Previous brought forward - a polite reminder - this is MY life - that's theirs - being paedophiles - they don't like the result of THIER paedophilia
Here they are 'flattering' *themselves* with thier own vulgarity, 'fixing it' for pedoes (themselves) annnnd - carry on BEING paedophiles - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE
What's Brexit - "the NHS is 'fair game'" says the pedoes. 'Clap for pedoes etc' loads of pedoe PR campaigns (over a decade) to help take the focus off what they ARE - and they ARE - paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pillagers, plagiarists, fraudsters, schemers, liars and 'fixers' for allll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque.
They got thier 'qualifications' out of the book of Savile, there they are making stuff up about someone they've never met and laugh in yah face, they patronise to capitalise and 'fix it' or their paedophile serial raping trafficking peers that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity - ridiculous inbreds MORE
Where's yah passport from? Not Russian, or Chinese, or French, or German, Or American, Or Saudi - or British - siccccccccccck ridiculous inbreds - MORE .. how much to 'fix it' for the pedoes? RETARDS MORE
'Investigate thier OWN paedophilia - LOL -
they tick alllllll the boxes: rapists pillaging serial raping traffickers etc is what they ARE' - LOL - they're pedoes that pillage someone else's life make about themselves annnnd 'fix it' for themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles that are in the 'buy sell swap rape for rapists 'fix it for pedoes' 'business' completely vulgar revolting retards - world cup paedophiles - 'freedom' to what? Capitalise on thier vulgarity an make about themselves to profit on being paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers pillagers plagiarists fraudsters schemers liars and 'fixers' for allll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque AND gloat about their paedophilia - pillaging meddling ridiulous paedophiles that pillage meddle and mess with someone else's life to capitalise on BEING paedophiles - ARE paedophiles (again - my own life - pedoes that pillage & make about themselves BECAUSE they're pedoes - "what victim, uh uh dunnnnooos wot you means coscos peeedoes haha's" - there they are 'fixing it' some more for themselves and thier retarded serial raping trafficking pillaging meddling retarded ridiulous paedophile peers - the paedophile 'bill'.
"What's Brexit?" "Uh uh uhhhh dunnnnooos just being peeedoes haha's" (capitalising ON and 'fixing it FOR - sicccker MORE retarded MORE)
"Defund the police" - they've done that 'campaign' along with many other 'Paedophile PR campaigns' that to help take the focus off themselves BEING retarded paedophiles etc. No matter how many ways they make BEING paedophiles - about themselves - they're STILL -
ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers. Paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles BEING paedophiles - ARE - paedophiles - paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles and make about themselves when they ALREADY ARE - ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles AND 'fix it' by making stuff up laughing in yah face and carry onnnnnn BEING retarded revolting paedophiles - ARE - paedophiles -
never guess what they ARE - RETARDED PEDOES - "Surprise!! - Pedoes!!" - No - they've KNOWN they're paedophiles for YEARS - MORE siccccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE
"Being pedoes 'reveals' what they ARE" - and they ARE paedophiles, serial raping traffickers fraudsters schemers liars and 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - MORE ridiculous MORE - they're *STILL* on 'the cusp' of telling everyone they're pedoes - they might lose thier jobs if they do that - recap: resign resign resign resign resign resign (coscos 'coming out' as the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they ARE - is obviously too embarrassing for them - soooo make sumfink up 'fix it' for the pedoes & lolz - SICKER MORE ridiculously retarded MORE.
Ridiculous MORE
.. a few days after the day after tomorrow (remember that time I went to NYC and pedoes made about themselves with thier 'whale humping' & 'sheep shagging' and rolling around in thier cesspit to capitalise on being paedophiles etc)
The lifestyles of …what will a fiver get these days? Could get a vibrating eye wand for that. The lifestyles of.. a vibrating eye wand. Might be able to buy entire countries for a fiver .. soon - depending on whether or not they've 'cleaned' cobwebs off the ceiling.
Went on the treadmill, did some 'cavitation', some tripolar face and body, a galvanic spa. Got sauna blanket out, (infrared sauna) had a shower, got the new laser out & it zapped all my body so quickly. It has an 'automatic' zap -use that and can do a whole leg is less than five minutes (BoSiden Hair Removal device). Used the same device for the 'skin rejuvenation' - zap all my body yes yes. In less than ten minutes.
I also have a shiatsu massage mat with heated stones, lye down on it rather than sitting up like Homedics etc models. I use it a lot more now that I have created accessible storage space for it - that's no hassle to get it out of storage, as prior to where it was before it was the 'getting it out' & too much hassle to put it away. Can't leave it out because of it's size - so now - accessible storage has been created. I also have an Osim eye massager - use that with a self -heating eye mask that's lasts for half an hour, making the most.. of the self-heated eye mask. I also have a head massager. All body parts covered. Heads toe ankles knees toes.. what is it.. 15 minutes of mat and massaging the back, and with the whole mat vibrating and the heated stones on legs - with eye massager with heated mask at the same time. Lifestyles of more than a vibrating eye wand. Boutique style. All can be packed away to avoid clutter.
Nearly approaching foot spa day … again..
Lols.. they're paedophiles that give themselves 'permission' to BE pedoes & rapists etc to someone else's life to capitalise on being retards, make about themselves and get da pedoes to make stuff up and fix it for demselfs coscos peedoes and being pedoes is good 'ideas' for pedoes - cos they're pedoes - vulgar revolting retards.
I don't watch it, creating their *own* 'drama's' etc for - cash incentives etc while abusing pillaging capitalising and *being* paedophiles - sicker MORE.. pedowood
They 'travelisted' some more and they 'flew' over the star wars set and they shouted at a rock (to take the focus off themselves BEING retards) they shout at rocks & the rock shouted at the rock to show off his mental retardation that he 'picked up' from sheep shagging etc - uh uh they do, they shouted "Sit up straight - you don't want to get a hunchback". The difference between Fiji and Hawaii is .. huge actually because they're different countries - they are not the same - (pedoes - capitalise make about themselves etc) (I don't have a stylus - clearly says - paedophiles - capitalise make about themselves cos that's what they ARE).. spot the pedoes, compare the pedoes, watch the pedoes be what they are - PEDOPHILES - siccccck MORE & more spectacularly retarded MORE. The 'sign' says - they're paedophiles - sicccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE & more fixin' it for demselfs - sicker more & more spectacularly retarded MORE & lolz, Macron has 'taken' on the 'role' of an Albanian trafficker, that is - paedophiles BEING paedophiles - MORE retarded MORE waaaaaay more astonishingly vulgar revolting grotesque MORE, completely - totally - retarded MORE -
cos paedophiles - extremely retarded paedophiles - sicker MORE,
sicker & sicker more & more ridiculously retarded MORE like vulgar retarded paedophiles DO - MORE watch the paedophiles BE paedophiles that capitalise on being paedophiles (cos ARE) to make being (when already ARE) paedophiles - about themselves coscos they're namez is peeeedoes and kidnapping child raping terrorists - retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles - - SICK VULGAR RETARDS - astonishingly ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE & lolz - what they liiiiike? they're like thaaaaat - vulgar revolting retarded ridiculously grotesque paedophiles - sick sick sicker more more vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque MORE & MORE ridiculous MORE they fix it for themselves annnnnnd they convince THEMSELVES - they're not ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES coscos they're namez iziz peeeeedoes you know haha's" 🤮 - sicccccckkkkkkerrrrrr MOOOOOOORE

Allll the pedoes all come out to capitalise on BEING paedophiles cos that's what they ARE - SICK RETARDS MORE, pedo peps talks among paedophiles "Going to help daddy be a paedophile" and R Kelly thinks they're talking about him soooo capitalise - make about themselves etc - PEDOPHILES - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS - SICKER MORE..
'stole your... what?' PEDOPHILES vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE MORE vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded MORE - what they liiiikkke ehhh? - they're like thaaaaaaat - hideous vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous paedophiles MORE and MORE ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE MORE grotesque MORE

They're all like "Don't you knoooowww whooo I ammm?" - YES - they know what they are - they're paedophiles (that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves BECAUSE they're PEDOPHILES - vulgar hideous grotesque retards). Bill Gavulgargates etc - they've had too much fruit …. pillage fix etc and that retard from that dinosaur movie says "Not because you could but because you did". The crux of Brexit. And the amount of shit whales produce is incredible. Tidal Waves of it. Revolting ridiculous retards MORE, meddling paedophiles and profiteering terrorists that capitalise ON pedoes and they rape for rapists - hidddddddeeeeous inbreds MORE & MORE retarded MORE. Spectacularly ridiculously retarded cretins MORE & MORE retarded MORE - all in their cesspit doing whatever to get that 'Jewish Cash' etc, rolling around in their slop creating their own dramas to help take the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles, rapists, terrorists and serial raping traffickers etc - PEDOES - vulgar revolting retards MORE.
Disney 'celebrating' BEING paedophiles for MORE than 100 years *plus* (being) kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers pillagers plagiarists & terrorists and 'fixers' for allllllll things vulgar revolting retarded and ridiculously grotesque - PEDOPHILES - EEVERRRRRREEEEEEETHINNNNNGGG about them is vulgar revolting and grotesque more more retarded like retarded paedophiles - DO - MORE - SICK RETARDS - MORE - watch the pedoes BE what they ARE - PEDOPHILES being paedophiles - 'fixing' it for themselves cos PEDOPHILES - SICK SICK - MORE totally completely retarded - PEDOPHILES - SICKER - MORE - hideous retards - MORE
From Disneyland Anaheim to Disneyland Paris - that is how- paedophiles - 'work' - they 'work' 'arrrrrd to make being paedophiles about themselves cos that's what they ARE - watch the paedophiles BEING paedophiles - VULGAR MORE - paedophiles demonstrating their 'paedophile codes' - capitalise on pedoes - cos they ARE - completely retarded hideous paedophiles rapists and serial raping traffickers - da paedophiles are fixin' for demselfs - SICK compleeeeeetly retarded MORE - PEDOES - spectacularly ridiculous retards MORE - paedophiles - VULGAR retards, MORE - pick a 'charity' *any* 'charity' - peeeedophiles - vulgar retards MORE & MORE & MORE compleeeeetly toooootally retarded MORE. Kate Moose morphs - actually they all morph into savagey Mexican rapists straight outta pedo island cos paedophiles being paedophiles that ride their bikes over *to* pedo island so they can be pedoes that take their pedo plague on tour to profit on BEING - paedophiles - that's what they ARE - PEDOES - raping and pillaging is an added bonus of BEING paedophiles that rape and pillage for 'careers' 'rewards' and 'favours' among ridiculously retarded inbreds - SICK - vulgar - ridiculously heinous odious cretins MORE spectacularly retarded MORE - PEDOPHILES -Completely retarded MORE
The 'crusading' paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists - vulgar revolting retards - SICK sicker than sickest hideous shit. They dunnnooooos wot paedophiles are - because they ARRRRE - heinous - MORE. "You are a Paedophile" - better 'slogan' for the pedoes - with their 'fashion for pedoes' and 'designer terrorists' to help in their 'quest' to not look like what they are - and they ARE - pedoes, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists, serial raping traffickers etc. Compleeeeeetly totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE - more retarded than the most retarded and that's really saying something. Sicker than all the Fred Wests, Bundy's, Myra's, Savile's, Moor's etc etc etc combined - siccccckerrr MORE retarded MORE. Christian Bale - goes to slap his victims - to piss them off - to see what happens - oh wait - the camera was on - save the laughin' in their face for later, it was just a 'social experiment' anyway - because he's a serial killer and his fans are 'lovin' it' that he's a serial killer that visits *his* victims To them - visiting them 'makes up' for killing them - cos they were in the movie - not Trump - they got confused about who was in Dark Knight Rises, Trump was in the other one about Danny DeVito & Colin Farrell having jelly fights in a pool with pizza - urrghh yik yuk - the pizza movie (which is also 'code' for paedophiles that paedophiles are so fond of). So it would be wrong for Christian Bale not to visit his deceased and maimed 'cast mates' that helped to promote their movie - about pizza pedoes being pedoes.
sicccckkkkerrr moooooore mooore retarded MORE -vulgar revolting hideous inbreds MORE spectacularly ridiculous MORE & MORE
Pedophiles and the tiiiiiiiimmme - that they've stolen - being & capitalising onnnnn and fixing it for - get sicccccckkkkkker MOOOOOOOORE
What's Brexxxxittt... "uh uh dunnnooos jus being peeeedoes haha's" MORE 🤮 more & more retarded revolting MORE (UN ARE paedophiles - sick ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE.. the whaaaale in da ocean with pigs and their cesspits that they allll jump in - to avoid missing out on BEING - paedophiles hideous, completely retarded MORE) yah make sumfink up - my own life - get sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE. They call paedophiles 'aunty' and paedophiles 'are great characters to play' for paedophiles - they don't need to 'act' - that's what they ARE with more paedophiles taking advantage of paedophiles BEING paedophiles, capitalising on and fixing it FOR. The rock is a 'metaphor' for Rock shouting AT a rock and he himself doesn't know why - possibly 'auditioning' for the rock musical - a musical about a rock. paedophiles. Ridiculously retarded. MORE.
Nicholas Cage... the prolific - paedophile etc he's going to change his name to 'Xena' and put himself in a 'real life' cage (with that other warped ridiculously retarded paedophile while having to listen to her screeching about her paedophile pals and their paedophile 'journalist' pals that are *also* in the serial raping trafficking business with their pyramid schemes and fashion for paedophiles and designer terrorists etc) he's going to have a sex change, change colour and make someone else's life - about himself - that's *THIER* paedophilia bullshit 'cleverly' disguised as 'piracy' - that helps the Brexit bullshit - roll along (so they don't look like what they are). PEDOES - retarded MORE (and the UN etc, and their serial raping trafficking racket with loads more pedoes that capitalise on pedoes BEING pedoes cos that's what they ARE - sicker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE) PEDOPHILES - RETARDED PEDOPHILES completely - totally - sicker & sicker & sicker more & more retarded SICK

Back in the 'Nammm, did they know they were pedoes? cos they *STILL* dunnooos wots 'going onnnn' because they're pedoes. Random images of my life - and and that's them - pedoes being pedoes capitalising on and fixing it for themselves COS paedophiles helping themselves be pedoes cos that's what they are. Ridiculous. They're *fully* 'aware' they're paedophiles and worse - get more retarded MORE.

How many countries in the world are affected & effected... by their 'Brexit bullshit/pedo bullshit'.. probably loads; also engrossed in it, distracted by it etc - it was a peddling paedophile 'referendum', they ride bikes to Ibiza to sell woolly hats where they trade a lot of sheep and farm animals to capitalise on what they ARE - and they ARE - peeeeedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculous retards etc and there they are making stuff up for their paedophile mates to fix it for demselfs coscos pedoes that got caught BEING paedophiles so more fixing it for themselves COS ridiculously retarded inbreds that *must* be pedophiles MORE to make being paedophiles about themselves - when - ALREADY ARE. They were told way back in 2011 (the paedophiles - the meddle and mess with someone else's life TO CAPITALISE on what they ARE - VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc - annnnnnd they 'predicted' they'd fix it for themselves - and they did - so paedophiles can profit on their paedophilia - which they DID & the result is ..... SICK RETARDS- (given it's my own life pedoes have been pillaging - completely retarded - totally ridiculously retarded - PEDOS - sicker& sicker more & more)
Paedophiles in Monaco with more paedophiles that got 'Jewish Cash' from.... somewhere an incentive to be paedophiles (that are all paedophiles 'together' - because they ARE paedophiles, rapists and terrorist that give *themselves* 'permission to be rapists' and offer incentives to paedophiles rapists and terrorists to fix it for themselves while pillaging someone else's life and helping themselves be paedophiles thaaaaat capitalise ON paedophiles - cos they ARE (Minnie paedophile driver that 'morphs' into Daniel 'Russian Villain' Craig the paedophile etc - ridiculously sick - completely totally ridiculous - sicker MORE & MORE waaaay waaaay moooooore spectacularly retarded MORE) annnnd they rape for rapists - cos that's what they ARE). Who would eat in an Aldo Zilli restaurant let alone Gordon Ramsey or any paedophile restaurant for that matter - they're paedophiles - me - never. I can cook a 'killer steak' myself and I have an electric salt/pepper mill that requires very little effort - MORE retarded - and their namez is peeeedoes tooo. That's totally 'genius' of - paedophiles *being* paedophiles. Retards. Probably worth more than £350 million a week *plus* £50 million *and* another £88 million for paedophile 'documentaries 'etc & now they're obviously looking to profit on the serial raping trafficking series etc cos there's money to made - on the human trade - they ARE & DO find more ways of milking *their own paedophilia* for every penny on the back of BEING - paedophiles. The have loads of raping 'syndicates' & pedo 'rings', serial raping trafficking 'rings' etc *nothing*- gets in their way of raping and pillaging frenzies - spectacularly retarded. They even wear the t-shirt that says 'Paedophiles' *another* 'documentary' that they made about themselves BEING paedophiles, he got paid £2k for that - Benedict is probably laughing because he paid himself a whole lot more than £2k, and more than £10k - more much more than that - for *his* 'services' to paedophilia etc. What's Leveson? oo oo - it's 'code' for hideous vulgar paedophiles isn't it - sicccccccccckkkkkk retards MORE. Much much sicker than that - MUCH - MORE - they're paedophiles - RETARDS - completely - totally RETARDED inbreds- MORE - tell them that they're paedophiles - they capitalise make about themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles - SICK completely retarded - totally MORE more vulgar revolting grotesque more & more ridiculous MORE & lolz
They want to 'trademark' *their* paedophilia and being *paedophiles* (Brexit Trade) - ridiculouser MORE. Pedoes with pedoes 'excuses' for being what they ARE - and they ARE paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE - completely totally retarded more & more. So they supply victims to pedoes that pillage someone else's life make about themselves to avoid looking like what they are (paedophiles), use media to help them BE paedophiles that rape for 'favours', 'careers' and 'rewards' among paedophiles etc, spin their *own* bullshit to help *their* pedo mates not look like what they ARE and they ARE - PEDOPHILES - did she have 'lunch' with a pig, a donkey, a whale or a sheep? Pedoes and their pizza's, pedoes and their animal farms - Pedoes and the *many* ways pedoes 'fix it' for themselves COS - paedophiles - SICK more and more retarded. Paedophiles - SICKER more embarrassingly retarded MORE - completely totally retarded MORE.
Not that Genesis, the other Genesis - and not that Genesis ether. I went to New York - paedophiles capitalised and made about themselves & so on and so forth, I had lunch - paedophiles capitalised and made about themselves & so on and so forth, I went to Monaco/Spain etc - paedophiles capitalised and made about themselves and so on and so forth (my own life) and the paedophiles *STILL* convincing *themselves* - they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles in the serial raping trafficking & fixing it for paedophiles 'business' - pillage fix make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz. Completely totally retarded - MORE and more spectacularly ridiculous MORE

Lolz - at Joan Collins - "everyone that knew/knows them knows - they're paedophiles" (*those* are the words she's looking for - a gay paedophile therefore his 'victimhood' is more 'traumatic' than that of the victim they locked in the cupboard with the sole purpose of raping - what's sodomy? - nothing to do with me - got everything to do with them (especially Emma Watson that gets jealous of Hairy's 'wand' that has ridges in it - she 'self partnered' with it because she was told that it would make her vagina tighter - derrrr - 'child - they call themselves 'stars'- that 'advise' thier pre-teen 'fans' to have sex changes - why? - because the anus is more favourable among paedophiles - especially in pedowood because paedophilia is *thier* 'industry - they market thier own shit and expect it to be swallowed and they expect thier 'fans' to pay thousands for the 'privilege' of 'letting' them molest them annnnd she got paedophile 'incentive' to be a ridiculous retard from the paedophile factory - that is the UN - and they want thier 'fee' for 'acting BEING paedophiles and FOR BEING paedophiles and FOR capitalising ON paedophiles to get alllll they cannn out of BEING retards - they're paedophiles - it's that simple - they're retards - that rape and pillage and lolololz - because that's what they ARE - they're severely retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles etc. SICK SICK ridiculous inbreds - MORE and more retarded MORE.
Paedophiles are *also* FULLY 'aware' the minute you make someone else life - political - or use a tool to BE paedophiles that capitalise on and fix it for - paedophiles - that you may or may not have met - they are digging thier own grave - soooooo the paedophiles make stuff uppp and 'fix it' for themselves MORE and laugh in yah face cos paedophiles haha's (vomit) - think nothing of it - just paedophiles being paedophiles & lolz - that's 'no shit sticks' governments - a 'relief' isn't it - cos it's my own life - how often do paedophiles make someone else's life about themselves or someone else to 'help' paedophiles not look like the retarded inbreds that they ARE - how often do paedophiles abuse to capitalise to profit on thier vulgarity- "Allllll the time" say the pedoes "lololz", because according to pedowood they said if you don't 'trademark' your trauma - paedophiles will pillage it and make about themselves - ewwwww - and they 'fixed it for *themselves* by..... ewww *and* - blame someone else for THIER terrorism - paedophilia, serial raping trafficking, pillaging plagiarising etc etc etc - especially the retard that is Clooney and his ridiculously retarded paedophile peers "the criminal justice system needs an overhaul ("fixed it for paedophiles" said the paedophiles), the NHS needs to be shut down ("the waiter is paid too much" the paedophiles 'advise'), politicians need the book chucked at them (they swear on it - everyday) - AND they pay cash to terrorists to 'fix it' for paedophiles and vice versa (and get bonus' at the end of every year for how many vicitms they supply and for how well they 'fix it' for themselves and thier retarded paedophile peers) - "they should never be allowed to work in the industry that they are in - EVER AGAIN" (move to marketing, HR, or PR - they all 'cater' for paedophiles and 'specialise' in 'damage control' FOR paedophiles, so it's not really like 'moving' into a different & 'new' 'industry' - they just find more ways of making thier retardation - about themselves & so on and so forth).
Sue the Ministry of Justice - LOL - doesn't work like that - especially not with ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc that reside in, live in, work in, travel to are involved with - PEDOWOOD - they make it so victim is unemployable (spam bot troll, Russian 'villain' etc etc - they're compleeeeeeetly retarded and 'fix it' more for *themselves* to ensure they make thier retardation about themselves by making thier own shit up on government documents & breaking numerous international laws to - 'fix it' - for *themselves* BECAUSE THEY ARE - PEDOPHILES annnnnd laugh in your face coscos pedoes are fixin' it for demselfs haha's (vomit) - and they say 'You'll never work in this industry again' - because they pillage myself to make thier paedophilia about themselves. .. okayyyyy... - RETARDS - I don't recall Clooney being in the Museum when I was there - or the guy that thinks he's 'King Julien' he wasn't there either - they're paedophiles - siccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE
sicccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds - pedoes = oh look there's' an unsuspecting victim to take advantage of - they're siccccccccck & Benedict got more than a fiver for his 'services' to paedophilia - total and complete disregard - totally completely retarded & laugh in yah face as they 'fix it ' more - for *themselves* and lololz - siccccccccck ridiculous inbreds get more & more retarded MORE. They spent/d thier time in pedowood - being pedoes - and nothing else.
They're paedophiles derrrr - they then say "the 'question' is 'WHY' he didn't tell police about *HIS* proven paedophilia and crimes they've already committed - seems he though it was 'okay' to keep his paedophilia 'under wraps' and only distance himself when he was found guilty after a prolonged period of milking thier OWN paedophilia and continuing to do so - he was more than happy to cover up for a criminal" - LOL - how many KNEW Savile was a prolific paedophiles? "everyone" - because if everyone knows they're paedophiles it's not an issue because they're 'aware' of it. And LOL and paedophile governments that pillage someone else TO capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves TO profit on thier vulgarity - they're FULLY 'aware' they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles - get more 'precious' BECAUSE they don't like being told what they are - soooo capitalise even more abuse even more 'fix it' for themselves more - how may retards take advantage of a victim to profit on thier vulgarity - where there is one paedophile - there are THOUSANDS of 'fixers' - therefore if everyone is a paedophile - they can't arrest everyone can they LOLOLZ coscos paedophiles "do it allllll the time lololz" says the retarded inbreds, they 'fix it' for *themselves* and convince *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles annnnnd repeat - takadapiss and the rest of thier spawn - VULGAR revolting inbreds. How many KNOW police provide those victims for the retards (paedophiles say: 'sssshhhh conspiracy' translates to 'paedophiles at work' .. 'can you hear that?' (silence) translates to - 'it's the sooound of paedophiles') they're 'feeling' - the only thing they're 'feeling' is Savile, they're 'hearing' - they're hearing the screams of rape - they capitalise make about themselves because they ARE - rapists (and worse) annnnnd they do all sorts of peodey shit to 'help' paedophiles capitalise on what they ARE and they - smile - through the 'awkwardness' of KNOWING they're paedophiles and then they convince *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - annnnnd 'fix it' for themselves - more - by making stufff uppp and laughing in yah face and carry onnnnn BEING severely retarded vulgar revolting - paedophiles etc - if I was a 'spy' - I wouldn't work for them - for OBVIOUS reasons - that they're PEDOPHILES etc- sicccccccccck - compleeeeeeelty retarded ridiculous paedophiles etc - more ways of making THIER ridiculous retardation - about themselves - "what they liiiike?" - they're like thaaaaat - paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles because they are - paedophiles that give themselves 'permission' to BE paedophiles while laughing at the screams of rape and pillaging at the same time, paedophiles that manipulate lie & scheme to suit themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles - paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles and make about themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles - they're vulgar revolting retarded - peeeedophiles - spectacularly retarded MORE - being profiteering terrorists *as well* as ridiculously retarded paedophiles is good idea' to paedophiles and paedophiles *only* - now they can make being racists - about themselves - they cannnn liken themselves to the paedophile that's out of a Nicholas Cage movie.. 'litle red' oh yea the paedophile 'charity' (another 'charity' that's front - for paedophiles and serial raping traffickers etc - they're sicccccccck - "you should stop flaunting your paedophilia you ridiculous retards" "No noooo can't stop" said the paedophiles "We're having so much fun, lotta larfs BEING ridiculously retarded inbreds - we're paedophiles woo!!" said the pedoes "we can do what we like" said the paedophiles - they're sooooo much mooore than *just* 'racist'- so much more than *just* paedophiles - so much moooore than *just* an international embarrassment - capitalise make about themselves so on and so forth - they're VULGAR revolting completely totally retarded inbreds MORE - on the Richter scale of retardation - the Richter scale malfunctioned and broke - unmeasurable spasticnesss - siccccccccccccck vulgar revolting retards MORE
What's the paedophiles 'explanation' for that? "uh uh dunnoooos jus being pedoes haha's" (vomit) - he's only 'pissed' - cos can't make any more money out of them (and because after spending many years making being paedophiles about themselves - there's no change - there STILL ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles). See those paedophiles and crackheads - they have much in common with those paedophiles and crackheads that'd sell the next-door neighbours second cousin's niece - to get thier crack fix. Those 'specimens' are already broke & homeless as opposed 'celebrity' paedophiles that milk thier own paedophilia for *every* penny TO profit on thier vulgarity BY pillaging someone else's life - ewwwwww - the vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - their 'freedom' to capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves to profit on thier paedophilia and 'fix it' for themselves to ensure they make thier retardation about themselves - BECAUSE they ARE retarded ridiculous inbreds like that etc - pillage fix capitalise make about themselves - laugh in yah face - laugh in yah face -and carry onnnn BEING paedophiles that clap for paedophiles etc siccccck ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccker MORE ridiculous MORE. And thier paedophile pals so 'proudly' described *themselves* = "Land of the pizza paedophiles & Braindead" - that's intentional - so ridiculously retarded paedophiles like themselves are able to avoid the 'stigma' of thier pig sheep whale humping to give birth to the next virus - and blame someone else - for thier retardation - what makes a 'great' paedophile makes 'reality tv' 'stars' - the only thing that revolves around them are thier virus' that contaminate everything they touch BECAUSE - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that - paedophiles 'believe' if they infect as many as possible they're less likely to look like the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they are - lol at that because - if you go around stabbing anyone with a contaminated needle or infect anyone whether deliberately or 'unintentionally' - that too - is a crime - they're ridiculous paedophiles that 'must do more' to make thier ridiculous retardation about themselves to avoid the reality of what THIER paedophilia has achieved annnnd paedophiles also 'believe' if they're paedophiles for a loooooooong period of time they're less likely to look like the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they ARE and paedophiles also 'believe' if they get paedophiles to 'fix it' FOR paedophiles by making stuff uppp and laughing in victims face and carry on being paedophiles (especially if they make thier paedophilia about themselves) - paedophiles convince *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE - peeeeedophiles - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS - MORE - absolutely fascinating the 'front page paedophiles' have convinced themselves they're not retarded ridiculous paedophiles and 'fixers' for alllllll things vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque more and more 'disturrrrrrbed'.
They're VULGAR grotesque inbreds MORE and coscos if they make thier paedophilia about themselves is 'good idea' and there they are flaunting thier serial raping trafficking 'tekkas' 'don't know wot your gripe is' said the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that do *anything* to capitalise on thier vulgarity to profit on thier paedophilia cos they're the kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficking 'bill' that have sooooo much in common with retards like the Clintons. Paedophiles that cause sooooo much damage to thier own countries & the rest of the world as a direct result of thier paedophilia - they have the audacity to blame someone else for THIER paedophilia annnnd 'fix it' for themselves even more - they don't drink arsenic or bleach as thier countries & thier industries etc disappear into the abyss or what the paedophiles like to call 'the Brexit black hole' - paedophiles: "What's the Brexit Black Hole?" "Courtney Love and Cameron Diaz singing about heir infant conquests" (that featured on the front page of thier album cover that was 'cleverly disguised' as 'child pornography' and that 'child pornography' made him famous therefore he's an 'ungrateful victim' - they 'love' being retarded paedophiles just as much as they 'love' being serial raping traffickers and 'fixers' for allllllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque) And years later - they're STILL paedophiles that capitalise on thier own paedophilia annnnd make about themselves etc - they LOL as they rape for rapists, they LOL as they meddle and mess and pillage someone else's life to capitalise on thier vulgarity - BECAUSE - they're paedophiles - loooook at the poor paedophiles (getting lots of 'support' from thier paedophile 'fans' for being paedophiles) looook at the paedophiles abuse someone else while BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccck RETARDS - and - they'll find more ways of making thier severe retardation - about themselves - like they have done for decades "ohhh the pooooor ridiculous victims" must be awfully traumatising for him/them to stick his/thier - erect - penis/' into the rear end of a pig etc - PEDOPHILES say: "Ebola is a band and Corona is a celebration" (of paedophiles fixin' it for demselfs & lolz) - COMPLEEEEEEEETLY RETARDED VULGAR REVOLTING INBREDS - MORE
That's an old looking Winston (wasn't that wrinkly a couple of decades ago), what's that - 'New Zealand is being used' - err political paedophiles pillaging someone else' life to capitalise on thier vulgarity and makes about themselves - the vulgar revolting retarded state of them - more so with thier copyright 'sagas' etc, 'dirty politics' etc that paedophiles use as a tool to 'cleverly disguise' thier paedophilia etc - political paedophiles that pillage a victim (that does not reside in thier country and/or not from thier country) and pay - offer cash incentives to more paedophiles to make stuff up & lolz in order to 'fix it' to make THEMSELVES to look like the ridiculously retarded inbreds that they ARE eetc etc sicccccccccck sicccccccck MORE retarded MORE soooooooo FUCKED UP - 'nevermind' about the FACT that they ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles and worse that capitalise on their vulgarity to get alllll they can out of BEING retards - soooo much moooore than *juuuuust* FUCKED UP get more and more and more and more spectacularly RETARDED - MORE and the - pig shagging sheep & the whale etc - ewww. SICK SICK. If there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves WHILE and DURING raping for rapists THEY WILL BECAUSE they ARE vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous paedophiles like that and have proved it time and time and time and time again - they don't ask 'permission' to be paedophiles - that's what they ARE - vulgar revolting ridiculous retards - sicccccker MORE
I could be from *any* country in the world, my passport is not Russian, Chinese, South African, Australian, Albanian, Canadian, British, German, French or Saudi Arabian etc - or - Ukrainian - I'm not a refugee either however the circumstances surrounding the difference between a refugee & a migrant are similar in some cases. I have lunch with someone and paedophiles on other other side of the world - capitalise and make about themselves - 'freedim' for what? - capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves - my own life - victim - what victim? "dunnooos wot you means coscos peeedoes fixing it FOR pedoes haha's (vomit) - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles rapists kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers - sicccccccck VULGAR RETARDS - pillage my life and make about themselves with more retarded ridiculously embarrassing like takathepiss - what an embarrassingly retarded inbred he is - Anzac? yeah yeah - who's yah favourite paedophiles - Russell Brand or Sinead O'Conner with thier bestialty 'conquests' - sicccccccccck sicccccccccck RETARDS- MORE. Nothing about the prolific paedophile infestation that takes advantage of paedophiles BEING paedophiles- why you do this - to a civilian - a citizen - they LOVE 'Shipley' - alllll paedophiles DO - cos he was also a 'fixer' for alllll things vulgar revolting retarded & grotesque. Being an extra - is NOT and invitation to BE paedophiles either - that's what they ARE - they give *themselves* 'permission' to rape pillage and molest - they're paedophiles - ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting retards. There they are demonstrating thier serial raping trafficking 'tekkas' - 'fixing it' for themselves and thier retarded peers again & again & again. Been paedophiles since 2011 (especially 2011) and ongoing to the present day - siccccccck. 'Michelle Wild' LOL - at the ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE and more spectacularly retarded MORE with thier buy sell swapping to capitalise to profit on THIER paedophilia - siccccccccck MORE. lie & lie & lie again and lie some more and more 'fixing it' for themselves and more lol'ing - get more and more ridiculously retarded MORE
They dunnooooos wot pedoes are - because they ARE - ridiculously retarded MORE
annnnd Macron visits Egypt to.... recreate BEING paedophiles - to avoid looking like - paedophiles - when the ALREADY ARE & so on and so forth - Sicker MORE retarded MORE, astonishingly sick retarded inbreds MORE. He didn't 'expose' *anything* (only his penis to Bill Clinton & pedo pals - probably, whether that is a 'mushroom' or 'deformed' like Harvey - is irrelevant - they 'compete' amongst themselves in the retardation 'stakes' - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles) - they capitalise ON thier paedophilia and make about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of thier vulgarity & retardation - they capitalise annnnd make about themselves with total and complete disregard because THIER paedophilia is more important than anything else *obviously* and then insist they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists BECAUSE they got paedophiles to 'fix it' for themselves and lol'ing - laugh in yah face, make sumfink up - laugh in yah face laugh in yah face - sicccccccccccck MORE - they gag mock block use abuse exploit pillage capitalise make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz annnnnnnd call the victim they're pillaging spam bot troll etc annnnnnd repeat - spot the paedophiles - sicccccck ridiculous retards MORE and more spectacularly ridiculous completely retarded inbreds MORE

'cultchaaa' of paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves - cos they're black (lol at one of the *many* retarded 'excuses' paedophiles make to ensure they make thier retardation - about themselves) .. The Mayan Calendar now reads "that's a paedophile - that's a paedophile - and that's a paedophile - that's a paedophile - ooooh looook there's paedophile jumping into thier cesspit they made coscos paedophiles that don't wanna miss put on being retarded paedophiles that do all sorts of pedoey shit to ensure they make THIER paedophilia about themselves (are *anyway* just get sicker & sicker more & more retarded as thier 'pedo ball' rolls along) "like a 'cult' a 'cult' 'death cult?"- noooo sicccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE and the Clintons 'declare' they were born in Peru, Kanye West in Brazil and Jason Bates in Mordor - just to avoid looking like - paedophiles - the pillaging retarded paedophiles kidnapping serial raping traffickers and 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque more & get more spectacularly ridiculous MORE like the hideous paedophiles that they ARE DO - MORE .. "anything to declare?" LOL - It's no 'secret' to paedophiles that they 're paedophiles - sicccccccccck SICK SICK.
Is there such a thing as a 'Mayan Curse' - like the Maxwell's, the Virginia, the pizza paedophile island/s, the Murdoch/s, the George/s, the black cat/s (including 'Matrix' paedophiles), the sheep pig whale humping 'festival', World Cups & Olympic paedophiles & 'tunnels' of swamp, the Egyptian curses (*including* the mummy that 'whales' - make about themselves), the Stonehenge cesspit, dodgy clocks thier *many* virus' to 'compliment' the paedophile 'virus' etc, the Kennedy's, Rings & Knights Templar, the Freemasons and thier 'eyes wide shut' paedophile frenzies where they 'shag' under sheep to give birth to pigs etc (including the Karshadians.. who? - that's what I thought - never met them - they're paedophiles that buy thier virus' - I mean 'curses' from Monaco to share amongst themselves), Mexicans, pyramid schemes & Diana, the ridiculous using, abusing exploiting and profiteering to sell/market themselves as 'Mandela' (including theatre paedophiles and thier 'tribute' to Hitler 'cleverly disguised' as thier 'gift' to Africa) paedophiles with thier 'symbols' advertising thier paedophilia using 'art', movies & music to lessen the vulgarity of thier crimes annnnd they get thier paedophile 'fans' to laugh along with thier paedophilia & buffoonery in THIER ridiculous paedophile circus created BY paedophiles to help paedophiles take the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles etc & sport (spot the paedophiles playing tennis - oh no wait - that's golf - spot what? Spot the paedophiles capitalising on thier vulgarity - easy - they're retards 'on show' etc) paedophiles that call BEING paedophiles etc 'entertainment' - like a really bad infection that you can't get rid of and that is a 'metaphor' for Brexit and get sicker and sicker more & more retarded - as 'time' goes on and they 'fix it' for themselves more & more & more because they're paedophiles BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccccck SICK SICK ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE retarded MORE compleeeeetly retarded inbreds MORE
(oh look the victim is 'reacting' there's swear words all over *her* blog (my own life - paedophiles that pillage to capitalise cry victim (when they ALREADY ARE vulgar retards) - AND BECAUSE they're retarded paedophiles that 'get off' on BEING retarded hideous inbreds - that means to paedophiles -they're doing a really good job at being sick ridiculously retarded paedophiles cos the victim is angry - there they go pillaging & abusing to capitalise on THIER vulgarity - VULGAR RETARDS - SICKER MORE RETARDED MORE - so they - pillaged someone else's life and made about themselves *while* 'listening' to AND reading the screams - of rape - AND - capitalised & made about themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles, rapists and terrorists etc - VULGAR RETARDS - more revolting ridiculously retarded MORE retarded MORE.
SICK -totally completely RETARDED INBREDS MORE. They got together and read alllllllll the names of their 'fans' and wouldn't yah know - my name *isn't* on that list - and it's my own life they been pillaging - completely retarded - MORE. Astonishingly SICK - I'm definitely not a fan of paedophiles etc - especially not pillaging paedophiles that pillage someone else's life (mine) to capitalise and profit on the back of raping and pillaging and fixing it for themselves COS paedophiles annnnd more fixing it for themselves etc cos … pedoes - recreating BEING paedophiles to make BEING paedophiles about themselves (*AGAIN*) - to avoid looking like what they are (paedophiles) when ALREADY ARE - paedophiles - and more fixing it for themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles and make about themselves because they're paedophiles BEING paedophiles capitalising ON and fixing it FOR (themselves) to make BIENG paedophiles about themselves when ALREADY ARE. Totally Retarded. MORE, spectacularly ridiculous MORE. Lol. Had all the Depp Musk Heard they were pedoes so they… capitalised made about themselves and *must* be pedoes more to make being pedoes about themselves when alreadddyyy arrrre. totally completely retarded MORE..
I was curious how much money does America owe China, how much money does Britain owe America etc, how much they pay to fix it etc - that's some of the 'moments' they got caught BEING paedophiles and serial raping traffickers, quite a while ago now, so there's loads of documentaries and mini series and movies etc about themselves BEING paedophiles etc - they're *STILL* paedophiles - ridiculous retards MORE, I've never watched a whole Bond Film, only ever seen bits - of advertising a Bond film. Sicker MORE Ridiculouser MORE spectacularly retarded MORE
Another angle of pedoes *being* pedoes etcetera.. make about themselves.. etcetera
Paedophiles etc - totally easy to spot, I said 'if I was an alien I'd like to look like that'... make about themselves etc -*still* my own life - like it always has been - and they're *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles - like they *always* have been - sicker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE oohh loook there's an egg... it's saying something in Japanese.. says 'Fuckuppy' - if they read it backwards it might give them an 'insight' into the true meaning of 'fuckuppy', in other 'cultures' an egg is 'code' for pedoes and their crack etc they're completely addicted to crack - can't get enough of it, they're crackheads - probably why they can't get enough of it, hideous, MORE

He walked across a street to recreate a picture of himself being a paedophile that uses someone else's picture to promote himself while pillaging someone else's life to make about themselves to capitalise on being paedophiles etc annnd stood in a spot where someone *he* knew died over 40 years ago - which is why *he* gave *himself* 'permission' to be a paedophile that pillages and meddles & messes with someone else's life - to make about himself - I've never met him - and he's a paedophile *BEING* a paedophile helping his paedophile mates be what they ARE - and they ARE - paedophiles that meddles and messes with someone else's life BECAUSE HE IS A PEDOPHILE - retarded paedophiles MORE retarded MORE ridiculous, embarrassingly ridiculous retards. MORE. Christian Bale put on his 'trusty' backpack and went rambling through the jungle to find the cesspit he and his paedophile peers had already made - to jump in and splash about cos … cesspits are also hugely popular among paedophiles - which they 'find' themselves in - not that that's an 'issue' - because they're cesspit-loving paedophiles that are 'fighting for the survival' - of their *own* industries. 'Fight for your life' - that was a handy Paedophile PR campaign to help paedophiles take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles and profiteering terrorists that meddle and mess with someone else's life - for 'entertainment' among ridiculously retarded paedophiles while they find more ways of making BIENG retarded vulgar grotesque paedophiles - about themselves. SICK ridiculous retards MORE and MORE spectacularly retarded MORE - PEDOPHILES - sicker sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE. Totally retarded. Completely.

Totally Retarded paedophiles - they*KNOW* they're totally retarded paedophiles - they're *FULLY* 'aware' they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles - why they capitalise *on* their vulgarity & pillage someone else's life to make BEING retarded paedophiles about themselves (when AREADY ARE) - BECAUSE they don't like BEING TOLD what they ARE - and they ARE - PEDOPHILES & worse - so to prove to themselves they ARE vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds thaaaat pillage someone else's life and make about themselves annnnnnd get da pedoes to make stuff up to 'fix it' for *themselves* to avoid looking like what they are cos da pedoes dat pillage someone else's life & make about demselfs cos paedophiles capitalising on being paedophiles for 'favours', 'careers' and 'reward' among ridiculously retarded paedophiles - and they ARE - ridiculously retarded - PEDOPHILES - thaaaat meddle and mess with someone else's life to profit on the back of raping and pillaging and helping themselves BE paedophiles - they ARE - retarded vulgar revolting grotesque paedophiles - sooooooo much mooooore than *juuuuuuust* an international embarrassment - hidddddeous grotesque paedophiles - MORE & MORE ridiculously grotesque MORE. Yah make sumfink upp (my own life that paedophiles have pillaged and made about themselves to help paedophiles BE paedophiles - capitalise - profit on and fix it FOR & lolz - MORE & MORE vulgar revolting ridiculously grotesque MORE waaaaaay moooooore retarded MORE. Completely toooootally retarded MORE
They ARE - totally retarded PEDOPHILES and rapists & kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pillagers and plagiarists and 'fixers' for allllllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque MORE ridiculous MORE
Didn't watch the whole of Pirates movie either, actually.. as it happens. That morphed into Piracy etc. Ridiculous MORE. Paedophiles - completely totally retarded MORE. Totally Completely retarded - completely - SICK SICK sicker than the sickest get sicker sicker sicker MORE & MORE retarded MORE. PEDOPHILES.
The pedo virus; the ridiculously retarded paedophiliavitus, 'sheiks' are also firm paedophile favourite (that said they were 'real' that turn out to be fake cos they were pretending they were 'real') which is unfortunate for Cameron etc cos his fake 'sheik' friends *ARE* real, and are in assorted 'business ventures' 'together', the cash for 'favour's 'issue' doesn't appear to BE an 'issue' in their world of being serial raping traffickers that are in the buy sell swap rape for rapists 'brigade' …. 'together' (that's ongoing and they haven't stopped offering 'cash incentives' for 'favours' etc etc. Do sheep eat sand? Is that a Camel in the bin? They'll probably have to sell some more sheep to the shaggers cos they're worth a few quid, probably worth a fiver - they might get a discount on the NHS, they bought it for a tenner and now they owe millions more. It's an extraordinary money laundering industry - like the Beckham's. That's them - if anyone buys a company - they'd probably expect it to *make* money - that's just me - I've never 'laundered money', never opened a shop for the purposes of tax evasion. NHS was up for 'sale' back in 2016... they were told... back in 2016.... even prior to that..... it's *always* been on 'it's last legs' even before they 'discovered' they could use it as a tool to BE ridiculously retarded - paedophiles as well as many other things - they pay no attention to that - only pay attention to *themselves* 'fixing it' FOR *themselves* annnnd their paedophile, rapist, terrorist peers to avoid looking like what they ARE - and they ARE PEDOPHILES (also *with & including* more *paedophile* 'PR campaign/s' to help take the focus OFF THEMSELVES BEING paedophiles) BECAUSE - they're pedos, rapists and terrorists - they were 'successfully' BEING MORE retarded on top of ALREADY BEING totally retarded and they laugh as they make sure they 'fix it' - for *themselves* -which is 'success' TO paedophiles because they're paedophiles - 'success' to paedophiles IS 'fixing it' for themselves AND insisting they're not compleeeeeetly toooootally ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles, plus rapists, terrorists annnnnnd 'fixers' for alllllll things vulgarrrr revolting retarded and ridiculously grotesque MORE retarded MORE, it's my own life - I am not British or American that is *THIER* Brexit/Paedophile Bullshit spinning fixing capitalising crying victim and more 'fixing it' for themselves and their hideously retarded paedophile pals - RIDICULOUS RETARDS - SICK SICK Completely Ridiculous Totally Retarded MORE - waaaaaayyyy moooooooorree HIDEOUS MORE
Benedict is going to tell everyone he was fibbing intentionally - to get a few million quid (then it morphs into - other paedophiles get paid more for being paedophiles so they have paedophile 'equality' etc etc) Completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds, they've been paid & get paid waaay moooore for their 'services' TO - PEDOPHILIA - SICK MORE
Prague Castle has some interesting facts liiiiike how it came to be - Prague Castle etc.
Pedoes, pedoes, pedoes, totally completely retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE spectacularly - MORE retarded MORE
'people'.. that like Mel Gibson in the 'Jewish' parade .. *AND* the holocaust 'party' … 'sarcasm' combined with 'comedy' to take the focus off themselves BEING - paedophiles. Completely ridiculously retarded MORE.
Impeccable timing by the BBC terrorists and their 'legion' of pillaging paedophiles & serial raping traffickers. I sent their *own* 'Disney tribute' to Benedict Cumberbatch's agent yesterday (that the pedoes made themselves BY BEING paedophiles capitalising and fixing it for themselves COS paedophiles etc) - they're *FULLY* 'aware' they're paedophiles rapists terrorists and kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers and 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - should send it to Casting Collective and Ray Knight - PEDOPHILES - THEY KNOW they're paedophiles and hideous vulgar retards and grotesque ridiculously retarded paedophiles.. they're saying
"our hard earned money ending up in the pockets of people like Savile etc and the BBC (terrorists) etc" and there's the Clintons with their 'gang' of hideously retarded paedophiles that are writing more books about being female paedophiles in the serial raping trafficking 'trade' they 'listen' and read the screams of rape - while capitalising and making about themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles annnnnd get da pedoes to make stuff up (and laugh in yah face cos paedophiles 'fixing' it for *themselves* BECAUSE they're ridiculously sick retarded paedophiles like that) - to avoid looking like what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - *while* pillaging someone else life to profit on BEING & FROM BEING - paedophiles (my own life - they're totally completely retarded MORE - blank vacant ridiculous retards - MORE more spectacularly ridiculouser MORE & lolz) - tell them they're paedophiles - they capitalise and make about themselves that *must* be paedophiles MORE to make being paedophiles - about themselves - when *ALREADY ARE* - COS ARE - PEDOPHILES - vulgar ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE MORE hideous - ridiculous vulgar revolting and grotesque MORE.. totally completely retarded MORE. They're real paedophile's etc - isn't that amazing - didn't they do a 'good job' fixing it for themselves - SICKER MORE spectacularly retarded MORE
The have heated eyelash curlers now.
They're sick ridiculously retarded paedophiles - greedy - paedophilia combined with greed, they 'milk' being paedophiles for *every* penny - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles that give *themselves* 'permission' to pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and get da paedophiles to 'fix it' for themselves BECAUSE they're vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous paedophiles. Who's going to get 'Graceland' & who's going to spend it on crack. Their 'circle' of 'friends' are ALL paedophiles, they pay each other to promote each other etc like 'cash for favours, 'careers' and 'rewards' among paedophiles cos that's what they ARE -again - my own life - I don't have paedophiles in my life - they want them in theirs because they're paedophiles - paedophilia - that have been parading their paedophilia, gloating about it, flaunting it like the hideous retards that they ARE *knowing* paedophiles will 'fix it' for paedophiles and that is Brexit. Completely retarded - SICK - SICKER MORE vulgar revolting hideously grotesque more & more ridiculously retarded MORE- they get their 'thrills' BEING paedophiles BECAUSE they ARE. SICK ridiculously retarded MORE
That reminds me of.. "by the way - Mandela is dead - enjoy the film!" 'promotional' movie intro. Ginger writes a book about *her* life and someone else - makes about *herself*. Elvis.. 'ahead of his time' - he was almost like the 'founder' of America, he also had a twin brother that died at birth and that 'connection' was always 'missing' from his life and he took that 'feeling' of not being 'whole' with him throughout his life (almost like you're missing an organ) on *his* 'quest' of searching for a higher purpose - to be more than *just* a singer, an actor and an entertainer. Physical pain of bereavement. I remember when Elvis died, I was 3 years old and they had a statue - in a tree. I thought that was totally weird - again it's rare - because people generally have no memories when they're *that* young. It was the 'first' celebrity death I remember, being that young I didn't know what death was, for me personally - later on in life, death can be likened to an eclipse, it's 'still' and 'eerie'. The 'senses' react to the feeling of having no atmosphere. That's why eclipses freak a lot of animals and people out - they go quiet - as opposed to an earthquake where animals 'sense' it before the roar (that sounds like a jet engine) and the vigorous shaking.
Tom Hanks introduces his convenient paedophile film for them.. BTW "the suicide squad got 'em and the other had too much crack. And the Jackson's are *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles. She 'jumped ship' when child raping molesting case 'began' - like the Clintons, Obama's, Cameron's etc etc & political paedophiles - that's a self admission of guilt if ever there was & more 'fixing it' for themselves. SICK ridiculous retards MORE. When Elvis met Nixon one of his goals was to (google that)
'Global goals' of paedophiles: paedophilia terrorism and piracy - to avoid looking like what they ARE - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE spectacularly vulgar MORE completely totally retarded MORE - what are theeyyyyy - not 'buzz lightyear' - sicccckerrr MORE retarded MORE
Pedowood - is called PEDOWOOD - for a reason. They work 'arrrd to make being vulgar retarded grotesque ridiculous paedophiles about themselves WHEN ALREADY ARE - SICK RETARDED PEDOPHILES thaaaat capitalise *on* paedophiles and they rape for rapists annnnnnnd make stuff up and laugh in yah face (my own life) BECAUSE they're hideous retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles that get their 'thrills' BEING vulgar revolting retarded inbreds that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to profit on the back of raping and pillaging etc - SICK - MORE spectacularly ridiculous MORE retarded MORE totally completely retarded MORE.
Bruce Willis with his paedophile fans with his orange drink - that 'forget' they're paedophiles - he & they didn't ask me if he could be paedophiles - that's just what they ARE with their 'dirty politics' combined with their paedophilia - pedoes making the most of BEING paedophiles cos that's what they are - SICK RETARDED INBREDS MORE ridiculous MORE.
Lol, they pay extras to wait outside their venues - to help paedophiles promote their *own* paedophilia.. etc among other things. Political orgies are no different - they pay 'spin doctors' to generate more bullshit so paedophiles can capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves etc and help paedophiles not look like what they are - PEDOPHILES - meddling interfering paedophiles (and kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers etc) that capitalise on BEING paedophiles that are sicker than Savile, Weinstein, Cosby etc with their 'universities of paedophiles, rapists and terrorists, pirates and piracy that paedophiles use to 'cleverly disguise' their paedophilia - that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves. HIDEOUS RETARDS. I doubt if Blackbeard called his ship 'boaty mcboatface', didn't sail around in a dinghy either. I've not googled his boat - pretty sure it wasn't a yacht either, they have fibreglass and all kinds now - not *just* wood or rubber. Tankers even.
Play the paedophile 'game' where paedophiles pillage an extra and make stuff up and lolz TO 'fix it' for *themselves* cos vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc that also like to 'play' the 'magic numbers' game. (Paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles that rape for rapists and pillage someone else's life and make about themselves - for careers, reward and entertainment - among paedophiles - SICK ridiculously retarded MORE) They have billions of 'fans' *already* that help *them* - be paedophiles - etc - because they ARE - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded - paedophiles.
Madonna the paedophile that 'got raped in New York' - because he/she/they are capitalising on BEING paedophiles doing all they can to make themselves not look like what they are (paedophiles etc) - to paedophiles like her alike - that means &makes BEING a paedophile and a rapist and pillaging vulgar revolting retard that pillages someone else's life to capitalise ON BEING paedophiles that cry victim *while* pillaging someone else's life to play rape pillage molest victim 'game' 'acceptable'. Because she was 'allegedly' raped - that's a 'green light' for rapists to capitalise on BEING rapists because she IS - a rapist etc annnnnnd make about themselves. Because he's a paedophile and she's a paedophile that capitalise *on* paedophiles BECAUSE they're paedophiles so paedophiles can allllll be paedophiles together and the paedophiles find more ways of making BEING paedophiles and ridiculous retards - about themselves. *She* 'allegedly' 'got raped' in New York - *I* didn't - that's *her* BEING a paedophile - capitalising on (being paedophiles) meddling with someone else's life & making about themselves ("ohhh the poor paedophile" & the paedophiles 'rally' around the paedophiles to get 'support' - from paedophiles FOR BEING paedophiles that help paedophiles out with their paedophilia etc) annnnd more 'fixing it' for themselves by creating their own 'dramas' to take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc. Totally retarded MORE. PEDOPHILES - and they fix it for themselves more & more & more & lolz more to avoid looking like what they ARE (paedophiles) - BECAUSE - they're completely totally retarded paedophiles - SICK SICK. Ridiculously retarded inbreds & they pump out more paedophile 'documentaries' to take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles. Completely totally retarded MORE. Annnnnnd the next 'saga' - there's a competition to win a t-shirt that has spunk all over it - but you only win it if you guess the paedophile. SICK retards MORE ridiulous more retarded MORE.
Paedophiles in sport - where re-creating being paedophiles is 'good ides' FOR paedophiles - so paedophiles can 'overcome the adversity' of their paedophilia especially if they fix it for themselves so paedophiles are 'free' to capitalise on their vulgarity annnnnd make about themselves, make it 'diverse' paedophilia - and they do - they capitalise on paedophiles and they rape for rapists - regardless of skin colour.
Minnie Driver the paedophile that capitalises on a paedophile that calls anyone 'fucked in the head ad full of shit' FOR getting molested during a murder trial - she capitalised on the abuse of someone else and made about herself (that abuse happened *OVER* 20 years ago and they want to abuse more to get alllllll they cannnnn out of being retards AND BECAUSE they're paedophiles - SICKER MORE.
That's Over 20 years later - she IS NOT a victim or THE victim that got abused - it's not her life to pillage - yet she made the abuse about herself - BECAUSE SHE IS A PEODPHILE - a ridiculously retarded paedophile - a hideous vulgar inbred like many - paedophiles that milk BEING paedophiles for *EVERY* penny - recreating BEING paedophiles to make BEING paedophiles about themfuckingselves when they ALREADY ARE ANNNNNND BECAUSE THEY ARE PEDOPHILES - ridiculous retards.
Get their 'entourage' of paedophiles with paedophile politicians, rapist actors, paedophile singers serial raping trafficking governments - SICK. They then proceed to rape pillage and rape for rapists, along with justice departments that also rape and pillage goad and taunt FOR BEING victim of THEM BEING paedophiles - over 20 years later and get da pedoes to make stuff up and 'fix it' for themselves & lolz BECAUSE they're paedophiles (again - my own life - paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles to make about themselves (when they already are ridiculously retarded inbreds) that pillage to profit on - BEING - RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED PEDOPHILES (again - when they ALREADY ARE - paedophiles BEING paedophiles) RETARDED - TOTALLY - MORE.
They capitalise on the abuse of someone else and make about themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles & get more paedophiles to 'help out' with BEING paedophiles cos being paedophiles is 'good idea' for paedophiles to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves cos ARE vulgar retards. That along with Matt Damon, Sean Penn and Daniel 'Russian villain' paedophile Craig and Morgan Freeman who really does think he's 'Nelson Mandela' and/or some kind of 'deity' - "what kind of monster is he" - he is a ridiculously retarded paedophile - an embarrassingly grotesque ridiulous inbred - that's what he is. SICK retards.
So then Minnie 'creates' an 'argument' between herself and someone else - doesn't matter who - as long as SHE doesn't look like the vulgar hideous paedophile that she IS and takes the focus off herself BEING a retarded hideous grotesque vulgar paedophile etc. (That there be the paedophile 'formula' to help pedoes be pedoes capitalise on what they are - paedophiles - and create their *own* circus' to take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - and their paedophile ball rolls on and they *must* be paedophiles MORE to make BEING paedophiles - about themselves - WHEN ALREADY ARE). Ridiculous MORE. With more paedophiles in other countries that partake in rape TO capitalise on their vulgarity annnnnd make about themselves - SICK retards. They were told - paedophiles - but they ARE *anyway* - sicccccccccccck retards MORE & more ridiculously retarded.
He goes to New York - takes a photo of a sign - to make his life about someone else and to avoid looking like the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they ARE - that have already spent over a decade BEING vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds ON TOP of BEING ridiculously retarded inbreds PRIOR to capitalising on abuse of someone else over twenty years later - TO - make about themselves - cos paedophiles 'helping' paedophiles out.
I'm not a fraudster or a paedophile, or a rapist, or a murderer, or a terrorist OR a serial raping trafficker that pillages someone else's life and makes about someone else to profit on BEING vulgar retards - Tom is - annnnnd their ridiculously retarded paedophile peers ARE - like Sinead O'Conner, Russell Brand that ARE 'ewwww' - in yah face - and the paedophiles lapping up their own vulgarity like Gervais and the karshadians etc - SICK. Bozo, Bono, Clarkson, Branson, McAvoy and 'grain of sand' sick ridiculously retarded paedophile Boyle along with Tarantino, Harrelson & McGowan, Williams, Jackson & the Jackson's, Wahlberg annnnnd their pizza paedophiles including Clintons etc including 'fixing it' *for* paedophiles Benedict etc- that capitalise *on* paedophiles BEING paedophiles BECAUSE *they* don't want to miss out on BEING PEDOPHILES etc. With more sicker retards that capitalise on their vulgarity by being sicker and more retarded than what those ridiculously retarded inbreds ARE - like - Britney - the blank and vacant 'distraction', her pimp got a 'role' in a paedophile film so she helping the paedophiles out etc - SICK. Gibson is *FULLY* 'aware' he and they ARE completely retarded paedophiles together. Is his name Fred West? Or - he *just* 'act' like it, 'bebest' - 'the best paedophiles you can be' - and they arrrrre vulgar revolting hideous retards - "What they liiiiiike?" - They're like thaaaaaaat - completely totally retarded PEDOPHILES - hideous - more & more retarded MORE.
People get married and divorced everyday - that's 'a FACT of life'. BEING hideously retarded paedophiles that capitalise on their retardation and make about themselves to profit on being paedophiles - *isn't* 'a fact of life' - that's a FACT - OF *THIER* LIFE - because they're totally retarded PEDOPHILES that must make everything about themselves *INCLUDING* BEING paedophiles and they do because THEY ARE - PEDOPHILES - that want to get allllll they cannnnnn out of being severely retarded - PEDOPHILES etc. People ride bikes everyday - most 'bike riders' *don't* 'ride bikes to pedo island to partake in paedophilia parties' - paedophiles DO - that's paedophiles BEING paedophiles and vulgar revolting retards MORE and more ridiculously retarded MORE. The paedophiles say: "that's not a picture of Tom Hanks - that's Hannah Spearmint & the regrouping of hideous paedophiles that sing about their paedophilia & expect to get paid for it cos they don't sing for 'free'. 'Anacondaaaa' and J Lo sticks her tongue in Nicki Minaj's arse because - *just* because they're paedophiles and paedophiles 'stick together'. "Hmm Hmm tastes good" says J Lo - they love the taste of their *own* shit - Ben gets jealous & does an ad with P Diddy hoping that P Diddy will stick his tongue in his butt to make being paedophiles 'even'. What's Sodomy? *shrugs shoulders* whatever it is - nothing to do with me - obviously a 'metaphor' for Ricky Gervais & Savile humping sheep together. PEDOPHILES - hideous inbreds, grotesque ridiculously retarded paedophiles. Iran gets a role on a soap opera and they recreate a war (that they lost, like many 'war on... this that and everything') - to capitalise on being paedophiles that they are *still* in denial about even when/during & after they 'get together' for some extra migrant bashing on top of being paedophiles that are in the serial raping trafficking & 'fixing it for paedophiles 'business' and the 'scientists' 'advise' to find a desk to duck under in the event that they find themselves being attacked by hail - completely totally retarded MORE. Their vulgarity is astonishing. More & more ridiculously retarded MORE.
Rupert Murdoch & the 'Sun' Newspaper & Ukraine & 'fake news', Leveson 1 & 2, Brexit & the ongoing 'crisis' of 'fixing it' for themselves to avoid looking like what they ARE - sicccccck hideous paedophiles- Is he Jewish? Does he pay paedophiles & terrorists to 'fix it' for themselves = Brexit = paedophiles, is he going to pay all those 'striking' workers that got paid TO 'fix it' FOR paedophiles that were offered a cash incentive to make sumfink up to fix it for the inbreds and lolz, are they going to make more 'documentaries' about themselves BEING paedophiles and... how much more money can they make BY BEING paedophiles etc - siccccccck siccccker MORE retarded MORE. They're bleuuugh - more more retarded mooooore waaaaay waaay mooore spectacularly ridiculous on top of *ALREADY* being totally completely retarded - get MORE

Paedophilia - is thier industry, 2011 Kensington - Monaco 2011 (shortly after having lunch with someone - that's *isn't* 'black') - tell them they're pedoes - they capitalise make about themselves coscos that's what they are - 2016 pedoes fixing it for pedoes cos that's what they ARE - paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves by pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves and getting pedoes to 'fix it' for pedoes by making stuff up & lol'ing - compleeeeeelty vulgar revolting retarded inbreds, grotesque ridiculously retarded paedophiles & 2023 *STILL* severely retarded paedophiles - sicker sicker sicker MORE and more retarded MORE -sicccccccck SICK SICK MORE
At least there is no evidence of their paedophilia - and that's what matters the most (to pedoes) - absolutely totally completely retarded MORE. There's that thing - what 'celebrities' would you invite for a dinner party. They must not like Pizza, Lobster or Megan Fox annnnnd that's THIER 'tribute' to Hitler 'cleverly disguised' as thier 'gift' to Africa. sicccccccccccck ridiculous retards MORE.. 'clap for paedophiles' - sicccccccck vulgar revolting ridciulous retards MORE retarded MORE
zoom in to see what the pedoes say and how they 'fix it' for themselves - sicker more retarded MORE - surely you would've said if you knew/know you're paedophiles - oh wait.. 'spam', 'bot', 'troll, the Cameron's are off - to paedophile island wearing socks with Chewy & Lia on to prevent thier foot & mouth disease from developing into 'FULL' retardation bought about by syphilis that they contracted from shagging too many farm animals - as Brexit 'rolls on' - only a couple of ridiculous retards have realised - they're absolutely completely totally retarded - and they 'fixed' (more) by making thier retardation - about themselves etc etc sicccccccccccccck MORE astonishingly embarrassingly ridiculous MORE.
The staged 'arguments', the phoney 'feuds' the 'favours' for paedophiles etc, the numerous 'PR for pedoes 'campaigns', milking their own paedophilia to profit on their vulgarity, the endless 'fixing it' for themselves, the pillaging the fixing and the lol'ing etc - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds - if what they do to someone else is what they do to themselves - while they think of more ways of making thier vulgarity - about themselves - just get sicker sicker more and more retarded as thier pedo 'ball' rolls along and laugh in yah face as they 'fix it' more for themselves - not my industry - RETARDS and Brexit = paedophiles. Along with thier 'fashion for pedoes' and designer terrorists that like to blame someone else for THIER terrorism and profiteering and serial raping trafficking - when - it's my own life paedophiles have pillaged and made about themselves and got da pedoes to fix it ' - more (for *themselves*) by making stuff up and laughing in yah face and the ridiculous inbreds convince themselves they're not retarded paedophiles. SICK SICK more retarded MORE
Amazing that they've convinced themselves they're not retarded paedophiles and carry on 'business as usual' & lolz cos pedoes 'fixed it' for paedophiles & lolz.. doesn't resemble anything like 'business as usual' - cos they're in the paedophile pillaging serial raping trafficking business that - convince themselves - they're not - serial raping traffickers - like those with dinghy's - go compare - retards more & more ridiculous MORE retarded waaaaaaay MORE.
What they fuck are you doing messing with someone else's life? = you're a paedophile derrrr - paedophiles - what the fuck are you doing pillaging someone else life? = you're a paedophile derrr - demonstrate thier serial raping traffickers 'tekkas' and lololz = paedophiles. They'll capitalise on anything and make about themselves - because they're retarded ridiculous - paedophiles like that - ridiculously retarded MORE. Paedophiles - on screen, off-screen, behind the camera & in front of it - they're paedophiles that like to flaunt and gloat about their retardation wherever they can because they're retards like that. I've met numerous 'celebrities' who happen to be - celebrity paedophiles - that take advantage OF paedophiles BEING paedophiles because they're famous paedophiles and get thier paedophile 'fans' to laugh along with thier vulgarity coscos paedophiles are 'so hilarious' - said the paedophiles - and thier paedophilia spreads faster than the plague and they tell themselves if they're paedophiles for a loooooooong time and get paedophiles to make stuff up so paedophiles can make being paedophiles - about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - they're not paedophiles - toooooootally retarded ridiculous inbreds - siccccccck - paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles BEING paedophiles - ARE - paedophiles - to capitalise on the abuse of someone else and make about themselves - ew - siccccccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds - none of them - coscos - paedophiles haha's (vomit) that capitalise on thier vulgarity to profit on thier paedophilia - as well as - being paedophiles that have lots of 'fun' & 'lotta larfs' BEING retarded ridiculous paedophiles - as well as - ensuring thier paedophile peers don't look like the retarded paedophiles that they are - they clap for themselves as more paedophiles 'fix it' for paedophiles (*themselves*) to avoid looking like the ridiculously retarded inbreds that they ARE - make stuff up fix it for the pedoes & laugh in yah face - what they like eh? - paedophiles - 'game day' for paedophiles, 'space jam' for rapists 'comic relief' for serial raping traffickers etc- sicccccccck - SICK SICK - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE and more retarded MORE

There they are making up their own shit up about someone else's life to fix it for paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and get da paedophiles to make stufff uppp and lolz cos cos paedophiles are fixin' it for demselfs. If I was a 'spy' in the world - I wouldn't work for them - they're pedophiles - SICK RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED INBREDS MORE. So so soooooo much mooore than *jusssssst* an international embarrassment. They're *FULLY* 'aware' they're paedophiles rapists and terrorists - totally completely retarded MORE and more ridiculous waaay more spectacularly retarded MORE. 2016 - pedoes fixin' it for themselves - annnnnd they spend *another* couple of years making more stuff up to ensure paedophiles make BEING paedophiles - about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - to avoid looking like what they ARE (paedophiles) and recreate BEING paedophiles to make BEING paedophiles - about themselves - AGAIN - when ALREADY ARE - siccccccccccck retards MORE and more retarded more. De Niro and his 'speeches' lol - I'm sure no one has ever plagiarised *his* life to capitalise on being ridiculously retarded paedophiles that make stuff and fix it for themselves so pedophiles don't look like what they ARE - and they ARE - ridiculously retarded - PEDOPHILES etc - sicccccccck sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE & MORE ridiulous & lolz sooooooo much moooooore than *juuussssssst* an international embarrassment.

They're *FULLY* 'aware' they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, terrorists and 'fixers' for allllllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque more & more spectacularly ridiculous MORE, sooooo paedophiles have 'freedom' to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves - don't need to manipulate 'sick as fuck' to make 'sick as fuck' about themselves - cos that's what they ARE *anyway* - sicccccccck ridiculous retards MORE and more and more and more totally completely retarded MORE
75".. I got 80" , I have this and a sound bar that is linked to computer, also DVD player. I don't have a TV - I don't watch it. Their gun control 'debate' etc
I didn't pay that much. The screen is top quality unlike a 'normal' projector the curtains can be open, the daylight bounces off it so can watch the projector in daylight, obviously the picture gets better the more darker the room is however the curtains can be left open and the picture is still good quality. The projector itself is amazing although it's 'old' now in tech years. I've had that for must be 4/5 years and I'm still on the first bulb. I've used less than 50 hours over the course of 4/5 years. Screensavers on YouTube with background music - on YouTube as well. DVD player - watch the paedophiles. Nah. Watch a relaxing screensaver with background music.

Spot the £88 million pound documentary they made - about themselves - BEING - paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to capitalise on their vulgarity AND to profit on back of raping and pillaging etc plus more 'exclusive' documentaries they made about - themselves - BEING - paedophiles. like.. loooook...there's yoooo being a retarded paedophile. SICK more astonishingly ridiculous MORE. Michael J Fox and Ricky Gervais get an invite to the 'after party' specifically *just* to get the goody bag full of M&M's. And they'll probably get another paedophile from another paedophile 'agency' (all types of paedophile 'agencies' that 'fix it' FOR paedophiles - that *don't* have - PEDOPHILES or SERIAL RAPING TRAFFICKERS etc as their 'job description' funnily enough - that's what they ARE - 'die hard paedophiles'), to get their paedophile PR to 'create' another paedophile PR 'campaign' - to help them not look like what they are - paedophiles.
Russell Crowe.. lol, not met him - he's a paedophile, it's the 'nepo' pedo PR 'campaign'. He didn't like the 'feedback' he got FOR BEING a paedophile that meddles with someone else's life because they're ridiculously retarded inbreds so Romper Stomper morphs into Gladiator because he's a paedophile that meddles with someone else's life to capitalise on the Uncle Bully's of 'down under' & wherever paedophiles congregate to 'think' of more ways of making BEING vulgar inbreds - about themselves - that *also* shag under sheep to breed something 'gollumy' that crawled out of Mordor because they're paedophiles that are *also* in the serial raping trafficking 'business' *AS WELL* as being pillaging meddling vulgar revolting grotesque hideously retarded - paedophiles and crackheads etc ie: Shatner and the Bozo's had an orgy with the Kardashians - specifically - to sell their stained sheets on eBay for profit (few million quid) cos paedophiles go for that sort of thing (another example: Karshadians vs Katie Price vs Pamela Anderson vs A giant piece of shit - which one would eat the shit because they could 'use it' for promoting their *OWN* shit on their 'reality tv show' to profit on the shit they produce by that shit and make about themselves - they'd alllllllll be fighting over - a piece of shit - smear it all over themselves - a 'metaphor' for what they ARE - completely totally retarded.
That's not even including Disney & France's version of 'The Shining' in collaboration with Zemeckis/Burton & UN paedophiles. Like Brexit & 'Obamacare' 'collaboration' - what is 'good' for paedophiles in one country (ie: fixing it for *themselves* to avoid looking like what they are - paedophiles) may not be good for those paedophiles in other countries that like to use government & international bodies to promote their *OWN* paedophilia - they 'play' along with BEING paedophiles *TO* capitalise & profit on the back of raping. Fascinating how they have no concern for anything except themselves and manipulate someone else's life TO make about themselves and call someone else's life their 'idea' and pay paedophiles etc to make stuff up and 'fix it' for themselves to profit on their vulgarity. They often ride bikes... to the islands or over the islands - people do it everyday. Sick ridiculously hideous retards. MORE.
The 'crisis' is the 'crisis' of the ongoing 'crisis' of getting caught BEING paedophiles - so they fix it for *themselves* more & more & more. 'Fixing it' FOR paedophiles cos paedophiles BEING paedophiles capitalising on and fixing it FOR paedophiles (*themselves*) - may be 'good' for paedophiles - no one else. Paedophiles that 'fix it' for *themselves* like to humour *themselves* with their own vulgarity. They then turn that vulgarity into 'entertainment' to 'cleverly disguise' their vulgarity while encouraging their 'fans' to partake in vulgar & they do. After years of being ridiculously retarded paedophiles (prior to Brexit) they ask with such vacantness as to why the likes of Savile was never arrested - BECAUSE they ALLLLL applauded him *and* ganged up *TO* rape for rapists in the name of 'art', 'comedy' and 'entertainment' annnnnnd offer incentives *TO* paedophiles to 'fix it' FOR paedophiles so paedophiles are 'free' to get alllllll they cannnnnn out of being retards. British paedophiles (plus their paedophile peers) vs sheep. Not a medical 'experiment' - it's paedophilia and terrorism - call it what it is and what they ARE. Not going to make any money with a name like 'Anna Mae Bollock' are they. Announcement: "Bollock.. Bollock come on the stage" nahhhh. "will Bollock come on the stage please" nahh. They're really into 'Plow Day', they *ALSO* like to 'plow' their *own* bullshit with their paedophile & rapist 'charities' etc *including* ex presidents that *also* 'come' on the stage - so it's like a 'joke' between hideous ridiculously retarded grotesque paedophiles - simply the worst - SICK Vulgar revolting ridiculous retards grotesque paedophiles - more & more ridiculous MORE
Ridiculous retards MORE. Soooooo much mooooore than *juuuusssssst* an international fucking embarrassment. And Jeremy Hunt is featuring as George Clooney in his own coffee commercial. PEDOPHILES - hideous ridiculously retarded inbreds. Davos.. have they got the pimps and the prostitutes and the child molesters ready? Hideously retarded - the paedophile says: "The world is in a sorry state' with climate change, cost of living, Ukraine etc rahderahderah - it's absolutely nothing to do with THIER paedophilia, raping and pillaging and helping themselves BE PEDOPHILES - hideous retarded inbreds MORE - MORE. UN ARE PEDOPHILES - it's that simple - ridiculously retarded hideous inrbeds - they 'fix it' for themselves and carry onnnnnn BEING retarded hideous inbreds - sick sicccckkkerrr moooore. Helen Clark needs to be in a straight jacket - for the rest of her life - she didn't like that 'comment' sooooo capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves. 'Sustainable paedophiles' completely totally retarded MORE and more hideously vulgar more grotesque - ridiculous retards MORE more ridiculous waaaaay moooooore astonishingly grotesque MORE.
Kofi Anan, Banki Moon etc - it's a paedophile organisation - nothing more. They love the sound of thier own paedophile voices, they love to pillage someone else to capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves BECAUSE they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that - SICK MORE.
Paedophiles 'believe' that if paedophiles 'fix it' for themselves - they're not paedophiles. And Guterres that is *FULLY* 'aware' that HE is a ridiculously retarded paedophile that'd thieve yah knickers from the clothesline to sniff annnnd encourages paedophiles to be paedophile to help HIM - not look like what he is - a paedophile that capitalises ON paedophiles BEING paedophiles - that makes them sooooooo much moooore retarded - so much more vulgar than allllll the Savile's', the Weinstein's, the Cosby's, the Hindley's etc combined RETARDS. UN is defunct. It's obsolete. PEDOPHILES - hideously retarded inbreds, more & more ridiculously retarded MORE
I'm building more storage
I'm so impressed with this screwdriver. Apollo. Making hanging baskets for the inside of a door. How to fix round pieces of wood to a door & make 'baskets' with white mesh material (so can see what is in them) with purple velvet edging. Double sided screws because the wood that screwed onto the hangers split when screwed onto the door. I'm not a builder, this is my fourth attempt as before they were just bags on hooks. Double-end screws are on their way bypassing the 'cyber incident' - like an 'international' virus similar to the paedophile plague with their paedophile 'campaigns' etc.. it's got nothing to do with them - they just work there. 'Wop wop'... wtf is 'wop wop'. Ridiculous retards MORE
Feels like I have false eyelashes on.. flutter flutter. Eyelash perm kit. Approx. 30 minutes per eye and one is always easier than the other, do it twice - see if they get more curlier. No you cannot do it twice - recommended interval between perming is 4 weeks. Have to wait at least four weeks until I do it again. Less than a tenner for approximately 5/6 'lifts' that the kit provides Value for money.
Early days of 2023 and it's *already* proving to be 'eventful'. Ukraine prime minister or president or whatever the paedophile likes to call himself (except he refrains from calling himself a paedophile, a pillaging paedophile and a profiteering terrorist etc .. go figure) in his speech "your son's, your son's sons.. etc" what a ridiculous retarrrrrrd - probably got that 'idea' off Mila Kunas (cos she's 'escaped the Nazis') that *also* pillage someone else's life and make about themselves etc annnnnd make comedy shows about their raping & pillaging - goes and visits the farmers market looking for thier sheep etc *AND* he got cash from his pimps in America so he and his paedophile wife can go shopping on Rodeo Drive - hideous absolutely ridiculously retarded - MORE.
Greta specifically 'recruited' by paedophiles - the 'public' are 'nasty' aren't they - 'attacking' what was an underage paedophile - 'kidscan' help them be paedophiles and now she's over 16 - *STILL* paedophiles and she *can* 'blow' someone 'legally' now at Davos where - you don't just walk in off the street. Her spiel is for paedophiles and thier paedophile 'shows' are for paedophiles to 'enjoy' while and during creating thier own 'dramas' to take the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles etc.
She's off to China to give a speech in the 'Great Hall of the People' - about paedophiles 'stealing her childhood' - she's very 'bitter' about it. "She should go to India"... she did didn't she - with bags of luggage - MORE than Zsa Zsa Gabor annnd she didn't receive the 'celebrity' 'welcome' either. (Probably because - she didn't visit the tip where children younger than her get paid less than a fiver a day to pick up rubbish from a tip higher than a mountain etc - she & they 'conveniently' overlooked that because she's a 'star' that has been 'recruited' BY paedophiles with the sole purpose of creating 'drama' to take the focus off themselves BEING hideously retarded - paedophiles - and to paedophiles it's all about being paedophiles capitalising on and fixing it FOR *themselves* - because they're hideously retarded paedophiles. Greta shouts at the kid that's been in a mountain of rubbish all day "You stole my childhood" (regardless that she's capitalising ON being a paedophile *anyway* to help paedophiles take the focus off what they ARE *anyway*) … the litter picker as anyone can guess - the only reply is "You can fuck right off". Just the same as "You're a paedophile - you can fuck right off" - they don't get that - because - they ARE paedophiles - that will capitalise and make about themselves because they ARE - paedophiles - hideous retards MORE. Embarrassingly ridiculous MORE.
Lolz at Alec Baldwin the paedophile & the bendy stretchy paedophile, stropping around with his counterpart in the 'fashion for paedophiles' & 'designer terrorist' 'business' - they capitalise on atrocities and - make about themselves annnnd the top she has on - it's greeeeen - oh what a surprise a bit like greeeeenfell isn't (nothing to do with me & that's green, a bit like 'green birds' and the terrorist campaigns to promote the 'culture' of pimps & ho's and hareems of pedoes rapists and terrorists. They seized the opportunity to capitalise on their paedophilia (*again*) and help their paedophiles peers out by capitalising on something else annnnnd making about themselves (and repeat.. numerous paedophile hashtag 'campaigns' and 'bring back thier girls', 'George Floyd', 'Black Lives Matter', the three paedophiles, 'heads together' to find more ways of making being ridiculously retarded inbreds - about themselves etc - SICKER MORE retarded MORE) to take the focus off themselves BEING - PEDOPHILES. Clever isn't it - see what they did there, capitalised on pillaging someone else and made about themselves to take the focus off themselves BEING vulgar ridiculously retarded hideous paedophiles. 'Indigenous' means 'black' mainly to paedophiles and ridiculous retarded pillaging paedophiles thaaaaat pillage to capitalise to profit etc. 'Migrants' - also means - black (which is better for political paedophiles to capitalise and turn being paedophiles into 'debates' among paedophiles = another 'angle' of Brexit). Paedophiles capitalise on *anything* and make about themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles that have a severe lack of 'insight' about the situation they are in and also about what 'indigenous' means. Along with criminal justice departments that capitalise on thier vulgarity "coscos thier namez iziz peeeeedoes you know haha's" 🤮 as well as kidnapping child raping terrorists etc SICK RETARDS - MORE more ridiculously retarded MORE 'preciousssss' - hideous inbreds MORE. They meddle to capitalise on something they know nothing about - to make about themselves - to profit on the back of raping and pillaging. Who is Judith Collins? Never met her - she's a paedophile that pillages someone else's life and makes about themselves - absolutely diabolical retards - even more so when the victim they're pillaging doesn't even live in the country - specifically - to capitalise on being paedophiles and profiteering terrorists & make about themselves annnnnd fix it for themselves like the vulgar retards that they ARE that 'recruit' more paedophiles to fix it for paedophiles to help paedophiles not look like what they ARE - and they ARE - PEDOPHILES *and* PEDOPHILES - in denial. SICK. sicksick. Horrendously ridiculously retarded - MORE and more spectacularly ridiculous MORE waaaay moooore astonishingly embarrassingly retarded more. Pimps & ho's and hareems of paedophiles. Look at them being hijacking terrorists with thier front page of Mandela being paedophiles (the Sun newspaper plus 'Jewish Cash' as incentives to be paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity by pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves BECAUSE they ARE vulgar ridiculously retarded paedophiles that often ride bikes to paedophile Island/s etc) - pillaging - capitalising - making about themselves and fixing it FOR. The 'crisis' is the 'crisis' of getting caught BEING retarded paedophiles so 'fixit' to avid looking like what they ARE and they ARE paedophiles. Absolutely spectacularly ridiculous MORE.
Sooooo much moooore than *jusssssst* an international embarrassment. "Can't use thier image" said the paedophiles while gloating about messing and meddling and pillaging someone else's life to capitalise on BEING paedophiles (when they ALREADY ARE) annnnnnd make about themselves - to profit on being ridiculously retarded inbreds & grotesque vulgar paedophiles (that's paedophiles BEING paedophiles with paedophile excuses FOR BEING paedophiles and kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers & terrorists etc. They made an atrocity about themselves *AND* fixed it for *themselves* *AND* carrry onnnn BEING ridiculously retarded inbreds. Completely Totally Retarded. Waaaay more astonishingly embarrassingly retarded - MORE. Paedophiles that capitalise on terrorism and make about themselves while being paedophiles that capitalise on pedoes and rape for rapists etc to profit on the back of raping and pillaging. There's probably loads of tv ads that 'feature' prawns & pizza etc - not only just in Africa. Ridiculously retarded paedophiles MORE
Time magazine - are paedophiles - *many* paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and get the pedoes to fix it for themselves have 'graced' the front cover *including* the paedophile New Zealand government and thier paedophile 'cronies'. A couple of Prime Ministers later - *STILL* hideous ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers in a pool of paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles annnnd rape for rapists to get alllll they can out of being retards annnnd help thier paedophile peers - not look like what they are - and they ARE ridiculously retarded - PEDOPHILES - annnnnd fix it for themselves - VULGAR - MORE.
"don't stab yooor... " (paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves). Boris, Cameron, Blair and the Pied Piper paedophiles that built thier Brexit 'death star' in Essex say "copy paedophiles being paedophiles to help out with being paedophiles" because paedophiles 'believe' if paedophiles copy paedophiles being paedophiles - they're not paedophiles - oh waaaaaaait. So the paedophiles, rapists and serial raping traffickers etc issue an 'advisory' to thier paedophile peers that says it might be 'harmful' for 'global security' if it's found that they pillage civilians and call them 'Russian Villains' (amongst other things) - to avoid looking like what they ARE - and they ARE - paedophiles. Paedophiles paving the way for paedophiles that capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves to profit on the back of raping and pillaging. They put on a little paedophile show (another one) for the paedophiles to take the focus off themselves looking like the what they ARE (paedophiles) What's Brexit? Paedophiles refusing to 'call out' paedophiles - because they're paedophiles - they capitalise on paedophiles because they ARE and make about themselves BECAUSE they ARE - paedophiles. (eg: an example of thier retardation, paedophile politicians that got caught 'hacking' - years ago - & his paedophile counterpart asks Blair the prolific paedophile (Leveson) 'if he's okay' - regardless if they had intention of blaming Dowler's for the death of thier daughter - that's paedophiles *being* paedophiles and totally retarded inbreds: should be some indication of what they're like. "It's 'ghastly if it's true" said the paedophiles (& lolz) "Milky Dawker" … who? What country does she come from? Is she Nigerian? Paedophiles 'fixing it' for themselves *again*. What they liiiiiiike? - they're like thaaaaaaat - totally completely retarded ridiculously grotesque paedophiles - SICK. Completely totally retarded MORE
BECAUSE they're paedophiles capitalising on being - paedophiles - if one of them gets caught BEING a paedophile - they allllll gang up and rape for rapists - capitalising & recreating being paedophiles to make being paedophiles about themselves - when they ALREADY are - to profit on thier vulgarity. 'loose ships sink ships' the paedophile wears WHILE being a ridiculously retarded grotesque paedophile that capitalises on thier vulgarity annnnnd makes about themselves - that's another 'documentary' they made about themselves BEING retarded paedophiles and how retarded politicians are - and famous paedophiles are even more vulgar and the pimps & the ho's and hareems of paedophiles are even MORE vulgar. Hilaria the paedophile and the kidnapping child rapist "Leave our kids alone" errr - lol - they use them as tools to promote thier own paedophilia while capitalising on thier vulgarity annnnnd making about themselves cos ARE vulgar retards. Where are they? North West? "ohhh don't rob her because - she has a child - and she's making money - taking that Jewish cash as incentive to be paedophiles rapists and serial raping traffickers and vulgar ridiculously retarded paedophiles - ridiculously retarded inbreds. What are theeeyyyy? er er PEDOPHILES - SICK totally MORE
They're 'desperately seeking' another Tyrese Gibson 'moment' so Rock can shout at the protesters in Peru that stole a snake that jumped out of a plane and trekked across the desert to reach the picket line where shouters get to shout at the protesters protesting to get financial reward for being paedophiles *and* their favourite meal is - Pizza - *and* they sing songs about Anaconda and how 'thier butt don't want none' - with more paedophile PR that capitalises and makes about themselves - and J Lo convinces herself it's all about her while they 'debate' about who they thought was the 'better' batman and neglect to compare their affectionally named 'China virus' to thier 'paedophile virus'. Paedophiles are thier 'favourite characters' to 'play' - they don't need to 'act' - that's what they ARE and they shove thier kid in front of the camera and screech "Leave us aloooone you're harassing us" (performing paedophiles that 'arrange' and 'solicit' the attention they crave & thier paedophilia 'ball' rolls on infecting as many as possible to help them avoid looking like what they ARE - they ARE - paedophiles. Paedophiles that use children as weapons to promote thier own paedophilia - sicker than terrorists, paedophiles - everything is a 'joke' to paedophiles, paedophiles are sooooo 'hilarious' aren't they - 'culture' of ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc SICKER more retarded MORE. Totally retarded MORE ridiculous waaaaaay mooore spectacularly retarded MORE - PEDOPHILES - RETARDS - MORE ridiculous MORE.. what's Brexit? "uh uh dunnooooos jus being pedoes haha's coscos thier namez iz iz peeedoes you know haha's" 🤮
Completely retarded hideous ridiculous inbreds MORE. The demise of everything that they know *isn't* down to 'slavery', that's paedophiles flattering themselves with thier incompetence. So they did what Hitler did annnnnd cry victim while helping their paedophile peers out by creating more 'scandals' to take the focus off themselves being completely totally retarded paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers and profiteering terrorists - ridiculous inbreds MORE sooooo much mooore than *jussssst* an international embarrassment and Ukraine is "blowing themselves up!! "woo wot a partay!!" And the paedophiles take a tour to admire thier bodies. "Looook at all our carcasses" said the pedoes excitedly and Justin Timberlake belts out "Crymeariver". "The Greatest Pedo Show". Ridiculous retards MORE. Paedophiles in paedophile 'mode' cos that's what they ARE - paedophiles and paedophiles - in a denial, they *did* 'fix it' for themselves - it's called Brexit with more paedophiles capitalising on being paedophiles like 'JoJo Rabbit' - 'entertainment' for paedophiles that like to capitalise on thier vulgarity annnnd make about themselves to take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles that like to blame everyone else *except* themselves FOR BEING vulgar ridiculously retarded - paedophiles, rapists, terrorists and profiteering terrorists etc. Part of the 'Total Retards' series. If they can make a few quid BEING paedophiles - THEY WILL. If there's *anything* to capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists THEY WILL - BECAUSE - they're paedophiles. And the paedophiles find more ways of making BEING paedophiles - about themselves. SICK. Totally. Completely retarded MORE. VULGAR MORE. Ridiculous inbreds MORE spectacularly retarded MORE.
There is name for Rebel Wilson etc - and that name is PEDOPHILE, RAPIST AND A TERRORIST. There is a name for Ricky Gervais etc - and that name is PEDOPHILE, RAPIST & TERRORIST. Paedophiles showing off thier paedophile 'skills' by pillaging capitalising & 'fixing' for themselves cos ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that. There is a name for Benedict and that is - PEDOPHILE & so on and so forth. SICK vulgar revolting inbreds. Paedophiles, rapists, terrorists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers and 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting ridiculously grotesque MORE. Compleeeeeeetly retarded inbreds - VULGAR MORE.
Mayan Calendar is *obviously* about paedophiles isn't it. 'Culture' of pimps & ho's & hareems of pedoes: capitalise pillage fix make about themselves make sumfnk up fix it for the inbreds & lolz - RETARDS MORE 'precious' SICK SICK MORE. When Danny Boyle walks past Quentin Tarantino he doesn't have his butt against a wall - he's showing off his ringhole. There's the cesspit - jump right in says Rose, don't wanna miss out on being ridiculously retarded paedophiles. They even start to look like thier favourite farm animals, including Bobo and Bob. They look like retarded inbreds because they ARE and they 'act' like it too - what a 'bonus'. What else can the paedophiles do - make a movie - about a whale - sicccccck MORE.
Charlie Sheen's/Heidi Fleiss ('agency') 'black book' is like Maxwell's' (paedophiles) 'black book' - George Lucas is in there, Ewan McGregor, Spielberg and Obi Kenobi, Tony Blair, Obama's, Trump, Biden, UN delegates, politicians etc etc etc So basically, she has alllllll of America, the UK, majority of Europe, Pacific, Asia, etc Davos etc etc in her 'little' 'black book' - turns out it's not a 'little' 'black book' it's fucking ginormous and that contributes to thier 'tribute' of the death of thier own cuntrees *while* capitalising & fixing it to squeeze every penny out of being retards and they *have* milked BEING paedophiles for all it's worth and then some with thier gloating and flaunting etc annnnnd that's a hefty sum to fix it for - paedophiles. SICKER MORE retarded MORE. Looooook at the paedophiles BEING paedophiles BECAUSE they're paedophiles with pedo excuses for thier paedophilia annnnd fixing it for themselves - PEDOPHILES - pimps & hoe's, ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE. Paedophiles that make everything about themselves *including* BEING paedophiles because that's what they ARE. SICK. MORE Completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE and more spectacularly vulgar MORE.
They're not burying Elvis - because - he's already dead. The paedophiles and crackheads are really easy to spot - what are they famous for? Apart from - being paedophiles... ummmm.... ummm "they pulled Osama Bin Laden out of the ocean to capitalise and profit on being paedophiles & make about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of BEING ridiculously retarded - paedophiles" said the paedophiles that like to capitalise on death and make about themselves - so obviously that is some kind of 'martyrdom' among severely retarded - paedophiles etc. Megan Fox starts her 'petition' to have Michael Bay 'cancelled' because he 'made' her take a shower when she was 14 - not - because - he & they - are BOTH/ALLLLLL paedophiles. Ridiculously retarded MORE spectacularly vulgar MORE retarded MORE. They 'recreate' being paedophiles again & again & again - *still* - paedophiles, "death cult death cult death cult" - capitalise - make about themselves - paedophiles love that *just* as much - as being - paedophiles (with thier bloated carcasses etc) annnnnd capitalise - make about themselves.
Yeah - don't blame the paedophiles for being paedophiles - blame the 'authorities' that do whatever to help them procure victims so paedophiles can capitalise on their vulgarity to profit on raping and pillaging and fixing it for - paedophiles. Ridiculous Retards. "Yah 'defund the police' coscos pedoes you know haha's" 🤮 Paedophiles have done that paedophile 'campaign' (among many PR for Paedophiles 'campaigns') to 'cleverly disguise' THIER paedophilia - SICK RETARDS MORE. Don't blame the paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles and gang up to rape for rapists and spend decades spinning thier own bullshit to avoid looking like what they ARE - because - ummmmm... ummm. "coscos thier namez iz iz peeeedoes you know haha's" 🤮- that want 'accountability' for thier fat - totally retarded MORE coscos being paedophiles all about body 'image' and the 'culture' of pimps & hoe's and hareems of paedophiles that give *themselves* 'permission' to be paedophiles that capitalise on their vulgarity and makes about themselves COS they ARE - vulgar revolting ridiculous retards. Siccccck retards MORE🤮
PEDOPHILES - vulgar MORE, Kim who? dotcom karshadian? PEDOPHILES more ridiculously retarded - never met them - got nothing to do with *my* life - apart from them being ridiculously vulgar revolting paedophiles that milk thier OWN paedophilia for every penny. If there's *anything* to capitalise on make about themselves WHILE raping for rapists - THEY WILL - BECAUSE they're PEDOPHILES - retards that capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves cos ARE vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds like that. What kind of ridiculously retarded inbred did *I* meet - siccccckkkkkkkkkk - sooooooo much mooooore than *jusssst* an international embarrassment. Totally retarded. They've successfully turned thier swamp into a bottomless cesspit so paedophiles can enjoy slopping around in thier own shit that *they* love so much coscos they are cesspit loving cretins. Dive in there Rose, don't wanna 'miss out' on being retarded paedophiles - SICK MORE Daniel 'Russian villain' paedophile Craig - siccccccckkkeerrrr sure Kit can too - make being a terrorist about himself coscos paedophiles 'say' there's 'no law' - that says they can't make being paedophiles about themselves (when already are) etc so capitalise on thier vulgarity and make the most of being retarded paedophiles to get alllll they cannnnn out of being retards COS that's what they ARE - RIDICULOUS - MORE.
They're paedophiles - they're all like: "I enjoy reading about your suffering" (cos there's lots of swearing all over *MY* blog and theyyyyy capitalise & make about themselves to gloat about being pillaging ridiculously retarded paedophiles and serial raping traffickers) They're like "Look at us enjoying being paedophiles lollolz" yeah loook there's yoooooo - BEING a paedophile with yah paedophile hat on etc with lots of gloating & flaunting thier paedophilia wherever they can - to more paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles that are like "I like her life, might pillage it make about ourselves". To more terrorists that capitalise on pedoes being terrorists that fix it for themselves so they don't look like paedophiles that *also* capitalise and make about themselves - to make the most of BEING vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles - annnnnnd - make about themselves etc. *Anyone* with a name like 'Khan' is obviously a paedophile like Imran the paedophile ("Savile did it all the time" he says) and rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists, profiteering terrorists, serial raping traffickers, 'opportunists' that exploit to capitalise to make the most out of paedophiles being paedophiles that terrorise to capitalise etc etc etc - because - they're paedophiles capitalising on what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - ridiculously retarded.
Oh the victim they're pillaging is 'troll', 'spam' a 'bot' etc they say - they 'listened to' and 'read' the screams of rape - they capitalised and made about themselves and abuse more to make being paedophiles about themselves when ALREADY ARE, "what the fuck are you doing?" "Being paedophiles" they say and the paedophiles say they're "really impressed how they rape victims OF rape to make rape about themselves regardless if they intentionally retraumatise to capitalise to profit on being paedophiles etc - no bother to them, none at all, being paedophiles is worth a few quid - to paedophiles. They want to be 'free' to rape how they want to 'rape' & capitalise supply lie pillage spin and 'fix' - RETARDS - MORE ridiculous MORE.
They meddle & mess to capitalise on thier vulgarity and they ARE - ridiculously VULGAR retarded paedophiles and they do not like being told what they ARE - capitalise cry victim make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz. My life annnnd loookathe pillaging 'precious' ridiculously retarded paedophiles helping themselves BE ridiculously vulgar paedophiles that make someone else's life about themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles - toooooootallly retarded ridiulous hideous inbreds. They were told they're paedophiles - capitalise make about themselves BECAUSE they ARE paedophiles *anyway* (back in 2011, along with the 'White Ribbon' paedophiles - more 'charity' paedophiles that abuse to capitalise annnnnnd they ARE kidnapping child raping terrorists. Pick a 'charity' *ANY* 'charity' - PEDOPHILES - yah 'kidscan' help them BE paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded hideous inbreds MORE) GET sicker sicker sicker sicker. They 'care' *very* much - about thier paedophilia just as much as they 'care' about 'fixing it' FOR paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themlves annnnd get da paedophiles to fix it for demselves by making stuff up and lolz coscos peeeeedoes you know haha's 🤮. MORE waaaaaay moooooore ridiculously completely totally retarded. MORE.
What do you get when they 'find' a 'snake in a dressing room' as a 'prank' - paedophiles in 'top gear' capitalising on paedophiles that rape for rapists. Like 'snakes on planes' - they're terrorists capitalising on pedoes that pay pedoes to fix it FOR terrorists so pedoes - don't look like what they ARE - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, serial raping traffickers, pillaging paedophiles etc. Thier £88 million pound 'documentary' - that's on top of the documentaries they've already made - about themselves BEING paedophiles will be …. about … compensation they neglected to pay the cotton pickers over 60 years ago... obviously. Paedophiles - capitalising pillaging thieving & raping TO profit on the back of raping and pillaging because they're paedophiles - they *KNOW* they're paedophiles, they're *FULLY* 'aware' of thier paedophilia "coscos thier namez iz peeedoes you know haha's" 🤮 sooooo make the most of paedophiles BEING paedophiles annnnnd fix it for themselves to avoid looking like what they ARE - RETARDS - completely totally retarded - MORE retarded MORE.
They rape to make rape about themselves and cry victim while and during being rapists and gloat about being paedophiles that like to flaunt thier paedophilia wherever they can *knowing* paedophiles will 'fixit' for paedophiles (*themselves*) so paedophiles can make being paedophiles - about themselves - when ALREADY ARE. Yah make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds (my own life) tooooootallly compleeeetly retarded MORE. The holocaust - more ways of capitalising on thier vulgarity and making about themselves - where'd they get 'Jewish Cash' to be paedophiles from? What did Hitler do - recap: jacked a sign/symbol & made about themselves. George Floyd - the 'saviour' of paedophiles that help da paedophiles avoid looking like what they ARE - 'bring back thier girls' - paedophiles rapists profiteering terrorists - that's *THIER* paedophile 'way' of fixing it for *themselves* - SICK ridiculous retards.
Thier 'PR' campaigns are purely focused on convincing *themselves* they're not paedophiles. Ahh look they got thier paedophile face on - ahhh look at yooo with yah paedophile hat on - SICK - "if in doubt - bring the pedoes out" - to help out with thier paedophilia. "Film makers say.... " 'Film makers' - are paedophiles that make more 'documentaries' about themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles to take the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles that like to blame someone else FOR BEING paedophiles - they don't see themselves as the ridiculous retards that they ARE - they'll capitalise and make about themselves BECAUSE they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles - SICK completely totally hideous odious ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE. Thier governments are defunct, the UN etc is paedophile organisation, they have trafficking 'charities' that ARE IN the trafficking 'business' etc - that spend thier time creating 'scandals' to help take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles that 'spin' thier own bullshit to avoid looking like what they ARE - totally retarded hideous paedophiles.
Auspols & weather related incidents in Australia - they get a pillaging meddling ridiculously retarded paedophile that pillages someone else's life and makes about themselves that's 'wet' behind the ears to say "make sure you pick your water up with a fork". His mother hated is guts, not 'hard' to see why - what an embarrassment they ARE - pick a 'charity' *any* 'charity' - paedophiles and more 'fixing it' for paedophiles with more paedophile campaigns to help paedophiles take the focus off their own paedophilia. Completely totally retarded - they *know* how to be ridiculously retarded paedophiles that abuse and break international laws TO capitalise on thier vulgarity - when they are in jobs where they are paid *NOT* to be ridiculously retarded paedophiles and profiteering terrorists - absolutely diabolically retarded MORE. Don't need to manipulate vulgar - that's what they ARE *anyway* - get sicker sicker sicker MORE MORE ridiculous. Then have UN pillaging paedophiles, criminal justice department paedophiles etc etc - hiddddddeous retards - SICKER MORE more ridiculous. "What's the name?" "ohh peeeedoes isn't it - yah yah lol lol" - they take being paedophiles *very* 'seriously' - they're 'determined' paedophiles that fix it for themselves to make BEING paedophiles about themselves BECAUSE THEY ARE- toooootally compleeeeetly retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE
That's *THEIR* mess as a result of being paedophiles etc. I don't pillage anyone else's life to make about myself, I don't pay paedophiles TO 'fix it' FOR paedophiles, they're paedophiles - for 'free' etc completely totally retarded ridiulous inbreds MORE retarded MORE
I should go to St Tropez - just to see what they're like there. Do they try and 'poach' tourists etc Totally completely retarded ridiculous inbreds.. paedophiles - they ARE offensive - they're PEDOPHILES - they dunnnoooos wot pedoes are - because they ARE - SICK retards MORE. Miley shouts "We're paedophiles, we can do whatever we like" - so they DO - they pillage someone else's life, they abuse to capitalise, they make someone else's life about themselves, they meddle and mess with someone else's life - for thier gain - and get da pedoes to fix it for demselfs cos cos paedophiles - VULGAR - they're fully 'aware' that they're paedophiles & lololz coscos hideous retards MORE ridiculous MORE. Hideous criminals SICK MORE.
Richie McCaw - fully 'aware' he went/shares the same pedo/terrorist school as a convicted murderer - they capitalise and make about themselves - got called 'fucked in the head' for being molested *during* a murder trial and over 20 years later get abused BY the paedophile so paedophiles can capitalise on thier vulgarity - no matter - someone else will capitalise on the abuse of someone else and make about themselves - siccccccccckkkk fucking retards. What 'part' of vulgar revolting retards don't they underfuckingstand? NONE - NADDA - COS THEY VULGAR REVOLTING RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED PEDOPHILES. SICK INBREDS MORE - Total and complete disregard everything *EXCEPT* thier own pillaging and raping and helping themselves BE paedophiles cos they got a cash incentive TO capitlise on thier vulgarity and pay more riidulously retaarded peodphiles TO 'fix it' for themslves BECAUSE they're PEDOPHILES. Akon/Kanye West/Jay Z/Will Smith etc etc - deluded demented vulgar ridiculous hideous PEDOPHILES - siccccccck - don't need to manipulate vulgar - THEY ARE - ridiculously SICK RETARDS - get sicker MORE.
Tell them they're paedophiles - they capitalise make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE. Totally retarded MORE. Zac Efron did his own paedophile animal farm show like the other paedophiles did - paedophiles that compete with other paedophiles. Again - it's my own life - pedoes pillage capitalise make about themselves and cry 'copyright' for BEING ridiculously vulgar retarded PEDOPHILES - SICKER MORE. Totally Completely retarded MORE. Love that pizza eh? Courtney Cox is going to change her name is Brian - siccccckkkker MORE. Joan Collins - another paedophile that pillages capitalises makes about themselves *FULLY* 'aware' of thier paedophilia, the Schofeld paedophile 'drama' - it's 'odd' they didn't 'come out' as what they ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles that create thier *own* paedophile 'dramas' to take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - SICKER MORE.
Obama the pigeon with his hoe's Beyoncé etc that give themselves 'permission' to be paedophiles, rapists and serial raping traffickers - because they're black - that pillage someone else's life, abuse to capitalise and cry victim while being pillaging vulgar revolting paedophiles, rapists and serial raping traffickers annnnnd make about themselves etc - paedophiles with paedophile 'excuses' FOR being - VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES, rapists, kidnapping child raping pillaging terrorists and 'fixers' for alllllll things vulgar revolting demonic and ridiculously grotesque - MORE - what an embarrassment they ARE. The paedophile says "There you go gurrrrl - being a paedophile - that paedophile knows *you're* a paedophile, so the paedophiles be paedophiles 'together' SICK RETARDS - they *KNOW* what they ARE - and they ARE - ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting grotesque PEDOPHILES - sick ridiculous inbreds MORE. Another paedophiles 'thank you for message' how patronising - like '#bebest' - 'the best paedophiles' you can be AND THEY ARE completely RETARDED - complete with 'Movember' paedophiles rapists & terrorists - ridiculous - completely totally demented retarded ridiculous inbreds. I wonder if they know what 4+6 is, they'll probably have to ask someone or get a 'cheat sheet' from somewhere - TOOOOOOTALLLY RETARDED- MORE

They love 'disasters' of *any* kind (the crisis is the crisis of the crisis of creating another 'crisis' to capitalise on the crisis of making another crisis to help gloss over the crisis of beeeeeeing ridiculously retarded inbreds etc) "oh loook loook at all the victims we can take advantage of" (to capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves to promote thier *OWN* paedophilia) "loook - that one is alllll fat & bloated, poke it with a stick and see if it lets out gas - if it does it's - in it's prime - quick - give it to Jimmy he'll love that" paedophiles BEING paedophiles - sicccccck RETARDS MORE ridiculous MORE, they love bloated carcasses etc - they get allll excited about BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles especially if they get to capitalise make about themselves and cry victim *while* BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccccck MORE - vulgar revolting retards - completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE soooo much more than *just*
They're totally gone - blank and vacant paedophiles that capitalise on their vulgarity and pillage someone else's life and make about themselves - capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves - Compleeeeeeetly retarded - soooooo much mooore than & *jussssst* an international embarrassment. MORE ridiculously retarded MORE and Liam Neeson says 'he's not taken' and Mel Gibson has *also* known they're vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles and more 'fixing it' for themselves - sicccccck retards - MORE spectacularly ridiculous MORE- that's THEM pillage fix capitalise make about themselves - make sumfink up - fix it for the inbreds & lolz annnnnd repeat

They weren't in Spain when I was there, they weren't in Fiji when I was there, they weren't in Hawaii when I was there, they weren't in India when I was there, they weren't in New York when I was there, they weren't in Prague when I was there. My own life - paedophiles that pillage and make about themselves to capitalise on thier vulgarity cos they ARE - VULGAR RETARDS MORE - ridiculous MORE and lols, hidddddddeous inbreds MORE retarded MORE.
How long can they pedoes for? "as long it takes to make being paedophiles about themselves" - when ALREADY ARE - vulgar ridiculous retards MORE retarded MORE. Liam Neeson - *especially* Liam Neeson, Mel Gibson, Nicholas Cage, Shia LeBouf etc etc should already know the 'significance' of Prague Castle, who it was built by & opened by etc, what year it was built, why numbers are important etc etc. Paedophiles and thier 'game days' i.e.: paedophiles capitalising on paedophiles to make being paedophiles about themselves when already are that capitalise on paedophiles and rape for rapists to profit on the back of raping and pillaging etc - thier paedophilia is 'coming home' - RETARDS - completely ridiculously retarded inbreds. MORE
A bit like Egypt, if recreate being paedophiles to make being paedophiles about themselves when they already are - to make being paedophiles about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of being paedophiles - when they already are - they're *STILL* hideously retarded paedophiles Thier paedophilia spreads faster than the plague and more 'fixing it' for paedophiles so paedophiles can make being paedophiles about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of thier paedophilia when they ALREADY ARE - paedophiles. Paedophiles and paedophiles - in denial. SICK MORE. What kind of demented retarded hideous inbred pillages someone else's life and makes about themselves and get da pedoes to 'fix it' for themselves - PEDOPHILES DO - THAT'S WHO, don't need to manipulate vulgar - that's what they ARE - ridiculously retarded MORE retarded MORE. Vulgar revolting retards MORE ridiculous more & more
That's priceless, on top of JK Rowling, Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe etc that all participate in gang rape to capitalise on terrorists & terrorising to make about themselves that get 'support' by other paedophiles to 'help out' with thier paedophilia that create thier *own* 'drama's' - amongst *themselves* with and including Michael J Fox and Ricky Gervais (together and as a duo) being the most ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting paedophile that doesn't even google his own series. Where did they go? Under a tombstone? Jump in thier cesspit they made a series about - being paedophiles since since borrrrnz haha's 🤮 Totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE. Besides that - I never liked her *anyway* her fat is offensive - it needs 'accountability'. She's "enjoying the movie luv" Whatsherface.... lol. And besides that be on YouTube *anyway*, like 'Tidal' paedophilia 'cleverly disguised' as 'piracy' - errr paedophiles BEING paedophiles & rapists pillaging paedophiles meddling rapists serial raping traffickers etc - ridiculously retarded inbreds more spectacularly ridiculous MORE

That's Gold
In other 'news'.. I thought I'd give this a go - Cocoage 24K Gold Chocolate Magnetic Mask (didn't pay that much for it.. in the 'age of austerity & economic growth'). Magnetic Masks are such a great 'find' - no mess. I have a UFO and that's great cos the serum absorbs into the skin and don't have to wipe it off. I'm a fan of white - white sheets, white towels, white facecloths (the higher the thread count the better obviously). The only thing with standard face masks is - don't use white facecloths to wipe it off - use a muslin cloth specifically for face masks so don't need to waste the Oxy Vanish or buy more facecloths. It glides on easy, wait for about ten minutes and get the magnet, wrap it in tissue and glide the magnet over the face - without touching the face - and the magnet collects while leaving the gold on your face that you massage in with a massage tool of your choice. Got the gold face on looking all .. gold. Wipes off relatively easy.. mm nice
I touched the raaaaaainnnn down in afrikaaaaa - can they pick up rain using chopsticks... lol... so they try and stab it - with a fork (or whatever 'instrument' they can find). Oh the 'progress' they've made by *and* being - retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles. Rewrite it: I touched the raaaaaaaaiiiin on an island off the coast of afrikaaaaaa. Ridiculous. More.
Aldo Zilli/Calum Best/Lizzie Cundy, Cowell, Winstone, Lewis, Sherzinger, Trump, Obama etc etc the Paris' - hideous retards MORE - paedophiles with thier paedophile 'detectors' - the more paedophiles the better where paedophiles are concerned. Pedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles - toooooootally retarded ridiculous - not even including Monaco or Kensington or that hideous retard Clooney, Jolie & the Pitts and 'Monsters Ball' & Khan's = ('being paedophiles and ridiculous retards *is* thier 'culture') - paedophiles militants and terrorists capitalise on what they are annnnd make about themselves - peeeeeedophiles - vulgar inbreds. They rape to make rape about themselves because they ARE - paedophiles with thier pimps & hoe's and hareeems of paedophiles that rape for 'favours' 'reward' and 'careers' among paedophiles COS THEY ARE ridiculous inbreds like that. Get divorced and make Brexit - about themselves if it takes the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles and RETARDS. Obviously the UN are soooooo much siccckkerrr MORE retarded than what they ARE and then there's Norway where paedophiles hijack annnnd - make about themselves - they don't get it's someone else's life they're pillaging - they capitalise pillage fix it for themselves to make being paedophiles about themselves WHEN ALREADY ARE - and Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon, Weinstein and thier 'trafficking' charities that are traffickers etc - SICK TOTALLY RETARDED - paedophiles SICCCCCK ridiculous inbreds - meddling profiteering paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves BECAUSE THEY'RE PEDOPHILES - spectacularly retarded embarrassingly ridiculous vulgar inbreds more. They're completely totally retarded - paedophilia 'cleverly disguising' - thier paedophilia - SICK ridiculous MORE
He goes to New York - to take a photo of a sign to make his life about someone else (to avoid the 'stigma' of being retarded inbreds), like Mr Big -paedophiles capitalise and make about themselves - ridiculously retarded paedophiles that work 'arrrrrrd to make sure they make being paedophiles - about themselves - BECAUSE THEY ARE & paedophiles - make everything about themselves *including* BEING paedophiles .. paedophiles ride bikes to pedo island allll the time - to capitalise on BEING paedophiles *and* so paedophiles are 'free' to make being paedophiles - about themselves (when already ARE) - to avoid any 'stigma' attached to BEING - paedophiles "sssshhh 'conspiracy'" said the paedophiles "paedophiles at 'work'" as they find more ways of making BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - about themselves - COS THEY ARE - PEDOPHILES - VULGAR RETARDS - MORE embarrassingly ridiculous more & more retarded MORE
"What's Brexit?" "uh uh uhhh dunnnooos jus being peeedoes haha's 🤮 capitalising on (paedophiles - cos they ARE) & making BEING paedophiles - about themselves (cos ARE) and making the most of THIER paedophilia and retardation annnnnd fixing it for (paedophiles to avoid 'stigma' of THIER vulgarity - BECAUSE THEY ARE - paedophiles) vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE, pedoes are thier fav 'roles' to 'play' - they don't needs to 'act' - that's what they ARE - siccccck retards - MORE ridiculously retarded MORE & more & more - vulgar revolting inbreds MORE - toooootally gone - blank and vacant ridiculously retarded inbreds. He's not *really* 'Russian' is he - they're paedophiles, PEDOPHILES that got caught BEING paedophiles and have been fixing it for themselves - ever since (they're going 'full throttle' to get thier world cup paedophilia award - RETARDS - MORE) sicccccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds - baaaah here piggy piggy - tooooootallly retarded hideous inbreds - going to Ibiza *obviously* sicccccccccccck MOOOOOOORE.
He *IS* 'scizo' - American Psycho - they're 'gaga' too, prancing around with thier prawns and pizza gloating & flaunting thier paedophilia - hideous retarded inbreds - and there they are 'fixing it' for terrorists so paedophiles are 'free' to capitalise on what they are - PEDOPHILES. They have everything wrong with them - because they're paedophiles - they're paedophiles that 'believe' they will 'flourish' and 'prosper' by BEING paedophiles that capitalise on thier paedophilia annnnd make about themselves *and* 'fixing it' for themselves to profit on their vulgarity so paedophiles van make being paedophiles about themselves (cos ARE) - toootally addicted to thier crack - SICK VULGAR RETARDS - MORE and more ridiculous MORE.. jerry springer.. jerry Seinfeld.. germy Kyle etc - the 'jerry's' - schizophrenic retards - bend over Miley! (because she's a 'pussy' that seeks a 'riot') - & there go - paedophiles helping paedophiles out because they ARE - siccccccck - sicccckerrrr more retarded MORE.
Not my country - they'll probably do another 'documentary' about Shemima and her 'outrageous' demands while paedophiles capitalise and 'fix it' for themselves to take the focus off themselves BEING terrorists & kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers & 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting demonic and grotesque - while the Clooooooneeeez & thier paedophile counterparts create another 'crisis' to take the focus off themselves - BEING - paedophiles - while making BEING paedophiles about themselves - to - profit on thier vulgarity & take the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles & so on and so forth. PEDOPHILES - sicker sicker totally VULGAR. The 'whale' is a 'metaphor' for - sick ridiculously retarded paedophiles, paedophiles and thier raping pillaging frenzies with thier paedophile 'codes' - paedophiles - VULGAR revolting retards - hidddddddeous inbreds moooore totally completely RETARDED - MORE they're complete gone - they're FULL RETARDED and then some. Obviously his Daniel 'Russian Villain' 'paedophile' 'impression', paedophiles yesterday paedophiles today paedophiles tomorrow - paedophiles are thier fav 'roles' to 'play' - they don't need to 'act' - that's what they ARE - RIDICUOUSLY RETARDED INBREDS MORE, Matt Damon gives his 'best' paedophile impression "He's not blick" Ohhh the trauma - ridiculous more. With more 'staged' drama, 'staged' 'arguments' between paedophiles, that paedophile did that and that paedophile did that - paedophiles & crackheads, 'people' 'do' what 'people' 'do' especially with sheep and *ANY* other carcasses they can 'find' - cos paedophilia and bestiality.....etc.... capitalise and make about themselves - they're 'viral' - their paedophilia spreads faster than the plague, they get caught BEING paedophiles and then thier 'think tanks' get together to 'think' of more ways to make BEING paedophiles about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - VULGAR RETARDS.
So they're terrorists that paid paedophiles in thier 'self styled' 'campaign' to do ….. what? & offer incentives to more paedophiles to 'fix' ….. what? When someone lodges a plane in a very tall building - wouldn't think they'd be 'friends'- so they took the world to war to …. capitalise on being paedophiles and make about themselves annnnd 'fixed it' for demselfs coscos thier namez is peeedoes that live in peeedotown and have lots of pedoe 'friends' in - peeeedowood… *Never* watched a whole Bond film, I 'pride' myself on that - as - that should the end of it. Shut it down - like a few things that have been shut down by 'other' means 'forcibly' over the past few years that the paedophiles are 'complaining' about - *EVERY DAY* and have been for the past few years while they 'think' of more ways to make BEING paedophiles - about themselves. Depp 'allegedly' doesn't watch anything he's been in, Michael J Fox doesn't even google his own series - Benedict.... TOTALLY COMPLETELY RETARDED - MORE. Spectacularly ridiculous retards - MORE

paedophiles - is what they ARE - and rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists that put a 'gag' on a victim to capitalise on being pillaging paedophiles and serial raping traffickers and make about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of THIER vulgarity & paedophilia (regardless of having met them or not) - VULGAR RETARDS that have raping frenzies among paedophiles that lie to suit themselves because they're paedophiles that *neeeeeed* to be paedophiles *more* to make being paedophiles about themselves when ALREADY ARE thaaaaat capitalise on thier vulgarity annnnd - make about themselves - BECAUSE THEY ARE VULGAR PEDOPHILES annnnd get da pedoes to make stuff up and laugh in yah face to ensure they make being paedophiles and ridiculously retarded inbreds - about themselves - cos ARE - paedophiles - they're ridiculously retarded and I'm so popular - while paedophiles and ridiculously retarded inbreds 'find' more ways of making BEING vulgar retarded ridiculous inbreds - about themselves and da paedophiles don't like being TOLD what they are sooooo capitalise and make about themselves - to 'prove' to *themselves* they ARE vulgar revolting ridiculous retards - *I* already *KNOW* - they're vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds that meddle and mess with someone else's life to capitalise on thier vulgarity BECAUSE they're paedophiles - sicccccck ridiculously retarded hideous inbreds. Paul McCartney the paedophile the rapist the terrorist that capitalises *ON* paedophiles BEING paedophiles annnd serial raping traffickers to help his paedophile peers not look like what they are (Paedophiles, gang rapists, terrorists and - serial raping traffickers that use and abuse to capitalise on thier vulgarity to get allllll they can out of BEING retarded ridiculous inbreds - completely totally retarded- MORE *everreeeeeething* about them is VULGAR revolting retarded and ridiculously grotesque - MORE - that *THIER* life - that's *THEM* - BEING paedophiles and siccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds and serial raping traffickers etc that capitalise ON paedophiles BECAUSE THEY ARE & meddling BECAUSE they're paedophiles that rape to make rape about themselves because they ARE rapists to profit on thier vulgarity because they ARE - VULGAR - ridiculously sick retarded hideous inbreds MORE & MORE & MORE
So they rape murder pillage molest terrorise meddle & interfere to capitalise on being paedophiles that cry victim while abusing myself to capitalise on *THEIR* paedophilia and 'make the most' of being paedophiles - and - make about themselves to profit on thier paedophilia. TOTAL RETARDS. SICK SICK completely totally retarded - MORE ridiculous MORE. I've not committed any crimes - they have - thousands - countless (victim - my own life, there's *plenty* of 'professional victims' that are also 'fake victims' that copy paedophiles BEING paedophiles to take the focus off themselves BEING - ridiculously retarded - PEDOPHILES - to profit ON BEING paedophiles etc, ie: youtoo themtoo allllll sicccccccck vulgarrrrr retards together, loads of paedophile 'campaigns' to help paedophiles with thier raping and pillaging and helping themselves BE paedophiles etc). Again - it's my own life that paedophiles have pillaged and made about themselves - "coscos pedoes you know haha's" 🤮
What's thier 'amo' FOR BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles? Coscos they're paedophiles that capitalise on abuse of someone else and - make about themselves - coscos paedophiles that want to get allllll they can out of being ridiculously retarded inbreds. I slapped my daughter and she went to her dads while police orgasm on being paedophiles that use whatever they can to promote thier own paedophilia - they're toooooootally gonnnne - pathetic retarded cretins - completely retarded ridiculous vulgar RETARDS toooooootally compleeeeeetly retarded ridiculous inbreds and there's more paedophiles that mess with someone else's daughter (that fat thing - I know she exists - they're paedophiles - stick your own kid on the 'black market' or 'offer' as a 'gift' to pizza paedophiles then do what the paedophiles do - blame someone else for BEING pedoes while capitalising on BEING vulgar grotesque paedophiles that like to blame everyone else *except* themselves for BEING ridiculously retarded hideous RETARDED PEDOPHILES that capitalise on thier vulgarity annnnnnd make about themselves BECAUSE THEY ARE TOTALLY RETARDED PEDOPHILES - Compleeeeeetly SICK RETARDS - MORE vulgarrrrr revolting RETARDS compleeeeeeeeetly retarded VULGAR sick ridiculous inbreds) What they like eh? They're like thaaaaaat - peeeeedophiles - vulgar revolting hideously grotesque RETARDS. MORE & MORE & MORE spectacularly retarded - MORE
What else can paedophiles use as a tool to BE paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity and use whatever as a weapon against someone they've never met - to - capitalise on THIER retardation - annnnnd make about themselves - because they ARE - RETARDS - siccccccck fucking RETARDS. I went to Monaco, the paedophile can't handle rejection - soooo rapes and pillages etc spectacularly SICK RETARDS - completely ridiculous. I have lunch with someone that doesn't come from the UK *or* live in the UK - paedophiles capitalise and make about themselves - siccccccccccck ridiculous retarded inbreds - MORE and more more more more retarded - then capitalise on *more* paedophiles and abuse more - siccccccccck retards MORE embarrassingly VULGAR MORE retarded more more more
Her entire 'Prime Minister' 'role' *has* been fixing it for themselves - and that's how they 'fixed it' for themselves - did they get thier 'Jewish Cash' for that - as a 'favour' for 'fixing it' for paedophiles - to avoid looking like the hideous ridiculous retards that they are (like prior to her and prior to him and so on and so forth and thier naamez iz iz peeeedoes too!! woo!! wot a bonus - that's obviously worth a fiver on it's own - FOR profiteering terrorists and meddling vulgar revolting retarded grotesque paedophiles (quick! quick! they're off - to spend thier 'hard earnt' fiver that they stole on crack, what a fucking embarrassment they are) and the next ridiculous retard will be even more ridiculous - it's the 'pedo' 'way' of 'fixing' FOR - paedophiles. Let them 'pretend' let them carry onnnn being paedophiles (like they have done since 2011 & prior to that - while ridiculously retarded paedophiles capitalise on thier vulgarity to make the most out of BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists, pillaging paedophiles & to get allllll they cannnn out of being retards - MORE ridiculous MORE embarrassingly vulgar MORE retarded MORE)
Meanwhile in Australia - the paedophiles say they're 'going to ban Kanye West & Will Smith' - not BECAUSE they're paedophiles but because they capitalised on Hitler and made about themselves while BEING paedophiles that got 'Jewish Cash' as incentive to milk BEING ridiculously retarded inbreds for *every* penny TO profit on *thier* vulgarity annnnd make about themselves - that's paedophiles creating thier 'own' drama to take the focus off *themselves* BEING retarded paedophiles- SICK - totally retarded MORE (paedophiles like Jackman, Crowe, Collins, Kidman, Williams, Cowell, Dyer's, Gibson, Witherspoon's, Wintour & that other fat racist profiteering terrorist 'editor', Christian Bale & 'pizza pedo express' etc and that ridiculously retarded twat JoaquÃn - coscos he was in a movie about a 'ring of fire' - therefore - paedophiles - convince *themselves* someone else's life is obviously about themselves and so on and so forth - TOTALLY RETARDED - MORE MORE RIDICULOUS MORE embarrassingly grotesque + plus political paedophiles that 'seize' the 'opportunity' to capitalise on their vulgarity annnnd make about themselves BECAUSE THEY ARE VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS with more paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles BEING paedophiles - paedophiles - they find thousands of ways of *making* BEING - paedophiles - about themselves - *especially* if there is a cash incentive - coscos that's what they ARE - PEDOPHILES, RAPISTS, TERRORISTS annnnnnd 'fixers' for allllllll things vulgar revolting demonic retarded and grotesque - MORE. Totally gone - compleeeeetly vacant blank totally retarded ridiculous inbreds - paedophiles etc. MORE & more ridiculously grotesque MORE spectacularly retarded MORE.
The 'lol' 'factor' where blank and vacant retarded paedophiles like Zelensky get 'pigeon-holed' in the same paedophile bracket as Amy Childs. Totally retarded - MORE. Kunas - the Ukrainian 'refugee'… 'escaped' the stigma of BEING a retarded ridiculous paedophile by turning being paedophiles into 'comedy' 'entertainment' and 'banter' among retards that 'make light' of thier paedophilia by pillaging & raping and helping themselves be paedophiles and Ashton wants to 'reach out' and tell everyone what they are- PEDOPHILES - that often 'shop' around 'farmers markets' to see what carcasses they can get because sheep isn't enough for the paedophiles. Cameron suggests pigs, he tells his fellow paedophile peers about his 'experience' with them, he tells them - they're not as 'noisy' as sheep and/or bloated rotting carcasses. Vulgar revolting retards - MORE ridiculous MORE spectacularly SICK more retarded waaaaayy waaaay mooooore ridiculous MORE. lol 'childhood development' - yeah - look away - you're getting your picture taken with a paedophile, paedophiles that 'attempt' to 'distance' themselves *from* paedophiles - when they ARE - paedophiles - tooootally vulgar like … the Ukraine 'aggression' - look away - you're getting your picture taken with a paedophile.. and that other ridiculously retarded inbred Robert Winston - they breed to rape them and if they can't rape thier own - they rape someone else's - that's what paedophiles 'call' 'sustainable' paedophiles. Alllll siccccck vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded hideous grotesque paedophiles - 'together' - they'll probably go and shag more sheep at Dumpster Castle to breed more pigs - that's more thier thing. SICKER. MORE. They're incredibly busy 'wop wopping': "Loooook at alllll our carcasses" the paedophiles say excitedly. There's lots of carcasses for them to hump - "sooooo exciting" said the paedophiles as saliva drips from thier mouths. SICK sicksick - sicker MORE MORE retarded vulgar revolting demonic and ridiculously grotesque MORE & lolz hideous retarded ridiculous inbreds - MORE vulgar MORE - PEDOPHILES - *evereeeeeeeeethinnnnnngg* about them is VULGAR revolting retarded and grotesque - MORE and more ridiculous MORE.
William Hague and thier paedophile pals get into 'financial difficulty' - how is that possible? - they've gotten plenty of funding from paedophiles to fix it for rapists and have had loads of paedophile 'campaigns' to take the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles that capitalise on terrorism and make about themselves that offer cash incentives to 'fix it' for pedoes so retards don't look like what they ARE while raping to make rape about themselves cos ARE - rapists - as well as retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous paedophiles. Totally completely retarded - MORE.
Paedophiles all like "What paedophilia? - dunnooos wot you means coscos thier namez iz iz peeeedoes hahaha's" 🤮 Just ignore thier paedophilia 'crisis' and carry onnnnn BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - it was *FULLY* 'aware' it was a vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous paedophile when it was alive - that fact does not change - even when it's six feet under enjoying 'servicing' Savile's remains "don't stab yoor fooocha" - they'll fuck your fooocha and the foocha after the fooocha specifically to capitalise on being paedophiles and make about themselves to profit on being paedophiles and they - HAVE - BECAUSE - they're paedophiles capitalising on what they are - RETARDED HIDEOUS PEDOPHILES, nevermind the 'haters' say the paedophiles that pay paedophiles to 'fix it' for paedophiles so paedophiles can make being paedophiles - about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - "what's Brexit?" "uh uh dunooooos jus bein' peeedoes coscos namez iz iz peeeedoes haha's" 🤮 MORE and more ridiculous MORE & lolz
They pillage someone else's life and make about themselves bekozzz? - looooook at the fucking state of them - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds soooooo much moooore thann *juuuuussst* an international fucking embarrassment hideous paedophiles rapists kidnapping child raping terrorists - VULGAR retards MORE - sicccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE - you mess and meddle with someone else's life BEKOZZZZZ? PEDOPHILES VULGAR RETARDS myra, a whale, a sheep, and a pig and the paedophiles that overdose on 'Margaret's chocolate milk' as well as peeeedoes rapists terrorists kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers etc = what a fucking movie that is.
What do they do? Abuse Capitalise, pillage and fix annnnnd make about themselves, get da pedoes to 'fixit' & lolz - in pictures - how pedophiles rapists terrorists kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers etc - 'fix it' for themselves Pedo rings Rapist Rings Serial raping trafficking rings etc Alllll kinds of 'rings' NONE of them good. Vulgar sick ridiculous retards - hideous - completely totally - sicker MORE and more spectacularly retarded more & more grotesque MORE & lolz coscos peeedoes haha's 🤮 Pamela Anderson and the peepee tapes, she sucks sheep, Assange and old revolting todgers - should be some indication of what ridiculously retarded inbreds that they ARE - that need reminding - that they're revolting retarded paedophiles coscos they 'forget' they're vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles. (Did she get paid for her 'services' or was it a 'favour' for her paedophile peers to help out with thier 'paedophile bullshit' - to help paedophiles avoid looking like what they ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - probably the latter because - she's a skank) she'll do *anything* if it keeps her - on her back - cos she's a skank - *always* been a skank - get skankier - MORE - is she going to tell everyone she is a vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophile - siccccck ridiculous retards - MORE hideous MORE
Paedophiles BEING paedophiles, where more paedophiles pillage someone else's life and make about themselves annnnnd get da pedooes to fix it for demselves - RETARDS - MORE. Female paedophiles are sicker than thier male counterparts. The crackheads also 'believe' they will 'flourish' and 'prosper' because they capitalised on being paedophiles that rape & pillage to profit on the back OF BEING paedophiles - that 'fix it' for themselves *again* & *again* & *again* & *again*. If you chuck money into a swamp or at a swamp - the only thing that multiplies in numbers - are paedophiles - that - get paid for thier 'services' to paedophilia - and they expect a 'feature' on the cover of Vogue to 'keep' up with demands' of paedophiles - cos they ARE - paedophiles 'together'. 'Tech Wreck' - sounds like another 'upscaled' paedophile version of 'Train Wreck' - capitalise make about themselves & milk being ridiculously retarded inbreds for *every* penny. They are completely addicted to thier crack - paedophiles SICK ridiculously embarrassing retards - crinnnnnnge SICKER MORE.
Like Vanessa: 'come see my show'.. okay - I didn't go as a VIP guest, I paid to go watch a co-worker perform - at Koko's - which is out of my way and I went anyway because I was being 'supportive' - regardless of how much it cost me or the hassle of getting there - that is what I call 'support' - to them - they're paedophiles - they capitalise *on* paedophiles and rape for rapists (make about themselves) abuse to capitalise (make about themselves) they capitalise on abuse of someone else - and make about themselves- 'game day' = paedophiles BEING paedophiles capitalising on what they are - paedophiles - promoting thier *OWN* vulgarity annnnnnd - make about themselves - because they ARE - VULGAR annnnd get da pedoes to fix it for demselfs by making stuff up and laughin' in yah face coscos paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity annnnnd - make about themselves - because they ARE VULGAR PEDOPHILES like that - just when think they can't get any more ridiculously grotesque THEY DO.. while paedophiles pillage someone else's life and make about themselves - errr... not my cuntree - what they liiiiiike eh? PEEEEEEDOPHILES - VULGARRRR REVOLTING RETARDS - they ARE the sickest of the sickest hideous ridiculous shit - get mooooore retarded TOTALLY COMPLETELY - TOOOOOTALLY goonnnnnne - blank and vacant vulgar revolting retards MORE more more more spectacularly hideous MORE. If there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists THEY WILL because they ARE vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous paedophiles like that - siccccccccccck fucking RETARDS - MORE VULGAR MOOOORE - they were TOLD that they're paedophiles - they ARE *ANYWAY* - and they capitalise make about themselves - use whatever as a tool to promote thier OWN paedophilia - siccccccccccccccck tooooooootallly ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE, and they're *STILL* on the 'we're not paedophiles 'trip'.
Art, Music, Movies, Travel, 'hospitality' industries etc - they are not my industries - Brexit is *THIER* industry, paedophilia is THIER industry, they're serial raping traffickers pillaging meddling ridiculously retarded paedophiles - SICK - I couldn't care less if THIER 'industries' sink like the Titanic cos they're paedophiles that pillage capitalise and rape for rapists & make about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity that *also* make stuff up to help their ridiculously retarded paedophile peers not look like what they ARE - they're paedophiles - politicians - if one of them gets caught BEING a ridiculously retarded paedophile - they alllllll gang up and rape for rapists TO capitalise on thier vulgarity etc - totally completely retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE and coscos they're paedophiles that capitalise on being paedophiles to make being paedophiles about themselves to avoid 'stigma' of BIENG paedophiles and they want to 'go down with thier ship' coscos allll paedophiles togeva and that's what paedophiles DO - destroy the lives of many to capitalise on their paedophilia and make about themselves *to* profit on being paedophiles and take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES = Brexit - and of course paedophiles capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles and so on and so forth because that's what they ARE etc sicccccccck vulgarrr RETARDS. SICK ridiculous inbreds MORE retarded MORE - what they liiiiike eh? like thaaaaaat - ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES - RETARDED COMPLETELY - MORE more spectacularly ridiculous MORE
Lol hannah spearmint - they're going to tell everyone - they're paedophiles. Macron *fully* aware they're paedophiles that pillaged someone else's life and made about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of thier paedophilia with more ridiculously retarded paedophiles compensating for thier paedophile pals in their 'tunnel of swamp'. I think they won a jersey - showing it off with thier pedo pals Branson etc while raping & pillaging to make rape - about themselves - because they ARE - and *have* been for years and the paedophiles find more ways of making BEING paedophiles - about themselves - when already ARE. Totally retarded MORE. Thier shirt has got 'paedophiles' written all over it *but* the inbreds have 'cleverly disguised' thier paedophilia by writing thier paedophile sign using invisible ink so the numpties are 'unaware' that they're vulgar ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - so 'play along' with paedophiles being paedophiles to capitalise on thier paedophilia and - make about themselves - because - they're paedophiles. *And/Or* they display thier paedophilia with thier 'fashion for paedophiles' and 'designer terrorists' 'campaigns'. 'Professional paedophiles' that 'love' BEING paedophiles soooo much & they 'recruit' more paedophiles to 'help out' with thier paedophilia thus making thier paedophile raping and pillaging frenzies more 'entertaining' - FOR - paedophiles & ridiculously retarded inbreds that put a on a 'paedophile show' to take the focus off *themselves* BEING ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - sicccckkkk ridiculous retards.
They even got some grotesque interior designer to create something horrid as part of their 'paedophilia deal' among paedophiles to match thier 'enthusiasm' about being paedophiles that capitalise on thier paedophilia coscos - they make the 'rapey games' coscos they got a - paedophile 'ball' goin' onnnn - looook there's your paedophile pal being a terrorist that capitalises on terrorism and makes about themselves - because - THEY ARE - vulgar revolting retards like that and the paedophiles they want 'freedom' to capitalise on thier vulgarity and retardation by pillaging someone else's life annnnnd making about themselves (that's not *even* including their kidnapping child raping plagiarising serial raping trafficking, thier pillaging and thier plagiarising and thier 'flag waving' terrorism - and the paedophiles like to flaunt & gloat about thier paedophilia coscos paedophiles in da pedoe business you know haha's with thier 'culcha' of pimps & hoes and hareeems of pedoes 🤮 annnnnd more 'fixing it' for paedophiles (*themselves*) the paedophile & rapist 'syndicate' - because they ARE vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds like that - MORE - soooooo much mooooore than *juuusssssst* an international embarrassment, paedophiles that like to flatter themselves with thier own vulgarity - SICK ridiculous retards - MORE.
Can you guess the 'entertainment' show: she leans over her victim: "You just got fucked by a farm animal" and the camper still in a daze, the drugs are starting to wear off and he's not sure what's just happened "can you guess which one?" she says bursting with excitement "How does it feel?" and shoves the microphone in his face and her face goes all spastic because she's totally 'excited' about being a paedophile "That's more exciting than eating animal testicles to stay on the tele, well done, don't forget to sanitise your hands as a precaution - you don't want to catch any nasty bugs - you could be the next Prime Minister" she says "he only does pigs - you could do more" A few hours later there's a rebuttal from Cameron - apparently - he's also 'tried' whales, hedgehogs, donkeys and warthogs (they have a handy grip) and the paedophile goes on to say that his "expertise is not confined just to one species because - that is 'racist' and that would also be considered 'favouritism" among assorted animals and bloated carcasses. And as thier enthusiasm about being paedophiles bubbles over, she faces the camera and thier victim (still woozy still disorientated still in a state of disbelief & shock from being told he just fucked a farm animal 'live' on TV - rather than they drugged, gagged & pinned him down to see if that farm animal could sniff his anus and got it to * because - because that's what farm animals are 'trained' to do *obviously*) - is seen running off in the distance. Spectacularly ridiculous retards - completely totally retarded - MORE

Apparently photos of themselves BEING paedophiles is 'evidence' that they're not paedophiles - and paedophiles 'fixed it' for themselves by making stuff up and lol'ing BECAUSE they're paedophiles that pillage & meddle with someone else's life and make about themselves TO profit on BEING paedophiles BECAUSE they're paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles because they ARE & make the most of thier vulgarity BECAUSE they're paedophiles & Brexit is *also* 'evidence' that they're not paedophiles - go figure. Paedophiles and crackheads have a lot in common with - paedophiles and crackheads. Completely totally ridiculous MORE. "Elvis wasn't racist" she says - spot the pillaging paedophiles capitalising & raping for rapists to get alllllll they can out of being retards - by - capitalising on thier vulgarity and making about themselves - because they ARE vulgar revolting retarded hideous grotesque ridiulous paedophiles that go pooh 'frolicking' in the woods etc - toooooootallly compleeeeetly RETARDED ridiulous inbreds - sicker MORE.. another paedophile 'charity' - have a 'hazard' guess - peddling paedophiles - sicker MORE
They're paedophiles, they've 'weaponised' thier paedophilia, capitalised on it milked it for *every* penny - and they want more - because - they're crackheads completely addicted to it - don't care where it comes from they just want to snort it or smoke or do whatever it is they do - with thier crack. Send Benedict, thier paedophilia spreads faster than the plague and it does a lot more damage to everyone - globally. Thier paedophilia is a weapon of mass destruction - a bit like Anthrax that paedophiles - send themselves - to blame someone else for thier raping and pillaging and helping themselves BE paedophiles. Where do they get thier Anthrax from? Jay Z? SICK ridiculously retarded hideous inbreds. Terrorists - with thier pimps & hoe's and hareems of pedoes - completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE. Sean Penn has already done his paedophile documentary like many others that 'cleverly disguise' thier paedophilia in documentaries that they made about themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles. They'll capitalise rape pillage anything & make about themselves because they're paedophiles and they're soooo totally famous - they 'forget' thier paedophiles for convenience purposes while they capitalise on pillaging someone else's life for - profit - rewards - 'favours' - among ridiculously retarded paedophiles that gloat and flaunt thier paedophilia wherever they can BECAUSE - THEY'RE PEDOPHILES that *PAY* paedophiles & offer incentives TO paedophiles to 'fix it' FOR paedophiles that capitalise ON BEING paedophiles, coscos paedophiles 'believe' if they make being paedophiles about themselves get da paedophiles to make stuff upppp annnd fix it for themselves & lolz - not paedophiles - oh waaaaait..... - tooooooootallly RETARDED & lolz ridiculous inbreds -sicccckkkkk RETARDS - MORE
They're paedophiles - vulgar ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - sicccccckkk - they've already paid Cameron for his pig sex tape and the paedophile PR spews out more of thier retardation and the paedophiles get da paedophiles to fix it *for* paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists- that what they ARE etc sicccccccck ridiculous RETARDS - MORE more spectacularly ridiculous MORE - peeeeedophiles - vulgarrrrrr RETARDS - MORE.. who are they talking about? have a guess - * (* = have to guess) got raped on a rooftop in New York - good for * cos it didn't happen to me when I was there & there's plenty of paedophiles that pillage to capitalise on thier vulgarity (annnnd make about themselves because they ARE - VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc annnnd get da paedophiles to 'fix it' for da paedophiles coscos they're paedophiles you know haha's 🤮) siccccckkkkk RETARDS - MORE waaaaayyyy moooooore - completely totally RETARDED - MORE
That's an ad for..... er erm watch the clusters! totally completely RETARDED benedict and his terrorist 'brothers' - siccccccccck MORE, they're spectacularly ridiculous more MORE waaaaay mooooore RETARDED MORE & lolz - paedophiles - hideous ridiculously tooootally completely retarded inbreds - MORE
Nearly finished my storage. Build up - across - and down - making the most of space.
Nearly the end of January and it's taken about five years to complete storage. The Australian movie industry - that's a 'funny' one, movies about - paedophiles that 'dream' about BEING - paedophiles - that capitalise on paedophiles *and* they're paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves -TO - profit on BEING - paedophiles - annnnnd get da paedophiles to fix it for themselves -TO avoid looking like what they ARE so paedophiles are 'free' to profit on thier vulgarity *and* make about themselves coscos they're - paedophiles - that's what they ARE - toooootally gooone - they're 'FULL' RETARDED - COMPLETELY - TOTALLY -get sicker MORE spectacularly ridiulous MORE. Loook there's yooooo - there you are - BEING a paedophile & Will Smith *not* smashing down the 'walls of thier paedophilia' - go figure - SICK RETARDS MORE - along with thier 'conspiracy' bullshit, thier paedophile 'bullshit', thier 'dirty politics' bullshit, thier piracy kidnapping serial raping trafficking 'bullshit' the Brexit 'bullshit' etc etc -paedophiles - are soooo 'hilarious' sicccccck retards - 'movies' that 'come out' of Australia, New Zealand, Asia/Pacific/ Europe/America/east-west/Antarctica etc … and Shia … alllllll movies actually. MORE and more ridiculous MORE. Paedophiles and thier *many* ways of making thier paedophilia - about themselves - Totally completely retarded - MORE - TOTALLY
compleeeeted storage... ahhhhh, so now I have an opening wardrobe type thing .. with stuff in it (meanwhile they get sicker MORE spectacularly retarded MORE)
February 2023..
a 'step back in time' - for the paedophiles, they need to 'remind' themselves that they're hideous retarded ridiculous paedophiles - coscos they 'forget' they're paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity annnnd make about themselves coscos there's money to be made by BEING paedophiles *obviously*, the 'mental health' of paedophiles that get da paedophiles to fix it for demselves by making stuff up and rofl's coscos - hideously ridiculously retarded paedophiles that pillage someone else's life - to make - someone else's life - about themselves - to avoid the 'stigma' of thier vulgarity etc. What kind of ridiculous retard did I have lunch with. What kind of vulgar retard pillages someone else to promote *thier* paedophilia - that *also* capitalises on the abuse of someone else annnnd makes about themselves - that 'cleverly' 'disguise' thier paedophilia in thier paedophile campaigns orchestrated BY paedophiles to take the focus off themselves being retarded - paedophiles - that call paedophiles 'aunty' - when they ALREADY ARE - paedophiles, rapists, profiteering terrorists etc what kind of retards do that - PEDOPHILES DO - that's who - *AND* there's more than one retarded ridiculous inbred that capitalises ON paedophiles BEING paedophiles - because - that's what they ARE - sicccccck RETARDS - MORE. Female paedophiles are just as vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - if not more - than thier male counterparts. HIDEOUS revolting ridiculous retards - VULGAR - MORE

Paedophiles that are obsessed with themselves and thier own paedophilia, capitalising on and 'fixing it' FOR - themselves - because they're paedophiles. When tell someone that they're paedophiles - what's the sickest thing that paedophiles do - they capitalise on thier paedophilia, pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to profit on thier paedophilia and get paedophiles to make stuff and fix it for themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of THIER paedophilia - BECAUSE they're sick vulgar revolting retarded ridiulous paedophiles capitalising on thier vulgarity and to get alllllll they cannnnn out of BEING retards - sicccccccccck RETARDS - because that's what they ARE - paedophiles - daily fail - more paedophiles among many more ridiculously retarded paedophiles. 'Glee'.. they must feel left out because all the paedophiles are making being paedophiles about themselves coscos that's what they ARE with thier bloated carcasses and bestiality etc - paedophiles - ridiculous retards. MORE - their 'glee' is 'fixing it' for themselves to make being paedophiles - about themselves - when ALREADY ARE to profit on BEING paedophiles - is that a curse? no - it's paedophilia - paedophiles that *must* be paedophiles MORE - to make BEING paedophiles - about themselves - WHEN ALREADY ARE - siccccccccccck ridiculously retarded MORE
They capitalise ON paedophiles annnd rape for rapists - because they are - and - make about themselves - because they ARE - paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers etc -vulgar retards - MORE ridiculous MORE & lolz - no 'concern' about anything other than capitalising on their own paedophilia & making about themselves - to get that 'Jewish Cash' *while* BEING ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - that capitalise on paedophiles annnnnd rape for rapists - annnnnd make about themselves because that's what they ARE. Messing and meddling and being the ridiculously retards that they are with lots of lol'ing coscos 'good times' being paedophiles and vulgar revolting retards coscos paedophiles are soooooo 'hilarious' while they rape and pillage to capitalise and profit on the back of raping and pillaging and helping themselves BE paedophiles - siccccccccck ridiculous RETARDS - MORE retarded - MORE . Everyday there's a 'new' paedophile to help take the focus off what they ARE - and they ARE - paedophiles - VULGAR retards - MORE yahyah 'front page' paedophiles with thier 'fashion for paedophiles' and 'designer terrorists' - ridiculous vulgar revolting inbreds - MORE

Pillaging paedophiles are really easy to spot, it's amazing isn't it - the amount of time they've taken & wasted by putting so much effort into making being ridiculously retarded paedophiles - about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - paedophiles capitalising on thier vulgarity - they're 'determined' paedophiles - 'determined' to make thier paedophilia about themselves cos they ARE *anyway* - to avoid the 'stigma' of thier vulgarity *obviously* - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE
I'm so pleased that I don't have 'turkey' skin anywhere on décolletage - anywhere.. actually. I don't have body dysmorphia either, there's only couple of things I'd 'tweak' - that's not bad … considering the mileage. I bought an oxygen machine today - at a bargain price. I also got a massage mat for the couch - so now I have a vibrating couch as well as a massage mat - that I use after my 'fitness' 'regime' which is assorted 'spa' devices, treadmill, sauna, shower & massage aaannnd I can fit it all in one cupboard because I have fantastic 'fung shui' plus tidbits of tips that I picked up travelling. Space savers etc. I got an oxygen machine!! Michael Jackson & his 'oxygen tank' '- probably because he thought it'd give him 'eternal youth' and it would wind back the years so he was the 'correct age' to not be 'considered' a child molester etc - because they're totally retarded like that. Like some other paedophiles 'sizing down', just over a week - didn't take long at all - considering they've been milking BEING paedophiles for a whole lot longer. Sick ridiculous inbreds - more retarded MORE
The vast majority of the global population doesn't know what fresh unpolluted air is - they're used to fumes - for example: in an operation they'd open up thier lungs to find a couple of car tyres in there and no nicotine. "How did that get in there?" *scratches heads* "He swallowed a car - a bit like the fly that ate the rabbit" he says.
I shall lie there on my vibrating couch and inhale my oxygen - unpolluted fresh air - sooooon.
I just looked to see how many Elvis movies there are..31.. loads.. I googled how many movies about Elvis and there's 15 - that's nearly half of the movies they made about himself being himself - he made.. about being someone else. Lol . I just googled Nicholas Cage as Elvis.. lol.. not seen that, not sure I want to - that's … embarrassing. At least there's more than a fiver to quarrel over or as someone else so eloquently put it "aren't they 'lucky' not to 'have that 'luxury' of inserting thousands up your nose on a daily basis" Can only imagine what that's like - that's why they get plastic surgery - to get a new nose because putting thousands up your nose for only purpose of having/getting a 'trip' is a costly business
My own life and get called 'fucked in the head' FOR being molested *during* a murder trial over twenty years later and paedophiles capitalise and makes about themselves - ????? and so on and so forth, it doesn't take a 'genius' to point out - that's sooooooooo fuuuuuccccccked UP - just that - on it's own is FUCKED UP - completely TOTALLY RETARDED and get sicker sicker more & more retarded and they pillage and plagiarise etc abuse to capitalise & goad taunt flaunt thier paedophilia wherever they can annnnnd - make about themselves etc. I slapped my daughter she went to her dads (in 2011 - anything to use as a tool to BE paedophiles that use thier paedophilia against a victim - so paedophiles are 'free' to capitalise on what they ARE - paedophiles - and make about themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles etc - and the paedophiles say "don't blame the paedophiles FOR BEING paedophiles - they just merely capitalise on the 'opportunity' to indulge in their paedophilia annnnnd - make about themselves. The paedophiles say "blame the 'authorities' that supply victims TO paedophiles so they can partake in raping pillaging buy sell swapping and fixing it for paedophiles FRENZIES" - and they've spent the rest of that time making BEING paedophiles about themselves - when ALREADY ARE (*especially* from 2011 and onwards because there's money to be made by being paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves that get da paedophiles to 'fix it' for - themselves - coscos they're paedophiles capitalising on thier vulgarity etc & to get alllllll they can out of being retards etc - toooooootally completely 'FULL' retarded vulgar revolting inbreds) - if there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves WHILE raping for rapists - THEY WILL - BECAUSE - THEY'RE PEDOPHILES and worse - get sicker MORE
The retarded 'state'.. of them.
siccccccccck ridiculous RETARDS - MORE
Spectacularly ridiculouser mooooore
So anyway, the Oxygen concentrator arrived, high altitudes etc not used to so much oxygen all at once. The 'science' behind the oxygen chamber - tap water 61% 'purity', Aqueo bottled still water 72% … wonder what Fijian will come up as as.. or Evian or get my own filter and see if I can get it up 99% or higher
Lolz at Harrison Ford - do they call him 'Harrison Harrison' for added paedophile 'impact', he's an 80 year old paedophile, it hasn't taken him 80 years to 'learn' how to be a paedophile - cos he IS ALREADY and has been for years - vulgar ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE & lolz
'kidscan' - help them be paedophiles - SICKER - MORE and more and more spectacularly retarded MORE and zelensky 'desperately seeking' Angelina Jolie's raping wings so they can walk around their carcasses singing about how they rape and pillage & capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles that rape for rapists & meddle with someone else's life and make about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of thier vulgarity annnnnnd get paedophiles to fix it MORE - for *themselves* to avoid the reality of what they ARE and they ARE - PEDOPHILES - toooooooootally ridiculously retarded MORE - what's that Mila? Got the 'gay dog' voice over on behalf of Savile while her McCauley Kulkin bounces up and down on Paris Jackson's crotch, just inches away from producing the next paedophiles - ahhh look - North West beat them to it - oh no wait - Savile did with thier bloated carcasses and bestiality - "BeBest" yah yah best paedophiles - vulgar revolting RETARDS - MORE. *AND* as a 'courtesy' to other ridiculously retarded paedophiles - the paedophiles let alllllll thier paedophile pals know - there's a paedophile raping and pillaging frenzy going onnnnnnnn - quick quick capitalise make about themselves - they ARRRRRRE - rapists - siccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds - MORE.
Female paedophiles are sicker MORE retarded than thier male counterparts - MORE more astonishingly ridiculous more retarded - MORE & lolz toooootally 'FULL' retarded - what an embarrassment they are. Sooooooo much more than *juuuuuust* an international embarrassment - siccccccccccccccck RETARDS - MORE - what's that Clark - she want to blame someone else for her paedophilia so she can capitalise on being a paedophile and reap the 'rewards' of BEING paedophiles sooo make being a paedophile about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of thier paedophilia - when ARLEAY AR - ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - that capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves BECAUSE THEY ARE - RETARDED PEDOPHILES - including nicker sniffing retarded paedophiles that ALSO capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles - "ohh the world is in a dire state" - and that has got nothing to do with thier ridiculous retardation *obviously* that pillage & 'fix it' FOR paedophiles because they ARE - ridiccccccccculous RETARDS - MORE - UN - defunct obsolete paedophile organisation - siccccccck retards - paedophiles capitalising on paedophiles BEING paedophiles - toooooootally gone - completely totally retarded - MORE and that other ridiculous retarded Leto is going to jump out of a bush and declare his lust for under fives because - sicccccccccccck hideous ridiculously retarded paedophiles - be 'honest' about what you ARE - who knows - they might give him a 'free four old' for 'entertainment' - vulgar revolting RETARDED PEDOPHILES - MORE ridiculous MORE. Tell them they're paedophiles - they capitalise make about themselves because that's what they ARE - siccccccccccck vulgarrrrrr RETARDS - MORE

Paedophiles get *sooooooooo* excited about BEING paedophiles - they don't wanna miss out on BEING siccccck retarded ridiculous paedophiles - SICCCCCCCCK - MORE - don't 'forget' to write a comedy show about how you blow yourselves up to blame someone else for *your* paedophilia - want some chemical weapons - plant and blame goooo onnnnn - you do it alll the time coscos peeedoes you know haha's 🤮 VULGAR revolting RETARDS - MORE and more and more ridiculous MORE liiiiiiike hideous ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, terrorists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pillagers and plagiarists and 'fixers' for allllllllllllll things VULGAR revolting and ridiculously retarded DO - MORE & lolz - hidddddddddeous inbreds - MORE

Earthquake - better get Ray Winstone to fuck Hussan's six year old - to make up for paedophiles (Richard Branson etc) for 'stealing' Greta's virginity *obviously* (while Robbie Williams slurps up the seamen and the Hemsworth's, Uncle Bully's, Liam Neeson etc capitalise make about themselves and get some more paedophile campaigns to help the paedophiles - not look like what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - and Lohan rushes over to Erdogan to give him some C-list head, Paris Hilton & the Karshadians get jealous of lohan so they suck Trump instead (RHYMES!!), Farage is seen on all fours - 'apparently' 'allegedly' they like it 'doggy style' - the pig porn was a huge hit especially with the Clintons cos the Clintons do it all the time - it is 'the greatest paedophile show' after all - paedophilia is what they 'excel' at - because they ARE - paedophiles - RETARDS.
Merkel and Obama annnnnd Macron carry on thier affair - behind closed doors (cos they're in a 'love triangle' sssshhh) and recreate BEING paedophiles *again* to avoid looking like - paedophiles - to make being paedophiles about themselves *again* when ALREADY ARE - paedophiles - *STILL* - paedophiles - toooooootally gone 'FULL' retarded vulgar inbreds - MORE and more ridiculous MORE - taka what? taka the piss - they're PEDOPHILES - RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED INBREDS MORE more more sicccccccccck RETARDS MORE.. wat's brexit? "uh uh uhhh dunnoooos jus being peeedoes haha's" 🤮 What's Greenpeace? "uh uh uhhh dunnoossss coscos - peeedoes and terrorists hahas" 🤮 What ring? "uh uh uh you means peeedoes, rapists, pillaging paedophiles, serial raping traffickers 'rings' (plural there's more than one paedophile 'syndicate' - "uh uh dunnnooos wot you means coscos peeedoes haha's" 🤮 'Fashion' for paedophiles & 'designer' terrorists - siccccccccccck RETARDS - MORE more more spectacularly ridiculous more more RETARDED MORE & lolz hideeeeeeous inbreds MORE.. spot the paedophiles 'game' and thier paedophile 'balls' - sicccccccck RETARDS revolting inbreds - MORE
Sicker more more retarded MORE

All that raping and pillaging (to capitalise on being paedophiles & make about themselves to avoid the reality of what they ARE- - when they ALREADY ARE - vulgar revolting retarded paedophiles -they'll probably find someone else to rape pillage molest and make stuff up and laugh in thier face - actually they *pay* paedophiles to do that coscos that's what they ARE - tooooooootally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE. "What's Brexit?" "uh uh uh dunnooooos just being peeedoes haha's" 🤮 siccccccccccccck RETARDS revolting inbreds - MORE. From one of the extras on Pirates "That's fucked up", yeah - they build on 'fucked up' & get mooooore fucked up - BECAUSE they're fucked up ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that - siccccckkkerrr MORE retarded MORE - tooooootally gone - completely toooootally retarded ridiculous revolting inbreds - MORE.. It was fully aware it was a paedophile when it was alive and it's name *isn't* 'jeff' - sicccckkkerrr MORE retarded MORE

Thier Paedophile virus, 'viral' virus of thier paedophilia - "You be the 'face' of paedophiles" - "you be the 'face' of rapists" - "you be the 'face' of serial raping traffickers" "you be the face of mongrels" that capitalise on their paedophilia *and* Hitler *and* make about themselves annnnd cry racism WHILE pillaging someone else life to promote thier OWN paedophilia annnnd to help thier pedo peers not look like what they are - sicccccck vulgar revolting SCUM sloshing around in thier sewer because - that's just what they 'love' - BEING paedophiles - they live to rape & rape to live - because they're retards like that (even got 'Jewish Cash' as incentive to BE vulgar revolting RETARDS annnnd offer cash incentives TO paedophiles rapists and terrorists to fix it for themselves so paedophiles and vulgar retards don't look like what they ARE - and they ARE - VULGAR RETARDS - FACT) "you be the face of Hitler" - "you be the 'face' of pillaging paedophiles" - "you be the face of meddling profiteering terrorists that rape and pillage for profit" - "you be the 'face' of child molesters & hideous retarded inbreds" and "you be the 'face' of Brexit" - "you be the 'face' of - sicccccccccccck vulgarrrrrr RETARDS" - tooootally gone 'FULL' RETARDED inbreds - thier 'PR' is all about themselves BEING paedophiles and thier paedophilia causes more damage - worldwide - they're FULLY 'aware' they're paedophiles - plus more paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles BEING paedophiles & so on and so forth - SICK - what do they think Brexit is, give them a clue, make it easy coscos they only talk pedo "uh uh uh dunnnnooos coscos peeedoes haha's" 🤮 = paedophiles - RETARDED vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds annnd more 'fixing it' for themselves - they're vulgar revolting retards - MORE & more ridiculously retarded MORE vulgar revolting retarded - MORE - ridiculous MORE - Paedophiles - sooooo 'hilarious' - SICK RETARDS - MORE
After many years, searching, far and wide - my quest for the perfect jacket might just be over.
Bumming around jacket, a snug long coat that's like a sleeping bag that doubles as a dressing gown so snug and cosy I don't want to take it off, Purple military trench, black furry dress coat and there's a limited edition leather jacket - I haven't had a leather jacket in years because I gave it away - give them an inch they take 249785740 miles and come up with 6749404859 + paedophile excuses for being paedophiles and ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE
I got a whole bunch of gel nail polishes, can peel them off now
I don't want to gloat about my fung shui space saving skills - storing stuff under the bed is absolute genius, the handles tuck nicely away behind the bed with the soundbar. Slide the mattress across to reveal... a spot of tripollar - pamper factory. Unlike hideous inbreds that stuff their carcasses - wherever they can - cos they find shit like that 'interesting' just as 'interesting' as the Brexit 'documentary' - to avoid looking like what they ARE - (paedophiles etc sicker more retarded MORE).
I'm not sure if the tripollar works, I don't think it will remove my slightly saggy 'jowls' - but - it certainly feels nice and skin feels nice and warm. I'm going to do a six month test because after a few years I've finally replaced my gadgets for body/face transformation (99% of everything was stolen or chucked in a skip - the 'leftovers' that thieves didn't nick went into storage - and that went mouldy etc - ALL for the 'benefit' of paedophiles that pillage someone else's life - and - make about themselves and get da pedoes to 'fix it' for demselfs so pedoes are 'free' to carry on being retarded ridiculously vulgar - paedophiles (*STILL* paedophiles - 'funnily' enough - coscos paedophiles are sooo 'hilarious' - hideous ridiculous retards - MORE.. what's Brexit? "uh uh uh dunnnoooos jus being peeeedoes haha's 🤮 vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE)
For body - I have LeBody, I have used it twice... so far. Eye gadgets - Tria eye laser, Opatra Synergy eye and TriPollar eye. Tria Eye laser keeps on breaking, this is the third one I've had - the laser part falls off after a certain amount of time. Can it/they compete with plastica surgery. Giving it six months.
(Daily Fail .. tabloids fake noooz pizza paedophiles etc - hideous retards etc "Clintons/Obama's etc are paedophiles - that's fake noooooz - oh no it's not - "fake nooooz fake nooz fake noooz" - Oh no it's not - Westminster are paedophiles - that's fake noooooz - Oh not it's not - The Whitehouse are paedophiles - that's fake nooooz - Oh no it's not.. how much money is Brexit making?)
"Due to the prolific nature of thier paedophilia - it's costing them and everyone trillions (a long as they get thier 'fee' for 'acting' *being* paedophiles AND *for* BEING* paedophiles = Brexit" - paedophiles ridiculous retards more. Not 'forgetting' to laugh in thier victims face as they make thier own shit up and do more ridiculous shit that paedophiles do (they 'forget' that they're paedophiles that also don't like being told what they are - they ARE - SICK RETARDED HIDEOUS - paedophiles - 'preciousssss' ridiculously retarded inbreds - more and more ridiculously grotesque more and more retarded coscos pedoes haha's (vomit) - pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves that patronise, antagonise *while* and *during* being pillaging meddling lying vulgar retarded paedophiles and kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers etc that also like to flatter *themselves* with thier own vulgarity & lolz coscos pedoes haha's (vomit) - completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds - more and more waaaay more spectacularly retarded MORE
Anyway, I've had my replacement Tria for a couple of days and there's a difference already. Maybe there is a 'makeover holiday' where flights & accommodation etc is sorted for you, having had the experience of VVIP it is so much more stress free when someone else arranges everything for you. Places like Thailand is slightly more expensive than places like Croatia etc and given the dire state of pedoville and 'fixers' for all things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque and the 'cause' of Brexit (and the outcome and all the pedoes in between & more 'fixing it' for themselves) - give them a wide berth - totally retarded ridiculous inbreds - you'd go in with an ingrown toe nail and they'd want to check your vagina - ridiculous retards - more.
Everyone is waiting for Bruce Willis to do his 'Blair Witch' impression (tony Blair the paedophile & paedophile 'friends' with thier 'fake noooz' 'influence' like in 'Alice in Wonderland' paedophiles & thier 'silent revolution' - that is - paedophiles 'finding' more ways of making BEING vulgar revolting retarded inbreds and grotesque paedophiles - about themselves - thier paedophilia IS a weapon of mass destruction - SICK VULGAR cretins ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE more more spectacularly grotesque more ridiculously retarded MORE) - so Bruce Willis is going to do HIS 'Blair witch' impression - before he 'forgets' he's a paedophile - *again* - "yah yah do it just do it - be paedophiles, any 'excuse' to be paedophiles etc" said the paedophiles and so they made a paedophile campaign 'bebest' - the 'bebest' paedophiles you can can be to compliment the many other paedophile 'campaigns' created for & by paedophiles to take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - when they already ARE and have been for decades - just capitalising on thier vulgarity and making about themselves because they 'feel' they're not vulgar enough and they ARE vulgar and they also like outdo each other with thier vulgarity - 'pizzagate' 'dirty politics' etc - they're paedophiles - SICK -completely retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE and more retarded MORE. MORE spectacularly grotesque more - what did the pedoes say? "Uh uh uh dunnooos jus 'fixing it' for peeedoes haha's" (vomit) that rape to make rape - about themselves - 'partygate' 'pedogate' - they're paedophiles - and - 'coscos thier name is Jodie 'fucking' Marsh' - they're paedophiles - they're SICK ridiculously retarded inbreds vulgar more. They're really into buy sell swapping & rape for rapists - even more so - if thier victim doesn't even come from thier country and that makes theeemmmmmm
If they sung a song in a movie once - that's enough 'permission' to give *themselves* to be paedophiles like: "something kinda oo on her toot toot" - that's probably Harvey (Weinstein on JLo.. matt Damon Affleck Weinstein Minnie driver to Anne Hathaway to Morgan Freeman , Tony Blair's 'silent revolution' & 'crusading' paedophiles = paedophiles - they're paedophiles. If there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists - THEY WILL - BECAUSE - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting retards like that. 'All Black' - they're retards - pedoes that capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves because they ARE vulgar retards like that - they're FULLY 'aware' they're paedophiles and kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers and pillagers and plagiarists and 'fixers' for allllllllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque.
I don't pillage anyone else's life to make about myself - that's what paedophiles do - I don't pillage anyone else's life for *whatever* 'reason' - that's what pedoes do. I don't pay paedophiles to make stuff up to 'fix it' FOR paedophiles that meddle and mess and interfere with someone else's life because they're paedophiles raping for rapists that capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves and to avoid the 'stigma' of thier vulgarity & 'fix it' for themselves MORE & lolz - that what paedophiles DO. They were told (waaay more than once) they're pedoes (again - my own life - that paedophiles have pillaged and made about themselves). They capitalise ON paedophiles and make about themselves because that's what they ARE - paedophiles - also with thier 'culcha of pimps & hoes & hareems of pedoes & serial raping traffickers etc, the 'Dark Shadows' of pedowood - 'dark' doesn't necessarily mean 'black' but hey ho paedophiles capitalise make about themselves and now they want compensation for being black as well as for being black Jewish Nazi's (where there's a bandwagon for paedophiles to jump on and a 'platform' to promote thier own paedophilia). The Jews are Nigerian and Kanye West is 'acting' as Hitler.. oh wait.. that's Barack Obama with his serial raping trafficking pillaging vulgar revolting retarded wife (and Merkel in thier 'love triangle' with Macron who is 'occasional'). Pedoes that meddle and mess and pillage someone else's life to.... just to capitalise on being paedophiles - nothing more. How many ways of making being vulgar retards - about themselves. Spectacularly ridiculous retards. Where she going on her bike? Oh she going to pedo island. They're paedophiles - jus gloss over thier pillaging and raping and helping themselves BE paedophiles cos it's costing the global economy trillions and will cost trillions more and they 'fix it' for themselves more & more - hideous retards - including benedict - more) vulgar revolting retards. MORE ridiculous. Spectacularly ridiculous retards - MORE.
Spanyaro and Jason Booooourne... lol - what they liiiiikkeee eh? They're like thaaaat - ridiculously retarded paedophiles and grotesque vulgar revolting inbreds) & lolz at Victoria Harvey (paedophile) that now has 'friends' in prison and the Karshadians are going to 'protest' for her 'release' (like something out of a movie where dentures and grannies are involved.... EW. Wayne Rooney has been 'teaching' them - he's 'been there' already and many times before - even if his paedophile wife hires a chaperone for him to ensure that he does not 'do' ...... EW and coscos their namez is peeedoes you know haha's they also 'do' pigs, sheep and assorted carcasses. It was/they were regarded as a 'very successful' 'documentary' to compliment the pedoes down on animal farm that can't get enough whale seamen to go with thier prawn crackers🤮) - they're pedoes - sick ridiculous retards - that's 'tragic' - hiring a chaperone for an adult - coscos if he's out on his own he be looking for …. wait... what? Hideous retards.
Thier 'PR' - is all about 'fixing it' for pedoes, the same 'drama' 'formula' is applied to 'instances' like Amanda Holden wearing a see through dress 'accidentally' ('strictly' for PR purposes - just to see how many complaints they get - boosts thier 'ratings' etc and everyone tunes in to check out thier vulgarity for themselves and 'debate' about it, start 'petitions' etc "oh look the fans the fans don't want that paedophile removed off the tele & 'cancelled" *and* they get millions and billions of 'support' from other non gender transvestites on social media etc - the many ways of manipulating thier own situations & 'dramas' to suit themselves). The 'fake 'outrage', the many 'scandals' to take the focus off themselves being pedoes, that's them and THIER paedophilia - eg: pillage capitalise make about themselves 'fix it' for the pedoes (themselves) & lolz annnnd repeat. Paedophiles - they're sooo 'hilarious'. Instances like Lineker & Amanda etc being in the same bracket as Clarkson fighting over a pizza years ago that he shared with Cameron, Clinton and the Scottish 'star' Sarah Ferguson etc with Margaret and her paedophile 'family' fighting over the 5p that was left as a 'tip' for supplying the pig, sheep and carcasses that they're so 'grateful' for because they got a bargain - they normally cost more than a fiver but they got a 'special' deal - 'mates rates' among paedophiles - they're paedophiles - that *also* send pizza to thier 'fans'. That's 'nice' of them.. lol - they're grotesque vulgar hideous paedophiles - ridiculously retarded inbreds - MORE ridiculous MORE.
I haven't seen my daughter since 2011 (world cup paedophiles) - they're paedophiles - where's Maddy? "uh uh dunnnooos jus bein peeedoes haha's" 🤮 - they're paedophiles, and they keeeep onnn 'fixing it fixing it & fixing it' they just keeeep onnnn 'fixing it' for themselves and they sink deeper and deeper into thier own cesspit - they're paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, profiteering terrorists, pillagers, plagiarists, fraudsters, schemers liars and 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque. Now 2023 - *STILL* paedophiles - 'die hard' paedophiles that find many ways of making being paedophiles about themselves - when already are. Again - my own life - that paedophiles have pillaged and made about themselves - ie: Daniel 'Russian Villain paedophile' Craig (they hump whales as well as 'shag' sheep) - they're paedophiles that make stuff up and laugh in yah face coscos pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of THIER paedophilia.
Zelensky needs to explain why he takes advantage of a civilian - is it cos 'everyone else' is - or is he just simply promoting another paedophile 'documentary' like Sean Penn (the paedophile) and Naomi Watts' (the paedophile) 'the sinking of... ' 'mini series' cos the Brexit 'documentary' was a success and they are still reaping the rewards - both financially & politically *and* they are doing thier pedo pals a 'favour' by 'fixing it' more - for themselves (pedowood is called 'pedowood' for a reason *anyway*). There's been plenty of paedophile 'campaigns' and 'PR' *for* paedophiles to 'help' take the focus off themselves BEING - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - they're pedoes - they capitalise on them & make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - they want pedoes in *THIER* 'life' - it's *MY* life (that they've pillaged capitalise made about themselves to PROFIT on THEIR vulgarity) again - my own life and - I don't want them in mine - I don't want paedophiles in my life - I *never* have. I have no paedophiles in my life - they're ridiculously retarded inbreds - MORE... lols at the paedophiles ridiculous retards 'freedom' for what? Capitalising on their vulgarity and making about themselves gloating about 'fixing it' for pedoes - my own life - those that pillage someone else's life that meddle interfere capitalise on thier vulgarity & make about themselves and make stuff up to 'fix it' for *THEMSELVES* ARE ridiculously retarded - paedophiles. HIDEOUS RETARDS - MORE "victim - what victim?" says the pedoes - loooook at the ridiculously retarded paedophiles 'fixing it' for themselves - some more - RETARDS
He (Zelensky) wasn't at the Oscars this year, they had Malala the terrorist and Greta the paedophile the previous year - they're paedophiles - 'freedom' for what? 'Freedom' to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves with thier 'son' (s) whose name is is - peeeedoe - "haha's" (vomit) - all pedoes - they're paedophiles vulgar retarded inbreds - again - its my OWN life pedoes have pillaged and made about themselves to profit on THIER vulgarity - who does that? PEDOES do that's who - victim - "uh uh uhhh what victim? "Dunnnooos wot you means" say the paedophiles as they make stuff up to 'fix it' for themselves & lolz. Ridiculous retards, grotesque vulgar inbreds - sicker more more retarded more & more spectacularly ridiculous MORE with thier 'boaty mcboatfaces' etc and thier 'no shit sticks' 'governments' = Brexit and thier 'rings' - that is - pedo rings, rapey rings, serial raping trafficking rings EU pedo rings (where the paedophile Cameron gives Tusk a good rub down *nudge nudge wink wink* & pat on the back for thier paedophilia - they're *FULLY* 'aware' they're paedophiles. Tusk then goes onto 'diffuse' *THIER* paedophilia 'saga' by suggesting he saw fear in Cameron's eyes - not the paedophile he is - because obviously they got caught BEING paedophiles and have been 'fixing it for themselves - ever since - because they ARE - that's what they ARE - pedoes and - more - 'fixing it' for pedoes to avoid looking like what they are etc. To pedoes that play 'games' with 'peoples' lives - 'winning' *IS* 'fixing it' FOR pedoes (*themselves* annnd carry on being paedophiles - which they HAVE and ARE - and refuse to 'investigate' thier OWN paedophilia - they're vulgar revolting ridiculous retarded inbreds - MORE). Oh look there's Merkel & Obama singing 'the hills are alive with the sound of pedoes - hear that - oh so quiet - they're paedophiles. Oh look there's Tony Blair and Rupert Murdoch - what are they doing .. ew... that 'odd' because he doesn't have a vagina. Blair's 'favoured' 'position' - he straps it on and does his 'business' and gives it to the Saudi's as 'gift' afterwards: "here yah go" he says excitedly "that stain might make a few quid - more than what Obama made in the Lion King panto and more than Jay Z's coke & more than Gaga's lobster hat - they're pedoes with pedoe 'goals' - that is - just be pedoes and rape for rapists - nothing else - pedoes and crackheads have lots in common - with pedoes and crackheads - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds. MORE.
Tusk wonders what Margaret looks like. Old wrinkly and shrivelled up and probably rolling around in the sewer screaming with her favourite 'star' Savile. Nothing to do with me - her 'family' put her there. They're paedophiles - vulgar revolting retards - hideous inbreds, more and more retarded as thier 'pedoe show' has and always been more than *just* an international embarrassment. Apparently there's no 'law' that says they can't make being paedophiles about themselves - that's what they ARE *anyway* - hideous retards MORE more ridiculous MORE. *Obviously* *another* 'documentary' about *themselves* BEING paedophiles - capitalising pillaging & fixing it for themselves again & again & again - it's my own life - what 'part' of hideous vulgar revolting paedophiles they no understandy - NONE - coscos that's what they ARE - pedoes in the 'buy sell swap rape for rapists 'brigade' make sumfink up fix it for demselfs & lolz and carry on being - pedoes - vulgar retards MORE ridiculous MORE, more & more.
Paedophiles - round and round they go. Robert De Niro on being a paedophile.. "what are you doing pillaging someone else' life?" "Uh uh dunnoooos - trump doesn't care" What? How retarded are you - visiting thier country is not an invitation to be paedophiles (like that time I went to NYC and pedoes - made about themselves like that time I went to Spain - and pedoes - made about themselves with thier 'crusading paedophiles' with 'global goals' OF being paedophiles that rape for rapists - TOTALLY RETARDED inbreds MORE) Steve: "have you ever read the book 'a child called it' - to them - that's a 'green light' to capitalise on being pedoes and play 'rape pillage victim game' make about themselves and get da pedoes to fix it for demselves by making stuff up and laughin in yah face - to the 'it' girls - like Victoria Hervey etc that suggests Ukraine is blowing themselves up to Daniel 'Russian Villain paedophile' Craig that calls an extra a 'Russian villain' BECAUSE they're paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and makes about themselves - 'it' was FULLY 'aware' 'it' was a paedophile when 'it' was alive. Daniel jumped on Margaret, oh no wait... Daniel jumped on Chewy to go fly fishing in the Middle East.. oh no wait.. Margaret jumped out of a plane to recreate a Bond film because 'it' felt that the franchise didn't have enough sheep and pigs in it. Get sicker more & more retarded MORE. They 'play along' with BEING retarded paedophiles cos that's what they ARE and Kit isn't a 'spy' - what a shocker - RETARDS - MORE ridiculous MORE. They smile through the awkwardness of knowing they're paedophiles and then they convince *themselves* they're not - coscos pedoes are thier fav 'roles' to 'play' - they don't need to 'act' - that's what they ARE- retarded inbreds & grotesque ridiculous paedophiles and serial raping traffickers, pillagers, plagiarists, fraudsters, schemers, liars etc and 'fixers' for alllllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - MORE ridiculous MORE. If you're an extra and you start laughing at the actors - it's time for THEM to quit. They're sick ridiculous retarded inbreds - MORE spectacularly ridiculous, more and more retarded MORE. What colour is your passport? Is it purple with yellow spots all over it? It's not Russian. Or Irish. Or Chinese. Or American. Or French. Or German. Or British. Or Bangladeshian. Ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE spectacularly vulgar MORE.. "What's Brexit?" "Uh uh uhhh dunnoooos jus being pedoes haha's" (vomit) - that's them - retards - capitalising on thier vulgarity making about themselves because they ARE - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds like that - MORE - again - my own life - WTF you pillaging someone else's life - they're PEDOPHILES - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds SICKER MORE - speech!! speech!" about your ridiculous retardation & grotesque paedophilia - vulgar revolting RETARDS - MORE and more and more and more retarded MORE - there's the paedophiles 'fixing' it FOR paedophiles BECAUSE- they're paedophiles - vulgar inbreds MORE...
serial raping traffickers - siiicccccccccck RIDICULOUS inbreds MORE

they don't and didn't ask 'permission' to BE pedoes - having lunch with a 'celebrity' is NOT an 'invitation' to be pedoes that capitalise on pedoes and rape for rapists that also pillage someone else's life - make about themselves and get paedophiles to 'fix it' for pedoes - my own life - completely totally retarded - MORE. "I think I might pillage someone else's life and make about myself" - EW EW - being paedophiles IS thier 'idea' - BECAUSE that's what they ARE. What ridiculous retards they are. Absolute state of them. Paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles and make about themselves and abuse the victim - without a second thought - all smiles - read about THIER 'trauma' from 40 years ago while they abuse someone else - pedoes.
Tell them they're pedoes - they capitalise make about themselves cos that's what they are and 'milk' BEING pedoes for *every* penny - as long as they make thier paedophilia about themselves - they're 'happy' paedophiles cos they're getting 'rewarded' for BEING - pedoes & cos it's 'entertainment' for pedoes - look at Netflix for example, 'comic relief' FOR pedoes to the Brexit 'documentary' etc - I've not seen it - BUT by the reviews it's 'riveting edge of the seat' type stuff, award winning - they cant get enough of it). Paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles with the sole purpose of simply just capitalising on BEING vulgar revolting - paedophiles - ARE paedophiles *anyway* - sicker more grotesque - that's what they do - take advantage of paedophiles BEING paedophiles and with thier paedophile 'no shit sticks' governments capitalising on BEING paedophiles with paedophile 'justice ministers' that I'VE NEVER MET - to what? gloat about thier meddling pillaging serial raping trafficking abusing to capitalise on thier vulgarity 'skills' and 'fixing it for pedoes' 'tekkas' & to get alllll they can out of BEING retards & to prove to themselves they ARE vulgar revolting retarded hideous ridiculously retarded inbreds AND make stuff up to ensure they make thier vulgarity - about themselves coscos they're having a 'who's the 'bestest' paedophile in the World Cup paedophiles' 'competition' cos that's what they ARE - paedophiles. SICK - ridiculous retards - paedophiles that make BEING paedophiles - about themselves - when *already* ARE - never guess what they are - make it really easy - VULGAR RIDICULOUS RETARDED PEDOES *ANNNND* 'fix it' for themselves MORE to keep thier 'pedo ball' rollin' onnnn & to avoid the 'reality' of what they ARE - and they ARE - paedophiles & worse. Pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity while abusing the victim they're pillaging - ARE - not only - vulgar revolting paedophiles - are completely retarded ridiculous hideous 'dotards' that use the criminal justice system to abuse and break international laws - to promote thier 'yeezies' & make sure the 'product's' of thier paedophilia on 'show' cos the 'products' of THIER paedophilia will make money for them capitalising on THIER paedophilia etc - Now compare - 'go compare' - the paedophiles that 'breed' to capitalise to profit. Ridiculous inbreds MORE - paedophiles that are also - greedy paedophiles - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - paedophiles - siccccccck ridiculous retards - get more retarded MORE annnnd namez is peeeedoes "haha" (vomit) siccccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE
They're *FULLY* 'aware' that they're paedophiles and worse. Hideous ridiculous PEDOES thaaaaat pillage someone else's life and make about themselves while 'playing' rape pillage victim 'game' and Christian Bale and his 'trusty backpack' - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculous - pathetic - hideous inbreds grotesque retarded paedophiles - not even including Monaco (pedoes that "all 'gang bang' together" - that is TRUE just like the Clarkson/Savile comparison - is TRUE - they're pedoes - hideous retards - completely totally retarded- Sicker MORE retarded MORE ridiculous MORE

Out of all the 'directors' in the world - all pedoes. Takadapiss - paedophile - who is also an embarrassment (if there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists - THEY WILL - BECAUSE - they're paedophiles - vulgar ridiculous retards - MORE) and there are sicker more vulgar way more retarded inbreds than him - who are also an embarrassment. They can copy paedophiles BEING paedophiles (which they have & are) to avoid looking like the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they are which results in them sinking deeper and deeper into thier own cesspit in an effort to avoid the reality of THIER paedophilia - STILL pedoes.
Interesting fact - where in the world - they did some 'work' in advance years ago to ensure the work of another was never replicated. I'm pretty sure Spielberg is aware of that fact unlike all *THIER* 'piracy' bullshit - again - THAT'S THEM - pedoes being pedoes - nothing to do with me - that's paedophiles crying 'copyright' FOR pillaging someone else's life annnnd making about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity while abusing the victim they're pillaging. I don't pillage anyone else's life to make about myself - only retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles do. I don't offer financial reward to paedophiles to 'fix it' FOR paedophiles - only paedophiles DO - Zuckerberg's 'meta' is like Kim Dotcom and Margaret - they're paedophiles rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers in the 'buy sell swap rape for rapists' 'business' - tooootallly completely retarded vulgar inbreds MORE ridiculous MORE (that's in the Brexit 'bundle' 'package') - just another - more ways of making being ridiculously retarded paedophiles about themselves - when that's what they ARE *anyway* - pedoes that capitalise on thier vulgarity to profit on the back of raping and pillaging. Vulgar ridiculous retards - more.
Can imagine a 'makeover holiday' in a place like Koh Samui. Idyllic 'getaways' etc make it like that dome thing in England - to avoid 'atmospheric conditions'. Sitting there with your bandages - sipping champas - watching and listening to the waves without having any wind or sand blown in your eyes etc (and no volcanoes in the area). I'm not sure about a facelift... just yet. Convince yourself it's not that bad - when it's horrific, different kind of 'fixing it'. Like a little button nose, not a button nose.. more 'softer' than what it is - it's not hard-core snorter. 'No side angles' - lol - (not going to say it not going to say it not going to say it - "Oh Penelope - your nose is HUGE") - they're hideous. More
I found this recipe for
Jaffa Ice Cream , oh wow. It's got eggs in it. Weird. I also have the Mercedes of Ice Cream makers so I am also able to make Pina Colada ice cream too, mmm, mmm, mmm (ice cream *also* means something different - especially to paedophiles, rapists and serial raping traffickers - a bit like pizza - EW - double EW triple EW sicker more ridiculously retarded MORE)
I also found a self saucing Jaffa cake recipe, that'd probably be another 'Oh wow' - especially with Jaffa Ice Cream. It's not a 'faze', I'm a HUGE fan of Jaffa anyway
They're paedophiles "they can feel it in thier water" … 'something to do with a ring' - yeh - pedoes made about themselves - pedo rings rapist rings serial raping trafficking rings etc = 'fixing it' for pedoes = Brexit
Did Pocahontas come from Tahiti - is/was she 'indigenous' to Siberia? They don't know the difference between a migrant and refugee cos according to paedophiles all migrants and refugees are always black - easy 'fix' for themselves just like they don't know what 'indigenous' means either. 'Crusading' paedophiles etc what an embarrassment they are. They don't know what a 'victim' is either - well they do - as long as it's not the victim they're pillaging cos pillaging paedophiles will make stuff up and laugh in yah face cos paedophiles that pillage and meddle with someone else's life and make about themselves coscos being peeedoes is 'good idea' - to paedophiles (*only*) that like to blame everyone else except themselves (especially the victim they pillage) for being - paedophiles just like Justice Minister is a 'victim' for getting lots of sweary tweets from the victim they're pillaging - absolutely completely retarded. Exceptionally sick MORE. 'travelisting' - retards - more
lol.. got a 'copyright' on that piece of 'tech' - frank frankly is not frank from the rearenders soap where they plagiarise bananas to make them racist etc all about numbers - and that pillaging paedophile - clark and 'sustainable' paedophiles that pillage someone else's life - make about themselves and breed to profit.. go compare the Wayne & Waynetta's - 'statistically' less intelligent people breed more - times that over a few decades and you get pig shaggers (ewww) in politics that use politics as a tool to disguise thier paedophilia in order to - specifically - TO - capitalise on being paedophiles and make about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of thier retardation when they already ARE - paedophiles - capitalising on thier vulgarity that make stuff up and laugh in your face as they 'fix it' for their paedophile serial raping trafficking peers. siccccccccccccck. ie: 'pizzagate' etc = paedophiles - sicccccccck MORE retarded. Since 2016 - the results should be clear of what is disintegrating around them as a direct result of thier paedophilia - across all industries - those 'crisis'' created before Brexit have been amplified by Brexit and thier 'global goals' are just being paedophiles that rape for rapists - that's it - nothing else. That's how far thier 'intelligence' stretches. The UN - the pillaging paedophile 'organisation' question: "WTF are you doing pillaging someone else's life?" "Uh uh uhhh dunnnooos jus being peeedoes haha's" (vomit) "What's Brexit?" "Uh uh uhhh dunnooos jus fixin' it for peeedoes haha's" (vomit)- that's them - retards MORE spectacularly ridiculous more.

off to the islands - passport? why thanka very much uh huh
The Holy Roman Emperor had a 'thing' with numbers - nothing 'awkward' about that.. or that sign that said 'fuku' (not necessarily to) Mel Gibson - the ridiculous retard among many ridiculous retards - get more and more ridiculously retarded MORE. 'Power Ball' is something that you hear about in the movies. The pillaging plagiarising paedophiles - retards MORE. £88 million, £350 million a week, trillions.. 3.5billion 'climate' fund, Elvis is a fan. Listen to some progressive house on YouTube. The amount of PR 'spins' - and big figures etc
Surely they would've said something if they knew they're paedophiles... oh waaaaaiit... that something pedoes *don't* do especially coscos paedophiles & kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers that pillage someone else's life to capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves and get more paedophiles to make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds to ensure they make THIER vulgarity about themselves to profit on thier paedophilia (cos are retards) & lolz - sicccccccccccccck MORE ridiculous.
Anyway.. in 2023 - there's still a weed shop in Prague - it's not gone bust
LOL.. Istanbul.. 2023 - I'm not even going to say what kind of ridiculous shop they had next to it - fixing my deformed nose - not climbing up any stairs and the Blooooo mosque is full of tiles. Discrimination against someone who is not of thier religion because paedophiles pillaged that persons life and made about themselves to capitalise on thier vulgarity and flaunt & gloat about thier serial raping 'tekkas' etc - completely retarded - again - it's my own life that paedophiles have given *themselves* 'permission' to capitalise on thier vulgarity annnnd make about themselves because they are vulgar annnnd lie manipulate twist distort etc - they dunnooos wot pedoes are - because they ARE. I was extra on John Carter - not them, I was an extra on Pirates - not them - I went to NYC - not them - I left NZ after my brother was murdered - not them - who years later capitalise & abuse myself to make the most of being retards & make about themselves when they ALREADY ARE - completely retarded paedophiles - MORE. The 'justice minister' is a 'victim' because the victim she abuse to capitalise (that I've NEVER MET that doesn't live in the country) got together for gang bangs with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to recreate 'tourists' while munching on a mackadee or dressing up as one like McGowan to make the most of thier paedophilia - pedoes with thier 'paedophile codes' #pizzagate 'conspiracy' etc - they're paedophiles - it's a FACT (and 'funnily' enough - they WEREN'T in Spain when I was there) and - Brexit - is all about themselves *obviously* (I'm happily divorced - it's been that way for decades and because it's a lie to cover the lie to gloss over the lie & so on and so forth that they're not serial raping traffickers and pillaging meddling ridiculously retarded paedophiles and 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - Brexit says there's LOADS of paedophiles in THIER 'marriage' - retards - ridiculous inbreds MORE). So a victim was sending lots of sweary tweets (thaaaat they capitalised on and made about themselves - EWWWWWW - simply because they don't like being told what they are - even when it's blatantly obvious and they have the criminal records to match etc - STILL abuse to capitalise to profit on thier vulgarity annnnd make about themselves - the ridiculously retarded inbreds - they're absolutely completely vulgar MORE spectacularly retarded MORE) Send sweary tweets for pillaging MY LIFE so they capitalise on THIER vulgarity annnnd - made about themselves & LOLZ - siccccccccck - with total and complete disregard - the vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophile show' - completely retarded MORE ridiculous - tell them they're paedophiles they capitalise & make about themselves (BECAUSE they ARE) - ew ew ewwwwwww - again - it's my own life. Danny boyle & pedo pals are sick ridiculous retarded paedophiles and pedowood is called pedowood for a reason - they're PEDOES - siccccccck ridiculous inbreds where pedoes gotgot 'freedom' to capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves - Because they are - vulgar - pedoes that capitalise on pedoes - ARE paedophiles - AGAIN - my own life - paedophiles convince *themselves* they're not retarded paedophiles.
They abuse a victim to capitalise on being paedophiles - when they already are BECAUSE that's what they ARE - siccccccccck - MORE - annnd because they jacked a symbol and made about themselves .. errrr... not *only* ewwwwww but exceptionally ridiculously retarded MORE. They meddle with someone else's life to... capitalise on being paedophiles etc (when they already ARE - they're FULLY 'aware' they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles that 'fix it' for themselves more by getting paedophiles to make stuff up annnd laugh in yah face - errr - sicccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE - again- my own life paedophiles have pillaged and made about themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles - SICK and more 'fixing it' for the retards) along with thier 'crusading' paedophiles including Greta & the 'thier namez iz pedo haha's show' (vomit).. 'fixing it' 'fixing it' 'fixing it' and carry onnnn BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - reeeeeeally completely totally retarded paedophiles - get sicker MORE & LOL at the spectacularly retarded inbreds annnnd more 'fixing it' for themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of thier vulgarity. Thier mental retardation knows no bounds. Recreate being paedophiles - it's STILL the same result - they're STILL paedophiles. Not my religion - it's my own life - the absolutely vulgar revolting retarded state of them - ridiculous MORE. (I'm Rhesus negative - I didn't come from apes). Lack of coffee results in headaches - I don't 'fast' - but that's what happens if I go without coffee.. 'hungry games' - nothing to do with me - the many ways paedophiles pillage manipulate & capitalise make about themselves - completely ridiculous - totally retarded MORE

Istanbul airport is amazing, on par with Singapore - 5* airport(s).
"Where you from?" "Australia"... "no - the other one" "Oh I know someone in Wellington" he says "you know Anzac, Anzac - you buy my rug now" ... lol.. I didn't ask if his favourite paedophile was Russell Brand & Sinead O'Conner or Russell Crowe & Jimmy Savile or Emma Watson being Myra Hindley in their 'greatest pedo show mini-series with thier paedophiles & thier paedophile 'games' etc ewww - they're paedophiles - kidnapping child raping terrorists - serial raping traffickers - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - insemination by a whale and making sure they shag under sheep to get the 'full' retardation certificate that they earnt from Victoria Harvey's serial raping trafficking 'business' that she shares with her pals Maxwell, Murdoch & Simon Cowell & thier fav prolific paedophiles Tony Blair, Clintons, Cameron's, Milibands, Obama's etc never guess what's on PEDO ISLAND.. uh uh - 'lightbulb' YOU GUESSED IT!! MORE PEDOPHILES - MORE retarded - siccccccck ridiculous paedophiles - sicker more retarded - embarrassingly MORE - obnoxious - is the word. Just like any 'street seller' - rude - have to be blunt - "here's what I can do for you - I can take your card and pass it on - to the next street vendor"
I read a little bit of someone else's' diary/blog/life (didn't pillage it & make about myself etc like paedophiles do) about her experience with Rhinoplasty and that gave me a rough guide of what to expect - break it when younger playing sport etc. I said that I would like it be more 'softer' than what it is as from side on - especially - from side on - all about angles (I'm sure photographers know the 'nose instructions' cos sometimes in particular angles - looks absolutely ginormous. And it's not until someone points it out that you notice it more. Like my old boss - had a big nose, it was Gina that said the first time she met her she couldn't stop looking at her nose. I caught the bottle - before the movie came out, it was a place called 'Cactus Jacks' in Auckland.
So what I said was I don't want to be 'harsh' like it is and he genius-ly knew what I meant. I didn't mention my nostrils - just the tip - when he took the photo of before and after - oh my - I didn't realise how huge my nostrils were. Then you start looking at everyone's else's noses. He said "I might touch this, might touch this, might touch this" while indicating areas with his expertise, I said "Okay" - and I'm so pleased with the result. Definitely know there is something up your nose (silicon) and after that is removed - wow - the amount you can breathe in is amazing. Bursting with excitement afterwards - healing now.
Latvia is the place to go for a hip replacement apparently 'wear & tear', injuries etc
"How much you pay? how much you pay?" someone asks (in the UK - never met) - how rude. How much is Brexit? .. errr go arrest some Golliwogs - (paedophiles being paedophiles)

They've paid way more for Brexit.. and still counting - it was *obviously* worth it for paedophiles to 'fix it for paedophiles so paedophiles are 'free' to make BEING paedophiles - about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - and to get allllllll they cannnnn out of BEING ridiculously retarded inbreds. It's paying off *obviously* and they have convinced *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles - absolutely completely vulgar revolting retards - MORE. 'Medical Tourism'.. err yah. Hancock thinks he's Will Smith and vice versa - paedophiles - retards - MORE - *thier* world cup paedophile 'competition' - LOL - I have 'Whatsapp' now - the appropriate 'M' - not the ridiculous retard they 'killed off' in the movie (completely totally retarded - MORE) *and* not a metaphor for women bashing gang rapists that like to 'plough' thier way through *any* crisis by 'cleverly disguising' thier paedophilia etc with buffoonery in order to get the masses to laugh along with - paedophiles and thier retardation - either. I don't box - never have. Don't play rugby, soccer or basketball either. Beckham's.. lol... Rebecca loo's - not met her - only reeeeallly retarded paedophiles make someone else's life about themselves and nope - definitely wouldn't touch that with a barge pole - ewwww- they're retards - they're paedophiles. Lizzie Grubman - 'PR' is about 'damage control' (for paedophiles) - ie: block mock troll etc that they use against the victim they're pillaging - ie: capitalise pillage 'fix' make about themselves make sumfink up 'fix it' for the inbreds & lolz etc - retards - MORE retarded MORE - paedophiles - ridiculously sicker - MORE - absolutely completely retarded. 'Spinsters' - a political paedophile that employs shit spinners to help take the focus off themselves being paedophiles - errrr.... Spectacularly. RETARDED - MORE. Thier 'PR' is based on & all about - making them not look like what they are - and they are - paedophiles - get sicker sicker more and more spectacularly retarded as thier 'pedo ball' rolls along - just in case no one has noticed - what with 'cost of living', 'immigrants'... Brexit ... etc etc SICK SICK totally completely retarded MORE.
Currently blowing bubbles with my snot. No - not really, not allowed to blow my nose for at least a month, sneeze through your mouth - it's loud. Saline wash up your nose, how to get it up your nose - airbrush gun - genius! (10 times a day & I have an oxygen facial machine, it's brilliant - also doubles as a foundation applicator). I also paid a fiver for a Medisana Medinose Plus, basically a stick with red LED on it.
'Travelisting'.. LOL - completely retarded ridiculous inbreds more retarded. Might start a cappuccino club - not like the paedophile 'club' that sing about thier paedophilia and not like Chris Noth & co - walked past ME in the street and paedophiles made about themselves, like have lunch with someone annnd - paedophiles - make about themselves and then spend years abusing to capitalise to profit and convince themselves they're not retards - absolutely completely retarded sick inbreds. Zac Efron - I was in the audience - pillage someone else's life make about themselves, Minnie Driver the paedophile & Danny Boyle in the paedophile factory - might've met him - not spoken to him - I certainly didn't give them 'permission' to be kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers to Daniel 'Russian villain paedophile' craig - "coscos pedoes haha's" (vomit) sicccccccccccccck SICK SICK - Sicker MORE retarded MORE - completely totally retarded paedophiles - make stuff up - laugh in yah face make stuff up laugh in yah face - given it's my own life - (peeeedoes have pillaged) Peeeedoes make being peeedoes about demselfs to capitalise on thier vulgarity annnnnd - make about themselves - and and peeedoes convince themselves they're not retarded peeedoes if they make BEING peeedoes about demselfs and get peeedoes to 'fix it' for desmselfs to make thier paedophilia about demselfs and carry onnnn on BEING ridiculously retarded peeeedoes- they get MORE and more retarded - sicccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE. Completely totally retarded ridiculous & they 'all gang bang' together VIP trip to Monaco (and they're sicker more ridiculouser than the traffickers with dinghy's) and thus UN paedophiles & 'fixers' for allll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque that are also in the buy sell swap rape for rapists 'business' - that abuse and break international laws willy nilly to capitalise on thier vulgarity - 'youtoo themtoo' - allllll retarded sick ridiculous paedophiles 'together' - and make about themselves BECAUSE they ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that and make the most of thier vulgarity - ie: a trafficker that pays £250 for a dinghy to make £2k vs UN traffickers and thier "£2 trillion trafficking fixing it for pedoes 'business' (just cos paedophiles 'getting off' on thier vulgarity and rape for favours reward and careers among ridiculously retarded paedophiles and pedoes 'fix it' FOR paedophiles because that's what they ARE) - go compare - what are they reeeeeeeally like, from 2011 to the run up to Brexity, 2016 - after Brexit with lockdowns and virus' and clapping for paedophiles like retarded paedophiles etc - errr - they're a paedophiles in a paedophile 'organisation' - nothing more - sicccccccccck ridiculous retards MORE - 2023 - STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles - and that morphed into 'JoJo Rabbit' and the paedophiles (what a ridiculously retarded embarrassment - crinnnnge sicker MORE), annnnd thier kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers and pillaging paedophiles 'tribute' to Hitler 'cleverly disguised' as thier 'gift' to Africa. And of course "any excuse to be pedoes & serial raping traffickers Steve & co" - and pedoes they are - and they make the most of thier vulgarity and lolz (peaches & pedoes etc) - sicccckkkerrr MORE retarded MORE. Paedophiles - vulgar revolting inbreds MORE - what they like eh? - they're like that - completely retarded ridiculous paedophiles - SICKER MORE and more retarded MORE.
Years ago (probably over 100 years ago) - it *used* to be - you were a politician because you had the country behind you - now - it's more like a paedophile factory (being senile paedophiles with dementia that 'forget' they're paedophiles and rapists that gang up TO rape to profit on BEING rapists and serial raping traffickers - is thier job description - because - they've proved they're paedophiles way more than once AND they also like to gloat & flaunt thier paedophilia wherever they can because - because they're paedophiles. They get rewarded for how well thier fellow paedophile peers rape for rapists and 'fix it' for *themselves* - 'voting' - is irrelevant - regardless of it being 'fixed' *anyway* like 'comic relief' is for paedophiles and 'ChildLine' is for child rapists etc so on and so forth annnnd they eat bugs to stay on tele. The hugely successful 'documentaries' about themselves being paedophiles that they've called the appropriate name of 'Paedophiles - Actually' is & was & continues to be riveting stuff - the hokey pokey combined with pig shagging combined with boaty mcboatface's, stormy, stormzy and stormy is serious 'competition' for the whale humpers etc
is it a prank? err err uh uhh - paedophiles are soooo 'hilarious' - said the pedoes - even has the facial hair of paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists - *another* 'charity that capitalises on thier vulgarity to profit on their paedophilia raping and pillaging just like trafficking 'agencies' ARE traffickers & lol cos paedophiles 'have nothing to hide' *except* thier own paedophilia - and the results OF it - siccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE and more spectacularly retarded MORE - the 'viral' virus plague - the paedophile plague - if Brexit is a 'metaphor' for.... capitalising on death and making about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity - completely retarded inbreds MORE - 'good times' being vulgar revolting retards said the paedophiles and 'lololz' coscos pedoes 'fixin' it' for demselllllfs - MORE and more ridiculous MORE
He's ('dunno wot your gripe is' paedophile 'club') even got the victim bashing tash to match - hear about his & the 'suffering' of someone else while abusing someone else so on and so forth - pick a 'charity' - *ANY* charity' - paedophiles - vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE spectacularly ridiculous MORE.. "phew!! fixed it for the paedophiles lololz" said the paedophiles - siccccccccccck - RETARDS - if there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists - THEY WILL - because they're paedophiles - they're more than capable of destroying thier own industries just as much as they are infecting as many possible with thier paedophilia - they encourage they reward they LOL - because they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles. siccccccccck SICK SICK MORE retarded MORE

They're 'feeling' Savile - 'clap for paedophiles' - they 'hearing' the screams annnnnd they capitalised and - made about themselves - compleeeeeeelty retarded inbreds - & Morgan Freeman (Bill Cosby's 'twin', 'Uncle Bully's' 'cousin' that Minnie Driver is huge 'fan' of that lives in Nigeria with Anne Hathaway - what ridiculous retarded inbreds they are) calls himself a 'Mongrel' - LOL - he's much sicker more retarded than the average 'run of the mill' vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophile (and I've not even met him). He is a paedophile, a rapist, a kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficker - who the fuck is he? He IS a ridiculously retarded paedophile - that's what he is - having a paedophile 'president' (*ex-president* & present - more paedophiles and 'foocha' paedophiles) 'reveals what they ARE' - they're paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers that are in the buy sell swap rape for rapists 'brigade' that capitalise ON thier paedophilia TO profit on thier vulgarity - this was clearly demonstrated in 2022 - prior to paedophiles 'demonstrating' thier OWN paedophilia serial raping trafficking and 'fixing it' for themselves and thier retarded paedophile peers etc - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - who the fuck is he? He's a paedophile - sicker than Tony Blair that takes cash from 'unfriendly' countries (you know those guys that lodged a plane into the side of a very tall building years ago... they took the world to war to... capitalise on being paedophiles and make about themselves). Don't mess with someone else's life - it's general rule across the board - not for paedophiles - especially not for paedophiles that are the buy sell swap rape for rapists 'brigade' even if thier victim does not come from thier country - they're paedophiles -VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS - spectacularly ridiculously retarded inbreds - MORE repulsive grotesque MORE so much moooore than *juuust* an international embarrassment - sicccccccccck SICK SICK completely totally retarded MORE
Remarkable they've convinced *themselves* they're - not - paedophiles, rapists, serial raping traffickers etc and 'fixers' for allllllll things vulgar revolting retarded ridiculously grotesque MORE & more retarded MORE. PR is all about 'damage control' - for paedophiles - they've invested trillions - to make themselves not look like what they are - and they ARE - paedophiles, rapists, pillagers, plagiarists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers fraudsters schemers liars etc etc siccccck VULGAR retards - and the 'return' is? - more 'fixing it' for paedophiles and vulgar revolting retards. More and more ridiculous more. Paedophiles: "You're an embarrassment to Ireland" "No you are" "no you are" "no you are" "lololz" … goocheegoocheegooo" = paedophiles 'competing' among themselves for the sickest retard 'award' - their 'amo' - is thier paedophilia and the many 'campaigns' for paedophiles to take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - ew. Pillage someone else's life and make about themselves - EW ew ew ew - get pedoes to 'fix it' for themselves BY making stuff up and laughing yah face to ensure they make THIER vulgarity about *themselves* - BECAUSE THEY ARE - spectacularly vulgar retards - MORE EW EW EW - mooooore compleeeeeetly tooooootally retarded ridiulous grotesque vulgar revolting retards MORE and more ridiculously retarded liiiiike the ridiculously retarded - PEDOPHILES & serial raping traffickers etc DO MORE and more retarded MORE -sicccccccck they're VULGAR revolting hideous inbreds MORE and more retarded MORE & lololz hdddddddeous retards MORE "What's Brexit?" "Uh uh uhhh dunnnooos jus being pedoes haha's" (vomit) - capitalising ON and 'fixing it' FOR - thier retardation knows no bounds - they're paedophiles - ridiculously vulgar revolting grotesque hideous inbreds - MORE and more spectacularly retarded MORE

They 'forgot' to mention: paedophile, rapist, kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficker, pillaging paedophiles, meddling paedophiles, profiteering paedophiles, abusers, pillagers, plagiarists etc etc etc & lololz - hiddddddeous inbreds MORE retarded MORE (& it's 2023.. *STILL* severely retarded paedophiles - siccccccker MORE) … "I AM" - the UN Secretary General, Prime Minister/s, President/s etc - they pillage a civilian, an extra, a migrant, a victim - they pillage and make about themselves coscos pedoes don't wanna miss out on being retarded ridiculous paedophiles that 'fix it' more by making thier own shit up on government documents (criminal) & lolz.. LOL - they're 'delusional' vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds grotesque paedophiles as well as 'fixers' for alllllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - they're 'feeling' ew - ew - the only thing they're 'feeling' is Savile - "dey only talk pedo you know coscos peedoes haha's" (vomit) SICK SICK compleeeeeetly retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE and more spectacularly retarded MORE
He's going to make a movie, perhaps a comedy, mini series and more documentaries - about the murder of his friend by pillaging the victims next of kin and making about themselves - for financial gain and to gloat about how retarded they are in thier 'paedophile show' coscos pedoes in da pedo business haha's (vomit) - they're retards SICK SICK ridiculous MORE - bit like Benedict & co. Paedophiles' sitcom - you know where Bill Gates dresses up as Kanye West to go snake fishing in the Congo on his way to sell 'Yeezies' to some African orphans that were dressed by Karl Lagerfeld and morphed into Snoop Dogg and then demanding the government give him compensation - for being black etc. Paedophiles - the movie - made by and for paedophiles to 'enjoy' - completely retarded - paedophiles, ridiculous inbreds MORE and more retarded, MORE. Paedophiles within paedophile 'agencies' that use international agencies as a tool to ensure no 'evidence' of THIER paedophilia is 'found' - coercive behaviour - acts of assault - are criminal - that's not even taking THIER paedophilia pillaging and helping themselves BE paedophiles prior to and after the paedophile frenzy - that is brexit - or their pig fetish as they slop around in thier cesspit that they made down on animal farm - siccccccck ridiculous retards - totally completely retarded - again - my own life - who the fuck are you- OHHH you're a ridiculously retarded paedophile derrr - paedophiles get allllll excited about being ridiculously retarded paedophiles just as much as they get excited about being paedophiles that take advantage of someone they may or may not have met - to - capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves - because they ARE VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - sicccccccck.
Paedophile politicians - if one of them gets caught BEING a kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficker etc - they alllllll gang up and rape for rapists annnnd 'fix it' for themselves more. The 'Paedophiles Actually' documentary is another 'documentary' about themselves BEING paedophiles along with many more paedophile 'documentaries' about themselves BEING retarded hideous paedophiles to compliment the paedophiles 'entertainment' for paedophiles that find thier own paedophilia 'interesting' and milk thier own paedophilia it for every penny - like the Clintons etc - what ridiculous 'victims' they ARE - they're paedophiles vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE.. they gather 'together' to partake and indulge in raping frenzies, frothing at the mouth - excited about the excitement of BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicker way more sicker than the 'stereotypical back alleyway rapist' - pick a 'charity' *ANY* 'charity' - paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE. Beverly Hilllz - I saw the sign - that's been changed to 'Pedowood' (appropriate - they've been working on thier paedophilia for years and now they're 'hoping' to attract more paedophiles to that area and the surrounding areas like they have done on a global scale) that's obviously to compliment the *many* paedophiles that capitalise on thier paedophilia and whale humping to profit on pig shagging etc - sicccccck MORE spectacularly retarded.
The paedophiles say "They might lose thier jobs if they come out as being paedophiles".. I wonder how many have lost thier jobs etc as a result of Brexit - I'm sure the local shop in a town that you've never heard of in a country located somewhere in the world appreciates thier paedophilia and is sending paedophiles 'thank you' cards for destroying everything they have (as advised by George clooney & thier paedophile pals etc) so paedophiles are 'free' to capitalise and to profit on thier vulgarity and make about themselves - siccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE and more spectacularly retarded - MORE.
When are they going to do a Daniel Craig and slit thier wrists - be like Nike.. "go onnnnnn just DO IT" & lololz cos that's THIER paedophile 'entertainment' afterall. The ridiculous paedophile(s) that takes advantage of paedophiles BEING paedophiles (sickest of the sickest retarded ridiculous inbreds) that create thier own 'dramas' etc to take the focus off themselves BEING retarded ridiculous paedophiles etc - siccccccccccck VULGAR RETARDS - the pizza paedo's - oh loooook at the paedophiles BEING paedophiles having 'lotsa larfs' BEING ridiculously retarded inbreds - siccccccccck MORE. "They do it all the time" says the paedophiles - they 'do' pigs sheep whales and bloated carcasses - it's the 'art' of what paedophiles 'do' - the 'art' of 'stiffy' - like Celine Dion and her fuckadowler 'fetish' probably kicking herself she didn't get 'in' there before the rigormortis 'kicked' in.. "hear that?" 'bzz bzzz'... "it's the flies - the carcasses are in thier 'prime'" the ridiculous paedophile says excitedly - ridiculous retards - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS - SICK SICK - grotesque MORE.
They see you getting raped - they'll join in - because paedophiles don't wanna miss out on BEING ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES coscos that's what they ARE - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds annnnnd make about themselves *obviously* coscos ohhh the poor paedophiles getting abused by thier victims, Clinton's say: "I don't understannnd" (they don't 'understand' why bestiality is a criminal offense let alone thier kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficking etc coscos the pig didn't mind and the sheep groaned - that they think is an orgasm from 'beyond the grave' when it's gas and the Jazidi girls like a bit of 'variety' just like Fred West and Myra Hindley - they dunnnooos wot pedoes are - because they ARE).. LOL at the ridiculous 'victims' and coscos pedoes -get da pedoes to 'fix it' for da pedoes by making stuff up & lolz so paedophiles can make thier paedophilia - about themselves - cos that's what they ARE - they're FULLY 'aware' they're vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds & grotesque revolting paedophiles - MORE RETARDED - siccccccccccccccccck MORE. 'BUT BUT democracy'.... LOL - they're paedophiles - they dunnoooos wot pedoes are - because they ARE - RETARDS - totally - completely - MORE
They get jobs in politics because paedophile politicians never get arrested and thier paedophilia is worth 'mega' bucks (
'mega' and 'lolz' is like 'peaches' is to child rapists' to bobo the paedophile etc) they capitalise on thier paedophilia and make the most of being retarded inbreds - 'work for the public' LOL - they're paedophiles - thier paedophilia is not a 'conspiracy' - it's a FACT annnd they get sicccckkkerrr mooooooore retarded MORE as thier 'pedo ball' rolls along and coscos peeedoes will 'fix it' for the peeeedoes - peeedoes make stuff up and fix it for themselves & lolz and carry on being retarded ridiculous inbreds like they are. compleeeeetley retarded inbreds MORE
Matt redbourn Damon, Ben the paedophile Affleck & Morgan the rapist Freeman have in common with Bill Cosby & the Obama's etc - they're paedophiles - 'gotgot fweedim to capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves' coscos there's no 'law' that says paedophiles can't make BEING paedophiles - about themselves - sicccccccck retards - .. 'something kinda ew on her toot toot' - that'd be Harvey - vulgar revolting retards - MORE siccccccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE and more spectacularly retarded MORE - who the fuck are you? oh - you're a paedophile coscos your namez iz iz peeeeedoes haha's (vomit) - they're paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists, pillagers plagiarists and 'fixers' for allllll things VULGAR revolting retarded and grotesque - sicccccccker MORE. 'be pedoes & rape for rapists & lolz' said the pedoes - compleeeeeeeetly retarded ridiculous inbreds sooooooo much moooooore than *juuuust* an international embarrassment - sicccccker MORE retarded MORE..
Ricky Gervais humped Britney Spears - her pimp recommended it because it's all about flashing her retardation to get roles in paedophile movies annnnd so he could also make a 'new' show called 'Getting down with Savile' in his 'afterlife' series because he's clearly jealous of Leo DiCaprio having sex with so many teenagers that aren't as mentally retarded as Britney Spears (as Trump suggests - Lohan was a 'score' - she got 'down' with *many* because she's …..) He also advised his 'fans' to drink arsenic - I mean bleach - like they do at paedophile 'gatherings' - so no-one 'catches on' they're paedophiles that like to profit on thier vulgarity - for laughs like innit. Make the most of being paedophiles etc. Clearly - the more retarded they are - the better - for the retards. siccccccccccck MORE
Pedoes be pedoes to get allll they can out of being retards etc coscos paedophiles and and paedophiles don't wanna miss out on BEING paedophiles - BECAUSE that's what they ARE and paedophiles have sooooo much 'fun' BEING retarded paedophiles like the spectacularly retarded who the fuck are you - you're a paedophile Rose McGowan & Tom Hardy etc - they're Paedophiles - they're retards that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves - meddle mess BECAUSE they're retarded paedophiles - never met the ridiculous paedophile - they're paedophiles that make the most of thier own vulgarity by abusing someone else and making about themselves so their paedophilia gets rewarded by thier 'fans' of paedophiles that applaud rapists etc and they laugh along with thier paedophilia and call it 'entertainment'. They ARE - PEDOPHILES - they ARE Grotesque hideous inbreds MORE. Paedophiles: "what's brexit?" "uh uh uhhhh dunnoooos jus being peeedoes haha's" (vomit) - that's them - compleeeeeeeetely totally retarded ridiculous MORE. Can't make Brexit 'disappear' like Floyd was a handy 'fixing' it more for the 'capitalise pillage fix cry victim make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz 'brigade' coscos pedoes haha's (vomit) - they can't change what they've done and no matter how many ways they make BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - about themselves - they're STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccccccccck ridiculous retards MORE retarded MORE - vulgar revolting grotesque MORE SICK SICK MORE spectacularly retarded MORE
Apparently - they're waiting for the locusts now (locusts probably hiding out in some cemetery somewhere hanging out with the grave diggers like Al Gore and the paedophiles at Stella House that is located under Goat Staircase at Billy Goat Gruff's with thier 'trolls' that call themselves 'piri- mega- allen had a wee poo' - he scooped up his shit and gave it to his fellow paedophile peers to sniff, daisies? nahhhh much more pungent. - much more. The shit inspector was employed by the paedophile 'mafia' that featured in *another* 'documentary' about themselves BEING paedophiles. They 'discovered' that they could disguise the stench of thier rot - only for a little while - thus allowing the paedophiles to 'think' of more ways of making BEING paedophiles - about themselves. The hugely successful Brexit 'documentary' & mini-series 'fixed it' for them although thier hideous stench seeps through infecting as many as possible - thier paedophilia spreads faster than the plague - sicccccccck ridiculous retards MORE and more retarded MORE.. - *thier*
Paedophile crap - they have tonnes of it - because that's what they ARE - peeedoes - sicccccccccck VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS MORE
Benedict & his terrorist 'brothers' etc - they're paedophiles - compleeeeeelty retarded inbreds MORE
I ate allllllll my Jaffa ice cream - I'm going to make a double batch.. mm..mmm mmm
Loook :
bluer than blue -not the bill gates or thier 'crusading paedophiles' and
Shia Lebooof is changing his name to
'Constantine' to
avoid prosecution when he's arrested for murder - (LOL at the retards) - they're completely retarded - MORE sooo much mooore than *juuusst* an international embarrassment. LOL at the ridiculous retards -
they're FULLY 'aware' they're retarded ridiculous grotesque vulgar revolting -
peeeedophiles - it's not 'fake' news, it's not even 'old' news - they're paedophiles *everyday* while they spin more paedophile PR orchestrated BY paedophiles to take the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles -
they convince *themselves* they're not retards by pillaging someone else's life - capitalising on their vulgarity and 'fixing it' for themselves by making stuff up & lol'ing cos paedophiles that capitalise to profit - paedophiles 'fixed for 'em' by making someone else's life about themselves or someone else to avoid the reality of thier vulgarity -
they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting retards - MORE - that fact does not change Make another 'documentaries'.. the 'bomshell' series.. (to compliment the *many* paedophile 'documentaries' they've made about themselves BEING paedophiles - LOL at the retarded paedophiles - RETARDS - & get sicker more and more spectacularly retarded as thier 'pedo ball' rolls along. MORE and more ridiculously retarded MORE - BUT -
at least he got a jersey out of it!
Create a 'crisis' create more 'drama' make some more 'documentaries' about themselves BEING paedophiles - 'PR' = 'damage control' FOR paedophiles, 'PR' = fixin' it FOR paedophiles - make sumfink up & lolz, blame someone else for THIER crimes, 'spin' some more lolz some more etc - get sicker sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE -
they're all about 'fixin' it' FOR paedophiles - nothing else. 'Trademark' thier own paedophilia - by capitalising on thier vulgarity and making about themselves - because - they're paedophiles -
they've ALWAYS KNOWN they're paedophiles -
sicccccccck RETARDS - MORE liiiiike - 'youtoo', 'themtoo' - alllllll ridiculously sick paedophiles 'together'. The UN is a paedophile 'organisation' - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - ridiculously sick- nothing more. And more recently - thier *many* PR 'spins' about thier own paedophilia is being 'debated' about
BY the paedophiles *themselves* that use thier paedophilia as a tool to promote thier own paedophilia (talk it down laugh it off annnnd repeat). Clinton's.. again.. 'Got it in for me, got it in for me' - errrr - ridiculously sick retarded paedophiles is what they are - paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves - again & again & again. PEDOPHILES - VULGAR RETARDED INBREDS MORE - fascinating how they've convinced *themselves* they're not paedophiles when it's my own life they've been pillaging TO capitalise on thier vulgarity to avoid the 'stigma' of BEING retarded inbreds that 'fix it' for *themselves* more and carry onnnn being retarded inbreds. EG: He goes to New York, takes a picture of a sign - to make his life about someone else - sicccccccccck ridiculous retards sooooo much moooore than *juusssst* an international embarrassment SICK SICK MORE.
WWIII - they like to bat it around while glossing over it - make a little joke about it, turn it into a comedy etc
watch them - 'hear' about thier 'suffering' while abusing someone else and laugh it off - laugh more as they make thier own shit up and laugh in yah face AND insist they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles & serial raping traffickers & 'fixers' for alllllll things vulgar revolting completely retarded and grotesque etc & think nothing of it - 'just a bit of banter' says the paedophiles, the rapists, the kidnapping child raping terrorists. siccccccccck ridiculous RETARDS MORE. They have - '
paedophile drills' - not earthquake drills - paedophile drills - where they 'spin' themselves silly in an effort to not look like what they are - and expect no one to notice that they're paedophiles hence the
'Paedophile PR' (she's 'besties' with Savile and *also* uses 'charity' as front to capitalise on thier vulgarity especially with minors "because - 'love' knows no age" - said the paedophiles "devastated yah yah lololz" - she's a paedophile that capitalises on the abuse of someone else - and makes about herself - she's much much sicker than a paedophile - who - are all Nigerian - they amazingly morphed - and they blame Trump for 'destroying America' - the many ways retarded paedophiles capitalise on thier vulgarity - they don't need to manipulate vulgar to make about themselves - ARE -
'global goals' of paedophiles is - be paedophiles and rape for rapists - 'sustainable' paedophiles - breed to rape if can't rape your own - rape someone else's - that's what they ARE - paedophiles - nothing else - *and* 'cleverly disguise' thier pillaging and raping and helping themselves BE paedophiles with hashtags 'campaigns' created BY paedophiles to - take the focus off themselves BEING retarded pillaging paedophiles and 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting and grotesque - siccccck ridiculously retarded paedophiles -
'careful' - LOL - they're paedophiles - tell them they're paedophiles they capitalise and make about themselves then pillage that persons life to capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves and abuse more annnnddd make shit up and laugh in yah face because they're
paedophiles that love to gloat about thier retardation - wherever they can (start a petition, start a 'crowdfunder' to keep that 'pedo ball' spinning - paedophiles - is what they ARE - that like to flaunt thier retardation using media, politics, international organisations, charities, whatever they can etc and use as tools to 'cleverly disguise' thier pillaging and raping and helping themselves BE retarded paedophiles - MORE and more spectacularly retarded MORE.
To paedophiles 'climate change' isn't about the environment - it's about being gay. That's the result of paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity and manipulate & make about themselves by pillaging and 'fixin' it' for themselves over & over & over & over again - the result is always the same - they're STILL paedophiles. What was that 'message' about paedophiles being paedophiles expecting a different result other than "you're a paedophile - go fuck yourself" and so they did - coscos thier namez iz iz peeedoes haha's (vomit) and thier nephew is Brexit. (Paedophiles gloating about thier paedophilia) Ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE
Paedophiles and thier 'campaigns' that are all about 'fixing it' FOR paedophiles on top of thier ridiculous paedophilia and *more* 'fixing it' for *themselves* BECAUSE they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles - and nothing else.
The Hindley's & Bundy's etc that like to blame everyone else for THIER crimes - blame everyone else except themselves - the likes of the Hindley's and the Bundy's etc are employed by government agencies to 'fix it' for themselves and retarded peers - intentionally lie - and will look you straight in the eye and laugh in your face to prolong thier paedophile frenzy - nothing else. Sue the ministry of Justice - LOL they'll find ways of making sure thier victim is unable to do so (spam bot troll & more fixin' it for pedoes etc) and carry onnnnnn BEING vulgar revolting retarded inbreds - simply for the fact back in 2011 - they didn't like BEING TOLD what they ARE - 2016 - more fixin' it for demselfs - 2023 - *STILL* vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles - no matter how many ways they make thier retardation about themselves - STILL retarded paedophiles -
spectacularly ridiculous inbreds - MORE, surely they would've said something if they knew they're paedophiles way back when the whale was dragging it's penis along the ocean floor with a mission to inseminate a sheep while singing Shaggy to give birth to a pig that goes by the name of retarded inbred ... oh waaaaaaiit.. paedophiles - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS - MORE and my name *isn't* Frank Abigail - I'm not fraudster etc- again my own life - paedophiles have pillaged to capitalise on thier vulgarity to profit on thier paedophilia etc - - sicccccccck MORE and more retarded MORE NYC - 2011 I went to NYC after Pirates that morphed into piracy bullshit that morphs into political 'campaigns' etc (pedoes 'looking out' for pedoes & so on and so forth - ew ew siccccck SICK SICK ridiculous inbreds) - designed to take the focus off themselves BEING retarded paedophiles etc - they are nothing else - sicccccker MORE retarded MORE. Lols is it's ad - for - he should have gone to specsavers.. wick wickey

looks like I get younger, mouth slightly open - definitely no flies bzzzing out of it - sicccker MORE
2016 - more 'fixing it' for *themselves* coscos peeeedoes you know haha's (vomit)
2023 *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccccker MORE
"Why are you staring?" - he looks like my brother (Zac Efron) - I stood there like a twat (17 again premier) "would you please sit down" said someone in the audience - tell them that they're paedophiles - they capitalise and make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - sicccccker MORE retarded MORE … "what's behind the door?" … ew
Have to take alllll passports with you because it costs an enormous amount of money just to get the visa in the current passport so - just take all souvenir books - better than collecting cups, tea towels, ridiculous 'nik naks' etc Istanbul was funny, he took photos of everything - looking through my passports and he seen my first passport and he gushed - oh cuute :-) Teenager - got passport ON the day before I was due to fly out - impeccable timing. Now - keep mouth open slightly to avoid the 'school teacher' look.
"What's Brexit?" "Dunnooooos jus being pedoes haha's" (vomit) capitalising ON and fixin' it FOR - because - that's what they ARE - paedophiles - sicccccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE
high … Jump
Meanwhile - they get sicker MORE retarded while they 'think' of more ways of making thier retardation - about themselves - siccccccccck SICK SICK MORE- and - I'm - making a double batch of jaffa ice cream. nomnom.
So I made my
Jaffa ice cream - I put the zest of a
whole orange and doubled the recipe.. delish - that's 'delicious' not.. ew sicker MORE retarded MORE

That's better, the paedophiles, rapists, the kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, the pillagers the plagiarists, the meddlers, the profiteers, the abusers, the fraudsters the copycats the schemers the liars the 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque are toooooootally easy to spot - sicccccccck ridiculous retards MORE and more retarded MORE

Lol. I've never met the - real - 'Indiana Jones' - him however I *can* say that I have met someone Egyptian (recently) they had a bunch of Egyptian extras from the Mummy movie in a soccer ad. I get headaches if I don't drink coffee - he could relate to that. It was the first New Zealander he'd ever met - it's quite rare - especially a white one most of them are black.. (LOL.. sarcasm.. like Greta - LOL - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles - ewww - vulgar - MORE Embarrassing - I didn't ask or say about 'Greta' the pedo : "
who's her favourite paedophile: Russell Brand or Sinead O'Conner - or - Ricky Gervais and Savile etc - ewwwww - or the rest of the paedophiles that 'adore' the 'uncle bully's' of the world sooo much that they capitalise on them and make about themselves.. ewww sicker & sicker & sicker ew, google it - what the significance of that ridiculously retarded paedophile statement means in ancient cultures - sooooo much moooore than *juuuust* an international embarrassment - RETARDS - MORE - spectacularly retarded paedophiles, sicker sicker sicker sicker more & more retarded MORE ) I'm Rh Negative - I didn't come from apes - he took the surnames of my parents for the family tree. In Prague, he said "don't be scared" and that was it - that's all I remember - then I woke up - (in bandages). Going 'under' won't feel a thing.. nothing awkward about that either. …
'skywalkers' … LOL -
they're paedophiles - ridiculously retarded inbreds - MORE
Sooo.. how long have they been ridiculously retarded grotesque vulgar revolting paedophiles for? (that's on top of thier ridiculous retardation prior to thier added retardation because they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc *anyway*) siccccccccccckerrrrrrrr MORE ridiculously retarded MORE

*STILL* ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - get MORE and more ridiculously retarded MORE. 'Interesting' - monument - (got something to do with Korea).. meanwhile they get sicker sicker sicker more more retarded more ridiculous more as thier 'pedo ball' rolls along - compleeeeeetly retarded ridiculous inbreds sick sick SICK sicker than the most hideous ridiculously retarded sludgy vermin - sicccccck MORE. 'Pioneer'.. 'adventures'... 'Masters of the Air'... 'Warhorse'... LOL - sicccker -they're peeedoes ridiculous retards - MORE

Starting with Monaco 2011 paedophiles serial raping traffickers to compliment the Movember 2011 paedophiles and serial raping traffickers to compliment the raping and pillaging frenzies that paedophiles partake in - because - they're paedophiles - *and* 'fix it' for *themselves* more (2016) to ensure they make thier vulgarity about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' OF thier vulgarity BY making *thier* vulgarity - about *themselves* and insist they're not ridiculously retarded inbreds (2019/2020-2023) *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc sicccker MORE and more ridiculously retarded MORE
(my own life - completely ridiculously retards - paedophiles -sicccccker MORE)
annnnnnnd my jaffa cake with jaffa ice cream... nom nom. These days - paying up to $30 for a burger in a fast food - don't even want to call them - 'restaurants' - that's ridiculous. How Bizarre. KFC is better and here's the recipe:

So yummy. I also made a pav with the leftover egg whites from the egg used from the jaffa ice cream. probably make another pav when I made some more Jaffa ice cream (with chocolate flakes, grated). Little pav meringue things.
So I tried dunking the chicken in egg and then in the KFC mixture (big smiley face)- needn't bother buying KFC ever again. Could get ridiculously fat - but - if you use an air fryer cuts down on the fat because there is none and the chicken cooks in its own juices. Amazingly yummy.
I made a
forum + sub categories ...
here make some more subcategories later and put some sentences in there - to make it 'fourmmy' cos.. it is.. a 'forum'.. with no one in it.. that was 'fun' (surround yourself with those that support you - clearly - I have no retards in my life -
tell them they're paedophiles - they capitalise make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE & haha's (vomit) - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles grotesque inbreds - sicker sicker sicker MORE more ridiculously retarded MORE) LOL - retards - sick sick ridiculous inbreds more and more retarded MORE and they lolz and
they convince *themselves* they're not retarded inbreds - by -
making thier retardation -
about themselves - paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves cos ARE ridiculously retarded inbreds etc hear all about thier 'suffering' while abusing someone else with complete disregard for anything and everything *except* themselves coscos pedoes you know haha's (vomit) -
yeeeeah read out your 'mean tweets' - siccccccccccck MORE and more ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE ..
what's it worth? That's excellent for them isn't it - that's the result paedophiles (especially paedophiles) are after - capitalise - make about themselves etc & so on and so forth - siccccccccck MORE and more ridiculously retarded MORE
'Red' .. lol.. nothing like the picture -
at all.

Go through
my 'random' pictures later (they're not really 'random' cos it's my own life - again - that paedophiles have pillaged and made about themselves to capitalise thier vulgarity etc cos ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc like that that make stuff up and laugh in yah face - yah yah 'criminal justice' - paedophiles - lololz (vomit) riddddicccccculous inbreds MORE- EW EW - paedophiles are totally easy to spot - "youtoo themtoo allllll sick vulgar revolting retards together" WTF are you doing pillaging someone else's life? "Uh uh uhhhh dunnnooos jus being peeedoes haha's" (vomit) - that's them - RETARDS. More and more ridiculously retarded -MORE - Paedophiles is what they are. "This is what it sounds like... "
lol, the sound of paedophiles - absolutely completely retarded ridiculous inbreds - That's Monaco paedophiles combined with piracy paedophiles combined with 'criminal justice' paedophiles - that are in the paedophile serial raping trafficking, pillaging meddling paedophiles, plagiarists and 'fixers' for alllllll things vulgar revolting retarded and ridiculously grotesque 'business'. Regardless if I have or haven't met them - what the fuck are you doing pillaging someone else's life? (Paedophiles that like to 'pretend' they're not retards & takes a cardboard cut out picture of
her brothers face to Armenia coscos being paedophiles is good 'ideas' to paedophiles coscos paedophiles that rape and pillage for reward, careers
& 'favours' among paedophiles and again the retarded inbreds convince *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles - if they make BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - about themselves.. loooook the victim they're pillaging is sending lots of sweary tweets "spam bot troll' etc etc - siccccccccccccck EW EW - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE - siccccccccccccccck VULGAR .. 'All birds' & 'yeezies' etc - paedophiles that capitalise on thier OWN paedophilia to get what they cannnn out of being RETARDS - MORE and more ridiculously retarded - that help themselves BE paedophiles BECAUSE they ARE vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that - sicccccker MORE etc etc - they're paedophiles - VULGAR revolting retards MORE ridiculously grotesque MORE - siiiiiiiiiicccccck SICK SICK MORE. "Phew!!" said the paedophiles "Fixed it for the paedophiles" said the paedophiles - BY making thier retardation about themselves - sicccccccck VULGAR ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE

lol.. they're *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles - there's no 'escaping' that FACT - they're paedophiles - sicccccccck VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE & MORE ridiculous vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque MORE .. that's 'hardcase' isn't it.. paedophiles - soooo 'hilarious' said the ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccccccck vulgar revolting inbreds MORE and more retarded MORE.
My dog (that got dognapped back in 2011 - it's 2023 - they're *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles) my dog much cuter than Edwina savage - much much - the paedophile police - dognappers as well as serial raping traffickers etc, that was 2011 - & in 2016 - more 'fixing' it for themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles rapists etc vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds. Daughter went to her dads (in 2011) - not only are they paedophiles that pillage to capitalise to profit on thier vulgarity - they're paedophiles that have multiple orgasms on BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - coscos thier namez iz iz peeeedoes you know haha's (vomit) - sicccccccccck VULGAR RETARDS. Paedophiles that got caught BEING paedophiles and have been 'fixing' it for themselves EVER since - sicccccck VULGAR revolting retarded inbreds MORE. No matter how many ways they make thier ridiculously retarded paedophilia and retardation etc - about themselves (cos pedoes 'think' if make being pedoes - about demselfs and get pedoes to make stuff upppp and lolz - pedoes convince *themselves* they're not peeedoes to avoid 'stigma' of BEING - PEDOPHILES - they're *STILL* ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES - siiiiccccccccck hidddddeous retards - siccccccccck VULGAR revolting retarded inbreds MORE -siccccccccccck siccccccccck MORE

siccccckkkker MORE retarded MORE

Anyway, Mongolian beef was yummy and today it's Chinese chicken and mushrooms.
Why is/was 'Constantine' important - Shia would probably know - he's in one of his films (meanwhile they get siccccccker moooooore ridiculously retarded MORE
They made thier own - paedophile - 'version' of 'top Gear' - because they're paedophiles - that take selfies with other paedophiles to let thier paedophile pals know that they're paedophiles BEING paedophiles cos they're retards like that - sicccccccccck vulgar revolting retards MORE.
Beverly Hilllllz - ninety thousand two hundred and tennnn - back in '95 - probably doesn't look like that now, probably overgrown with mould and weeds. They're paedophiles - pillaging paedophiles profiteering paedophiles serial raping traffickers annnnd 'fixers' for alllll things VULGAR revolting retarded and grotesque BECAUSE they're paedophiles (
2016.. what's brexit? "uh uh dunnnooos jus 'fixin it for peeedoes haha's" - said the pedoes -
that have spent thousands, millions probably more on PR *just* FOR paedophiles' 'damage control' & 'favours' for their paedophile pals such as 'furlongs', 'PPE' etc - they wrote off £8billion as a 'favour' for thier paedophile pals along with 'backhanders', bribery etc - that's not including the cost of marketing, PR, 'campaigns' etc that's associated with Brexit before *and* after
as well as international bodies and UN that abuse and pillage to capitalise to profit on thier vulgarity etc - also not including the destruction of industries globally ie; travel, tourism, hospitality etc. Paedophiles = create a 'crisis' to take the focus off the 'crisis' of thier paedophilia annnd repeat. They make and
have made plenty of documentaries about themselves BEING paedophiles coscos that's what they are - paedophiles - that like to flatter themselves with thier own vulgarity - sicccccccccck sicccker siccccker siccccker MORE and MORE ridiculously VULGAR revolting retarded and grotesque. 2019 -
plenty of 'fixers' for alllll things VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque and "just make sumfink up" said the pedoes (vomit) - Paedophile PR = "
just create a 'crisis' to help out with the 'crisis' of BEING ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES" (paedophiles that abuse break laws to ensure they make thier retardation - about themselves & lolz - siiiiiicck siiiiick MORE retarded MORE) *and* - to - take the focus off themselves
BEING paedophiles that get da pedoes to make stuff up & lolz so paedophiles can make THIER ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting paedophilia - about themselves - cos that's what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - 2023 -
*STILL* ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting - PEDOPHILES - sicccccccccck retards - VULGAR retards - hiddddeous paedophiles - sicccccccck SICK SICK ridiculously retarded inbreds more & more VULGAR REVOLTING ridiculously retarded MORE like the hiddddeous retarded inbreds that they ARE - DO - MORE and more retarded MORE - pillage someone else's life and make about themselves - EW EW - they're FULLY 'aware' they're VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles - and
they clap for
*themselves* sicccccccccccck sick sick siccccccck ridiculosuly retarded inbreds MORE

lol - RETARDS - more & more ridiculously retarded MORE - siccccccccck ridiculous paedophiles grotesque inbreds - soooooo much mooooore than *juuuuust* an international embarrassment - MORE - siiiiiiiicccccccck SICK SICK MORE and more retarded MORE - they haven't 'progressed' at all - especially not from 2016 onwards cos cos paedophiles 'fixin' it for demselfs cos they've spent decades prior making thier paedophilia about themselves because they're ridiculously retarded 'victims' - of thier own paedophilia & still insisting they're not paedophiles .. pedoes and pizza's, childline and child rapists, whales and margarine etc they sing about their paedophilia they'll probably write a poem about it too to compliment they many documentaries about thier severe retardation and ridiculously vulgar grotesque paedophilia - siccccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE

pedoes.. pedoes pedoes pedoes.. pedoes pedoes pedoes.. pedoes pedoes .. retards.. retards retards.. pedoes pedoes pedoes.. retards retards retards - MORE and MORE ridiculously RETARDED MORE.
thier kidnapping, dognapping, serial raping trafficking etc 'spinning' & 'fixing it' for themselves coscos ridiculously retarded paedophiles - in thier *own* pedo 'show' -
is on the Brexit Page - click here for a preview - sicccccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE waaaay more grotesque MORE

Who's got 'blue blood'? LOL - my own life - hiddddeously retarded inbreds - pedoes and thier 'paedophiles actually' documentary to compliment the *many* 'documentaries' they made about *themselves* BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles. Siiiiiccccccck ridiculous retards - really simple - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, serial raping traffickers ridiculously retarded inbreds that give *themselves* 'permission' to BE paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity to profit on raping and pillaging coscos they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles - MORE and more spectacularly ridiculous MORE - they're projectile vomit siiiiiiiiccck - toooootally compleeeelty retarded VULGAR - but but 'tourism'.. LOL - pillaging paedophiles EW vulgar inbreds - they OWE more than they're worth - they're ridiculously retarded vulgar REVOLTING grotesque paedophiles ridiculously retarded MORE - annnnd - it - was fully 'aware' it was a ridiculous paedophile - when it was alive - oooorf you fuuuuck ridiculous retard - paedophilia is thier 'religion' - get siccccker more and more ridiculously retarded as thier paedophile circus and paedophile balls rolls along - absolutely vulgar revolting retarded state of them - paedophiles that convince *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles and vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds etc there's nothing vulgar about them at all. That's their 'life' - insisting they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles and serial raping traffickers that abuse to capitalise to profit on thier vulgarity - nothing else - they're paedophiles vulgar revolting retarded inbreds - siccccccker than the sickest - MORE and more retarded MORE - they're paedophiles that don't like being told what they are sooo capitalise on thier paedophilia annnnnd make about themselves annnnnd get da pedoes to 'fix it' for da pedoes coscos - peeeedoes you know haha's (vomit) - siicccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds absolutely completely VULGAR. Got sacked by someone you can't see? LOL - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles that 'fix it' for themselves more and more and more BECAUSE they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles - what an embarrassment they are - get sicker sicker more and more ridiculously retarded MORE. 'Christian' Bale and his 'nation' of ridiculously retarded paedophiles - crinnnnnnnnge sicker MORE waaaaaay waaaay more ridiculously retarded MORE.. they 'shagged' a pig to ….. wait what? politicians that have sex with pigs and thier partners watch/partake with excitement - EW - cos paedophiles that get alllll excited about BEING retards - cos they ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles and serial raping traffickers & 'fixers' for alllllll things VULGAR revolting retarded and grotesque annnd thier carcasses laugh along with them cos it's - thier - 'culture' of shagging pigs, sheep and bloated carcasses annnnd getting off on BEING sicccccccker than Savile by thousands - millions - of times over - coscos paedophiles are 'soooo hilarious' (said the paedophiles) annnd coscos paedophiles will 'fix it' for da paedophiles so paedophiles are 'free' to make thier vulgarity about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' OF BEING VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles and grotesque ridiculous inbreds etc - ew ew - paedophilia and bestiality - get sicker MORE retarded. They're ridiculously retarded paedophiles that 'shag' sheep to make being paedophiles about themselves - when ALREADY ARE. Siiicccccccker MORE - he goes to New York takes a photo of a sign to make his life about someone else coscos pedoes is 'good idea' to peedoes haha's (vomit) - they're RETARDS. Just the fact that *THIER* ex-'prime minister' is a ridiculously retarded paedophile and thier paedophilia spreads faster than the plague - no matter what shit they make up and how many ways they make thier vulgarity about themselves - they're *STILL* siiiiiiiiiccccck VULGAR inbreds grotesque paedophiles - get sicker more and more retarded and paedophiles convince *themselves* they're not retarded paedophiles and grotesque inbreds - WTF you doing pillaging someone else's life? - PEDOPHILES - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDED inbreds.
Ukraine 'son son' LOL - they're paedophiles, sicccccccck ridiculous inbreds - paedophiles that don't like BEING told what they ARE so they capitalise on THIER vulgarity and make thier retardation about themselves coscos paedophiles say "There's no law that says they can't make BEING paedophiles - about themselves (when ALREADY ARE) - so they did.. (again & again & again & again & again annnnnnnnnd - they're *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles - waaaaaay waaaay MORE retarded - MORE than what they were BEFORE - and that is really saying something cos ridiculously sick, pedoes: "a cult, it's a cult, death cult death cult" - noooo much moooore waaaay waaay more retarded than that and they - capitalise make about themselves - BECAUSE - they're ridiculously retarded - PEDOPHILES - that would and will do anything to avoid looking like what they ARE and they ARE ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES - woo George Floyd!!
Pedowood and thier 'hareems' OF paedophiles - from 2011 to 2016 - they spent those years making thier vulgarity about themselves - when they ALREADY ARE - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded (pillaging) paedophiles - and another couple of years afterwards BEING even more ridiculously retarded ('fixing') paedophiles that abuse and break numerous international laws so paedophiles are 'free' to capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves (when ALREADY ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc) by - making thier own shit up to 'fix it' for themselves more - and paedophiles - convince *themselves* - they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles - and - have the audacity to accuse everyone else of being 'Nazis' etc - especially if they don't agree with them BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists and serial raping traffickers etc annnd 'fixers' for alllllll things VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque - MORE and more retarded MORE. If there's *anything* to capitalise on rape pillage molest make about themselves while raping for rapists - THEY WILL - BECAUSE - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles (and worse) like that - siiiiccccccccker MORE spectacularly retarded MORE. 2023 - *STILL* ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES etc - siiiiiiiccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE "uh uh uhhhh uh uh uhhh dunnnooooos coscos peeedoes haha's" (vomit) said the ridiculous inbreds "learn from that paedophile, learn from that paedophile, learn from that paedophile" said the paedophiles - they're 'feeling' Savile - EW - they're completely totally retarded inbreds - they *only* know how to be paedophiles - cos that's what they ARE & lololz - hidddddddeous inbreds - siiiiiiiiicccck siiiiiiick MORE and more retarded MORE.. Thier 'Paedophile bullshit' - paedophiles - siiiiiiiiiiiccck sick sick more & more ridiculously retarded MORE.
Two decades of BEING paedophiles - capitalising on and 'fixing it FOR - making about themselves - WHEN ALREADY ARE VULGAR revolting ridiculous retarded inbreds - that's the crowe virus with *his* 'famous' paedophile pals that like to have orgies on boats and get offended if they get refused (2011) and they paid paedophiles to 'fix it' FOR paedophiles (*themselves* coscos pedoes haha's - vomit - and cos Monaco trip was free therefore somehow made about themselves and are - paedophiles - for 'free' - siiiiiccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE) BECAUSE they're paedophiles - he uses him uses her using him to play rape pillage molest abuse pillage & 'fix it' for paedophiles 'game' so paedophiles are 'free' to capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves BECAUSE they ARE VULGAR REVOLTING ridiculously retarded inbreds more & more retarded.. 'boaty mcboatface' ... yah yah wear a tea cosy to fit in with 'fashion for paedophiles' .. 'travelisting'... lol - paedophiles that don't like BEING TOLD what they ARE - paedophiles - that paedophile is going to write an 'essay' about her 'black power' that she thieved from Bill Cosby to promote rapists.. 'butbut' 'butbut' - they're paedophiles - VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds ... annnnnd what's your name? "uh uh uhhhh peeeedoes haha's" said the ridiculously retarded paedophiles (vomit) and 'fixers' for alllllll things VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque MORE "Phew!! 'fixed it' for the pedoes" said the pedoes "not pedoes" said the pedoes .. oh waaaaait - siiiiiiiiiiiicker siiiiiiccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE.. (can see the tiny writing - click on the picture - they're ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES - siccccccccccker MORE)

Sean Penn goes to Istanbul to film a 'documentary' about himself BEING a paedophile - "Anzac anzac".. - who's' your favourite paedophile? Russell Brand, Ricky Gervais, Brian Cox, Lindsay Lohan or Stormy Daniels.... etc? (paedophiles 'demonstrating' thier paedophile 'art' - directed at... ummmmm - they're paedophiles - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS) - my own life the ridiculously retarded inbreds pillage capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves coscos peeedoes haha's(vomit) paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles (cos they ARE) and then capitalise ON paedophiles BEING paedophiles etc pillage and 'fix it' for themselves - to capitalise on thier vulgarity to profit on thier paedophilia annnnnnnd make about themselves and get da paedophiles to 'fix it' for demselfs coscos peeedoes you know haha's (vomit). How can she 'threaten' thier paedophile ring - she's in it - she's locked up, she's a 'ring leader' the karshadians are going to get her off - *and* they've 'fixed it' for themselves & insist they're not paedophiles (& lolz.. in yah face) "oh loooook not paedophiles haha's" said the paedophiles (vomit).... oh waaait - they're paedophiles - that have convinced *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles - they're paedophiles that take cash FROM paedophiles to BE paedophiles & they *also* offer cash incentives TO paedophiles to 'fix it' for *themselves* to avoid looking like what they ARE - and they ARE ridiculously retarded grotesque vulgar revolting paedophiles - sickest of the sickest get siccccker siiiiicker MORE and more hiddddeous - they're paedophiles - it's not rocket science - siiiiccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE.. 'interesting' - how paedophiles have convinced *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, serial raping traffickers etc - siiiiiiiicker MORE and more ridiculously retarded MORE & lol at them cos paedophiles spending billions ON paedophiles to avoid looking like what they ARE and they ARE - paedophiles.
Minnie Driver is a paedophile Anne Hathaway is a paedophile Ray Winstone is a paedophile, Calum Best is a paedophile Paris Hilton is a paedophile Paris Jackson is a paedophile Lewis Hamilton is a paedophile with entire (countries) 'Justice Departments' that are paedophiles - BEING *and* capitalising ON (paedophiles) & 'fixing it' FOR (paedophiles) Sam Mendes is a paedophile Daniel Craig is a paedophile, Daniel Radcliffe JK Rowling etc - are paedophiles, the makeup 'ladies' (far from 'ladies') are paedophiles, Peter Jackson is a paedophile, mark Wahlberg Seth McFarlane Mila Kunis Ashton & Mculklin & the Cameron's & LeBron etc- paedophiles, Ricky Gervais is a paedophile, Brian Cox (both of them) are paedophiles, Danny Boyle is a paedophile, Steven Spielberg is a paedophile, Benedict Cumberbatch is a paedophile, Attenborough, Cowell & Lloyd Webber - are paedophiles, James Cameron is a paedophile, Helen Clark is a paedophile, Banki Moon is a paedophile and the Portuguese knicker sniffing retard is *also* a paedophile Kofi Annan was a paedophile - Martin Scorsese Dicaprio Clooney Affleck Damon etc - are paedophiles, Murdoch is a paedophile - Mel Gibson - paedophile, Jolie is a paedophile - any retard that rapes to make rape about themselves is a paedophile - includes Watson, Clark, Beckhams, Guy Ritchie, Robbie Williams, Aldo Zilli, Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsey, Tom Cruise, Brooke Shields & thier paedophile pals the Fergusons, Epstein, Margaret, Andrew & Kate and the paedophile they gave birth to by shagging a sheep - paedophiles - sicker more retarded, Clarkson - paedophile, Bozo - paedophile Silicon Valley - paedophiles, Zuckerberg - paedophile, Nasa - paedophiles and the 'scientology' retards - they're paedophiles. Burton - paedophiles, Musk - paedophiles, Miley Cyrus Hemsworth, Jennifer Lopez etc - paedophiles. How many pedoes in pedowood? oo oo - I know - Wall to Wall. 'Production company' LOL - they're paedophiles - siccccccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE. Pirates - paedophiles James Bond - paedophiles Lion King - paedophiles - John Carter of Mars - paedophiles, 'Game of Thrones' - paedophiles, Indiana Jones - Paedophiles, Spooks - paedophiles Invictus - paedophiles, Russell Crowe &Hugh Jackman etc- paedophiles, Bruckenheimer whatever - paedophile, Temuera Morrison Pamela Anderson & 'savage' paedophiles ARE - paedophiles, Disney - paedophiles, Universal - paedophiles Warner - paedophiles - paedophiles that have convinced *themselves* they're not retarded paedophiles BY pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves and getting paedophiles to 'fix it' for demselves & lol'ing and carrry onnnnn BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicker MORE. Vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - sicccker MORE - Beyoncé is a paedophile, Kanye West is a paedophile Rihanna is a paedophile Obama's are paedophiles the Karshadians are paedophiles - Oliver Stone - paedophile, Oprah Winfrey is a paedophile - because she's 'brooowwwn' - with serial raping trafficking governments - Clintons are paedophiles, Biden is a paedophile - SICKER more and more spectacularly retarded MORE. Not *even* including 'artists' that sing about their paedophilia, sport paedophiles - paedophiles, movies - music and media - paedophiles - 'fashion' - FOR paedophiles with 'designer terrorists' (Naomi Campbell, Kate Moose, Victoria's Secret, Etna, Heidi Klum, Cara devwhatsercrackheadface etc - paedophiles etc) - they're paedophiles - tooooootally compleeeeetly retarded ridiculous inbreds - siccccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE
2023 - *STILL* ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting PEDOPHILES, serial raping traffickers pillagers plagiarists profiteering terrorists annnnnd 'fixers' for allllllllllll things VULGAR revolting and ridiculously grotesque - more & more disturbed - siccccccccccker MORE retarded - MORE.
So anyway, think I've found a machine that's going to sort my veins out - a 'Thermolysis' machine, sounds 'interesting' - does it do what it says on the tin - for much less than that. Much much less 99.1% less. 42 hours to go - looks like no one has noticed - stalking it for over a week - be 'devastating' if miss out by a minimal amount like £3 or something. At £5,700 including VAT it would be the bargain of the .. month.. especially if it works because vein treatment abroad is approx. £1500 - that's Doppler ultrasound and 2 sessions of sclerotherapy (injectable flush type thing) - bypass UK - for obvious reasons - they're ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - that clap for themselves as they arrange more pig shagging parties for themselves and thier paedophile peers: 'partygate' 'pizzagate' = 'pedogate' - call it was it is and what they are - lol - they don't like being told what they ARE - they have the most ridiculous 'investigations' (for obvious reasons - paedophiles - talk thier paedophilia down fix it for da pedoes - laugh it off annnnnd repeat - capitalise pillage fix make about themselves annnnnd repeat - paedophiles - they get sicccccker MORE retarded MORE.
This machine does not inject anything (cos it's thermal) - just glide the needle over the top of the vein and it's permanent removal - be 'interesting' to see how long it takes. Meanwhile - they get siiiiiicker siiiicker siiicccccker more retarded MORE. ... (the next day) spoke too soon - the seller must've realised the value of what they were selling, "I've got this machine it's worth over £5k - I'm gunna stick on ebay for £50" says the seller - and no one bids on it - then they realise the value of it and - take it down. Oh Noooes.
So... still yet to sort my veins out... meanwhile ... get sicccker MORE. veeeeinn... veeein Benedict probably thinks he's clooney - paedophiles CLICK HERE (to 'see' thier 'art' of thier paedophilia & how paedophiles 'fix it' FOR paedophiles) - coscos peodes want pedoes in thier lives - I don't want them in mine and I never have & I've made that crystal clear butbut coscos paedophiles *anyway* - capitalise make about themselves cos that's what they ARE (and it's my own life that ridiculously retarded paedophiles pillage capitalise on thier vulgarity annnnnnd make about themselves - point at the paedophile (paedophiles - plural - they're RETARDS) annnnnd - it - was FULLY 'aware' it was a paedophile when it was alive - that fact does not change - retards ridiculous inbreds - they're paedophiles - siiiiiiiiiick siiiiiiiick RETARDS ..more. Spain.. 2011.. take a picture of.. and paedophiles - make about themselves & so on and so forth. Monaco 2011 - serial raping traffickers and paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves. New York - they did what? EWWWWWWW - what an embarrassment they are .

"Gosh - they're vulgar retards - thier hideousness is spectacular" - that's the appropriate speech that should be given - they were told that they're paedophiles - in advance - years ago - 'precious muppets' that don't like being told what they ARE soooooo capitalise & pillage someone else's life - ewwwww - and make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE *anyway* - PEDOPHILES - siiiiiiiicccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE.
Anyway, Joan changes her name to Margret and shouts at Marilyn....
"no wire coat hangers" - even though she's not her mother and her trailer is opposite Psycho's house, trailer trasssssh - they're taking *themselves* out - siiiiiicccccccker MORE. 'Interesting' isn't it - paedophiles convincing *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles - sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker MORE and more and more ridiculously retarded MORE.
Who was Marilyn's mother... bash her about with any
'instrument' she could find -
and wonder why Paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE.
Lol at Tom Hanks the retard - I doubt very much if Elvis is jealous of him and over 50 years later they'll still milking him for every penny without
thier audience knowing who he really was - greedy paedophiles - Elvis said…..amongst other things.... - they're compleeeeeeetley retarded ridiculous vulgar revolting inbred grotesque paedophiles siccccccker MORE
What I need is one of those long filters for my cigarette (if I smoked cigarettes). Weed - cheese - pizza - paedophiles - see what they did there - and and thier namez iz iz - peeeeedoes too!! "haha's" said the pedoes (vomit) siiiiiccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE. Paedophiles & crackheads have sooooo much in common with - paedophiles and crackheads - sicker sicker sicker more & more ridiculously retarded - vulgar - MORE. Pirates.. morphs into pedoes, the arctic is AC/DC, a letter morphs into ... pillaging pedoes and more peadoes with thier hareems of pedoes.. sicccker MORE - pillage & fix pillage & fix capitalise make about themselves annnnd repeat - ridiculously retarded MORE.
It's easy pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves - there's a sword there - it's not a Guy Ritchie or Tom Cruise movie 'billy.. who?' - nothing to do with me - they're paedophiles - if there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on while raping for rapists THEY WILL BECAUSE - they're paedophiles- doesn't have Gordon Ramsey in it either - they're paedophiles - ridiculously retarded inbreds - oh look there's Robbie Williams singing about his paedophilia while Harry strokes his stick that he found in Emma - siiiiccccccck - paedophiles - retards - MORE coscos thier namez iz peeedoes haha's (vomit) - wtf you doing pillaging someone else's life - ew - you're a paedophile - VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - tell them that they're paedophiles - they capitalise and make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - vulgar revolting retards grotesque ridiculous paedophiles MORE - sicccccker MORE retarded MORE .. all *my* pictures.. don't know how long it took the Mayans to write thier calendar - but - it took paedophiles 5 seconds to click and pillage someone else life and a couple of decades later still 'busy' making thier retardation - about themselves - siccccker MORE - tooooootally ridiculously retarded inbreds - grotesque -MORE
That's 'funny' isn't it - pirates morphs into piracy morphs into Zac Efron as Jesus Christ that got a piracy lawsuit against them for being pirates that aren't 'down to earth' where serial raping traffickers help themselves BE paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves that morphs into will Smith thinks he's a politician and vice versa that morphs into Kanye west as Hitler that morphs into Obamas and Hathaway advertising for more victims for Nigeria - wait what? pillaging someone else's life - better make sumfink up and fix it for the pedoes and lolz - said the ridiculously retarded paedophiles - paedophiles - siiiicccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE - siiiiiicccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE - vulgar revolting grotesque ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE - sicker sicker sicker sicker and sicker more & more ridiculously RETARDED MORE

Elvis is a fan. Must be awfully hard for them to 'come out' as the ridiculously retarded inbreds that they ARE, they had earthquakes in Turkey - last thing they need is some two-bit skank that's in a paedophile 'gang' laughin' in thier face *but* that's what paedophiles 'think' they need - coscos - paedophiles - get sicccccccker MORE and more spectacularly retarded MORE.
"Yah yah make sumfink up fix it for the pedoes & lolz" said the pedoes - siiccccccck. A pillaging plagiarising 'fixing it' for paedophiles UN, they are a paedophile 'organisation' - nothing more - ridiculously retarded inbreds that have fixed it' for themselves (again & again & again - *still* ridiculously retarded paedophiles) that have convinced *themselves* - they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccccker MORE and more waaaaaay waaaaay more ridiculously retarded MORE.
This is 'interesting'.. what's happening in Peru at the moment, 'Fury' .. the fake 'rage', the paedophile 'agency' says …"uh uhh uh dunnooos coscos peedoes haha's" (vomit) - they're paedophiles - siiiccccccck MORE and more waaaaaaay waaay more - retarded - there's bound to be a documentary probably featuring Sean Connery & The Rock with some stolen art 'cleverly disguised' as the Mona Lisa. That's rubbish actually - the painting itself is small and surrounded by rope & security and it's famous because wherever you stand she looks at you - from every angle. That's bollocks. It must've been a fake 'cleverly disguising' itself as 'authentic' - which they probably stored underground in a bunker somewhere like … what is that movie - is it 2012 or the day after tomorrow meets Noah, Jonah and the whale that gets stuck in a sewage pipe.
I've got machine for my veins. Probably take ages, with this tiny little needle that doesn't pierce the skin - just press on the vein with needle. Be like - worse than attempting to pluck the hairs on your legs, it'd take ages - which why you don't pluck them cos it's easier not to. That's why females shouldn't shave thier faces - not unless they want beards so they need a machine to get rid of the hair. Lol.
My nose healing nicely - I haven't sneezed through it yet - sneeze through my mouth.. it's loud.
The vein device arrived, arrived earlier than expected (much earlier wasn't expecting to get it until June) - so excited to get it, unwrapped and test drived straight away, the instructions are in English - there aren't many reviews about this machine however it's quite straight forward. I have numbing cream put it on - not sure that it made that much of a difference - it's microcurrent - you do feel it - little zappy. Try it out on my worst veins first - this result after one treatment and it's supposed to fade away in about a week or so.. get yah legs out
It will be amazing if that vein disappears - because it's been there for about.... long time, the veins around my knees, not sure what to call that - it's like ..worse than a sports injury when haven't played sport for years.. soo.. that's straight afterwards - wait a week see what it's like.
I shall write a description of what this mish mash means - shortly - pretty straightforward - paedophiles - Daniel Day Lewis - looking pretty old now - he was an Indian movie once - I seen it years ago - unsure if they've changed it to meet the requirements of paedophiles as I've not seen it since.
Meanwhile - I sold my i-run yesterday because I replaced it with a treadmill that fits into the cupboard. The buyer sent me a picture of it in its new home - ready to go miles and miles and many more.
going reeeeeally reeeeeally fassssssss - at 10 mile an hour.
It was a ridiculous looking thing - you could tell it was plastic annnnnd years later theyyyyy.. pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and get dea pedoes to 'fix it' for demselfs by making stuff up and laughin yah face BECAUSE they're paedophiles that pillage someone else's life annnnnd - make about themselves. "what's brexit? "uh uhh uhhh dunnoooos jus being pedoes haha's" said the pedoes (vomit) - siccccker MORE retarded more.

sicker sicker sicker MORE - paedophiles that don't like being told what they ARE when they ALREADY ARE sooooo pillage someone else's life TO capitalise on THIER paedophilia annnnd make about themselves *annnnnd* make stuff up to fix it for the pedoes and lolz so paedophiles are 'free' to make thier vulgarity - their ridiculous severely retarded paedophilia - about themselves - BECAUSE that's what they ARE *anyway* - nothing vulgar revolting grotesque ridiculously retarded about that *obviously* - I've never heard of him - I wouldn't know who he was if he walked passed me in the street - they're vulgar revolting retards that pillage mock block troll capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves to profit on thier retardation -probably been like that for centuries - *nothing* gets in thier way of thier raping pillaging frenzies - *especially* if they get rewarded or have incentives to BE ridiculously retarded paedophiles - near on two decades making thier vulgarity about themselves - when ARLEADY ARE - ridiculously retarded pedophiles - can probably guarantee he's 'never heard' of me - that doesn't stop him & his paedophile peers pillaging someone else' life to capitalise to profit on thier paedophilia - not my industry. I've no need for 'shits' anymore - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds more & more ridiculous MORE. Joey said that - "if you stay behind for another 5 minutes you get an extra £20" - watch the clock - that was so clever - genius - or just 'retire''... early - because they're paedophiles that pillage someone else's life etc etc etc - what a pile of shit - they're paedophiles - siccccccccker MORE ridiculously REATRDED MORE "whaaaat's brexit?" "uhh uhhh uhhh dunnoooos jus being peeedoes haha's" (vomit) - that's them - RETARDS - sicccccck RETARDS - MORE and more ridiculously vulgar MORE. .the 'greater' LOL - what a pile of shit - they're paedophiles - sicker MORE retarded MORE. 'Treasure' - capitalise make about themselves - 'I made a map' - capitalise make about themselves - the 'son sun son' - capitalise - make about themselves, the planetary... capitalise make about themselves and so on and so forth - sicccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE
I haven't watched *any* movie in ages, I have my projector that I've had for about five years now and *still* on the first bulb - used less that 50 hours - over five years. That's because put background on via youtube
screensavers (mute) that goes on the screen while playing music on
youtube via soundbar. Genius.
Good track ..
there's not many I don't like here - bit of a mix - all types.. progressive, smooth lounge, ambient.. etc
I'm trying to find my Dreamweaver app - because web design is soooo much easier with it - Helsinki, Finland, Vienna - Moses Lake - LOL - what a name -
and also found this.. from 2007 - to 2023 *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccker MORE. They have 'cracks' for apps .. lol sicker MORE
I sent the sport rapists a 'polite' reminder that they're STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles - just in case they 'forget' *again* - they're vulgar revolting paedophiles, rapists, serial raping traffickers, pillagers, plagiarists & 'fixers' for alllll things VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque - VIP Monaco trip - in 2011 - siccccker MORE - because the trip was 'free' - so they're pedoes for 'free' - compleeeeeelty retarded ridiculous inbreds and the paedophiles 'fix it' for themselves MORE in 2016 and 2023 - STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles - coscos they "don't understaaaaaand" what pedoes are - because they ARE - paedophiles - & paedophiles 'believe' if they make thier paedophilia about themselves - they're not - paedophiles, paedophiles *also* 'believe' if they're paedophiles for as loooooong as possible - they're less likely to look like the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they ARE - siiiiiiiiiiick - sicker & sicker & sicker MORE MORE retarded MORE and coscos they're paedophiles - all thier paedophile peers 'help out' with BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles that rape to make rape - about themselves - spot a lipo for Linda - help her fat friend - that is *also* a paedophile - because they're paedophiles that rape to make rape about themselves - if Linda got lipo that means her fat friend will be skinny - derrr - retards MORE - paedophiles get sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE
Lolz at the American elections "can't you debate me without swearing?" says the retarded paedophile - ew - who the fuck and what the fuck are YOU - that's a paedophile - that's what that is - a ridiculous vulgar revolting grotesque ridiculous inbred - pedoes pedoes and more pedoes - siccccccccccck - & there they are making thier own shit up & lol'ing cos cos pedoes fixin' it for demselfs.. 'pizzagate, 'partygate' - they're paedophiles - siiiiccccck vulgar retards MORE - -siiiiccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE - PEDOPHILES - they're *FULLY* 'aware' they're severely retarded paedophiles & worse sicker MORE... - that's how paedophiles 'fix it' for demslefs coscos peedoes you know haha's (vomit) - sicccccccker MORE retarded MORE - "What's Brexit?" "uh uhhh uhh dunnoooos jus being peeedoes haha's" (vomit) said the ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles - sicker MORE.. 2011 - 'being paedophiles is good 'idea' - to paedophiles coscos that's what they ARE - sicccccccccker MORE

RETARDS - not just *any* sick - spectacularly ridiculous retards MORE.. nick a street sign and make about themselves, nick a picture replace it with someone or something else make stuff up and lolz - siccck - paedophiles 'so hilarious' - said the ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccker MORE -
ecccckwadooooor big box litlte box big raaaaave.. I'm not sure what Anna Faris wanted an Oscar for - because she didn't say - probably for 'the way of the pedoes' 'documentary' - sicker MORE retarded MORE
hommmmm... in the 'naaaam there probably was a 'gate' - wasn't called 'Bill', 'pizza' or 'party' with 'cheese' though.. ew - sicker MORE. They (paedophiles) 'recommend' you shouldn't eat 'cheese' - if you 'can't afford it'..
they should try these instead - they'll probably put something else in them - to attract the 'cheese' - like... I dunno.. what 'attracts' 'cheese'... ?
Remember when UK sold China.. oh wait.. when China sold UK.. no wait.. they need to own it before they sell it .. don't they? They make up for it because they spend billions on tourism - way more than a fiver - especially in Cyprus.
hommmmmmmm (get sicker MORE retarded MORE)
ridiculous MORE - they're VULGAR revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds grotesque paedophiles - siiiccccker MORE and more and more and more and more - vile - more retarded MORE coscos "peeedoes you know haha's" (vomit) - word wurrrrd word riggggs riggit wurrrrd .. who has the best 'motto'.. siiiiiiiiccccccccck vulgar retards MORE
It's absolutely vulgar revolting retarded and ridiculously grotesque - paedophiles that capitalise on their vulgarity and pillage someone else's life and make about themselves - even if - not spoken to them - never met them - have nothing to do with *my* life - pillage someone else capitalise make the most of their vulgarity and get paedophiles to make stuff up and 'fix it' for themselves to ensure they make thier vulgarity about themselves - because they ARE - VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - siccccccker More - more & more retarded MORE.
'Incentive' for sales vs 'incentives for paedophiles that offer cash incentives TO paedophiles to 'fix it' for paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves that make stuff up and laugh in yah face - SICK SICK ridiculous SICK - PEDOES is what they ARE - plus serial raping traffickers etc etc siiicccccccck RETARDS MORE... "what's brexit?" "uh uh uhhh dunnoooos jus being peeedoes haha's" (vomit) they're siiiiiiiiiicccccck VULGAR inbreds grotesque revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccccker MORE. I don't watch daytime tv - I don't watch tv at all - they smile through the 'awknardness' of knowing they're paedophiles - then they convince *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccccker MORE and more waaaay waaay more ridiculously vulgar revolting and grotesque MORE
They *neeeeeed* 'reminding' how VULGAR they ARE - they 'forget' they're vulgar revolting paedophiles - intentionally - must be difficult for *them* to 'come out' as the VULGAR revolting retarded paedophiles and grotesque serial raping traffickers etc that they ARE- siccccccck. I've not met that paedophile 'journalist' or that paedophile 'journalist' who the fuck and what the fuck are you - pillaging someone else's life - ewwwww - you're a paedophile - sicccccck VULGAR REVOLTING retards - as are the paedophiles they call 'Aunty' - as are the paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles BECAUSE that's what they ARE - as are the 'fixers' for alllll things VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque - siccccccker MORE more & more heeeeeenious MORE - PEDOPHILES - siccccccccker MORE & MORE 'documentaries' about themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles *both* capitalising ON and 'fixing it' FOR - siccccccccker MORE. I've not that paedophile - I've not met that paedophile - I might've met that paedophile - I certainly didn't give that ridiculously retarded paedophile 'permission' to BE a ridiculously retarded paedophile - that's what they ARE - paedophiles - sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker more & more grotesque - siccccccck ridiculous inbreds vulgar revolting paedophiles sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker MORE

Yes yes happy birthday to meeeee, my life - is about meeee - not yooooo - thier paedophilia, raping & pillaging, kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficking and 'fixing it' for themselves to ensure they make thier retardation about themselves coscos they're retarded paedophiles - is about themselves - coscos they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that - retards MORE completely retarded demonic ridiculous inbreds VULGAR - MORE. 'Interesting' to see - how they're 'improving' thier raping & pillaging 'tekkas' & paedophilia prior to that and thereafter - sicker MORE retarded MORE
siccccckkker MORE grotesque

The American dollar bill.
There's a wealth of information about it.
They've literally spent trillions on thier paedophilia *already* soooo... looking at the comments - only some - are 'aware' what is happening to thier countries as a direct result of THIER paedophilia, raping pillaging serial raping trafficking and 'fixing it' for paedophiles & lol'ing - that's what they ARE - paedophiles - completely retarded ridiculous inbreds. I'm not sure if I kept the dollar bill from Los Angles, Hawaii or New York. Mr Big.. and... peeedoes.. sicker MORE retarded MORE. How long can they be paedophiles for? "as long as it takes"- to make thier paedophilia about themselves - when they ARLEADY ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles that don't like BEING TOLD what they are - sooo capitalise on thier vulgarity to profit on the back of raping and pillaging etc - siiiicccccck ridiculous retards MORE. sicker & sicker & sicker more & more retarded MORE
Out of 'interest' - I wonder how many countries are going bankrupt due to Brexit - the lead up to - the marketing - the PR - the 'movie', the 'documentaries' the 'PR' spins & 'UN 'campaigns' *for* paedophiles to avoid looking like what they ARE (youtoo themtoo alll sick vulgar revolting retards 'together' etc) that paedophile 'documentary' was made a little while ago now as well as Crimea, Covid, Ukraine etc that has had (obviously)
some sort of 'impact' on allllll industries, worldwide - these figures - make no sense. "Get shopping" lol at that PR campaign along with thier 'fashion for paedophiles & designer terrorists' etc - they going to be using 'magic beans' as payment?. Like they 'fly over star wars' sets and land in thier own cesspit and pillage to capitalise to profit ON thier paedophilia & lots of 'rofls' coscos paedophiles BEING paedophiles etc. Completely retarded ridiculous inbreds. I don't buy magazines - although I have been in them - it was an 'interesting' 'experience' where paedophiles capitalise on the accomplishments of someone else and make about themselves just like they capitalise on thier vulgarity to profit on raping and pillaging etc coscos being paedophiles is 'good idea' to paedophiles and paedophiles *only*. 'Front page' paedophiles along with sport paedophiles & political paedophiles - the death of many industries was an 'honour killing' coscos "thier namez iz iz peeedoes haha's" (vomit) that was funded by extremists and performing paedophiles to avoid looking like the retarded inbreds that they ARE. Sicker more retarded MORE.
Someone filming in the area he said "you could still be an extra" - LOL - I laughed - what ridiculously retarded inbreds they ARE - paedophiles that 'play along' *with* paedophiles BEING paedophiles. They hear the screams OF rape and they rape to make rape about themselves & so on and so forth and after a few years of BEING demonic vulgar revolting retards - 'fix it' for themselves *more* by making stuff up and laughin' in yah face coscos - they're paedophiles that capitalise on thier vulgarity - annnnd make about themselves. They don't tell you they're paedophiles - you have to find out - for yourself. And - if you tell them - what they are - convicted criminals paedophiles and rapists (that went to the *same* school of vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds) - they - capitalise make about themselves *anyway* - they're RETARDS. Pillaging someone else's life (ewwwww) to capitalise on their vulgarity to profit - ewwwww & they gloat about thier paedophilia and they flaunt thier paedophilia wherever they can coscos - being paedophiles is 'Lolz' - to ridiculously retarded paedophiles coscos they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that - they capitalise ON paedophiles (and make about themselves) BECAUSE THEY ARE - paedophiles - exceptionally vulgar revolting grotesque paedophiles and ridiculously retarded inbreds - sicker MORE.
Have some coffee - I don't drink that I have a machine - it's more economical for the amount that I drink and after years of drinking Jura coffee drinking granulated coffee is horrid - so that can stay in it's security container. The *many* ridiculous paedophile 'PR' campaigns -
thier 'work'.. lol - the 'work' of paedophiles - what they 'really' like eh? - they're paedophiles - vulgar revolting retards - sicker - Ridiculous more.
Go 'wild' for
this cleaner.. 'wild' .. yeah.. 'exclusive' put 'Fabulous' in the subject line. I have the Raspberry & Black Pepper and I have to say that I have never had a better smelling cleaner in my whole entire life. Smells niiice - so nice don't mind cleaning - that parasitical paedophile would probably drink it. 'Wild' ... '.wild' .. ridiculous - more.
'random' is Mr Big walking passed me in the street - what's not 'random' is - making thier paedophilia about themselves - that's *intentional* because they're paedophiles 'getting off' on thier vulgarity. I was at a club in Surfers years ago and someone I knew just happened to be there - that's also 'random' - that 'surfers' 'random' did not turn into an intentional raping and pillaging frenzy because that 'random' person is not and was not - a ridiculously retarded paedophile -
whereas paedophiles will manipulate 'surfers' and make about themselves in order to have raping pillaging frenzies (years later decades later - even if they've not/never met the 'random' person at 'surfers' and they're pillaging someone else's life *anyway* - ewwwww - with total and complete disregard for everything *except* thier own paedophilia with intention
to profit on thier paedophilia BECAUSE they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that - that's pedowood BEING the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they ARE - sicker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE.
Bank robbers - LOL. Paedophiles 'soooo hilarious' said the paedophiles - sicccccker MORE retarded MORE. Cillit bang - the movie. siccccker MORE retarded MORE

'Pirates' the movie - LOL - pedoes with - piracy paedophiles - that compete amongst themselves for thier vulgar 'award', was an extra - they're pedopes - went to the premiere - they're pedoes - went to new york took a picture of a sign and pedoes - made about themselves and so on and so forth - ridiculous inbreds - 'silver surfers' - russell crowe wasn't there neither was huge assman -sick sick sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE --they're ewww cringe sick ridiculous retards grotesque revolting paedophiles with thier sheep pigs and bloated carcases etc -
must be his 'tribute' to Brad Pitt - get siccccccker MORE retarded MORE -VULGAR revolting siccccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds - grotesque paedophiles MORE retarded MORE -
paedophiles serial raping traffickers etc - siccccccccck VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds SICKER sicker sicker sicker sicker
'partygate' 'pizzagate' etc sicccccccck MORE
Minus pedowood & thier BS - they're *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles that think that because someone had lunch with someone that's 'permission' to be paedophiles and pillage someone else' life (that doesn't live in the country) - and make about themselves. Minus that retard - they're *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles that think because someone had a free 'excursion' to a different country - that that *also* gives them the 'green light' to be paedophiles & serial raping traffickers that 'arrange' to 'fix' thier paedophilia for *themselves* by getting paedophiles to make stuff up TO 'fix it'
for paedophiles to ensure they make thier paedophilia - about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of thier retardation - because they ARE - ridiculously retarded inbreds and grotesque vulgar revolting paedophiles like that & lolz coscos peedoes - siccccccker MORE retarded MORE. Ridiculous. Completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE. In the space of three decades -
Not sure what to make of that - looks ridiculous - of course there's going to be a 'view'.. derr

Trawling through lots of soundtracks, I got told I was really fussy with music once - not really - if I like it - I like it - if I don't - I don't' - besides the vast majority of them - are - paedophiles *anyway* etc - sicker MORE retarded MORE. 'Food' means paedophiles and with 'Lolz' add 'mega' and you get - completely retarded vulgar revolting grotesque paedophiles - with more 'rofls' coscos - peedoes so 'hilarious' - to peeedoes coscos are - peeedoes haha's (vomit) sicccccccccker MORE grotesque MORE.. 'Strokenfold' LOL - paedophiles & DJ's - paedophiles & pedowood - paedophile politicians & 'Universities of vulgar revolting retarded paedophiles' & thier pizza's, cheese & crack - siccccccccck VULGAR repulsive utterly odious completely totally ridiculously retarded inbreds - SICKER MORE vulgar revolting demonic grotesque - hidddddddeous paedophiles - MORE and more ridiculously retarded MORE.
Sax is good in this
*Anyway* - my soundbar is quite bass-y so needs to be ... so the soundtrack needs to be - not bass-y

sicker sicker sicker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE - thier retardation lol -
get more & more ridiculously retarded - SICKER MORE grotesque MORE - hidddddddddeous inbreds - siccccker sicccker more more - ewwwwww siiiiiiiicccck retards MORE.. that's 'interesting' - ridiculously retarded paedophiles that *aren't* repulsed by thier own ridiculous paedophilia - coscos pedoes 'fix it' for demselfs coscos peedoes and carry on being ridiculously retarded grotesque vulgar revolting paedophiles -sicccccker MORE ewww cringe siccccker MORE and more retarded MORE. They're paedophiles 'that must do more' to make thier paedophilia - about themselves - not my religion - my own life - get siccccccker more and more ridiculously retarded MORE - the many ways ridiculously retarded paedophiles make thier ridiculously retarded paedophilia - about themselves -
and the pedophiles 'say' - siccccccccck MORE and more and more and more and more toooooootally compleeeeetly retarded MORE - paedophiles - sicker MORE

A closer look at what's on the bridge - isn't called 'Shatner'- sicker sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE
hommmmmmm - sicker MORE retarded MORE

What's next for America? Pardon
Nicholas What? He's going to paint the boat so they get the right name of smuggling company on there. There's Macron "you did it!!" - never missing the 'opportunity' to exploit lie twist & distort etc - ie: boy washes up on the beach - clickety click - that sells papers - migrants migrants migrants - are they the right colour though? (do they sell papers & magazines these days, they sell 'people' - that's a fact - that's the 'trade' they're in also with paedophile 'journalists' 'reporters' etc screaming down phones to get ... a promotion..? -
I can't think why anyone screams down the phone -
I think they just made that up - Or they non binary fluid transgender hermaphrodite that swam through the shark infested waters to get a sex change for thier pimp that insisted they would not get a visa without having it done - yesss Macron did it!!! And his paedophile pals Merkel etc with a vast amount of 'finger pointing' going on - yes they 'did it' with who knows what livestock etc - yah paedophiles 'did it' - ewwww -
cos they're paedophiles and thier namez iz iz peeedoes haha's" (vomit) oh paedophiles 'so hilarious' said the ridiculously retarded paedophiles - 'precious' paedophiles ridiculous retards that don't like BEING TOLD what they ARE sooooooo..... ewwwwww - that's - not - including the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles because they ARE - paedophiles - and that's not including paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles BEING paedophiles - because they ARE - soo spend years raping and pillaging to make thier paedophilia about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - compleeeeetly retarded ridiculous inbreds - VULGAR revolting grotesque paedophiles - siccccccck MORE retarded MORE - and there's Liam Neeson that says he's an embarrassment to Ireland - LOL he's *IS* a ridiculous embarrassment irrespective of what country he comes from - are Albanians 'black' - be more 'relevant' to his agenda of BEING a paedophile and ridiculous VULGAR revolting serial raping trafficker - paedophiles & 'fixers' for alllll things VULGAR revolting retarded and grotesque - ridiculous - MORE and more retarded -
sicccker & sicccker & siccccker MORE retarded more ridiculously grotesque MORE - paedophiles -ridiculously retarded inbreds more & more grotesque MORE
Nearly midday - I have to brush my teeth. Meanwhile - get siccccccker MORE retarded MORE
The day after....
Mel Gibson - he 'knows' he's a ridiculously retarded paedophile regardless of any - what is it.. 'divination' he does with his fellow paedophile peers - to find out - that he's a paedophile - why do they want to know what they are when they already know what they ARE - "Being paedophiles - 'reveals' that they're paedophiles" - the political paedophile speech of 2014 - more ridiculously retarded - sicker grotesque paedophiles etc - sicccker MORE - what the fuck are you doing pillaging someone else's life? ewwww - "dunnnooos jus bein peedoes haha's" - siccccccccck MORE ridiculously retarded MORE - they're *FULLY* 'aware' they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc - its cos he got his paedophile face on the cover of a magazine and they made 'comedy shows' about thier paedophilia etc with numerous 'documentaries' about *themselves* BEING paedophiles to compliment the many paedophile 'campaigns' with the sole purpose of taking the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc - and nothing else - paedophiles - serial raping traffickers - pillagers - plagiarists - vulgar revolting inbreds - no matter how many ways they make thier paedophilia about themselves - *STILL* ridiculously retarded inbreds grotesque paedophiles - sicccccck ridiculous inbreds - sicker sicker SICKER MORE- sicccccccccck sick MORE and more ridiculously retarded MORE
Anyway ... putting all my CD collection onto SD card that I previously converted into MP3, saved so much space - although I don't listen to any of them because there's loads on YouTube and if a certain song comes to mind & have an urge to listen to - it's going to be on YouTube anyway. My MP3 player doesn't have internet but it does have an SD card slot - 1024gigs and the card isn't working properly -..takes aaaages for no files transferred
And that's how they 'fixed it' - for *themselves* - siccccccker MORE retarded MORE.. they're not 'whistleblowers' - they're paedophiles - sicccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds - more & more retarded more, sicker MORE, it was 22 January 2013 that the *then* 'Prime Minister' of New Zealand had an 'out of body ' experience - in Christchurch - (probably cos thier namez iz iz peeedoes haha's (vomit) & they're 'pwoppa crackheads'- retards more and more retarded MORE - sooo much mooore than *juuuust* an international embarrassment - sicker MORE

and 'lolz' coscos paedophiles (my own life - paedophiles have pillaged and made about themselves coscos pedoees etc etc -
sicccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE - and coscos paedophiles that 'must be pedoes more - to make thier paedophilia - about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - ridicusluy retarded paedophiles - just get sicccccccccker MORE retarded MORE etc etc - siccccccccck ridiculously retarded inbred MORE and more retarded MORE -
paedophiles - VULGAR REVOLTING FILTH - siccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded more & more grotesque MORE - hidddddddddeous inbreds more retarded MORE -
siccccccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE.. They're *FULLY* 'aware' they're (*STILL*) revolting ridiculously retarded utterly odious vulgar grotesque paedophiles - siccccccccker MORE and more retarded MORE

and that's them being paedophiles and vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - that pillage & fix & capitalise on thier vulgarity cos they ARE retards like that - get sicker more retarded MORE - for nearly a couple of decades now - and get siccccccker MORE retarded MORE

Pirate paedophiles, Piracy paedophiles, Pizza paedophiles, government paedophiles in conjunction with media paedophiles: ie: plenty of Damien Omen's at the Evening Standard - there are plenty of paedophiles at the Daily Fail, plenty of serial raping traffickers at The Sun, plenty of vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds elsewhere with plenty of 'fix it' for paedophiles PR 'campaigns (over 400 PR 'companies' - there are thousands more 'PR' 'companies' that ARE paedophiles and serial raping traffickers that 'work' *as* 'damage control' FOR paedophiles - that's all they are - 'fixers' for paedophiles - and nothing else. Pillage capitalise make about themselves make sumfink up 'fix it' for the pedoes and lolz annnnnnd repeat - sicccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE and more retarded MORE. Look - I'm swearing at you - I'm not apologising for swearing at you - you should be apologising to me - it's my own life you been pillaging - pillaging paedophiles - ewwwww - they 'work' hard to make thier paedophilia - about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccccccker MORE - abusing to capitalise - ewwww- to profit on being ridiculously retarded paedophiles and serial raping traffickers etc - ewwww MORE - siccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE retarded MORE. So you 'block mock troll' - and your 'comeback' is 'spam' 'bot' 'troll' - I wouldn't 'touch' David Beckham with a barge pole - don't even go there - coscos peeeedoes that make sumfink up *specifically* TO 'fix it' for the pedoes & lolz' so paedophiles are 'free' to make thier paedophilia - about themselves - cos that's what they ARE *anyway* - siccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds grotesque paedophiles. The 'UN', Unicef - international 'bodies, 'HR' - are paedophiles - that abuse to capitalise to profit also create thier own crisis' to take the focus off the 'crisis' of themselves BEING ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - and nothing else - sicccccck retards - siccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE like the vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they ARE - DO - waaaaay moooooore retarded MORE.
Political paedophiles, media paedophiles, 'PR' paedophiles, Glastonbury paedophiles, ‘Illuminati’ paedophiles, ‘pyramid scheme’ paedophiles, UN paedophiles, Greenpeace/Climate paedophiles, sport paedophiles, music paedophiles, movie paedophiles, Jackson, Crowe, paris & paris paedophiles with their spawn & so on and so forth & 'lololz' - paedophiles - hidddddddeous inbreds MORE
What they fuck are you doing pillaging someone else's life? - ewwwwwww - (coscos pedoes - peeedoes 'don't understannnnd' - that's criminal - they don't 'see' themselves as the ridiculously retarded inbreds that they ARE - they get paedophiles to make 'stuff' up' TO fix it' FOR paedophiles & 'lolz' - BECAUSE - THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE - PEDOPHILES. Yah yah watch the pedoes BE paedophiles and serial raping traffickers - watch the paedophiles 'fix it' FOR paedophiles & lolz - siccccccccck RETARDED INBREDS MORE - siccccccck RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED grotesque paedophiles - siccccccker MORE retarded MORE - paedophiles - sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE and more and more vulgar revolting retarded inbreds MORE retarded MORE
Paedophiles that ‘cleverly disguise’ their paedophilia with ‘art’, ‘comedy’ etc and turn their paedophilia into ‘entertainment’ and - paedophiles - ‘clap along’ – with paedophiles – sicccccccck RIDICULOUSLY retarded inbreds MORE. Bruce Willis – is an example of their ridiculous retardation – he could’ve told me personally – face to face - what he says behind *my* back as they pillage *my* life and make about themselves and get paedophiles - paedophiles pay paedophiles - to make their own shit up & laugh in yah face & carrry onnnnnn BEING ridiculously retarded inbreds - paedophiles 'convincing' *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccccccccker - RETARDS - MORE and more retarded MORE. Steve is a paedophile – 'relief' for him because he's not the *only* ridiculously retarded inbred that 'role plays' BEING paedophiles - because that's what they ARE - you tell them that they’re paedophiles – they capitalise play rape pillage ‘victim’ 'game' BECAUSE they’re ridiculously retarded paedophiles thaaaaat pillage someone else’s life annnnd make about themselves BECAUSE they’re ridiculously retarded paedophiles – siccccccck siiiiccccck MORE retarded MORE. I asked Steve a question – that turned into Brexit etc - they’re paedophiles that ‘fix it’ FOR paedophiles because they’re paedophiles & serial raping traffickers ‘getting off’ on their retardation – ridicccccccculously retarded inbreds MORE and more retarded MORE
Paedophiles ‘believe’ if they make their paedophilia – about themselves – they’re not ridiculously retarded paedophiles and serial raping traffickers – more & more RETARDED MORE & lololz (coscos peeedoes you know haha’s” – vomit) – siccccccccck sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE and more and more compleeeeeetly toooootally retarded inbreds MORE
– the ‘message’ is totally clear – they’re ridiculously retarded paedophiles – siccccker MORE and more waaaaaay more ridiculosuly grotesque MORE.

What they liiiiike eh? - they're paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves for profit etc *and* because they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles - get sicccccker MORE and more ridiculously retarded soooo much more than *just* an international embarrassment - so much more than *just* utterly odious - sicker MORE waaaay waaay more retarded MORE - he looks a bit old for 'baby cheeses'... ew - they're so retarded it's ridiculous - probably - because they ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc like that - SICKER MORE retarded MORE. Prague has a weed shop - knowing what they know about 'cheese' - I don't think they stock it - sicker MORE. I went and had a look - in 2022 - didn't buy anything, better to be straight.
ewww sicker sicker sicker MORE. in other 'news' - I sold my broken laser lipo machine - excellent. the wires came off, don't have a soldering iron - that's what they call a 'result'. big box..... little box... big raaave .. meanwhile - they get more & more retarded MORE.
So.. after a couple of years.. after a dentist filled on an
infection which directly resulted in the loss of a tooth – as well as a huge
hole in the bone – as a direct result of the infection (no responsibility at
all *of course* - blatantly ridiculous – SICKER more - I’ve not had cancer or
been exposed to radiation… lol) – I am so ‘psyched’ for this implant. The cost of it – if go to places like Turkey
to get a single implant – the cost of the flights outweigh the savings as have
to go back to get the tooth fitted. Whereas
if had to get a full set – worth the venture.
They filled on an infection – knowing full well there was an infection –
because I said – filled it anyway - then they’ll slag other countries off for ….
Err … they gave the world Brexit - to
take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles &
serial raping traffickers etc & nothing else – & lol “coscos peeedoes
haha’s”- Hideously completely retarded –
So.. things can & can’t do with implants – RF face
devices. Vape is okay – okay – good.
The second cause of implant failure is bruxism - all good cos I'm allergic to cocaine (protruding jaws & teeth grinding & 'collapsed faces etc - that's the only cause of teeth grinding that I can think of - that's what causes it - how many grind thier teeth when they're straight - very few).
I’ve read some reviews about RF face devices and implants –
apparently they get a metal taste in their mouth – obviously don’t use the device until way after the implant has settled etc.. some companies they might have
like a tooth/gum guard or something – cos obviously – implants are popular as
are RF face devices.
Couple of weeks… then over the course of a couple of
months.. (meanwhile - they keep getting more retarded: I'm not African either - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE and more retarded MORE - paedophiles and serial raping traffickers - not met those paedophiles either - pedoes say "wooo!! get to be pedoes cos they're 'blick'" annnnnd that's what they ARE *anyway* - if there's anything - siccccccck - sicccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE "coscos peeedoes haha's" - the retarded state of them - 'culchaaa of pimps & hoes and hareems of peeedoes haha's coscos thier namez iz iz peeedoes haha's" - they're 'blick' jews and 'blick' nazi's & 'blick non gender transvestites & 'blick' muslims and 'crusading' paedophiles - paedophiles - sicccck ridiculous inbreds MORE retarded - siccccccker more & more retarded MORE
Anyway, I was looking for my Dreamweaver - still can't find it, so I had a look online and apparently you have to pay a monthly subscription - ... no... they've 'updated' it by turning it into a product like 'nuskin' - where *only* the 'nuskin' serums works with the device - my dreamweaver program must be over 13 years old because I had an online shop that I made to avoid ebay fees -.. annnnd they're off - to paedophile island to capitalise on BEING paedophiles etc , ie: - 'spam' 'bot' 'troll' etc paedophiles, serial raping traffickers, pillagers, plagiarists and 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - just get sicker MORE retarded MORE. They're *obviously* going to China to buy thier countries back... ? Or.. that's thier 'panda 'diplomacy' (buy sell swapping & raping for rapists to profit on thier paedophilia etc) sicker & sicker more & more retarded MORE - haven't bothered reading about immigration re Brexit - because - I'm not British and it doesn't apply to me - that's them and thier ridiculously retarded paedophilia that includes something called 'shirt fronting' - I've not met him either not sure if he's still a politician - however - he's STILL a ridiculously retarded paedophile and with those ears - while the pig was shagging the sheep and shaggy was singing along - they were clapping like Dumbo - & like ... dumboes - clap for *themselves* - completely ridiculously retarded inbreds grotesque revolting paedophiles more retarded MORE. He might wanna get those ears pinned back or something. Embarrassingly retarded MORE. looook -
there's someone called 'Quade'.. cooper (both of them)- picked up a bug from William's rear (both of them - because they're not 'exclusive' butt buddies) that morphed into a pehesheep that is 'popular' among 'fisters' & they all want to 'fit in' to make pehesheep together- just because they're retarded inbreds like that .. not met them either - I'm talking about them - behind thier backs - not TO them -
be interesting to see if they give birth to a hedgehog because the guy that rode a bike over to pedo Island was 'wiggin' it with ferrets - also a 'favourite' - among ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc- ridiculously retarded - ick - ick - sicker MORE etc retards - they're not repulsed by themselves - because - they've spent many years prior capitalising & applauding thier vulgarity, clapping along with retards that clap for retards & so on and so forth making 'entertainment' out of thier paedophilia as they've been 'in touch' with thier paedophile 'side' for decades - give them a gerbil and *know* what they'll do with it - ick icccccck - sicccccker MORE and more retarded - completely TOTALLY retarded MORE
Pedowood + parasitical paedophiles etc - 2010 - 2014 - 2016 (get sicker more retarded MORE)
2011 - 2023 - they're *STILL* finding more ways of making thier paedophilia about themselves - that's *THIER* 'life' - BEING retarded inbreds thaaaaat pillage someone else's life to capitalise on thier vulgarity to profit on the back of raping and pillaging etc - *AND* - just because - paedophiles don't like being told what they are - and they ARE - ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - soooo make thier paedophilia - about themselves & lolz etc - siccccccker MORE- siiiicccccccck VULGAR inbreds more retarded MORE.
There are plenty of 'words' for ridiculously retarded paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously odious cretins - paedophiles - sicker sicker sicker sicker sicker sicker more & more ridiculously retarded and grotesque MORE - - sicccccccccccck inbreds MORE and more retarded MORE - paedophiles VULGAR RETARDS - MORE
... anywaaay.... I sent the vein machine back because it made them worse .. sclerotherapy is probably the way to go.
Take that off (pichaa of pedoes) - Rochdale paedophiles are nothing to do with me - they have everything to do with them - because they're sicker more retarded - much sicker much more retarded - sicker than alllll the weinsteins', saviles, west's & cosby's etc combined - much much moooore ridiculously retarded waaaaay waaaay MORE - paedophiles making excuses for their paedophilia - if not making their paedophilia about themselves - sicccccccker more ridiculous - they're grotesque ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicker sicker sicker MORE - the/thier 'culchaa' of pimps and hoe's and hareems of pedoes - sicker, sicker sicker MORE & more ridiculously vulgar revolting grotesque hidddddeous MORE waay waaay more vile waaay more ridiculously retarded MORE
make it clearer later
Made it a bit more clearer, took ages.. one pixel at a time

.. lots of 'data' - that goes there and that goes there - takes nearly alllll day - whereas spot the pedoes pillaging & 'fixing it' for themselves to ensure they make thier vulgarity - about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc - takes two minutes - siccccker MORE retarded. All thier 'stars', thier 'all stars' - morphs into - more paedophiles. They missed (intentionally - to capitalise on being paedophiles and make about themselves) probably one of the most important dates of any calendar - view of the sun while flying over Ukraine - made about themselves, that's Gemini 'monument' from a trip to India courtesy of Cox & kings - made about themselves, 'M' - made about themselves - my own life - pillaged it - ew - made about themselves - ew, Pirates - made about themselves & so on and so forth... spot the ball. 'space dogs'... lol.. pedoes, rings & wings - spies, eyes & lies - sicker more retarded more. What's that movie where he climbs into a carcass and declares on the 'PR' 'trail' "This movie - is all about climate change". Snoozefest - and I've not even seen it. Sicker MORE completely totally retarded MORE . 'PR' .... 'genius''.... LOL - paedophiles - ridiculously retarded inbreds - sicker MORE .

Salt washing... lots. I've stocked up on Protein shakes, spaghetti, soup etc - things that don't require chewing - for SIX WHOLE WEEEKS. My gum, zappain.. it is swollen up a bit - as to be expected.
The day after -started on my salt washes - it's really swollen, there's no pain as such just really badly swollen - not as bad as when I had the initial infection - the whole side of my face was swollen - like the reaction of Will Smith in a bad film. Like the
'invasion' - I'm not from America I've been there a couple of times - at least they're the right colour to BE migrants - even if they lie about thier age - to get visas or whatever. What is that - chowdry - the 'hate' preacher - LOL. They prefer those types because it gives them 'cause' to capitalise '& make about themselves etc paedophiles and retarded paedophiles - just get sicker MORE retarded MORE. It's a different 'version' of the £10 pom -*thier* mess *they* created by themselves BEING paedophiles making thier paedophilia about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity along with numerous UN paedophile 'campaigns' with the sole purpose of attempting to make paedophiles - not look like what they are - and they ARE paedophiles - get siccccker MORE retarded - there are many ways paedophiles make thier paedophilia - about themselves - get sicker MORE retarded MORE.
This is
a great idea - 'trust' is a crucial factor, they probably vet thier sitters as opposed to governments making stuff up and laughin yah face and carrrry onnn being ridiculously retarded inbreds that convince *themselves* they're not paedophiles rapists child molesters, serial raping traffickers & profiteering terrorists etc etc - sicccccccck MORE retarded MORE
and meanwhile- my jaw is swollen and still recovering from the base of the implant being drilled & screwed in - dental pain - all I was doing was taking pain killers and flaking out - for a whole month and a bit more. Totally flippant - no accountability at all - just said 'Oh' and that was it. - they damage they caused - intentionally - resulted in a couple of years of biopsies, CT scans etc and an awful amount of bone loss - take that and apply it to Brexit - paedophiles being paedophiles capitalising *on* and 'fixing it' for - because that's what they are - completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds grotesque revolting paedophiles get sicker MORE. Probably did some damage to my stomach as well. Could easily tell when the pain killers starting to wear off. The swelling should be less severe in a couple of weeks. I haven't had any painkillers today - yet, probably will later, it's really swollen and I need to relax my jaw, have some Betnovate that is supposed to be good for swelling.

I've not smoked all week - I'm so looking forwards to my morning roll up. Got outside - coffee and a ciggy - 'ritual'. "Do you plan on quitting?".. lol.. no. The mess they made - relative to Brexit. Sicker MORE retarded MORE. Healing nicely, had a bit of leftover tooth in there.. jeeez - ridiculously retarded MORE. She looking at a pedoe - oh waaaaait - she IS a paedophile - so is he - so is he - so are they. Sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE and more waaaay more ridiculously retarded MORE.
"I just saw your mum on the tele" - LOL - they taped it and watch it over & over - not sure why - HALF of her life ago - because of paedophiles - sicccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE - 'reaping the rewards' of Brexit - VULGAR - get sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE waaaay moooore grotesque MORE - just in case 'no one' has noticed - sicccccker. Pillaging someone else's life - ewwww sicccccck MORE. Demonic - get sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE.
They're 'feeling' 'pure hatred' towards them (apparently - it's all over google) - they're paedophiles - probably why - I wouldn't give them a job in NATO either- funny about that - is giving a paedophile a job over another paedophile - just to spite that paedophile -*STILL* paedophiles - sicker more & more retarded, going to hold hands and sing kumbaya while abusing the victim they're pillaging - ridiculously retarded inbreds - sicker MORE retarded MORE.

helllooo.. 'King Julian'.. lol. Bookface is pointing at his face. Ridiculous. MORE. Flag waving terrorists, 'crusading' paedophiles, paedophile politicians.. world cups.. etc...seen steve the second time - they really ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles disgusting inbreds . Get sicker - MORE.
What a twat - they're paedophiles - rapists, child molesters , serial raping traffickers + covid + Ukraine (& his 'son sun' - they're paedophiles - siccccck retards MORE retarded MORE + more political paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles and rape for rapists - cos paedophiles 'believe' if they make thier paedophilia - about themselves - they're not paedophiles annnd if get paedophiles to 'fix it' for paedophiles and carry on BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - paedophiles convince *themselves* they're not retarded paedophiles - just get sicker sicker sicker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE plus more paedophiles spinning thier *own* bullshit - more - to compensate paedophiles BEING paedophiles & to take the focus OFF *themselves* BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles annnnnd repeat - paedophiles 'so hilarious' - said the ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccccccck. They've had near on two decades making thier paedophilia about themselves (when ALREADY ARE severely retarded paedophiles etc that capitalise ON thier vulgarity to get allll they cannnn out of BEING ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - BECAUSE THEY ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - siccccccccck MORE retarded MORE )- no matter how many ways they make thier paedophilia - about themselves - they're *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles - get sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE. VULGAR - I've no need to listen to that cos a) he's a paedophile b) she's a paedophile AND *I* already know that cos it's my own life they've been pillaging (& made about themselves) coscos peeedoes you know haha's (vomit) - get siccccccker MORE retarded MORE - sicccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE retarded MORE. GROTESQUE. MORE.
I've never called anyone a 'Karen' - because I don't use that term to describe someone - I also *don't* call anyone 'fucked in the head' for getting molested during a murder trial only for paedophiles to capitalise on and - make about themselves - decades later -siccccccker MORE retarded MORE - and - because I had lunch with someone - that's *also* an 'opportunity' FOR paedophiles to capitalise on THIER vulgarity and make about themselves - cos that's what they ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccccccker MORE. I don't' call *anyone* 'fucked in the head' - for whatever reason - sooooooo fuccccccked UP. I've met your 'friend' I'm not 'friends' with your 'friend' & not 'friends' (could tell by the amount of abusive tweets they got - but because they're retarded - capitalise make about themselves coscos peeedoes haha's (vomit)) & I've not even met that paedophile & I might've met that paedophile - I certainly *didn't* give that paedophile a 'green light' for paedophiles to capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles - that's what they ARE - sicccck ridiculously retarded paedophiles - SICKER MORE - siccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds grotesque paedophiles - siccccker & siccccker MORE - pedoes and thier raping pillaging & 'fixing it' for paedophiles frenzies - siccccccker MORE retarded MORE
So embarrassingly retarded. Much more. Retarded. More. I'm not even going to say what movie it was - completely spectacularly retarded - MORE. That's a heart - and that's a paedophile - that's a pizza and that's a paedophile - siccccccccck MORE ridiculous MORE - paedophiles - sicker sicker sicker & sicker MORE.
His house is on fire - (insurance job was it) -get Greta the pedo appeaser - get sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE. Paedophiles - sicker MORE.

sicccccker MORE.. 'mom' spelt it differently sweetie not Musk's daughter - sicker MORE
completely retarded more & more ridiculously grotesque MORE.
I've just read not supposed to drink through a straw after an implant - I did. So looking forward to using alllllll my teeth - on steak. (get sicker MORE retarded MORE).
'Interesting' fact - Prague - isn't my place of birth. Ridiculous. MORE. They're completely retarded - they're sooooo much mooooore than *juuuust* an international embarrassment -
paedophiles - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE. get sicker & sicker just keep getting sicker sicker more & more retarded and they 'fix it' for themselves more & more coscos they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc - sicccccccck MORE.
In other 'news' paedophiles are paying minors for crack & 'tricks' - cos they can't get enough of it - they all 'fighting' over it, the humiliation must go on - and it does - paedophiles find more ways of making thier paedophilia - about themselves - coscos they ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - get sicker sicker sicker more & more retarded MORE. I googled 'how much did Benedict make from the Brexit 'masterpiece' - doesn't say. I'm sure it was a 'good lil earner' for *him* & *his* paedophile pals - retards more retarded MORE. That's a 'fun 'game' for them - 'guessing' who the next paedophile is - when they ALREADY KNOW they're vulgar revolting paedophiles and are *FULLY* 'aware' of thier paedophilia - sicker MORE.
Laugh at the Grand Prix, Silverstone etc - they're paedophiles - if it's not 'George Floyd' it's 'Greta' or 'black lives matter' and another 'performance' made *by* paedophiles to avoid looking like what they ARE - and they ARE - paedophiles - ridiculously retarded inbreds - sicker & sicker MORE.
To be .. a librarian. LOL. sicccccker MORE.
Get sicker sicker MORE and more waaaaaaay waaaay more ridiculously grotesque MORE

And they 'think' of more ways of making thier retarded paedophilia - about themselves - and nothing else - sicccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE. Completely totally retarded - sicker & sicker & sicker more & more waaaaay more grotesque MORE. That's *thier* 'life' BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles 'fixing' it' for *themselves* again & again & again coscos they're vulgar revolting paedophiles like that - AND they're *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccccccccker MORE. 'Synopsis' - had lunch with someone and that paedophile made thier paedophilia about themselves & so on and so forth - that morphed into Brexit and they've been pedoes ever since - they were ridiculously retarded paedophiles before that *anyway* - just capitalising on their vulgarity cos they ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that - get sicker sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE. Completely retarded - ridiculous MORE. "Why are so many 'people' throwing objects on 'stars' onstage?" - LOL - they're retarded paedophiles - siccccccck ridiculous inbreds. How 'lucky' is that - I've been to all the festivals/concerts - I don't need to go to anymore - they're more than capable of 'promoting' thier *own* paedophilia - which they do on a day to day basis - because they're retarded paedophiles with many paedophile 'fans' that partake in mass rape with a view to turn rape into 'comedy' 'art' & 'entertainment' - which they do and have done time & time again - failing that - which they won't because they're 'die-hard' paedophiles - make thier paedophilia about themselves & lolz - siccccck retards - siccck ridiculous inbreds MORE *and* encourage thier 'fans' to do the same - 'clap for pedoes' etc.. - siccccccck MORE retarded waaaay more VULGAR. I'm not a 'fan' - it's my own life they've been pillaging - the vulgar revolting grotesque paedophiles - sicker sicker more & more waaaaay more ridiculously grotesque MORE - pedoes - sicker & sicker & sicker more & more retarded MORE.
Who 'knew' it'd turn into a trillion dollar/pound 'Brexit deal'? - they did - because they're paedophiles and thier namez iz iz peedoes too!! pedoes - so 'hilarious' said the retarded paedophiles - sicker sicker and sicker and sicker waaaay more ridiculously grotesque MORE.
influencer' 'saving' 'pedowood'.. LOL - good for her - I've not met that retarded paedophile - but - now she has a 'friend' in prison - she can 'protest' for her release sicker & sicker & sicker -
if there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on - make about themselves *while* raping for rapists - THEY WILL - BECAUSE - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that - siccccccccker MORE. The Monaco trip was 'free' - so - they're paedophiles for 'free' - get sicker sicker more & more waaaay more ridiculously retarded - MORE - not even including 'Invictus' retards & 'ghostbusters' gang rapists & 'pizza' paedophiles & they 'think' of more ways of making thier paedophilia - about themselves - capitalising on it -profiting on it - milking thier *own* paedophilia for *every* penny - siccccccck vulgar revolting inbreds grotesque ridiculously retarded paedophiles- sicker sicker sicker MORE and more vulgar MORE. "What they like?" - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles - that's what they're like -
siccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE. The 'ugly side' of pedowood - they're paedophiles - completely retarded ridiculous vulgar revolting inbreds grotesque paedophiles - and nothing else - they gloat & flaunt thier paedophilia - whenever and wherever they can -'look at them and all thier paedophile pals' - that cry copyright (amongst other things) FOR pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves WHILE raping for rapists - completely retarded ridiculously VULGAR inbreds *and* 'fix it' for themselves - MORE - because the 'precious' paedophiles don't like BEING TOLD what they ARE - soooo capitalise ON thier vulgarity annnnd - make about themselves-they're revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles 'together' - get sicker sicker & sicker more & more retarded MORE.
I've been totally 'disciplined' - haven't had a cigarette for a WHOLE week - just over a week actually - and I don't plan on quitting. It's just one in the morning - it's not even a cigarette - it's a roll up - I miss it - with my morning coffee. Amazing how it disrupts the rest of the day if go without. Put gauze over the gum.. or something. Cravings.
That’s a ‘good idea’ for paedophiles to make their paedophilia
about themselves (invictus hijacking profiteering terrorists, kidnapping child
raping serial raping traffickers & ‘fixers’ for alllll things VULGAR
revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque – pillage someone else’s life
make about themselves and paedophiles convince *themselves* they’re not ridiculously
retarded paedophiles – sicker MORE retarded MORE) to “we’ll get a Steven Spielberg
out of you” – LOL – they’re paedophiles – pillaging ridiculously retarded paedophiles
that spend years making their paedophilia about themselves when ALREADY ARE
VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles capitalising ON their vulgarity
‘acting’ ON their paedophilia because they ARE VULGAR REVOLTING DEMONIC INBREDS
like that. Sicker sicker sicker more
RETARDED MORE. Ewwwww pillaging someone else’s
life – to capitalise ON BEING paedophiles – ewwww – siccccccccck MORE RETARDED
MORE - *FULLY* ‘aware’ they’re vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds –
sicccccker MORE. ‘Fastest Indian’ –
pedoes, ‘Once were Warriors’ – pedoes, ‘Lord of the rings’ – pedoes – Indiana
Jones – pedoes – invictus – pedoes – whale oil – pedophiles the movie about a
whale - paedophiles etc & so on and so forth – pirates – paedophiles
“any excuse to be paedophiles” – and they ARE – ridiculously retarded paedophiles
– sicker sicker sicker more and more retarded and thennn besides all the ‘movies’
about themselves BEING paedophiles there are *ALSO* ‘documentaries’ about themselves
BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles from savile to Ukraine – sicccccker MORE
retarded MORE
Going back to the ‘big bang theory’ and Kirstie Alley’s ‘polite’
insult to a paedophile…. They’re peodes – they’re *FULLY* ‘aware’ they’re
retards - get siccccccker MORE retarded MORE.
“Cheers” – that paedophile police that goad and flaunt their paedophilia
etc “Dunnooo wot yooor gripe is coscos jus being peeeedoes haha’s” (vomit) –
they do talk like that – ridiculously sick retards – sicker sicker sicker and
they make stuff up and laugh in yah face coscos being peeedoes – is what they
do because they ARE – siccccker MORE and more waaaaaaay more ridiculously
retarded MORE. Someone is screaming *AT* them - they don't think there's anything wrong - they think they're doing a brilliant 'job' at BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles cos victim is 'reacting' so they capitalise cry victim and make about themselves & then they like to flatter themselves with thier own vulgarity coscos pedoes that capitalise ON thier paedophilia and make about themselves cos ARE sicccccccck VULGAR REVOLTING INBREDS grotesque paedophiles - siccccccccker MORE RETARDED MORE.
‘Save pedowood’.. LOl.
They’re compleeeeetly toooootally retarded paedophiles – sicker sicker
sicker MORE and more waaay more vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded and
grotesque. ‘Save America’
they’ve worked ‘arrrd to make their paedophilia about themselves (when already
ARE) coscos that’s what they ARE *anyway* – paedophiles and they’re more than
happy to pillage someone else’s life & make about themselves and *pay* paedophiles
to make stuff up and laugh in yah face and carry on *being* retarded paedophiles
– and think nothing of it.. lots of ‘lolz’ – for the paedophiles & 'clap for pedophiles' etc – SICK SICK
MORE. “They do it alllll the time” &
lolz – siccccccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds, as a ‘favour’ for being a paedophile
and a serial raping trafficker – that paedophile is going to get a job in …..
the paedophilia industry. – they’re paedophiles – VULGAR REVOLTING INBREDS –
sicker sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE.
Joan Collins – pillage *my* life and make about themselves – abuse to capitalise
to profit ON their vulgarity – I couldn’t care less about Joan Collins – Joan Collins
thinks the world – of herself – & so on and so forth - ridiculously retarded
inbreds - just one of many ‘examples’ of paedophiles that pillage someone else’s
life and make about themselves and get paedophiles to ‘fix it’ for themselves by
– making stuff up and laughin in yah face when it’s my own life ridiculously
retarded paedophiles like herself have been pillaging and making about themselves
– to capitalise on their vulgarity – and nothing else – & just because –
they’re ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that. I’m not Marilyn Monroe – I never have been – they’re
retarded paedophiles - completely retarded
paedophiles – sicccccccker MORE – probably if Marilyn was alive – she would
give Joan a good hard slap – deck her – on the floor – broken jaw. – sick ridiculously retarded inbreds – sicker
MORE. Joan Collins the gang rapist –
that capitalises on her paedophilia to get alllllll she can out of her
retardation by pillaging someone else’s life – that she’s never met – and
making about herself & so on and so forth.
They heard the screams of rape – they capitalised made about themselves &
‘fixed it’ for themselves (again & again & again) & lolz & laugh in yah face & carry on
BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles coscos “they’re not pedoes if they make
their paedophilia about themselves” – oh waaaaait - sicccccck ridiculously
retarded inbreds – SICKER MORE retarded MORE. They're *FULLY* 'aware' that they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc - siccccccker MORE retarded MORE.
The casting ‘agencies’ , the AD’s, the runners, the
production staff etc allllll ‘play along’ with BEING paedophiles because that’s
what they ARE – paedophiles – sicker MORE RETARDED MORE. On Red 3, one of the extras said that he was
security for Richie McCaw on his ‘visit’ to UK – yeah, I had lunch with him -
he went to the same school as my brothers murderer – they capitalised &
pillage my life and made about themselves& that is how Ricky Gervais is ‘Nostradamus’
(pedoes sicker MORE) – Sonny Bill Williams – never met him thank goodness he’s
gay just like the Clintons with their bloated carcasses and camerons pigs – paedophiles - and they want suicide notes to make the movie 'suicide squad' 'ligit' as it was 'part' of their paedophile 'campaign' (among many and that *also* is a 'googleable' *FACT*) - they're paedophiles - VULGAR RETARDS How ridiculously retarded they are –
they really ARE VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds – soooooo much
mooooore than *juuuuust* an international embarrassment - SICKER MORE RETARDED
MORE and some other paedophile sticks his tongue out to do a lil dance because –
he’s a paedophile too – siccccccccccck SICK SICK coscos they’re “peeedoes you
know haha’s”. That’s *THEIR* ‘life’
BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles capitalising on their vulgarity and
making about themselves – I’ve never met that sick deluded paedophile ‘justice
minister’ & there it is goading & taunting a victim she’s never met because
– she has a crush on Brad Pitt and caused his divorce by having an affair with
him in ‘secret’ ‘sssshhhh’ – ‘peadoes at work’– where other ridiculously retarded paedophiles hop on thier bikes and ride 'over the star wars set' to get to Pedo Island - they're paedophiles - and
nothing else - plus all the paedophile UN campaigns “youtoo themtoo alllll sick
VULGAR revolting demonic ridiculously retarded inbreds together’ and more ridiculously retarded paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles BEING paedophiles - because they ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccccccker MORE retarded MORE “If we
knew we were paedophiles we would stop”
LOL – to ridiculously retarded inbreds – being paedophiles is ‘fun game’
to paedophiles coscos that’s what they ARE *knowing* paedophiles will ‘fix it’
FOR paedophiles & lololz COS they’re paedophiles and da paedophiles are 'sooo hilarious' coscos they make the 'pedo games'- said the retarded paedophiles - they're PEDOPHILES – siccccccccccck ridiculously
retarded inbreds sicker MORE.
They’ve *already*
made the 'ultimate' 'Disney' movie FULL - crammmed - with paedophiles pizza's
and cheese etc with ‘allsorts’ of paedophiles within their paedophile
industries along with profiteering terrorists and paedophile presidents coscos
they ‘make the pedo games’ and the Brexit movie was a ‘huuuuuge success’ and
continues to BE a huuuge success for the paedophiles involved - they got paid to BE paedophiles, the public 'crowd funded' thier paedophilia - so they capitalise ON thier paedophilia cos paedophiles want to BE paedophiles *obviously* - that's what 'people' want - they 'want paedophiles and that's all they 'strive' for - they 'thrive' in their own cesspit - they want to BE paedophiles cos it' 'easy' and they get to fuck someone else's life up (whether they've met them or not - irrelevant - paedophiles start salivating at just the thought OF BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - cos they're "doing and being what they love" - paedophiles - siccccccccck MORE retarded MORE- *and* so paedophiles are 'free' to capitalise ON thier paedophilia and make about themselves - without a second thought - cos it's 'Lolz' - to ridiculously retarded paedophiles and cos they're profiting ON thier paedophilia by 'acting' ON thier paedophilia and making thier retardation - about themselves - for money - for financial reward for careers an other assorted 'favours' among ridiculously retarded paedophiles - BECAUSE THATS WHAT THEY ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - & their namez
iz “peedoes you know haha’s” (vomit - pedoes 'soooo hilarious' said the ridiculously retarded paedophiles SICKER MORE)) (paedophiles being paedophiles fixing it
for themselves to avoid the ‘reality’ of what they ARE – and they ARE vulgar
revolting demonic ridiculously retarded inbreds grotesque paedophiles) - get sicker sicker MORE
ridiculously retarded MORE.
There were a couple of Russian extras on Red 3 ‘funnily’
enough – I’m not Russian – or Chinese – Or Saudi – Or British etc they ‘gotgot fweedim’ to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about
demselfs coscos - ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that – sicccccccck
sick sick MORE and more retarded MORE. 'Pray for Sharon the paedophile' - naaah - it's not my
‘religion’ - paedophilia - is their 'religion' the many ways ridiculously
retarded paedophiles capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves
cos ARE VULGAR REVOLTING ridiculously retarded inbreds “any excuse to be
paedophiles” they said - and they ARE - and their paedophilia spreads faster
than the plague including ‘crusading paedophiles’ - Get sicker sicker sicker
MORE retarded and they moan about someone taking a photo without asking – sooo
‘precious’ – they’re paedophiles VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds
that convince *themselves* they’re not ridiculously retarded paedophiles –
siccccccccck MORE. Got molested during a murder trial? Decades later get abused BY the paedophile that does not reside in the
same country – a paedophile will capitalise and make about herself while
abusing the victim that’s being abused – BECAUSE they’re paedophiles and that
morphs into more paedophiles that pillage that victim and the imply the victim
is a ‘Russian Villain’ – because they’re paedophiles that capitalise on their
vulgarity and make about themselves and Obama’s want to their girls back from
Nigeria because Beyonce wrote a note to Obama about her ‘love’ of being a
paedophile – they’re paedophiles - sicccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds
VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS MORE. They capitalise on paedophiles – because they ARE – they
capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles – BECAUSE THEY ARE. – siccccccccccck VULGAR RETARDS – sicccccker MORE
There were Egyptian extras on the Mummy – that morphed into
‘Margaret’s Fudge Factory’ cos their namez iz peeeedoes and Shia wears his
little bag over his head – because he *knows* he’s a ridiculously retarded paedophile
& cos he’s in a movie called ‘Fury’ & a paedophile made that about
himself coscos his namez iz ‘fury’ and that ‘fury’ is filing a copyright against
the movie ‘fury’ for ‘thieving his name’ & so on and so forth – they’re paedophiles – VULGAR REVOLTING
ridiculously retarded inbreds – sicker sicker sicker more MORE waaaay waaaay
moooore retarded.
Not met that paedophile – but that paedophile is going to
beat that minor up so his ‘target’ is left with numerous injuries – he’s then going
to get his paedophile ‘bill’ pals to make stuff up laugh in face and then that paedophile
is going to ask him …. how his boobs are .. ?
Cos obviously he beat the shit out of him because the ‘target’ has tits
and they ‘don’t understaaaaand’ wot pedoes are (cos ARE) & coscos ‘they don’t
understaaaaaaaand’ that someone else’s life – is someone else’s life – ‘they have
to be seen to be taking advantage of sumfink’ – they’re paedophiles – capitalise
make about themselves coscos that’s what they ARE - they’re ridiculously retarded
inbreds grotesque paedophiles – sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE. And *after*
Brexit the ‘movie’ (after several years of ‘production’) with covid &
lockdowns etc – the paedophiles are *STILL* paedophiles and the paedophiles are
finding more ways of making their paedophilia – about themselves – sicccccccck ridiculously
retarded inbreds – SICKER MORE and more retarded MORE
Completely totally retarded - get sicker sicker sicker more & more waaay mooore ridiculously VULGAR MORE - SICK SICK sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker MORE
Oh the 'stress' - of being a paedophile - holding the head in the hands etc media paedophiles etc "Oh noes they got caught BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - what to do? they know - make their paedophilia about themselves & make sumfink up & lolz they're retards - paedophiles is what they ARE - that paedophile got caught 'in the act' with a dead carcass and that paedophile 'covers' for that paedophile and that paedophile supplied the carcass and those paedophiles are your 'security services' - they're paedophiles - and get da paedophiles to 'fix it' for da pedoes & lolz - siccccccccccccck VULGAR RETARDS - sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE. Daniel Craig goes into a gay bar... and? - Daniel Craig is a ridiculously retarded paedophile - sicccccccccck MORE and more and more waaaay more retarded sicker MORE - nothing like making thier paedophilia about themselves is there - vulgar sick ridiculously retarded inbreds sicker MORE - they're fully aware that Kanye West is a paedophile that capitalises on being a Jewish Nazi - *anything* they can capitalise on make about themselves & make a few quid from etc - *and* 'dont stab yoor fooocha' are paedophiles - and so they all ridiculously retarded paedophiles 'togeva' cos they ARE vulgar retards like that - siccccker MORE - 'culchaa' of pimps & hoes and hareems of pedoes - sicccccker sicker sicker MORE RETARDED - they're paedophiles - sicker & sicker & sicker more & more waaaaay more retarded MORE
Spectacularly sick - get sicker MORE retarded MORE and afterwards as Jim cleans his dentures he proclaims - he's not doing anymore movies cos 'Brenda does Dallas featuring the Roonies' has given him - ewwwww - paedophiles - sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE. They been paedophiles for so long - he's starting to look like his mate. Jason Statham 'hopes to be a paedophile' in his next movie like 'pedoes R us' Tom Hardy & Tom Hanks - they're PEDOES - RETARDS MORE.
I wonder.. if there's going to be a Brexit franchise like 'Brexit 2' etc & so on and so forth - lol.. pedoes get sicker MORE - they're so retarded they missed Brexit episode 1 when they wore the same clothes for 'continuation' - sicker MORE.
While they're 'thinking' of more ways of making thier paedophilia - about themselves because they have 'think tanks' for that - 'think' of more ways of making thier paedophilia about themselves and I still can't believe I went to Turkey to get a nose job - I did that - yip. Anyway, it *is* a 'thing' - I seen it on ebay - *and* it's a 'charity', ChildLine is for child rapists and so on & so forth - pedoes that rape & pillage are pedoes and nothing else - pedoes that rape to make about themselves - are rapists and nothing else etc etc. Get sicker MORE RETARDED MORE, it *IS* a thing..
sicker sicker more more waaay more retarded MORE
That's pirates, that's John Carter - I went to the premiere of both of them and that's my replacement shiny vehicle that I have *yet* to receive - that *was* my garden - everything got chucked in the skip pretty much - get sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE. So paedophiles have convinced *themselves* they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles - because it's my own life they've been pillaging and making about themselves - for profit, so 'strike' all they like - *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles - get sicker more. I've got no need to go to any premieres - even if I did I wouldn't get an invite *because* they're paedophiles that have pillaged someone else's life and made about themselves etc as well as serial raping traffickers and that use whatever as 'tools' to further/reinforce thier paedophilia and/or use as a 'weapon' to use/BE ridiculously retarded paedophiles - when they ALREADY ARE VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles just capitalising ON thier vulgarity because they ARE vulgar revolting paedophiles etc *AND* 'fix' thier paedophilia - for *themselves* to ensure they make thier retardation about themselves to profit on being paedophiles etc *AND* plus they're paedophiles that don't like being told what they ARE - they get 'precious' - soooo they "must be paedophiles more" to spite the victim they're abusing to capitalise on their paedophilia and make about themselves etc gloat flaunt goad etc make stuff up and laugh in yah face - my own life - they're ridiculously retarded inbreds grotesque revolting paedophiles - RETARDS MORE retarded MORE waaaaay waaaaay moooore retarded - just get sicker MORE retarded MORE. ewwww sicker crinnnnge sicker MORE retarded MORE.
Get 'blocked' because they're paedophiles - okay - that's the UN paedophiles etc - get abused *more* BECAUSE they're paedophiles getting paid to BE paedophiles and 'fixing it' FOR - paedophiles- sicker MORE retarded MORE. sicker & sicker & sicker MORE. 'Brexit Review'.. LOL. Pedoes - sicker MORE. That paedophile - that has been 'defence secretary' for *only* four years and apparently that's the 'best' 'most experienced' paedophile they've had - LOL. Paedophiles and paedophiles - in denial - sicker more retarded MORE - watch them be paedophiles and make thier paedophilia - about themselves, watch them lose a game of tiddlywinks *intentionally* (more than once) specifically *to* capitalise on BEING paedophiles & make about themselves etc siccccccker MORE.
It was embarrassing in Turkey, got the impression they've also been 'watching the paedophiles be paedophiles capitalising on thier vulgarity and make about themselves. Greta.. LOL. Siccccker MORE spectacularly retarded MORE - pedoes - sicker sicker & sicker MORE. Like Selfridges, that retail rep *knew* what that terminology meant - he was incredibly proud of himself for getting to drop it into conversation whether intentionally to provoke or not - is irrelevant - never met him - he's someone that works in a shop somewhere in some city that I don't come from but he knows he's a paedophile #perspective. 'garef soufgate' - is 'auditioning' for a new bond film featuring a street sign that he stole to impress paedophiles that point at paedophiles coscos they're paedophiles 'for laughs like' 'lotsa larfs' BEING retarded ridiculous paedophiles and if they get paedophiles to be paedophiles and laugh along with paedophiles being paedophiles - they might get a new talk show or 'reality' show on some boat in the ocean - they're RETARDS - they're paedophiles - siccccccker serial raping traffickers sicker than allll the Savile's Weinstein's wests Clifford's Cosby's etc combined - 'PR 'guru' 'genius'' - LOL - they're paedophiles & serial raping traffickers - all they do is 'fix it' for themselves "coscos peeedoes you know haha's".ie;. "lots of 'material' here - might pillage it make about ourselves" said the ridiculously retarded paedophiles. Thier 'PR' is 'damage control' *FOR* paedophiles. Minnie Driver is a paedophile and she 'blames' Oxfam- for *her* paedophilia - cos Oxfam are paedophiles *anyway* so it was an easy 'cop out' for her ridiculously retarded paedophilia & so on and so forth - grotesque ridiculously retarded paedophiles and - they know it - so they find more ways of making thier paedophilia - about themselves with some more convincing *themselves* they're not retarded paedophiles and carry onnn BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles coscos that's what they ARE cosocs "peedoes you know haha's" (vomit) - they do actually talk like that - completely totally retarded - sicccccck MORE retarded MORE.
'Manufactured drama' - it so is - they're paedophiles - get sicker MORE retarded more. 100 days - and they all lose thier jobs *or* they'll get sacked and they'll employ new staff - who knows they might even get a really cushy job like a coffee pourer that pays $350 an hour .. someone is bound to pay that much to be 'served' *and* they have more than a fiver in the bank to do so cos they made their money BY BEING paedophiles etc and they like to flaunt thier wealth attained via the serial raping trafficking 'business' cos they 'legit' paedophiles - and nothing else. The wheels of the industry go round and round - round and round - round and round - then they fall off and they're fucked - or - they could resort to *having* to be 'tea boy' for the likes of Weinstein etc to remain in that industry cos they want to be 'famous' - for - not much else -and that's not entirely dependent on what sexual organ they have given they're sicker than Savile with Cameron's pigs & sheep etc. They're paedophiles and cos they're paedophiles they're 'guaranteed' to BE fucked *anyway* - cos they're paedophiles and then they'll argue who fucked who first for what 'role' etc - headline news, more 'manufactured drama' - making pedowood 'interesting'.. paedophiles - sicker MORE- 'Remember' that is an industry where paedophiles are paid to BE paedophiles and paedophiles 'fix it FOR paedophiles and paedophiles are paedophiles for rewards careers and 'favours' among paedophiles and they - clap - FOR paedophiles & so on and so forth. Sicker MORE retarded MORE. OR they could be a 'paedophile courier' like McGowan ('convenient distractor cos they're paedophiles with thier paedophile 'dramas' creating 'crisis' to help relieve the crisis of being paedophiles) or a paedophile supplier like the UK etc & NZ & Australia with thier dingoes & gang rapists etc- RETARDS MORE. How many 'hell mouths' are there? Literally thousands and they pretty much allll 'work' in that industry and surrounding industries and attachments of that industry - paedophiles revolve around them - paedophiles - guaranteed to BE paedophiles and nothing else - they were told - years ago - that they're paedophiles "Great" they said "coscos peedoes you know haha's" (vomit) and they capitalised on thier vulgarity & made about themselves - BEKOZ - they're peeeedophiles etc annnnnnnd get sicker and sicker and sicker more & more waaaaay waaaaay more retarded MORE
on the 'cusp'.. lol. .. of 'coming out as "pedoes you know haha's" (vomit) sicker MORE - there'll probably be *another* 'documentary' to cover that - specifically made *by* and *for* paedophiles that like to watch paedophiles - 'voyeurism is all about thier paedophilia - they've had the same 'paedophile formula' for over fifty years or for however long the likes of Savile that became famous purely because he was 'besties' with - paedophiles - cos ARE- paedophiles - and they're watching the sinking of thier own industries - with popcorn - because they 'enjoy' watching paedophiles BE paedophiles capitalising ON thier paedophilia 'acting' *ON* thier paedophilia making *thier* paedophilia - about themselves and coscos the paedophiles find thier own paedophilia 'interesting' - they're paedophiles - compleeeetly totally retarded ridiculous inbreds - sicker MORE retarded MORE. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone - because they're paedophiles that like to infect as many as possible with *thier* shit - (capitalise and make about themselves etc) mega .. what? who? paedophiles - ridiculously retarded inbreds grotesque revolting paedophiles - sicker MORE.
What would they do if/when Yellowstone goes up?... drop duck & roll - that's probably what they'd do - if they live anywhere near it *obviously*. They'll probably also make another 'documentary' about thier paedophilia featuring Britney Spears running into the lava- because they requested it on youtube - just to see - how many hairs on her head would get singed. Don't stop there - ram an ice cube up her nose afterwards - just to see if it stays up there - they're paedophiles - retards MORE retarded MORE. Samoan's have had much practise at pretending to avoid lava which is why they run over hot coals - it's a 'preventative' measure... *obviously*. He screams "byyyyye little britneeeeee". Ridiculous. MORE.
Storm chasing, Volcano excursions and Tornado 'retreats' etc probably a 'booming' industry - it's been raining like this.. for four days straight... sicker MORE
Gosh gosh gosh, it’s over 40 degrees, both rooms are room numbers 307 - I didn’t ask for those specific rooms they just put me in them. 46/48/49 - will it get to 50. Where ın the wuuuurld? I haven’t vısıted thıs page 87873 tımes - my own lıfe & ım the only öne that reads ıt *obvıously* Pedoes that they are that pıllage what they call ‘materıal’ & make about demselfs coscos peadoes & serıal rapıng traafıckers etc sıcker eww more retardrd) waaaaay waaay more retardrd more many Ways pedoes capıtalıse on thıer pedophılıa to make thıer pedophılıa about themselves ehen thats what they are *anyway* - then theres more totally compleurly retardrd pedophıles capıtalısımg on pedophıles beımg pedophıles etc & so on & so forth - waaay mooore retardrd more
Make ıt easıer NeXT Yesar - month by month 2024, rather than öne Year on öne page -( brexıt ıs a muitıtude of uears of themselves beımg pedoes - capıtalısımg on & ‘fıxıng’ ıt for etc)
BoÅŸluk….. ımterestımg - how mantar tumes I typed that.. I have drunk abput prob more than 5lıtes of Water Today - keepıng well hydrated, meanwhile they *have* to be ‘seen’ to be doing something else rather than ‘protest’ thier own peadophilia . Turkey ‘butchers’ vs £350 million a week NHS .. lol- yeah cos cos pedoes at nhs paid to ‘fix it’ for pedoes coscos pedoes you know haha’s (vomit) in daily fail - pedoes - playing one off against the other while gloating about thier pedohilia & ‘fixing it’ for demselfs coscos - ridiculously retarded PEDOES. I’ve not seen my daughter since 2011. I do not resıde ın new zealand havent sınce ‘95- ıts 2023 - theyre *STILL* ridiculously retarded pedophiles that capitalise on whatever and make about themselves cos - ridiculously retarded pedophiles that capitalise on *anything* & make about themselves cos -thats what they are *anyway* pedoes - & Much worse etc etc & so on & so forth - they’re FULLY ‘aware’ they’re ridiculously retarded pedophiles - that’s probably why they make thıer pedophılıa about themselves- derr. Theyre pedoes sıcccccccck vulgar revoltıng rıdıculously retarded pedophıles that spend years makıng thıer pedophılıa about themselves & pay pedoes to make stuff up & laugh ın the face OF the vıctım they been pıllagıng abusıng to capıtalıse to profıt ON thıer pedophılıa when ALREADY ARE pedoes just makıng the most of thıer retardatıon- -pedoes that retraumatısr (ıntentıonally - coÅŸ demrnted pedophıles etc & to get all they can pıt of beımg retards & make abput themselves etc) to capııtalıde to profıt on thıer vulgsroty & make abput themselves beveuse theyre completely retardrd pedophıles etc & repeat sıck SICK SICK sıcker more retarded MORE.
49 years old and öne month - my lungs arent lookıng too bad actually - just seen the x-ray. Nıce lookıng neurons & synapsıs etc no botox no fıllers no gel naıls (I have - I Do them myself - I have a set stıll on, got peel off base)
Photographıc ‘evıdence’ .. lol
Scenıc shotsss

Quite Warm - lookıng at that - that ‘clıff’ ısnt ‘bovared’ about them - not öne lıttle bıt- pedoes get sıcker & sıcker more & more retarded, the ‘sınkıng of pedowood’ ıs quıte ‘tragıc’ to watch - they all ‘had a hand’ ın ıt themselves and *stıll* ın denıal about thıer pedophılıa - *especıally* *thıer* rıdıculously retarded pedophılıa - pedoes & nothıng else. sıcker moooore waaaay waaay more retarded more (mıcheal douglas and … gün control promo he says: “lısten up güys”.. LOL what a retard - as they Block Mock troll use abuse exploıt pıllage someone eÅŸleÅŸ lıfe çry vıctım & make about themselves (agaın & agaın & agaın) capıtalıse ON thıer pedophılıa - annnnnd make about themselves & pay pedoes to make stuff up & lolz etc so pedoes have ‘fweedım’ to - capıtalıse on thıer vulgarıty & make about themselves to profıt ON thıer pedophılıa etc - sıccccccck SICK SICK ‘tragıc’ pedophıles - rıdıculously retarded ınbreds grotesque vulgar revoltıng pedophıles get sıcker sıcker sıcker more & more ‘clımate’ .. lol - ıt was över 30 years aÄŸo I walkıng around ın 48 degrees - all day - Walked ınto a shop and I ended up sıttıng ın hıs walk-ın freezer - Australıa, brısbane - ‘funnıly’ enpugh theres been earthquakes flıods etc from then to now. ‘Travelısters’ obvıously bear no responsibılıty for checkıng forecasts themselves & want compensatıon for that ‘oversıght’ - lol -do what ıt says on the packet & stay away from them - do what they ‘advıse’ - dont talk to them - do that - and watch them walk across hot coals - probably be on a ‘realıty’ tv Show soon enough - along wıth many more

Brexıt brexıt covıd covıd fake nooz fake nooz pedophıles & terrorists - thınk theyre bovared when pedoes make stuff up to ‘fıx ıt’ for terrorısts that laugh ın yah face and çarry on beıng pedoes wıth thıer ‘culcha’ of pımps & hoes & hareems of pedoes that capıtalıse on thıer vulgarıty to profıt ON thıer pedophılıa - LOL - pedoes convınce themselves theyre not rıdıculously retarded pedoes rapısts & terrorists coÅŸ theyve already spent years spınnıng thıer own bullshıt to avoıd lookıng lıke what they are - and they ARE rıdıculously retarded pedoes rapısts & terrorists get mucccch sıccckrr coÅŸ they beiıeve thıer own lıes & expect thıer ‘minions’ to follow suıt - coÅŸ pedoes - and thıer pedo ‘fans’ pay hundreds & thousands mıllıons & bıllıons - just to get a glımpse of them ör ‘murder them wıth thıer Eyes’ etc - pedoes rıdıculously retarded ınbreds sıcker more
I had an ultrasound on my thyroıd - much smaller than everyone else’s & the amount of levothroxıne ım on has to çöme döwn agaın possıbly by half so basıcally a trıple döşe. & I may or may not of had morphene. Paınkıllers yah yah Good ta thanks. Another lady I met dıscussıng paın kıllers She was very forward “morphene’s good morphene works for me” she says- lıke that was the only optıon - morphene ıt ıs then.

Thıs ıs ‘real strength’
Chıllın … wıth aır con. Dental trauma was more severe, for a whole month and not allowed prescrıptıon paın kıllers for that long - every two hours - topup - dıdnt do my stomach any favours.
Yah yah chıllın wıf aır con
Dearest Colin & his cohort of dyslexic spammers - it’s good to hear you’re reluctant to share your ‘story’ about two short planks ‘cleverly’ disguised as lampposts *BUT* fucked them instead because of the ‘notoriety’ *OF* lampposts while swinging with drugbellabrella. Wonder how they’re going to spin it - dress up as pingu to compete for a ‘role’ in ‘Willy wonka totes mazeballs ‘documentary’ about farming in a pubic hair factory or declimatising the ‘war on ferrier’ & other ‘grandiose’ claims involving pigs, sheep and other assorted livestock that have spent’ many years cultivating pubes from ferrets to build a yeti - you know it makes more ‘sense’ than what they do - tally ho.
Sign…. There
They *really* *are* ‘masters’ of thier ‘craft’ (being ridiculously retarded pedoes) finding more ways of embarrassing *themselves* (intentionally) *everyday* sicker more retarded MORE. It was CGI a couple of years ago - whatever next. Parked the 🚕 in the wrong drive - *most* offensive (insurance is cheaper) - more & more ridiculously retarded more.
Deformations vs defamations in *thier* ‘band camp’ - she’s not ‘scared’ of him cos she’s seen his Willie that he keeps in the pool out the back - utmost - pedoes talking about thier … lol - she wore a cape as well ‘role playing’… ew.. should never wear capes and it’s *also* a ‘relief’ that I don’t know anyone that drinks cider - especially not ‘furious’ cider or beer either … ick
Good thing about mobile phones & internet - the language barrier is no longer a barrier due to the translation apps just have to remember to take your phone and be connected to the internet, vast majority of places have free Wi-Fi (to avoid a huge bill), turn the mobile data off and leave Wi-Fi on - that’s a good thing on its own - the downside of that - not much of a downside in making communication easier - BUT - huge BUT - pedophiles will make that app - about being gay or transgender etc - there’s no relevance whatsoever- they’re peadophiles that *have* to make thier pedophilia about themselves cos that’s what they are - peadophiles that meddle with someone else’s life to inflict & enforce thier pedophilia in countries they don’t reside in and/or never been to just like pillaging someone else’s life to capitalise & make about themselves *including* for financial reward - completely retarded totally ie: had lunch with someone that happened to go to same school as brothers murderer - they capitalise make about themselves & somehow that’s about them being gay - no relevance - at all & ie: go to NYC, mr big walked passed me in the street and somehow peadophiles (some I have met & some I haven’t) - made about themselves- ridiculously retarded MORE. Ricky gervais pillages someone else’s life cries copyright (just one example out of many severely retarded inbreds & grotesque revolting peadophiles) that pays peadophiles to ‘fix it’ FOR peadophiles by making stuff up & laughing in yah face & then carry on being ridiculously retarded peadophiles and somehow that’s about ‘discrimination’ of ‘gays’ & ‘transgenders’ etc ? LOL - they’re ridiculously retarded pedophiles MORE spectacularly retarded MORE. Someone that’s clearly male wears a dress & insists - demands - to use ladies or whatever LOL - fuck right off - young children are normally in the ladies - only ‘Mega lolz’ ridiculously retarded inbreds don’t mind a perverted ridiculously retarded peadophile that’s ogling thier child in a changing room that’s probably not even out of nappies #perspective - they make the ‘pedoe games’ coscos that’s what they are - ridiculously retarded peadophiles sicker MORE - and I’ve not even met that ridiculous vulgar revolting retard that in order to avoid the ‘reality’ of what she is and what they are wants to ‘fight’ for the release of convicted criminals - the retarded state of them - any ‘opportunity’ to ‘cash in’ & capitalise on thier vulgarity & make about themselves while abusing someone they may or may not have met - to - capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves- that’s *his* ‘sister’ - the ridiculously retarded peadophile pillaging peadophile meddling pedophile serial raping trafficker & profiteering terrorist cos cos according to pedophiles there’s ‘no law’ that says they can’t make thier pedophilia about themselves so they do coscos that’s what they ARE - sicccccker mooore waaaaay waaaay moooore ridiculously retarded more - so that was Monaco (2011) I didn’t get drunk in Monaco actually - most of what I was drinking was ice - her *then* ex commented on all those so-called ‘women’ falling over themselves etc who? What are they? ‘Gold diggers’ LOL they’re pedoes with thier ‘culcha’ of pimps & hoes & hareems of pedoes. They were told back in 2011 that they’re pedoes - “that’s great” said the pedoes coscos pedoes *anyway* sooooo capitalise & make about themselves etc. No idea who those ridiculously retarded peadophiles are/were - not met them - definitely not a ‘fan’ because a) they’re pedophiles that capitalise on ‘opportunities’ to exploit & b) they’re peadophiles & nothing else sicker more another example is ‘Indiana Jones & his peadophile posse’ lol - pedoes sicker waaay more retarded MORE etc pedoes with ‘hold them down gag & rape’ ‘philosophy’ - and that’s not the deckhands on dinghies that’s billionaires with yachts #perspective: migrants migrants migrants - 2023 - *STILL* rıdıculously retarded peadoes serial raping traffickers, socks pedoes & Armenia & UN peadophiles - sicccker waaay more revolting- they ‘own’ thier *OWN* shit -ie: the ‘sinking of’ doco-series and its/their entirety & ie: release convicted criminals yes yes ‘raise’ bin laden from the ocean ‘release’ the shoe bombers etc etc - they meddle to capitalise and make about themselves because they’re ridiculously retarded peadophiles - astonishingly atrocious retards - they capitalise on something that has nothing to do with themselves and make about themselves - for profit - because they’re peadophiles and get even sicker more retarded peadophiles to ‘fix it’ *more* for themselves because they’re pedoes ‘fixing it’ for pedoes sicker MORE waaaay waaaaay moooore retarded MORE & the ‘fixers’ for alllllll things vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded & grotesque are sicker MORE retarded than pedoes themselves & so on & so forth and the pedoes find more ways of making thier retardation- about themselves-so basically all those years ago they took the world to war - because they’re pedoes & play thier peadophilia out in the media (that’s a tool for pedoes that use media just as much as media uses them a)to gloat about thier peadophilia & b) flaunt it wherever they can - because - they’re peadophiles - embarrassingly ridiculously retarded MORE - annnnd thaaaat’s how they ‘fixed it’ for demselfs coscos “pedoes you know haha’s & namez iz pedoes too haha’s” (vomit) pedophiles - pedoes ‘so hilarious’ said the retards - ‘influencers’ ..LOL pedoes -sicccccker MORE waaaaaay waaaay moooore ridiculously retarded MORE
Hommmmmm - do what they ‘advise’ - don’t talk to them - okay - they’ll *still* find more ways of making *thier* pedophilia about themselves cos that’s what they are - ridiculously retarded pedophiles and nothing else etc. Round & round they go. They *must* meddle (cos pedoes etc) & they *must* be pedoes more to make thier pedophilia about themselves when already are - ridiculously vulgar revolting peadophiles.
Sicker more retarded MORE
All good - got coffee to last me the next couple of days and it’s not as horrid as non-Jura.
Verdict on my ‘deformity’ - I have a new belly button - so excited *plus* my thyroid is still an issue - it’s much smaller than most - years ago they only gave c-sections if your life was at risk, labour for two days - they were going to give me a c-section then 6 or 7 hours later gave birth - years later they put your life at risk *anyway* - to capitalise on being pedophiles and not much else. Their president - ex presidents rather - could get a penis transplant *BUT* that’s - it’s like Cameron and his pig shagging etc & prime ministers/presidents that point at pictures of penis’ to ‘make light’ of thier severe ridiculously retarded pedophilia - theyre much sicker than ‘mega lolz’ waaay waay moore much much sicker - thier ‘excuse’ is - ‘they didn’t vote for them’ - LOL - so - they didn’t vote for them therefore THIER pedophilia etc is ‘not thier fault’ (or thier problem as they - according to Emma Thompson lost thier houses/businesses in the space of a couple of months due to …LOL retards more - voting is irrelevant *anyway* & just get sicker way more - peeedoes sicccckerrrr just get MORE retarded waaaay waaay MORE. The banking crisis is worse than advertising crisis worse than the product crisis worse than ‘PR’ crisis worse than the crisis of getting caught being ridiculously retarded pedophiles so create a crisis to help take the focus of the crisis of thier peadophilia’ & repeat & so on & so forth.. ‘crisis’ ‘management’ certainly- definitely a ‘funny comical’ ‘business’ to be in much like pedoes ‘fixin it’ for pedoes ‘business’ - ooh look there’s the iceberg!! ‘Excellent’ they say (rub thier hands together cos somehow - to them - being retarded - that’s a ‘symbol’ and/sign of dollar signs) etc & so on and so forth. Porshaaah daahhleeeng chav chav chavvy wif da bucked teef - ridiculous- Sicker more retarded MORE
Mango magnum’s - mmm mm mm
Grapes .. seedless .. nice mm - it is ‘funny’ when they do thier own ‘pedo spin’ on being pedophiles - they were under ten once!! No way!! Still peadophiles that pillage someone else’s life & make about themselves & get - pay peadophiles to make stuff up & laugh in the face of the victim they pillaged (cos being pedoes is ‘lolz) & carry on BEInG ridiculously retarded inbreds - sicker MORE (Mamoan man lolz lolz lolz worse than ‘rock’ - they’re peadophiles ridiculous retards - ‘indigenous’ clearly means ‘blick’ - to retarded peadophiles especially to peadophiles that gloat about thier pillaging and raping frenzies ie: clooney the ‘spokesperson’ of pedowood and some twat that I’ve never met - because he was in a movie once (and GOT) apparently that’s enough ‘permission’ to give themselves to be ridiculously retarded pedophiles etc completely retarded / should stop telling ‘people’ what to do - especially when they don’t know what they’re doing themselves and someone else’s life has nothing to do with them in the fckn first place -so pillage someone else & make about themselves cry racism discrimination etc ridiculous & get pedoes to ‘fix it’ for themselves coscos pedoes that capitalise on thier vulgarity- and nothing else - before 2011 and capitalising on someone else’s trip to Spain- just cos someone went to Spain - doesn’t mean it’s about himself - completely retarded - sicccckerrrr sicccckerrrr mooooore moooooore ridiculous more. Clearly - they don't like being TOLD what they ARE

‘Firestorm’ like a ‘fire sale’ of you are a dyslexic wanker I mean dyslexic banker. They’re gang raping away & she sits on a Swan and smiles - they’re ridiculously retarded more (again given it’s my own life they pillaged and made about themselves & they’ve put so much effort into convincing themselves they’re not pedoes rapists terrorists etc& lolz cos cos pedoes ) sicccccccccccccck MORE
fire ‘hurricane’ one spark is all it takes - it doesn’t even need to be lightening. It’s nice to not be abused - irrespective if that abuse is intentional or not. What a mess they’ve created - blood pressure time - all good - still won’t be doing any kartwheels tho. In other respects still the same as it was over 25/30 years ago - ie: nurses tell me thier shit, doctors tell me thier shit, patients tell me thier shit & so on and so forth yet - I get blocked mocked trolled and abused for prolonggged periods so paedophiles are 'free' to make thier ridiculously retarded paedophilia - about themselves - (when *already* are ridiculously retarded paedophiles capitalising *on* thier paedophilia to profit on thier vulgarity) sicker MORE retarded MORE. revolting - MORE
'lolz''innit' *especially* for paedophiles etc
Recovery. And in September the rest of my tooth is going to be fitted. It's like a 'pretend' reclining multi tasking bed - genius complete with oxygen machine.
soo... immagwashin.... what's that youtube video.... It's like ... 28 days away.. I think I might have to cancel already cos.. walking to the bus stop is enough distance for me at the moment - that's too far away. Nothing like when I had my appendix removed. At alllll. Specifically states no heavy lifting after operations especially emergency and especially when you have incisions - it was like - I was expected to and when I couldn't - wooooooo - sicccccccker MORE retarded MORE.
So comfy, massaging oxygenating, so hard to relax - lying there and fell muscles tense - all about the breathing. A major operation as was the appendix. After I came round after the appendix removal, I remember the doctor standing there and groggy etc he says "We've just removed a nasty appendix" and just at that moment the cafeta thing came out and blood started splurting out my veins.
Lymphatic massage... meanwhile they've got all these 'stories' about... horror operations. I am checking my temperature regularly.
Plan for saving the nhs .. why yes .. click there where doesn’t say anything about a fire.. they’re still ‘striking’ .. for what exactly , most confooshish. ‘random’ act of kindness my iPhone cable broke the lady in next cubicle gave me hers to use - excellent,sounds Australian-(South African - lives in Portugal) not that that matters actually it probably does , World Cups & immgrayshun etc - want your papers and there they were inspecting the visa with magnifying glass - for ‘exposure’ in a travel magazine and the promise of bots & trolls to help boost … medical tourism.*obviously * That’s America - they definitely want to see some form of paperwork before they ‘perform’ any ‘treatment’ - someone else has a brother & his wife live out there - does he know and/or familiar with the pedophile Helen Clark - the name doesn’t ring a bell for him however has disrupted *thier* lives as much as much as mine with the sole purpose of being pedophiles - and nothing else, I’ve been decorating for the past 5/6 years yip .. that’s what *I’ve* been doing and they’re spending that time and more making thier pedophilia about themselves. So I got a speedy reply from doctor surgery as to how many years I’ve been registered with them in relation to immmmagraaayshun. They managed to manipulate a major operation and turn into immgrayshun ‘issue’ (lol yeah Brexit) just like someone else’s life is about themselves being gay - proposterous hideous odious ridiculous retards - MORE.
Surgeons, anaesthetists .. lol anaaethetists “here’s about 4/5 JD’s on the rocks”.. lol why thank you vewy much - followed by copious amounts of caffeine - it’s a huge shame Jura isn’t portable . I now have this wound machine - a brilliant piece of kit that ‘pulls it altogether, fitted by a wound specialist and installed by nurse who had the training but not yet completed a live task *obviously* it’s brilliant because she did it. My hands/arms are full of holes & not the bullet kind, and there was cannula that was stitched on and the anaesthetist tells me goes straight into the artery rather than vein. I’m not going to be doing kart wheels in a hurry but then again I didn’t expect to anyway. That kind of ‘story’ they’d probably prefer to hear rather than obvious billions & trillions wasted as ‘favours for mates’ that has gone on in recent years (& continue to do so with Brexit etc) with an ex pm (another one & thier endless pedoe panto) that drove his own country directly (intentionally) into the rocks to ‘help’ his ridiculously retarded peadophile mates not look like the ridiculously retarded peadophiles & serial raping traffickers etc that they are that - *and* expected sympathy for his sickness of being a peadophile etc - ridiculous- they get sicker MORE. All departments working honky dink - very fortunate - immaculate timing - especially with the flesh eating bug thing, first thing he said to me after the operation and ICU etc was “I just saved your life” (wasn’t strictly *just* him but okay he wants all the credit .. okay - showing off lol - a man that is rewarded by his own job and he really should buy the company. From as far as I can tell skin is capable of growing back within space of a couple of months with this remarkable device and/or surgeons can also do a remarkable job with reconstructive surgery etc but the gist is when skin goes black have to get rid of it - a general rule of thumb. South African lady not ‘blick’.. ‘funnily’ enough, medicine & injury recovery devices machines etc have advanced more much more - than forest Whittaker needing flatulance tabs to control his gases. Could be even be thier ‘brokavich moment’ as well cos apparently bandages causes blistering … why? If had an epidural the blister on the back as a result of a bandage - not pleasant - why do bandages cause blisters cos everyone knows why they drink water already. Nearly good to go - nearly. Forgot my toothbrush. Mmm nice. There *is* actually someone called Elvis that works in theatre …ahh lolz waiting on my delivery of coffee snickers & nicotine - hasn’t arrived as yet - most upset .. sooon. Wrist .. wo - doesn’t show how deep the bruise is .. between 10-20 holes on both hands/arms by cannulas and one in the neck that’s the favourite because it’s still working with 4 tubes coming out of it - delivery arrived .. woo!! excellent glugged back some coffee ate some wine guns, grapes etc (no next of kin etc “this your signature” ‘consent’ form .. yip - good to go. Somethings have changed - because when appendix ruptured I had to phone my old boss as they wouldn’t operate - even tho it was life threatening - if -no one knew you were getting/going to get operated on. Over 30 years ago now. Just after a major operation and some ridiculously revolting grotesque twat shouting & screaming in your face on your doorstep cos - asked for help to care for daughter because I couldn’t pick her up and ended up with an infection - and years later that morphs into - Brexit - they’re sick sick get sicker sicker sicccccckerrrr more waaaaay waaay more ridiculously vulgar revolting demonic grotesque waaaaaay waaaay moooore retarded more. Get things delivered now. Snickers coffee nicotine grapes .. etc

Starting to get a bit itchy, haven’t washed my hair because of obvious reasons, plus I have a ‘sholley’ old lady zimmerframe type thing that can put stuff in. Better than the shopping wheely basket I ‘forgot’ to take back to wilko’s ‘accidentally’ - that’s possibly a collectors item now. Self service checkouts etc need not speak to them at all *only* if reeeeeaaally necessary. I don’t mix with them - for *obvious* reasons - like the example of peadophiles that want thier victims to apologise to thier abusers- because … lol they’re retards like that that are now wanting to blame someone else and everything else for the result of sinking of their own industries - but hey ho ‘it was lolz’ they said “oh look point at the pedoes & lolz” etc -pedo ‘games’ - ick ridiculous just get sicccckerr more retarded MORE
Still ‘strıking’ away - probably loads that want them to string it out for just as long as they string out thier pedophilia, the poor lil munchkins - ‘butbut’ ‘artists’ ‘crew’ ‘all those behind the scenes’ etc - as the pedos say they might lose thier jobs if they come out as being pedoes *anyway* - so they be pedoes more to ‘help out’ with pedophiles being pedophiles that ‘make the most of thier pedophilia *and* make thier pedophilia about themselves to avoid ‘stigma’ OF thier pedophilia - when already ARE completely retarded -pedophiles - etc sicker more retarded and waaaait - there’s more “the migrants are depleting resources” etc bleet bleet bleet etc etc LOL fink they’re bovared they’re pedoes thhhhat pillage someone else’s life make about themselves and pay PEDOES etc to make stuff up & laugh in yah face & carry on being pedoes etc lol - no - pedoes is ‘fun game’ to pedoes & pedoes *only* .. firestorms in Australia a couple of years back - when azilia banks & Russell Crowe were ‘fighting’ over who is more ‘racist’ than who - the fact they’re pedoes rapists & child molesters serial raping traffickers etc with pimps & hoes in hareems of pedoes - is a complete ‘oversight’ - ridiculous retards more & more revolting ridiculous grotesque more.
His house is liiike .. I wouldn’t know - I’ve never walked around in it. But at least he gave the paedophile wests back thier ‘platform’ to milk thier paedophilia some more - take the focus off themselves being pedoes etc - ridiculous more.
Anyway, looking forward to the plugs being removed from my neck. Got some nice shampoo & conditioner for that moment.
The ‘central line’ is out (neck cannula - stitched into my neck - because my body does not like anything foreign so spits it back out. Like the cannula on my hand (about 7th or 8th one) just felt something wet it was blood and that cannula literally just popped out and was sitting on top of my hand under the plaster). Doctor put another cannula in he says you get the blood then it - retreats - “has it always been like that?” .. yip and he understood why the ‘central line’ is a necessity . So this time the cannula has been wrapped like a bandage, secure as can be without being stitched there - it’s been in there a day or so now and I can actually feel my body wanting to push it out. Body says ‘wtf is that’ spits it out. Listen to your body - more often than not it’ll tell you what it needs without saying anything. Went outside .. ‘the walk to freedom ‘.. bonus is I don’t need a zimmerframe :-)the doors .. freedom!! lol cleaner guy knew what I meant lol mocha frappe mm found the cafe hurrah!! (Snickers & cappacino for breakfast followed by coffee frappe :-D) hmm hmm mm
House prices in gisborne aren’t too bad - much much less than £50 million - not sure what the internet is like tho - everyone is probably banned, if they’re not - why not - that’s ‘Standard’ ‘procedure’ for ‘spam’ ‘bots’ & ‘trolls’ etc lolz at the doctor asks ‘support?” Lol - There’s no stairs - that’s ‘support’ - nuff said -that’s *thier* shit ‘pretending’ they’re not ridiculously retarded pedophiles etc absolutely completely retarded just get sicker - junior doctors strike lol £350 million a week x approx 7 years & counting … 124,768,000,0000 - probably could buy a couple of chalets with that maybe a bottle of champas cos a bottle of champas are a couple of million each what with the inflation etc - they prefer not to know that tho cos - it’s not thier problem .. where you from? Why you here? “Long story” “ok don’t tell me” “excellent okay” & so on & so forth - get the ‘vets’ instead the more experienced- have to weigh up thier tantrums cos obviously - someone else’s trauma is nothing to do with them *however* the ‘opportunists’ that capitalise pillage make about themselves etc aaannnnnd ‘fix it’ for themselves to ensure they make thier retardation about themselves & so on & so forth - turns out it’s costing them trillions rather than a few million soooo hey ho. Probably much easier just to go bankrupt due to the paperwork that’s involved etc, they have ‘workstations’ with internet access and translator apps now that’s probably been around couple of years - I’ve not needed them before only found out about them - *sarcasm*…round & round they go. Lunch has arrived.
Dear Benedict, I just went outside for a cappuccino and on the way I - not literally - bumped into one of the surgeons who tells me I’m a very brave (as well as fortunate) - the only ever operation I’ve had in the UK was when my appendix ruptured about 25 odd years ago & being abused for it and I told the surgeon, about the ‘situation’ of visa’s & immigration etc (Spoke to them on the phone - that was when that hospital was still open & operating) it’s a shame that you have used and abused them to ‘clean up your shit) not only is it incredibly awkward - that was totally evil and that was a few years ago now and you get eviler more obnoxious . To put someone that you have worked with in that position is not only totally evil but - extremely evil. Let alone making a few quid on it and convincing yourselves that you’re not totally completely evil. . The shops are gone but the coffee shop remains - it’s nice to go out and sit - of course there are those that ‘must mingle’ (because they *need* to and they *need* to talk & reeeeally *need* to let as many as possible know about themselves - especially by talking reeeeally loudly on the phone so everyone can hear that they had seizures etc) -not me - I’m not 'in' with the ‘chin Waggers’ cos I don’t need to be... and because they're they 'type' that enters your room without permission to 'talk' - ie: the silliest things - like how to work the bed - just play around with the buttons.. simples. I appreciate my own space, recoup *and* recover at my own pace. Sooo yeah. With everything that’s gone on prior to Brexit and afterwards - *still* milking thier *own* paedophilia for every penny, a pillow - can pick on up for less than a tenner, PR ‘exposure’ etc doesn’t build new hospitals etc .. they're not 'whistleblowers' - they're paedophiles 'protecting' paedophiles forever making excuses for thier *own* paedophilia *and* cos they're paedophiles 'helping' thier paedophile pals out etc *and* coscos thier "namez iz iz peeedoes haha's" (vomit) etc - compleeeeeelty retarded MORE - which is why they make thier own shit up and laugh in yah face *cos* they're paedophiles that make thier paedophilia - about themselves - to avoid the 'stigma' OF thier paedophilia etc and so on & so forth. a) they're paedophiles and b) I don't need to be listening to thier 'gripes' for *obvious reasons not only the fact that they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc *also* I'm not a 'spy' - even If I was - I wouldn't work for them - because - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc sicker MORE - sicccccker MORE waaaaay waaaaay more retarded MORE
I think there's
probably about two people that know the Pico 7 device - times that by 65
million and get half a dozen that know all about it - which is why it is called
the appropriate name of 'Pico 7'. See what they did there - totally
clever. Little bit bigger than a bandage that has a suction tube on it and appropriately
called “The seven day device”. Lol at anaesthetist..
'deformed' belly button, stomach is – flat - getting repaired with a bit of
patchwork, he asked if I was pregnant – lol – I’m sure he was just taking
the mick cos he said - if I was - “that would be like - the second coming”,
lol… they did a test *anyway*. LOL. Been decorating yip uh huh *and* there is *actually*
someone called ‘Elvis’ in theatre… LOL…
So went outside & sat for a bit and the ‘news’ is rent in certain parts of the country is £1200 - In this area it’s £1800 upwards and that is why someone took an overdose and had to have his system pumped, he’s been here for a few weeks and I certainly wouldn’t ‘recommend’ other parts of the NHS - Benedict. (paedophiles - sicker MORE) That same Benedict that got paid for *his* ‘documentary’ as well as capitalising on *his* vulgarity & making about himself *and* offering cash incentives to pedoes to ‘clean up thier shit’ so to speak (ongoing in the ‘package’ - including documentaries/movies/music etc -called ‘Brexit’ and - carry on being retards like they have & are and - that have convinced themselves they’ve done nothing wrong. Brother was murdered in 1990 & made bout themselves - in 2011 World Cup earthquake etc - don’t like being told what they are sooooo abuse more annnd make about themselves & ‘fixed it’ *more* for themselves in 2016 and 2023 *still* ridiculously retarded paedophiles - on a scale of ‘fucked up’ waaaaaaay off the charts and they’ve convinced themselves they’re not. (Completely totally retarded paedophiles etc). I’m not black either - what a shocker - four pedoes in a uniform that literally pounced grabbed cuffed & made thier own shit up about an assault that never happened amongst other things *while* abusing etc & making the most of thier paedophilia - the ridiculous retards - sicccccccck more - they don’t like being told what they are ie: you’re a ‘troll’ ‘spam’ ‘racist’ etc - LOL - my own life they pillaged and made about themselves because they’re ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc with absolutely no - what’s the word I’m looking for - make thier own shit up and laugh in yah face - sicccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds - sicker & sicker MORE - they’re astonishingly grotesque. Sicker MORE.
Sicker MORE. Spoke to a security guard told him the only operation I’ve had in this country bar this one is the appendix - which some don’t survive - even then that was over 25/30 years ago. It’s nice without tubes in my neck - rhesus negative - something foreign the blood attacks it so need anti-D injections etc or retreat in the case of the cannula’s. I’m being so careful with one in my hand (again) it’s soooo itchy. Be so pleased when that comes out - more pleaseder when I won’t/don’t need my newly acquired - expensive - accessory ‘renasys touch’ - I might Google to see who renasys is later. Medical ‘guru’ - probably.
Eating winegums after my adventure into Belsize Park, what appeared to be quaint suburb - is, sitting down.. probably triple the rent there.
So my flesh wound dressing needs changing, it's 'specialist', needs 'tissue viability' 'specialist'.. in theory it runs (the device) runs out in a couple of days - but needs changing before a revisit to Belsize Park - turns out very few people have been trained with this 'new' device.. I'm going to phone Meriem the nurse, (they know how to switch machines - off - that's thier 'PR' today - that's what they call an 'oversight') - know what it's like - got something 'new' - everyone wants to have a look. Take some painkillers prior & I was given some liquid that removes plasters more easily - in my 'kit'. Looking for a 'private' nurse - doesn't look like there is any - what with all the drama surrounding 'migrants' etc - chilllax I got noone screaming in my face or making stuff up and laughing in it. 'walking wounded' etc. 'DIY' - not particularly. If the suction things runs out I can change the unit - but not the bandage really need a nurse or tissue viability to do that...look at me with my 'posh bandage'.. lol. Changing it is the issue at the moment.
"Strong and stable"... LOL meanwhile the 'election' (rigged) dramas with thier paedophile 'campaigns' are still going onnnn & they've convinced themselves they're not paedophiles etc etc .. (and crackheads that have a supply of 'narcan' in the cupboard - 'just in case' - sicker more). 'Situations' like putting/making Britney Spears 'responsible' for 'saving America' - lol.. (because they're paedophiles *and* terrorists that like to create thier own dramas to take the focus off themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc) *should* be a very 'strong' indication that they're on something much more 'toxic' and 'lethaller' than heroin. And there's a 'real deal' like... the latter was appropriately named 'not in my back garden' with numerous documentaries & tv series etc that the 'punters' 'enjoy' which probably will result in thousands needing a shot in the chest to block the opioids that Tarantino gave them 'to try out'. "just like the movie" he said "except you may or may not foam at the mouth". ‘Brittas’ ‘saving America’ & trump has been raiding the salad bar with a geriatric who is dictating to them (talking *at* them - not *to* them) about who the next (paedophile/terrorist etc) politician will be so muster up another degenerate to keep their Ferris wheel spinning. ‘Struth’ .. *thier* ‘state of affairs’ … America is liiiiike… get sicker MORE and more way more retarded more. *obviously* 'wee'
Jason &
'friends'. Meanswhiles dey git sikkkkerrrr - moooore retarded MORE waaaaay waaay more.
I have gadgets for skin 'issues' such as infrared, red light blue light green light etc - they do work in relation to texture & tone.. but... what makes the Lyma laser different to those that I already have - not much probably the 'oxygen mist' that goes with it. Got bandage changed. Chilled. Snickers coffee and I lost my nicoassist - oh nooooooes. My tooth pain was much much worse than this (that was 'keel over' annnnny minute pain - one of the nurses told me she actually did keel over - down to none (painkillers) at the moment, quite an achievement - but - back on them for my patchwork. The tooth caused a lot of damage and took well over a year to heal, bone grew back - not quite like Jeebs but there yah go. Even the dentist was pretty impressed at the way it healed itself - although not so much when he pulled a bit of tooth that was left in there so in that respect it healed marvellously even though there was a hindrance.
Skin supplements would probably be a good 'idea'.

Feetsy weetsies, soon to be manicured. I
had a french manicure on my toes once - I prefer colour.annnnnd my big toe nail
is still split - from when someone jumped on it on a movie set somewhere a long
long time ago. Meanwhile they get sicker MORE retarded MORE.
about four days in from my patchwork - what do those that slice themselves up
use - nothing worse than some other kid that isn't yours that locks themselves
in the bathroom of someone else's house - to self harm - 'don't tell her
mother' LOL - the parent might be offended - LOL - they're ridiculously
retarded inbreds - sicker MORE.- turn a blind eye to that - go top yourself in
your own house thanks - toodles - probably why there's so many suicides etc in
hotels possibly train jumpers etc - find bits instead of...and - someone
is guaranteed to find the body
Kylie – she should be ‘so lucky’ – to pillage someone else’s life and – make about
themselves – roll on – years later – I wouldn’t even download her shit for free
– awful – spectacularly awful – again – my own life – pillaged it (ewwwwwww
siccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds VULGAR MORE) *AND* PAY paedophiles to ‘fix
it’ for paedophiles by – making their own shit up and lol’ing all over the
place – siccccccccker MORE - *AND* cry ‘victim’ – more ways of making their paedophilia
– about themselves and the paedophiles ‘wonder’ why those that don’t work in their
industry have nothing pleasant – not even remotely ‘nice’ to say about them –
sicccccccccck VULGAR revolting RETARDED MORE
The ‘PR’
paedophiles are easy to spot – for example “I like what you’re ding to victims
of rape” (the ‘complimentary’ paedophile ‘brigade’ that is the ‘justice
department’ – what do ‘justice departments’ do to ‘get off’ on their paedophilia
–theeyyyy rape and rape again &again & again coscos – they’re paedophiles
and coscos – ‘that’s what they do – they meddle mess interfere with someone
else’s life they may or may not have met – bekozzzzzzz…. coscos they’re paedophiles
– and nothing else – that - capitalise on their vulgarity coscos they’re paedophiles
*AND* make their paedophilia – about themselves
(when already are ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that) – to avoid ‘stigma’
of THEIR paedophilia – compleeeeeeetly retarded ridiculous inbreds – sicccccker
MORE - siccccccck VULGAR REVOLTING INBREDS – sicccccker MORE retarded annnnd
prolong abuse coscos ‘precious’ paedophiles that don’t like BEING TOLD what
they ARE and abuse more coscos pedoes ‘fixing it’ for paedophiles soooo make their
paedophilia – about themselves (when already ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles
etc) & so on and so forth - siccccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE.
siccccccker than alllllll the
weinsteins saviles cosbys cliffords etc combined - eww ugh they're
sicccccck sick sick - completely totally retarded - siccccker MORE.
are paedophiles - that simple - I've got no time for them - I
made that clear to the guy that OD'd - you wtwant someone making stuff up and
laughin in yah face so paedophiles can enjoy their paedophilia with lots of
'lol-ing' and carry on being paedophiles etc – that’s *obviously* where he
needs to be – ‘get it done’ & ‘lololz’ – similar to Brexit actually – paedophiles
and their little paedophile ‘slogans’ that they lap up coscos they’re paedophiles
- that's what they ARE - pedoes - the 'safety net' - for - ridiculously
retarded paedophiles where they pay paedophiles - offer cash incentives to
paedophiles - to 'clean up thier shit' by making up their own shit up and
laughing in the face of the victim whose life it is that paedophiles have pillaged
and made about themselves (coscos ‘pedoes you know haha’s” – vomit)– and -
insist they're not – ridiculously retarded revolting demonic siccccccccccccck grotesque
paedophiles etc – siccck SICK SICK – siccccker
Craig not only a paedophile but a poofter to boot - they're paedophiles - Rachel
isn't bothered because - Peter Jackson made her 'famous' -and 'the mummy' - is
obviously about herself - duuuh - paedophiles - retarded - sicker sicker sicker
MORE more ridicccccculous MORE and the many ways - they make their retardation -
about themselves - siccccccck MORE.- they're retarded vulgar revolting
inbreds *and* he'll probably have his transgender reassignment surgery in the
forthcoming days to promote his new paedophile movie to compliment the many ‘documentaries’
about themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles and ‘get together’ with
their pimps & hoe's and harreeems of pedoes to capitalise and make a ‘reality
tv’ series out – oh no wait – pedoes have don’t that already – proved popular –
with - paedophiles – coscos that’s what they ARE - sicccccker MORE retarded MORE
including the billions *already* spent on Paedophile ‘PR’ ‘fixing it’ for paedophiles
& thier paedophile ‘campaigns’
etc approx 15 trillion later "uh uh uhhh *still* dunnooos coscos peeedoes haha's" - sicccccccck sick sick MORE retarded MORE"(cash incentives for
the NHS to be – basically murderers – to ‘fix it’ FOR paedophiles thaaat make their
own shit (when they ALREADY ARE ridicusloy retarded grotedque revolting pedophiles etc) - sicccccccck MOREup and laugh in yah face coscos paedophiles have ‘fixed it’ for themselves
BY making their paedophilia –about themselves – compleeeeeeetly RETARDED - MORE–
sick SICK VULGAR REVOLTING DEMONIC INBREDS – siccccccker MORE. Where’s Benedict – show his laughing face
they siccccccck ridiculous inbred – sicccccker MORE RETARDED MORE. Benedict pays to kill.. ‘fweedim’ – LOLZ –
they’re ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, child molesters, serial
raping traffickers, profiteering terrorists, pillagers, plagiarists, dognapping
child raping serial raping traffickers & ‘fixers’ for allllll things VULGAR
revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque MORE and more waaaaaay more VULGAR – MORE & ‘lololz’ hidddddddeous inbreds – siccccccker MORE.
'figures'.. LOL sicker MORE. billions & trillions. completely retarded MORE. They've even created more paedophile palava - for paedophiles to engage in and amuse themselves with - they're paedophiles - 'consent' - LOL - the retarded state of them - sicker more retarded - goes - I've not met that paedophile - I might've met that paedophile - I certainly *DIDNT* give that paedophile or those paedophiles 'permission' to BE the ridiculously retarded paedophile that HE IS - that SHE is - that THEY ARE - That's what they ARE - ridiccccccculously retarded paedophiles - they're sicccccck VULGAR REVOLTING INBREDS grotesque retarded paedophiles - siccccker MORE and more waaaaay more retarded waaaaaay waaaaaay MORE.. What they basically mean -and what they're saying is - as a 'collective' pool - of paedophiles & rapists etc - is that when they partake in raping frenzies to capitalise *on* thier paedophilia etc- they will 'group up' and partake in it - because they're paedophiles wanting to get alll they can out of being retards whether that is a 'promotional paedophile 'PR' campaign or an 'idea' (to be paedophiles and nothing else - cos that's what they are *anyway* - they will gather round and take turns at being paedophiles and rapists and pay paedophiles to 'fix it' for themselves etc (& lolz - of course - coscos "pedoes you know haha's" - vomit) - they're VULGAR REOLTING RETARDS - sicccccker MORE and more ridiculously retarded - 'like a game of thrones rape scene' - yeah yeah - that's 'entertaining' for the ridiculously retarded paedophiles and rapists innnittt -see what they did thuuuurrr - the saliva dripping from thier mouths - sicccccccccck MORE - *and* - cry 'copyright' for pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves - they have sooooooo much in common with the 'stereotypical' gang rapists - the crowd rapists etc - that probably don't make as much money for filming and putting it online for 'pay per view'- sicccccccck SICK SICK- sicccck compleeeeeeetly retarded ridiculous INBREDS - sicccker - MORE. They heard the screams - they capitalised *and* - made about themselves - turn it into 'comedy' and 'entertainment' etc - whaaaaat ridiculously RETARDED inbreds they ARE - siccccccker MORE. sicker and sicker more & more retarded as thier 'pedo ball' rolls along - siccccccccck sick MORE.
'Remember' - that's *also* a paedophile - and thier paedophilia - is 'just a game' - for siccccck ridiculously retarded paedophiles that is - cos that's what they are -peeedoes - ridiculously retarded - peeeedofuckingphiles - he's going to draw a harry potter mark on his forehead to play who 'shagged' JK Rowling for the sheep & pig promotion/game that resulted in the stench of sulphur lingering around something that crawled out of 'mordor' because the previous turd wasn't enough - also probably goes by the name of 'Britney' - cos they're blank and vacant retards it's better if they can be blank and vacant pedophiles 'together - they're paedophiles - siccccccker MORE retarded MORE - again - they're not 'fussed' because they ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles *anyway* - worse than pigs and *that* poor piggy could be seen running off into the distance as far away as it can possibly get from the paedophiles that..... the pig doesn't have hands to cover it's anus - screams get paedophiles 'excited' - bloated bodies let out gas - paedophiles think they're having an orgasm - they're sicccccccccck MORE - depraved siccccccck - siccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds - siccccker MORE and more retarded MORE. The likes of Savile - was convinced - not only by himself BUT by his paedophile peers etc that he didn't do anything wrong - because - they're paedophiles in a 'collective pool' of paedophiles - 'together' - much much sicccccker than that - waaaay more ridiculously retarded MORE - in fairness the NHS *should've* been shut down - waaaay back then - MORE waaaaay waaaaay more ridiculously retarded MORE. I was wearing Orion - it's the stretchiest top/dress/tunic I have - go for comfort - probably stretches right up to a size 22 - prepared for swelling etc - "I like your top" "I like your cardigan" - "thank you, Fat Face" - I *think* this is possibly about a uniform change for those that can't bend over - or - that's probably the whole idea cos there's *many* paedophiles that'd enjoy a 30% cut in uniform budget so they can see what you had for breakfast as a way of getting thier cheap thrills with the slap down of 'saving them money'... rickety chairs.
''Fashion' in decline.. Monsoon wasn't really 'advertised' as such - just walked passed the shop one day and 'discovered' it was all boarded up. I asked "When did Monsoon close?" They guy I asked said the same thing - he walked into his shop one day (that's directly opposite where Monsoon used to be) just to see it all boarded up.. "fuddy clothes anyway" "no not 'fuddy duddy he says he knows someone old that buys them -well used to. In saying that they had a *couple* of nice maxi dresses, Monsoon is suitable (was) for older customers whereas River Island suitable for younger. River Island couldn't figure out it's 'identity'- they kept/keep flipping from grunge to nice from nice to grunge and back again, Karen Millen - went bust - and the designs now - wouldn't even consider buying anything. Dreadful. Ahhhh the cappuccino days.

Only a few trillion - 'payments' to paedophile's etc and only a couple of 'people' have lost thier jobs as the result of someone else's paedophilia etc -so that's 'relief' for paedophiles - 'comic relief' for paedophiles 'white ribbon' for rapists 'ChildLine' for paedophiles trafficking 'charities ARE traffickers - along with numerous 'campaigns' BY paedophiles FOR paedophiles to 'enjoy' while BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles & serial raping traffickers etc oh looook there's a picture of a paedophile in thier foyer - LOL - paedophiles - and pedoes - in denial - will they 'hide it' 'discreetly' - or - make more 'excuses' for thier retardation or throw it into the ... volcannnooo - for 'scarfiiicce' - paedophiles - (*STILL* only a few trillion later, have to wait for them to build thier 'house of straw' so - they can blow it down & blame someone else - and watch them create thier owns dramas while finding more straw to 'rebuild' and while they do make a docuseries so they can make a few quid to 'fix' the roller blind on the fifth level of an NHS hospital - hurrah!! - they 'fixed' the NHS for you - there go - & they'll probably want remuneration for that, like £67 million to replace a £15 roller blind cos that's how - paedophiles - 'roll' - sicccccccker MORE retarded MORE - retards - siccccccccck sicccccck . VULGAR REVOLTING GROTESQUE INBREDS - siccccker MORE compleeeeeeetly retarded MORE.
There's nothing quite like when paedophiles make thier paedophilia - about themselves - when they ALREADY ARE paedophiles capitalising *ON* thier ridiculously retarded paedophilia - they're paedophiles, rapists, child molesters, dognapping, kidnapping serial raping traffickers, pillagers, plagiarists, 'fixers' spinsters, schemers, liars that have convinced themselves they're not paedophiles by pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves etc - again - my own life - sicccccccccck VULGAR INBREDS that were told what they were YEARS AGO - paedophiles etc - that FACT does not change - no matter WHO they pay to make them not look like the ridiculously retarded paedophiles and serial raping traffickers etc that they ARE- sicccccccker MORE RETARDED - VULGAR INBREDS GROTESQUE RIDICULOUS PAEDOPHILES - siccccccck sicccccccker MORE.

He's posing - like - some kind of 'time traveller'.. did they wear watches back in them days? *shrugs shoulders*

LOL "it's all good as the 14.25, 15.50, 16.30, 17.45, 18.35, 19.20, 20.50, 21.25, 22.45, 23.10, 23.55 and 00.25 dinghies are all running on time" LOL. Classic! They've achieved sooo much (like spending trillions on thier paedophilia and not much else) - siccccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds - sicker MORE "What's Brexit?" "uh uh uhhhh dunnnooooos jus being peeedoes haha's" - that's them - RETARDS - sicker MORE retarded MORE. - they're peeeedophiles - deeeeeply disturbed demonic VULGAR REVOLTING INBREDS that aren't necessarily *in* the dinghies with the 'boat pedoes & serial raping traffickers 'funnily' enough BUT 'they're better together' cos they all 'strive' to be paedophiles, they 'thrive' among paedophiles and *IF* they're in a 'bit of a jam' - they can get legal aid - to get them off - OR - you & they can pay more road tax (etc ) to pay for the shortfall - because I 'd hate to tell them - it's not for the road or the use of it - wouldn't like to see their reaction when they realise they're being conned - they're 'relaxed' with thier 'knowledge' of knowing they're paedophiles - for years - ALREADY (the more 'established' paedophiles like to gloat about thier paedophilia wherever they can - including paedophile politicians that take cash from other countries to BE serial raping traffickers etc - wait what? - yes that's correct - paedophiles that take cash from a 'hostile' country/ies to - specifically -rape & pillage someone they've never met - that - doesn't even come *from* thier country *and* also to profit ON thier paedophilia by making thier retardation about themselves -sicccccck siccccccck sicccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds sicker SICKER MORE - 'ol Madge - had more than one kitten stuffed in her vagina -whereas cameron 'favours' sheep &pigs - they're paedophiles - Tim Burton & Tony Blair - 'nuff said - along with sicker paedophiles that *also* likes .. ewwwwwwwwww sicccccccccck- peeeedophiles - VULGAR revolting RETARDS along with their pimps & hoes & hareeeems of ridiculously retarded paedophiles - - siccccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE - sicccccker MORE. Thier paedophilia/paedophile 'tag' is second nature to them - they know that already - have done for decades it's not a 'shocker' it's not a 'bombshell' (pedoes 'so hilarious' - said the pedoes - see what they did there - againnnn - they're RETARDS sicker MORE). They KNOW they're paedophiles - siccccccccck sick sick sicccccccker MORE ridiculously retarded more and more grotesque MORE etc -yes - charleeeeeeze is a paedophile - so is bobo - they're siccccccck - paedophile cameron was probably hoping his 'sinking ship' would generate more interest than what it did - his 'sinking ship' is huuuuugely popular (says the PR trolls - pedoes- sicker MORE) - loooook at the sinking ship!! Not really a 'diversion' or a 'distraction' away from thier 'paedophile bullshit' - they're STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists serial raping traffickers etc - SCUM - waaay waay down BELOW the sewer is where thier 'standards' are (they don't have any - the more pedoes the better where ridiculously retarded paedophiles are concerned) and they model themselves on the sludge - so its easier for paedophiles to convince themselves they're not paedophiles - 'sinking ship' - that must be a metaphor for - what they can achieve if they put thier paedophile 'heads together' cos - 'funnily' enough it has been proven that if you drive a boat into a rock - it sinks - "NO WAY!!" they say "Do it again!!" Oh loooook - same result! "What?! NO WAY!!" "Do it again!!" "oh loook it sunk!! again!!" "No WAY!!" they say - that's *after* the boat has a couple of decent sized holes in it that they put in it - to see if would sink - and - because they are severely retarded paedophiles that are unable to join dots they've convinced themselves it's a prop from the movie 'Titanic 2" - cos it floats and unlike 'Paedophiles of the Caribbean' movie - the colour of the remnant is not black therefore it's racist and the woodworm are required to give the termites compensation because they've got IBS from eating too much racist wood - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - paedophiles is what they ARE. That's *not* including - even sicker more retarded inbreds & grotesque demonic ridiculously retarded paedophiles & serial raping traffickers - on the other side of the world taking liberties coscos peeedoes in da 'buy sell swap rape for rapists' brigade' - coscos they're peeedoes "haha's" - atrocious - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - and nothing else - sicccccccccccker MORE RETARDED MORE.
Still not doing any cartwheels.
Thought I’d ‘jazz’ it up a bit
– even though it’s got 2023 at the top – just in case they dunnnooos wot year it
is. This is how far advanced they are, back in the
days when I was at primary a fellow student ran into a glass window and she needed
a skin graft on her arm. Bearing in mind her age – as it’s over 40 years ago – when
they did it it looked like a burn wound and didn’t really heal. NOW – they say that’s a ‘beautiful’ graft and when
it does heal – over a fair amount of time (with the appropriate care and
attention *obviously*) – it’ll look fabulous – like there was no wound. Shivon ran into a glass window in a shop as we
were about to leave Christchurch – years ago – there were literally blood spots left on
the mirror.. splat. Years later – it was
a slap – annnnnd “What’s Brexit?” “uh uh uhhhh dunnnnoooooo jus being peeedoes
haha’s” (vomit & *plus* some more ‘fixing it’ for demselfs) get sicker MORE
and more waaaay waaay more retarded MORE.
Next Mel Gibson movie they’ll be discussing their non-existent scars
with ‘infernal affairs’ - ‘now you see it and now you don’t’. Who was is it that said – “the computer is a
very powerful weapon” (yes pick it up and chuck it at someone – can’t do that
now majority of them fit into the palm of your hand…. Ddaaaadddddindingdinnnnnng
.. internet connection… slooooow. You could
tell when the internet dial up was about to connect) – their paedophilia is
waaay more ‘powerful’ than that – trillions and billions more ‘powerful’ – they’re
retards get siccccccccker MORE.
If you come off a bike and if
you’re going fast enough to go skidding down the road – that’s what a skin
graft is like *except* there’s no stones, pebbles, dirt, glass or grass in
there – very clean wound. Surgeon said: “This is good, this is good, that is
infected”.. take that off put some new stuff on.. “Beautiful”. I don’t have many scars – smashed my
cheekbone when I was a child and there’s a dent in it, a red mark on my cheek
appears when I’ve been drinking annnnd another scar is the result of doing a flip
(primary) - I landed on my backside & my tooth went into my knee and now I
have a tooth mark scar on my knee. That’s about all other than the graft. Get my oxygen machine out to help with healing
and get some progressive house. Belsize Park has some nice houses, spotted a roof top bar – probably
no ‘rif raf’ allowed.. goooood – might go there to mooch at a later date.
I'm sooooo
excited thatttt jaffa milkshake (not this one though) is coming in the post - meanwhiles they get sicccccker MORE retarded MORE. In other news, my long haul 28 year old Samsung microwave has decided it's had enough - had a good run - it's excited about the excitement of being excited about being replaced by another Samsung. Be interesting to see if it last longer.
I made my own 'lymphatic drainage' massage bed. I have 1800 -2400 rpm machine - meant to be a foot machine but it works for any part of the body - that sits in front of the pillow underneath the massage mat that goes over top of the knee rest pillow annnd compression device for legs and feet. Good. I have another foot massage machine that kneads, compresses and heats in the lounge. Ankle swelling - the wound is on my thigh. Lymph nodes are probably all over the place at the moment. Did that - massage - massage - compress. Put alll my gadgets on charge. "it's beautiful' she says talking about the graft, it's shaped like a heart. Cleaner guy lol - they killed off 'M' years ago to capitalise on being ridiculously retarded paedophiles (that 'act' ON thier paedophilia - and make about themselves *AND* to partake in the 'pedo games' for 'laughs' 'lolz' 'rofl's among ridiculously retarded paedophiles by raping for rapists then insist they're not ridiculously retarded paedophiles that make stuff up and laugh in yah face and carry on being ridiculously retarded paedophiles that find more ways of making thier paedophilia about themselves while blocking abusing pillaging &'fixing' it for - themselves - more & more & more coscos "pedoes you know haha's" - sicccccccck sicker MORE. Compleeeeetly toooooootally retarded MORE. Unsure what category of 'security espionage' 'sabotage' 'corruption' 'bribery' 'blackmail' that goes under - they're treacherous serial raping traffickers that capitalise on *anything* and make about themselves because they're paedophiles - and make stuff up - to 'fix it' for paedophiles etc - and 'lolz' & 'rofl' all over the place coscos pedoes are 'fixing it' FOR paedophiles (themselves) - when it's someone else's life they've been pillaging and making about themselves while abusing and raping for rapists etc - they 'fix it' for themselves again & again & again and block block and block & abuse some more & the paedophiles find more ways of making THIER ridiculous vulgar grotesque paedophilia - about themselves - STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles rapists child molesters serial raping traffickers vulgar revolting grotesque hidddddeous paedophiles - they're sooo much mooore than *just* paedophiles - they're sooo much moooore than *juuuust* an international embarrassment - ridiculously vulgar sicccccckerrrr MORE
Healing nicely – they’re
still paedophiles (blocking all over the place – the ‘precious’ UN – what are
they? Oo ooo I know – they’re Pedoes!! Embarrassed
by their own paedophilia? Not at allll - coscos paedophiles have *many* ways of making thier paedophilia - about themselves - siccccker MORE RETARDED MORE – meanwhile – I’m looking for a boooodwaaaah
chair boudoir chair with storage… something like that - or that - BUT - with storage - he makes making it look so easy Doesn't *have* to be 'tufted'.. got storage space going to waste - surprised storage chairs aren't a 'bestseller' (meanwhile they get sicccccker MORE retarded MORE)

I’ve been busy
re-redecorating – meanwhile they’re all ‘Hitler’ this & ‘Hitler’ that – capitalising
and making about themselves, ‘wotsabook’
– they sold something that isn’t theirs – that’s a crime - and the precious
retards have convinced themselves they’re not ridiculously retarded paedophiles - again & again & again & they ‘think’ of more ways of making their paedophilia
– about themselves & so on and so forth *and* block/mock/troll/abuse and paedophiles cry abuse/use/exploiting the victim of whose life they been pillaging - and - making about themselves- on a scale of fuuuuuucccked uppppp - siccccccck) The absolute retarded state of them. Sicker. More. Block & block capitalise pillage and 'fix it' for themselves to make thier paedophilia - about themselves- annnnd repeat annnnd because they ARE - peeedoes - hideous sicker and sicker
MORE. He wears green… because.. he/they got
the ‘green light’ to be paedophiles that capitalise ON their vulgarity and make
about themselves - because they’re paedophiles - and - also because his paedophile
pal sang a song in a movie once therefore that’s enough ‘permission’ to give
*himself* to be a paedophile that attempts to cry 'copyright' for pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves - and - paying paedophiles to 'fix it for themselves (over & over again) and so on and so forth.. and more 'fixing it' for ridiculously retarded paedophiles *again* & *again* & *again* - STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles *AND* paedophiles at Disney did the makeup for their
paedophile ‘documentary’ *obviously* to compliment the many ‘documentaries’ they’ve already
made about themselves BEING paedophiles and so on and so forth - paedophiles –
and nothing else. Michael J Fox ‘dresses up’ in a sheet ready
to partake in the ‘Ghostbusters’ reunion – because obviously he made the clock –
that’s *his* and the obvious ‘fetish’ for bloated carcasses etc among paedophiles
is ridiculous - is that a sheep and a pig
under the clock ? - or under a tombstone? – to paedophiles it’s neither here or there –
they’ll be crying ‘copyright’ because Hitler – is about themselves and they’ll
be making their own shit up to ensure they make their paedophilia about themselves
and carry on BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles BECAUSE they ARE
ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that. "are you Jewish?" "were you there?" ... lol.. it's my own life reeeeeeetarrrrrds. They were there - with thier gobs in a trough raping for rapists - because they ARE. and worse. Siccccccccccck. They don't have dinner plates -they have troughs - that they've bought from Nigeria due to the overwhelming influx of cars wanting to escape to thier country. They've 'discovered' that if they can make two troughs out of an exhaust pipe - they can double thier money.. Not quite the same as the old quote 'killing two birds with one stone' as Miliband hasn't had his sex change yet as part of his 'deal' to get into the jungle (paid for by channel four.. rhymes!!) Going round smashing the place up, raping their women, kidnapping dognapping etc thieving whatever – sounds A LOT like ‘pizza underground – pedoes
that pillage someone else’s life and make about themselves and pay paedophiles
to ‘fix it’ FOR paedophiles – ARE paedophiles – and nothing else. Sicker more
& more retarded MORE. No one mention Brexit. (or 'the war on'.. whatever). It’s a Humdinger. Get sicker MORE.
I am going to attempt to make
a ‘bespoke’ dresser/drawers.
Not quite sure how it will work out.
Velvet. Tufted. Corner.
Unit. There are bespoke patchwork
chesterfield chairs that are nice but are not storage. Purples, Blues, Burgundy.. maybe. I got
a jigsaw and a hammer drill (drill with concrete drilling capabilities – which is
good because the walls are concrete). Just have to watch a few youtube videos as
not overly confident about using them - especially the hammer drill AND the jigsaw.
The Jaffa milkshake arrived – not as nice as I would’ve
liked. Syrup or powder. Powder is better. I got some Schmoo cappuccino – yummy. Could possibly mix orange milkshake with
chocolate milkshake mix.. maybe.. and I’m
going to try some money saving ‘coffee mate’ alternative called ‘Blue Top’ - 1KG
less than a fiver - as Coffee Mate no longer do kg’s – they reduced the amount
and upped the price due to the ‘cost of living’- it appears they’re reaping the
rewards of the ‘cost of death’ more. Building
bespoke dresser/drawers/wardrobe.. designaaah.. kooochoooore – I have a fair
idea of what I would like it to look like.
Upholstered.. boutiqueish.. Still
not too keen on using a jigsaw, my screwdriver is fabulous. Not ordered the wood yet.
Made some drawers. The jigsaw didn’t work out for me but the drill
is amazing. Taking ages because – can’t
use a jigsaw so I have to use a hand saw.
Put a slipper over the handle to avoid blisters.
For chesterfield/tufting on
the front – packing foam is great for that, swimming noodles cut to size for
edges. Cut little pieces of wood for support/shelving
etc. Not making a wardrobe. Relatively level and I don’t have a level,
the top of the drawers and the storage ‘box’ – are incredibly symmetrical and
level – which is very impressive. Taking
shape – I have drawers – that I made myself!!
How exciting. (meanwhile - they get sicccccker- point at the 'stars' of thier *own* pedo 'show - I 'm unsure when they're releasing more of their own Disney series/movies/docuseries (which they've been 'making' for a couple of decades nearly) while reaping the rewards of the Brexit movie featuring paedophiles capitalising on paedophiles for profit etc - wonder how that's working out as no one has said anything to me about it - but - 'apparently' there are many that argue over it - STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc 'funnily' enough - and the result is - paedophiles - not many have cottoned on to that FACT (for 'convenience' purposes mostly) MORE retarded MORE.
Made the drawers – made to
measure, bought a level – it’s near perfect.
So impressed with myself. Made
some more bedroom furniture and finally the big pieces of wood have been all
used up and now there are little bits of wood all over the place (shelves etc). That was basically October. Building.
Recovering. Do a bit of sawing –
have a rest. Mr Poppadopulus says the ‘high
street shops’ are being devastated.. he’s about a couple of decades too late on
his ‘insight’ – nothing to do with the nasty nasty ‘boat people’ and/or their ‘quest
for virgins’ etc plus ‘fashion for paedophiles’ and ‘designer terrorists’ &
assorted *many* paedophile ‘campaigns’ designed for the sole purpose of making
them (paedophiles) not look like the retards that they are etc – at all.
ie: ‘youtoo themtoo allllll sick hideous shit together’ etc. What virgins?
Paedophiles (‘perspective’) - have an awful lot in common with hideously
retarded paedophiles, rapists – serial raping traffickers and profiteering
terrorists etc (and plenty of ‘fixers’ to ensure they make their paedophilia
about themselves to avoid any ‘stigma’ of being – ridiculously retarded paedophiles
etc). Pedoes that 'specialise' in buffoonery and buffoonery *only*'- paedophiles that dazzle' thier carcasses with thier buffoonery - TO - make being paedophiles more 'fun' - to - ridiculously retarded paedophiles that capitalise pillage (someone else's life etc) AND 'fix it' to ensure they make thier retardation about themselves - and they ARE - compleeeeetly tooootally retarded ridiculously retarded MORE.- sicccccck more. Oh look – there’s shwimmer –
thinks he’s a giraffe complete with 'sacrifice'/s' for the volcano included (in *thier* shenanigans). Can’t be too sure
– but – I don’t think he was ‘friends’ with the Cox’s. Pizza – is their fav (whether they have ice
cream before or after or during – shrugs shoulders) Hideous. More.
Also healing nicely, taking Collagen
1 & 3 with Hyaluronic acid and vitamin C – because of my age I don’t have
much left – its been well used up over the years. The ‘pouch’ – is no more, deformed belly
button – I have a new one. Probably take
another month or so to get the draws finished (upholstered etc) - I have draws!! Not plastic containers
anymore - the room is this big -à . ß----- there’s no room for a ‘high street’ set of
More coffee.
You know how someone walks
passed you in the street – and pedoes – make about themselves. I went to New York – and pedoes made about themselves, I went to Spain – and pedoes made about themselves, I went to Monaco and – pedoes – made about themselves. I had lunch with an All Black and pedoes –
made about themselves (so on & so forth) and more ridiculously retarded paedophiles took it upon themselves
to abuse and pillage someone they’ve never met – cos they play the ‘pedo games’
– still pedoes. They block mock abuse
exploit pillage gloat – get a new email address – its no ‘biggy’ – it’s like an
‘asbo’ isn’t it – except reversed cos pedoes find their own paedophilia ‘disturbing’
– pedoes ‘so hilarious’ & ‘so precious’ – ridiculously retarded inbreds –
SICKER – on a scale of fuccccccckd uppppppp - hidddddeous - they don’t ‘see’ themselves as the ridiculously retarded paedophiles
& serial raping traffickers etc that they are - so they capitalise on it make
about themselves and tend to blame everyone else except themselves for their own
ridiculous retardation - they’re STILL ridiculously
retarded paedophiles making their paedophilia about themselves to avoid the ‘stigma’
of their vulgarity – sicccccck. ‘not met
that pedo – what’s that pedo doing?’ – selling your women that – after – all their
spinning and ‘fixing it’ FOR pedoes that capitalise ON their paedophilia and
make about themselves ‘don’t understannnnnnnd’ what a woman is (have a prolific
pedophile saying that she – it – because it’s a paedophile – saying ‘don’t
undersstaaand’– lol.. they know how to be pedoes – and nothing else – because they’re
vulgar revolting retarded inbreds like that – they’re so mentally retarded it’s
ridiculous. They change sex, age and
location – to make their paedophilia about themselves etc - Pathetically ridiculous
inbreds – sicker MORE retarded MORE –
pillage someone else’s life – pedoes – vulgar revolting paedophiles –
pillage someone else’s life to make their paedophilia about themselves – (when
they already ridiculously retarded paedophiles that don’t like being TOLD what
they are – so capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves etc
hideous MORE) - they’re ridiculously retarded paedophiles and nothing else. Pedoes that capitalise on pedoes BEING pedoes
– hidddeous odious vermin – sicccccker - pay paedophiles to ‘fix it’ FOR
pedophiels – absolutely comoketely retarded.
Watch them lose a game of tiddlywinks – intentionally – to capitalise on
BEING paedophiles and make about themselves – siccccck – my own life –
hiddddddddeous inbreds sicker and sicker and sicker amd sicker more more waaay
more retarded MORE (and they do – laugh in yah face as pedoes ‘fix it’ for
pedoes and carry on BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles – think nuffink of
it – they do it ‘all the time’ – hiddddddeous retards sicker sicker , world cup
pedoes, greenpeace ‘climate change’ pedoes etc etc – there’s nothing they won’t
pillage and make about themselves – there’s nothing they won’t abuse to capitalise
on being paedophiles and make about themselves (Ukraine.. the sun son of…
ridiculously retarded paedophiles that point at the ‘stars’ of their own pedo
show.. Brexit etc – paedophiles BEING paedophiles and paedophiles ‘fixing it’
FOR paedophiles to ensure paedophiles make their paedophilia – about themselves
– to avoid the ‘stigma’ of their severe mentally retarded paedophilia – paedophiles
- hidddddddeous RETARDS – sicker sicker
sicker MORE. Pedowood: 2011 – 2016,
Pedoes ‘fixing it’ FOR pedoes 2016 – 2018/19, 2020 pedoes refuse to investigate
their own paedophilia – 2023 - they’re still ridiculously retarded paedophiles that pillaged someone else’s life and make
about themselves because they capitalised on the ‘opportunity’ to BE paedophiles
– I slapped my daughter (in 2011) – that’s more than enough ‘amo’ for paedophiles
to use against a victim as well as those in government ‘organisations’ that
take it upon themselves to abuse and pillage someone they’ve never met for careers
– rewards and ‘favours’ among hidddeously retarded paedophiles rapists and
serial raping traffickers etc – “youtoo themtoo – alllll sicccccck hidddddeous
shit together’ numerous UN ‘campaigns’ with the sole purpose of taking the focus
OFF themselves BEING paedophiles (& repeat – again & again & again)
pillaging meddling ridiculously retarded serial raping traffickers etc. The UN – nick yah knickers to sniff –
ridiculous inbreds – sicker sicker MORE retarded and they ‘recruit’ more paedophiles
to ‘help out’ with being paedophiles – what are they? Jihaddy?
They don’t like the result of THEIR paedophilia – hideous paedophiles – the
‘fake nooooz meeedia’ – pedoes – 2023 STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles
making their paedophilia – about themselves - sicker sicker more waaay more ridiculously
retarded MORE.
Nearly finished my draws,
onto upholstering now.
‘Trademark’ (pedoes ‘trademarking’
THEIR paedophilia and their pig sheep whale humping etc)
They capitalised ON their paedophilia
to make their retardation about themselves – they make stuff up and laugh in
your face – they block mock pillage use abuse annnnd laugh in your face – spend
years pillaging and raping to make rape about themselves annnnnd – laugh in
your face. They nick your house (not by
forging documents – there are ‘other ways’ of making people destitute
especially with internet etc), nick your dog and pedoes capitalise on the ‘opportunity’
to be paedophiles – then they make more stuff and – laugh in your face and call
you ‘bitter’ amongst other things annnnd carry onnnnn BEING ridiculously
retarded paedophiles. Pedoes that capitalise
ON pedoes – ARE – pedoes – pedoes that capitalise ON pedoes BEING pedoes (when
they already are) to make their paedophilia about themselves ARE ridiculously
retarded paedophiles – and nothing else.
It’s a ‘plot’ for the Brexit movie isn’t it – an ‘event’ – hideous retards
MORE. Annnnd the’re off – to the island –
not Utoya – pedo Island to ‘eat pizza’– more #perspective - sicker MORE retarded MORE. The many many ‘angles’ of their retardation –
sicker MORE.
Get a text saying ‘you don’t
exist’ and surprise!! (no ‘surprise’ – they’ve known they’re ridiculously retarded
paedophiles for decades – prior to AND after). Pedoes pay pedoes to ‘fix it’ FOR pedoes by making
more stuff and laugh in your face annnnnd carry on BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles
– because they pillaged someone else’s life and made about themselves (and
ridiculously retarded paedophiles also cry ‘copyright’ FOR pillaging someone
else’s life and making about themselves – completely retarded inbreds and so
pedoes ‘fix it’ FOR pedoes to ensure that they make their retardation – about themselves
– pillaged someone else’s life –ewwww ick ewww hideous inbreds - hiddddeouser MORE. They said what??!! LOL – hidddeous inbreds - Doesn’t
take a ‘genius’ to point out – that’s fucccccccccccckd uppppp – siccccccker MORE
‘Migrants migrants migrants’
I’m not from their cuntree #perspective – if there’s *anything* to rape pillage
molest capitalise on make about themselves while and during raping for rapists
THEY WILL because they’re ridiculously retarded paedophiles (and worse) like
that – the utter utter utter hidddddddeousness of them – more and more retarded
Ridiculous – MORE –
spectacularly retarded MORE. Virgins
& ‘tickets to paradise’ – hideous ridiculously retarded paedophiles serial
raping traffickers and terrorists – sicker.
Their paedophilia is an epidemic – spreads faster than the plague –
sicker more & more retarded MORE. If *only* Jim Carrey couldn't lie. He's 'busy' suing someone for giving him syphillus ten thousand years ago - ridiculous - MORE
Making some more jaffa ice
cream – nom nom. (as well as upholstering)
seven years on…. (not taking prior to and after into account) Leaps and bounds leaps and bounds – what did
they win? A waffle cone – as ice cream
is popular. There must be another way of
making Jaffa ice cream.
Building drawers –
it’s taken a couple of months so far, all level (nearly) – so impressed with
myself. I’ve called it ‘Enchanted Sea’, mainly because of the glitter fabric
(blue and purple) – too ‘geerish’… nahhhh. No more sawing – wooo!!
I have drawers now – made to measure, deep drawers for tall objects,
space is still there, ‘ambience’. Even better with the lights on.
If change the colour scheme the fabric on the drawers can be replaced easily (I
decided against Chesterfield.. building drawers was major
accomplishment in itself). Meanwhile in the ‘pedoverse’ - “Do her
phone”.. “do her email” .. pillage someone else’s life and make about
themselves etc – block block mock pillage capitalise make about themselves and
repeat – Leveson 1 - pedoes – same paedophiles in Leveson 2 except waaaaaaay more vulgar
revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque as they 'recruit' more pedophiles to 'help out' with BEING pedophiles (terrorists serial raping traffickers etc)– block & abuse the victim
they’re pillaging – ridiculous inbreds – What was Leveson 2 all about
‘achieving’… pedoes/Brexit/Ukraine son son of.. ridiculously retarded
paedophiles rapists child molesters serial raping traffickers and profiteering
terrorists that hang out in ‘farmers markets’ with their sheep cows pigs and
bloated carcasses etc - sicker sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE.
Jason booooornz – the paedophile
along with his pedophile pal Ben 'where's Maddy' affleck & the ridiculously retarded pedophile JLo and thier paedophile pals (featuring russell brand and including gays such as Sonny Bill Williams, Weinstein and Russell Crowe's mate pocock etc - they're rannnnnnncid retarded inbreds - they're 'into' sick & hideous - because they ARE sick & hideous. The more vulgar they are - the more .material' they have to capitalise on and make about themselves - there's Ricky Gervais in amongst the terrorists being a transgender with his two inch blow up dwarf doll in the most famous wedding of allll time - where the pedo cult marries the death cult in the name of 'equality' and the whale shagged a sheep to give birth to.. george floyd. Pillage extras to capitalise on being paedophiles
and make about themselves with their paedophile serial raping trafficking pals
and they want to ‘beam’ their paedophilia to the whole world – its worth more
than a fiver. Even when someone else’s
life has nothing to do with them –they still pillage it and make about
themselves. Had no contact with the
pedoes in NZ at all – for decades – been happily divorced for years - why you sending this shit - because they're pedoes - they want to (re) traumatise (again) to capitalise on thier vulgarity - again & again & again - because they're vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded pedophiles that like to 'recreate' being pedophiles again & again & again - someone that pedophile isn't related to that she helped murder - made her famous - and years later they abuse to capitalise to profit on thier vulgarity and make about themselves - again & again & again - they're pedoes - hiddddddeous inbreds and because someone she didn't meet went to the same school - what an 'opportunity' to BE ridiculously retarded inbreds again & again & again - hidddddddeous inbreds - waaay more retarded than Pamela Anderson - someone got molested that she doesn't know and never met - so in the name of 'PR' for pedoes - she'll make it about herself and will do again - years later - on a scale of fucccccccckd uppppp.. Someone they've never met - they'll STILL pillage that persons life and
make about themselves – (2011 – Monaco – loooook at the pedoes having multiple
orgasms on their raping and pillaging and helping themselves BE paedophiles
frenzies that capitalise on the ‘opportunity’ to BE vulgar revolting ridiculously
retarded demonic grotesque paedophiles etc that block mock abuse pillage troll
capitalise make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds &
lolz annnnnnd repeat – ridiculously retarded paedophiles. Johnny Depp with Alice Cooper at the Sun –
loooook at the pedoes being paedophiles that pillage someone else’s life and
make about themselves – annnnnd they’re off – to pedo island - ridiculously retarded
leeches, hideous vermin – sicker MORE. Bird book yah yah - they’re pedoes vulgar
revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds – sicker MORE retarded. MORE. Spain.. more paedophiles – I caught the bottle before the
movie came out. Abbey Road and ‘hotel California
& pizza pedo express’ – they’re pedoes with sheep cow pig and bloated
carcass ‘fetishes’ – hidddddddeous
inbreds – sicker MORE. The train station
guy from bourne – “she did some amazing things with her life” – yah yah thanks –
pedoes pillage it make about themselves – *AND* pay paedophiles rapists and terrorists
to ‘fix it’ FOR pedoes rapists and terrorists by making stuff up and laughin in
yah face and carry onnnnnnn BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles – cos pedophiles (that's not even including pedo 'journos' in thier 'monsters ball' movie, mini series 'documentaries they made about themselves BEING ridiculously retarded pedophiles - they've made several 'documentaries' featuring themselves as pedophiles - BECAUSE that's what they ARE - hidddddeous pedophiles. BUT – if you ‘shag’ a sheep to give birth to a pig somehow makes up for their
paedophilia – siccccccck ‘teenage dream’ – ick – they’re ridiculously retarded
paedophiles – and nothing else. What
they like? They’re paedophiles – vulgar
revolting demonic hideously retarded disturrrrrrrbed paedophiles and worse –
siccccccck hidddddeous retards – sicker MORE.
Funny about pedoes being pedoes capitalising on their vulgarity and
making about themselves – I said I was an
extra – pedoes say “We've looked and we don’t believe you” – they’re so retarded –
it’s ridiculous. They’re going to watch
every movie there is to attempt to spot someone that is in the background –
sicccccccck hiddddddeous inbreds – besides their retardation – it’s my own life
– hiddddddddddeous inbreds. I don’t play
rugby I don’t basketball I don’t play cricket or soccer – they play the pedo
games with plenty of ‘charades’ with plenty of pillaging and raping and helping
themselves BE ridiculously retarded paedophiles – siccccccker siccccccck. Matt Damon was in Invictus – I wasn’t – his pedo
mate was in it too – if there’s *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on
make about themselves WHILE & DURING raping for rapists THEY WILL BECAUSE –
they’re ridiculously retarded paedophiles rapists serial raping traffickers
pillagers plagiarists fraudsters schemers liars and ‘fixers’ for alllllllll
things VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque and being paedophiles
– ‘reveals’ what they ARE – hideously retarded paedophiles – and nothing else. Siccccccker MORE waaaay waaaaay waaay
mooooooore ridiculously retarded MORE.
They were told that they’re pedoes – years ago -so they capitalise and pillage
someone else’s life and make about themselves to profit on their vulgarity by making their paedophilia about themselves – when ALREADY ARE – sicccccccck hidddddddddeous
RETARDS ick – WTF you doing pillaging someone else’s life – ewww ick ick
hiddddddeous inbreds – sicccccker MORE retarded – that’s pedoes being paedophiles
capitalising on thier vulgarity – hidddddddeous ridiculously disturrrrrrrrbed
inbreds – sicker sicker sicker MORE waaay more retarded MORE.
I took these photos with my Canon Ixus, good little camera
that I won in a competition quite a few years ago – still
works. Still have the Sony Rolly – that I won in a competition quite
a few years ago, signed someone called ‘Kaka’ – scrubbed his scribble off. Who? Not a fan – never met him – as opposed to
someone that I did – they pillage that persons life and make about themselves
etc – siccccccck hideous inbreds. They capitalised on the
‘opportunity’ to BE ridiculously retarded paedophiles ‘Jason Borrrrrrrnz’ – so
‘precious’ – get sicker sicker MORE waaaaay more retarded MORE. I
wonder how long my blog will stay a ‘0’ – after they’ve pillaged whatever they
can and paid paedophiles rapists and terrorists to make stuff up and laugh in
yah face and carry on BEING retards. One of their better ‘moments’
was when Margaret had to sit by herself – what an embarrassment they are – ‘it’
– was fully ‘aware’ it was a paedophile when it was alive – get sicker sicker
MORE waaay more ridiculous. Jonah Lomu and their ‘Ghostbusters
rape club’ – hiddddddeous inbreds – sicker MORE retarded MORE.
a couple of chunks taken out of the worktop.
I have a wax crayon for the DC fix – it’s good - just cover it up with
the crayon and rub it down with a cloth.
Although I don’t have a grey wax crayon for the cupboard that ended up
with a couple of dents in it that got hit with the hammer or saw or
whatever. Kaka.. named Kaka after the ‘Kakapo’
that was in the UN paedophile program with Brasilia.. oh no wait.. Brasilia that don’t get paid vs pedoes that get cash incentives
to make stuff up to ‘fix it’ FOR pedoes. “Do they know they’re peeeedoes at
alllllll” – yah they do – probably why they spend years making their paedophilia
about themselves when ALREADY ARE ridicuously retarded inbreds capitalising on their
vulgarity and – and block mock pillage use abuse exploit capitalise pillage ‘fix’
make about themselves and make sumfink and lolz annnnd repeat – ridiculous MORE. Sick birds with the ‘culchaah’ of pimps &
hoes and hareeems of pedoes - hideously retarded MORE.
3D, 4D, 5D.. they got all ‘D’s’ - ‘A’ club pedoes vs
the ‘B’ pedoes – paedophiles hideous sicker sicker more and more
retarded MORE. The many many angles of their
vulgarity. Ridiculous – MORE.
They’ll probably go find someone else to pillage now –
especially since they’ve spent years pillaging someone else’s life to make
their paedophilia about themselves when they ALREADY ARE vulgar revolting
demonic ridiculous inbreds capitalising on their vulgarity - and - don’t like
the result of THEIR retardation - and - coscos their ‘names iz iz peeedoes you
know haha’s” – sicccccccck sick sick – hiddddddeous inbreds – sicker sicker
MORE waaay more grotesque – vulgar – revolting MORE waay more
‘precious’. Way more.
Currently in the process of building a cabinet, I used
alllllll the wood I purchased – nothing has gone to waste. It’s so
nice not having bits of wood everywhere. I broke the vacuum by
vacuuming up the saw dust – easily replaceable part Mr Dyson (I’m unsure what
he said he was ‘going to do’ prior to and after Brexit – probably involves more
pigs – that were last seen running off into the distance as featured with Louis
‘so fascinated by their own paedophilia 'documentary' – they’ve made several ‘documentaries’
(and movies, mini-series etc) about themselves BEING ridiculously retarded
paedophiles csocos pedoes find their own paedophilia ‘interesting’ –
hiddddddeous inbreds sicker MORE. Branson .. lol.. another vulgar
revolting grotesque.. where there’s pedoes – siccccccck hiddddddeous sicker and
sicker MORE waaaay waaaay more retarded MORE.

also made a console for my martini shaker, espresso martini. Not my usual drink
but a handy little gadget to have - just in case I decide to have an espresso
martini in the fooochaaahh.
Got the sauna blanket out,
haven’t used it for about three or four months.
Made by MiHigh. … lol.. waited ‘til after the skin graft settled and
healing as it should be and it is which is fabulous. In all fairness, there was excess – I was
huge when I was pregnant not quite Mila Jovavich huge.. BUT.. it took a few
years to get down to a weight that I was/am comfortable with - however the ‘pouch’ – it remained. Now – it is no more. From way back in the day of Suzy Aitken
fitness videos…. Not a fitness freak – I’ve
been fat once – and I didn’t like it. It’s
a weird kind of feeling – so because so used to having a bump & loose skin
that’s been damaged etc there, not totally saggy where you could tuck it in to
your jeans etc but a bump – it is – weird not having there anymore. The sauna is apparently good for lymphatic
drainage, so did that and the next day my stomach feels tighter and a little
bit more flatter. Tried on a dress, a
clingy figure hugging dress – my stomach is flaaaaat. My abdominal muscles have been stitched back
together. It is amazing how the skin has
levelled itself out, bit of definition is creeping through and about half way
through he healing process in relation to the tummy tuck itself whereas the
graft has got much longer to go.
The dental implant is in and
it’s been done so well it feels like it’s been in there for as long as my tooth
was before it. It’s weird also because
the damaged caused took a good couple of years because the dentist prior filled
on an infection after being told by myself that it was throbbing – in there for
a month, that was a massive infection.
To see the damage on the ultrasound etc not difficult to see why I was
thinking I was going to keel over. Getting
used to eating on that side, my jaw is balancing out. It’s been in for about a month now – all good. It tried my facial devices for the first time
in about near on five months due to the implant procedure. I read that sometimes with facial devices it
leaves you with a metal taste in your mouth afterwards – it’s fiiiiinnnee, yes
yes. The tooth didn’t jump out of it’s
socket hurrah!! I used the Evenskyn Lumo
–had to put the setting back onto the first level, it’s so powerful it makes my
face twitch (way better than NuSkin/Foreo any other devices or ‘facial trainers’)
and the ‘lift’ feeling afterwards is so worth it. Jovs Blacken for my broken capillaries. Not
used Tria eye fractional laser and RF/Tripollar (machine that I made a cabinet
for complete with pull out storage seat/chest) yet. The cabinet I built of it – is so good. Amazing.
Been about three/four months and I’m nearing completion of my bedroom
furniture, entertainment console complete with electrical Martini
Shaker/stirrer, my hedge feature and my artificial tropical flower arrangement
that I added to – it looks like the one that I saw on the internet for £800
that isn’t a Clooney movie ‘funnily’ enough.
News just in – a ‘judge’
(given that they work for paedophiles and paedophiles *only* because ‘criminal
justice system’ are paedophiles pillagers plagiarists serial raping traffickers
and ‘law’ makes stuff up laugh in your face and recruit more paedophiles to
call the victim they’ve spent years pillaging many many things – everything BUT
- other than – my own life they’ve been
helping themselves to pillaging making about themselves etc and have made
several ‘documentaries’ etc about themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles
that create their own ‘crisis’ purely to take the focus off themselves BEING
ridiculously retarded paedophiles and continue to spin their own shit – that they
‘thrive’ in – because they’re paedophiles that adore slopping around in their own
excrement etc) - is going to release names OF paedophiles – in the new year. Lol. There’s been Crimea, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Brexit,
Gaza and the demise of global politics and their countries during the interim
with ridiculously retarded paedophiles saying “don’t understaaaaaaaaand’ (what paedophiles
are – because they ARE – and spoken like a true hideous paedophile – they capitalise
ON pedoes – because they ARE – they capitalise on pedoes being pedoes – because
they ARE – they capitalise on pedoes being pedoes to make their paedophilia
about themselves – because they ARE – paedophiles – they capitalise on paedophiles
being paedophiles to make their paedophilia about themselves and rape for
rapists – because they ARE – paedophiles - they want to get as much as they
cannnnnn out of BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles – they want to blame
everyone else *EXCEPT* themselves for BEING paedophiles that pillage someone else’s
life and make about themselves etc which resulted in the ‘pedo cult’ marrying
the ‘death cult’ that shagged a sheep to give birth to ‘George Floyd’ because
the whale – ick ick siccccccck –
hidddddddeous inbreds more & more retarded MORE. They know they’re paedophiles etc already –
no matter how many ways they make their paedophilia about themselves – STILL ridiculously
retarded paedophiles etc. How exciting
for them – might be more exciting than the excitement OF BEING ridiculously
retarded paedophiles.
“A ‘woman’ is ‘someone that
menstruates’”.. according to paedophiles – cos they don’t know what pedoes are –
because they’re paedophiles that change sex colour and location – to make their
paedophilia about themselves like the ridiculously vulgar revolting demonic
grotesque rannnnnncid paedophiles that they ARE. Can’t remember which movie it was – either Paedophile
infested pirates that morphs into piracy etc or Paedophile infested ‘dark
shadows’ (morphing into ‘boaty mcboatfaces’ and ‘how George Floyd changed the
world’ etc (an example of the many paedophile ‘PR’ spins that they’ve utilised (over
the years) - and – made about themselves – because they’re paedophiles. Unlike the Russian tampon ad that can ‘smell
the blood of an englishman’ – good for me – I’m not English – I speak it but I
am not ‘English’ per say nor am I male. A
‘mooncup’ is a fabulous genius ‘device’ – they didn’t have mooncups back then
it was so long ago, there was Steve all dressed up in mask gear in Maine. As a woman – I cannot wait for the period
days to be over – I’ve had them nearly all my life – what would it be like to
not have them? Fabulous. What is it like
for Bruce Willis to ‘forget’ he’s a paedophile – excellent – because he has no
memory of anything else – not like MiB – oh look there’s Will Smith getting ‘jiggy’
wif Jacinta (I've not met that paedophile either - that *also* took it upon herself to rape and pillage someone she's never met - because her mates are paedophiles and she's doing her paedophile pals a 'favour' BY BEING a paedophile and so on and so forth - siccccccccker MORE retarded MORE) who advertised their paedophilia via front pages of a magazine down on ‘animal farm’… ick – tell them that they’re
paedophiles – they capitalise and make about themselves because that’s what
they ARE – hidddddeous vulgar revolting demonic grotesque raaaannnnnncid
Sicker and sicker more and
more retarded MORE
Paedophiles prior to 1990 –
pedoes IN 1990 – pedoes AFTER 1990 – pedoes in 2011 – pedoes AFTER 2011 –
pedoes in 2016 – even sicker paedophiles AFTER 2016 – 2023 STILL ridiculously
retarded paedophiles making their paedophilia – about themselves – sicccccck ridiculous
inbreds. How much did Daniel Craig get
paid for ‘spectre’ and Dave’s ‘role’ in the ‘Evil Octopus’ – paedophiles – and the
pedoes say: ‘you’re evil because you like fox news’ – whaaaaat? ‘dirty politics’ – I’m not a politician – the
nasty nasty boat people (paedophile ‘actors’ with serial raping trafficking ‘boaty
mcboatface’ serial raping traffickers etc) if there’s *anythinnnnnnng* to rape
pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while and during raping for
rapists – THEY WILL – how do paedophiles make someone else’s life about
themselves – BY BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles rapists serial raping traffickers
and ‘fixers’ for alllllll things VULGAR revolting demonic ridiculously retarded
and grotesque – siccccccker - Hiddddddeous inbreds. They definitely know they’re paedophiles cos
they’ve spent years and years making their paedophilia about themselves – when ALREADY
ARE ridiculously retarded inbreds capitalising on their vulgarity and paid paedophiles
to make stufffff uppp so pedoes are ‘free’ to make their paedophilia about themselves
*AND* clap – for themselves - (when ALREADY ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles
capitalising on their vulgarity) – and plus I’d still have an email address etc
- siccccccccck – sicker sicker more and more retarded MORE. Probably
getting their ‘think tanks’ to ‘fink’ of more ways of making their paedophilia
about themselves – like they have being doing - siccccccccccck hidddddddeous inbreds
So.. anyway.. it’s been.. got bandages
all over the place… got clothes all over the place… got wood all over the place…
got sawdust all over the place… got fabric all over the place… got cotton all
over the place.. got tools all over the place… I have bedroom furniture. So impressed with myself. Tidying everything up now. I laid a floor by myself prior to this. A competition that I won via Good Homes
magazine – click fit wooden floor. I
took up the carpet, turfed it and that floor – it was finished eventually – the
relief when it was finished was the mostest in regards to DIY. The bedroom furniture is very nearly that
relief. Kooochoooooore. Designaaahh.
spoke to Citizens Advice – back in 2018 – after the ordeal of paedophiles
rapist terrorists serial raping traffickers making stuff up and laughing in my
face – he said they don’t ‘get involved’ with their ‘clients’. ‘Brexit’ – don’t ‘get involved’ – but - profit
on raping and pillaging & ‘fixing it’ for paedophiles etc The beast that is ‘Brexit’ – the paedophile ‘party’ and the
never ending ‘hearings’ as to why paedophiles were partying and having ‘good
times’ BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - because they’re paedophiles *obviously* - paedophiles and ‘fun games’ that
pay paedophiles to ‘fix it’ for paedophiles coscos they make the ‘pedo games’ –
hidddddddeous inbreds – sicker MORE. I
asked him (citizens advice guy) if he’s ever watched the movie ‘Rock n Rolla’ –
they’ve just nicked my life coscos their namez iz “peedoes you know haha’s” – ‘fixed
it’ for themselves and then carry on being ridiculously retarded paedophiles
etc (approaching the end of 2023… STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles that
meddle and mess and pillage someone else’s life – because – they’re ridiculously
retarded paedophiles eg: “do her phone” – “do her email” – recruit more paedophiles
to ‘help out’ with BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles – block block mock
capitalise pillage fix make about themselves & ‘lolz’ & repeat – so they’ve
‘done’ my email, and they’ve ‘done’ my phone – it’s ‘unavailable’ – for no
specific reason (other than paedophiles pretending they’re’ not paedophiles and
insisting they’re not paedophiles as they make their own shit up and laugh in
yah face and refuse to investigate their own paedophilia – jacinnnntaaaaa – the
rapist – what’s ‘in it’ for Trudeau? Ridiculous. Cos I had a lunch with someone – they capitalised
on the ‘opportunity’ to be paedophiles that rape for rapists to make their paedophiles
about themselves (when ALREADY ARE etc) - siccccckerr MORE retarded MORE fcccccccckkkkd
uppppp - hiddddddeous inbreds – sicker MORE.
They’re *FULLY* ‘aware’ they’re ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc
Years later – in 2023 – STILL
incredibly deeeeeeeply disturrrrrrbed ridiculously retarded paedophiles grotesque
vulgar revolting inbreds. Paedophiles
for ‘free’ – ‘Sasha Fierce’ – paedophiles – if ever win a trip to a foreign
country – don’t take a paedophile as a ‘guest’ – they’re pedoes for ‘free’ – “where
are they?” ‘north west’ “what are theyyyyyy?” – Ridiculously grotesque demonic
retarded paedophiles - sicccccccker VULGAR revolting demonic ridiculous hidddddddeous
inbreds. Paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles
ARE paedophiles, paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles
that rape for reward careers ad ‘favours’ among paedophiles – paedophiles that
copy paedophiles BEING paedophiles – ARE - hidddddddeously retarded paedophiles
– and nothing else. ‘Pray’ for Sharon – the paedophile with the sheep fetish – sicker waaaay
more ridiculously retarded MORE. Paedophiles
that capitalise on paedophiles being paedophiles to make their paedophilia
about themselves – when ALREADY ARE – ridiculously retarded grotesque vulgar
hideous odious deeeeply disturrrrrbed paedophiles – and nothing else. Siccccccker MORE waaaay more retarded MORE. So they’re ‘releasing names’ at the start of
2024 – they’re *FULLY* ‘aware’ they’re vulgar retards ridiculously grotesque
rannnncid paedophiles – get sicker sicker MORE waaaay more retarded MORE.
Completely totally retarded –
sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker &
sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker MORE
waaaaaaay more.
I have to give my hands some
pampering after so much DIY’ing, broke all my nails, cuticles are dry,
scratches all over them. A ‘pwoppa’
pampering session. While most are
getting the popcorn ready for the … ‘big reveal’ – being ridiculously retarded paedophiles
‘reveals’ what they ARE – and they ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles and
nothing else – sicker MORE. Popcorn ..
Nearly…. 2024
Though he knows the way to go
– the worst is yet to come. I had a cassette
tape full of New Zealand/Australian music that I called ‘Stuff’. (Paedophiles – never met that ‘journo’ – or that
paedophile – or that paedophile – what they like – pedoes that help themselves
BE paedophiles – because they ARE ridiculously retarded inbreds like that. “Embarrassing Response”.. so they pillage
someone else’s life and make about themselves and pay paedophiles rapists and
terrorists to make stuff up to ensure they make their retardation about
themselves (when already ARE etc sicker sicker more) – just get sicker more and
more waaaaaay more ridiculously retarded MORE.
“Where’s all the fun – when you’re a loser”. On back fridaaaaay… one black
friiidaaay. Not met Neil Finn BUT I have
met .. quite a few (my own life.. duhhh).
Years ago in Christchurch – after I’d been to Australia travelling around selling the ‘Wizard’ … lol… got back to NZ and ended up in Christchurch the same time as Split Enz. Maybe ‘92/’93. Until then – I’d never heard of ‘Poor Boy’ at
all – that is one of my fav tracks out all Crowded House and Split Enz. Dave Dobbyn & Urlich (I shan’t mention
the name as she has the same as paedophiles, ‘when the cats away – the pedoes
play’ …down in animal farm) ‘Free food’ – pedoes they’re on aboooooout –
hiddddeous inbreds – sicker MORE.
So fuccccked upppp –
siccccker MORE
I like my own KFC. That recipe is so yummy. Put the chicken in a container with a lid and
shake it. That’s how they do it. ahh ulrich around and around and around and around need to be there - peking man - video is way better than MTV - they have a song called 'I'm glad I'm not a Kennedy' - I always thought it was Shona Lang that sang that.. it is - just googled
I decided – to use the
martini shaker/stirrer
The ‘bottom feeders’ – the sludge
in the bottom of the sewer - trough - paedophiles – they ‘love’ to slop around
in their sludge and sell – people – rather than twinkies – sicccccccck hiddddddeous
inbreds – sicker sicker sicker sicker more retarded MORE –they got the ‘pedo
look’ – because they ARE – sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE. They’re ‘gearing up’ to get excited about paedophiles
BEING paedophiles – oh no wait they ARE – they are excited about the excitement
of BEING paedophiles they don’t wanna do anything else except – BE paedophiles
and they ARE – hidddddddddeous sicccccck rannnnnnnnnnncid vulgar revolting grotesque
demonic – waaaaay waaaay more retarded MORE.
Pick a name - *any* name – they’re fcccccckn siccccccck hiddddddddeous
inbreds – sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE. Unsure if the Choirboys are
New Zealanders – or – Australian.
Espresso… martini… shaken AND
stirred. Ridiculous hideous inbreds –
sicker MORE retarded. ‘free food’… urgh
they’re sicccccccck (hiddddddeeeeous paedophiles- compleeeeetly totallllly
retarded inbreds – sicker sicker sicker MORE)
So so soooooooo fcccccckkkked
upppppppp – hiddddddddddddeous MORE.
They’re so fcked up – it *doesn’t* take a severely retarded retard to
point out – that that is hiddddddddeously ridicccccculously fccccked upppppppp –
they’ll capitalise ON their retardation – and make about themselves –
hidddddeous - siccccccker sicccccker sicccccker more waaaay waaaay mooooooore
ridiculously retarded MORE.
I wonder what the ‘ol
philipino prez is doin’ in retirement. Yah
yah looks that way – get sicker sicker MORE…. They’re still incredibly ‘busy’
making their pedophilia about themselves.. oh ohhh Isobel … there’s hole’s in
the buildings and you hide behind walls…. Tell me how many days now? Isabel ohhh Isabel.. dooo doooo dooooo
Tell me a story – what do you
wanna hear? - not that they’re ridiculously
retarded – peeeeeedophiles – and paedophiles that tell ‘stories’ (etc) - siccccker MORE
“Good to see..” Ewan Mcgegor
drinking his own vomit while Danny sucks his todger because Tarantino ‘told him
to’ in the ‘hope’ that he ‘finds’ plenty of whale seamen to reproduce a donkey
that ‘shagged’ a pig to give birth to Britney Spears … oh wait – they ‘shagged’
a sheep to give birth to a pig.. – oh no wait -
they’re ALREADY paedophiles –just get siccccccker MORE waaay more ridiculously
retarded. Pillage ‘fix’ capitalise make
about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz annnnd
repeat – hidddddeous inbreds – sicker sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE. He’s going to put the t-shirt on that says “WHO
knows we’re pedoes” – its more appropriate for the retarded inbreds – tattoine for
the pedoes – bit of ‘star wars’ complete with Death Stars and Dotards – sicker sicker
sicker more retarded. When paedophiles –
like Paul McCartney – hang out in cemeteries to ‘jump’ on whatever comes their way
– that’s not ‘slander’ – it’s ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting inbreds
BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles.. woo George Floyd – pedoes ‘fixin’ it
for demselfs’ –sicker - hiddddddddddddeous
inbreds – sicker sicker sicker rannnnnncid hiddddeous retards – who and what
the fuck are you – you ARE siccccccck hiddddddeously retarded paedophile/s – that’s
what you are - sicker sicker sicker ‘free food’ – pedoes – vulgar revolting
inbreds – sicker MORE. And Cameron Diaz
takes her mask off – and woo!! She’s still a ridiculously retarded paedophile
that doesn’t want to ‘own’ her paedophilia so do what pedoes do – accuse everyone
else’s of being paedophiles while paedophiles cry victim for – pillaging someone
else’s life to play rape and pillage the victim ‘game’ coscos they’re pedoes
that play ‘pedo games’ – because they’re ridiculously retarded VULGAR revolting
demonic hideous grotesque paedophiles like that – sicccccker MORE – oh look
there’s another paedophile politician – goes by the name of Julia – that *isn’t*
Pilipino. Ridiculous inbreds – sicker sicker
MORE waaaaay mooooore retarded MORE.
Oh look – more paedophiles ‘keeping
up’ with paedophiles being paedophiles capitalising ON paedophiles to make their
paedophilia about themselves for ‘favours’ etc among hideously retarded paedophiles
– because that’s what they ARE – probably make some more ‘documentaries’ about
themselves BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles – they’ll probably have to
pay to watch it – netflix or summfink - actually they WILL pay to watch pedoes
being pedoes because they find their own paedophilia ‘interesting’ – they have
nothing else except their paedophilia – enjoy the pedo film!! They will –
because – they’re hidddddddddeous ridiccccculously retarded inbreds and grotesque vulgar revolting retarded paedophiles
that ‘do’ anything … pigs cows sheep bloated carcasses etc – deeeeeeply disturrrrrrrbed
inbreds – siccccccccker MORE vulgar revolting grotesque retarded sicccccccck
hidddddeous inbreds – sicker sicker MORE.
Revolting inbreds – get sicker sicker sicker waaaaaay waaaay mooooore
retarded MORE. ‘once upon a time in
pedowood’ – it’s never ‘once’ – they ARE paedophiles ALLLLL THE TIIIIIIIMMME – sicccccker
MORE retarded MORE. Saviles’ ‘twin’ is at it again (he has a huggge spectacular
‘fan’ base and quite few ‘brothers’ including the mitchell’s and Tony Blair ‘gang’
in the witch project movie featuring many many peodphiles that shag pigs in cemeteries
etc – wherever there’s a bloated carcass – they’re in it!) – ugh – siccccck ridiculously
retarded inbreds – sicker sicker MORE – vulgar revolting inbreds – sicccccccker
MORE retarded MORE) - pedoes – hiddddeous inbreds – sicker MORE waaay more
retarded MORE.
Hideous grotesque
compleeeeeetly tooooootally retarded inbreds – siccccccker MORE vulgar waaay
more grotesque MORE ridicccccculous MORE.
Grotesque inbreds – they’re so retarded – it’s ridiculous – siccccccker sicccccccker
siccccker vulgar revolting demonic more – sicccccccker siccccker sicccker more
more ridicccccculous MORE waaay waaay mooooooore deeeeply disturrrrrrbed MORE. Paedophiles ‘so hilarious’ – said the ridiculously
retarded paedophiles – ‘comic relief’ for paedophiles ‘space jam’ for rapists
etc etc - siccccker more more waaaay more retarded MORE. Vulgar revolting inbreds – sicker MORE.
they are - slopping around in their sludge ‘finking’ of many ways of making their
paedophilia about themselves – because they ARE paedophiles – what are they
going to ‘bring back’ next from Tony Blair’s witch project - Merkel.. ? possibly the mountain that the rock
shouts at ? They’re
paedophiles – just get sicker more waaaay more vulgar revolting demonic ridiculously
retarded and grotesque – hiddddddeous inbreds – sicccccker MORE. Paedophiles –
sicker sicker sicker sicker sicccccccker waaaay mooore ranccccid – hidddddeously
retarded – sicker MORE. Ridiculous – sicker
& sicker & sicker mooooore and mooooore deeeeeply disturrrrrbed - because - they’re hideeeeous grotesque paedophiles
like that – revolting hideous odious inbreds - get sicker MORE RETARDED MORE.
Anyway… I wonder how many ‘people’
have got the popcorn ready – given that they’d sell them there ‘people’ to paedophiles
to capitalise on being paedophiles to make their paedophilia about themselves –
those paedophiles won’t mind’ because they’re paedophiles *anyway* and they
ALREADY ARE – ridiculously retarded paedophiles capitalising on their vulgarity
– for ‘larfs’ like… hideeeeeeeous inbreds – sicker sicker sicker MORE waaaaay
mooooore retarded MORE. Deeeeeply
deeeeply disturrrrrrbed inbreds – sicker MORE retarded MORE. Prepare to be amazed how vulgar they ARE –
for most – they know already because they partake in vulgar to capitalise to
profit on vulgarity – and they ARE – hiddddddeous inbreds sicker sicker sicker
sicker sicker mooooore waaaaay moooooore ridiccccculous MORE.
not long til '24 now
glaaaaad he’s not a Kennedy…
imagine…. Being a kennedy…. ooh look there’s Joan – plugging drugging
Marilyn. Apparently – it’s the ‘most famous’– in America.. I’m not American.
Who’s her daddy? Clue: not ‘griffindoor’
ridiculously retarded inbreds
– sicker MORE – ‘save Harvard’.. LOL. I
have a picture of David Borealis – although - I don’t think he goes to Harvard
anymore and his mate isn’t a librarian -
that hangs out in the Natural History Museum trying to get his dog out of the rain while the ship
sails down the street.
The last day of 2023….
All excited about the
excitement of .. names. (another ‘PR Spin’ probably by the … ‘spin doctors’ and
the ‘fixitforus’…. ‘culchaaah’… I jotted
down some songs that *aren’t* ‘household’ names – I’ve been listening to the live stream
of progressive house music – if I don’t write the names down – I will never
remember them.. like my ‘list’ of things to do – if it isn’t written down..
such as .. ‘shelves in the cubbyhole thing’ .. ‘plug back of dresser’.. etc
I’m not a twitter user, a
bookface user, a social media .. user.. not instagram or that other … ‘app’..
booted off cos their paedophilia is too much of a ‘threat’ to them so they pay ‘people’
to ‘fix it for ‘em’. More & more
more and so on and so forth – anyway:
Songs that I’ve written down from
the collection of songs on ‘live’ youtube:
Apparition: Fallen,
Even tho.. goes nicely together
By All Means (deep in calmremix) Glittering Puzzle,
Spravlyus – Ferkan Serol …
Valley of Shadows: Mroslav Vrille feat Mark,
Metilla – Micheal Mashtov .. mashcov.. mash tov .. mashup colorize mashtov
there’s LOADS: grannnnnnd
soundzzz don't need to be listening to Billy Joel, I *bought* his Cd and I thought I would save space so converted it into MP3 along with my whole CD collection - that is no longer available - however - not 'biggy' cos.. youtube
2024 has started ….. new page
coming sooooon…
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