - victim - what victim? "dunnooosss wot you means coscos peeedoes haha's" said the pedoes (vomit) completely totally retarded ridiculous vulgar grotesque inbreds - more more & more waaaaay more ridiculously retarded more more ridiculous - hidddddeous retards - MORE 'travelisting' - siccccccccck ridiulous inbreds MORE retarded MORE
"sue the minister of Justice" - LOL - they make stuff up, laugh in yah face, make thier vulgarity about themselves, reward *themselves* for being paedophiles, laugh it off and carry onnnnnn BEING paedophiles - like they HAVE and ARE. Sicker MORE retarded MORE & lolz hidddddeous retards MORE - I'm so totally popular - 'no shit sticks' - that's a relief isn't it - given it's my own life pedoes have pillaged and made about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity - siccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE and more spectacularly retarded MORE "No evidence of being paedophiles" said the paedophiles coscos the paedophiles 'fixed it' for 'em - sicccccccccck retards - MORE - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculous retards MORE
Rancid - is the word they're looking for to describe themselves - hideous eeeeeeevil retarded pieces of vulgar revolting grotesque shit.. chomping on thier pizza 'making light' of thier 'paedophile cult' & they also demonstrate thier serial raping trafficking and 'fixing it' for themselves some more coscos thier namez iz iz peeedoes haha's (vomit) in pretty much all of the 'documentaries' they've made about themselves BEING paedophiles etc - paedophiles so 'hilarious' - siccccccck - WTF are you doing pillaging someone else's life vulgar revolting retarded hideous inbreds - "the journo told them to" said the paedophiles - who to blame for thier own paedophilia - never themselves - completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE - siccccccccccck retards MORE ridiculous MORE - they got da pedoe look - because they ARE. Probably his mate (another) malepeodphile50cent that told him to be a paedophile and kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficker for financial gain etc - Vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE
Pedowood - where pedoes capitalise on pedoes cos they are - they get alllll excited about being paedophiles - they want to gloat and flaunt thier paedophilia wherever and whenever they can - they want thier victim to know they're paedophiles - they want to rub it in thier victims face they want to use abuse as a tool to further thier paedophilia more and probably because she's a paedophile that has *already* spent many years raping and pillaging and 'fixing it' for paedophiles (because they ARE) and is still in denial about her paedophilia and her paedophile pals that she made a 'bond' with while raping and pillaging to capitalise and profit on thier paedophilia. George and his battered children etc - as long as it's not thier own they 'supply', hang it out the window and give a good shake - only for the paedophiles to 'discover' that they can't shake off thier paedophilia - it's still a retarded paedophile and they're STILL hideously ridiculously vulgar grotesque inbreds years/decades later - just get sicker MORE spectacularly retarded MORE. Paedophiles that pillage rape etc to make being paedophiles about themselves (cos are) believe if they make being paedophiles about themselves - they're not paedophiles..... oh waaaaaait. Completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE. What was that about kidnapping and raping? What's a 'metaphor' for rape? … being rapists that rape to make rape about themselves.. - kidnap use abuse exploit & use as a tool to promote thier own paedophilia - ridiculous retards - MORE. They've all got - paedophilia - in common - "yeah yeah make sumfink up fix it for the pedoes and lolz" said the pedoes - the UN is a paedophile agency - nothing more - irreparable damage as a direct result of THIER hideously retarded paedophilia - and they laugh about it coscos being pedoes is 'fun' & 'entertainment' FOR ridiculously retarded inbreds and "there's no place she'd rather be... than swimming around in thier cesspit with paedophiles that are sicker waaaaay more retarded than Savile & malepedophile50 cent". Do you regret pillaging an extra & partaking in victim bashing to help thier paedophile peers not look like what they are? - "no no not at all" she says "coscos it's better to get paedophiles to make sumfink up rather than declare what they've achieved by being ridiculously retarded inbreds and grotesque vulgar revolting paedophiles. Look at 'lovely' Ukraine (that's 'theatre' paedophiles like Andrew Lloyd Webber - that says- 'carnage' is 'beautiful' - retards MORE - completely totally retarded inbreds - Mila & Ashton... probably walking around thier 'farmers market' looking for the next 'prime' pig sheep and/or bloated carcasse/s. There's always Jared Leto - doesn't know here Ukraine is because he's off his face on crack allllllll the time - Paedophiles - sicker sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE. They're paedophiles - they don't know what they difference is between a refugee and a migrant because to paedophiles & 'game players' - migrants AND refugees are apparently 'always' black - so that's handy for them isn't it - it's an easy 'fix' for paedophiles to compliment THIER 'tribute' to Hitler 'cleverly disguised' as thier 'gift' to Africa. siccccccccccck ridiculously retarded paedophiles MORE retarded MORE - completely totally retarded MORE. .. make sumfink up.. laugh in yah laugh in yah face make sumfink up laugh in yah face - that's 'no shit sticks' governments etc 'fixing it' for themselves because they're completely retarded ridiculously vulgar grotesque paedophiles - they're not at allllllll embarrassed by thier own ridiculously retarded paedophilia cos they've 'fixed it' for themselves and carry onnnnnnn BEING retarded vulgar inbreds - who does that - reeeeeeeealllly retarded paedophiles do - that's who - siccccccccck sicccccccccck MORE more & more retarded MORE
"Tech".. lol. the 'collosal' 'tech' paedophiles like Snowden, Assange, bookface etc (did Benedict 'play' him too) there's a paedophile in a foreign embassy in a foreign country that's 'America's Bitch'- there's the skank & the retards and performing paedophiles with thier many 'crisis' to help gloss over the 'crisis' of getting caught being paedophiles. Block mock pillage capitalise make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz annnnnd repeat - like another 'letter' from Bob Geldof & Bobo &Richard Branson etc the paedophiles with his pillaging paedophile mates 'fixing' it for themselves to ensure the vulgar retards capitalise on thier retardation and make about themselves because they're retards. Oliver Stone knew he was a paedophile in the 'nam just like Mel Gibson is fully 'aware' he's a paedophile that recruits retards in his 'plight' to make him look less sicker than the retard he's 'recruited' - cos they 'recruit' paedophiles to 'help out' with being paedophiles - because that's what they ARE - sicker MORE ridiculous.
Will Smith the paedophile with his 'evil twin' Hancock (that eats animal testicles to stay on the tele) 'starts a fight'... (they're into that - like Pink - they'll jump on the paedophile train to capitalise and make the most of being paedophiles - because they're retards like that).. Hancock 'starts a fight' with Snooky that 'develops' into 'Hairy Pooter' (a 'pirated' version) 'playing' Jumanji quidditch with Stone of Miliband. Paedophiles - siccccccccccccck "What's Brexit?" "uh uh uhhh dunnnooooos jus fixin' it for peeeedoes haha's coscos thier namez iz iz peeeedoes hahaha's" said the pedoes (vomit) - that's them - retards. bleeehhh - they're sicccccccck sicccccccccck ridiculous retards.
"Tech" and the pizza pedoes etc - ridiculous. There's iRobot and then there's that retard that 'shags' sheep down on animal farm, then there's the 'freedom' to put terrorists on the front page of Rolling Stone cos they're 'hot' terrorists & Ricky Gervais - the pig ugly terrorist - and his 'freedom' to be a paedophile AND a terrorist that capitalises on his vulgarity and makes about himself - while he's being a paedophile with his 'freedom' and makes the most of being a retarded paedophile the ice cream van that's parked on the corner is making some strange 'baaaa-ing' sounds - turns out it's the sound of thier carcasses. Years later - his (ricky gervais') retarded pedo pals point at a cloud and 'miraculously' gets a job as a prime minister - because thier retardation 'rewards' them - the more retarded they are - the 'better paedophiles together' they are - ridiculously retarded 'slogans' produced BY paedophiles FOR paedophiles and no one else. A career is attained by pointing at a cloud - that's worth £200k a year plus 'backhanders' & 'bonus' etc for being - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - never mind about the trillions they've spent (on themselves and the numerous paedophile 'campaigns' to take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc) and they ARE paedophiles, rapists, pillaging meddling paedophiles, fraudsters, schemers, liars, serial raping traffickers annnnnnd 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting retarded and ridiculously grotesque - loooook at all thier carcasses lololz - sicccccccck more and more ridiculously retarded MORE
I made a slideshow - but here's a link - see the paedophiles 'in action'
Pirates - NYC - the Kensington - Spain - Monaco - my own life. I went to NYC after Pirates .. 2011... they've been pedoes YEARS - that morphed into Victoria Hervey's/George Clooney - George Floyd & the 'crusading' paedophiles and some more paedophiles that - 'blow themselves up' as the paedophile Victoria Hervey suggests thaaaat *also* pillage someone else's life and make about themselves. They're really 'upset' about thier paedophilia - you can tell by the way they laugh all over the place and 'act' on thier paedophilia by holding thier heads etc and telling themselves off for having too much crack in thier 'partygate sagas (for over a decade - ridiculous buffoonery - alllllll to avoid looking like the ridiculous retarded inbreds that they are - I think *most* people have cottoned onto that one - by now - 'global goals' of pedoes - destroy the lives of many to avoid looking like they pillage rape molest to capitalise to profit on thier vulgarity - annnd make about themselves because they ARE vulgar retards.
Roll back - to 2011. World Cup Paedophiles. booookface.. wotsaboook... pirates... piracy... annnnd peeeedophiles.. etc sicccccccccccck MORE
I was
working as an extra, not long joined Facebook; I had Steve (double for Johnny
Depp, Jeffrey Rush etc) and a couple of work colleagues on there, Joey (Ewan
McGregor double), Sasha (Lion King Theatre people) and my daughter. I'd not
heard from anyone in New Zealand and had been in UK (for over 20 years and have
not returned to NZ since, other than a trip back 'home' when subjected to
further and consistent campaign psychological abuse from the ex husband and
their family where everything I attempt to do is sabotaged for instance I was
studying my psychology degree online with university of derby until running out
of funding was a factor as well as being bullied by the neighbours who were
kicking the ball against the house nonstop telling me to 'fuck off back to my
own country' etc etc complaints were made however no record of those incidents
have been found and the ex-husband tried to have me arrested for Child
Abduction. Plus previous abuse of myself
being used against me to pave the way for further abuse with custody battles
and all the like - it was a horrific divorce, that only really ended when I
slapped Shivon across the face and the police came and got her and she went to
her dads (she was 16) - I've not seen her since. (and Samantha Cameron is seen riding her bike - to paedophile island, paedophiles ride bikes to another country - as well as being paedophiles & serial raping traffickers - they obviously go to paedophile island specifically to sell woolly hats to thier pig conquests and employ dodgy designers to create a cesspit that they can all jump in and be pedoes together) - it's now 2023 - still paedophiles- siccccccccccccck MORE)
Which is at the same time when I was attempting to write
a victim impact statement for the Parole Board in New Zealand as well as
working as an extra on Pirates in the UK as well as receiving abuse from a
journalist in NZ on social media (that I've never met) who 'allegedly' wrote the parole report for my
brothers murderer- which is something that I've never heard of (a 'journalist'
writing a parole report while abusing myself who is the sister of the deceased)
NOR was he there at the time of my brother’s murder however felt he had the
right to abuse myself online as well as being 16 at the time of my brother’s
death as well having teenager problems and the ex husband using that as a tool
for revenge. They abuse and then use the
abuse against me, patronize, antagonise, and laugh in my face. NZ Victim Support and Police stated "I
don't know what your gripe is" and when I asked for help went on to
further abuse FOR being victim OF THEM being disturbed, I got a call out doctor
who came to my house and I asked for valium, I was distraught, he suggested
that I was a 'crackhead'. Hmm. Further insults. That was in 2011. Doesn't take a genius to point out - that's soooooooooo fuuccccccked upppp - just that - right there. The Norway shooting happened while I was working on 'Dark Shadows' - they jacked it capitalised made about themselves, pillaged my life while abusing at the same time and made about themselves and years later - that's how they 'fixed it' for themselves.
Also prior
to that while I was working on Pirates as an extra which is where I found out
that they apparently had undercover police at a wedding which Trounson attended
in New Zealand stating something about breaking parole conditions, so it was
difficult because I remember sitting down with one of the extras who was to be
Alice Cooper's groupie on pirates it was quite weird stating the obvious
"That's fucked up" Uh
Huh. Have lunch with a 'celebrity' that happened to go to the same school as brothers murderer and they abuse pillage capitalise make about themselves. Get sicker sicker more more ridiccccccculous - MORE - they made it political - their paedophilia went 'viral' - spreading faster than the plague - they capitalised and milked being paedophiles for *every* penny - they made someone else's life about themselves for financial gain. siccccccccccck MORE
It was also
the same time I was working on Pirates that I met Richie McCaw, the then
captain of the All Blacks, I had a picture taken with the ball and sent it - by
fax. "There's a snake in the dressing room - it's Nicki Minaj (never met her - she dresses up as Hitler to glorify thier paedophilia and make about themselves - because they're paedophiles - if there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists THEY WILL because they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles - EW EW EW siccccckkker - thier paedophilia is obviously worth more than a fiver. (Minnie Driver capitalised on a paedophile and made about herself - she capitalised on the abuse of someone else - an extra - and made about herself - she 'dressed up' as the paedophile that she is - that later morphs into Michelle Obama and Anne Hathaway 'bring back thier girls' - from Nigeria - Pedoes - retards MORE - World Cup 2011 meets Live Aid (pedoes 'comic relief' for paedophiles, fashion for paedophiles and 'designer terrorists' etc) and a
victim impact statement + pillaging ridiculous paedophiles that lie to suit themselves to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves to profit on raping and pillaging and 'fixing it' for themselves coscos peeedoes haha's (vomit). British police - I slapped my daughter - she went to her dads and I've not seen her since (that was 2011) that make stuff up and laugh in yah face (in 2016 'fix it' for *themselves* more - coscos peeedoes haha's - vomit - and carrrry onnn being paedophiles like they ARE) - it's my own life, paedophiles that use whatever they can as 'tools' to be ridiculously retarded inbreds, Kim dotcom & 'piracy' and Margaret - EW again - it' my own life- pedoes pillage make about demselfs - coscos pedoes believe if they make being pedoes about demselfs (when they already ARE pedoes) - they're not pedoes... oh waaaaaait - SICK RETARDS - MORE = Brexit.
I made a
friend in New York and asked him if he could help me write some kind of victim
impact statement as in all reality - it was just kinda... splat - got the bruises to prove it - I took a photo
And this is the result and now 2023 - STILL hideously retarded paedophiles - sicker MORE
Attempting to blehhh what it has done to my
life and the damage it has caused to myself with more evilness on top of them being absolutely completely retarded is very
difficult to explain in a short amount of time while paedophiles manipulate and make about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity - it's just something else. Plus I've never been afforded the opportunity of meeting any descent
human beings when it comes to the criminal justice system and how I get/got and
continue to be 'treated' by the criminal justice system as a whole for being
victim of them playing games with my life for thier gain. When Justice departments/police/govt agencies etc are paedophiles and kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers - if they are unable to rape they way they like and if thier victim strongly disagrees with thier paedophilia.. … they are the sickest of the sickest - proppa monsters 'ball' - siccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE retarded MORE
Ridiculous retards meddling ridiculous inbreds and this is the same time as the World Cup - they capitalised - made about themselves while abusing and pillaging someone else's life - siccccccccck - absolutely ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE - so the Justice Minster (who I've never met) and thier many paedophile peers that are in the 'buy sell swap rape for rapists serial raping trafficking' 'business' is/are 'victim/s' (Chuckie doll is her 'twin', probably get paid to be a double there with her blood stained knife - might make a fiver for her - siccccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE) because the victim she/they pillaging was sending her lots of sweary tweets - and it's my own life - the paedophiles pillaged meddled capitalised and made about themselves - sicccccccccck toooooooootally retarded MORE
I was
unaware of their (Jackson & Depp) recent criminal justice quest where
they got together to get a guy out of prison for wrongful conviction, and of
course being from New Zealand and having knowledge of show sadistic the
criminal justice system is - and get - including mental health and using it as
a means to hide corruption and use it as a tool to BE corrupt and evil it was
an awkward situation to find myself in.
I asked Steve (double on pirates) if he knew any good lawyers, he said
no and later said 'sounds like a good movie though' (probably why George Clooney made about himself - 'time' for what? "time to be pedoes - they say excitedly that also breed to produce pedoes to capitalise on thier vulgarity even more" coscos that's what they ARE - pedoes - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - he's emailing George Floyd cos they're racist as well as pillaging paedophiles and pedoes say you should be 'nice' to paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and get pedoes to fix it for *themselves* by making stuff up and laughing in yah face annnnnd carry onnnn BEING ridiculously retarded inbreds - 'freedom' for what? Capitalising on thier vulgarity and making about themselves cos they ARE vulgar ridiculous retarded inbreds like that - paedophiles - sicccccck retards - again - my own life. They get all 'precious' if thier victim disagrees with thier paedophilia.
"I don't know what your gripe is" said the police - they then proceed to pillage MY life - because - they don't like being told what they ARE - and make about themselves - they've had loads of Pedo PR 'campaigns' for pedoes - including the UN paedophiles etc - ridiculous more. Completely totally retarded - MORE. They capitalised on thier vulgarity like the ridiculously retarded inbreds that they are because they don't like BEING told what they ARE - hidddddeous retarded inbreds - MORE
The report
that I received by email before they committed fraud and created a fake
email/profile *using* my email address in a different country of which I do not
reside in and haven't done for over 20 years stated that Trounson's mother
is/was a mental health worker. I also
wrote to the Human Rights in NZ who replied along the lines of 'I appreciate
your concerns and the nature of your brother’s death etc etc now piss off'
So I am in
the midst of despair and they take full advantage of myself knowing that government
agencies - those who are in a position of trust - abuse myself FOR being victim
of them being totally pure evil who call me 'evil' for being victim of them
playing games with my life. They have just very rudely coldly interrupted my
life, dumped all this shit on me while I've spent many years rebuilding it only
to be reminded goaded taunted and laughed AT for all the psychos that enjoy
inflicting suffering so much abuse of rapists, gang rapists, child rapists,
molesters, pedo's, sadists, murderers, schemers, violators, masochists, bent
and twisted ex family, vindictive nasty nasty nasty people who take pleasure in
the amount of psychological abuse they can get away with and laugh it off as
just 'banter' - with no support at
all - "Go die in a fire" - political paedophiles say that abuse to capitalise on thier vulgarity because they ARE VULGAR. "Dirty Politics has poisoned.... globally - Brexit *IS* a global thing with thier 'stormy stormzy Ebola bands and boaty mcboatfaces' annnnd playing hokey pokey with thier paedophile 'balls' with a touch of hair ruffling while mixing in a bit of buffoonery etc in thier 'pedoes ackshully' 'documentary' in the 'sinking of....' 'mini series'. So that got turned into a 'comedy' show complete with 'we're done with you' 'tweet' on behalf on Capital Radio and Mark Wahlberg that morphs into 'comic relief' for pedoes and 'space jam' for rapists etc a couple of years Ricky Gervais capitalises on paedophiles BEING paedophiles with 'offerings' such as 'Ghost Town' & 'After Life'. Apparently - this is what the paedophiles said: if you don't 'patent' your trauma - there's no law that says - they can't pillage that victim and make about themselves. SICK retards. They 'play along' with being paedophiles because they're supporting thier paedophile mates & thier paedophilia - that's what they ARE. Pedoes etc. The paedophiles 'believe' - if they make thier paedophilia about themselves and get da pedoes to make stuff up and fix it for themselves to ensure they make being pedoes about themselves - they're not pedoes. When already ARE & have been for years - pedoes that capitalise on thier vulgarity - sicccccck hideous retards MORE (and there's always more pedoes to 'help out' with BEING retarded ridiculous vulgar inbreds, plenty of 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque and they 'trademarked' thier paedophilia by pillaging someone else's life making about themselves TO PROFIT on BEING retarded paedophiles that cry victim while BEING retarded paedophiles = Brexit and the many other 'campaigns' costing millions & billions specifically to take the focus off themselves BEING retarded inbreds - they smile through the 'awkwardness' of knowing they're paedophiles - then they convince *themselves* they're not retards - hiiddddddddeous inbreds MORE ridiculous MORE. Meddling messing pillaging & demonstrate thier serial raping trafficking 'tekkas', lying to suit themselves etc like the ridiculous retarded inbreds that they are. There's plenty of mentally retarded paedophiles 'offering' distractions for paedophiles while paedophiles 'think' of more ways to make being ridiculous retarded inbreds about themselves WHILE pillaging someone else's life such as "ohh loooook that paedophile got that paedophile pregnant with the power of her mind ohhh - never guess the name - its it's peeeeeedoe haha's (vomit) Paedophiles soooooooo 'hilarious' - sicccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE
I'm not a politician - they're ridiculous retards - Tony Blair takes a cash payment for 'global change' and since Brexit was a 'referendum' purely for paedophiles to avoid looking like they're paedophiles (because they're so retarded and Cameron has loads of paedophile mates that'd 'fix' anything for them - the fact that it's costing trillions - globally - didn't cross their minds - cos get pedoes to 'fix it' and carry on being pedoes like they have. Paedophilia is the only thing they 'think' about - how to be pedoes - how to distract - capitalise - how to 'fix' & profit on thier vulgarity - nothing else matters. Paedophiles and paedophiles - in denial - that have caused irreparable damage to everyone - globally - just to capitalise on BEING retarded paedophiles and make about themselves. Let that 'sink' in. They ARE RETARDED. Soooooo much moooore than *juuuuust* an international embarrassment. They get allllll excited about BEING retarded ridiculous vulgar grotesque paedophiles - because that's what they ARE. Samantha Cameron hops on her bike goes to Ibiza 'cleverly disguised' as Pedo Island to sell woolly hats to the Obama's/Clintons etc- errrr- they're paedophiles, paedophiles that make the most of thier vulgarity. PEDOES. hideous retards MORE ridiculous. so after "Dunnoo wot your gripe is" - deeply deeply traumatized and in a
state of shock not only that but because how often do you have lunch with someone - and they pillage that persons life & make about themselves & abuse to profit on their vulgarity - intentionally - to cause unnecessary stress and harm to
myself - to capitalise and gloat about THIER ridiculously retarded paedophilia to profit on the back of raping and pillaging and helping themselves BE paedophiles - Monaco is another example - how often do paedophiles get together to 'gang bang' to capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles "they do it all the time" the pedoes say - that's what they said and that is true and they 'recruit' more paedophiles to 'help out' with BEING paedophiles (and make about themselves because they ARE - paedophiles) - they're RETARDS - SICK SICK MORE retarded MORE, ie: a 'Justice Minister' that calls herself a 'victim' because the victim she pillaged is sending sweary tweets - block mock 'troll' so on and so forth - hidddddeous retards - MORE and more ridiculous - embarrassingly retarded MORE . "Victim? What victim? dunnooos wot you meaannz coscos peeedoes haha's" (vomit) again - my own life - sicccckkkkkerrr MORE retarded MORE. Lolz at Victoria Hervey and her paedophile 'friends' - they're pedoes being pedoes having 'fun' being pedoes capitalising on thier vulgarity and making about themselves cos ARE vulgar retards - "how to make being pedoes - about themselves - when already ARE annnnd Ukraine is 'blowing themselves up' with thier 'freedom' to - blow themselves up. 'Freedom' for what? - capitalising on their vulgarity and making about themselves - victim? what victim? "dunnnooos what you means cosccos peeedoes haha's (vomit) - pedoes that like to blame the victim for THIER paedophilia while capitalising on it making about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity - Morgan Freeman is a paedophile - paedophiles that capitalise on paedophile and abuse the victim to capitalise on BEING paedophiles - ARE - paedophiles *ANYWAY* - a ridiculous embarrassing retard - never met him - what his he doing - what are they doing - pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves - PEDOPHILES. I don't play rugby - never have. I don't play soccer - I never have. I don't play basketball - I never have. I'm not a politician that plays tiddlywinks to score points on a raping board while creating thier own dramas to avoid looking like what they are - and they ARE - paedophiles, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pillagers plagiarists fraudsters schemers liars and 'fixers' for alllllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - Ridiculous retards. MORE.
I don't pillage someone else' life and make about myself - only reeeeeally retarded paedophiles do that - I don't pillage anyone else' life - for whatever 'reason' - I don't pay paedophiles or offer incentive to pedoes - to make stuff up and laugh in face of the victim they're pillaging to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves to avoid looking like the ridiculous retards that they ARE.
my timeline: 1974 - 1995 - 16 years later (2011)- pedoes capitalise on paedophiles with more paedophiles being paedophiles capitalising on their vulgarity making about themselves - 2016 more fixing it for paedophiles - 2023 still paedophiles - MY OWN LIFE - pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to make the most of THIER vulgarity - sicccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE and more retarded MORE
Over in New
Zealand, in 2011 my victim impact statement was discarded ("dunno wot your gripe is"- paedophile 'bill' including the Clintons (thier paedophilia is obviously too embarrassing for them which is bizarre because everyone KNOWS they're prolific paedophiles that offer financial reward in return for blow jobs while addressing the American Public AND/OR other 'favours' that paedophiles provide in return for paedophiles 'fixing it' for paedophiles - numerous 'industries - like "If you shag that sheep - you can be Prime Minister!!" There's a rebuttal from Cameron - he 'does' pigs annnd 'sheep' & other assorted carcasses - so there's big shoes to fill" he says - "all good" Kanye says as he runs over squatting and waiting there with his Yeezies ready to catch... ew.. "that'll definitely make more than a fiver - creamy not salty - so much more 'sustainable' more marketable than whale seamen" Paedophiles - they get alllllllll excited about being retards, capitalising on making about themselves 'milking' THIER OWN paedophilia for *every* penny - siccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE
They - when I say
they, they are 'Old Friends' website , created a fake profile as well as used
my email address to commit fraud and do a lot of other very nasty sadistic
things and so began the campaign of psychological abuse from government
agencies *INCLUDNG* the UN and thier pillaging paedophile serial raping trafficking 'rings', the kidnapping child rapists & 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque. Ridiculous inbreds MORE retarded MORE. I also received an email (on
my brothers birthday, from a charity called 'White Ribbon', for those suffering
from violence etc etc with very passive aggressive abusive undertones with a
view of intentionally upsetting and traumatizing myself knowing that I had no
support at all as I'd fell out with Shivon (in UK) and she went to her dads,
the police came and got her and they advised me not to talk to her and the ex
husband I can't imagine how ecstatic he was that I slapped her, very hard - but
the massive blowout came before the actual explosion. Anything they could use against me they would
and meanwhile in the media Gerard Butler and Bradley Cooper attended a sporting
event in Scotland dressed as the 'boys in blue'
(Dirty Politics - it veers off in different directions with many angles
such as dirty politics as Scotland/Robert the Bruce is part of my victim impact
statement which is relative to the Norway Massacre which is relative to my life
and victim impact statement which is relative to Nazi's symbols and dodgy flag
referendums, Knights Templar connection with Scotland which is relative to the
Crusade vs Jihad) and Id been to New
York as I remember after the police came and got Shivon an officer was in the
lounge, he was making polite chit chat and noticed the poster of the skyline of
New York on my wall with beams of light where the World Towers once were. He said something about slapping her, they
weren't interested as to why I slapped her, and it was the standard domestic
abuse. I was isolated, excluded - *intentionally* isolated and excluded so pedoes are 'free' to capitalise on their vulgarity annnnnnd make about themselves annnnd 'fix it' for themselves to ensure they make THIER vulgarity about themselves - BECAUSE THEY ARE VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS- MORE
I had email
from Fiona saying 'See you in 2016'. (she was there when my brother was murdered - pillage my life - make about themselves - do they get how fucccccckkkkked up that is - no - cos they're paedophiles, rapists, murderers & profiteering terrorists etc capitalising on thier vulgarity TO make about themselves to profit on thier paedophilia. RETARDS - MORE. Having lunch with a 'celebrity' (not once - but twice) is not an excuse to be paedophiles - but there yah go - they're paedophiles that milk thier own paedophilia for *every* penny and then some and the 'celebrity' paedophiles are just as retarded if not more. They 'predicted' they'd kill him. What did they predict in 2016? Cos they're already paedophiles - they 'predicted' they'll 'fix it' more for themselves because they're paedophiles capitalising on their vulgarity and making about themselves - RIDICULOUS INBREDS. MORE spectacularly retarded MORE. My own life - there they are making about themselves abusing to capitalise to profit annnnnd 'fix it' for themselves BECAUSE they're retarded inbreds like that - absolutely completely totally - SICK SICK MORE more more more spectacularly VULGAR. "university of pedoes and vulgar revolting inbreds" - even siccccccckkkker MORE retarded MORE soooooo much mooooore than *juuuuuust* an international embarrassment - siccccccccccck retards MORE
Years/decades later capitalise make about themselves - and it's my own life. sicccccccccck. She's a paedophile that rapes to make rape about herself - while Judith Collins - the grinning paedophile - that *also* rapes to make rape about *herself* abuses a victim she's never met to profit on their vulgarity and calls herself a 'victim' because the victim they're pillaging has sent them lots of swearing tweets. There's a woman - she screams "RAPISTS" they push her to the floor they're kicking her in the face they're stomping on her head - Fiona was there - she didn't do a thing - she went back on her own and then said 'it happened to her' - she obviously felt she was missing out in something. Very nearly another homicide - again - years later - she makes about herself - decades later - sicccccccccccccccck retarrrrrrrrds MORE ridiculous MORE - more retarded - didja get molested while you were sleeping? No matter - Minnie Driver will capitalise on the abuse of someone else annnnnd make about herself - who does that - peeedohiles - vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE (morphs into 'bring back our girls' … from Nigeria 'featuring' more ridiculous paedophiles) - sicccccccccck retards MORE - tell them they're paedophiles - they capitalise make about themselves that's what they ARE - completely totally retarded MORE. Benedict makes a documentary about it and Judd goes to the Congo to 'milk' Peter Jacksons paedophilia (ridiculous spectacularly sick hideous inbreds MORE retarded MORE) - if there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves WHILE raping for rapists - THEY WILL - because THEY ARE severely ridiculously retarded paedophiles - more & more ridiculously retarded MORE
Around that
same time Seth Macfarlane plagiarised a tweet that I wrote stating "You
can find anyone anywhere in the world and send someone to kill them” which was
in his speech at Harvard.
I had
'married' Seth MacFarlane on twitter, it was hypothetical however he nicked a
tweet an ended up in a Harvard speech, I was unaware of the whole 'piracy'
issue with Kim dotcom over In NZ and the govt had committed fraud and I'd just
slapped my daughter etc as well as not getting any response at all other than
abuse, mockery, abused and blocked - by government agencies.
Had enough
emotional blackmail and all the problems of parenting in relation to playing
one off against the other and piggy in the middle - just enough. No more.
They just interfere meddle sabotage just want revenge - that's it-
nothing else. Anything they could
possibly blame me for and use a tool to abuse anything at all, his wife's
miscarriage for example. How on earth am
I responsible for her miscarriage I was completely out of their lives I have
never interfered, meddled, intentionally caused so much unnecessary stress,
abuse them, play psychological games use Shivon as a weapon and bond over abuse
and if they received abuse back it was like ammo for more abuse.
When she
did get pregnant they held that information back from Shivon and wouldn't let
her go stay with them and blame me for preventing visitation where visitation
was him taking her to the park or something and plus telling the court I was
abusing her when it's the other way round, they used her as a weapon against
me. I got treated like a nanny - never a
mum, it's like I wasn't allowed to be -spent most of her upbringing in
court. They withheld the pregnancy from
Shivon because they believed that I would be 'raging with jealousy'... errr
No. Somehow they seem to have a need to
abuse and bond over abusing.
We got
married in 1995 in Invercargill New Zealand and came to UK that same year. It was tough as it'd only been 5 years prior
that I'd escaped complete and total carnage, travelled, did the backpacking
thing, I didn't stay in Dunedin or Invercargill, constant travel not staying in
the same place for more than a couple of weeks due to the nature of the job I
had as well as being the 'typical antipodeans' that goes backpacking. It was just death everywhere and no one gave
a shit. The only 'counselling' or
'support' at the time was sitting in Social Welfare's office giving information
to them about my brother for information to give to the adoptive parents of
Russell's child, which was put up for adoption. Russell's partner was pregnant
at the time of his death. Other than
that I was discarded, completely. Left
to deal with everything on my own - being blamed for what others had done to me
at such as young age. Made to feel like
somehow it’s my fault for being abused and victim of horrific child abuse,
neglect, abandonment, child rape, molestation etc etc got beaten and verbally
abused on a regular consistent basis, ie "should've got rid of you when I
had the chance", "nana says that I should've had an abortion"
etc etc, we even got blamed for her physical health conditions, she was sitting
at the table once with her angina pills and said "I have to take these
pills to stay alive, this is what you kids have done to me"... and not
only get punched and kicked, she'd use jug cords, wires, belts and the marks
she left behind for whipping us for not picking stuff off the floor or
something really trivial, they'd come up as bulging red marks on my hands,
legs, anywhere she could hit and it stung and if we cried she'd belt us
more. So as you can imagine when Russell
got booted out of the house (he was 13 years old, all his stuff was shoved into
a black bin liner and literally thrown on the front lawn for him to pick
up) He was 13 years old! And obviously when I turned 13 she had social
services there to do the same to me, I remember returning to home from school,
at the time I was living in the shed, its was a garage more like, corrugated
iron roof, concrete floor where the car was kept. The makeshift bedroom was a sheet tied on the
rafters to cut off a section of garage.
I wasn't 'allowed' in the house and after seeing a car in the drive way
I was nosy and I opened the door to see who it was and she was sat at the table
with someone from social services stating that 'I was difficult to handle and
needed to be placed into care', she jumped out of the seat and slammed the door
in my face stating 'See what she's like, this is what she's like'. I was just a bit dumbfounded I just stood
there and the door slammed in my face. I
was shifted around from temporary foster parent to temporary foster parents,
Ohai was the last foster care place before mother saying to me "If I go
back home she could go on benefit".
Russell was murdered I'd not long shifted back with my mother after a stay in a
place (foster) called Ohai, it's a couple of hours out of Invercargill, I
stayed with a religious family there.
While I was in Ohai they had a religious 'family' that came from Canada
and while sitting in my room she says to me "I can speak tongues" ...
yeah... okay... I'm not religious, they
forced me to go to church and I'd always be the one hanging out by the back
door plotting my escape route. I do
however have vivid dreams and I have done as far back as I can remember and
questioned the universe if you like, my nana whether she be a bit senile
(deceased) read tea leaves so there was a bit of a gypsy element in the
family. Anyway, I let her do her thing and
I sat there on the bed and she started talking weirdly it was just a gibberish
and then she drew a picture of a lighthouse and that's supposed to 'symbolize'
me. Okay then. I was 15.
Know what I mean. Religious
after that I shifted back to my mothers and started having dreams about my brother’s
murder, I seen it in my sleep and I did try to contact him but couldn't and
then the police arrived at the door in the very early hours of the morning and
went on to say that ‘homicide’ and being so young as I'd not long turned 16 I
couldn't really believe that it was real.
It was a dream. That happened to
turn into reality. The police took mum
to the airport in Invercargill for the flight to Dunedin Hospital and I was
left behind - on my own. In the house by
myself. I have all these images and
thoughts going around in my head and my eyes were stinging due to tears and
then my aunt and nana came in and asked what happened and I just saw an image
of his face and said that he'd been in a car accident. Then we drove to Dunedin hospital and I
arrived about an hour before they turned the machine off as he was on life
support. There were skinheads at the
hospital and they even came to the funeral - uninvited. They claimed to be his ‘friends’ when they
schemed plotted and conspired to murder him of which - they did. It was on the news, the papers, just
everywhere teens killing teens it was unheard of back then. No mention about gang’s just students. Of which they attended Otago University. Whether they were students is irrelevant to
what they did and what they portrayed themselves to be. He was murdered at 88 Dundas Street and being
the way they are/were is synonymous with Nazism - of which they are.
I didn't know what to do with myself, went back to mums and went to school the
next day, didn't tell anyone. Keeping
myself to myself that was until the guidance counsellor came and pulled me from
class and proceeded to ask me If I was okay - just burst out into tears went
and got my bag out of class and was embarrassed because of the tears streaming
down my face. Nobody knew why I was
upset and I didn't want to tell them, just got told to try and 'carry on as normal’
like nothing ever happened. I went to
homeroom and the teacher just looked at me and says 'I know' and again - I just
burst out crying. That was it - I never
went back.
Then my
mother says to me very coldly 'these kind of things either bring you closer
together or tear you apart' with no
emotion at all - then says I had to leave so I was homeless at 16, brother just
been murdered told to carry on as normal after getting shifted from pillar to
post with temporary foster carers because we'd always been told 'she should've
got rid of us when she had the chance' due to bitterness towards our dad and
what she 'could've' had if it weren't for us kids (meaning me and Russell) she
had a few more kids to different dads and I have no contact with them.
I went to
Dunedin, out of a need to be the last place where Russell was so I went to the
house and the students called it 'haunted' and it was the same as in my dream
and I was 'befriended' by his ‘friends’ (yes that conspired to kill him - and
did) who attempted to be pimps and break into the squat where I was staying
with a girl called Fiona. She wasn't
there when Russell was murdered as far as I know however it turns into a 'you
know so & so that knows so & so etc etc and I'm completely on
my own. They had me pinned up against
the wall and ripping my clothes off like animals with rabies when a woman
walked in and started screaming "RAPISTS" and they beat her within
inches of her life, it was horrific. I
couldn't breathe I lost the power of speech absolutely frozen. They threw her to the ground and starting to
kick her in the head everywhere just her whole body. I don't know how I got out of the room and
into the bathroom with her while she was trying to wipe the blood from her
face. Fiona was in another room and
didn't do anything; she was smiling like everything is normal. Didn't talk about it - ever again. I have no
idea what happened to her afterwards and they said 'she was too much trouble’. I left Dunedin and went to Invercargill for a
couple of days and after I got back to Dunedin and spoke to Fiona she told me
that they'd gang raped her and they used bottles etc anything they could find
so all of a sudden she's a victim - of who witnessed attempted rape &
attempted murder/grievous bodily harm or whatever, did nothing and went back to
'mingle' with them... Then she says
'they're just big boys'. They shaved her
hair off, I'm unsure whether that's was like 'initiation'. Then after that nothing at all was ever
spoken about it. The trial was about to
begin. And that lasted a long time with
Judith Ablett -Kerr, represents the worst of the worst scum known to man. Got done for murder, they wrote letters about
it, evidence of premeditated conspiracy to murder. 10 years was the maximum sentence at the
time, the person that George Trounson write the letter to stating "Yes he
will him, I will do it" has never been arrested or charged. They lied in court, had me removed because I
looked too much like my brother and was 'distressing' the guy that murdered him
so got banished to the stairs in the foyer, sat there on my tod. By the time the trial came around I was
living in Ravensbourne short drive out of Dunedin and the Aramoana massacre
just up the road. When that happened it
was the midst of a murder trial and they were wearing 'I survived
Aramoana" t shirts two days later.
Like it’s a big joke, plus not only that my uncle came and stayed with
me as he couldn't afford a hotel and I'd rented a room and somehow I woke up
the next morning by flatmate who walked in on my uncle molesting me. I was asleep.
In a state of shock. I found a letter that my flatmate wrote to his mum
saying 'I've never walked into a room with an uncle in a niece’s bed before’ -
again - all this shit is happening and I'm being abused. 16 ... 16 years old and absolutely - no help
at all.
After the
trial finished I got a job selling a cleaning product called 'Wizard' on a door
to door basis that took me all over NZ & Australia at 17, a young age.
I lied about my age to get the job but the boss put two and two together. I didn't go into detail about my life or how
my only reference was a letter from the guidance counsellor at school saying
that due to my massive family problems etc etc etc they would've liked me to finish my education
etc etc etc I learnt not to talk about
it, because people can't deal talking about death and have no empathy at all
and Nazism is treated like a joke and we're not Jewish and Ablett Kerr regarded
my brothers murderer as being a 'run of the mill new Zealander' as well as
racism only applies if you're black or Maori or any other race apart from white
and they always HAVE to make everything about themselves.
Fiona and
her skinhead boyfriend came to my wedding in Invercargill. I thought okay and being away working etc I
wrote her letters and never mentioned the rape.
Ever. Since moving to UK I not
stayed in touch with her, there was a time where she got quite stalkery when I
went on a date with Calum Best which was about errmm.. Over 10 years ago, they
I had to vote for 'dating a celebrity' and they did and I went on a date and it
was filmed and out into podcast, quite weird being a 'pop up' on a national
radio station website. Obviously around
that time I was divorced and still having issues with the ex-husband (Andy) and
kept my life very private due to the abuse I get for being abused and if anything
good happens well its' just do whatever to sabotage it. It was weird, obviously his dad being George
Best and soccer is something I don't know anything as I don't follow it. Plus he had a 'karma' tattoo as well as his
ring with 'sex drugs rock n roll' on it, nothing other than being followed
around all day by an entourage that I still have no idea who they were, a
camera crew etc, a PR campaign for Peugeot and typically the scenario being
after it was finished is based on 'have a nice life' type thing. Of course Fiona, still in NZ, was like
stalking from the other side of the world leaving comments on Capital Radio's
website of where the link about 'dating a celebrity’ and Peugeot
marketing. I cut all contact off after
that. It's like something that, well, I
told the crew that I don't have any family it’s just better not to go into it
because they judge me for being abused there's an awful lot of abuse in it,
from child rape to gang rape to murderers to masochists to sadists to
revengeful spiteful psychos that absolutely hate it if you are enjoying
life. They like suffering, they feel
better when you suffer and congratulate themselves for causing suffering.
I'd met
Janet Jackson and Jermaine Dupri prior to that at Met Bar in London, which, for
me - was a moment of awesomeness as I learnt all the dance moves to 'Rhythm
Nation' when I was at school, took me ages and there I was mingling with her
drinking complimentary cocktails in London.
Hobb knobbing with the Jackson's.
I did a
campaign for Marie Claire magazine and had a whole page to myself and was
featured in four issues, under the description of what I did and where I came
from, it just said 'Vintage clothing dealer from London', although it was a
lie, obviously not from London however it suited - keep it simple. After years of not being 'allowed' to talk
about being victim of many many things and being abused for being victim of
many many things and 9 out of 10 times they would be there - lurking in the background
ready to sabotage any success that I had made of my life, use abuse against me,
they abuse me and then abuse me more for being abused.
And it was
not until joining Facebook that Fiona found me as well as other disturbed
cretin's. This is years later, dates can
be provided by communications that are saved in my blog.
During the
interim I'd semi-repaired my life, made a success out of it - daughter, dog,
lovely Chelsea garden that I won that was installed direct from Chelsea, being
an extra and interference was slowly dying out, mingle with celebs but also it
was great because no one knew who you were and I'm not famous however soon
became known. I don't go into my
personal life, yes I have PTSD I've managed it for so many years - you cannot
have all this shit happen to you and not be psychologically scarred by it, images, loud bangs, crowds, enclosed places -
things that I've always worked around and I've always been wary of talking
about it as it's been an excuse to abuse and use abuse against me as the ex
family have done for the past 13 years up until I slapped Shivon and she went
to her dads. Going to functions was
great because I normally got VIP tickets where there are no large crowds and
red carpet events where the media is one side, fans on the other and the stars
in the middle - away from the hustle and bustle of people screaming as they are
blocked by fences and security, as well as being on movie sets - there's no
'aaahhh can I have your autograph' - you'll get frogmarched off set. Incredibly sheltered life. I just cannot have anymore agro around me -
at all, my nervous system is fucked - and when I say that people laugh it's no
joke - shake from head to foot.
I was in
Marie Claire and it had me down as 'from London', when I was in the paper for
my garden they had me down as 'a farmer’s daughter from New Zealand' - both are
lies, not intentional but after reading it and mulling it over it's probably
better for me not to mention anything about my past as it just... its
evil. Full on abuse. Both mental,
psychological and physical. The writers
don't really care as long as you're picture suits the purpose of their
article. And not having any connection
to the past with Marie Claire it’s something that I'm proud of as after all -
I'm not a model and very few get the opportunity to model and have a whole page
in a magazine to myself. Like... proud
of it, of course there was jealousy 'she doesn't really look like that in real
life etc etc’ I don't think they airbrushed me enough to be honest but
nonetheless its' a personal achievement for myself. Perfect 10 Clairol hair dye campaign. Eva Mendas was on the front cover of my issue
(ghost rider movie).
My first
extra job was Curry's followed by Jamie Oliver ad where he wore cowboy pants at
stansted Airport. Been in Ok magazine
and Hello, we'd flown to Berlin for Pixie Lott performance with MTV &
the Sun newspaper, gone to Grand Prix Ball - the memories of my past were
slowly being replaced with more exciting memories, I've travelled all over the
world met famous people & mingled with royalty but again - keep my
abuse and my 'history' private as soon as they find out it's like a weapon to
use against me. Ex husband for example,
jealous 'friends' that plot scheme conspire to rape and murder etc - I've not
had 'friends' since my brother’s murder, making friends is a challenge. I mean,
what kind of 'friend' plots and scheme to rape and murder you, it has affected
me. Even on arriving in UK before I fell
pregnant with Shivon and my old boss refer to me as 'very private person'. I worked in a pub in Camden Town, where Lydon
(Sex Pistols) frequented and Patrick Bergen (Sleeping with the Enemy) came in a
couple of times, started calling me 'Shivon', he tells me 'you look Irish' and
it was an Irish pub with restrictions on talking about the IRA of which being
young and being from the other side of the world it's nothing that you're told
about or knew about- it's how Shivon got her name.
And now...
oh the irony - my ex husband is 1000 times worse than the 'character' that
Patrick Bergen plays in the movie.
I have
printed out some images which I have enclosed and perhaps you can piece it
together as what has happened to me and what they've done to me is - nothing
but totally evil.
I will try
and put it into order the best I can however bear in mind this has been a
campaign of abuse since I signed up for Facebook and twitter - now reaching a
decade of intentional isolation and exclusion for the benefit of disgusting
rapists and the sickest of the sickest scum you can possibly ever imagine, take
what you *think* is evil and multiply it by a billion and they get eviler.
bearing in mind that I have experience in the media and PR marketing and having
victim of extreme violence, extremists, pedos rapists and sadists etc etc and
also name dropping, household names, politicians actors singers, I have
socialized with them, worked with them and they have armies of sadists that
abuse to protect rapists and sicker vermin.
I had
worked as an extra of John Carter of Mars with Taylor Kitsch and Mark Strong,
Andrew Stanton and Willem Dafoe and also that guy that plays Fred West. Disney movie.
The actors came on set and I didn’t recognize any of them and then it
was like a 'lightbulb' went off and I pointed at Mark Strong and said "Ah
Rocknrolla" which he plays the role
of 'Archie'. Guy Ritchie movie. Pointing is bad as an extra, they get
pointing disease just point at everything and it's not that 'natural' for a
movie to be just spotted pointing at everything. There was a scene where I was supposed
to be walking past the spaceship and my wig got stuck and it was a comical
moment.. 'Ahh can't move - somebody help me I stuck on the spaceship’ type
thing, it was fun, I was an alien with a big wig and went they took it off at
the end of the day head just felt like weightless, and my feet were pretty
battered, they were painted reddy orange and well as running up stairs in
sandals had blisters cuts and all kinds - took a photo my feet and wig. Memento.
My life. Turned out to be one of
the biggest flops of Disney's lost an obscene amount of money and rumours it
was a 'tax break' movie. I was walking
behind Taylor Kitsch, the main actor, I've not heard of him before and
sometimes try and put the soldiers off which was funny, it was fun - So that's
John Carter of Mars. I went to the
premiere took Shivon and I saw myself on the big screen which was also
weird. I took a photo of the sign and
got a photo with Mark Strong, personally I thought it was absolutely hilarious,
I'm an extra and went to the premiere and saw myself in it - and none of them
knew who I was or even if I was an extra in it or not. Due to appearances and not being dressed like
an alien etc etc Shivon was jealous, at that age where mum was considered
'cool' which I'm not just happen to be in a few mags, movies, mingling
etc. She wanted to be a makeup artist
and made her own youtube channel and at around that time one of the people that
I knew was set coordinator or something for Lion King production. Mingled with Andrew Lloyd Webber at Phantom
premiere, that kind of makeup isn't my thing but I thought at the time it'd be
great to get my daughter involved in it and give her some kind of
experience. However if I reminded her
that she isn't right all the time and people aren't nice all the time -strop
city. She was a typical teenager and
only child syndrome where the focus has always been on her and she has been a
victim of parental alienation and abuse herself and everything else that goes
with horrid nasty nasty divorces and got bullied at school etc. And if I ever asked for help it was an
opportunity to abuse and claim unfit parenting - basically kicked in the face
and have it used against me.
While I was
on pirates, I hypothetically 'murdered' Johnny Depp with my eyes. Didn't do it intentionally - just ...
did. Considering the hobbit situation
and criminal justice system and everything else and the whole 'Hollywood cult'
thing and well... You know. I also went
to the premiere - again, it was hilarious.
I went in and the 'stars' were all there as well as Kerry Katona, I said
'Hi Kerry', she says 'Oh hiyaaahh enjoy the movie luv' and I said 'I will, I'm in it thanks' and the whole auditorium just burst out
laughing. Didn't stay for the whole
movie they were doing something with 3D and it made my eyes go funny and a
crazy fan screamed right in my ear.
Out of the
money that I made from Pirates I went to New York, it's always been a ‘dream’;
make it to the big apple. I went for 5
days, Shivon went to her dads although very jealous I was going on my own which
is unusual as I normally take her everywhere with me. It was like a belated birthday present to
myself - for the past 5 years - just like my car was - a belated birthday
present to myself as I've never gotten a birthday as such as Shivon's is on the
29th, mine is on the 30th and hers took over on my birthday I'd be cleaning the
birthday mess from the day before. The ex.
wouldn't stretch to taking Vonny (for short) out and get a card or something
they're not like that - total opposite.
If I had friends, or boyfriend - sabotage it cause stress have
unnecessary arguments, it just awful
awful awful people.
I was also
on Pirates when I met Richie McCaw for lunch (was then captain of the All
Blacks) so you have all these rugby freaks, like ooo ooo what their chances
type thing, I'm told they always croak it on international games. He was also Crusaders rugby team. This was before the earthquake that struck,
when the earthquake struck I was in Madrid with Shivon, we went out to see the
Disney Castle in Segovia and mingled with army guys and royalty at the hotel
where the focus was on tourism opportunities between Saudi Arabia and Spain.
I was the
only female drinking. Of course it is
also where some of Game of Thrones is filmed.
Obviously with high ranking government officials and the nature of the
countries involved. When I met Richie
Mccaw it was kind of weird as I was on pirates and not getting that much sleep,
had no contact with anyone in NZ and it was a blunt conversation where I was
polite as I could possibly be but in a situation where they look down on extras
as I told him what I did work wise - 'oh you people get treated like shit',
oh.. Didn't say anything, he then went on to tell me about a murder over there
where a guy chopped up his girlfriend and stuck her in a suitcase... again ...
o... didn't mention that I'm victim of many things, through years of having my
abuse used against me and get treated like a leper for being victim OF many
things and not talk about it because people dunno how to deal with it and use
that as excuse to proclaim there's something wrong with me for being victim of
them being sadistic and evil, well yeah - its' called PTSD which I why I
have/had a very private life.
When I was
in New York the signs for Pirates were up that I took a photo of and I met a
guy called Josh who is trainer for Gotham city Runners and Mr Big walked past
me while I was standing outside the hotel having a cigarette - it was
completely random.. Mr Big. NYC.
Of course
having been around celebs I didn't take a photo or anything it was just as he
walked past just chuckled to myself and his assistant looked at me and saw my
reaction - it was, so random.
I take
photos of signs, as previously mentioned I'm not religious and my brother
murder having a religious undertone with Nazism and religious freak foster
carers, Nazi's all about witchcraft, cults etc etc and it's not something that
I discuss as it's - used against me rather being victim of them being evil and
disturbed - completely arse about face.
I asked
Josh if he could help me write some kind of victim impact statement but with
these things you only get a certain amount of time and its difficult to talk
about how its affected my life as a whole due to the fact of not talking about
it then put in a position where I have to then get abused by those that thieve
my life commit fraud use myself for entertainment while pillaging mocking and
playing games with my life for fun. Spend
years traumatizing, plagiarising and using any means to use as a tool to be
completely evil and to disguise mass rape: such as charities, Human rights,
Mental Health, UN campaigns - those who are in position of trust that abuse
that trust to protect the sickest of the sickest and then have complete
strangers who I've never met or had a conversation with telling me what has and
hasn't happened in my life and judging me for THEIR lies FOR being victim of
fraudulent govt agencies who deleted myself, commit fraud, lie on sections with
a view to further destroy my life to protect fraudulent government agencies who
thieve my life for games and to avoid embarrassment for trafficking and raping
a victim of rape to boost PR and political agendas while capitalizing on
peado's, convicted murderers, rapists, schemers, violators, liars where they
make their own story from my life story so they don't look like sick vermin
with an awful lot to hide.
So, I began
to write my victim impact statement however it kept changing and being
manipulated by others that look to capitalise on it, I'd written of my
experiences up to then and of course being gagged and noone replying and being
the source of amusement for many and it was really difficult because not only
was it like 'something out of a movie' I was working among them and I got
deleted and discarded by the government instead.
So I tried
to explain it - it was a cross between Trainspotting and Romper Stomper
(Russell Crowe and Danny Boyle, Trainspotting because I lied about my age to
get a job) and I did a Danny (paedophile)Boyle movie called Trance with James Mc(paedophile)Voy and he
did the Olympic campaign with the NHS volunteering - "being paedophiles is a really good idea" said the paedophiles so they were and ARE - get sicker more retarded waaaaay more ridiculously retarded MORE. At Whitehall, they nicked a painting. Being in these places of historical
importance when there's very few people there apart from crew actors and police
to stop public, it's a novelty. There
was young ginger Winston Churchill picture in the foyer and 3 of us (extras)
were like the three musketeers. (Ewan McGregor - the paedophile - he's not 'sick' of himself - they're paedophiles - hideous retards MORE ridiculous MORE) In 'pictures' - an example of how paedophiles, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pillages, plagiarists, fraudsters, schemers liars - 'fix it' - for themselves because they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that - more & more retarded MORE.. I'm so popular -
If I was a spy - I wouldn't work for them - for OBVIOUS reasons - sicccccccck ridiculous retards MORE - pedoes - hideous inbreds MORE "What's Brexxxxxit? "uh uh uhhhh dunnooooos just fixin' it for peeeedoes haha's (vomit) - completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE - who's got the biggest castle in the 'Game of Thrones' 'competition? - they owe more than they're worth - that is very clear. Embarrassingly ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE
Ricky Gervais to the pope: "fancy getting sacked by someone you can't see and being in denial about it" Pope "You can't sack me - I'm God" - (there's nothing completely retarded about that *obviously*) hideous inbreds totally completely ridiculously retarded - MORE - so Ricky Gervais and the Pope start a petition to see who the sickest pedo is to get a 'role' in the next comic relief' (for paedophiles) to see if they can 'play' the 'part' of serial raping traffickers better than what Governor Generals and Rowan Atkinson does - coscos they've done it before! they do it all they time - being paedophiles - is what they live for - don't 'forget' to put yah pedo hat and wear your 'star wars' socks - nothing like making 'entertainment' out of being retarded inbreds and there's nothing vulgar and revolting ridiculously retarded about that *obviously* cos they 'shagged' under a sheep to give birth to a pig and called it the appropriate name of - paedophile - so that makes thier paedophilia 'legit' - sicccccck vulgar more. Maradona waving his arms around hysterically - he crawled out of the 'underworld' for two minutes to see the 'celebrity death match' between the Pope and Ricky Gervais - he waits to see who drags who back down with them - ohhh loook - there's' Margaret rolling around in the sludge with Savile - they're having a great time in the 'afterlife') RETARDS - MORE. - everrreeeeeethinnnng about them is retarded revolting and grotesque more more more ridiculous MORE -SICK - 'chuck the book at them' - LOL - they need reminding that thier job description DOES NOT include paedophiles, rapists and kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pillagers & plagiarists (also instant dismissal), fraudsters schemers liars and 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque. Besides that - any individual that sits back and watches & partakes in raping frenzies to capitalise on being pedoes and make about themselves while abusing to profit on thier vulgarity - belongs in the sludgey sewer - no matter how many ways they make BEING retarded vulgar revolting inbreds - about themselves - they're STILL retarded vulgar revolting grotesque ridiculous inbreds - PEDOPHILES - that fact - does not change - no matter what shit they make up to 'fix it' for themselves - absolutely ridiculous retards - MORE
oooo ewwww ewwwww - pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and get a pedoes to fix it for demslefs and lols as well as being serial raping traffickers - which is instant dismissal *ANYWAY* - can't even save his own 'religion' - not my religion - they have to pillage someone else and make about themselves and get da pedoes to make stuff up fix it for demselves to avoid looking like the ridiculous retarded inbreds that's what they are and laugh in yah face - SICK RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED INBREDS - MORE (oh no wait - George Floyd! LOL - RETARDS - absolutely completely ridiculously retarded MORE) - don't pillage other 'spiritual leaders' - like Farhomicky tribe of South America - they're probably shouting at Rihanna telling her to keep the migrants away from thier border and China is yet to pay for a wall (that you walk through - but don't tell them that - it's 'funny' when the run straight into it thinking they're Daniel Radcliffe - PEDOES - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - MORE - sicccccccccccckkkkkk retards - totally completely retarded ridiculous inbreds - and Benedict FLLY aware of HIS 'services' to paedophilia - do they need the NHS (clap for pedoes etc) errr err uhhh uhhhh siccccccccccck ridiculous retards - go and pillage someone else now - hideous retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE and more spectacularly retarded MORE - peeeedoes - is what they are - vulgar revolting retards MORE
RIDICULOUS RETARDS vulgar revolting inbreds MORE and more spectacularly retarded more and more ridiulous MORE - they need *another* 'reality' check - they're vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE - vulgar revolting retards MORE and more spectacularly ridiulous - embarrassing retards - and politicians that pillage a civilian and make about themselves - there's absolutely nothing vulgar about that - absolutely nothing retarded repulsive ridiculous - completely totally retarded. Fancy that -getting sacked by someone you can't see and being in denial about it - so what do the retard do
Health Part Two
So from
2011 to 2016 I became the subject of amusement and those in a position of trust
abused that trust to abuse, goad, taunt, traumatise myself, commit fraud, play
games with my life while pillaging mocking trauma, manipulating my life to make
it all about themselves then destroy any evidence of wrong doing and criminal
activity. They used my abuse against me
and also used the fact that I dreamt about my brother’s death as an excuse to
pass it off as 'just a dream' and not real and the real victim is residing in
New Zealand under the name of 'Suzanne Rectum' living in Otago. They use movies, PR, marketing as an excuse
to be rapists, my car got stolen - as a joke and the next one I got blown up
twice, no contact with anyone other than
abusers that take advantage of myself
that govts and its agencies have supplied, trafficked, lied, plotted,
schemed, violated, plagiarised, manipulated, spied, spun constant bullshit and
left me vulnerable to more abuse by those in a position of trust have abused it
to protect fraudulent scheming vindictive lying patronising antagonising vermin
that are sicker than the original vermin and use any means available to be even
sicker vermin such as human rights abusers and corrupt 'professionals',
charities, mental health who use it as a tool to further abuse for being victim
of them being fraudulent scheming vindictive and very very very evil whom lied
on a section to protect themselves, intentionally traumatise the traumatised. Put me in a position where I get judged for
THIER lies whom having been playing fraudulent rapey games with my life over a
prolonged period for 'entertainment', and to protect rapists murderers,
sadists, pedo's, alll the sickest of the sickest scum you can possibly ever
I was
arrested in 2016 and sectioned after a sustained and prolonged campaign of
abuse, I found myself imprisoned in a place of no escape where they will do
what they will to myself with no repercussions and for the appeasement of
fraudulent scheming vindictive rapists who have been playing games with my
-There was
no assault
- It was a
'stitch up'
-I have
never said anything about Putin or Obama flying over the Star Wars set
-I did not
say anything about 'massacres or black magic'
- I did not
say my victim impact statement was stolen by a Hollywood actor and turned into
an 'event'
- I did not
say that I am a clairvoyant and had power different to paranoid schizophrenia
between the lines - that is completely evil.
So, I've not spoken to them about my life, they're doing most of the
talking as they write and smile at you, antagonise, judge you for them being
scheming sick bastards and use any means necessary to traumatise myself further
on behalf of those helping themselves to my life and playing games with my
life. No empathy, no nothing.
'Delusional' for the protection of fraudulent scheming vindictive psychotic
inbreds who orgasm on the suffering the inflict that intentionally lie on
sections and abuse their positions and protect the sickest of the sickest
vermin you could possibly ever imagine - and they get sicker.
Section 2:
4 January 2016
- No
assault happened
- No argument
about 'free food' ever took place
- I didn't
speak to the police about my life at all - they were doing the talking and yes
my brother was murdered - it's a fact - it's also googleable, the circumstances
surrounding his death I did not discuss and very dare you chuck that in my face
and call it 'delusional' is even sicker when - they weren't there, they didn't
even do any research or show any emotion at all, all they seemed to want to do
was to degrade and destroy - and lie.
- I never
said anything about a 'cascade of murders' or gang rapists and I categorically
do not call massacres 'cascades of murders' or the reason as to why I reside in
the UK however according to them it's an 'event' that didn't happen even though
- again it's googleable and there is a movie about it which I've not seen
because victim support in NZ are sickos that have been pillaging manipulating
scheming and insist I'm not a victim because they've been helping themselves to
myself over a prolonged period.
-I never
said anything about going to act in a movie but President Putin and Obama flew
over the star wars set stole the idea and tried to change it so it was about
gay people - ..... what? Errrr No. I was an extra, they commit fraud, lie scheme
violate, plot scheme meddle, interfere, plagiarise a victim impact statement,
lie on sections to protect fraudulent scheming rapists who do all sorts of
peodey shit to myself - for laughs.
- I never
said anything about being clairvoyant or witchcraft or black magic, they took
my life the fact that I dreamt about my brother’s death and use it as a tool to
be rapists who further insist I'm not a victim and call me evil for being the
source of entertainment by predators who hijacked and pillaged my victim impact
statement commit fraud and play rapey games with my life and manipulated it,
used it and laugh it off as a joke.
- My life -
who the hell do you think you are to tell me what has and hasn't happened in my
life and get judged for their lies to protect fraudulent scheming vindictive
lying sick cretins.
They pin
you down and drug you for THIER lies.
Facts never
The rest is
just bullshit, more lies to protect rapists, distortions, well yes - I am a
victim of seriously extreme crime plus plagiarism plus hijacking violating my
life for the appeasement of fraudulent rapists who thieved my life use myself
for bets games and entertainment while pillaging mocking trauma by those who
are in a job where it is in their job description to give a shit about the
amount of damage they intentionally cause to myself for being fraudulent
scheming vindictive rapists.
Facts by
the NHS are considered to be 'paranoid delusional ideas' - err, my life is not
an 'idea', my victimhood is not delusional.
I asked for valium - got called a crackhead. Those same people are now insisting my life
isn't real and judging me for their lies and was confined in a place where
there is no escape and they make their own story from my life story. It's plagiarism. It's criminal. It’s abhorrently evil, twisted and fucked up.
So I
complain - and they laugh in my face.
release in 2016 I was completely absolutely traumatised, so now I have trauma
on top of the trauma they caused by intentionally traumatising myself over a
prolonged period on top of previous trauma created by people being very very
evil and for - being a victim. All they
wanted to do was dehumanise, degrade and destroy, pin me down drug me and
insist I'm delusional and making their own shit up on sections to make themselves
not look like sicker vermin that are sicker than the vermin in NZ that scheme,
plot, violate, block mock and gag shaft and laugh. Sick.
Absolutely completely evil.
So it took
two years to find a non corrupt psychiatrist as they put so much effort into
lying and being judged by their lies who gang up to be rapists like your
standard gang rapists, all circle around you frothing at the mouths making their
own shit up on sections - patronising antagonising lying - it left me
absolutely traumatised.
I haven't
gotten over the 'Putin and Obama flew over the star wars set' - err they did
I have
PTSD, complex PTSD I am a victim of many many things completely traumatised by
treatment received to protect fraudulent scheming vindictive psychotic inbreds
who have no accountability for the damage they cause to myself for being victim
of scheming vindictive psychotic inbreds who isolate and exclude -
intentionally - for the purposes of raping and playing rapey games with my life
who like to blame others for them being vindictive vile and absolutely vulgar
liars who do absolutely everything to protect fraudulent scheming govts and its
agencies including media, TV/film industry etc over a prolonged period who just
lie and laugh everything off and laugh in my face FOR being victim of them
playing games with my life over a prolonged period.
Just how
badly can they get it wrong? Very -
intentionally -- to protect fraudulent scheming rapists who help themselves to
my life and convince themselves my life is their 'idea' and believe they have
the right to be rapists that lie to protect themselves.
They have
made a complete mess of my life.
Intentionally. It's the opposite
of their jobs. The lied distorted took
evidence of abuse and called it `delusional points of reference` as per the
mental health being the abusers that do all sorts of criminal acts to protect
*themselves* (standard gang rapists they all gang up and tell you what has and
hasn’t happened in your life when I’ve not met them and the intentionally lie
and distort and laugh at you while they turn fact to fiction and lie on behalf of
fraudulent scheming vindictive rapists who’ve been goading taunting gagging trafficking
pillaging mocking using abusing exploiting plagiarising a victim impact statement
and manipulate it and they convince themselves my life is their *idea* (yes it was *their* idea
to be plagiarising scheming vindictive fraudulent gang rapists in a very big ring
of very sick disturbed disgusting vermin that capitalise on the sickest of the sickest
while using myself for fun games and entertainment and passing trauma off as comedy
etc for a prolonged period prior who
also lied commit fraud insist I’m not a victim as they capitalise and support
convicted murderers and share false information across agencies to prevent
anyone knowing they’re fraudsters schemers’ violators that have spent the past
decade taunting goading traumatising intentionally while abusing and violating my
life and playing games with my life
while protecting worser vermin that work within govt agencies – to protect even
worse vermin and they just get sicker and when I asked for help I got called a
crackhead for asking for valium (in 2011) then supplied to rapists who go on to
commit fraud and lie scheme violate for a prolonged period then in 2016 more
bollocks and lies to prevent anyone knowing they’re rapists who use MH as a tool
to further lie scheme violate – and they get more eviler
After the
section I was still subjected to a campaign of abuse which has continued and
have used myself for political gain as well as rapists who don't want anyone
knowing they're rapists that capitalise on peado's and convicted murderers and
pass off real as fake and fake as real to protect fraudulent scheming rapists
who pillage mock trauma manipulate my life and insist I'm not a victim cos they
nicked it supplied to rapists and play rapey games using myself for
entertainment while scheming violating lying on sections to protect themselves.
I haven't
had any opportunity to recover from the psychological damage that Mental Health
services have caused to myself - instead they've amplified trauma intentionally
and blame everyone else for their mistakes and lies. Which was intentional. So there's govt corruption as well as Leveson
1 and 2 and it's tentacles reach far and wide.
And they
get mooooore eviler.
I asked for
valium got called a crackhead, I asked for some help with anxiety and they
treat it as joke - and then they lie on sections and want to pin me down and
drug me for them lying on a section and call me 'delusional' to protect
fraudulent sick vermin who took take advantage of myself for fun, bets and
games and being the source of amusement for many while they play rapey games
with my life. So I have been using CBD
as medication although there are times when I feel it's not strong enough as
the trauma of being subjected to abuse by those whose job it is NOT to abuse
and abuse that trust TO abuse and lie has had a very detrimental impact on my
mental health and they can't understand why I do not wish to speak or see them
ever again, rather call me delusional and blame me for them being rapists -
which is awkward considering the recent 'cascade of murders' they like to call
it that apparently don't happen to push their own agendas, avoid embarrassment
and manipulate my life make it about themselves while pillaging helping themselves
to my life of whose life it is they hijacked supplied to rapists for rapey
games using myself for entertainment, comedy etc etc.
They have
made a complete mess of my life.
Intentionally. It's the opposite
of their jobs.
I have
enclosed documents from section and I'm sure you are able to put two and two
together. It's appalling, shameful,
criminal, and totally abhorrently evil - and get eviler, congratulate
themselves for being totally evil.
I have
enclosed copies I've received back from letters of complaint who laugh about
corruption of their own services who laugh in my face and get even eviler.
I have
enclosed a copy of parole report and the vindictiveness of Mental Health
workers who use Mental Health as a tool to be even sicker vermin who lie to
protect sicker vermin who work within government agencies.
I have
enclosed a lot of information for you.
From the
images provided:
Paedophiles - here they 'demonstrating' thier paedophilia in the buy sell swap 'business' -SICK ridiculous retards MORE
I was
working on an ad at the George Lucas building (Star Wars) there was an extra
who looked like Ed Miliband on acid, another extra says to me "Michelle, I
can't find you on here" referring to Facebook, my name didn't come up,
have no idea why that was. Been
intentionally 'ghosted' or whatever.
On Facebook,
I got called 'fucked in the head and full of shit' by my uncle for being
molested during my brother’s murder trial - in front of everyone, at the time I
was working on movie called 'I give it a year', Minnie Driver, Anna Faris and
Neil from the young ones. They decided
to capitalise on that and turn the real life perpetrator into a character named
'Pedo Pete' and pass him off as an 'endearing character'. Which the PR departments – to avoid embarrassment
of supplying an extra to rapists where govts commit fraud and insist I’m not a victim
cos they’re fraudulent scheming vindictive rapists that capitalise on gang
rapists and convicted murderers manipulated and thieved my life pass it off as
idea – turned into Anne Hathaway 'save
our terrorists and gang rapists ' campaign
I got drunk
and on Facebook said 'he had a bike', well he did, he bought a bike and pedo
pete threw paint all over it can't say that my brother was too impressed with
that as well as being molested during his murder trial, and I also biked to
Ohai (prior to moving there in foster care placement) when Russell was there to
visit him and it took me allll day.
They seem
to find this abuse of myself 'entertaining' and so it began Calum Best was
following me on twitter and I had like a handful of followers, I'm not
particular fussed about being popular and I'm not famous so... that was when
Calum's cronies decide to capitalise on the abuse of myself and use the media
as a tool to violate. McCauley Kulkin,
Lindsay Lohan were the first - however I have trouble remembering as it was a
mass raping frenzy, have a vulnerable victim to mess with being deleted by govt
and abused by the 'journalist' who apparently wrote the parole report and was
abusing me online and I'm the deceased sister and being on the other side of
the world where he's too far away to punch in the face. Plus not only that I went to Monaco for the
Grand Prix and stayed on a yacht next to Green's, Kimi's crew and mingled with
Kardashians ex-husband -nothing happened, just flirting. BUT when got back to
the yacht one of the guys on board just pestering and pressuring and demeaning
and sat on the bed with nothing but a towel and the others had to remove him, I
don't know for sure but apparently it was Ray Winstone and he disses extras, he
says what you do for a living, I said I’m an extra and they look at you like a
piece of shit and diss you. Apparently they
have parties to see who can get the best looking prostitutes on board and it's
like a competition between the yachts.
There's all kinds at the Grand Prix, it's a sport for billionaires and
being an extra well it's not really socially acceptable neither is being a
So, I was
joking about pointing at Mark Strong and met Richie McCaw prior to that as well
as Calum, like a 'Rock n Rolla' theme plus the world cup was on and everything
else, so my victim impact statement involves movies that I've been in and
experiences I had however studio bosses decide that that's copyright so rape my
life instead and thieve it manipulate it to suit themselves.
I was at
home and I saw a tree where the top of it kind of looks like the Mad Hatter,
Alice in Wonderland which is funny re- Johnny Depp & Tim Burton etc and the
whole situation around their documentary about life after death, he was facing
the death penalty for a murder that apparently he didn't commit involving all
things culty and witchcraft etc - the kind of thing you'd expect from them to
be fair. However life after death is a
contradiction, there is life after death for a victim of deceased and there is
also life after death of which noone has been able to prove plus having
'premonition' about my brother’s death and I have studied paranormal as part of
my uni degree so I have a bit of experience with it. This is where their entertainment comes into
it because first they pass off my life as fake and then call me whatever with a
view of traumatizing myself and playing games to intentionally mess with my
psych to see if there really is life after death which is basically totally
evil. I dreamt about my brother’s death,
I wrote a victim impact statement, which got discarded and I got used abused
deleted supplied to rapists where they commit fraud and insist Im not a victim
because they capitalise on convicted murderers and manipulate my life and
convince themselves my life is theirs to rape and lie to intentionally cause
further damage of being victim of them being vindictive fraudulent scheming
rapists who pillaged my victim impact statement an convince themselves my life
is their 'idea' and laugh it off. laugh
in my face FOR being victim of them being scheming fraudulent disgustingly sick
bustards. Clairvoyants witchcraft illuminati Scientology etc etc etc
Pedowood. Pedowood a plenty, I lean more
toward the astrophysics, quantum physics, science, signs, of which they also
use science as an excuse to be fraudulent plagiarising rapists because they
have to reassure themselves they are right for being rapists who help
themselves to a victim for pillaging games and to prove to themselves they are
right for raping a victim of rape thieving a victim impact statement, gagging,
commit fraud, replace myself with an imposter and lie on section so they don't
look like scheming vindictive totally sick vermin that manipulate and thieve my
life make it all about themselves so they don't look - totally evil.
in UK, my internet is broken, Macaulay Culkin/Courtney love - aka 'teen spirit'
etc and pizza underground, pizza because when I was on the date they played a
cher song and I just said 'oh it’s the pizza song' I don't know the name of it and Mexico. It’s like 'savages' (Oliver Stone, John Travolta, Taylor Kitsch and
Salma Hyeck) Mexican rapists, border walls immigrants etc etc, in the bottom of
the picture is David Beckham (just after Id been on Frankenstein) who for PR
turns Mexican rapists into tourism and of course later the movie after Skyfall
'Spectre' was Mexico and tourism marketing meanwhile Obama after visiting Nato
vistis Stonehenge and Mexican face and antagonists that provoked which resulted
in a huge row . I have a tattoo of
Stonehenge on my shoulder, it’s like a 'counter' to the half swastikas that
been tattooed on my ankle by rapists. I
can't afford laser treatment and it's something that had become a distant
memory - until.
And Colin Farrell checked himself into rehab (in
advance) before he hit the wagon again
in Scotland, Bradley Cooper, Wayne Rooney and Gerard Butler (Rocknrolla) were
acting out as the 'boys in blue' (googlable) it was then that my daughter used
her makeup to make herself look ... Mexican, savages, and also on twitter I said
'you can find anyone anywhere in the world and send someone to kill them' and
Seth Macfarlane copied it and used it in his speech at Harvard University -
plagiarism. And of course with that
crowd - they're in America and my internet is broken and I don't live in the
States and haven't been back to NZ in over 20 years, so she wrote my brother’s
name behind a picture on the wall and left an egg on the keyboard of her
computer and when she was at her dads - I ate it. Worst crime ever, it was then it blew up and
I ended up slapping her very hard across the face and police were straight
there and of course the ex was there and police cushioning the ex moddly
coddling him, police said 'don't talk to her' and the ex said 'you slapped her
Michelle you whatever I can't remember' it's just him taking pleasure in the
fact that I'd cracked under pressure of parenting working being victim etc etc
and he was ecstatic. That was like 'Once
were Warriors' got slapped - over an egg.
Very violent film with gangs in NZ.
So.. "Tonight - they're going to be pedoes" (they've *always* been pedoes - amazing how they can change sex colour and location to capitalise on thier paedophilia - RETARDS) "WTF are you doing?" "Being pedoes serial raping traffickers and terrorists haha's" (vomit) said the pedoes - use extras to 'play spy games' and make about themselves - wait what? PEDOPHILES - vulgar revolting ridiculous retards and there's Kit - he's actually not 'traumatised' by his own ridiulous paedophilia cos - he's 'acting' being a paedophile AS WELL as being a paedophile that - morphs into Woody Harrelson and Juliet Lewis singing about how they just love human pie. They love being 'spooky' too - make the most of thier ridiculous retarded paedophilia coscos the retards will 'fix it' for themselves (like they have) & lolz - retards MORE - completely totally retarded MORE (morphing into Daniel 'Russian Villain' paedophile Craig that does what to the extras? because they're paedophiles, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers - siccccccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE and more retarded MORE
B, my
daughter with Mexican face and mad hatter tree, bearing in mind NZ is on the
other side of the world so it's like writing at victim impact statement with
past and the present intertwined but also leave me wide open to further abuse
for being deleted. John Key, then the
prime minister of new Zealand, he says 'twitter are bottom feeders' and he also
says that 'when there is a side to choose between victim and criminal he take
the side of the victim' which isn't the case at all because - *cough* I got
called Evil for being victim of them being evil.
That's MD
Wells, loyal friend to many (rapists) PR for Westminster and also abroad, Calum
best in a tweet says 'dealing with big spirits prepare to be mocked, hated and
misunderstood' however this is my life and my victim imitate statements that
they decide to play rapey games and have raping competition and rape for PR
marketing and use any tools available to BE rapists. It tuned into a 'free for all' Bruce Willis,
I did Red 2 but that wasn't until later on as I said it’s a bit jumbled because
it's attempting to stitch together what's happened over the past decade. Red 2 had Steve, Anthony Hopkins (Fastest
Indian, NZ film) and guys from Disney and I gave Steve a hug, he says 'you hugging
me now' well I gave him a hug cos I slagged him off behind his back and felt
bad about it, it was Steve that I asked if he knew any good lawyers and told
him a bit on Pirates, I said to him, have you ever read the book 'A child
called it', well it's a bit like that and he said 'no I don't - sounds like a
good movie tho' All things
considered. Hmmm. Then that's my brothers school leaving
certificate, left in 3/7/1987 and my mock media card for Shameless. Wayne Rooney at World cup tour and my dog
that got dogkanpped by the ex when I slapped my daughter and she left took the
dog, never brought him back and he later died.
Relative to world cups, and the whole green thing- well it's greenpeace,
auroras etc etc and while I'm writing a script for live aid Uk is taking the piss
and Amy Childs regards Ebola as being a band and a bit of a joke. Lindsay Lohan
and Max George playing media games, what they do use names as an excuse to be
rapists and play games using the media etc, and me on Spooks. And a picture of an albatross that my brother
drew followed with geldof, cundy, jacqueline gold and Rachel Stevens as well as
a letter I received from Spain while staying in Madrid, very sweet like a
'welcome to our country' type thing.
Miley Cyrus bends over, they did what? EWEEEWWW
This is
when I got gagged and supplied to rapists and government commit fraud, first is
an expat website where I put one post and I got banned for being an 'illiterate
spammer' the ban apparently will *never* be lifted, followed by Old Friends in
NZ kind of like Friends reunited or whatever in the UK, they removed my profile
replaced it and used my email address to create a different profile with the
name 'Suzanne Rectum' living in Otago (fraud, identity theft) and Hamish
McNeilly (the journo who abused me on twitter, abuse then block) retweeted
'shut up' using a name that I have been
called by family member 'Shelley' under the alias of Whale Oil who is a spin
doctor/blogger for the then NZ govt like it's sposed to be some kind of threat. And again hamish McNeilly, the guy that
murdered my brother (trouncing - means to bash) and embarrassing lack of
response to Nazi's in NZ. They're war
criminals, rumor was they all went to the Antarctic and NZ and again - got
laughed off treated as a joke etc etc etc
and the response.... Well yeah - it's embarrassing and shameful. Me at Glastonbury, Rolf Harris, it's not been
the same since.
And bulger,
of course it's relatable. Stating the
obvious, they are born evil.
Samantha Cameron, on a bike enjoying herself that happens to have photographer
handy to capture the moment, they're traffickers. They spin use media as a tool for their own
sadistic reasons, remembering they've been in the business for years. Harvest people like sheep. Anyway with this, I was on Dark Shadows (Tim
Burton Johnny depp) when the Norway massacre happened and it is realted to
crusade vs. Jihad, he used a symbol to commit mass murder on an island where
there were easy targets and the level of atrocity is basically unheard of, and
I'm in the beginnings of writing some sort of victim impact statement and even
though I'm not religious have that used against me as an excuse to be rapists
that exploit myself. So they used this
image of one of the victims as an excuse to use it to promote themselves, aka
heath ledger (knights tale, space dogs, space force, etc etc) and Lewis Hamilton they literally hijacked
the victims to promote themselves while thieving manioualting my life of whose life
it is they supplied to rapists that capitalise on fraudulent govt rapists traffickers
and convicted murderers and who is the victim of whose life it is they pillaged
manioulated make about themelves and convince themselves my life is their idea while helping themselves to y victim impact
statement and crying copyright for meddling with my life while gagging abusing
using exploiting pillaging plaguerising and playing rapey games with m y
life When I was on Dark Shadows a guy
called glen Mexted who works at Abbey Road and also does orchestra for the BBC
which Seth Macfarlane is friendly with who pillaged a tweet and put it in his
speech and Muse, the band - it's a metaphor for 'muses'. They like to think that they're Gods and use
you for entertainment purposes while pillaging mocking trauma, so Cameron off
to America and Virginia - they rape and recreate to make it appear my life is
their 'idea' while manipulating lying so they don't look like rapists in a very
big ring of pedos that capitalise on convicted murderers etc. Lewis Hamilton (GP),Heath Ledger AbbeyRoad –
imges used for the purposes of manipulating re copyright issues and I have been
to a few fashion events and they do disguise raping as 'art'.
Boyle, Bond movie. He had a lightbulb on
his head and pouring sand into a glass and while I was getting make up on one
the of the makeup artists said to me 'they just all turn into grains of sand',
I thought okay.. Whatevs. Didn't tell
her anything about what was happening in my life but they all know/knew, it's
like an 'open secret' for pedophilia for those who play mind games, Samantha
Cameron on her bike, Eva Mendes with a bike and skull in her bag a metaphor for
sex rings. Savage and Persie, again use a
name as an excuse to be rapists, my car got stolen as a joke not long after I'd
slapped my daughter for trying to freak me out - aka - savages, and I did a
football Mars ad and in comes Russia with Abomivich and his corgi which is
funny cos the Queen loves corgi's too. I
went to the premier of 17 again with my daughter and took her friends, it was
one of their first premieres and I was taken aback because when Zac Efrron
addressed the audience - he looked like my brother and I just stood there
frozen to the spot, someone shouted to me 'would you please sit down' and it was embarrassing cos I was the only
one standing. And that's a member of the
Royal family demonstrating her close and very special relationship they have
with the Russians. Ambromavich is quite
funny re-rocknrolla and missing pictures etc.
SICKER - MORE RETARDED sicker sicker sicker sicker ridiccccccculous RETARDS - MORE
His paedophile pal is a paedophile - she's a paedophile - he's a paedophile - he's a paedophile that uses someone else TO BE a paedophile - that a paedophile - sicccccccck ridiculous inbreds "They all gang bang together" - that's what the retard said - and that is true - vulgar ridiculous inbreds - sicker than the sickest hideous shit - sicker MORE retarded - how much money did he make last time on Leveson - supplying pillaging fixing it for - retarded ridiculous inbreds and Danny Boyle - EW - EW - EWWWWWW - met him not spoken to him - I certainly didn't' give him 'permission' to be the ridiculous retarded paedophile that he IS - that's what he IS - they're VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS - MORE - looooooook at the state of that retarded hideous inbred - sicccccccccck retards George what? siccccckkkkkkerrr 'bebest' 'besbest' paedophiles you can be - 'Where'dyah get yah paedophile 'tekkas' from?" "George Floyd" the paedophiles say - they retarrrrrrrrds - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded hideous inbreds MORE
On this one
calum best and his then girlfriend wearing '88' top, (they're paedophiles "Do her phone" - that was the Dowlers - Leveson - did he make more than a fiver for that the retard - SICK INBREDS MORE) sicccccccccccccck sicker MORE) Richard Branson passing
off 88 as a marketing campaign and 88 - on Jewish headstones in Auckland as a
result of dirty politics and now my brothers death has become all about the
victims - everyone is a victim - except for me of whose life they supplied to
be raped & pillaged. Helen Clark
blocks me, I get told by NZ Police 'I dunno what your gripe is'. Kim Dotcom
antagonizes view from Mars and Milky Way re copyright saga, Ray Winstone I
slagged him off and he pretends to be a man that's been punched in the face,
Danny boyle with a light on his head and Westminster PR people who believe there
is nothing wrong for using my victims impact statement for marketing bets and
games, I get abuse from NZ with dead birds and 'the last warblogger' get called 'evil' by spin doctors in NZ that
play dirty politics using myself for entertainment while they pillage my life,
Ed Miliband and his 'magic crystal ball', when he did that he did a PR spin by
visiting Jewish cemetery and using that as a way to promote himself while
raping my life and of course I'm not Jewish and all of a sudden the whole Nazi
issue .. Well, got a lot bigger because they HAVE to make everything about
themselves. Me on Pirates. I was a wench.
the crusade vs. Jihad and 'Men in Black' which can be interpreted as jihadists,
the movie or All blacks, Security Council Star Trek uniforms and disagreements
between Australian governments and the Russians. Live Aid.
I got called everything from spam to a troll etc abused for being
abused. My twitter handle is duplicated,
with identity theft etc etc and media corruption - technically an internet
prisoner. Michael Bay dressed Blenheim
palace with swastikas - this was for a movie however when Cameron decided to
have a bet and use the flag to manipulate pillage and replace they
inadvertently made a massacre all about themselves because they thought it
would be a 'nice idea'. In Scotland they
twinned Mars with a glenelg or something and of course plagiarism, and the
whole 'Invictus' thing re all blacks Mandela and Kanye West thinking he's
Jesus. At Mandela memorial there was a
schizophrenic interpreter as well as Cameron key all taking selfies basically
taking the piss - in this, I don't like to get involved with Palestinian stuff
because it's an area that - it's lethal and of course the Obama wanting Mandela
legacy to themselves, they had a flag debate in America calling out racism so
basically manipulating my life to make racism about themselves and in NZ there
was also a flag referendum. So, now it's
become a 'dog fight' between Putin & Obama while UK govt pillages NZ commits fraud
and replaces myself with an imposter so they don't look like rapists.
Paedophiles - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles that got CAUGHT BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles and have been fixing it for themselves EVER SINCE - vulgar revolting retards MORE - completely totally retarded more & more & more - that's Monaco - paedophiles vulgar ridiculously retarded inbreds and that's another ridiculously retarded paedophile and that's another ridiculously retarded paedophile - pedoes - they don't ask 'permission' to BE paedophiles BECAUSE that's what they ARE- ridiculously retarded inbreds - VULGAR REVOLTING GROTESQUE MORE RETARDED MORE - they're FULLY 'aware' they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccccccccck MORE... do you hear that? It's the sound of paedophiles - pillaging paedophiles - serial raping trafficking paedophiles - retarded paedophiles - sicccccck - it' oh so quiet shhhhh 'Paedophiles at work' - sicccccccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE. I've never called *anyone* 'fucked in the head' - because I don't use that kind of language - never - ever - regardless of how much crack they've had to look 'fucked in the head' - they got the 'pedo look' - because they ARE. Never - for paedophiles to capitalise & use that as tool to be pedoes *more* be sicker than what they ALREADY ARE - grotesque vulgar retards - MORE annnnnnnd make about themselves - ewwwwww - ewwwww - sicccccccccck retarded revolting ridiculous inbreds MORE retarded MORE. . Look at that retarded ridiulous inbred - "sssssshhhh they're peeeedoes" - hideous vulgar revolting retards - MORE
Get sicker sicker sicker MORE retarded - OH you're an actor? An 'actor' that can 'act' being a ridiculously retarded paedophile at the saaaame time as being a paedophile - that's soo.. ….. ridiculously retarded - pedoes - are thier fav 'roles' to 'play' - they don't need to 'act' - that's what they ARE - they're vulgar revolting hideously retarded inbreds MORE - what's that - oh looook another paedophile capitalising ON paedophiles BEING paedophiles - even MORE ridiculously retarded - they're vulgar inbreds. I went to Monaco as a VIP guest - what they liiiiiiiike eh? Like that - ridiculously vulgar revolting retards MORE and more spectacularly VULGAR more ridiculous MORE. The what? The 'hard-core-paedophile/s (plural - there's way more than one ridiculously retarded inbred and plenty of 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque) The victim basher, the migrant rapist, the kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficker the pillaging paedophiles the plagiarising paedophiles the 'recruiter' OF paedophiles to 'help out' with BEING paedophiles - RETARDS - despicable retarded inbreds - get sicker MORE waaaaaaay waaaaaay more - horrendously grotesque retarded inbreds - siccccccccccccck VULGAR RETARDS - MORE... look at it - look at that sick vulgar revolting retard - what a pathetic vulgar hideous cretin - paedophiles - siccccccccck ridiculous inbreds - MORE and more and more and more retarded MORE
China Knows
that UK establishment are very sick - that doesn't come till later tho, Norway
victim with images and glen mexted (Abbey Road) brad pitt and Angelina Jolie
and 'ball of light' the journalist mocking me on twitter, says it's a
conspiracy ... sssshhhhh, have a crack, crack aramoana now - have a crack
basically means for them to take the piss to see how far they can push you to
commit suicide and laugh it off. Back to
crusade vs jihad etc, I'm not religious and that is a Prince who is 'wanted'
for human rights abuses visiting UK saying 'this is what it sounds like' and
counter - that is a real bird on a light in my lounge, animals like Madagascar
and meanwhile in France kids - about the next generation take a lima out for a
train ride. As you might be aware the
rugby final was between France and NZ.
The score was 8 7. In Scotland
they apparently found a letter from Robert the Bruce asking for peace with the
page number 87, Simon Cowell has an 87th birthday, James Macavoy says 'it was
just like Scotland won the world cup'. There she is - off to pedo island the ridiculous retard - vulgar revolting inbreds MORE - ewwwwww pillaging paedophiles - they're blank vacant retards MORE ridiculous - she's completely retarded *anyway* a paedophile sticks his dick in a pig then he stuck in it her (probably without having a wash) -should give them some indication of how completely retarded they ARE. Capitalise pillage make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz annnnnd repeat - ewwwwww
This is
Ohai, (rugby paedophiles, 'crusading' paedophiles - vulgar ridiculous retards MORE) and the bike flag referendum (all is googlable - to help the focus off themselves being pillaging ridiculously retarded paedophiles *obviously*) Disney Dave the evil
octopus its a metaphor for the Disney paedophilia ring cleverly disguised as
cartoons/animation, and during the world cup that is Sonic Narcotic, 'Ohai
Cameron' and well they're rugby mad want to know the tricks of winning a world
cup, if you might recall in the movie invictus they were allegedly poisoned
before the game. PR Justice dept at
governor generals office in NZ that blocked me then stalks then abuses and John
Key has his own 'suicide squad' 'team'
In America the 9/11 memorial was hijacked by a ring like something out
of 'lord of the rings' and of course crusaders, raping a victim of rape
supplying pillaging would be incredibly embarrassing for NZ govt who like to
pillage to improve 'rockstar' economies, tourism etc etc. Of course my garden, Scotland thistle, I went
up to Scotland and took a photo of the
and 'Johnstone' sign, the movie 'Braveheart' has a little bit of the
family history in it and fern representative of Kiwi's and the Astrological
site in India, Gemini and Royal seat (Disney).
Sustainable development. Public
Affairs. Media relations.
That was
the set of Frankenstein (Daniel Radcliffe and James Macavoy) is was there that
Daniel Radcliffe just says to me 'I like your birds'... okay, one of the extras
that was there points out a tardis dont' know if you can see it in the picture
but he says 'noone is helping you. I will help you', they're spies, terrorists,
extremists who play games using myself for entertainment bets and jokes - it
was shortly after that the Malaysian planes had 'accidents' and disappeared - a
bit like myself. Prior to that I was on
Skyfall (Daniel Craig etc) and they were mocking me abusing me patronizing antagonizing
being bullied for the appeasement of rapists, sadistic pleasure and all sorts
of sordid reasons - none of them good.
Anyway, on my twitter feed I told them I collapsed due to enormous
stress and they take the piss as John Key has an 'out of body experience' and
'hearing voices' - totally evil. During
around that same time all taking the piss, I called a doctor from Bonnetts End
surgery who came to the house and I was distraught - he went on to suggest that
I was a 'crackhead' for asking for valium.
Trump 'allegedly' jumps out of his chair when he realizes who Fred West
is (the actor was on JC of Mars) and in 2013 the guy that murdered my brother
went on the run and while abusing myself withheld it from the public or 5
months and put of spite vindictiveness and evilness announced it on my birthday
along with 'put the UN into perspective' and more mocking from public relations
in NZ and from the Governor Generals office saying 'Im sorry that government
agencies find this treatment acceptable, ask for an explanation - don't get one
just get abused deleted and used for entertainment. And an email with 'Hemel Hempstead' from
public Affairs office and of course Helen Clark who was vying to be UN
Secretary General at the time blocks, pillages, use UN campaigns as a way to
disguised mass rape, ie: meetoo, timeto
act etc etc etc
Just more
abuse, 'sick of all your conspiracy shit bitch get your head checked you're a
fucked up human being' your blog
thought you might have a heart obviously not, a 'gangsta' called chopper read
who had a movie made about his life abuse me, taking the piss laughing because
they're just totally absolutely evil like that. Theyre sick sick and get more
fucked up and eviler Mocking you're
taking to yourself' etc etc Back to
Mandela memorial key and Cameron getting cosy with 'unidentified guest with a
question that was directed at me while at the George Lucas set - which is worse
saying 'that's so gay' or 'gunna kill it' well - shrugs shoulders and then
mugabe at the UN stating that Africa isn't gay, neither am I but get and got
discriminated against MORE than a gay person for the appeasement of pedos who
orgasm on raping and playing rapey games with my life. Abbot - now when he says 'what's in a wink'
at the trial Trounsons girlfriends lied and winked at his mother however its
now turned into a joke and my internet life etc has been hijacked by America
supplied to France and turned into a game.
John Key says 'no dirt has stuck to my office'. Hmm.
Continuing on with the jihad vs crusade and the 'treatment' of victims.
In this,
well it's all about front pages, obviously when a massacre or murder happens
you;re life is suddenly thrusted into the media and I do know what that is like
and what that entails and the emotions bought about that with others that like
to be armchair jurors - even tho its a concrete conviction so call me 'evil'
and twist it so murderer is victim and victim is criminal. And they also had a bet re life after death
and Putin says he's the only one second next to God. When my
car got stolen 50 cent, ugh pedos. Top
Gear Beivik (Norway masochist) wrote about them and there they are taking the
piss out of me who is a victim and Diana.
Part of my life story when I was little I can't remember how old I was
they went to Invercargill Rose Gardens, Tom Cruise Samuel l Jackson and Calum
Best send out a tweet for the stabbed boy Billy Dove, they now have a massive
ego boost cos I've worked with them and they're busy playing rapey games with
my life and I'm not getting any response other than abuse and that is totally
hilarious for them. After Frankenstein Daniel Radcliffe tried a different job. Kate Middleton, I did easterners at the same
time of being spied on etc that is whale oil with the dolphin and NZ made a
deal with Saudi Arabia ... isis - so now not only have they supplied me to
rapists who commit fraud and capitalist on abuse and sadistic scum also calling
me ... jihaddy. When I collapsed that is
what is was like, I had a dream and in it I was just scooped up, lifeless. Meanwhile they're having sex parties at
Buckingham palace, dressed with Mexican faces and also cleverly as disguised as
tourism in the movie Spectre. That is
extras from a movie with American Indians, as I said I'm not religious but I
can relate to them, culture spirituality flora and fauna animals and the
fastest Indian and of course Whale oil and the haunting of jimmy savile and his
legacy and that rapey ring is very much alive and well. Tattoos obviously Nazism have swastika and
all the like while others have tattoos as markings of what tribe they belong to
etc etc .
Australia in press, Murdoch 'mafia' put an ad in the paper just like
desperately seeking susan with reference to Tony Blair and Rupert Murdoch
implying that thier 'special' relationship is more than politics and love
triangles between politicians. Danny
Boyle grains of sand and Madonna dressed as game of thrones and the UK Mi5 Mi6
stating that Putin wants to embarrass the Uk - well, it's not difficult,
they're incredibly busy protecting rapey rings.
Putin at the Olympics, one of the rings went out - 'coincidently' and
they copied a whole bunch of movies in retaliation for the whole piracy
copyright plagiarism issues. In NZ,
sicko sends out a tweet saying 'get in there my son' after breivik proclaims to
go on hunger strike for not getting a PS3 and of course teenagers, follow by
example - leaders taking the piss out of a victim to save face and to avoid embarrassment - because they're paedophiles ('crusading' paedophiles even) and here they are 'demonstrating' thier paedophilia - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE. What lies beneath pedoes? errrr... more pedoes? siccccccccck RETARDS - MORE
They're FULLY 'aware' they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE
What's Brexit? "yeah yah yah today Nigel we'll be pedoes" (they're paedophiles everyday - but for Brexit - they'll be 'debating' about thier paedophilia to string it out for as long as they can to ensure they make BEING retarded paedophiles about themselves (cos they ARE *anyway* - they're retarded paedophiles that capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves BECAUSE they're retarded paedophiles) to avoid the reality of THIER retarded paedophilia - they've always been paedophiles - they're FULLY 'aware' they're retarded vulgar revolting retards and thier namez iz iz iz peeeedoes tooo!!! ohhh pedoes - are sooooo 'hilarious' aren't they? vulgar ridiculous inbreds MORE "uh uh uhhhh jus being paedophiles haha's (vomit) said the hideous retards - MORE and more retarded - MORE … is he Nigerian like Anna Hathaway? Here they are demonstrating THIER paedophilia. siccccccccccck ridiulous retards MORE and more and more and more retarded MORE = probably because they're reta4rded paedophiles - SICK ridiculous inbreds MORE
Who's that? Dunno - never met him - he's a paedophile - who's that? dunno - that's a paedophile - ohhhhh looooooook at the retards... "What the fuck are you doing?" "Being peeedoes haha's" (vomit) said the paedophiles - completely retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE
This is the
governor general and queen,merkel Putin
- this the beginning of 'game of thrones' whereby I'd been deleted
supplied to rapists who pillage my life plagiarise my life make it about
themselves replacing tellingce me with an imposter then use govt agencies to
make a mockery of my life & lie to protect rapists, you may recall the
queen jumped out of a helicopter her version of skyfall. And also block and again Kate &
William, think its fab to use mental health as a too to be even sicker rapists
who pillage exploit etc etc Snowden goes to Russia but hasn't told us what we
basically don't already know that Facebook is pure evil as is silicon valley
NSA CIA, they came to check the shed wanting to look for aliens - as a
joke. The then security services of the
UK telling Russia to 'shut up and go away and Scotland where the beginning of
dirty politics began.
That's the
aramoana masochist there is a movie been made, (movember - paedophiles rapists etc) white ribbon - paedophiles - rapists etc - pick a 'charity' *ANY* 'charity' - paedophiles - SICK RETARDS - MORE. I've not seen it but use that as
an excuse to be rapists that use movies to further disguise mass rape and Star
Wars, the actor was apparently the last people to see Damilola Taylor alive and
used that to promote his career while pillaging my life and manipulating my
life to make racism about themselves what with mongrel mob and black power
using Nazi symbols in NZ, savages and again Zuckerberg. Cambridge data scandal, using myself as a
guinea pig and that is the crest of my surname, johnstone is the winged spur
and I never knew my dad all I know that he worked in the RAAF and the crest is
adversity to the stars and when I was on Skyfall - the explanation there should
be self explanatory.
Raping is a
game and use name to be rapists, use the word 'trounce' and of course the
brexit went horribly wrong which was a bet and a game at the expense of the
public of whom they don't give a shit about more concerned about preventing
anyone knowing they're traffickers, maniplators and the world cup turn raoing
into a sport - and they lost. Super
Green - a metaphor for marketing cleverly disguised as greenpeace. Philip Scholfield Holly willougby Piers Morgan
Lily Allen, Lilly Allen sent me a condescending tweet 'oh to have friends in
high places and your link directs to something different. Yeah they alll know
it's like a raping frenzy to prevent anyone knowing they're rapists and have
been for over a decade. They use
'trounce' as an expression, for example "Blue Planet got trounced' (they nicked a sign and made it all about
themselves, capitalise on convicted murderers while helping themselves to
myself for laughs bets and call raping 'banter'
Self explanatory,
conceal convicted murderer manipulate my life make it about themselves commit
fraud turn raping into a game, rape for PR entertainment and jokes etc, that's
me and my daughter and my Chelsea garden - was my Chelsea garden. Murderer been granted parole for the seventh
time - it's not like they don't know who he is but pretend not to because
raping pillaging a VIS... sick sick
Again, star
wars theme for rapists who pillage manipulate lie, crests and lighthouse which
is interpretation of a picture that religious freaks drew in Ohai. they made it all about themselves. And ... time travel.
It's like a
brief 'putting it all together' page, one of the signs in NYC that I took a
picture of was 'By George we did it', they nicked it manipulated it made it
about themselves capitalise on convicted murderers - which was on my
facebook. Oliver Stone/Assange bollocks,
trump has the upper hand over the establishment as it is thanks to her and
Obama trafficking ring that he is President which doesn't sit well with all the
other Pedowood rapists that take turns in raping and crying victim, Putin has
something over America, abuse from White ribbon charity goad and taunt and on
my brothers birthday using my email address send an antagonizing tweet which is
- well you woman bashing they get off on it and make deals with other rapists
so they can rape to thier hearts content and noone will ever be arrested due to
who they are. A whole section for the
purposes of rapists pedos and sadists - its full of shit, I never ever said
anything about Putin & Obama flying over the star wars set or I'm a
clairvoyant I got special power different to schizophrenia - what? 'Cascades of murders' is what the NHS call
massacres that apparently don't happen due to protecting rapists including
victim support who just rape - they just rape and rape and rape. Chopper Read played by Eric Bana who was also
in Lone Survivor as well as the 9/11 rapist brigade, Bradley cooper played
American Sniper - what a mockery. When
I first logged into twitter and Seth Macfarlane plaguerised my tweet, they
panic, raping is a joke and they all
gang up to be rapists that protect rapists including Simon cowell and comic
relief, Kim Dotcom currently wanted for piracy in NZ and Fiona sends me an email
, it's like.. Whats happening in 2016? I
get a text telling me I don't exist because they've spent the past decade
raping being fraudsters playing rapey games with my life - in 2016 I got
sectioned and they straight out lied on a section to protect fraudsters
schemers violators rapists pedos and laugh in my face FOR being victim of them
being rapists who supplied me to rapists FOR rapey games, and they get more
eviler. Govt agencies.
Block gag
commit fraud nick signs suppress victim manipulate plagiarise make my life
about themselves, named their kid after a convicted murderer. They get sicker.
So this is
live aid and they manipulated it to suit their own rapey agendas, Alice in
wonderland, Muslims and tattoos celebrities and tattoos hunt wanting a
'crack' Simon cowell and his rapey
friends, Michael bay transformers, mars landing etc etc
Me in Marie
Claire, a selfie and sugababes/liz mclarnon/grand prix ball, andrew lloyd
webber. Bit difficult to see but they also use science as an excuse to be
plagiarists that protect rapey rings, if you google brian cox and time
travel.... He says its easy - in one direction and BBC and Mars exploitation
etc etc they just get more evil.
In this one
this is the 'famous' human rights lawyer used by pedowood who supply traffic
and use HR as a tool to be rapists, here is demonstrating 'majesty of
space' and of course the massacre in
christchurch and the mongrel mob using the symbolic M (James Bond) to market
themselves nicked my life manipulate it commit fraud insist I'm not a victim
cos they're traffickers that orgasm on raping and use govt agencies to further
destroy my life to protect rapists within govt agencies. It , Is . CRIMINAL. And then capitalise on it
and play political rapey games like Brexit for example and the bet that Cameron
thought public won't go for it so now he has approx 17 million angry people
rather than just one supplied to rapists who use ANY means to disguise mass
rape. Facebook and France, at one stage
of it all the links I put on twitter got sent to a porn site in France. Christchurch Crusade vs. jihad and crusaders
saying they might change their name and NZ portraying themselves to be 'human
when they're not far from it- nothing but abuse and called evil for being
victim of them being pillaging fraudulent scheming vindictive traffickers who
orgasm on having a victim to mess with.
Simon cowell his 87th birthday and the problems with Disney and terrorists,
Gorbachov in relation to the Nazis in NZ and Russell crowe tattoo which is like
the start of it - it's kind of like a movie but not, and 'magic mike' who
pillages plaguersies protects rapists raping, UN sickos, Clarkson and his
crystal ball and Putin says he could be lawyer - besides being one of the most
powerful men in the world. It's not a
game. Fucked. They know it. And Lauri love, mckinnon, hackers hacked into
Nasa looking for evidence of aliens.
Albatross in Dunedin, a metaphor for the picture my brother drew that
establishment manipulated make my life all about themselves so there'd be no
serious crime. Rita Ora Lindsay Lohan
Paris Hilton - they are completely sick.
Farage capitalizing on rapists raping and use the corruption of the NHS
to basically shut it down, go private, the standards are set sooooo low and
it's designed to protect rapists that lie - that is all. The laugh in your face, they lie, antagonise,
patronize write absolute bollocks and I get judged for THEIR lies Of which they do no research at all they
intentionally destroy your life to protect rapists.
That's what
Fiona looks like, she'll haunt your dreams, she was never a victim - she's a
perpetrator a schemer very evil. In the
middle is a run down of my victim impact statement and fiona sending me shit,
intentionally to aggrivate no other reason, an MP that calls myself 'delusional
to protect *themselves* and their organized rapey rings who laugh in yah face
FOR being a victim of seriously violent crime etc etc etc and everything else
and my avatar is Liara or something off mass effect, a video game, I said as a
joke, if I was an alien and I had to report back to the mothership - I wanna
look like this, and so that too was an excuse to be rapists, mars Disney
isolation exclusion etc etc etc France redirectors straight to a porn site Will
Smith and men in black vs matrix meets the wild west with the rising crime in
UK, BBC rapists that rape cry rape cry racism while raping and student 'we found maddy' yahhhh... supplied to traffickers.
At the end
of it - made the holocaust about themselves make my life my brothers murder
about themselves knick symbols nick signs pillage a victim impact statement lie
and lie again to protect fraudulent rapists who play rapey games with my life
lie distort intentionally sabotage my life to appease rapists both celebrity
and within govt agencies, Judith Collins was the then justice minister, police
minister and she goads taunts intentionally traumatize the traumatized to
protect rapists raping - its FUCKED UP
explanatory.. Fucked. Kevin Rudd part of
the UN rapist brigade blaming murdoch mafia and tony blair - once again and
presidential plagiarists.
Me and
Janet Jackson, extra docket from Frankenstein and complete bullshit they wrote
on a section with a view of protecting rapists & sadists no other reason,
daily fail the blue planet and a story about a horse that is the national
treasure of NZ & Australia, the horse got bullied called all the names
under the sun. Known as Zeus, lightening
Nicki minaj
I had a dream well it was a nightmare really she turned it into a song about
sex basically, UN sickos gaga nick a sign ..Royal supermarket' and 'Margaret Fudge factory',.,,, and of
course the Norway massacre they nick a symbol establishment manipulate victim
impact statement make it about themselves which is - FUCKED UP and expect to
get rewarded for it and women monument that got targeted by vandals. Fuck Tory scum - self explanatory and same
can be said for politicians - it's all about getting one over.
Za Zb -
self explanatory
Did you say
that - no no and no and no and no and no and no - it's a WHOLE section for the
purposes of protecting fraudulent raoists who have been playing rapey games
with my life over the past decade and think its totally hilarious. Public Affairs Sick ... sick SICK and get more eviler.
and they get eviler