- Cut and pasted from the Brexit page (cos they're pedoes - they like to spread their paedophilia about while helping themselves BE PEDOES) that's their life - BEING pedoes = BREXIT = pillaging paedophiles & 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting demonic retarded & grotesque= capitalise make about themselves, get da pedoes to make sumfnk up & fix it for the inbreds & lolz COSCOS - PEDOPHILES - VULGAR ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE 🤮
There they are 'flattering' *themselves* with thier own vulgarity, 'fixing it' for pedoes (themselves) annnnd - carry on BEING paedophiles - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE
What's Brexit - "the NHS is 'fair game'" says the pedoes. 'Clap for pedoes etc' loads of pedoe PR campaigns (over a decade) to help take the focus off what they ARE - and they ARE - paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pillagers, plagiarists, fraudsters, schemers, liars and 'fixers' for allll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque.
They got thier 'qualifications' out of the book of Savile, there they are making stuff up about someone they've never met and laugh in yah face as they patronise to capitalise to 'fix it' for their paedophile serial raping trafficking peers that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity - ridiculous inbreds MORE
Where's yah passport from? Not Russian, or Chinese, or French, or German, Or American, Or Saudi - or British - siccccccccccck ridiculous inbreds - MORE .. how much to 'fix it' for the pedoes? RETARDS MORE
"sue the minister of Justice" - LOL - they make stuff up, laugh in yah face, make thier vulgarity about themselves, reward *themselves* for being paedophiles, laugh it off and carry onnnnnn BEING paedophiles - like they HAVE and ARE. Sicker MORE retarded MORE & lolz hidddddeous retards MORE
'Investigate thier OWN paedophilia, raping pillaging serial raping trafficking' - LOL - they're pedoes that pillage someone else's life make about themselves annnnd 'fix it' for themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles that are in the 'buy sell swap rape for rapists 'fix it for pedoes' 'business' completely vulgar revolting retards.
Vulgar revolting retards - MORE
"Being pedoes 'reveals' what they ARE" - and they ARE paedophiles, serial raping traffickers fraudsters schemers liars and 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - MORE ridiculous MORE - they're *STILL* on 'the cusp' of telling everyone they're pedoes - they might lose thier jobs if they do that - recap: resign resign resign resign resign resign (coscos 'coming out' as the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they ARE - is obviously too embarrassing for them - soooo make sumfink up 'fix it' for the pedoes & lolz - SICKER MORE ridiculously retarded MORE.
They don't like the result - of THIER - pillaging and raping and paedophilia - tooooootally RETARDED inbreds MORE.. milking being pedoes - like they do with thier 'sons' & 'wings' taking FULL advantage -capitalising on pedoes being pedos making about themselves to profit on thier vulgarity etc etc, they've had thousands of pedo 'moments' *ALREADY* - ridiculously retarded revolting inbreds - MORE
the 'guidelines' of paedophiles and Brexit and how Brexit came to be - they're FULLY 'aware they're paedophiles and worse - siccccccck ridiculous inbreds, she going to 'perform' another 'American Horror Story' with her pedo pals - whatever gives her an inch - she'll take it - and milk it for *EVERY* penny - that is THIER paedophilia - VULGAR SICK RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED INBREDS - MORE more retarded MORE & lolz ..
Clearly says 'Paedophiles' - capitalise & make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE. VULGAR HENIOUS ODIOUS RETARDED REVOLTING RIDICULOUS INBREDS, MORE 🤮 & lolz. Female paedophiles are just as sick - if not more - than thier male counterparts -VULGAR retards - sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker - MORE RETARDED MORE & lolz coscos peeedoes you know haha's sicccccccck it was FULLY 'aware' it was a paedophile when it was alive - sicccccck ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE MORE
Paedophiles - in denial - vulgar revolting retarded inbreds - there go - it's in black &white and they're STILL paedophiles - in denial - it's THIER 'culchaaa' of pimps & hoe's and hareeeems of paedophiles that make 'deals' with terrorists to help them not like pedoes that help themselves to someone else's life & make about themselves get da pedoes to fixit for demselfs to avoid the 'stigma' of THIER vulgarity and lolz coscos pedoes fixing it for 'demselfs coscos pedoes you know hahaha's 🤮VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDED RIDICULOUS INBREDS - MORE & more retarded MORE & lolz - tooooootally gone FULL RETARDED hideous inbreds - MORE retarded more ridiculous MORE & lolz cosco pedoes you know haha's 🤮 - sicccccccck RETARDS MORE more more more vulgar more ridiculously RETARDED - MORE
Paedophiles like Emma Thomspson & co - coscos "one paedophile is *never* enough" - there must be more paedophiles to help them capitalise on what they ARE annnd make about themselves BECAUSE they're paedophiles - paedophiles that *must* BE paedophiles MORE to make BEING vulgar revolting retarded inbreds - about themselves - when ARLEADY ARE - VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded hideous odious paedophiles - SICCCCCCCCK - sicker MORE retarded MORE
Ridiculouser MORE - PEDOES vulgarrrr revolting grotesque paedophiles MORE 🤮
And this is mine - it IS MY life - I'm not a paedophile or a rapist or a kidnapping child raping terrorist -or a murderer like Toadie off neighbours (I know I know being pedoes is sooo funny - to pedoes- he want to 'play' a murderer quite unusual cos pedoes are their fav 'roles' to 'play' coscos -they don't need to 'act' that's what they ARE - PEDOS - yah youtoo themtoo alll sicccck retarded inbreds togetherrrrr- IS MY life they've been pillaging vulgar ridiculous inbreds... climate change meeting.. travelisting.. siccccckkkk retards MORE 🤮
A series of 'random' images - not really 'random' cos - it's my own life (pillage capitalise make about themselves, get pedoes to make stuff up and fix it for the pedoes so peadoes can make being peadoes about themselves when they ALREADY ARE, ridiculous vulgar retarded inbreds groteque pedophiles
Spot the pedoes competition - is really easy, retarded more 🤮 'masters of the air' - more 🤮 (& Prague isn't my place of birth, nicely done.. me)
Without 'masters of the air'.. howabout 'Lord of the sky' - *still* pedoes that capitalise & make about themselves, lie to suit themselves coscos pedoes capitalising and making about themselves to avoid the stigma of their vulgarity - pedoes - with pedo excuses for BEING pedoes, more 🤮
Another angle of my own life, including the Mayans cos culture. "got got erf pwize" spoken like a true paedophile - it was pillaged made about themselves - sicccccck ridiculous inbreds more astonishingly completely sicker more & more ridiculous 🤮 & lolz (can zoom in - it's clear -if they have an 'interest' of *anything* really, ridiculous retarded hideous inbreds more 🤮
more angles of my own life
more angles of *my* life and pedoes pillaging capitalising & making about themselves
another angle - spot the pedoes competition is sooooo easy, more 🤮 zooom innn
Another angle... of pedoes, sci fiiiiii , record breaking 'space' jump, ridiculous more
Another angle - of my own life - pretty much the same thing, pedoes heping themselves to my life to capitalise & profit on back of raping & pillaging. My life - with Madagascar, Prague, Italy, France, emirates, Egypt, Japan, Hong Kong. China, Russia, Spain, Monaco,America, Vietnammmmm - Antarctic, Philippines - went everywhere - global tour - across the galaxy - from pole to pole - aliens.. fly soooo fassssss :-)
So from 2011 to present day - that's the result of pedoes being pedoes fixing it for themselves coscos they're peeeedoes. I've not been to Phuket, I have been to Prague - twice
That's the hotel that I had lunch in - in 2011 and as you can see that's if zoom in that's
pinkus off pirates
What movie is this? oo ooo ooo I know - it's a movie they made about themselves being pedoes - about pedoes being pedoes making being pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma of being .... pedoes. What's behind the door Shia? oo oo oo I know - peeeeedoes and vulgar retarded ridiculous inbreds, 'Travelisting PR pedoes' that adore cesspits so much they capitalise jump right in there, swim around in their slop thinking of more ways of making being pedoes about themselves - by making being in a cesspit - about themselves - more importantly Leo got a tattoo, oh no wait it's the other one, he *knows* ...... alllllllllll - of the pedoes , Pedoes - ridiculous vulgar retarded MORE 🤮
They can copy pedoes BEING pedoes (like have done and do) - *STILL* pedoes, ridiculouser MORE 🤮 & lols
They have 'pedo think tanks' - they think of more ways of making being pedoes about themselves - 2011 - pedo frenzies - now 2022, *STILL* pedoes (had crimea, dirty politics, more paedophile politicians capitalising on being pedoes, pedo island, pizza express, pandora pan am papers, Ukraine (funny cos pedos donate money to be pedos to capitalise on being pedoes & offer incentives TO pedoes - to fix it for themselves - brexit & benedict's 'terrorist brothers' WHILE & DURING BEING pedos -numerous documentaries about themselves BEING pedoes. UN 'campaigns' designed to help 'cleverly disguise' pedoes being pedoes.. get sicker More Ridiculous- sick retarded inbreds more 🤮
So - continuation of my own life because it is - my own life (pedoes pillage capitalise make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz - they've already spent decades thinking of many ways to make being pedoes - about themselves- coscos pedoes haha's 🤮
Would I go back to Monaco? hmm I went as a competition winner -not as an extra/victim/migrant- interesting to see how they (political paedophiles, famous paedophiles and their pedo fans) took advantage of being paedophiles - lie to suit themselves and capitalise on their vulgarity and brexit is result of pedoes being pedoes raping for rapists. Ridiculous vulgar sick retarded, more 🤮
Where to visit in 2022 - that's lolz... more pedoes pillaging myself to make being pedoes - about themselves - when already are... 'sustainable paedophiles' ridiculouser more
They have their paedophilia 'nicely tucked away' in a package called 'Brexit', lolols cozcoz pedoes fixed it for themselves coscos a picture theirs is there soo dat means to pedoes - they can help themselves be pedoes innitt yah yahh
Pedoes - sick ridiculous vulgar revolting retarded inbreds (they also 'forget' they were just as sick twenty years ago as they are today, sicker more ridiculouser & lolz) retarded inbreds more 🤮
Sunday 27th November 2022... 7.03pm
Just had a session of lipo laser... nice & warm - no pain or anything or contracting of the muscles, feels like it's not doing anything - just lying there, just a 'gimmick' I dunno have to wait to find out and persist with it for at least a couple of months, I'm about to do a 'cavitation', it's a device that apparently 'flushes out fat' - sounds good to me, I have a couple of areas I'd like to work on, cos *I* forget how old I am - still got no grey hairs, bod is not too bad, the face of a .. hmm I dunno a 30-year-old - have to start 'maintenance', the 'tip' is to start before you sag. Got dentist coming up, been over a year since a molar had to be extracted because the dentist filled on an infection and it couldn't come out until a course of antibiotics, it was in there for a whooole month, all I was doing was taking pain killers and flaking out. I had more scans, biopsies at the hospital, lots of bone damage that's healed nicely but now there's more bone damage at the back, he said 'it's like a crater' I laughed when he asked if I'd been exposed to radiation - no - never had cancer either, so to get an implant probably require a bone graft.
December 2023
I think I might rename it - call it .. .. The path to Brexit
From 2011 to 2022- this is what they've achieved (by pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves.) What's Brexit?
"It's all how you word it" says the pedo.... "alllll siccckkkooos" book of swear words...
I'm going to have to every chapter - like that - because it *IS* my life they've been helping themselves to cos cos pedoes like dat.
Lol - Hideous ridiculous retarrrrrrds
World.. earth.. universe.. planetary ... what?
Dr Who, wot, how much have you got to fix it for the pedoes..... rhymes again!! *awks* (not *awkward* for pedoes - cos they're psycho retarded pedoes that carry onnnn being pedoes (as if Brexit isn't real - it's just their 'brexit bullshit' creating scandals to aid another paedophile - pedoes
SICK Ridiculous more
So anyway, 2023 is approaching
That's on the news, they have tid bits of information like that, what they call 'space fillers' - he's got a new movie coming out - probably not the number they're looking for - what with pedoes being pedoes obsessed with themselves BEING pedoes, Benedict is a terrorist - what he did was brilliantly done - be pedoes - make a documentary about pedoes BEING pedoes pillaging someone else's life and raping for rapists - make about themselves - convince themselves they're not pedoes and reap the rewards - that's something else. Like Minnie Driver - that's something else - not 'pleasant' 'something else' - severe mental retardation 'something else' is what she's got - like *many* The only drawback of being victim and subjected to pedoes for over a decade is have to pick the right spots to get a passport because the govts are pedoes that make stuff up and laugh in yah face - happens to everyone - yeah it does - they often make someone else's life about someone else to avoid looking like pedeos - they do it alllll the time and they can 'fix it' FOR pedoes - anywhere in the world - that's incredible isn't it - government paedophiles ... to avoid looking like pedoes... =Brexit
Been thinking about the Maldives, go there - do nothing, it's something I've not yet achieved - a place
like Maldives - what can you do - pretty much nothing, maybe snorkel, they have a way of explaining things themselves. animaahh.. pommms no not meee
Wherever there's pedoes - there's *always* pedoes capitalising on pedoes to make sure they make BEING pedoes - about themselves coscos dats wot dey ARE. Wooo George Floyd!! Greta!! Wherever do they get their paedophile 'ideas' from... hmmm - ridiculously retarded inbreds - get sicker sicker sicker more & more deluded, there's their paedophile president & the paedophile pope (he even *looks* like a paedophile - he's been 'profiled' & 'pigeon-holed' and put in the paedophile box
.. cut and paste - onto the Brexit page - I don't want paedophiles, rapists, terrorists, pillages plagiarists, goading paedophiles, sick vulgar revolting hideous inbreds- in *MY* life - off you fuck - into the Brexit 'Hole' ( sicker more & more ridciulous& Lolz)
I'm not Australian either, sicker MORE retarded, Who the fuck is 'Suzanne Rectum' oo oo I know - a paedophiles 'alter ego' of herself being a paedophile. 'Sasha wot? 'Sasha the paedophile', she saw the sign - it said "PEDOPHILES" - so she stole it, capitalised & made about herself coscos that what she & they ARE- ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES. taika wot? taika the piss like the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that he is & they ARE - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE 🤮
Who are your neighbours? Toadie wants to be a terrorist... oh no wait... a murderer - quite surprising coscos pedoes are their fav roles to 'play' - they don't need to 'act' - that's what they ARE. Crackheads - crack - is their drug of choice coscos crackheads and the crackheads want roles in Suicide Squad *as well* as being paedophiles coscos they've had so much training in the paedophile academy, they're 'professional' paedophiles that have awarded themselves their degrees from the 'University of Pedoes & vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds. Paedophilia - isn't a recognised qualification - it's actually a crime - funnily enough -so by making themselves 'legit' paedophiles they can now say they are 'legit' crackheads ... crackheads - retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮 Pedoes - want MORE 'crack' to go with their raping & pillaging & helping themselves BE PEDOS. Ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE 🤮
It's coscos they're peeeeedoes innnittt? Famous peeeeedoes - SICKER MORE 🤮
It's been a few years since *I* was in Spain (pedoes be pedoes capitalise - pillage & fix - make about themselves, make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz That must be like "Welcome to the party - the pedo party ... 'tribute' ". He's amazed at & by the Pedos that capitalise ON pedoes to make being pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma OF BEING pedos & the pedos are blowing themselves up to avoid looking like pedoes to blame someone else for their paedophilia. Slightly different from terrorists' cos funnily enough terrorists are honest about what they blow up. They will tell you - they will advertise - what they blow up - they want you to know they blow stuff up. Whereas- PEDOS- that make being pedoes about demselfs send themselves anthrax -to blame someone else for being pedoes etc Yah good tiimmes bein pedoes - ridiculous MORE 🤮& lolz
Cos cos being pedoes - just 'jokes' yah 'pwoppa jokes' - FOR pedoes
Lebron Who? never heard of him - he's a paedophile - I can tell you that *even* when I've not met him. What 'blood' money? What cash incentives do they offer to fix it FOR paedophiles & rapists, child molesters, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, terrorists, profiteering terrorists, political paedophiles, pillagers plagiarists sicccccck retarded inbreds = the 'gift' of Brexit. What other rapist 'syndicates' do they fund - the 'greatest pedo show' of course - sick sick ridiculous sick retarded sick vulgar sick sick ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE 🤮 'game day' for pedoes, 'game changing' paedophiles, world cup serial raping traffickers that got 'erf pwize' going to give to Greta for being raped while she was sleeping coscos they 'stole her childhood' and wrote a speech for her to read out to the pedos to help pedoes be pedoes capitalise & make about themselves, hidddddeous retarded revolting disturbed demonic ridiculous vulgar inbreds MORE 🤮
Astonishingly retarded ridiculous vulgar revolting inbreds More & more ridiculously retarded MORE - so pillaged someone else's life - made about themselves to avoid looking like pedoes that - pillage someone else's life TO capitalise on being pedoes & rape for rapists - spend years spinning their own bullshit to help their pedo peers out - *THIER* life of being vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles
"I like her life - might pillage it & make about ourselves" - said the pedoes coscos their names iz peeedoes tooo "I know I know being paedophiles is tooo funny" said the pedoes. Retarded - behind, in front, socially, at work - retarded - every angle - PEDOS - alll angles - siccccck vulgarrr ridiculous inbreds get sicker sicker sicker sicker sicker sicker MORE & MORE
Spot the pedoes competition? Too easy - Retards - siccccccck ridiculously retarded hideous inbreds MORE 🤮 ("oh look your diary has got a picture of statue... might pillage it capitalise make about ourselves" said the pedos *MY* life - that's *THIERS* BEING paedophiles and hideous ridiculously retarded vulgar demonic grotesque inbreds. RETARDS, MORE 🤮 & lolz vulgarrrr hideous bleeehh
Ridiculouser, looks at allllll the stuff they made up (to ensure that they make being pedoes - about demselfs - when they ALREADY ARE coscos dats wot dey ARE) ... 'erf pwize' - pillaged - ridiculously retarded MORE 🤮& lolz
It's Sunday- foot spa day, I say to myself I'm going to give myself a foot spa every weekend - it's not worked out like that yet (meanwhile... they get sicker MORE retarded MORE 🤮) & lolz
Captains log, I didn't have a foot spa yesterday, instead I'm continuing to make the bathroom a sanctuary (fixing the music/speakers etc). I managed to get cables through the hole in the wall -woo!! Genius!! yet to figure out a clever way to conceal the cables in the corner that will go under the windowsill and into the sound system/speakers that I have yet to get. MP3 player broke, put a SD card in - wiped all the data, so - get Samsung tablet - but - that won't work 24/7 as it runs out of battery, better though because music on hard drive and livestream on the internet. I've had music playing in the bathroom 24/7 - because I like it that way & also it's a bit of a mix in the bathroom from waterfalls & rainforests to relaxing deep progressive house etc. Designer you know, yah yah
Boston, like the sasquatch. That's what they've done - to my life - over a decade - pillage and make stuff up and fix it for themselves to make being pedos about themselves when they already ARE & lols cos they're pedoes etc. Kennedys - wherever do they get their 'ideas' to be pedoes.. hmm I think Lindsay should do some shark fishing in Yemen. Opposite of Mordor - probably because I don't live in Mordor and haven't done for years. *Nothing* gets in the way of their raping & pillaging frenzies, ridiculously retarded MORE 🤮 & lolz. Retarrrrrds more & more spectacularly ridiculous
They'll start howling at the moon soon, they will, wait... wait... watch... the peeeedoes in 'action', watch pedoes do this- watch pedoes do that, watch the pedos capitalise on the vulgarity and make about themselves & fix it for *themselves* coscos that's what they arrrre - vulgar Ridiculous retards MORE 🤮
Spectacularly ridiculous, MORE
Thank themselves for thieving 'tag' lines from pedoes, rapists & terrorists that are 'cleverly disguised' as police that capitalise pillage and fix it for pedoes rapists and terrorists etc to make sure they make being pedoes about themselves to avoid any stigmas attached to BEING - PEDOPHILES
They don't have any 'input' - not of their own - coscos peeedoes only know how to pillage fix capitalise make about themselves make something up fix it for the inbreds & lolz coscos - PEDOES. They're like a cancer aye Jim - they *only* like 'feedback' that doesn't mention the *fact* that they're - PEDOPHILES. Like Ricky Gervais - another paedophile that is *FULLY* aware that he *IS* a paedophile - they're 'aware' that they're pedoes & ridiculous retards. Retards -get MORE retarded 🤮 & lolz. Gran Turismo? GTA? "That's their sex box and their name is Sony (that send themselves Anthrax to avoid looking like pedoes and make stuff up and fix it for themselves COS pedoes. Retarded paedophiles - MORE 🤮
Ridiculouser MORE 🤮 & lolz.. booooookface wotsabook - not yooooorrrs... I *know* bookface
Get sicker moooooore retarrrrrrded
So anyway, 6 months to see if it's all clear to get a dental implant... or not, massive amount of bone damage, no radiation no cancer either plus knees/hips and thyroid (butterfly not an affect, because it's a gland. What's retard syndrome? They have that coscos - peeeeedoes & worse.
Funny (but not) because a woman said to me (after they -government- made stuff up & laughed in my face) I told her I was an extra, she says, "I've looked, and we don't believe you" Seriously retarded- regardless of whether I was an extra or not - my own life and they're making their own shit up like totally retarded ridiculous paedophiles - that they ARE. Who wants to get their picture taken of themselves looking haggard and weathered with huge eyebags caused by 20-hour days - think you're driving lightning speed fassssss at 20mph. Tell them that they're pedoes - they capitalise and make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - PEDOES - ridiculous inbreds. More & more retarded
The Director of Selfridges (is he really - moaning - about losing money, custom and Brexit (that they thought would never happen cos they 'presumed' pedoes would fix it for the pedoes (& did fix it for *themselves* cos pedoes) and pedoes would 'block' the performing pedoes midway during their circus- turns out - they're PEDOS- and the program Mr Selfridge - and the actors (paedophiles) - Absolute state of it. They capitalised on their paedophilia and used a victim to market themselves as paedophiles cos pedoes that help themselves & others be pedoes that capitalise on their pedophilia- coscos that's what they are - PEDOPHILES - allll trafficking 'charities' ARE traffickerrrs, just like child line is for child rapists & so on so forth. More 'charity paedophiles - Ridiculous retards. sicker MORE 🤮 "You're not a paedophile, you're not paedophiles - is wrong. PEDOS - alllll angles - everrrrry angle. Pedos - don't like being told what they are - so capitalise make being pedoes about themselves coscos ARE & more fixing it for themselves & lolz. Hideously retarded inbreds more & lolz coscos - what does that mean - means you are paedophiles - severely retarded paedophiles that picked up the retardation from... - that's what that means - RETARDS, more 🤮 PEDOS, more 🤮 much much sicker than *just* retarded, soooo much mooore than *just* an international embarrassment, more & more ridiculous & lolz. There are many examples of them being severely retarded paedophiles - over decades - to achieve... um um.. "dunnnnosss jus being peeeedoes haha's" said the pedoes 🤮
They're paedophiles - FOR 'FREE' - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE 🤮 & lolz
How many times is 'Pedo' mentioned in that sentence/paragraph? Just gloss over being paedophiles, make sumfink fix it for the pedoes & laugh it off - sicccccck vulgarrrr inbreds. More & more ridiculously retarded MORE & lolz
How long can they be pedoes for? As looooong as it takes to make being pedoes - about themselves (when *already* ARE)
I did go to Australia, covered only a little bit (see above - I made a map) whereas I have travelled all over my *own* country *more* than several times. I've seen more of Britain that most brits *EVER* will. 'Travelisting' - what's that? - it's *ANOTHER* 'code' for pedoes that capitalise on their paedophilia and 'worrrkkk 'aaarrrrrdddd' to get what they can out of being - PEDOS. That is incredibly fucked up... wo - that's sick, totally ridiculous - my own life and they make about themselves over two decades later - annnnnnd make stuff up and laugh in yah face COS they're ridiculously grotesque hideous paedophiles - that's FUCKED UP - that's absolutely fucking (Peter Jackson's 'idea' *shudder shudder* taking on the 'role' as 'joker') Paedophiles- ridiculously retarded vulgar paedophiles. Sicker MORE spectacularly vulgarer more retarded MORE
I've seen them both - not in their home cuntree. How fucking embarrassing for THEM. Yah better make sumfink up and fix it for the ridiculously vulgar revolting hideous inbreds. Borrrrn borrrn in the 'fiery pits of hell' or 'the ring of fire', it's an ad... '100% theeeeeer fooor the taking' like 'cheap wine and a three-day growth- is like... this one time ... at bandcamp... he went on a bender and got stuck in a cave... for three days - kind've like 'sumthing kinda oooo on my toottoot' - but not. They make ads about themselves being pedoes as well as documentaries (They're totally ridiculous - they're pedoes, completely retarded).
Progressive house playlist, youtube - in the bathroom on mp3. Ambience Chill house effect, Buddha bar. Having music 24/7 in a bathroom - is a must, same with the bedroom - just have to get the times right cos don't wanna be waking up at 4am to the tune of jiggy beats. 'Sleep' relaxing meditatey music between the hours of 11ish to 7am thereabouts. Tip for when was studying, listen to the lectures while sleeping - not sure that works - as I have tried it. A vs B+ vs with or without weed.
Rainforest... in the bathroom (meanwhile - dey get moooooore retarded)
Lolz: PEDOES & terrorists & vulgar revolting hideous demonic retarded pieces of vulgar revolting hideous shit, yah yah the 'boooombshell' is about helping da pedoes cover up their paedophilia so create a 'scandal' to help gloss over the 'scandal' of being retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous paedophiles. Another documentary about more pedoes made by pedoes themselves, I couldn't care less if Charlize's pedo pal Celine has fire coming out of her fucking ears - she's a paedophile - along with fashion for pedoes & designer terrorists - PEDOS - it's that simple - they're paedophiles - sicker sicker sicker MORE retarded vulgar revolting ridiculously grotesque MORE
They're pedoes - its a FACT - and pedoes make everything abut themselves *including* BEING paedophiles COS pedoes - ridiculous retards, astonishingly sick vulgar grotesque inbreds hideous paedophiles MORE ridiculously retarded MORE & lolz MORE 🤮
"fix it for the pedoes", "okaaayyy" said the pedoes & lol some more - retards - hideously ridiculously retarded MORE 🤮 It's the 'culchaaaa of pimps, ho's & hareeeeems of pedoes & 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting retarded & grotesque - they were *TOLD* that they're pedoes butbut da pedoes don't like being told what they ARE so capitalise make about themselves coscos that's what they ARRRRREEEE - hideous ridiculously retarded paedophiles grotesque inbreds. They're *FULLY* 'AWARE' that they're paedophiles, name of their 'game' is fix it FOR pedoes so pedoes can make being pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma OF BEING pedoes - when they ALREADY ARE - PEDOPHILES
She makes me laugh - they're prolific paedophiles that make everything about themselves *including* BEING paedophiles. Outside Christchurch airport, years ago - with their so-called paedophile 'journalists' with their snouts permanently stuck in their own shit cos they love their own shit, they create their own shit to gloss over the shit they make up to fix it for themselves.
"You're a paedophile luv", "Yeahh" she says and she wants people to visit the abattoir on her farm - I mean her 'wellness' …. 'retreat', which is funny cos considering all the campaigning there's been for 'catering' to the needs of paedophiles with total disregard for everything else *EXCEPT* making sure that paedophiles are 'free' to capitalise on their vulgarity & make about themselves cos they're retarded paedophiles like that.. errr... ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE 🤮 siccccckkkkkker than Savile 20,000 times over MORE 🤮 & lolz
Who's the piggggg? baaaa heeer piggy piggy - down on animal farrrrrmmm - hiddddddeous VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - sicccccckkkkkkkerrrr mooooore ridiuclous - grotesque ridiculous pedophiles - yeah you better make sumfink up and fix it yourselves - hidddddeous retarded VULGAR inbreds - SICK SICK.. morphing into .. more paedophiles that capitalise to make being paedophiles - about themselves - more & more retarded. The 'murdoch mafia'... errr ... peeeedoes retarded inbreds. There's *loads* of ways of making being paedophiles - about themselves, here's another example of them being paedophiles with more documentaries about *themselves* BEING - paedophiles - MORE 🤮
Not my industry/industries, what's Ben's 'motto'? ... ooo ooo I know - take the money & run, make sumfink up & laugh it off etc RETARDS. What's a pedoe's 'motto' : oo oo I know - capitalise on that pedoe cry victim make being pedoes about themselves (cos they are). They're "Baaa'aad pedoes yeah takin out the trasssshhh" (themselves).
Another year maybe another trillion. How much money have they got to lose? Cos Britain is broke - but Britain is giving money away- they have a 'money tree' that was given to them by Nigerian paedophiles in exchange for woolly hats as marketed by Samantha (another vacant paedophile) Cameron (as an incentive to pedoes to fix it for themselves to avoid looking like pedoes that pillage someone elses life & make about themselves to avoid the reality of their paedophilia and wanna get allllll they cannnnn out of being paedophiles (retards to retards coscos that's what they ARE - RETARDS & vulgar revolting ridiculous retard inbreds. The fish 'crisis'.... Ridiculous get sicker MORE 🤮 & lolz
Asian/Oriental/Pacific Rim beauty device instructions *are* funny, says: 'Start caring' 'After two minutes - stop caring'. My eye device broke, Tria fraxel eye laser, it's the second one I've had that's broke. Not a 'pain-free gadget' either. So I bought a Dr Arrivo gadget called 'Zeus' yesterday- not for £1,500 (the 'recommended retail price' - *much* less - less than £50). Bargain. I expect it to lift, firm, brighten - take years off (push those boundaries and see what happens - whereas....the 'fixit for pedoes' brigade that let out a sigh of a relief cos they fixed it for themselves to make being pedoes about themselves coscos..... ridiculous more
I have no - paedophiles etc - in *MY* life nor did I ask them to be. Pedoes being pedoes - helping themselves BE pedoes - "being pedoes is lotsa larfs" said the pedoes annnnd that's what they ARE *anyway* - PEDOPHILES = capitalising *on* & fixing it FOR. More & more ridiculous- vulgar - heinous- retarded ridiculous MORE 🤮
All those thousands, millions & billions of 'people' that do allll they can to make sure pedoes that are billions, trillions times sicker than Savile - are in *their* lives coscos *they* are sicker than Savile & Savile (like Clifford, Stone, Boyle, Weinstein, Cosby, Jacksons pizza pedoes + numerous director actor singer sport fashion etc *including* political paedophiles that 'work together' to ensure they make being pedoes about themselves to avoid any stigmas of BEING vulgar revolting ridiculous demonic retarded -PEDOPHILES) help them look - less sicker than someone that spent his entire 'career' having sex with -whatever- under 'supervision' & 'protection' of security services that 'kept look out' for the heinous piece of shit & got pedoes to make stuff up etc, talk it down - laugh it off etc.
Pedoes were asking Savile - for 'PR advice'' because he was so popular - among paedophiles. Example: Paul McCartney stood in a spot where someone he knew died 35 years ago - therefore you should give nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia to help gloss over being pedoes that lie about 'weapons of mass destruction' (among other things) - to help pedoes be pedoes capitalise and fix it for * themselves* and pedoes believe if make being pedoes about themselves they're not - peeeedoes. RETARDS - seriously seriously retarded, more & more spectacularly ridiculous, vulgar, revolting, demonic & grotesque MORE 🤮 & loz.
Pedoes & their 'scenario's: He's half way through shagging a pig, the police officer looks & smiles. The police officer is female, she sat by the door making sure there are no witnesses, she radio's in .. "next victim - got it covered" - lock the victim up. Employ more pedoes to make sumfink up & fix it for the inbreds & lolz annnnnd repeat- siccccccccck ridiculous retards MORE 🤮 - they have a 'PEDO DRILL' siccccccckkkkk sick sick sicker more & more & more retarded.
A prolific paedophile that (capitalise make about themselves) help pedoes that *capitalise* ON pedoes (& make about themselves), abuse & rape for rapists (& make about themselves) COSCOS - PEDOPHILES - RETARDS. Vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds, RETARDS- MORE 🤮& lolz
It's no 'secret' to pedoes - that they're pedoes. I didn't know that he was a 'fan' of planes - I spose.. he does have rockets that he likes to play with.. (that occasionally get off the ground) and it's green - had too much paint.. or rather someone *else* has been sniffing the paint too much and taken on the 'role' as 'joker' (or make Heath Ledger about themselves -like retarded paedophiles do ie: robbie retarded paedophile williams, Peter paedophile Jackson and paedophile friends. Cos the paedophile sung a song in a movie once that is more than enough reason to be a paedophile that pillage someone else's life & make about themselves *and* cry copyright *while* gloating about BEING paedophiles.
Like Daniel Craig had an extra on his movie that's a 'Russian Villain' - RETARDS - my own life - cos they're pedoes have pedo 'frenzies' to help their pedo peers not look like - PEDOS & *knowing* get pedoes fix it for da pedoes so pedoes can have lotsa larfs being ridiculously retarded paedophiles)
RETARDS -or the green lantern -or the Riddler -or the ghost of Dumpster Castle or the 'gotgot the green light' - to be sick as fuck 'Red light' yahh got 'all clear' to be pedoes that capitalise on their vulgarity & make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - vulgar ridiculous retarded inbreds. The *many* ways to make BEING vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds about *themselves* coscos ARE. Don't need to manipulate sick as fuck to make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE. PEDOS- their paedophilia is 'fierce'. The fumes are still lingering around in their synapsis. Much more retarded than the average glue sniffer. The crackheads will do *anything* for their crack fix. Retards. MORE & more ridiculous more 🤮 & lolz
Retards with an abundance of retarded paedophiles helping pedoes BE pedoes coscos that's what they ARE. Tell them they're pedoes - they capitalise make about themselves, pillage & rape for rapists, careers, reward & 'favours' among pedoes cos that's what they ARE - PEDOS. And da pedoes - don't like being TOLD they're pedoes so pillage & abuse more & more fixing it for themselves so pedoes are 'free' to capitalise on their vulgarity & make about themselves while abusing the victim they're pillaging cos 'precious' paedophiles like that. And they ARE -Vulgar ridiculous inbreds. Spectacularly ridiculous MORE & MORE retarded. If there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists THEY WILL - cos PEDOS - vulgar retards. Pedos - everything is a joke - TO PEDOS. More & more retarded more & more ridiculous more & more astonishingly embarrassingly grotesque - hidddddddeous retarded inbreds
rhymes.. again!!
This is 'interesting'
It's a place I've never heard of that's having a 'project location' competition.. that's 'interesting'.
I've only just seen this - annnnnnnnd the aliens caaaaammmee dowwwwwwwnnn in the lightening.. what's their name?... peeeedoes innit yah. Trump was' down there with him' and they both 'predicted' it together... zzzssst and his clothes went flying up in the air like that other movie where the wind blows in the wrong direction - more & more retarded probably BECAUSE they're retards.
Noone tell Jim - or Miley Cryus - or Morgan Freeman etc etc etc …. etc etc etc spaaaace foooorce.
Clooney runs off to get Greta & the next …from the serial pedo appeaser 'squad' & his 'team' of paedophiles (that are *known* prolific paedophiles). They *know* what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - prolific retarded paedophiles. They put soooo much effort into making being pedos & vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds about themselves when they ALREAY ARE *anyway*- ridiculous retards &grotesque vulgar paedophiles.
"The movie industry will survive" he says (my own life they been pillaging & fixing to make about themselves & get da pedoes to make stuff up to make being pedoes about themselves (cos ARE) to avoid 'stigma' OF BEING ridiculous retarded - paedophiles - the ridiculous retard, retards - sicker MORE)
Newsflash!! (their paedophilia has cost the public trillions & counting -the death of many business'- damage to industries - sport, art, tourism, movies, fashion etc etc war on what? they're PEDOS - hideous ridiculous retards) And the numpties are absolutely 'fascinated' with pedoes and their self absorption - PEDOPHILES - ridiculously retarded grotesque paedophiles MORE & more ridiculous MORE 🤮
Pedos - that pillage someone else's life & make about themselves -abuse to capitalise & cry victim and get da pedoes to fix it for *themselves* coscos peeeeedoes hahaha's 🤮 Astonishingly vulgar MORE & more retarded More 🤮 & lolz Rest assured - their paedophilia is more important than you, being pedoes - is more important than anything else in the world & they'll do whatever to make sure - they make BEING pedoes - about themselves - coscos that's what they ARE - PEDOES - retarded pedophiles & lololz -hideous ridiculous retards.
Get sicker more retarded.
Daily fail pedoes are sicker than stuff pedoes that are sicker than CNN pedoes that are sicker than fox pedoes . Media and their 'creations' - going round infecting everything they can like some psycho AIDS victim (capitalise make about themselves) to avoid looking like pedoes. Retards - siccccck ridiculous inbreds.. What's leveson wanting to achieve.. errmmmm weapon of mass destruction called 'Brexit'. Pedoes- everreeeeeething about them is vulgar revolting demonic grotesque MORE🤮
What does this mean..."uh uh dunnnoooos" said the pedoes - they *know* they're paedophiles that use whatever as tool to help pedoes be pedoes capitalise ON & fix it *FOR*, if the pedoes make being pedoes about themselves to avoid the reality of their paedophilia *STILL* pedoes. Amazing isn't it! Pedoes convincing *themselves* they're not pedoes etc. It's no 'secret' TO pedoes that they're PEDOS, there's *plenty* of documentaries about *themselves* BEING pedoes. The 'crisis' is the 'crisis' of getting caught BEING pedoes so create a 'crisis' to gloss over the 'crisis' of being pedoes annnnd repeat, MORE & more 🤮
sicccccccccck ridiculous inbreds. Oh looooook it's Damien - from out of the Omen (capitalise make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz)
is fraud a crime? Cos they dunnnooooos coscos peeeedoes haha's 🤮
oh look 'House of Cards', McGowan will dress up as a mackadee and dive in a swamp to entertain her pedo pals (she's accustomed to it -they've been swimming around in their own shit for years so it's no biggy to be covered in excrement, like having a bath for her) she wants you to know - she did that - 'for allllll men'. That's why they made her 'Man of the Year' (cos her 'talent' of sucking deformed dicks to get movie roles wasn't paying as much as she liked so it's much easier to get a backhander from another paedophile to help out with their pedo campaigns. Did they shoot up a gay bar? 'Love wins' says the pedoes - retards MORE 🤮 sicker more & more ridiculous.
In 'black & white' for them - they *must* celebrate the death of others & make death about themselves - so pedoes are able to capitalise on being pedoes so pedoes can make being pedoes - about *themselves* Pedos - make everything about themselves *INCLUDING* BEING paedophiles. Retards - more & lolz. They change sex, colour & location to capitalise on being paedophiles to make BEING paedophiles about *themselves* - enter the paedophile 'debate'. 'Kidscan' yeah kidscan - help them be paedophiles. Ever wondered what it's like to have a pair of tits? Book in now - get your sex change today!! Paedophiles dat were born dat way coscos PEDOS you know haha's 🤮 Retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮
Back to - the migrants - that trudged through the mud & swam through crocodile infested waters- to - clap for pedoes and kneel for terrorists. The 'crisis' is the 'crisis' of... fixing it for pedoes soooo pedoes can make being pedoes about demselfs for political points among - pedos (& make about themselves) - where political pedos make the most of being pedoes that fixit for demselfs coscos... peeeeedoes in da pedo business you know hahaha's 🤮
The paedophile/s that took their 'black power' to the super bowl (pedoes, rapists, child molesters, terrorists; that paint themselves black & stage fake hate crimes - so they 'legit' paedophiles)
(All about buy sell swapping migrants etc coscos they're in the pedo business you know haha's🤮 - to capitalise on being pedoes so pedoes can make being pedoes about themselves-without repercussions- coscos they *ARE* demonic vulgar revolting ridiculous retards like that) sicccccckkkk ridiculous inbreds, MORE 🤮
Absolutely fucking ridiculous inbreds MORE retarded MORE 🤮 & lololz - vulgar retards.
It's the name of another movie isn't it. Not bothered because money isn't an 'issue'- just so long as pedoes can fix it for the pedeos to ensure that pedoes can make being pedoes about demselfs "all their - *paedophile* - 'friends' got 'chucked under... what? More ways for pedoes to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves.
Probably a lot more than that - I'm not an accountant though sooo.. all yen & peso's & rupee's
I did a few movies, had a go at modelling, went to (loads) concerts and pedoes wonder why they're not 'loved' ... errr errr coscos pedoes that pillage someone else's life & make about themselves coscos pedoes haha's 🤮 I've met thousands (literally) of paedophiles that quite happily capitalise on pedoes & rape for rapists coscos that's what they ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, murderers, terrorists & hideous vulgar scum. Oh looky there's a competition to have lunch - with a paedophile - any takers? (sure they can make being paedophiles about themselves coscos ALREADY ARE- pedoes making themselves famous when they already ARE - famous paedophiles) (that's not including the Monaco paedophiles etc)
Oh loook paedophiles copying paedophiles... (again) cos they can't get enough of themselves BEING paedophiles, rapists, terrorists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, including taika the piss ridiculous paedophile, precious lil paedophiles aren't they- completely retarded ridiculous inbreds - IN REAL LIFE - peeeeedophiles. Spectacularly vulgar retards. They make stuff up and laugh in yah face, they pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and pay pedoes to fix it for *themselves* cos they're paedophiles - do you think they'll be 'upset' if someone they've never met loses *their* job because of *THIER* paedophilia.. lolz
This is coming from someone that capitalised ON a paedophile and abused the victim COS they're pedoes -they LOVE pedoes - *EVEN* if they've never met them - capitalise make about themselves make the abuse of someone else - about themselves- therefore that makes them... & pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to avoid the stigma of their vulgarity and got pedoes to make stuff up and they laugh in yah face as they fix it for *THEMSELVES* - PEDOS - make everything about themselves - *INCLUDING* BEING pedoes coscos pwoppa lolz being ridiculous vulgar inbreds - make that about yourselves instead of someone else's life. Exceptionally sick. Pedoes are their fav 'roles' to 'play' coscos they don't need to 'act' - that what they ARE. PEDOS.
he's 'coming out' as a paedophile. It's goes.. 1 .. 2 .. you're a paedophile - 3..4.. a sick vulgar revolting ridiculous paedophile 5.. 6.. no wait... pedoes can't count that far
being paedophile .. again.. yah yah good timmmes being a paedophile, tell them that they're pedoes - they capitalise make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - RETARDS & lololz ridiccccccculous retards- not just *any* sick - they're exceptionally sick retards MORE 🤮
Completely retarded inbreds - go compare go compare - who are the sickest. Completely totally retarded. PEDOPHILES - they were told - PEDOS - got PEDOS -written all over it - capitalise make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - PEDOS.. and whats your name? "ohhhh it's peeeedoes isn't ittttt"
Leo & cat winslet.. in pedoes doin' it for demselllves
Watch them in... should be good, edge of seat type stuff & they're all having bets to see who can guess what happens next. Retards, sick sick , ridiculous sick retarded sick, pedoes more & more ridiculous probably cos they're retards. They haven't 'picked up' their retardation over night, they've worked very hard to be more retarded than anything that's more retarded than them. Probably cos they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles & grotesque vulgar inbreds like that. HIDEOUS & lolz
Priceless. Someone well jell of Einstein (Time Magazine are *also* paedophiles fixin it for demsellllves - that employ pedoes to 'help out' with being paedophiles). Stick a paedophile on the front page to 'fit in' with other pedos. PEDOES - for 'free' (they can pay to *watch* pedos be pedoes and pedoes get paid to be pedoes that make documentaries about themselves BEING pedoes coscos HUGE 'fans' *OF* pedoes and ridiculous vulgar inbreds that award themselves on a vulgarity scale. Completely retarded. Spectacularly ridiculous. The timmme they spent being pedoes fixin it demselllllves has resulted in.... "Uh uh dunnnooos jus bein pedos haha's" 🤮
Wriggle Wriggle: pedoes find more ways of making being pedoes - about themselves, *STILL* ridiculous vulgar retarded inbreds & grotesque paedophiles. There's no getting out of it & that's why they sank their little 'unsinkable' boat intentionally - just to see if it would sink - and whatdyah know - it does. Pedos - that FACT- does not change - no matter how much stuff they make up to fix it for themselves. Much easier to watch it/them sink into it's/their own cesspit *they made* being & fixing it FOR pedoes (themselves) cos ridiculously retarded inbreds *anyway*. 'Determined' paedophiles that mess & meddle to capitalise ON BEING paedophiles and to see what they can get - out of BEING paedophiles (other than lolz, 'fun' and 'entertainment' among pedos) and have spent over a decade doing so already and have made literally thousands of excuses for themselves BEING retarded vulgar paedophiles. RETARDS. More & more spectacularly ridiculouser MORE 🤮 annnnnd lolz. Paedophiles and paedophiles - in denial, just get sicker more & more retarded, vulgar grotesque MORE
They call them 'moviessshmoovies' as, while & during they find more ways to make being pedoes - about themselves
MORE spectacularly retarded, ridiculous more 🤮 & lolz
Paedophiles, rapists, child molesters, pillagers, plagiarists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pedos - in front of the camera & behind it - socially and at work - PEDOS - vulgar ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE 🤮
Lolz at the train station guy - 'what they like?' like that - *in real life* - pedoes - real life PEDOS- siccccckk vulgar ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE & more astonishingly ridiculouser MORE 🤮 & lolz RETARDS
Their 'games' are like re-runs of Lion King with a side dish of Frozen .. etc other revolting scenario's involving.... iccccck icccccck ewwwwww *shudder* *shudder*, what retards. They work haaaard to get paedophiles in *THIER* lives cos it helps them look less sicker than sickest hideous retarded paedophiles if they have plenty of paedophiles - in *their* lives. I have *no* pedophiles in *my* life.
"Let it go" they sing. Ronaldo there - laughin all the way to the bank - but the vault is empty. They've capitalised on their losing streak & made about themselves (there's a looooong list of what they capitalise on & make about themselves to avoid the reality of their paedophilia... *jumps on chewy's back for a lift to pedo alley*). They'll probably employ Baldy (that eastender paedophile) to wear a kilt and flash dance in front of the referee, show off his testicle- while accusing the referee of - corruption- and make sure - double sure - he makes the news - cos they make it up *anyway*... waaaait waaaait -pedoes - love their own drama *just* as much as BEING paedophiles. Ridiculous retards.
sicker more & more retarded
Confirmed - they're *still* paedophiles like they were yesterday and the day before and the day before and the day before and the day before and the month before and the month before and the month before and the year before and the year before etc. They want a timeline of themselves BEING paedophiles and vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds that capitalise make about themselves coscos that's what meddling paedophiles DO - rape molest pillage & fixit for the pedoes (*themselves*) that pillage someone else's life, capitalise on their vulgarity & make about themselves & get da pedoes to fix it for *themselves* to ensure they make being vulgar revolting paedophiles an grotesque ridiculous inbreds - about themselves- COS THEY ARE ridiculously retarded inbreds like that & lolz. Completely retarded. Totally.
cofffeeeeee... fooot spaaa
and the pedoes find *more* ways of making BEING pedoes - about themselves. Retards. Ridiculous retarded inbreds (and his co-worker, whatever it is, the baldy - that sings about his anaconda that's developing a new paedophile series on Netflix with his other pedo pal Branson MORE 🤮 It's amazing how they spread their paedophilia about and make about themselves while pillaging and helping themselves be pedos - PEDOS - pillaging meddling paedophiles - retarded ridiculous inbreds & the other Disney movie 'Brave' is about 'coming out as pedos' - haven't done that yet either - surprise! surprise! - no pun intended. (PEDOS) Scotland won what? a new independence vote? Sicker more more retarded. Absolutely completely ridiculous inbreds totally completely retarded.
Go back to New York, go to the Vault & have a burger - not a mackadee where pedos dress up as cheeseburgers because …. food = means PEDOS. THEY'RE RETARDS. Spectacularly ridiculous retards. PEDOS. MORE 🤮
Everything is 'staged' - I told him & them- he's a paedophile - a paedophile that pillages *my* life & makes about himself "But Christian is visiting his victims to check to see if they're still breathing - what have you ever done?" they ask. They don't like being told they're pedoes so capitalise *on* & rape for rapists & get their pedo pals to make stuff up and laugh in yah face. Spend years making BEING pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma of being vulgar retarded ridiculous inbreds. PEDOS -that *also* wear green to 'signal' to their other pedo pals that they're paedophiles too so get more pedoes to fix it for *themselves* and blame someone else FOR THIER CRIMES -when - it's my own life paedophiles are helping themselves to - to capitalise ON BEING PEDOS -coscos that's what they ARE.
Colin Farrell penguin morphs into Courtney love's hole (many holes; ie: rabbit holes (Blair & Alice in wonderland pedoes) the brexit hole (pedoes might lose their jobs if they 'come out' as being pedoes so they employ more pedoes to fix it for themselves etc) & George Clooney (the paedophile that lives on the pizza pedo highway) says - 'be nicer to paedophiles" (that pillage someone else's life & make about themselves & get their pedo peers to make stuff up & laugh in yah face to ensure they make being pedoes about themselves to avoid the reality of their paedophilia etc etc the more pedoes there are the better where pedoes are 'concerned' coscos pedoes believe if they make being pedoes - about themselves & get the pedoes to fix itttt for demselfffs - they're not pedoes - sicccccccck retards).
There's nothing severely retarded about that is there - not at all - PEDOPHILES - they do it allll the time - it's what they do coscos that's what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - ridiculously retarded inbreds - they were *TOLD* that they're pedoes but they're pedoes *ANYWAY* - retards sicker sicker more & more spectacularly ridiculouser MORE 🤮
guess who
How much has Brexit cost so far? lolololz don't 'forget' to lololz like the ridiculously retarded inbreds that they ARE DO as they fix it for themselves *more* to ensure they make being pedoes about themselves coscos that's what they ARE, absolutely completely ridiculously retarded hideous inbreds, MORE 🤮& lolz
Never met her; they're paedophiles, he's a paedophile, they are paedophiles - sicccccck retarded ridiculously demonic vulgar revolting inbreds - and they know it - siccccccccccccckkk
how long can they be pedoes for? "as looooonng as it takes to make being pedoes about themselves when ALREADY ARE" & lolz - ridiculous hideous vulgar inbreds.
Where there is one paedophile - there is *ALWAYS* thousands more paedophiles capitalising on paedophiles BEING paedophiles that like to gloat about their paedophilia - even getting *CAUGHT BEING* paedophiles - they *STILL* make stuff up fix it for themselves and laugh in yah face - my own life- ridiculous vulgar retarded hideous inbreds.
They have the 'standard' pedos on there that everyone knows ARE prolific vulgar ridiculous paedophiles(on youtube); Maxwell's, Murdoch, Clintons, the Bush's, the Obama's, Biden - another presidential paedophile fixing it for *his* pedo mates etc with more politicians that I've never heard of - that's not even including the pedoes in the UK, NZ, America, Monaco, Spain etc.
Pedoes using the criminal justice system -use whatever- to promote their *own* paedophilia - cos that's what they ARE - pedoes. 'Victim support' that rapes & pillages and blames the victim for THIER crimes, government agencies that make stuff up and laugh in yah face to fix for their pedo peers. A UN that pillages a victim with govt's and international bodies that help *Their* pedo pals out by doing the same to make the pool of pedoes BIGGER coscos more pedoes there are …. less likely to look like pedoes that pillage a victim & make about themselves & get pedoes to fix it for *themselves*. Absolutely heinous odious ridiculously retarded inbreds.
I'm not a criminal like these ridiculously retarded inbreds - pedos rapists kidnapping child raping terrorist's. If there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists - THEY WILL - BECAUSE - they're paedophiles, siccccccccccck retards. More & more spectacularly ridiculous. She won't 'save you from the zombies', she'll kidnap rape molest capitalise make about herself cry victim while drinking the next-door neighbours baby through a straw - that she will blame anyone & everyone else except herself for. PEDOS - retarded vulgar inbreds
What's Brexit? "I dunnnooos jus being peeedoes - if make being pedoes about themselves - pedoes convince *themselves* they're not pedos - astonishingly embarrassingly ridiculous retards, grotesque vulgar revolting paedophiles MORE & MORE retarded MORE 🤮 annnnnnd lolz worse than pigs - ridiculous, absolutely totally completely retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮
Retards, sicker sicker sicker more & more retarded
It means - she's a paedophile. Minnie Driver capitalises on a paedophile - she uses clothing to signal to other paedophiles that there is paedophile frenzy about to take place. The government fixes it for *them* so they are 'free' to be pedoes for a long period of time to get as much entertainment as they can out of being paedophiles. The skull baby - she's not the *only* 'celebrity' paedophile to use that 'code' - it means we found Maddie - back in 2011. And they Spend the next decade creating their own dramas & capitalising on their vulgarity - Britney is as vacant and blank as the Clintons - SICK retards -another paedophile Paris Jackson a 'dingo ate her baby' -so she looking for another one to munch on -retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮 peeeeeeedoooophiles - they dunoooos wot pedoes are - because they ARRRRRRRE - hiddddddeous inbreds MORE astonishingly embarrassingly GROTESQUE & lolololz retarded doesn't even come close - MORE 🤮
What happens next... and if you do what under what -what happens?
What happens next? It's 'interesting' how they capitalise & made about themselves and -fixed it- for *themselves* heinous odious ridiculously retarded inbreds - never met him - he's a paedophile- might be a Jewish paedophile- if it gives *him* more incentive to 'cash in' on his & their vulgarity. PEDOS - ridiculous retards. sicker sicker sicker more & more & more & lololz hideous vulgar inbreds MORE 🤮 annnnnnnd lolz
hmm wot does that mean? "uh uh uhhhh dunnnooos jus being pedoes haha's" said the pedeos 🤮 sicker sicker sicker siccccker more more more retarded & lolz.. how pedoes fix it more for *themselves*
"Youtoo themtoo alll sick ridiculous vulgar revolting shit together" etc numerous 'scandals', pedo campaigns put together by pedoes to help themselves (pedoes) gloss over their *own* paedophilia. Pedoes. Astonishingly ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE 🤮 & lolz. Completely totally retarded. hideous. They've exhausted all their pedo PR campaigns, they've milked being pedoes for *every* penny, gloat about being paedophiles wherever they can. Pedoes - like crackheads - *ALWAYS* looking for the next victim to get their 'fix'. Pedos *on* crack - more than *just* retarded - lost a war - laugh it off. Benedict Cumberbatch is a terrorist that has terrorist 'brothers' where they gag rape pillage molest capitalise on being retards & make excuses for *themselves* for being ridiculously retarded inbreds that put an extra in a Guantanamo styled abuse centre - so pedoes are 'free' to be sicccccck as fuccccccck (he made a documentary about that too - so happens - yah being pedos good lil earner innit. lololz What's he doing to the 'refugees' of Ukraine? molesting them isn't he, abusing to capitalise, pillage make about themselves - retards. Their vulgarity & self absorption.. is just... waaaay waaaay, their paedophilia wo - prepare to be amazed how vulgar retarded ridiculously grotesque they are. Completely totally evil - sick sick- sicker than sickest. Ridiculous vulgar inbreds
What's Brexit? "uh uh uhhh dunnos jus being peeedoes haha's" 🤮
More than three pedoes in *their* 'marriage' sick retarded inbreds - completely ridiculously retarded more & more & more
dey dunnoooos wot pedoes are - because - THEY ARE. Ridiculously retarded. Loook at the pedeos being pedoes capitalising on their vulgarity and making about themselves coscos that's what they are - grotesque vulgar ridiculously retarded paedophiles - did the pedoes fixit for demselfffs... yah yah did yah - peeeedoes - everrrrrreeeethinnnnng about them is vulgar revolting ridiculously grotesque more & more astonishingly retarded & lolz some more COS pedoes - doin' it - for demsellllfs. siccccccccccck RETARDS ridiculous inbreds. More 🤮 lolz at the paedophiles - they're paedophiles - retards - sicker sicker more more retarded vulgar revolting MORE 🤮 & lolz
Didn't have a foot spa yesterday. I did find out how to use the Opatra Clean Lift properly though, it's like an extractor - less severe than dermabrasion - that leaves marks on my face. The feeet the feeet watch the feet. Retards get sicker sicker more & more spectacularly ridiculous waaay more coscos peeedoes you know haha's 🤮
Feet, terrorists & pedoes & Retards - just get sicker, more & more while they think of more ways of making being ridiculous inbreds and grotesque paedophiles - about themselves - coscos that's what they ARE & their namez is pedoes too - isn't that 'too funny'. Ridiculous retards - get more & more retarded because they're retards. What's 'funny' about Christian Bale thinking he was Trump that got stuck in a cave.... with pedo guy -pedo's are so 'hilarious' aren't they. Their paedophilia is second to none - they are top of their 'game' - of being pedoes and vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded hideous inbreds. …. and lolz. Star trekkinnn across the universe... only going ….cos they can't find ….they *insist* on making BEING paedophiles -about themselves- coscos they ARE - PEDOS -spectacularly retarded vulgar ridiculous inbreds & lolz some more coscos pedoes fixin' ittttt for demselllllfs. MORE 🤮
YES - they're paedophiles, sicker more & more ridiculous, surely they don't expect paedophiles to admit they're paedophiles (when they already ARE etc that spend years pillaging someone else's life to ensure they make BEING pedoes about themselves to avoid the 'reality' of THEIR paedophilia. Got any more 'pedo' 'ideas' - they're sick ridiculously retarded inbreds = PEDOS - siccckkkerrr MORE).
self absorbbbed not self aborp - self absorbbbbed pedoes - үҙенә һеңгән педофилдар - that and way less 'martiany'.
They pillage capitalise make about themselves & get da pedoes to make sumfink up & fix it for the pedoes (*themselves*) & lolz - not just *any* sick - they're SPECTACULARLY sick and the police say "Please ignore the police while they find more victims to rape pillage & molest" - RETARDS more. Much much sicker than *just* pedoes sooo much more than *just* an international embarrassment. Completely totally retarded more & more spectacularly ridiculouser.
Did you see - the mammoth that froze instantly? Very rare - it only happens every few thousand years.
Pedoes and their *many* ways of making BEING pedoes - about themselves. Retards. Completely totally retarded, if the mammoth was still alive they'd probably try and have sex with it - even better when it's dead & stuffed - sick completely totally ridiculous. MORE 🤮 What's corona? Christian Bale having it off with bats, what's Ebola? Amy Childs having it off with baboons etc etc. Sick retards more spectacularly ridiculous. Completely retarded. 'Global goals' - of pedoes… more 🤮 and the 'greatest pedo show' rolls on.. sicker sicker - just to prove that she eats pizza like a good lil paedophile, showing off her pizza eating 'skills'. Hideous odious ridiculous retards MORE 🤮
Never been a 'fan' of pizza - and the pedoes employ more pedoes to 'talk' about their food issues - *more* ways of making being pedoes - about themselves, they're *fully* 'aware' that they're paedophiles and worse. Siccccccccck vulgar inbreds. Pedoes - sicker more
I generally stick to steak - I'm not a paedophile - in *my* world - steak means steak. (Not 'stake' that victim to avoid looking like pedoes- like Gordon paedophile Brown etc or more pedoes fixing it for themselves Clarkson & co - more & more retarded). I like seafood too - that was my diet in India cos my gut does not agree with spicy food (go for Asian/oriental rather than Indian spicy etc) Delhi Belly vs Seafood poisoning, I was fortunate - they caught it fresh for us.
That's not *awkward* at all because they're turning *their* pedo PR campaigns into 'reality' where they get to 'fight for their lives' (*THEIR*- pedo campaigns - there's plenty of them - to help gloss over *their* paedophilia etc when it's blatantly obvious they're pedoes and love to gloat and flaunt their paedophilia wherever they can etc - with the full support of more pedoes that offer incentives TO pedoes to fix it FOR pedoes to avoid looking like - PEDOS & 'fixers' for all thing vulgar revolting grotesque. The 'battle' for your fooochha - don't stab itttt coscos peeeedoes and their namez is ….. peeedoes … haha's 🤮(that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves annnd make stuff up and laugh in yah face to fix it for themselves cos pedoes haha's 🤮)
There's nothing extremely fucked up about that is there... and lolz coscos pedoes fixin' it for demsellllfs
PEDOPHILES - hideous odious disturbed retarded vulgar revolting inbreds -Sicker more & more retarded, more & more ridiculous waaay more. Completely totally retarded - sicker MORE ridiculous MORE
PEDOS - is what they ARE - there's Boris the paedophile pillaging fixing it for himself to get his 'Churchill' moment (by supplying victim to pedoes so pedoes are 'free' to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves- PEDOS -is what they ARE - they've had THOUSANDS of pedo 'moments' and creating many more - cos they're pedoes fixing it for themselves to make BEING pedoes about themselves coscos thats what they ARE
And that's how pedoes, rapists, terrorists, pillaging paedophiles, profiteering terrorists - that meddle & mess with someone else's life to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves that cry victim while and during being paedophiles - fix it for themselves and their paedophile peers - ridiculous retards MORE 🤮 "Goood timmmmmes" being pedoes said the pedoes, hideous inbreds more & more spectacularly ridiculouser MORE - sooooo *much* more retarded.
What's Brexit? "uh uh dunnnosss jus being peeeoes haha's" Not a weapon of mass destruction to take the focus off their paedophilia etc.. *EVERYONE* is very happily divorced. Been that way for decades - and if they're not - get divorced - to make Brexit - about themselves -to avoid looking like pedoes - that pillage someone else's life make about themselves and play the capitalise on pedoes & and rape for rapists 'game'. They made their *own* series of 'House of Cards'. Or rather.. 'house of straw' filled with piggy wiggy Cameron's and their paedophile counterparts scoping far and wide for the next whale humping sesh. Retards, more & more spectacularly ridiculous more & more .. annnnd lolz coscos peeeedoes fixin' it for demsellllfs.
Spectacularly ridiculous retards, yeah yeah make sumfink up (my own life) fix it for the pedos & lolz
PEDOPHILES. RETARDED VULGAR REVOLTING RIDICULOUSLY GROTESQUE - PEDOPHILES - MORE 🤮 & lolz. They're probably incredibly busy making *another* documentary about themselves BEING pedoes capitalising on and fixing it FOR *themselves* 'innit' - ridiculous retards, MORE & lolz
Espresso ….. buzzinnnnng.. Jura impresses me *everyday* (probably why they call it 'Jura Impressa')
on this day in 348BC.... got stuck in a caaaaaaave
Looking for a shop - it's got holes in it - have you seen it? Do you know where it is?
I've been to Hawaii, 'island hopping' - as you do. Brilliant idea to never have another Siberian winter *ever again* in your life, 6 months here (warm country)- 6 months there (warm country). Unfortunate for those that are caught up in the 'cost of living' crisis. The migrant 'crisis', the refugee 'crisis', the Brexit 'crisis' and all the other 'crisis' they generate for themselves to avoid looking like - paedophiles. (*Their* life - of being paedophiles pillaging fixing capitalising crying victim making about themselves annnnd getting the pedoes to fix it for themselves coscso pedos haha's 🤮) Astonishingly retarded inbreds.
Need not worry about fuel cos the fossils provide it and being the hideous paedophiles that they are - pillaged someone else's life and made about themselves and got pedoes to make stuff and fix it for themselves and laugh in yah face cos pedoes - fixin it for demselfs- what they do is - PR for PEDOS, 'PR' *is* fixing it FOR pedoes (like it has been for the past decade while they find *more* ways of making being paedophiles - about themselves.
When paedophiles pillage someone else's life- capitalise and gloat about BEING 'tremendous' paedophiles … they are yet to give a speech detailing their paedophilia & zoophilia - which go together where hideous paedophiles are concerned. The Saudi's paid Tony Blair £9 million for 'global change' (while abusing the victim they're pillaging, it's the 'Institute of paedophiles, rapists, serial raping traffickers, kidnapping child raping terrorists' - he's been very successful with his paedophilia - the world *has* changed - due to their paedophilia and *everyone* is reaping the rewards - of helping pedos be pedoes - that fix it for themselves cos they're pedoes that do all sorts of vulgar revolting shit to avoid the stigma of THIER paedophilia & a much bigger incentive was offered TO pedoes to fix it FOR pedoes (themselves) COS they're pedoes. Completely retarded ridiculous inbreds. Then that's other ridiculously retarded paedophile - pedoes - are their 'fav roles' to 'play' don't need to 'act' coscos that's what they ARE.
"You mark their words - they ARE paedophiles" (retarded ridiculous inbreds, more 🤮 & lolz)
'Trusty backpacks' etc. Retards. Retarded paedophiles. Extremely retarded paedophiles. Sicker more & more ridiculous. More vulgar, spectacularly ridiculous.
The funniest thing when travelling, they start talking about Brexit and moaning about *their* 'sad little lives' and expect someone else to fix it for them - yeah pedoes - pedos HAVE 'fixed' it for them & *themselves*. I don't want to hear their shit - *their* shit caused more shit cos they're pedos fixing it for themselves, that make stuff up and laugh in yah face COS Pedoes -ridiculously retarded inbreds that make everything about themselves *including* BEING paedophiles. The funniest thing about blank & vacant retarded paedophiles- is they moan about the result of being pedoes fixing it for themselves- where Brexit was a tool for political paedophiles to take the focus OFF being pedoes. So to avoid any 'stigmas' attached to being vulgar inbreds, employ more pedoes to fix it FOR more pedo's that can't take what they dish out cos they get all 'precious' and 'upset' about being told what they ARE - so capitalise and make being pedoes about themselves -when they ALREADY ARE - pedoes, rapists etc ridiculous spectacularly retarded inbreds. Completely retarded, totally retarded.
.. where are they now? They've gone down some hole to find Jojo the rabbit. Pick a country - that's not been contaminated by their paedophilia. The shit they come out with - paedophiles- vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds more & more ridiculous. Go to Greece where the fields are bare cos they don't like olive trees- probably because they 'symbolise' paedophiles - 'hazard' guess. Britain - paedophiles- that don't like being told what they are so capitalise cry victim make about themselves cos they ARE paedophiles. Australia & their 'auspols', New Zealand & Pacific Islands 'dirty politics', their 5 eyes paedophilia agencies. American paedophiles that abuse to capitalise cos they're pedoes helping pedo mates BE pedoes coscos they're in the 'buy sell swap trade pillage rape for rapists' brigade. Retards, completely spectacularly retarded.
The paedophiles that pillage someone else's life to make BEING pedoes - about themslves - *STILL* have the audacity to cry victim. For example: Richard Branson (also looks like a paedophile, Savile has 'twins' all over the place) is in his 'happy' place on an island with his other paedophile pals making sure they 'look out' for their paedophile peers etc that engage in mass rape (they're like the migrants that went on raping spree in Germany - full view of *everyone*. Famous paedophiles are just like that - full view - of *everyone* - no bova tho cos get pedos to make stuff up and fix it for themselves & gloat about their paedophilia wherever they can - paedophiles - no 'secret' to pedoes that they're paedophiles - blatant paedophiles - in your face paedophiles & lolz. Pedos - making the most of BEING paedophiles & pillage to capitalise etc they're 'free' to milk being pedoes for *every* penny - just because - they're ridiculous retarded inbreds like that - PEDOS - for 'free' - retards - sicker more ridiculous. RETARDS.
Travel advice: go somewhere - where they're not - avoid them like the plague because they ARE the plague.
Another thing that's 'funny' (to pedoes) about paedophiles flaunting their paedophilia spreading it about, they seem to think that because they're famous that shake hands with *many* paedophiles annnd pillage someone else's life and make about themselves cos they're in the serial raping trafficking business - the pedo's don't the message - "you're a paedophile - fuck right off" especially not Governor General's etc that help themselves BE pedoes - they capitalise make about themselves cos they ARE -paedophiles. And the pedos find more ways of making being paedophiles - about themselves and abuse to prove to *themselves* they ARE paedophiles (capitalise on the abuse of someone else & make about themselves). And fix it for themselves *again* to make sure they capitalise on their *own* vulgarity.
Absolute vulgarity of the ridiculous vulgar retards- thaaaaat make their own shit up & lolz COS they're pedoes - my own life. I go to Spain and pedoes - make about themselves - I go to Monaco and pedoes - make about themselves - I go to New York - and pedoes - make about themselves, I meet - and pedoes - make about themselves. PEDOS - completely retarded. "Don't talk about the movie' says the pedos - I couldn't care less about Daniel Craig and his paedophile ways or the *many* pedoes that work to ensure the safety OF pedoes that abuse and break numerous international laws TO capitalise on BEING paedophiles while *and* during BEING paedophiles AND to avoid the stigma of being ridiculously retarded inbreds make sure they make BEING ridiculously retarded inbreds- about themselves.. coscos..
They *are* RETARDS - I'm not arguing with them - I'm agreeing with them - they *ARE* ridiculously retarded paedophiles. They *know* they're pedoes, they're *FULLY* 'aware' that they're paedophiles - sooo get the pedoes to fix it for the pedos and laugh it off coscos that's what retarded paedophiles DO (& everyone is paying for it).
It's just like "don't talk about your paedophilia" - and they don't *even* when their 'prized' paedophile is six feet under. Danny Boyle another revolting ridiculous paedophile (another Savile 'twin' like that other thing that looks like Savile - they all start to look the same .. Fullers & Wetherspoons etc and everyone knows their name it's... 'pedo guy'... plural') Peter Jackson another ridiculous paedophile, Blue Planet - paedophiles - pick a 'charity' *any* 'charity' - paedophiles, Sam Mendes - paedophiles - James Cameron, Olive Stone, Ricky Gervais, Jackman, Crowe, McAvoy, Radcliffe, Burton, Guy Ritchie, Madonna etc, the beckhams and their paedophile 'entourage', Clooney & that thing that looks like a pig (there's a few actually that resemble their fav farm animal- hideous inbreds)- that's not even including political paedophiles that capitalise on pedoes *BEING* pedoes. Taka wot? - taka the piss - PEDOPHILES - all these paedophiles gang up and rape for rapists COS they're paedophiles & 'precious' little retarded muppets. Their paedophilia spreads faster than the plague. Pedoes convince *themselves* they're not pedoes by standing in a spot where someone died over 35 years ago while participating in pedo PR to help *themselves* & pedo peers avoid looking like ridiculously retarded paedophiles where they pillage someone else's life and make about themselves COS PEDOS - pedos - pedoes give *themselves* 'permission' to be - paedophiles - I didn't ask them - they're pedoes that got caught *BEING* pedoes so attempt to fix it for themselves to avoid looking like - pedoes.
I'm sure -absolutely certain -these ridiculous retards wouldn't appreciate having a sock shoved in their mouth while pedoes gather round to participate in raping pillaging frenzies - that's what they ARE- that's what they DO - they're gang rapists, much much sicker than 'average' 'dark alleyway' rapist. 'Like a game of thrones rape scene' - that's what they love, should be able to see the saliva dripping from his mouth - it was like a stream - they're SICK. Recreate being pedoes - stick in a show for pedoes to enjoy. Bit like the Brexit show with their pathetic retarded 'slogans'. They must think public are completely bat shit stupid - and they are, again I agree - they *ARE* retarded brainless inbreds, pedoes follow pedoes and play the pedo 'game' and it got them... where?
What do the pedoes say "Never met her in my life" That's how *I'd* like it to be cos it *IS MY OWN LIFE* - get a life - someone else's vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds - completely totally retarded. The *only* 'idea' they have is BEING pillaging vulgar retarded paedophiles - coscos that's what they ARE, they 'forget' they're pedoes & don't like being reminded that that's what they ARE. Absolutely grotesque. Piracy? Paedophiles - more ways of making being ridiculous inbreds about themselves - again - my own life - pedoes that cry 'piracy' pillage make about themselves cry victim - completely fucking sick retarded inbreds. 'Game of Thrones' - paedophiles, Disney - paedophiles - sicker sicker sicker more & more retarded vulgar revolting ridiculously grotesque more and more retarded.
Completely retarded. Totally.
The crisis is the 'crisis' of being the right 'colour' - to capitalise on being pedoes, rapists, serial raping traffickers that pillage someone else's life & make about themselves. Pedoes - find loads of ways of making being pedoes - about themselves. I didn't arrive by boat - more spectacularly ridiculouser MORE.
We walked around where the Titanic was built - didn't see it because it was already sunk. I also stayed on a boat in Monaco and turns out they're paedophiles that are in the paedophile, kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficking business. Get sicker more & more retarded. Vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE 🤮& lolz
The bar awards, lolz, the more the famous the bar is - the sicker the pedoes are. Ridiculous retards. Just get sicker - all angles, every angle.
I was researching the Aromatherapy Associates Aroma Radiance lift and I come across this: is he the bird with holes in? Or the sick bird competition where pedoes capitalise and make about themselves - they make *anything* about themselves. Including a bird - that didn't fly into their house. There's only so much 'sick vulgar revolting retarded inbreds grotesque hideous paedophiles that fit into that many characters, have to backspace and think of more 'clever' ways of calling them what they are - sick vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds - plus - I've got way more than 40,000 tweets, shaggy's still shagging those sheep, exceptionally sick retards get sicker more.
So anyway, the cost of a 90 minute treatment is £120, the machine is £150 and I can do it to myself as many times as I like. Their 'research' means - pedo frenzies, capitalise supply pillage fix & lie, make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz (cos pedoes want to capitalise make about themselves - which they did - also a fact -also fully 'googleable' - more pedoes). Pedoes, absolutely ridiculously completely retarded. More & MORE.
Anyone that's looking for a new 'career'... 'fashion for pedoes', 'designer terrorists' money laundering etc etc play around with makeup and turn themselves into...
Tourism, all aspects.. totally obliterated by the PR pedo machine that work hard to help take the focus of *themselves* BEING ridiculous paedophiles etc tell them they're pedoes - they capitalise make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE, more & more ridiculously retarded.
Interior Design - way less …. hideous.. ridiculous.. than the retards. What can you fit into a room the size of a shoebox - see Hong Kong etc to utilise the space in genius ways.
Loook there's an ad made by pedoes FOR pedoes to 'enjoy' - what they like? they're like that- pedoes, rapists, child molesters, pillagers, plagiarists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers - peeedoes pillage someone else's life make about themselves to avoid the stigma of their vulgarity.
Make sumfink up so pedoes can make being pedoes about themselves so can cry victim, make it about being 'all black' paedophiles - vulgar ridiculously retarded inbreds - make sumfink up - my own life - pedoes that pillage capitalise make about themselves coscos retarded paedophiles - extremely retarded paedophiles more ridiculous MORE 🤮 "Talking to themselves AAANNND & blowing themselves up - 'multi tasking' paedophiles.. RIDICULOUS vulgar inbreds more & more
The guy in a hall.. and the mammoth in the museum (in New York) is.... who's 'idea'? Coscos being pedoes *IS THIER* 'idea' coscos that's what they ARE - hideous ridiculously retarded paedophiles, grotesque inbreds MORE 🤮
Pedo pals put a block on for them - so they are 'free' to capitalise on their vulgarity & make being pedos about themselves (when ALREADY ARE) for 'good ideas' cos PEDOS and 'fun' among rapists (when they ALREADY ARE). Absolutely completely ridiculously retarded - sicker sicker sicker MORE spectacularly vulgar, more & more retarded - cos they're retarded paedophiles - more ways of making being retarded paedophiles - about themselves. SICK SICK ridiculous sick retarded sick - sicker more & more. PEDOPHILES - they dunnooos wot pedoes are because they arrreeee.
Did he tell them to go die in a fire? Did they make stuff uppp to fix it for the inbreds and laugh in their face. PEDOS, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers & terrorists- capitalise on piracy make piracy - about themselves etc etc more ways to make vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds - about themselves. Retarded vulgar revolting demonic ridiculous inbreds - sicker sicker sicker. What they like? Pedoes making the most of their vulgarity - SICK more 🤮 "What's Brexit?" "Uh uh uh dunnnnooos jus being peeedoes haha's"🤮 "it's the luv of funder haha's" - retards - sicker sicker sicker more more - bleeehhhh- hideous vulgar retarded inbreds
Caught in the 'act' (of being PEDOS)- *STILL* make stuff up & laugh in yah face AS they fix it for themselves and their revolting paedophile peers *ANNND* capitalise make documentaries about *themselves* BEING pedoes etc - HIDEOUS retarded inbreds more 🤮
Ridiculous MORE
There's a 'message' for the pedoes- I put it on the brexit page (it's like the pedo version of 'Room 101' they *never* complain about *themselves* BEING ridiculous paedophiles so they're 'they takin' out the trassssh' - *themselves*. PEDO FILES - Pedoes - are *not* part of *my* life, - that's *THIER* life BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles & hideous inbreds (and it is *my life* they been helping themselves to making about themselves get pedoes to make stuff up to ensure that they make BEING pedoes about themselves coscos they ARRRRRRE kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficking vulgar retarded inbreds like that. They capitalise ON them and make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - ridiculously retarded inbreds & grotesque paedophiles. SICK VULGAR RETARDS, more & more spectacularly retarded more & more
The Zeus … has arrived.. SOOO pretty and sparkly, needs to on display can't be stuffed in a drawer. The only difference with this version and the second version is that the second version has a swivel head - for approx. £1,500 - £2,000. And no diamantes.
My review of the Zeus. Can't find any online, correction - I *can* - except - they're in a language that I don't understand. There's one lady that says this device (she has the Zeus II) is the Hermes (.. might mean Herpes they're a delivery company - that didn't like that name so they changed it) of the beauty world.
MFIP - supposed to be like a massage for the face. something something pulse. It's like a pulse. Once a week. EMS, LED, and VR. Not sure what VR is, it beeps and vibrates.. and my face feels .. lifted and awake. I've not tried the EMS as I have Evenskyn Lumo (for less than £20 and the RRP is £500) that is great for deep cleaning *BUT* the EMS on that make my face twitch on the lowest level - it's a really powerful device. I've not tried the EMS on the Zeus, so unsure how powerful it is, in saying the Zeus is plugged directly into the socket and is not a rechargeable device. Maybe in a couple of days.
I'm going to see if I can get the ghost for a tenner.
My review... for myself.
I gave the EMS on the Zeus a go, it's not as strong as the Lumo - I can get up to highest level and it's nowhere near as strong as the Lumo (and that's a rechargeable device). Quite hesitant about using the EMS because.. makes the muscles go quite spastic - especially the Lumo. The Zeus is much more gentle and great for lip plumping with botox or filler.
And - matt Damon IS a paedophile, Mel Gibson is a paedophile, Ben Affleck is a paedophile with a paedophile wife (ridiculously retarded inbreds), Britney Spears is a paedophile - a vacant and blank paedophile just like their pedo pals Fred & Rose west (except they're pedo's that gloat about being paedophiles & ridiculous inbreds that abuse all aspects of 'security' TO CAPITALISE ON BEING paedophiles (make being pedoes about themselves cos THEY ARE) Helen Clarke IS a paedophile as is banki moon with more knicker sniffing UN paedophiles that capitalise on their vulgarity & make about themselves cos THEY ARE ridiculously vulgar retards. The list of paedophiles gets bigger and they get more & more retarded - cos they're PEDOS - that encourage more pedos help them be pedoes to avoid the stigma OF BEING pedos-that allllll participate in mass rape to help their pedo peers not look like pedoes and vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds- they're PEDOS - sick retarded hideous ridiculous inbreds, Sick retards - more 🤮
Laser Lipo is broken. Don't manipulate that and make it about 'Brokeback Mountain' cos they're pedoes that do everything they can to ensure they make BEING pedoes about themselves while abusing victim they're pillaging to 'get off' on BEING absolutely astonishingly sick vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded ridiculous inbreds - or that other twat that shouts at rocks. Matt Damon asks Harvey "How long can we be gay paedophiles?" "Uh uh dunnnoss check the lube for instructions" They *know* they're pedoes, *FULLY* aware they're vulgar ridiculously retarded inbreds. Sicker more & more retarded like hideous paedophiles do... annnd lolz hideous ridiculous retards.
Matt Damon is a paedophile that loves any 'role' they get to be paedophiles in - namely their *own* movies mini series & documentaries about themselves BEING paedophiles, he stole Clintons notepad 'wrote give me a blowjob' and passed it back to Clinton & Clinton did 'give to him' (as a 'favour' for his 'friend' - not realising it was just a 'joke' among ridiculously retarded paedophiles. Madonna ups the stakes - she'll give *everyone* blowjobs as a 'favour' to *ALL* pedoes if it helps them avoid looking like the ridiculously vulgar revolting inbreds that they are. SICK retards. More & more ridiculous. How many years can they milk their *own* paedophilia for all it's worth - poor pedos, the poor poor hideous retarded paedophiles "It's not a crime cos she's not a minor" the pedoes say- even MORE spectacularly retarded. Apart from the kidnapping the child raping the pillaging the serial raping trafficking & the fixing it for allll things vulgar revolting demonic retarded & grotesque - what 'part' of hideous paedophiles no understandy? NONE cos they're pedoes that 'get off' ON BEING paedophiles. That's what they ARE = PEDOS, including that twat freeman - what a fucking retard. Get sicker MORE & lolz.
Never in your life, never in *anyone's* life, do you have lunch with someone - that turns out went to same school as brothers murderer and they abuse capitalise make about themselves, including the 'journalists' that abuse to capitalise on *their* vulgarity (cos someone else's life is a 'good idea' to pillage capitalise and make about themselves and gloat about being paedophiles wherever and whenever they can and because the hideous retarded inbreds are in different countries with total & complete disregard for anything else *except* their *OWN* paedophilia, pillaging and helping themselves be pedos. SICK. They then proceed to meddle & play rape pillage victim 'game' annnnd the get the pedoes to make stuff up and laugh in yah face yo fix it for themselves cos they're vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds like that.
Never in your life, never in *anyone's* life, go to Monaco and they're pedos in the kidnapping child raping business - that capitalise on pedoes being pedoes and make the most of being vulgar inbreds.
Never in your life, never in *anyone's* life, go to Spain and pedoes hijack it and make about themselves. Ridiculously retarded more hideously grotesque, SICK. "What's Brexit?" "uh uh dunooooos jus bein' peeedoes haha's" 🤮
Never in your life, never in *anyone's* life, *was* an extra and they capitalise and make the most of being pedeos, from copyright to piracy annnnnnd make about themselves and get da pedoes to make stuff up and laugh in yah face COS pedoes, rapist, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers and fix it for themselves MORE, spectacularly embarrassingly ridiculously retarded inbreds. Completely totally retarded, more & more.
What they liiiiiike? - they're like that - pedoes, rapists ,terrorists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pillagers plagiarists & 'fixers' for all things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque etc MORE ridiculously sicker, more & more and lolz.
Paedophiles - more ways of making being vulgar revolting inbreds about themselves - SICK. PEDOS. MORE 🤮 Mexico city - is also a hub for .... peedoes & savagey scavenging paedophiles looking for the *many* ways to make being vulgar inbreds - about themselves - that use their 'tunnel of swamp' to get to the next paedophile destination - might of heard of it - called the 'pizza pedo express' - pedos are HUGE fans of it, like the back alleyway Christian Dior that 'scouts' for - minors etc more ridiculously retarded. MORE.
*Awkward*.. Probably from 2011. Then from 2013 onwards its pedoes fixing it for *themselves* Did they get what *they* 'wanted'. Leveson, Brexit etc... diggy diggy hoooole. It is my own life. As far as presidents go: the paedophiles stick out like a sore thumb & they find - more ways - of making being pedoes - about themselves. I've got nothing in common with Joan Collins - because I'm not a paedophile. yes I know who she is. (and it's the daily fail.. leeevsonnn ahieve brexxxit). The war on.... what? More retarded MORE.
I just googled the cast of Beverly Hillllz ninety thousand two hundred and tennn, it doesn't include pedoes that dress up as cheeseburgers to let their pedo 'friends' know that they're being pedoes to help the pedos in the abattoir not look like .... pedoes. It was a tropical storm in a place called Avalon. The cockroaches were ginormous, not that there's anything 'alieny' about that - just because cockroaches were in a movie once -doesn't make them famous.
Jeremy Clarkson is a paedophile, Judi Dench is a paedophile - their favourite paedophiles are Fred West annd Savile etc. The list of their fav prolific paedophiles, rapists, terrorists etc is loooong - cos that's what they ARE and that's what they 'love' - PEDOS - being pedos, capitalising on, making about themselves and fixing it for *themselves* and laugh in yah face as they make their own shit up, antagonise to capitalise and refuse to 'investigate' their *own* paedophilia ("no not Savile" they say - they're RIGHT they're WORSE - astonishingly vulgar retards - all helping their pedo pals capitalise on what they ARE - PEDOS -creating their own 'dramas' to help gloss over themselves being ridiculous paedophiles.
"oh look there you are" the pedo says BEING a paedophile with her pedo rabbit ears on. Taka Wot? PEDOPHILES- PEDOS - sick hideous vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - MORE MORE astonishingly ridiculous MORE 🤮
Annnnd Steven Spielberg is 'teaming' up with more pedoes to cash in on their £88 million documentary they're making about themselves being - paedophiles - *again*. RETARDS. If the Brexit documentary about themselves being paedophiles, meddling pedoes & profiteering terrorists wasn't enough - they neeeeed to be pedoes mooore - 'the bombshell' of being pedoes, the 'crisis' of getting caught being pedoes, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists. Whoopi Goldberg says "racism is about being paedophiles that pillage someone else's life & make about themselves, they get to cry victim while being pedoes and raping for rapists - cos they're black. Whether they're Jewish is irrelevant - cos they'll make that about themselves *anyway* cos they got 'Jewish cash' as incentive to be paedophiles. Just like they pay pedos to fix it *FOR* pedos - cos that's what they ARE. PEDOS. Pedoes that pillage to make being pedoes about themselves when ALREADY ARE - vulgar retards.
The 'culture' of pedoes, rapists and harreeeems of vulgar retarded inbreds. Retarded - ridiculously disturbed demonic vulgar inbreds - MORE. Completely totally retarded MORE. Paedophiles. That is what they ARE. That FACT does not change - no matter how much 'stuff' they make up to fix it for THEMSELVES - my own life - I do NOT have paedophiles in it. Sickest of the sickest of the sickest - more and more and more retarded vulgar revolting MORE & lolz.
Use the victims of Norway to make being paedophiles about themselves while pillaging MY LIFE and making about themselves AND abusing to capitalise on THIER vulgarity - MY OWN LIFE - paedophiles ridiculous retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds - what's brexit? "I dunnoooo jus bein pedoes haha's" 🤮 Pedos - that use whatever as a tool to ensure they make being paedophiles about themselves - when they ALREADY ARE vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded hideous fucking inbreds.
"Don't stab yooor fooocha" says the kidnapping child raping terrorist police that supply victims TO pedoes so pedoes are 'free' to capitalise make about themselves & get da pedoes to make stuff upppp and fix it for themselves & lololz 🤮 Ridiculous completely retarded MORE. And Clooney *IS* absolutely completely spectacularly retarded. And Richie McCaw goes to New York takes a photo of a sign cos someone else's life is a 'good idea' to 'recreate' being pedoes and make being paedophiles about themselves cos Karshadian pedo gang do it coscos they're pedoes and being pedoes is good for 'reality shows' & it's beneficial FOR pedoes if they have an audience OF pedoes so they can allll be pedoes together- with more patronising inbreds that say 'thank you for your message' ridiculous siccccck retards. Again - my own life - what they like? They're PEDOPHILES. They're RETARDS. They call the paedophile Helen Clark 'aunty' & use the UN to help gloss over BEING ridiculously retarded inbreds and spread their paedophilia about as much as possible, pedos. retards. MORE & MORE grotesque more ridiculous - retarded- vulgar - revolting. Here's a 'message' for 'free' - "you are ridiculously retarded paedophiles and grotesque inbreds" - no need to thank me for that - they *know* what they ARE *already* and have been for decades while they find more ways of making being vulgar inbreds - about themselves.
They see you getting gang raped, they'll join in and to see what they get out of it - even sicker - they'll cry victim and make about themselves COS they're SICK retards like that - pedoes that capitalise on the abuse of someone else and make about themselves - COMPLETELY RETARDED - what did they get? - they got Brexit. "Good timmmmes" being PEDOPHILES, rapists, terrorists pillaging paedophiles sick vulgar retards. MORE embarrassingly vulgar more "You people get treated like shit don't you" he says (talking about extras) not the fact that he shares the same school as a convicted murderer that abuse myself *MORE* so pedoes are 'free' to capitalise on THIER vulgarity & make about themselves- that *also* went to the 'university of pedoes and vulgar retarded inbreds' and just to prove to *themselves* they ARE ridiculous retards - proceed to rape to make rape about themselves when they ALREADY ARE *while* gloating about being paedophiles that abuse to capitalise *with* goading vulgar paedophile governments that are also kidnapping child raping terrorists that get da pedoes to laugh in yah face as they make their own shit up & fix it for THEMSELVES to ensure they make being paedophiles about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - they're completely retarded. Again - my own life - pedoes - Sick sick ridiculous sick soooooo much moooooore than *juuuuust* an international embarrassment - astonishingly ridiculous retards & lolz coscos pedoes 'having fun' SICK - completely totally grotesque inbreds.
Sicker, more & more ridiculous. Waaaaay more.
Its foot spa day.. again
… and they *ARE* recreating being pedoes *AGAIN* to make BEING pedoes about themselves *AGAIN* some soccer player goes to a landmark in another country that's been made famous by a movie. He's visiting the pizza pedo highway to get more tips on how to make being vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - about themselves *AGAIN* - no matter how many ways they make being vulgar inbreds about themselves - they *STILL* ARE vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds. PEDOS- hideous ridiculous retards.
The 'games' for pedoes rapists child molesters kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers meddling pillaging paedophiles and profiteering terrorists annnnnnd with 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting demonic and grotesque. Astonishingly ridiculous more & more retarded. There's nothing 'beautiful' about them - they're paedophiles ridiculously retarded inbreds "inside and out" - they're WORSE than pigs. Pedos that'll do whatever to help their pedo peers not look like pedeos - esp if the 'price is right' (aka 'cash for favours, bribery, corruption, fraud - all 'firm favourites' *of* ridiculous paedophiles that are in the 'cash for favours' business ie; £10 million to say "We are fabulous paedophiles - together" *Everyone* *knows* they're not paid to say that and they're not going to say that because the 'perk' of getting paid to BE pedoes rapists & terrorists is worth more than a fiver.
Along with the - there's a paedophile getting paid by terrorists to help them not look like pedoes that capitalise on terrorising to capitalise on being pedoes to promote themselves as..... ? ) and by making being pedoes - about themselves - pedoes believe they're not pedoes. Ridiculously retarded criminals. How much to fix it for the retards - PEDOS - for 'free' - sicker sicker more & more retarded vulgar revolting grotesque more more ridiculous - PEDOS. sicker MORE.
Completely retarded. MORE. The £88 million documentary, is a series/docudrama, about pedoes being pedoes capitalising ON and fixing it *for* to ensure they make BEING hideous inbreds about themselves to avoid the stigma of being hideous inbreds that make their own shit up and laugh in yah face so pedoes are 'free' to get alllll they can out of their own vulgarity. The Brexit documentary pretty much the same - pedos 'clowning' around (I've not watched it, cos pedoes that make being pedoes - about themselves believe - if they are paedophiles for a loooooong period of time and they get paid TO BE pedos - they're not pedoes). SICKER more more ridiculously retarded. MORE.
He's got a passport - isn't that amazing? Sure its his? Did he buy it online? Ask him "is fraud a crime?" "Uh uh dunnnooos jus being pedoes haha's 🤮" said the ridiculous retards. Cos they change sex, colour and location to capitalise on being pedoes to make BEING paedophiles etc about themselves that cry victim *while* AND *During* being ridiculously retarded pillaging paedophiles & terrorists that make the most of being vulgar ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicker than that vulgar hideous retard Halle Berry - oh she black - that's *her* 'permission' she gave *herself* to be a paedophile - RETARDS. PEDOS - MORE. Even more sicker than the extremely retarded Naomi Watts etc. Pedos - vacant and blank ridiculously retarded paedophiles that *only* think about how they make being pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma OF BEING extremely retarded inbreds - when ALREADY ARE *and* have been for decades (and lololz coscos pedoes fixin' it for demselfs). Better check his luggage and check to see there's no chopped up bodies in there that he tryin' to smuggle into their country to blame them for being kidnapping child raping terrorists cos they *must* be pedoes MORE to keep their pedo ball spinning. MORE 🤮 Ridiculous sick retarded sick vulgar sick demonic sick get more & more spectacularly retarded MORE & lolz.
The 'staged' outrage (where pedoes 'forget' to mention that they're pedoes that like to blame someone else for THIER paedophilia) yeah *those* retards - ridiculous inbreds. MORE.
"What's brexxxxiit?" "Uh uh dunnooooss jus bein peeedoes haha's" 🤮 said the pedophiles -That's them. Completely totally retarded inbreds.
Paedophiles and terrorists - with Nazi passports. What's changed about the paedophiles passport - has the 'colour' changed? Cos it *was* 'part' of the 'Brexit deal' . Or like Hitler that hijacked the swastika they hijack a cross and make about themselves. I'm sure they will *include* *themselves* in their £88 million documentary they made *about themselves* BEING paedophiles and rapists and kidnapping child raping terrorists that do alll they can to ensure they make BEING vulgar retarded inbreds about themselves coscos that's what they ARE. "Why is he there?" - to mingle with other pedoes rapists terrorists *obviously* - SICK ridiculous retards, MORE 🤮, the 'culture' of.... peeedoes rapists terrorists etc - I ain't never met the ridiculous retard - PEDOS - more & more ridiculous & lolz.
What did they do - to avoid looking like paedophiles rapists terrorists meddling paedophiles & profiteering terrorists and serial raping traffickers,.... RETARDS SHOWING OFF THEIR PEDOPHILIA - COMPLETELY RETARDED VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS & LOLZ
What's brexxxit? uh uh uh ... dunnoooos.. jus being peeedoes haha's 🤮
Needn't bother with them, they've basically called *themselves* 'delusional' -retards- that - pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and get da pedoes to make stuff uppp annnd laugh in yah face as they fix it for themselves cos pedoes that milk being pedoes for *EVERY* penny, (my own life) ie: blue planet pedoes, BBC/ITV/channel 4/CNN/Fox etc - media pedos that call being paedophiles 'research' while they pillage someone else's life to capitalise on *their* vulgarity to make sure they call BEING pedoes their 'idea' -cos it *IS* and they ARE - PEDOPHILES. And that sick demented retarded paedophile that shags the animals (just like their pedo politicians and their fav retarded famous paedophiles do) cos it's 'good for ratings'. Got singers that sing about their paedophilia - siccccck retards MORE and more ridiculous annnnd Emma Watson is going to get on her broomstick and fly to Tunisia to take on the 'role' of Jihaddy in Tatooine with 'crusading' paedophiles that are in the serial raping trafficking bidness. "mark their wuuuuurds-ARE paedophiles"- they've *yet* to make that 'special announcement' - absolutely completely vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds. Pedoes - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE & more ridiculous & lolz. Do a 'lil dance, wear a bit of flax and transform into a cockroach that call being paedophiles 'culture'. Sicker more ridiculous.
In other news, coffee mate appears to have shrunk and gone up in price, no longer 1kg - now 800gms, no longer £4 something for 1kg, it's £4 something for 800gms. 200gms of profit and call it 'cost of living' & maximising 'savings'. Market survey: No 'special deal' if buy in bulk. Considering that over two billion people may or may not use coffee mate, if you deduct that from that and times it by two billion - quids in. Genius' that they are. Just like - easier just to serve them more ice. The many ways of maximising profits. What's brexxxiitt? "uh uh dunnooooosss jus bein pedoes haha's 🤮 " being pedoes is *obviously* extremely profitable - for *everyone*…. probably except for that shop that closed down due to the lack of custom that they blamed on their trichotillomania & dysmorphia. More & more retarded. sicker. more. ..... loool
by 'earth tech'. lol. Paedophiles more & more ridiculous. They *know* how to 'market' themselves as paedophiles - cos that's what they ARE. They take their paedophilia, raping pillaging and helping themselves be paedophiles *very* seriously. Sick more. And thus - from a paedophile politician that says 'suck those pigs testicles' they *will* because it's an 'order' and/or they don't want to lose their jobs and it's more easier than having that sick son of a bitch arrested and 'banged' up. That equates to - sicker than Savile mentality and worse and get sicker sicker sicker more and more retarded. Benedict movie, citizen something - where they spend years being pedoes and making being pedoes about themselves and making their own shit up cos paedophiles that do all sorts of pedoey shit to help their pedo peers out. Ridiculous retards. Yah get pedoes to fix it cos - it's my own life - just make sumfink up, talk being pedoes down and laugh it off and carry onnnn being hideous retarded ridiculous demonic disturbed paedophiles and grotesque inbreds. MORE & lolz
Phil's slippery fish.. means.. paedophiles. Bob's pizza means... paedophiles. More. hideous ridiculous. More.
Heath Ledger was done with pedowood (Christian jihaddy bale and Paul terrorist Beatle that like to pillage someone else's life & make about themselves while being paedophiles - they didn't get that message that told them they're ridiculous paedophiles - they saw a bunch of swearing and told themselves they're great at being pedoes cos the victim they're pillaging/ed is angry and cos they're being pedoes that give themselves marks out of ten for how many screams they can get in the jar (for electricity) because they need electricity and that's how they get the gas running - by screaming at it, antagonising it, abusing it, molesting it, telling it - it's not a gas metre - it's a running tap. Completely retarded ridiculous inbreds more astonishingly grotesque. (Actually, they *did* get the 'message' that they're paedophiles cos capitalised and made about themselves while gloating about being paedophiles cos they ARE, pick a 'charity' - allllllll paedophiles, ridiculously retarded more & more)
Elvis was done with pedowood - there goes the tele - those dreggs of society that meddle with someone else's life liiiike Pricilla Presley, tom hanks Michelle Williams/Naomi Watts and his father, the meddlers & the profiteers - peter Jackson and the paedophiles in 'Mordor', Mendes' and Cameron's etc, the pirates, pirates AND all *THEIR* piracy shit going on plus retarded actors and heinous directors with their 'squads' of ridiculously retarded paedophiles etc- and Pamela Anderson - another favourite pedowood skank calls it their 'Brexit bullshit' while …. government embassy's and 'diplomatic' immunity that have the 'freedom' to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves cos they ARE. 'Dirty politics' & 'Auspols' etc - I'm not a politician - they're paedophiles, hideous retards MORE & more ridiculously retarded. Just as bad as the dreggs like Amy Winehouse & co that'd sell whatever they can to get their crack fix annnnd give themselves 'raping rights' because they're paedophiles. Err - it's my on life - they no understandy that coscos pedoes you know haha's 🤮 completely retarded totally
I'm eating a chocolate and caramel profiterole gateau- means - I'm eating a chocolate and caramel profiterole gateau. See what they did there being 'hilarious' paedophiles, Neil Finn might wanna take note with his whale - whale is also code for sick ridiculous paedophile that *IS* &*ARE* sick ridiculous paedophiles - plural - because there's more than one sick ridiculous retarded paedophile. And where there's one sick ridiculous paedophile there's *ALWAYS* thousands more sick ridiculous paedophiles capitalising on being PEDOPHILES and fixing it *FOR*. Is whale a code? turns out - It *IS*.
The plague of paedophiles. Vulgar revolting ridiculous retards - sooooo 'hilariously' retarded. Completely retarded. More. The Toronto police 'hit out' at … paedophiles … and Jacinda Adern - another hideous paedophile - that - *I've* never met (cos *IT IS MY* life the sick ridiculous retards helping themselves to and guess how they fixed it for themselves - just as sick as another paedophile Helen Clark that abuses to capitalise - cos pedoes that need to gloat about being pedoes that pillage someone else's life -just cos *I* had lunch and being pedoes is a good 'idea' - for PEDOS. Regardless of what country I come from - that's absolutely vulgar - absolutely retarded - absolutely demonic sick vulgar ridiculous. Pillage/ed MY life and made about themselves coscos it's their 'time to be paedophiles. SICK RETARDS that get to be sick hideous shit together - they've been paedophiles for decades - absolutely completely ridiculously retarded. And what 'colour' is the murderer that they capitalised on & made about themselves while and during abusing myself (cos it's important for the agendas of antagonising ridiculous pillaging meddling paedophiles that are sick disturbed and demonic that cry 'racism' while BEING pillaging meddling paedophiles TO PROFIT on being paedophiles cos they got Jewish cash to do so). Pedos, rapists, terrorists and 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque. Ridiculously retarded inbreds. siccccccckkkkkkkkk vulgar revolting retards, exceptionally sick retarded inbreds. MORE more spectacularly ridiculouser wayy more embarrassingly grotesque & lolz
Vase guy on mars, they might know him, tall quite lanky -not a fat retarded ridiculous paedophile like the whale/s of pedowood that make documentaries about themselves BEING pedoes. They have 'Live re-runs' of the Brexit movie *every day*, not like 'groundhog day' because lots of 'unfortunate events' have happened during the interim of pedoes leading up to pedos finding more ways of making being retarded inbreds - about themselves that - also - result in more peculiar 'incidents'. Absolutely ridiculous spectacularly vulgar MORE.
Ricky Gervais, the total imbecile, plays along with paedophiles - pillaging paedophiles - vulgar revolting retards and... profits on the back of raping pillaging and helping himself BE a paedophile and vulgar revolting retard. Think maybe - trying to tell you sumfink?
I don't think they were 'friends' you know
Sicker sicker more & more retarded, hideous sicker more ridiculous MORE & lolz
Aladdin: 'West End paedophiles' team up with 'Equity - paedophiles' and 'Pantomime Association - paedophiles (that pillage rape cry victim do all they can to help pedo peers out that make stuff up and laugh in yah face as they fix it for themselves to make being pedoes about themselves to avoid any stigma attached to vulgar revolting ridiculous retards - are *not* complaining about themselves BEING paedophiles. Webber says to his pedo pals "Our shows are for pedoes" - and wonders why the seats are empty. He continues: "We have to make being paedophiles - more 'dramatic' - cos it's good for ratings. "Oo I know" says the pedoes - "lets stage a fake hate crime, capitalise cry victim" so they did - for ratings - and to help paedophile peers not look like paedophiles, rapists, child molesters, pillagers plagiarists annnnd profiteering terrorists . You pay the Equity fee so they can rape & pillage make stuff up and laugh in yah face COS paedophiles fixing it for themselves COS paedophiles. Will Smith congratulates Kanye West for being a 'fantastic' paedophile that pillages someone else for 'ideas' - and of course they don't call being pedoes - their 'idea' because it IS & they ARE - PEDOPHILES, better make sumfink up and fix it for the retards and lolz said the pedoes - and so they did - more and more grotesque.
They're 'absolutely devastated' about *THIER* loss of income & *THEIR* ego's getting 'slapped' - nothing else - cos paedophiles (and 50 cent owes his 'grandad' how much? so they - rape & pillage to capitalise make about themselves to profit on being paedophiles rapists child molesters & terrorists etc- did the BBC pay him cos they're in the terrorist business as well - as *ARE* British Airways. 'Glitches and loss of life' are of no concern to pedoes, rapists & terrorists coscos pedoes fixing it for demselfs that like to blame everyone else *except* themselves for their *OWN* pillaging and raping and helping themselves BE pedoes &lolz coscos get da pedoes to make stuff up fix it for demselfs and carry onnn BEING vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds - for laughs like - among pedoes innit. (sssshhhh terrorists at work - that *aren't* complaining about their *own* paedophilia OR terrorism ie; 'baaa heeeer piggy piggy oink oink' etc - shock horror - oh the 'trauma' of being ridiculous retards, sicker MORE) And da plane did what? SICKER MORE. Pedos and their 'networks' OF pedoes, rapists, terrorists and 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting demonic ridiculously grotesque) -which is why they pillage someone's else life capitalise cry victim make stuff up and laugh in yah face coscos they don't like being told what they ARE - HIDEOUS RETARDED VULGAR REVOLTING PEDOPHILES.
Another example: Kate paedophile Winslet 'finds' a victim 'sourced' by her paedophile agency, chuck her a fiver to promote her and her movie etc while her and their pedo pals enjoy gang banging sessions among hideous ridiculously retarded paedophiles that capitalise on pedoes being pedoes and make *anything* and *everything* about themselves to avoid any 'stigma' OF BEING paedophiles COS ARE. And Adele is 'ecstatic' about paedophile *as well* as a terrorist- cos her terrorist pals helped *HER* not look like a kidnapping child raping terrorists that capitalised on an incident that was extremely handy to manipulate and make about themselves - What a result!!! - like George Floyd - the 'saviour' of America and fixing it for paedophiles Greta "you stole my" … what? - virginity? Oh look - she's on the phone to Richard Branson - paedophile - he's going to help her steal her 'virginity' *again* cos she was angry and bitter about it the first time around. There go, there's' a good paedophile. Hideous ridiculous retards, severely mentally retarded paedophiles. Sick Sick more & more retarded vulgar revolting ridiculously grotesque. While other pedoes call the 'target' of *THIER* paedophilia: 'spam, a troll, Russian villain' etc - ridiculous - they capitalise on pedoes and they rape for rapists - that's allllll they DO - and the retards cry victim while BEING paedophiles - yah make sumfink up - my own life - completely totally retarded inbreds - sicker more.
Sicker moooore ridiculously retarded MORE & lolz.
Coffee mate is heeeeeer yaaas. That's a woo!! Not a woo! pedoes fixin' it for demslvvves Woo! cos pedoes they put 'Woo!!' at the end of their sentences coscos being pedos is sooooo exciting they get allll excited about being paedophiles and ridiculous retarded inbreds coscos that's what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - retards, completely totally retarded, MORE and more spectacularly ridiculouser MORE annnnnd lolz.
That's *their* life 'acting' as if - they're not paedophiles - that take advantage OF paedophiles BEING paedophiles that capitalise ON pedoes and rape for rapists - cos that's what they ARE - retarded vulgar revolting ridiculously disturbed hideous inbreds, pedoes are their fav 'roles' to 'play' cos that's what they ARE - SICK, how many years ago was that fabulous face palm. Sicker sicker sicker more & more retarded.
She goes 'nipple detecting' with Cara - another ridiculous paedophile and they love their crack, pedoes - retards- sicker more. That's *their* kind of 'entertainment' - pedos being pedoes creating their own entertainment by being pedoes and expecting their audience *of* pedoes to enjoy being pedoes too. That's why they pay extras to sit outside their shows - to give the 'clever illusion' that they are liked. Ridiculous retards. Hideous inbreds. (and btw the 'Nelson Mandela Foundation are pillaging ridiculously retarded paedophiles along with their 'erf pwize' - pillaged - made about themselves cos they're retards like that - that do - *anything* - to avoid looking like - retards. Pedos - Sicker MORE & lolz
I 'discovered' Jaffa cake, tastes just the same … as Jaffa. Can use the cake - to make Jaffa ice cream. It's up there with Tiramisu. Even that - is 'socially inappropriate' cos 'ice cream' is also 'code' for something else that's not *actually* ice cream. And Jaffa's is a 'term' for something else. Probably turn Tiramisu into something ridiculous too.
They look like the kind of paedophiles that take photos of extras while they're sleeping- to 'play' rape pillage the extra 'game' - like that/those movies where they get to 'act' as if they're not pedoes rapists kidnapping child raping terrorists - cos they *ARE* and they *DO* annnd get more pedoes to fix it for *themselves* cos ARE vulgar inbreds like that (cos cos they're pedoes enjoying being pedoes capitalising ON and fixing it FOR & lololz etc) "What victim?" (my own life) "dunnooos wot you means coscos pedoes you know haha's" 🤮 Got da pedoes to make stufff upppp (and lolz) so pedoes can enjoy being pedoes that make the most of their paedophilia coscos they ARE - PEDOPHILES. The *many* ways of making being vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds about themselves. Pedos - that see a bunch of swearing (from victim) and cos they're pedoes - pedoes 'believe' - they tell *themselves* - that they're doing a 'good job' at being pedoes. (Example of blank and vacant inbreds) "oh look victim is angry - we're doing a great job at being paedophiles woo!!" They get sooooo excited about being paedophiles - cos they ARE vulgar inbreds *anyway*. And cos pedoes that capitalise cry victim and - make about themselves pedoes will get pedoes to fix it for *THEMSELVES* COSCOS PEDOES - they have *loads* of 'stories' about themselves BEING paedophiles etc.
RETARDS. SICK SICK ridiculous sick retarded sick vulgar sick more more more grotesque MORE & lolz "What's brexxxiitt? "I dunnooos jus bein' peedoes haha's 🤮 The measurements of pedoes: Macron is demonstrating, as if he's been there before. eww. How do pedoes 'fixit it' for *themselves* - make stuff up- laugh in yah face -talk being pedoes down- laugh it off-make about themselves- cry victim-create another 'crisis' to help gloss over the 'crisis' of being paedophiles and carry onnnnn being hideous retarded ridiculous paedophiles - that's what they ARE & lolz.
Astonishingly sick, sicker sicker sicker more and more retarded waaay more spectacularly ridiculouser. Hideous heinous odious retards. PEDOPHILES. MORE. Completely totally retarded, vulgar MORE & lolz. Pedoes clapping for pedoes in their pedo PR 'campaigns' orchestrated BY pedoes FOR pedoes to give the 'impression' they're not - pedoes - that fix it for *themselves* COS they're pedoes. Ridiculous retards, MORE.
What else did the sick retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles do (apart from pillaging someone else's life to play rape and pillage victim 'game' and make stuff up and laugh in yah face cos they're vulgar inbreds like that. What else did the sick ridiculous retarded inbreds do? (apart from visiting his 'network' of pedoes in Redbourn that are *also* in the kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficking 'business' that capitalise on pedos and rape for rapists annnnd make documentaries/movies about *THEMSELVES* BEING ridiculous paedophiles.... hmm
Yeah yeah 'goooood timmmmes' being paedophiles and vulgar revolting retards. SICK inbreds - in real life - vulgar - completely retarded. MORE & lolz. Annnnnd the 'greatest pedo award' goes tooooo... - sicccccckkkkk inbreds MORE and more spectacularly retarded MORE. Just as well I don't have a tv. Clarkson creating more drama for *themselves* cos pedos -sicker than Savile (its a FACT - and that FACT does not change while they create more ways of making being - paedophiles and worse - about themselves) that's what they do - cos pedos - create drama to get a reaction - Good or bad - it's for ratings. Like that hideous retarded blank and vacant (they ALL are - cos pedoes that 'gang bang' together) …. blonde thing.. (and they ARE 'things' - completely retarded inbreds) just as ridiculously retarded blank & vacant as her 'presenting' paedophile pals that smile through the 'awkwardness' of *knowing* they're pedoes (they 'present' & 'supply' minors to paedophiles cos they ARE and get pedoes to fix it for THEMSLEVES - COS PEDOS - SICK retards). So they 'advise' the paedophiles to wear something controversial to help keep the show 'popular' - among paedophiles. So they did - do what Hitler did - hijack a symbol and make about themselves - cry victim while being pedoes -and lols- as they fix it for themselves - cos pedoes and vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds like that.
Pedos watching pedoes putting on a pedo show FOR their pedo 'fans' to enjoy to help gloss over & avoid the reality of *THIER* paedophilia - that's *THIER* life *BEING* paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves coscos being pedoes *IS* their 'idea' cos that's what they ARE - vulgar revolting demonic grotesque retards. Again - my own life -coscos pedoes that make being pedoes about demselfs to avoid stigmaaa of being pedoes that capitalise on pedoes and rape for rapists and get more pedoes to fix it for *THEMSELVES* & lolz COSCOS pedoes - fixin' it for demselfs - ridiculously retarded inbreds, they work 'arrrrrd to ensure they make being vulgar retards - about themselves - COS ARE vulgar RETARDS. SICK MORE.
'PR headaches' lolz - they're pedoes working 'arrrrrd to find more ways of making BEING paedophiles -about themselves - cos that's what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - ridiculous retards with their 'fashion for pedoes' & 'designer terrorists' & make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz annnnnd repeat - PEDOPHILES - 'PR' - is all about 'fixing it' FOR pedoes coscos that's what they ARE (woo george floyd) - PEDOPHILES- sick ridiculously retarded inbreds get more & more retarded COS they're retarded paedophiles like that - SICK Hideous inbreds - worse than pigs - sick vulgar revolting retards- SICKER more ridiculous MORE
They take on 'roles' *AS* paedophiles cos that's what they ARE, meddling pillaging vulgar revolting retards. Hideous heinous vulgar inbreds. They see someone getting raped they allll gang up to 'take turn's cos they're vulgar revolting retards like that & lolz - even better if make being pedoes about themselves and get da pedoes to fix it for themselves and pedoes *convince themselves* they're not pedoes - RIDICULOUS INBREDS - get that COS they're paedophiles, rapists, terrorists and kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers that allll 'gang bang' together to help their pedo pals out annnd to avoid looking like the ridiculously retarded inbreds that they ARE- hideous vulgar retards - sicker MORE & lolz.
behind the screen, in front of the screen, being pedoes - anywhere they can - Paedophiles rapists terrorists and 'fixers' or allllll things vulgar revolting demonic ridiculously retarded and grotesque. Seen the pedo movie you're 'all in'? 'All pedoes together' Benedict 'take the money and run' documentary that he made about himself and his pedo peers BEING - paedophiles - fixing it for *THEMSELVES* & Spielberg - just like Hitler, hijack a symbol & make about themselves cry racism/and be professional 'victims' while being paedophiles TO profit on the back of raping and pillaging and fixing it for THEMSELVES to avoid the 'stigma' of BEING vulgar revolting demonic ridiculously retarded inbreds..(that fix it for themselves *again* and *again* and *again* and *again*. No matter how many ways they make BEING pedoes about themselves *STILL* - PEDOPHILES. They 'believe' they're not sick hideous retards IF they make BEING sick hideous retards - about themselves. SICK retards MORE ridiculous MORE retarded annnnd lololz cos pedoes fixing it for demselfs like good lil paedophiles. Completely totally retarded. MORE.
They *know* they're paedophiles & they're paedophiles capitalising on pedoes BEING pedoes. They've already spent years pillaging & fixing it to make BEING pedoes about themselves to help their pedo peers out - they *know* they're paedophiles - do they stop - nooooo - they capitalise make about themselves and get da pedoes to fix it for *themselves* & lolz cos that's what they ARE - PEDOPHILES and worse (thaaaaat make stuff up laugh in your face and refuse to 'investigate' their *OWN* paedophilia cos they're vulgar retards like that & lolz - my own life - completely vulgar - totally retarded) allllllll sick ridiculously retarded inbreds together. What they like? they're like that - PEDOPHILES, rapists, child molesters, profiteering terrorists pillagers plagiarists and 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting demonic and ridiculously grotesque. Is Mr Paedophile and paedophile 'recruits' going to go 'die in a fire' now or slash his wrists - go onnnn - doooo it - be good for 'ratings' , just like he says "yeah lets doooo itttt yeah let's be paedophiles" SICK RETARDS. Not just *any* sick they *excel* at SICK. What pedos 'specialise' in - BEING sick retards - they don't need manipulate retardation to make about themselves cos they ARE - RETARDS. MORE. Did they ask *me* if *they* could be paedophiles that help themselves to *my* life so paedophiles have the 'freedom' to capitalise on being paedophiles rapists terrorists annnnnd make about themselves etc when they ALREADY ARE- NOOOOO - pedoes- don't ask- they help themselves COS they're pedoes annnnnnd make stuff up and fix it for *themselves* AND laugh in yah face COS paedophiles BEING paedophiles and vulgar retards like that "must be pedoes MORE" and flaunt their paedophilia wherever they can. RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED INBREDS MORE 🤮 & lolz
This hideous dyke, one of *many* retarded vulgar inbreds running amok with their paedophilia - never met her, they nick yah house, car (twice and blow it up) put a wedge in between *any* 'relationships' specifically *TO* antagonise to capitalise, use abuse pillage and rape TO cry victim *annnd* spend years making sure they make being vulgar retards about themselves *annnnd* get da pedoes to make stuff up and laugh in yah face to fix it for themselves *COS* pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves TO PROFIT ON BEING PEDOPHILES, rapists child molesters kidnapping child raping terrorists, meddling pillaging vulgar revolting ridiculous paedophiles - looooook at the fucking face on itttttt -yeah yeah being pedoes is worth a few quid - for paedophiles innitttt - there's plenty more retards and vulgar revolting pigs where she came from, all crawl out to see what they can get out of raping and pillaging and helping themselves BE paedophiles (paedophiles -wall-to-wall) & lolz - abuse to capitalise make about themselves get da pedoes to fix it for demselfs - is she bovared she's a paedophile nahhhh cos it made her a few quid. Astonishingly ridiculously retarded inbreds. MORE 🤮
Joans Collins face, smiling cos she's famous again - she's famous again *FOR* being a paedophile that capitalises on being a paedophile and to help her pedo pals out as a 'favour' *TO* paedophiles cos that's what they are. She's ecstatic being in 'favour' with paedophiles that meddle & mess with someone's else's life to capitalise on THIER vulgarity and make about themselves (cos they ARE *anyway*) those camera flashes are like a drug to them - they want more and more and they must be pedoes more & more and they want to show off their paedophilia more & more. She's a 1915 paedophile making herself 'famous' after so many years of not ,'suddenly' she's there - helping her pedo pals out by making being pedoes about themselves. They're *FULLY* 'aware' that they're paedophiles, vulgar revolting retarded inbreds. Totally FULLY aware. Make someone else's life about someone else to avoid 'coming out' as paedophiles and get pedoes to fix it for themselves - absolutely vulgar, if you're in a ditch- blood splurting out your arteries - they'll be there to check your veins for cash and to see if there's anything else that will fund their crack. SICK more spectacularly ridiculous, MORE.
Vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles SICK sick ridiculous SICK MORE
We went to see Jim Jeffries - once - even *he* is 'touched' by their paedophilia. Ridiculously retarded MORE. I got told once "if there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists THEY WILL" She didn't say - BECAUSE THEY'RE PEDOPHILES. (no one tells you they're pedoes - 'famous' paedophiles - I had to find out for *myself* surprise!! pedoes!! no - I *know* that *already* (cos it is my own life they've been helping themselves to - to help their pedo pals out - pedoes that *must* 'be pedoes MORE' to avoid looking like what they ARE - ridiculous inbreds. *THEY* *KNOW* that- which is why got da pedoes to fixit for demselfs cos pedoes don't like being told what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - soooo capitalise and make about themselves cos ARE annnd gloat about it. They're completely totally retarded. Amaze yourself with how vulgar they are. Spectacularly vulgar. That alone will probably sell billions cos stunningly sick - they'll be staring at the screen - speechless, all they'll probably think is "wo totally blown away by your vulgarity and grotesqueness" They'll be stunned .. for a few days (def worth a fiver) and then they might realise what the Brexit movie is - that they're in - everyone is in - there's no 'exclusions' to capitalise on being pedoes and make being pedoes about themselves cos cos dats what dey ARE.
So there's pedoes being pedoes with pedoes capitalising on pedoes being pedoes that rape for rapists and capitalise on anything and make about themselves cos they're pedoes in da pedo business that capitalise on the criminal business combine that with the pedo business to 'maximise' profits and get all they can out of being pedoes that get terrorists to help them not look like pedoes, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists and serial raping traffickers & vice versa and pay pedoes, offer pedoes incentives to fix it for themselves and pedo peers.. etc etc. Completely retarded. Totally. MORE. No matter how many ways they 'fix' it for *themselves* - they're - *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles. MORE vulgar spectacularly retarded MORE.
Joan is a paedophile - she 'dances *with* wolves', she'll rape molest pillage to get what she can and to help her paedophile peers - who are FEMALE - because - she is a paedophile.
Is it her birthday? How many babies did she get to eat? Cos Myra is a firm favourite among paedophiles and they aspire to be - just like her - but sicker more ridiculous - and they ARE. Hideous inbreds. MORE.
That's *THIER* lives - BEING paedophiles, capitalising ON and fixing it FOR - ridiculous. MORE
They're all 'striking' (after the clap for pedoes and rape for rapists 'campaign' *and* claiming that they're not paedophiles and 'fixers' for all things vulgar) "Fix it 'as favour'"(for pedoes) said the pedoes... "okaayy" said the pedoes.. so on and so forth. Completely totally retarded paedophiles.
ohhh they're hideous - *anything* at all - capitalise make about themselves (cos paedophiles, that's their 'neeeeeed' cos they *ARE* severely mentally retarded disturbed inbreds. Paedophiles. SICK. Just like Joan (they'll use whatever just like that fat thing - couple of them actually - completely addicted to BEING paedophiles cos they ARE - completely blank and vacant paedophiles - they neeeeed to be pedoes - that's all they think about - how to & what/who to use - to make being pedoes about themselves - that's them - cos they ARE - PEDOPHILES. 'Luckily' they made being paedophiles rapists child molesters kidnapping serial raping traffickers etc about themselves (cos pedoes believe they're not pedoes if make being pedoes about themselves etc) VULGAR revolting demonic hideous inbreds and the severely mentally retarded paedophile Emma Thompson says (that's *also* female - by the way - just in case she's changed sex to 'fit in' with her pedo pals and their paedophile agendas that include - being pedoes - and nothing else) "one paedophile is never enough" (there MUST be thousands- to help them avoid looking like - paedophiles - and good for her - there are - and she IS - a vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophile. Absolutely ridiculously retarded inbreds sicker sicker more and more retarded. MORE & lolz. Absolutely heinous SICK. That was also climate change fiasco - pedos and their 'galas; if you dress in green you may or may not turn into a piece of paper annnnd if you wear red you may or may not turn into a pair of scissors, the rock means some type of drug - probably crack and … pizza means - they're pedoes. SICKER MORE retarded MORE, absolutely ridiculous MORE.
Whoopi Goldberg 'apologises' for saying something 'outrageous' about the Holocaust, more ways of making being ridiculous inbreds - about themselves. She probably thinks the Holocaust is her own movie even, did she tell them about the train station part in ghostbusters , was it a train station with an oil-like creature. Like inception - what happens at the end, is it real? Cos Matrix is 'code' for a pedo festival with more pedoes capitalising on what they are - pedos. While pedoes are talking about their 'son' and 'sun' and clearly attempting to create MORE ways of making - being pedoes about themselves- using whatever they can to keep that pedo ball spinning, What they like? They're pedoes - ridiculous, ashton wants to 'reach out' to everyone and tell them that they're paedophiles that jacked a symbol and made about themselves to avoid look like what they ARE (paedophiles) *including* an apple - MORE retarded MORE- peeeeedophiles, she's Ukrainian - good for her - again - my own life - they have a 'pedo syndicate' .. cos they're pillaging paedophiles - they often pillage someone else and use it in their speeches etc -completely retarded ridiculous inbreds - MORE
They probably don't know Marilyn never wrote any speeches & no one ever plagiarised them because she wasn't famous for being a pedo, a rapist, a kidnapping child raping terrorist that uses abuse to abuse more to capitalise on being pedoes make about themselves etc she hung out with other famous people because she was. There's no law that says they 'can't make being pedoes about themselves' so they DO and they ARE and fix it for *themselves* so made being pedoes about themselves (cos ARE *anyway*), she was directly linked to the Kennedy's which pedoes - have - made about themselves in *another* 'who's the best pedoe award' (fashion for pedoes - 'controversial' but 'convenient' 'slogans' that they have *AND* reality tv shows etc with pedos plastered all over their pages AND political dramas that include dressing up AS pedoes and 'cleverly disguising' their paedophilia on their 'Amazonian' channel where pedoes hang out .. as well as netflix etc)
Annnnd 'publications' like womans weekly (more pedoes making the most of being pedoes, tatler (etna and more pedoes), variety (will smith pretends to fly across the air), marie claire, vogue etc etc- they don't 'hide under their blankets 'drawing new designs' - they pillage & fix it to make being pedoes about themselves - so being pedoes IS their 'idea' - cos it *IS* and the *ARE* - 'LEGIT' PEDOPHILES'. They 'hide under the blanket' to 'think' of more ways of making being pedoes about themselves. I'm not an actor - or - a politician- they're paedophiles that make their own shit up to fix it for themselves that have spent years ensuring that pedoes are 'free' to capitalise on what they ARE - PEDOPHILES- that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and get da pedoes to make stuff up & fix it for demslefs & lolz - COS- PEDOPHILES, rapists, terrorists- vulgar revolting retards (my own life - pedoes that capitalise to profit *on being* pedoes etc - COS ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that. Pedoes.
"Where's all the money gone" the pedoes cry- after they've spent billions on their crack fix and paid billions *to* pedos to fix it for pedoes *after* they've 'donated' millions TO pedoes to help the them not look like what they ARE (PEDOS) and offered incentives TO pedoes to fix it for THEMSELVES cos pedoes that capitalise to profit ON BEING pedoes - they spent it allllll on pedoes - capitalising ON and fixing it FOR (and lolz) (2016.. sure there's a pedo documentary 'cleverly disguising' their paedophilia - plenty of pedo documentaries that they might find 'interesting' ) - PEDOS.
Being prolific paedophiles *even* when they got caught BEING paedophiles - they *STILL* make stuff up and laugh in laugh in yah face cos pedoes fixing it for themselves - like they haavvvve done - because they paedophiles, rapists, terrorists and worse. Where's all the money gone - pedos that *make sure* their victim is unable to sue the Ministry of Justice, "not enough money to sue the Ministry of Justice - WOO!! lets all be pedoes and rape for rapists" said the pedos and the pedo ball gets bigger and bigger and they get sicker and sicker and more and more retarded. (*had* they *not* been not pedoes that goad & abuse to capitalise, pillage & fix and love to flaunt their paedophilia wherever they can cos - retarded paedophiles (that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to profit on being pedoes etc - pedoes that make the most of pedoes BEING pedoes.. etc) The pedoes want to 'help people' - in another pedo 'campaign' orchestrated BY pedoes to help *themselves* avoid looking like what they ARE - PEDOS - noooo - they don't want to 'help people' - it's just another pedo 'excuse' for pedoes TO capitalise on and make about themselves cos ridiculously retarded inbreds that use whatever to promote their *OWN* paedophilia - pedoes- they want to capitalise make about themselves & milk being pedoes for *every* penny cos that's what they ARE, pedoes - for 'free' - hideous ridiculously reatrded inbreds.
Pedos capitalising on criminals capitalising on being pedoes capitalising on being vulgar retards that like to blame someone else for THEIR crimes COS pedoes capitalising on BEING pedoes to get alllll they cannnn out of being pedoes that pillage someone else's life make about themselves -TO PROFIT on THIER paedophilia and pay pedoes to fix it for THEMSELVES to help pedoes avoid looking like what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - retards - completely totally retarded inbreds. SICK hideous ridiculous retards. Being pedoes is good for 'ratings' and reality tv *and* being pedoes is worth more than a fiver (i.e. movies documentaries etc - about their own paedophilia etc). They dunnnooos wot pedos are - because they ARE. Annnnd more making stuff up and laughin in yah face, more capitalising on being pedoes, more 'scandals' to gloss over the 'scandal' of being pedoes, rapists, child molesters, kidnapping child raping terrorists annnd 'fixers' for alllll thing vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - again - it's my own life - pedoes - More More grotesque. More retarded MORE. Completely totally ridiculous retards.
Where did all the money go Benedict? "uh uh uh dunnnoooos just bein pedos haha's" 🤮 says the pedoes. They spent it alllllll on paedophiles & crackheads, they paid pedos and crackheads to fix it FOR pedos & crackheads etc to ensure they don't look like what they ARE - paedophiles, crackheads, retards etc (&lolz). If they're paedophiles *again* and *again* and *again* and *again* and *again* do they think they're not paedophiles that *pay* pedoes to fix it for *themselves* to help *them* not look liiike - paedophiles - cos that's what they ARE. If they're pedoes *again* and *again* and *again* and *again* - they're *STILL* pedoes and ridiculously retarded inbreds - cos they're pedoes that pay pedoes to fix it for themselves - and pedoes expect the result to be..... a Ricky Gervais sketch. Completely retarded inbreds, totally completely vulgar - ridiculous retards & lolz MORE ridiculous MORE. They're pedoes -"that must be pedoes more"- to avoid looking like what they ARE - hideous heinous odious ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting inbreds - pedos that make *anything* and *everything* about themselves *including* BEING pedos COS pedoes - hideous ridiculous retards MORE and more fixing it for themselves - SICKER more more ridiculously retarded MORE
Spectacularly sicker more ridiculous MORE completely totally retarded. MORE
"side show after side show after side show" they say -hmm isn't it just- they have an agenda - and that agenda is - to NOT look like what they ARE - PEDOPHILES. Paedophiles 'fixing it' for themselves COS PEDOPHILES and Ashton/Gates & their paedophile entourages take a stroll around 'farmers' market looking for the sheep that missed out on being shagged. Drew Barrymore is 'excited' to tell everyone she's a paedophile too & their paedophile 'tekkas' go way back, way back to when Hitler jacked the swastika and made about themselves. 'Actors' being pedoes cos pedoes are their 'fav' roles annnnd the pedoes 'believe' they're not pedoes if they make being pedoes - about themselves. "I'm discriminated against because I'm Jewish" said the pillaging prolific vulgar retarded ridiculous inbreds WHILE capitalising on their vulgarity - annnd making about themslves cos ARE - vulgar ridiculously retarded paedophiles. I'm not Jewish - it's my own life - but *THEY'RE* getting 'Jewish cash' to BE paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves cry victim and milk BEING paedophiles for *EVERY* penny cos that's what they ARE - paedophiles - RETARDS. Pimps & ho's and hareeeems of pedoes capitalising on what they ARE - pedoes rapists child molesters kidnapping child raping terrorists. SICK. Ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE and more ridiculous MORE retarded MORE & lolz SPECTACULARLY SICK retards. ridiculous MORE. They're *completely* *totally* retarded MORE.
Ahhh coffeeee & chilled beats (there's loads on youtube) ohhhh the interrrnet and the *many* ways paedophiles capitalise on paedophiles use whatever as a 'tool' to BE paedophiles that do whatever to make sure they make BEING paedophiles about themselves while helping their pedo peers not look like what they ARE - PEDOPHILES. sick ridiculous inbreds. Retarded -MORE & lolz. The internet is *not* a weapon - that ice cream cake sitting on their desk is because it has sheep 'squatting' inside it. *smashes the cake to get the sheep that swallowed the sheep to get the pig that smashed the screen to see if there was a bug inside it* Sick ridiculous inbreds. Retards. MORE
What's that Mr Pedophile? You put a 'gag' on a civilian *specifically* so you could pillage someone else's life and make (being paedophiles) about themselves (when ALREADY ARE) -sicccccck retards. "Don't talk about your paedophilia" said the pedos. What's Hitler? They dunnnos cos pedoes that capitalise and make about themselves like these paedophiles have done : PEDOS - absolutely spectacularly ridiculous inbreds "don't talk about the movie Daniel Craig and the paedophiles" 'gang' - is like "don't talk about your paedophilia raping & pillaging and helping yourselves BE pedoes (that they capitalise on and make about themselves COS pedoes) and don't like being told what they ARE - pedoes - even when their 'prized' paedophile is six feet under -they STILL pedoes that work 'arrrrrd to make sure they make being pedoes about themselves and give their pedo fans more documentaries about *themselves* BEING - PEDOPHILES - ridiculous VULGAR RETARDS more and more and more sicker sicker sicker more retarded MORE - completely totally retarded & lolz. Pedos makin' the most of being pedoes - SICK - pedoes - is what they are - RETARDS -more🤮
Jewish cash for the profiteering terrorists.. hhmm = pedoes MORE 🤮
How many 'George's' are Jewish, how many 'fixers' for the pedoes (literally thousands) how many pedoes make being pedoes about themselves cos ARE (thousands) all pedoes are 'victims' thanks to UN pedo 'campaigns' designed to help their pedo peers not look like the ridiculously retarded inbreds that they ARE- sicccccckkkk hideous ridiculous retards MORE. Pathetic cretins - MORE retarded MORE.
His 'poor' country... (being pedoes has also made him a few quid and created 'drama' to help pedos gloss over being pedoes and make being pedoes - about themselves. They "must be pedoes MORE" - cos they're *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles.
There they are BEING paedophiles, rapists, child molesters serial raping traffickers capitalising on anything and making about themselves COS PEDOPHILES AND ridiculously vulgar retards like that.. and your what? you had *another* paedophile 'moment' - sick ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE and MORE 🤮
The sun... is not in their diary - it's in *mine* cos it IS *my* life that pedos pillage and make about themselves cos paedophiles that orgasm on having a victim to mess with and abuse for 'laughs' 'fun' 'banter' among ridiculously retarded inbreds while they help themselves be pedoes and find more ways of making BEING paedophiles - about themselves. Completely totally retarded MORE. MORE spectacularly retarded MORE & lolz - PEDOPHILES is what they ARE - MORE ridiculous MORE,
More and more embarrassingly vulgar more & more retarded more and more ridiculous liiiiike the severely retarded ridiculous inbreds that they are DO MORE & lolz
Project Gemini & Medal of Freedom (Pedos capitalise and make about themselves - cos they're retarded paedophiles like that, 'the way of the pedoes' etc etc sicker more & more ridiculously grotesque MORE - don't mess with anyone else's life - is a general rule across the board - not with pedoes - pedoes capitalise on being pedoes to make being pedoes about themselves and get the pedoes to make stuff up and laugh in yah face SO pedoes are 'free' to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves cos ARE VULGAR RETARDS like that MORE and more astonishingly grotesque more more waaaaay moooore retarded MORE annnnd lolz
Completely totally retarded MORE. Again - *my* life - that's theirs - pillaging someone else's to capitalise on being paedophiles coscos that's what they ARE. Pedos - severely retarded ridiculous paedophiles. MORE more waaay mooore ridddddiculously retarded MORE & lolz - they're *FULLY* 'aware' that they're paedophiles - SICKER more & more retarded. And the pedoes made a mountain with their crack. Spectacularly ridiculouser MORE. SICK SICK ridiculous retards MORE.
The paedophile 'show'
Pedos are their fav 'roles' to 'play' COS ARE. I had a look - dunno if he was an extra in it so unsure if he got to 'act' out his 'fantasy' of BEING a paedophile - no matter - cos he is *anyway* he'd pass the gerbil test with flying colours. "There's plenty of pedoes to go round" he says excitedly. 50cent is auditioning his butt plug for the role of 'shaft' in the 'greatest paedophile' competition - it's an off-shoot of the acclaimed series called 'Brexit', 50cent is proud to inform his 'fans' his butt plug has been in places where he didn't have enough money for the entry fee - it's a very 'brave' and 'courageous' butt plug. Completely ridiculous retards MORE.. 'strip club owner' - and he got his 'influence' frommmm... p diddy. Pedoes, pimps & ho's & hareeems of pedoes - while the 'border' is a hotbed of 'totty' FOR the pedoes rapists terrorists & serial raping traffickers. PEDOS. Retards, MORE
More pedoes being pedoes that got caught BEING pedo's that make excuses for THEMSELVES BEING pedoes. PEDOPHILES - caught in the 'act'. SICK. hideous odious heinous vulgar inbreds ridiculous retards MORE. My daughter "You have a daughter - even better to use as a tool to be pedoes, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists, pillagers, plagiarists & serial raping traffickers and 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting and grotesque etc.
That's my garden (was). They wanted something like £23,000 to have it removed (came direct from Chelsea) while pedoes that *paid* pedoes (& offered pedoes huge amounts of cash as incentive) to 'fix it' FOR pedoes (themselves)- to make sure - no 'evidence' OF BEING paedophiles is found - that - pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and make stuff up and fix it for themselves & laugh in yah face COS paedophiles that make someone else's life about someone else to avoid the reality of their paedophilia & tell *themselves* - they're not paedophiles - every minute of every day- when it's been blatantly obvious for decades.
What 'migrant' 'crisis' etc - capitalise make about themselves- help the pedoes gloss over their paedophilia that like to flaunt their paedophilia, they like to gloat about being paedophiles, they like to profit on the back of raping pillaging and helping themselves be paedophiles and they want to get allllll they can out of being vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded grotesque inbreds. SICK ridiculous vermin. Pedoes capitalising on pedoes to make being pedoes - about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - to avoid 'stigma' of BEING -paedophiles- when ALREADY ARE -compleeeeetly retarded vulgar revolting retards. MORE spectacularly absolutely completely grotesque more waaaaaaay moooooore ridiculously retarded MORE & lolz. They were told that they're paedophiles - capitalise make about themselves cos that's what they ARE and da pedoes don't like being told what they ARE -sooooo capitalise make about themselves cos ARE & the pedoes are 'free' to make the most of their pillaging & raping and helping themselves BE paedophiles that capitalise on their vulgarity & make about themselves cos ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles like that. MORE and more spectacularly grotesque more & more retarded more & more ridiculous MORE
What they like? - they're like that - PEDOPHILES - sicccckkkerrr moooore retarded VULGAR more ridiculous and lolz. "What's Brexxxit?" "uh uh dunnnooos jus being pedoes haha's" 🤮 siccccccck vulgarrrrrr retards MORE. PEDOPHILES - *evereeeeeeeethinnnnnng* about them is vulgar revolting demonic retarded and grotesque more and more and more.
Again - my own life - and pedoes etc are *STILL* insisting and 'convincing' *themselves* - they're not paedophiles, rapists, child molesters, serial raping traffickers etc & SICK HIDEOUS inbreds that capitalise on pedoes and rape for rapists - cos that's what they ARE - MORE and more retarded vulgar revolting demonic and grotesque MORE. Totally completely retarded MORE
Think they're 'over acting' because I have an infrared sauna blanket - it costs less than a fiver an hour. Gets right in there, feel the heat on your bones annnnd the added bonus of not having to listen to any - retarded paedophiles complaining about the 'cost of …. - being paedophiles'. Cos that's what they ARE. Completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE
PEDOPHILES - EVEREEEEEETHINGGGG ABOUT THEM IS VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDED AND GROTESQUE MORE & MORE & MORE & MORE ABSOLUTELY COMPLEEEEEETLY TOTALLY RETARDED - get that COS HIDEOUS VULGAR REVOLTING RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED PEDOPHILES more 🤮GROTESQUE INBREDS MORE & LOLZ HIDEEEOUS RETARDS MORE (that's not even including the pedoes that - if they can't hump what they 'find' in morgues - they'll snort it - because they're sick vulgar revolting retards. SICK SICK more more spectacularly vulgar MORE.
… my random pictures... ahh look - that's when *they* 'decided' to be pedoes, rapists, serial raping traffickers etc that capitalise on their vulgarity & pillage someone else's life and make about themselves COS retarded paedophiles like that - that also like to gloat about BEING paedophiles cos *ARE* ridiculously retarded inbreds that offer incentives TO pedoes to fix it *FOR* pedoes (when it's my own life) that pedoes have pillaged to capitalise on BEING pedoes & make about themselves COS ARE - PEDOPHILES. Pedos put sooooo much effort into making being pedoes about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' OF BEING vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds that they ARE - no one 'forced' them TO BE paedophiles & vulgar ridiculous inbreds - that's what they ARE *anyway*. And if they shag under a sheep while howling at the moon - what happens? Get sicccckkerrr mooooore ridiculously retarded more 🤮sicccccccccckkkkkk ridiculous retards MORE. Completely TOTALLY retarded. MORE.
Meanwhile - back in *my* life (that's *theirs* - *being* paedophiles etc) .. why do LED strip lights 'blink' intermittently. Strip lights (that don't last 25 years).
What's the more popular Shia movie that he's not famous for.. in a cave... or... what's behind the door.. or - the paper bag is covering his head because he's really embarrassed about being a retard *AND* a retard in denial - at the saaaame tiiiime.
Completely totally retarded MORE
Not getting enough 'juice' .. … ..zzzst … new plug
They're *STILL* paedophiles, kidnapping child raping terrorists, get da woopi to say that being black is racist because they got 'Jewish Cash' as incentive to BE paedophiles that do all sorts of vulgar revolting shit to help their fellow paedophiles that are in the serial raping trafficking business and get the skanks to 'service' the pedoes more for dem. Yah yah do dat cos cos pedoes and dat's wots pedoes innit - be pedoes coscos ARE... cos the pedoes that nicked a street sign and made about themselves and her pimps 'believe' if they nick a street sign and name that street after themselves - not ridiculously retarded paedophiles - completely totally retarded paedophiles - annnnd rapists kidnapping child raping terrorsits - siccccck reatrded vulgar revolting hideous inbreds more & mroe retarded MORE.
Pedos - sicccck vulgar retards. They got a Brexit movie about *themselves*BEING paedophiles and ridiculously retarded inbreds. Ridiculous retard sicker MORE MORE retarded MORE. They're vulgar revolting hideous inbreds. Female paedophiles and their pimps - ridiculous inbreds sicker sicker sicker more more retared, pedos and thier hareeems, - siccccck retards MORE more more more more spectacularly VULGAR .. pedoes - look at da paedophiles BEING paedophiles - sicccccckkkerrr MOOOOOORE.. 'women' lolz PEDOPHILES - from minnie driver to beyonce to rose west - PEDOPHILES - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS, and the pedoes 'believe' if they make being pedoes - about themselves - not paedophiles - oh waaaait - SICKER MORE RETARDED & Get the pedoes to say the first thing that they think they're not - "PEDOPHILES" - isn't it - sicccccck vulgar retards - "being pedoess gave her a blast" - completely totally retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds MORE spectacularly SICKER - hiddddddeous cretins - sicker MORE & lolz vulgar revolting ridiulous inbreds .. more 'fake' 'stage' 'arguments' between paedophiles - to keep that pedo ball spinning - hideous sick vulgar retards - get that coscos PEDOPHILES - sicker MORE
… including - more vulgar revolting hideous paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists - etc - completely retarded vulgar inbreds - completely, sicker & sicker more & more ridiculous MORE
They often pay terrorists to help them not like pedoes, rapists kidnapping child raping terrorists - gunna call victim a terrorist -yeah that makes sense doesn't it- *To* pedoes - so they are 'free' to milk BEING pedoes for *every* penny - so pedoes have 'the freedom' to capitalise on pedoes to make being pedoes about themselves when ALREADY ARE. Madonna dresses up in a burka cries rape while being a rapists - abuse to capitalise. Oh look there's a heart - and there's madonna being a paedophile with her illuminati retards - there's the karshadians being pedoes for reality TV - because they're obviously Ray Winstone's bit of on the side, pedoes - all 'pally pally' cos pedoes (Karshadians were not in Monaco when *I* was there - nor - was Calum Best - or Lewis Hamilton - or Sonny Bill Williams - or George Floyd etc) = 'arrangers' & 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque etc Where 'Sasha Fierce', Calum Best, Paris Hilton, Lindsay lohan, the topshop paedophiles and sport/political/media paedophiles etc get together for 'game day' among paedophiles rapists and child molesters and ridiculously retarded criminals to capitalise on being pedoes etc etc.
Gaga (like Minnie Driver that 'signals' to her pedo peers that a raping frenzy is about to take place cos she's a paedophile that capitalises ON pedoes and makes about herself BECAUSE SHE *IS* A PEDOPHILE) holds a meeting with her psycho peers to discuss the amount of blood that has been left on her knife cos Gaga 'normally' licks her knife afterwards - billy what? PEDOPHILES vulgar retards & more 'fixing it' for *themselves* cos - PEDOPHILES. SICKER more RETARDED more
Paedophiles "all gang bang together" is what they said - and that is TRUE. PEDOPHILES- VULGAR REATRDED INBREDS. And more pedoes 'stage' their own pedo show & they often pay pedoes to fix it FOR pedoes so pedoes don't look like what they ARE - PEDOPHILES. Les Miserable isn't a 'spin off' from Dark Shadows - it's a totally different movie with a full set of ridiculous paedophiles to compete with Tony Blair's 'silent revolution' (PEDOPHILES BEING RIDICULSOUSLY RETARDED PEDOPHILES - *AGAIN* & *AGAIN* & *AGAIN* & AGAIN* & *AGAIN*. - PEDOPHILES - VULGAR RETARDS - IS WHAT THEY ARE - SICCCCCCKKKKERRR MOOOOOOORE SPECTACULARLY RETARDED MOOOORE
Sick ridiculous retarded vulgar cretins. Look there's holly - smiling through the awkwardness of knowing they're paedophiles while paedophiles 'come out' as gay (cos paedophiles that get 'support' BY pedoes and incentives to BE pedoes that create their own circus to avid looking like what they ARE - PEDOPHILES. Loook there's Flintoff, Lineker, etc - what' he going to do with the migrants, be like Top Gear and Kimi etc- they rape pillage molest capitalise pillage fix cry victim make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds and lolz. He's got food issues? oh noooooesss where's his pizza at? quick quick - give it to 'em!! Completely totally retarded inbreds more & more spectacularly VULGAR revolting grotesque more & more ridiculous more & more retarded MORE SICK SICK completely MORE & lolz vulgar hideous retards
Harrison Ford has convinced himself he's a tomb raider in Egypt and they're in the process of making another mini-series (cos Brexit movie, it cleaned up the Oscar/bafta/whatever and wiped the table in the sheep shagging category - highly successful series. They're making another documentary about themselves that involves diving into a volcano to see if the lava doesn't splatter him if he talks nicely to it - cos pedoes.. they want to be 'hot' pedoes and they're hoping the lava provides that 'service'. Might take take his weathered-ness away.. maybe eat a dung beetle to get younger skin etc. PEDOPHILES completely totally retarded MORE and more sicker sicker more more retarded more more ridiculous MORE.
What 'part' of retarded inbreds don't they understand - NONE - cos - they're retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping serial raping traffickers - that - help themselves BE paedophiles cos that's what they ARRRRRE. And macron goes to Egypt to recreate being paedophiles with his paedophile peers cos the paedophiles - they put so much effort into *being* paedophiles that pillage someone's else life to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves (COS vulgar retards), they "*must be pedoes more*" (to avoid looking like what they are - PEDOPHILES etc) so recreate being paedophiles *AGAIN* & *AGAIN* & *AGAIN* - to make being pedos about themselves *AGAIN* when THEY ALREADY ARE (the 'culture' of.... pimps & ho's, hareeeems of pedoes and 'fixers' for alllllll things vulgar revolting demonic retarded and grotesque. Totally retarded MORE
What's their 'religion' ? Have a guess - clue (make it easy for the retards) -it's PEDOPHILIA - PEDOPHILIA IS *THIER* 'RELIGION' -retarded paedophiles - ridiculous inbreds - have to pillage someone else and capitalise make about themselves - how retarded of *THEM* . Hideous ridiculous retarded paedophiles - that is what they ARE -PEDOPHILES - MORE spectacularly sicker more & more & more and lolz - sicccccccccckkk hidddddddeous retards MORE. Completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE spectacularly sicker more ridiculous and more fixing it for *THEMSLEVES* coscos PEDOPHILES - VULGAR REVOLTING RIDIULOUSLY REATRDED INBREDS.
Completely totally absolutely completely grotesque retarded vulgar cretins - SICK. MORE. lol at the ridiculous retards that have spent years BEING paedophiles - with a pope that has 'death in his soul'. What kind of retarded inbred thinks anyone wants to 'kiss their ring' - (cos extremely retarded paedophiles) - who wants to 'kiss their ring' at all - RETARDS - it's not my religion - go and pillage someone else - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded hideous inbreds - another 'religion' of theirs: is - pedoes that capitalise on pedoes being pedoes that fix it for pedoes to make being pedoes about themselves - when ALREADY ARE - PEDOES - their pedo ring gets bigger bigger and they get sicker and sicker more and more retarded MORE. Britney Spears is continuing her 'best demon child' impression - HIDEOUS RETARDS MORE - oh loooook - it's Damien - from out of the Omen - (the pope capitalises make about himself - wots the paedophile pope's 'number' ? oh it's 666 - he's the beast - one of *many* ridiculous retarded inbreds). Is he Jewish? Cos they have to get the numbers right - it's all about as many carcasses they can snort, about how many children they rape molest supply to pedoes, pedoes under your noses? Lies - they're *in* their noses. PEDOPHILES - VULGAR RETARDS.
Absolutely completely ridiculous, spectacularly retarded. MORE... they obviously got 'Jewish cash' to invest in the Lion King production cos salmonella festival turned out to be detrimental for the global economy. - compleeeeeetly RETARDED MORE - Again - pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves - ARE PEDOPHILES. Again - pedoes that make stuff up to fix it for pedoes so pedoes can make being pedoes about themselves when they already are - ARE PEDOPHILES. Again - paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles that abuse to capitalise ON BEING paedophiles- ARE PEDOPHILES - siccccccck ridiculously retarded VULGAR revolting hideous inbreds MORE
Again - my own life - cos pedoes that pillage someone else's life to capitalise on their vulgarity *cos* they're paedophiles that love to gloat and flaunt their paedophilia wherever they can *WHILE* being paedophiles in the serial raping trafficking business that make someone else' life about someone else to help pedos avoid looking like what they ARE - ARE PEDOPHILES - and get da pedoes to fix it for themselves cos pedoes being pedoes capitalising on and fixing FOR - ARE PEDOPHILES
siccccccccccck vulgarrrrrrrr retarrrrrds MORE and more astonishingly embarrassingly grotesque MORE and more extremely retarded more & more spectacularly ridiculous MORE waaaay moooooore totally absolutely completely retarded - MORE
The pope *IS* a severely retarded vulgar revolting paedophile, the 'three what? the three PEDOPHILES -SICK RETARDS - more grotesque MORE. The pope is 'forced' to 'rewrite' the bible cos it 'found' that they're ridiulous paedophiles that don't understand a word of it *anyway* (esp where it says - don't pillage anyone else's life to make about themselves - cos that's FRAUD - don't 'supply' victims to pedoes so pedoes are 'free' to capitalise on pedoes so pedoes can make being pedoes about themselves - COS THAT'S CRIMINAL - AND ARE - PEDOPHILES in the serial raping trafficking business -pedoes don't understand that cos they're paedophiles SO make their own shit up lie to suit themselves to make sure they make BEING paedophiles about themselves - COS ARE PEDOPHILES - ridiculously retarded vulgar cretins MORE - what are theyyyyyy? PEDOPHILES - what are theyyyy? PEDOPHILES sicker siccccccker sicccccker mooooore retarded MORE Completely tooooootallly retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds MORE & MORE grotesque. MORE retarded waaaaaay moooooore ... what does that mean? - it means they're PEDOPHILES and they are 'victims' of their *OWN* paedophilia - they ARE a terrorist 'organisation' that 'serve' paedophiles- that make baby cakes out of real babies and 'serve' them TO paedophiles that capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves COS ARE - PEDOPHILES, they *ARE* VULGAR revolting ridiculous retards - that's what that means - demonic revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE
Annnnnnnnd get da pedoes to fix it for demselfs cos 'determined' paedophiles 'determined' to make being paedophiles about themselves cos the ridiculous retards 'believe' that they're not paedophiles if they pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and get da pedoes to fix it for demselfs - compleeeeeeetly tooooootally retarded demonic vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds - SPECTACULARLY SICK, MORE. "What's Brexxxxit?" "Uh uh dunnooooos jus being peeeedoes haha's" 🤮 totally absolutely completely RETARDED MORE
… Indians.. make about themselves.. both of them.. all of them. So grotesque. Way back when he 'high-fived' - it's a 'product' OF paedophiles etc, more & more retarded MORE. Taking 'Product placement' to a whole new level - for paedophiles - cos *obviously* they've never had the 'opportunity' to make being paedophiles about themselves. SICK. MORE retarded MORE.
That's where I was when I quit my first job - Maroochydore, Australia. Must be '92, '93. I went and sat on the beach. 2022. (meanwhile woopi goldberg is taking on the 'role' of Ringo in Red Dwarf - ridiculous retards more & more) RIDICULOUS RETARDS, more spectacularly revolting astonishingly vulgar more & more waaaaaayyy moooore RETARDED totally completely ridiculously grotesque
Like Biff stole the Almanac and rigged the elections. Sicker MORE retarded.
Points to a picture "This is when you 'decided' be a paedophile, this is you BEING a paedophile, this is yourself calling yourself a paedophile cleverly disguising your paedophilia in front of millions & billions of 'people' to gloat and flaunt your paedophilia while pillaging someone else to profit on being paedophiles" guess who …. sister bliss to UB40 isn't it. Sicker MORE. The 'pyramid' scheme of Paedophiles. Paedophiles. Hideous - ridiculous - more. UB40 and Bono snort anthrax together - oh it's not anthrax they snort -they *send* anthrax to whoever cos they're 'pretty loose' with their chemical weapons & to avoid looking like paedophiles while they snort their.... crack. And he left a note asking Groove Armada to send more anthrax to Ukraine (cos Groove Armada *also* have an endless supply of Anthrax, don't know where they get it from cos its -illegal- annnnnd a weapon of mass destruction (like their paedophilia & lolz) totally completely ridiculously retarded MORE.
I've done all the festivals, got to the stage where I said I'd only go if it's VIP - not bothered about going to any more. Been to most of the clubs - not my job to promote them - they have pimps for that- that promote their own paedophilia - cos that's what they ARE and terrorists. A 'UN' that abuses to capitalise on their vulgarity annnnnd get da pedoes to make stuff up & fix it for demselfs - the 'culchaa of pimps & ho's and hareeems of pedoes'. Pedowood = Pedoes - self explanatory with paedophile politicians and slimy ridiculously revolting 'famous' paedophiles that compete with the worlds worst paedophiles - to capitalise on what they are and make about themselves - pedoes - that love to gloat and flaunt their paedophilia - cos they're paedophiles and ridiculous vulgar inbreds. (again - my own life - look at the pedoes being pedoes lol'ing COS pedoes - ridiculous retards - extremely severely retarded inbreds. MORE (it's not my industry BUT it is my life that pedoes having rape pillage frenzies coscos pedoes that don't like being told what they ARE - PEDOS)
(same with pedowood, other industries including arts sport culture tourism etc - *anything* where pedoes are 'free' to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves and milk being paedophiles for *every* penny. You pay a fee sooooooo... pedoes can capitalise on being pedoes that goad, flaunt and taunt pillage rape molest -make stuff up and laugh it off etc *while* capitalising on their vulgarity to get alllll they cannnn out of being paedophiles - cos they're retards - severely retarded ridiculous paedophiles. Hideous. MORE. *They* Pay to watch... paedophiles BE paedophiles gloating flaunting their paedophilia wherever they can. sicccccck vulgar retards MORE spectacularly ridiculous totally completely retarded MORE
"what are *you* doing to 'save' *your* industry?" "Uh uh dunnnooosss jus being pedoes that blow stuff up to blame someone else to capitalise on being pedoes haha's"🤮 -Completely retarded.
They have a Pedo PR machine - they have 'pedo drills' - not earthquake drills - not gunfire drills - PEDO 'DRILLS' to help pedoes capitalise on what they are and make about themselves (PEDOPHILES) They're not bothered that they're pedoes cos there's *always* more ways of making being paedophiles - about themselves. Beyoncé letter to her pimp "she owes everything to her pimp"- that's why she's a rapist that rapes to capitalise on being a rapist & a kidnapping child raping terrorist . SICK hideous inbreds MORE and more retarded vulgar revolting grotesque MORE. Ukraine pimp went to America to get cash - for their pimping, raping & pillaging 'campaign' completely totally retarded pathetic vulgar revolting cretins MORE and more ridiculously retarded MORE.
Pillage fix capitalise cry victim make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds and lolz (and repeat) - that's them - PEDOPHILES - vulgar revolting retards MORE and more astonishingly embarrassingly ridiculous more grotesque MORE - completely totally retarded.
I'm having Jaffa cake for breakfast, benedict is probably having Eggs Benedictine (with his crack) - RETARDS - MORE
Guess where this is and it's not Moldova
She wanted to be a stylist - there go - there's a crash course on 'fashion for pedoes' and 'designer terrorists'. Funny (but not) because (sides it being my own life pedoes have pillaged and made about themselves etc). I said that I was an extra- (and Check the pedoes OUT) in pedoland with their pedos she says "We've looked and we don't believe you" *after* they've made stuff up and laughed in yah face cos they're pedoes capitalising ON and fixing it FOR (themselves COS pedoes) - and it's my own life, completely sick totally retarded. YouTube collection of music is really good actually, I like it, chill house, progressive house, deep house - even on livestream. That time I went to New York - and pedoes made about themselves. 'Global' paedophiles with 'global goals' *OF* BEING paedophiles. (All paedophiles). Paedophiles that 'banter' about the 'fish crisis', I'm not sure if they're referring to the Madonna song, gaga's hat, or salmonella - or the movie about pedoes being pedoes called Brexit. Christian Bale vs George Clooney vs Ben Affleck vs the pedo in a cave vs stuck in cave...the pirate in a cave, the pirate pirate and piracy etc .. and caves etc - what they liiiike … - allllll peeeedoes …completely totally retarded MORE.
paedophiles - paedophiles that copy *each other* - BECAUSE - they're paedophiles - and they're BEING pedophiles -that's what they ARE - paedophiles more & more ridiulous retarded way more grotesque MORE
the looooong table
Sicker more retarded. More.
Sooooo ridiculous. more & more. I caught the bottle *BEFORE* the movie came out. They get sicker more retarded MORE
MORE retarded. Disney paedophiles and their pigs on red carpets. Completely retarded. MORE.
.. wasn't made by Mattel. Tom Hanks was. San Francisco loves crack in their roads annd in their noses. And the angles. (of pedoes being pedoes). New Orleans floods a lot and so they build houses out of straw - so they think they'll float rather than sink but they don't realise that their weight is too much for the straw - so they sink *anyway* and can't figure out why. I think it has an awful lot to do with their cholesterol intake. More ridiculous MORE
I don't have a 'favourite' DJ, DJ's are synonymous with paedophilia like paedophiles 'operate' child line and like trafficking 'charities' ARE traffickers etc - sicker more & more ridiulous. Pick a 'charity' *any* 'charity' - PEDOPHILES. sicker MORE. And those paedophiles help paedophiles capitalise on being paedophiles. Paedophiles congratulating the hired paedophiles i.e.: "Like what you're doing to help out with being paedophiles" he says as they sing about being paedophiles - to take the focus off BEING paedophiles - that capitalise ON paedophiles and make about themselves - coscos that's what they ARE. Paedophiles. Vulgar revolting retarded inbreds.
Pedos that spend years making BEING pedoes about themselves and the 'spokesperson' for pedowood writes 'essay' about being a paedophile that pillages someone else's life and make about themselves - *BEING* paedophiles - but 'forgets' to mention that he & his pedo pals - ARE paedophiles -that abuse to capitalise and pillage & fix it for themselves to allow pedoes to capitalise on their vulgarity annnnd make about themselves COS paedophiles (they *are* astonishingly completely retarded - my own life that pedoes pillage & make about themselves cos pedoes capitalising ON and fixing it FOR *themselves* cos being paedophiles *IS* their 'idea' - cos they ARE - PEDOPHILES capitalising on their vulgarity. Don't need to manipulate vulgar to make about themselves cos *ARE* - VULGAR.
PEDOPHILES that mess and meddle with someone else's life COS paedophiles - that tell *themselves* they're 'brilliant' paedophiles as they fix it for *themselves* (and they do - laugh in yah face as they make their own shit up as they 'fix' it for *themselves* AND their revolting vulgar ridiculously retarded paedophile, rapist and terrorist peers) and create more 'staged' drama - like Britain 'isn't racist' - (cos the pedoes are more than one colour and - they're paedophiles - that gave you Brexit - to take the focus off *BEING* paedophiles etc which has cost global economy .. how much? annnnd jacked a symbol to capitalise and make about themselves (Hitler did that too - as it happens) cos their namez iz iz.. peeeedoes haha 🤮 RETARDS - The Pedo Show to take the focus off *themselves* BEING pedoes rapists and terrorists that cry victim WHILE BEING paedophiles that *ALSO* stage fake hate crime to capitalise on being pedoes to make themselves 'legit' paedophiles and ridiculously retarded inbreds COS that's what they ARE. absolutely completely totally retarded inbreds grotesque paedophiles more & more ridiculously retarded MORE
(Pedo PR machine: create a scandal to gloss over scandal etc etc) -that *ALSO* offer paedophiles incentives *TO* pedoes to fix it *FOR* pedoes to avoid the 'stigma' of *BEING* paedophiles (when it's my own life pedoes have pillaged and made about themselves) PEDOPHILES rapists kidnapping child raping terrorists and 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting demonic ridiculously retarded and grotesque - MORE … wall to wallll - peeeedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE
Completely TOTALLY retarded MORE and more spectacularly ridiculouser MORE. pedoes - that capitalise ON pedoes - cos arrrrre. siccccccccck ridiculously vulgar retards MORE - PEDOS - is what they ARE. absolutely completely VULGAR - evereeething about them is VULGAR. Anthony Hopkins enjoying eating intestines with woopi goldberg - pedoes and their 'pedo tours' - completely retarded hideous inbreds MORE & more astonishingly vulgar more & more grotesque MORE. TOTALLY retarded MORE
Eqwaaaadooorrrr .. big box small box big raaaave - (vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded -paedophiles - is what they ARE annnd Pamela is releasing their cow dog donkey porn movie on Netflix as soon as possible as they're in 'stiff' competition with Savile as they compete for the most sickest vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophile award that offer numerous Savile doco's and doco's about themselves BEING paedophiles - that are HUGELY popular among retarded inbreds - and Gervais 'discovered' that there is money to be made by being paedophiles and capitalising on their vulgarity is profitable - for pedoes) sicker more retarded MORE. Completely totally retarded MORE.
The 'art' of BEING paedophiles and hideous ridiculous retards- MORE - pillage someone else's life to capitalise on being pedoes and make about themselves and get da pedoes to make stuff up and fix it for themselves & lolz = PEDOPHILES - VULGAR RETARDS. sicker sicker more & more retarded waaay more astonishingly embarrassingly grotesque more more retarded MORE - pedoes that capitalise ON pedoes AND abuse the victim they're pillaging to capitalise on BEING paedophiles to get alll they cannn out of BEING paedophiles- ARE PEDOPHILES - more and more spectacularly completely totally retarded ridiculous MORE - totally completely retarded MORE grotesque MORE of everything demented and completely ridiculously retarded MORE.. Where she going? going to ibiza? PEDOES vulgar revolting ridiulous blank & vacant retards - peeeeedophiles - hideous retarded ridiculous vulgar inbreds - "I'm resigning today because I've been caught being a paedophile and kidnapping child raping terrorist" - something that paedophile (politicians) *don't say* - *even* when they've been caught BEING paedophiles - MORE THAN ONCE - & then they have more pedoes 'fixing' it FOR pedoes COS paedophiles and the 'pedo virus' spreads more & more - and get MORE & more spectacularly ridiculouser MORE. More and more retarded more and more vulgar more revolting and grotesque MORE. Absolutely completely totally retarded (paedophiles). MORE.
A paedophile - and also a 'journalist' = paedophile, also a 'spinner' FOR paedophiles while they think of the many ways to make BEING paedophiles - about themselves. PEDOPHILES. Sick vulgar retards MORE. peeeedoes- more more retarded MORE. Paul McCartney is a ridiculously retarded paedophile. A vulgar revolting meddling obnoxious retarded paedophile (like many) - because he knows someone with syphilis - he *has* to get that - to make about himself . Sick. Retarded. More
2011 -2022

'Hilarious' isn't it - someone that he walked past in the street - his 'cast mates' pillaged an extra to capitalise on BEING paedophiles - they capitalise ON paedophiles & they rape for rapists & make about themselves etc - make someone else's life about themselves & get da pedoes to fix it for demselfs - spend (and spent) years making BEING paedophiles ABOUT THEMSLEVES to avoid looking like what they ARE - and they ARE paedophiles - with bigger paedophiles fixing it FOR paedophiles with more 'staged' drama among their ridiculously vulgar paedophile peers. My own life that paedophiles have pillaged and made about themselves to capitalise on what they are - paedophiles - and to profit on the back of raping & pillaging and helping themselves BE hideous vulgar retarded paedophiles "Ohhh harrrvey made me a paedophile"- vulgar revolting retarded paedophiles rapists terrorists and serial raping traffickers - sicker MORE - sicker sicker sicker sicker sicker sicker mooooore- MORE & lolz, Completely totally retarded MORE - how long can they be ridiculously retarded paedophiles for? - as loooooong as it takes to make being paedophiles about themselves - WHEN ALREADY ARE - ridiculous retards. Migrants - hideous creatures aren't they- they all be climbing over trumps wall that he stole from China to pay for the pedo parade - retards MORE- sicccccck vulgar retarded hideous MORE *many* 'angles' of paedophiles BEING paedophiles. If there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on & make about themselves *while* and *during* raping for rapists THEY WILL - because they're vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous paedophiles SICKER MORE
Paedophiles - ridiculously retarded. They're paedophiles that have spent many years being paedophiles - capitalising ON and 'fixing' it for - cos they're paedophiles that pillage *my* life and make about themselves *TO* capitalise ON BEING - paedophiles - annnnnd 'fix' it for *themselves* to make sure they make BEING paedophiles *about themselves* cos that's what they ARE (and it's my own life). Paedophiles. Completely totally retarded. More. That's not *eeeeven* including paedophiles in other countries that flaunt and gloat about their paedophilia (and 'fix' it for themselves) - that all have jobs where they are paid *not* to be - vulgar absolutely revolting ridiculous demonic retards. Hideous MORE, what they like? - They're like that - paedophiles - sick ridiculous vulgar retards. MORE - What's their 'brexit bullshit' all about? - that'd be the pedoes then. sicker. Totally retarded.
hollywaaaad... peeeedoewoood - pay much more to be - paedophiles that capitalise on & fix it FOR - peeeedophiles (themselves), it's like a 'pedo syndicate' with.. take the money 'n' run benedict. siccck retards. MORE.. What's the movie with sheep and pedoes that was soooo popular among sheep and paedophiles that they made dozens of documentaries, mini series' and movies etc about sheep and pedoes cos it's 'interesting' FOR sheep & pedoes. Because sheep & pedoes ARE 'interesting' TO sheep & pedoes. They find what makes *them* the most money - and capitalise on that (make about themselves so sheep copy sheep and pedoes copy pedoes because it's *also* sheep & pedo PR - which is - sheep & pedoes capitalising on sheep and pedoes watching sheep & pedoes BE - sheep & pedoes. If that 'formula' gets 'boring', they'll make movies about snorting their carcasses with whales . Retards. MORE. For anyone thinking about 'joining' that 'industry' (and several others) you *must* be a sheep or a paedophile and *must* be pedoes *more* to compete with other sheep and pedoes that are already in the sheep & pedo business, sheep & pedoes even dress up *as* sheep & paedophiles to 'play' the 'roles' *OF* sheep and paedophiles to 'imitate' themselves BEING sheep & paedophiles when they *already* ARE - sheep and paedophiles. If they 'come out' as being sheep & pedoes - they might lose their jobs- *anyway*. Totally completely retarded MORE.
Pedoes being pedoes, like Michael Jackson (*ARE* paedophiles) dangling his baby over a balcony having a 'paedophile' moment, they have loads -thousands- of paedophile 'moments' - like capitalising on pedoes cos they ARE *AND* putting their kids genitals online - to blame everyone else for being pedoes - *except* *themselves*. Naming their kids after serial killers etc cos pedoes are popular - among pedoes and they neeeeed to gloat and flaunt their paedophilia wherever they can - pedoes - vulgar ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE. Then they'll use social media to promote their own paedophilia so their 'fans' reinforce their paedophilia - just as sick as pillaging someone else's' life - pedoes - vulgar ridiculously retarded inbreds, MORE - SICKER SICKER MORE and more retarded MORE
"Agency leeches are sucking" … what dry? PEDOPHILES vulgar revolting retarded inbreds. They pay pedoes TO 'fix it' FOR pedoes and laugh off their heinous paedophilia as they write whatever and laugh in yah face as pedoes - 'fix it' for *THEMSLEVES* to ensure that pedoes make being pedos about themselves and carry on being pedoes (without any repercussions) - PEDOPHILES. completely totally retarded ridiculous revolting inbreds.
All complaining - that *THIER* 'industry/ies lacks - this that and the next thing and they're not making enough money BEING paedophiles - while they've spent over a decade abusing to capitalise to make being pedoes about themselves (COS ARE) annnnd gloat and flaunt their paedophilia wherever they can COS pedoes will fix it for the pedoes (*themselves*) -*BEING PEDOPHILES - IS -THIER INDUSTRY/IES* pedoes 'fix it' FOR pedoes = PEDOPHILES. They dunnnos what pedoes are - because they ARE. Sicker MORE retarded MORE.
Another paedophile announces to his carcasses (More political paedophiles and what they *don't* say) "I've resigned today *BECAUSE* I've been caught BEING a paedophile and kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficker and a terrorist that pays terrorists to fix it for pedoes and vice versa that make 'deals' *WITH* terrorists to capitalise on being paedophiles to help paedophiles not look like terrorists. What do they do - fix it for themselves MORE - and carry on *BEING* paedophiles - completely totally retarded MORE. Pedoes that got caught BEING paedophiles - *STILL* make stuff up and laugh in yah face (again - my own life pedoes have pillaged made about themselves to capitalise on their vulgarity to get allll they cannnnn out of being vulgar revolting ridiculous retards - pedoes 'believe' if make being pedoes about themselves - not pedoes - oh waaaaaiit - sicccccker MORE more retarded vulgar revolting ridiculously grotesque MORE. Completely totally retarded MORE
lol.. what's brexxxxit? "I dunnooos jus being pedoes haha's" 🤮 "were you there?" no - he/she/ they weren't - (again - my own life) just make sumfink and fix it for yourselfs. "Are you Jewish?" no you're not - jus make sumfink up fix it for yourselfs & lolz. *IF* you ARE Jewish - pillage someone else's life and make about themselves cry victim & make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz cos got Jewish cash as incentive TO BE paedophiles rapists terrorists etc . And the pedoes offer bigger cash incentives *TO* pedoes to fix it *FOR* pedoes (themselves).
Clap for pedoes -kneel for terrorists - make sumfink up - fix it for the inbreds & lolz ('damage control' FOR paedophiles and ridiculously retarded inbreds, 'PR' *IS* 'fixing it FOR' paedophiles - that have had numerous paedophile 'campaigns' that *ALSO* 'team' up with UN paedophiles etc to help pedoes avoid looking like what they are - PEDOPHILES etc pedoes and their pizza's - SICK VULGAR revolting retards MORE, pedoes that capitalise on pedoes & abuse to capitalise cry victim & make about themselves -ARE PEDOPHILES, pedos that 'fix it' FOR paedophiles ARE paedophiles. Completely totally retarded MORE
What's that selfie of? oh it's yooooo BEING a paedophile - she's got her 'pedo hat' on, he's got his 'pedo hat' on, they've allll got their 'pedo hats' on - loooook - there you are - BEING a paedophile - all they need is the t-shirt that says what they ARE, probably the *only* thing they're too embarrassed to wear - BECAUSE - they're paedophiles - that do *anything* to avoid looking like what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE
Noooo it's not their life - jus make sumfink uppp fix it for the inbreds & lolz - that's *THIER* life - BEING PEDOPHILES that pillage someone else's to capitalise on their vulgarity cos ARE VULGAR revolting hideous retards - completely totally retarded MORE "if you lie about being peeeeeedoes the pedoes will make stuff up to fix it for da peeedoes coscos peeeedoes haha's" 🤮& lolz - compleeeeeetly retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds MORE& MORE vulgar liiiiike the hideous revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they ARE DO & lolz - PEDOES - Vulgar retards MORE
"Must be corrupt" *SHE* says - errr - PEDOPHILES is the word they're looking for - shout it from the rooftops - PEDOPHILES - is what they ARE - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded grotesque paedophiles MORE. "jus make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz" said the pedoes and so they did - 'fix it' for *THEMSELVES* and carrrrry onnnn *BEING* paedophiles. Completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE & lolz.. 2016? more pedoes fixin' it for demselfs. 2022 *STILL* PEDOPHILES - amazing I know I know how pedoes fix it for *DEMSELFS* and da pedoes don't like being told what they ARE - PEDOPHILES- "fixed it for da pedoes" said the pedos and lololz (cos pedoes *must* be pedoes *MORE* to make being paedophiles - about themselves (when ALREADY ARE) - to avoid 'stigma' OF BEING paedophiles that gloat about BEING paedophiles BECAUSE they're PEDOPHILES - SICK RETARDS more & more spectacularly ridiculous more & more retarded waaaaay moooore & lolz. PEDOPHILES - evereeeeeethinnnnng about them is VULGAR revolting retarded and GROTESQUE - Spectacularly vulgar retards soooooo *MUCH MORE* than *juuuuuusssst* an international embarrassment. Compleeeeeeetly totally retarded MORE
What were *THEY* doing at that time? oo oo I know - Being pedoes fixin' it for demselfs finding more ways of making BEING paedophiles - about themselves - coscos thier namez is peeeedoes you know haha's 🤮 VULGAR retards MORE. "What fell out of what?" "What" - is a paedophile - they dunnnoooos wot pedoes are cos they ARE. Ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE, the Brexit movie.. riveting stuff.... and they allll jump in their cesspit *THEY MADE* fixing it for *themselves* to make BEING paedophiles about themselves cos ARE. Completely totally retarded MORE. Pedoes BEING paedophiles - it doesn't sink in TO paedophiles that they're paedophiles - the pedoes will find more ways of making BEING paedophiles - about themselves - RETARDS - MORE spectacularly vulgar more & more ridiculous more & more grotesque MORE & more fixing it for *themselves* SICKER MORE. PEDOS - hideous more. More documentaries about pedoes BEING pedoes capitalising ON and fixing it FOR - sicker MORE & more & more.
They get on their pedo bikes and go where the pedoes are - Mexico, pedo Island, Necker Island, Silicon Valley PEDO ALLEY etc etc Sean Penn does his little documentary about pedoes being pedoes that make being pedoes about themselves to help pedoes that capitalise on pedoes and rape for rapists avoid looking like what they are - PEDOPHILES and kidnapping child raping terrorists etc that fix it FOR *THEMSELVES* cos pedoes BEING pedoes etc. Benedict does his little documentary about himself BEING a paedophile - with terrorist 'brothers' and hareems of pedoes rapists and child molesters that go on to insist they're not pedoes and rapists that gag rape pillage migrants and use them as political tools to further agendas of PEDOPHILES - that capitalise on pedoes and make about themselves cos ARE - paedophiles. They *obviously* don't want to be embarrassed by *THIER* paedophilia - sooooo make sumfink up fix it for themselves and carrrrrry onnnnn BEING ridiculously vulgar revolting grotesque - paedophiles. More & more completely totally retarded MORE (and pedoes think they're 'getting one over' COS paedophiles capitalising on their vulgarity that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and got da pedoes to fix it for themselves COS paedophiles) - TOTALLY RETARDED, MORE. *IF* an 'undercover boss' - they would allllllllllll get the sack. Hideous vulgar revolting retards MORE & MORE grotesque more & more ridiculous MORE and more fixing for themselves *and* their pedo terrorist pals and more gloating about being ridiculously retarded paedophiles - COMPELEEEEETLY RETARDED more "What's brexxxxxit?" "I dunnnooos jus bein peeedoes haha's" said the pedoes 🤮 sicker sicker more and more spectacularly retarded MORE
PEDOPHILES - vulgar revolting ridiculous retards annnnd kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pillagers, plagiarists & terrorists etc etc. The 'crisis' is the 'crisis' of getting caught BEING paedophiles so create a 'crisis' to help gloss over the 'crisis' of BEING paedophiles and get da pedoes to fix it for demselfs & lolz to continue BEING - paedophiles- and create more crisis' to use for reality TV cos pedoes that have been paid (by pedoes) TO BE pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves. They 'thrive' in their vulgarity cos ARE vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds and grotesque paedophiles etc looook at the Syrian kid that washed up on the beach - chuck him a pair of yeezies - it's irrelevant that he's not alive to wear them - the pedo that profits on raping and pillaging wants you to see his merchandise on a news 'item' - to sell more yeezies. Looook at the pedoes capitalising on their vulgarity.. The 'China virus' … they fail to mention their 'pedo virus' (cos pedoes that like to blame everyone else - except themselves - for their *OWN* paedophilia. Quick! Find an orphanage - what can they bribe them with - 'sustainable' footwear, paedophile t-shirts etc, a smorgasbord FOR paedophiles. "Got a humanitarian crisis on our hands" says the paedophile - it' got absolutely *nothing* to do with their paedophilia - obviously. SICKER more retarded MORE & lolz. How long has the 'humanitarian crisis' been - as long as it takes - to make being paedophiles about themselves WHEN ALREADY ARE. (woo pedoes fixin' it for demselfs & lolz) Completely totally retarded inbreds MORE & lolz
These hideous cretins ARE PEDOPHILES - that don't like being told what they ARE so 'gang up' to capitalise on BEING - ridiculous vulgar revolting - PEDOPHILES ANNNND make stuff up annnnnd fix it for themselves TO capitalise on THEIR vulgarity cos ARE VULGAR retards - MORE ridiculously grotesque MORE - pedoes capitalise make about themselves COS ARE - PEDOPHILES, and their pedo peers help da pedos capitalise on what they ARE - PEDOPHILES and more pedoes capitalise on them being pedoes, the 'ongoing crisis' of their paedophilia. Again - my own life - coscos paedophiles that work in government agencies (that are paid NOT to be paedophiles & kidnapping child raping pillaging serial raping trafficking & terrorists - ARE) - tell them that they're pedoes - they capitalise make about themselves cos that's what they ARE. The UN is defunct- it's obsolete- it's a paedophile organisation - nothing more. A pillaging paedophile racketeering serial raping trafficking 'agency' with 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting retarded demonic and grotesque.
Has there ever been an instance where someone wins a competition to go to Monaco and unbeknown to the competition winner, the guest the competition winner takes - is a paedophile - that capitalises on pedoes and rapes for rapists cos 'famous' paedophiles that 'get off' on being pedoes that make someone else's life about someone else to capitalise on being pedoes etc (no - hasn't). Has there ever been an instance where someone has lunch with someone and pedoes capitalise make about themselves that go on to spend years pillaging that victims life TO ENSURE they make being pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma OF BEING paedophiles when they ALREADY ARE - that fix it for themselves MORE by making stuff up and laughin in yah face, just shrug it off, laugh it off, pedoes - ridiculous retards MORE (no -hasn't). 'crazy fan', 'spam' 'bot' 'troll' etc lol - my own life - siccccccck ridiculous RETARDS MORE. Has there ever been an instance when someone goes to Spain - and someone that they've never met - makes about themselves - cos they got 'Jewish Cash' to abuse & pillage someone they've never met - to capitalise on being pedoes & TO make being pedoes about themselves - PEDOPHILES .. What's brexxxxxit?" "Dunnnooos" says the pedoes "Jus bein pedoes haha's 🤮more retarded MORE.
How much is being pedoes worth? Clearly says - YOU'RE A PEDOPHILE - they capitalise make about themselves COS that's what they ARE - severely retarded paedophiles MORE & lolz. Has there ever been an instance where pedoes capitalise on pedoes (in pedowood- all the time COS pedoes) - abuse the extra to capitalise on being pedos cos paedophiles that spend years making being pedoes - about themselves - then call the victim a 'Russian villain' *AFTER* they've spent years being pedoes to make being pedoes about themselves and got da pedoes to fix it for themselves by making stuff up and laughin in yah face (errr - no - PEDOES BEING PEDOPHILES) Completely totally RETARDED, MORE. PEDOES are their 'fav' 'roles' to play - they don't need to 'act' - that's what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - VULGAR RETARDED INBREDS, SICK - MORE
What paedophile politicians *don't* say: "I've resigned today because *WE'VE* been caught BEING paedophiles and kidnapping child raping terrorists" No 'if's' - no 'buts' - PEDOPHILES - get sicker sicker sicker more & more retarded- VULGAR revolting demonic and grotesque ridiculous inbreds MORE & lolz
Pedoes that morph into Nigerian pedoes that morph into 'university of pedoes rapists and terrorists' that hijack a symbol to capitalise on being pedoes and make about themselves cos pedoes being terrorists being pedos capitalising and fixing it FOR themselves so pedoes rapists and terrorists have 'freedom' to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves cos ARE - VULGAR.
Someone met a paedophile and that paedophile made being a paedophile - about himself & so on as so forth. Someone else met a paedophile - and that paedophile - made being a paedophile- about herself (cos are) & so on & so forth. If he was wearing a thong - wouldn't be any different cos gay paedophiles - would make that - about themselves & so on and so forth. That paedophile is helping that paedophile capitalise on being a paedophile to profit on back of raping & pillaging - cos they're paedophiles & so on & so forth. There's *obviously* money to be made BY BEING paedophiles & so on and so forth.
What does that meeeeean? oo oo I know -Means they're pedos!! Woo!! paedophiles and hideous ridiculously retarded inbreds. If there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists THEY WILL cos - paedophiles. Russell Crowe on being a paedophile - "here's gladiator - this 8 year old 'fan' has been watching it every day for the past 26 years" - grotesque vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles. MORE & more ridiculous more and more spectacularly vulgarer - MORE. Totally completely retarded - MORE & lolz . Ridiculous vulgar retards MORE
What they liiiiike? - They're like THAT - PEDOPHILES - vulgar revolting hideous retards MORE 🤮& lolz. "What's brexxxxxit?" "Dunnnoooos - jus being peeeedoes haha's" 🤮 totally completely retarded MORE
So Elon got stoned in an interview to impress paedophiles that steal cars and blow them up, that make being pedoes about themselves etc and get the pedoes to fix it for themselves etc and in the meantime paedophiles make something else about something to capitalise make about themselves - for profit. Elon bought twitter and tuned into a 'terror'. Kanye/Karshadians still marketing themselves as pedoes that have been using Nazi imagery for over a decade - to make about themselves because they got 'Jewish Cash' to do so. Clintons are producing books 'cleverly disguising' their paedophilia, politicians are releasing books left, right and centre as part of their 'dirty politics' campaign (I'm not a politician - they're paedophiles - SICK vulgar retarded inbreds) Oh looook there's another 'referendum' to help pedoes take the focus OFF BEING pedoes - is it about socks - should they be ankle or shin. Pedo PR machine has been over compensating & fixing it FOR - Pedoes etc. The American Constitution - I'm not American and it's my own life they've been pillaging - to capitalise & get allll they cannn out of being pedoes - capitalising ON and fixing it FOR and blame someone else - for THIER PEDOPHILIA. Completely retarded. MORE
"Occupy Mars".. my own life.
Sicker more & more retarded ridiculous MORE. (and the sun - is a picture that *I* took flying over Ukraine - my life - that pedoes have pillaged and made about themselves) absolutely ridiculous retards - paedophiles - MORE retarded MORE
Masters of the air' - it's not 'difficult' to work out - when - they 'decided' to be pedoes. Pirates & pedoes and ridiculously retarded inbreds
Sicker MORE - my own life pedoes have pillaged and made - about themselves etc
Daily fail and their pedo propaganda (the pedo virus that many countries have & daily fail has and 'global Britain' has with their 'global goals' of being pedoes that like to spread their paedophilia about to avoid looking like what they are - paedophiles - and - their paedophilia spreads *faster* than the plague - it's the paedophile plague - capitalising ON and fixing it FOR - with more pedoes and their 'fake' news & staged dramas etc and more pedoes making more documentaries *about themselves* BEING paedophiles etc etc. Completely totally retarded MORE
Can't wait to see last years one (and the year before, the decade before, the century before etc)
Pedoes... much - sicker MORE retarded MORE
Ridiculous get sicker sicker sicker MORE retarded MORE, way more spectacularly vulgar MORE
With 'death in their soul' - ridiculous retards MORE spectacularly retarded MORE - paedophiles - vulgar revolting hideous inbreds MORE retarded MORE
Like dolphins in a pod, the wayyyyy.... of the pedoes and the whale that sunk the ….24,000 plates of chips *AND* alllllll the pies - hideous vulgar revolting grotesque inbreds MORE
who ate all the pies who ate all the pies.. completely retarded. MORE
Genesis - paedophiles, Bob Geldof - paedophiles, UB40, Bono etc etc - paedophiles. Adele and her 'slippery fish' with her pedo gang - terrorists AND paedophiles etc etc so to avoid looking like pedoes rapists AND terrorists..... - HIDEOUS retards MORE ridiculous.
Makeup: if you're in the makeup profession that buys makeup made by a paedophile (she doesn't make it just puts her name on it - and that is it - like many others) it's like 'supporting' terrorism and funding it at the same time. Paedophiles that *ALSO* pillage someone else's life *to* 'play' rape pillage & fix cry victim while being a paedophile 'game' *while* capitalising on their vulgarity to profit on back of raping pillaging - that's *ALSO* a terrorist - that 'teams' up with more pedoes TO capitalise on BEING paedophiles - their paedophilia 'touches' everyone. The makeup ladies - they're all 'troopers' aren't they - (paedophiles). There's so many makeup brands around, go for a non-paedophile 'brand' to 'support' those - who are *NOT* paedophiles.
Not difficult - to buy makeup without a paedophile's name on - cos basically they're ALLL paedophiles, rapists, kidnappers child rapists serial raping traffickers and terrorists etc so - see a lipstick by 'Victoria Beckham' - she's a paedophile that probably got the 'idea' for that shade from the dead hedgehog she jumped over while going clothesline robbing in the middle of the night (where her designs come from, she thieves them and calls them her own 'design' - no one has arrested her for burglary or embezzlement etc cos she makes too much money BEING a paedophile. This is clear by how much money the government gives them - for 'servicing' paedophiles - which is basically what that Volosky or whatever it is did - get some money from America for being 'good' ridiculous paedophiles that make someone else's life about someone else to avoid looking like what they ARE - paedophiles- it's for 'tax break' purposes etc obviously. Completely totally retarded - MORE.
Eye pads, like those- although I've found it is much easier to put a generous amount of serum under the eye without the pads, if put the serum in the fridge - just the same. For example; Tresor Rare has a serum that's approx. £1,300 ($1,700 it's all bolivar and dong), it's nice, feels like velvet - it's an expensive serum, maybe use it once or twice a week as it's quite rich. I've never paid that much for a serum, can get it for much less than that, even if you go into the boutique/pop up shop - they do 'put on a spiel' etc and - can talk them down to £50. Now Aldi has their own version of that serum for £4.99. Pretty much the same. 'Luxury' is attainable - for much less.
Pedos in the trailer- that get annoyed, agitated and vulgar - if you don't agree with them being paedophiles (pretty much the same across government agencies, pedowood, UN, etc etc) so make stuff upppp.. etc, a paedophile 'endorses' their product (& they think a paedophile is beneficial for the sale of their products because paedophiles 'swoon' over paedophiles that gloat & flaunt their paedophilia - pedoes- retards) She is *obviously* NOT their 'friend' because she didn't buy anything. Pedos - that help themselves to someone else's life & make about themselves to profit on back of raping pillaging - ARE - paedophiles & vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - that's them - paedophiles. They haven't paid *ME* for *THIER* paedophilia. Sick ridiculous retards MORE.
Going to put my serum in the freezer... to see if it freezes.
When did he kark it? Didn't even know he was dead - they're pedoes, rapists and terrorists and now gloating about being pedoes AND terrorists WHILE making being - terrorists - about themselves - to 'normalise' terrorism & to help pedoes not look like terrorists - COS THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE -paedophiles, rapists, terrorists, pillagers, plagiarists, kidnapping child raping terrorists etc etc annnnnd 'fixers' for alllllll things vulgar revolting demonic ridiculously retarded and grotesque MORE
Never been a 'fan', not met him - if he walked passed me in the street - I wouldn't know who he is
What are their 'movies' about? oo oo i know - pedoes being pedoes raping for rapists that create their own dramas to take the focus off themselves *being* pedoes rapists and terrorists. So to help take the focus of themselves being pedoes more - they "must be pedoes MORE" - to take the focus off themselves - being pedoes - sooo make more documentaries about themselves BEING paedophiles, rapists and terrorists - cos that's what they ARE. Hideous retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE. taka what? taka piss COS pedoes rapists terrorists and vulgar revolting ridiculous grotesque paedophiles like that - SICK SICK totally compleeeeeeeeeeetely retarded annnnnd lolz- MORE ridiculous MORE
The foundations of *their* 'industry' … (of being pedoes rapists terrorists that capitalise on pedoes and rape for rapists that make someone else's life about someone else to help take the focus off being pedoes rapists and terrorists that get pedoes to fix it for themselves by making stuff up and laughin in yah face) - …. - is terrorism - and worse - sicker MORE..
Where are they going? goin to the islands... pedo island. Tell them that they're pedoes - they capitalise make about themselves cos ARE -PEDOES- *ANYWAY* - MORE & MORE RETARDED MORE.. Alice Alice what the fuck is Tony Blair - PEDOPHILES - waaaaay waaaay moooore retarded MORE & lolz.
Example (decades of) Clintons paedophile 'victimhood': "sometimes it's 'challenging' being married to my husband (the paedophile) cos *I* (a paedophile) have more victims than him and he gets jealous that I have access to more minors than him" (cos she's a female paedophile and *also* in the serial raping trafficking business) - PEDOPHILES -poor paedophiles that 'open many doors' FOR paedophiles, rapists and terrorists and encourage them TO BE pedoes that rape for rapists to avoid looking like what they ARE (PEDOPHILES) and 'fix it' FOR paedophiles (themselves) as a 'favour' FOR paedophiles that then go on to create their own 'talk show's TO 'talk' about their paedophilia & terrorism *with* pedoes rapists AND terrorists -PEDOPHILES - VULGAR REVOLTING RIDICULOUS RETARDS MORE - that's *THIER* 'pedo-formula' that goes with *THIER* 'pedo-drill' … "the carcasses are so stooopid aren't they lololz" they snigger.
How many years can they milk their *OWN* paedophilia - waaaay looong after they've destroyed their own country BY THIER PEDOPHILIA to capitalise ON BEING PEDOPHILES and that rape & pillage to 'protect' *THIER* paedophilia (protectionism of prolific paedophiles) AND they'd *STILL* be sitting on the couch 'discussing' their paedophilia with other paedophiles that swoon over paedophiles cos retards (that makes THEM 'Enemies of the State', terrorists that are enemies of their own country - treasonous vulgar revolting inbreds etc etc AS WELL AS the vulgar revolting paedophiles, rapists, terrorists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers pillagers etc that they ARE) and the pedoes find more ways of making BEING paedophiles - about themselves (like have done AND ARE *STILL* currently doing) "Whyyyy - was Savile never arrested?" "Uh uh uh dunnnooos jus being peeeedoes hahaha's" 🤮 Compleeeeeetly toooootally retarded - MORE
Blair & his pillaging political paedophile pals (if one of them gets caught *BEING* a paedophile - they all 'gang' up and rape for rapists - that's how retarded politicians are (regardless of what reproductive organs they have). That's not *EVEN* taking their 'entourage' of severely mentally retarded paedophiles that capitalise on pedoes BEING pedoes to get alll they can out of BEING pedoes - into account etc - completely totally vulgar MORE & their paedophilia spreads faster than the plague and they employ more pedoes & militants to 'help out' with BEING - PEDOPHILES etc. They got CAUGHT BEING PEDOPHILES years ago and have been fixing it for themselves - EVER SINCE - that - pillage a civilian etc to profit on being paedophiles etc that also 'predicts' - expects and 'believes' Naomi Watts' (also a paedophile) ship will not sink (as they got more pedoes to fix it for terrorists that make stuff up and laugh in yah face and carrrry onnnn being pedoes, rapists terrorists and vulgar revolting retards) - compleeeetly retarded vulgar inbreds MORE & lolz "What's brexxxxit?" "Uh uh uhhh dunnnoooos jus bein pedoes haha's" 🤮
Peeedoes neeeeeeed- they neeeeed - they neeeed an audience (preferably) OF pedoes to reinforce BEING pedoes just as much as they neeeeed to gloat about their paedophilia - they want to be applauded FOR BEING PEDOPHILES just as much as they neeeeeed pedoes to fix it for THEMSELVES to take the focus OFF *THEMSELVES* BEING PEDOPHILES. They've been prolific paedophiles for how many years/decades - Totally retarded More - "coscos pedoes you know haha's" 🤮 -siccccccckkk revolting ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE & lolz. They don't like being told what they ARE - PEDOPHILES, rapists terrorists serial raping traffickers that are in the 'buy sell swap' rape for rapists 'business' etc - PEDOPHILES - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds that ARE *FULLY* 'aware' that they ARE vulgar retarded ridiculous PEDOPHILES (more fixing it for *themselves*) Compleeeeeetly totally retarded vulgar pathetic ridiculous cretins hideous vermin MORE
Got my soothing eye mask on, came as a 'perk' and it's called 'perk'. Perky eyes... Meanwhile - get more & more waaaay waaaay moooore retarded. MORE
Evidence of 'perk' - it's called what it's called - and *THEY* are called PEDOPHILES. sicker sicker more & more ridiculous MORE.
I'm so popular (again - my own life - that paedophiles have pillaged annnnd - made about themselves - completely totally retarded - MORE and more ridiculous MORE).
Pedoes are more popular- what did they do? Pillaged someone else's life and made about themselves, pillaging capitalising &fixing it for *themselves*. Hopkins' 'twin' the whale slurps up the semen from the sheep & pigs, mixes it to give birth to a 'hybrid' demon baby that has a 'nipple detector' that hangs out in caves & has sex with a bat to give birth to Ebola - a new 'species' of paedophile that they've called 'Sturgeo-radcliff-row-bing Jnr'. Paedophiles get 'distracted' by other paedophiles and attempt to 'outdo' each other in the paedophilia 'stakes', they 'dare' themselves to 'be better' paedophiles - than what they were before - sicker more spectacularly retarded MORE
Pedos parading their pizza's (UNICEF - serial raping traffickers & more 'pedo shows' for pedos to 'enjoy) Will Smith punches more actors - to get a 'role' in Lebanon's 'explosive' mini series about looting civilians to capitalise on the suffering of others *while* being pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to avoid the stigma of their paedophilia.
From Crimea to Ukraine (ashton, demi, bruce, mila, seth, bono, U2, Charlize - pedo 'brigade' & African/Nigerian/American/paedophile governments etc want to 'reach out' and tell everyone that they're paedophiles. Why are countries going 'back to the future'? They dunnnooos coscos jus bein' peeedoes haha's 🤮 Sicker more - Mandela 'legacy'? Freeman is dead - they pillage extras to capitalise on being pedoes and they want to 'extract' & release Osama Bin Laden from the ocean to recreate the Titanic cos 50 cent owes his 'grandad' $17,000 and they want to pay him in person for 'helping' out with 'servicing paedophiles, rapists and terrorists (and make lots of comedies, documentaries, mini series etc etc shows about themselves *being* paedophiles etc cos being paedophiles is clearly profitable - for pedoes. PEDOPHILES - vulgar revolting retards. Brexit is 'exciting' isn't it.
Paedophiles that neeeeeeed to be pedoes *more* to make being pedoes rapists and terrorists- about themselves - when they ALREADY ARE - ridiculous retards & grotesque revolting paedophiles - MORE hideous & lolz. They're *FULLY* 'aware' that they're completely retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles - SICKER - MORE
They're paedophiles, rapists, terrorists, pillagers and plagiarists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers and 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque & more pedo PR- more fixing it for themselves - hideous vulgar revolting retards. She *could* grow a moustache to 'fit in' with other 'charity' paedophiles like 'movember' rapists that use whatever as a tool TO BE vulgar revolting paedophiles etc (they were told that they're pedoes etc - but they're pedoes *ANYWAY* that capitalise on their paedophilia to make the most out of BEING hideous vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous paedophiles etc etc and pedoes - don't like being told what they ARE - so capitalise make about themselves, they get all 'precious' and vulgar and ridiculously retarded if don't agree with them BEING paedophiles etc AND kidnapping child raping terrorists that capitalise on their vulgarity to profit on the back of raping and pillaging "youtoo themtoo alllll sick vulgar hideous shit together" (pedo 'formula' to help paedophiles capitalise on what they ARE - paedophiles) & get da peeedoes to make stuff uppp & 'fix' it for themselves - to make being pedoes about themselves when ALREADY ARE - to her tho- being a female paedophile doesn't require a moustache (another 'code' for paedophiles) because she can always eat pizza (code for 'pedos' and their raping pillaging frenzies) which attains more 'kudos' among vulgar retarded paedophiles like themselves - completely totally retarded MORE *FULLY* 'aware' they're PEDOES.
Dey 'LEGIT' paedophiles, rapists, child molesters etc that love their *OWN* shit, they expect you to lap up their shit it too - like they have done for over a decade - cos 'LEGIT' hideous vulgar revolting paedophiles like that - absolutely vulgar retards. MORE MORE TOTALLY RETARDED more (as the hideous paedophile finds a hamster to ram up his 'friends' arse - cos that is popular among pedoes - it wriggles about apparently, it was 'global trend' among pedoes (Gay 'community' a couple of decades ago). They had so many men visiting hospitals with hamsters stuck in their arses - not wondering why - like it was 'normal' - like when paedophiles pillage & fix it for themselves to make someone else's life about themselves to capitalise on BEING paedophiles to make BEING paedophiles about themselves that pay pedoes to make stuff up to fix it for themselves so pedoes are 'free' to capitalise on their vulgarity aannnnd make about themselves and milk BEING paedophiles for *every* penny to profit on back of raping pillaging and meddling with someone else' life and calling it 'entertainment' - when ALREADY are PEDOPHILES etc - is what paedophiles DO - because - they're vulgar retarded ridiculous paedophiles, they're completely retarded- no one forces them to be what they are - and they - ARE PEDOPHILES, 'LEGIT' PEDOPHILES' says "Is this idiot trying to steal a living" - more like they rode their bikes into a Jewish Cemetery to dig up 'Jewish Cash' that was left there by Rinkin Von Weasel and they were told that if their 'cult' were to snort the ashes of the dead they'd have 'eternal youth' forever. Paedophiles being paedophiles to profit on pillaging to avoid looking what they are - and they ARE PEDOPHILES, profiteering paedophiles/terrorists & serial raping traffickers etc
loool.. wasn't me that wrote that... 'the spoon bending' paedophiles akin to pizza pedoes, all about 'age, sex & location' etc. VULGAR, more
They are 'trolls', they are 'spam', they are vulgar revolting retards & 'fixers' for allll things ridiculously grotesque - the NHS got paid how much as part of their 'Brexit deal' - considering Brexit is about migrants etc - most of them barely speak or understand the basic language - that is English - because they 'pride' themselves on employing pedoes, terrorists and militants to fix it for themselves to profit on the back of raping & pillaging. Another documentary for Benedict in there somewhere.. Brexit.. 'good lil earner'. They 'fixed it' FOR pedoes.... cos that's what they ARE
It's been that way - for decades - just get sicker MORE ridiculously retarded MORE & lolz
Paedophiles & terrorists etc
Peeeeedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - MORE.. Whoopi gets to talking about being paedophile, a rapist & a terrorist etc (she doesn't get 'banned' for that cos she's 'helping' her pillaging paedophile serial raping trafficking peers capitalise on what they are and make about themselves - COS they're paedophiles). "Not about race" she says - she's RIGHT - about THEM and HERSELF being vulgar revolting retarded hideous paedophiles, rapists, child molesters, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers with their 'culture' of pimps & ho's and hareeems of pedoes annnd 'fixers' for allll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque.
Paedophiles that like to create their own 'drama' to take the focus OFF THEMSELVES BEING - paedophiles (they *know* they're paedophiles, its' 'old news' TO pedoes THAT they're paedophiles) "What's Brexit?" …. they dunnnooos cos cos they're jus bein' peeedoes that dress up as sheep to marry pigs that hump whales to 'produce' a new movie about their bestiality cos the pedo documentaries they make about themselves being paedophiles are quite dull and boring after a while (pedoes already KNOW they're paedophiles) so like to 'jazz' it up a bit to make being pedoes more 'exciting' and 'entertaining' (for themselves COS - pedoes). The Brexit movie is HUUUUUGE hit, everyone is 'touched' (by THIER paedophilia - all aspects - capitalising on and fixing it FOR -*themselves* - cos pedoes that capitalise on what they ARE and make about themselves COS paedophiles BEING paedophiles. Ridiculously totally retarded MORE & lolz
Suction devices vs Ultrasonic
I've had the Clean Lift for a couple of years and just discovered how to use it properly - it's like squeezing spots with the squeezing - gunk seems to 'pop out'. 'See a spot *must* squeeze' days are over. The Sarah Chapman refiner arrived -it has a heating and vibration setting which is 'supposed' to 'jiggle' the pores and thus 'release' the gunk, thought it might be better as it prepares the skin prior to suction - however the suction itself is not suitable for my skin as it brings blood to the surface and leaves marks on my face (on the lowest setting). Could probably use the heat & jiggle function in conjunction with the ultrasonic (Sarah chapman just over a tenner, Opatra just under £30 and it has an awarrrrrd) - or - resell it for profit.. the latter - an alternative to getting paid by the company to test their devices and not putting the review on YouTube.
Like the 'reformed' 'Cancel culture' which is a Pedo 'PR' for pedoes 'campaign' 'cleverly' devised by Ricky Gervais - so he could capitalise on his vulgarity annnnnd make about himself *to* profit on *their* 'culture' of being paedophiles while crying victim and raping for rapists at the saaaaame tiiiiime as being a vulgar revolting ridiculous paedophile (cos paedophiles that pillage to capitalise & make about themselves annnnnnd get pedoes to fix it FOR pedoes so pedoes can make being pedoes about themselves - cos thaaat's what they ARE) - 'the culture of pimps & ho's & harreeeeems of pedoes that dunnnooos what pedoes ARE- cos they ARE... 'extraction'... devices - sicccccker MORE - completely totally retarded grotesque ridiculous inbreds, vulgar revolting hideous paedophiles MORE. PEDOPHILES - VULGAR- MORE..
The paedophile was 'happy' to say that the government 'fixed' it for them and their paedophile peers that have spent over a decade to ensure they make BEING paedophiles about themselves (when already are) -can you guess the paedophile government & there's dozens of paedophile governments that offer incentives to pedoes to fix it for pedoes and vulgar retards, the 'waaaay of the pedoes') COS ARE vulgar revolting retards like that. Pedoes that abuse a victim while pillaging that victim to capitalise on BEING PEDOPHILES that cry victim and make about themselves with a view to blame someone else for THIER paedophilia- ARE PEDOPHILES.
Who & what the fuck is George Floyd - it's a paedophile syndicate and a 'handy fixer' FOR paedophiles - to avoid looking like what they ARE - paedophiles - thaaaaat - pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and get da peeeedoes to make stufff upppp & lolz (my own life - coscos peeedoes that pillage to make being pedoes- about demselfs - to avoid the stigmaaaa of being peeeedoes). He goes to New York, takes a picture of a sign - to make his life - about someone else- cos it's better if pedoes have an audience OF pedoes because pedoes like to be pedoes together & get their 'pedo hats' on to come with 'genius' 'pedo ideas' to promote their OWN paedophilia & that's how they 'fixed it' - for *themselves* cos pedoes that got caught BEING paedophiles and have been 'fixing it' for themselves - ever since. What the fuck is George Clooney? - A ridiculously retarded paedophile - *also* in the trafficking business - got no idea where they get their pedo 'ideas' from - cos pedoes HAVE to make being pedoes - about demselfs coscos 'crisis' is the 'crisis' of getting caught BEING paedophiles - soooo rape pillage molest capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves cos ARE vulgar revolting retards - totally retarded - sicker MORE and more retarded MORE
"Whhhhyyyy was Savile never arrested?" "dunnnnooos jus being peeedoes" said the pedoes .. & more 'fixing it' for demselfs (they made the t-shirt that says "We make the paedophile games", also says on their t-shirt "I AM a paedophile" There's a paedophile 'hiding out' in a foreign embassy - in a foreign country - Pamela 'Britain's America's bitch & Brexit bullshit' goes to the Embassy to suck Assange's shit - cos she's a skank *anyway* so she can be 'relied' on to be 'skankier'.
Assange says 'Us pedoes are putting peoples lives at risk & they need to be distracted away from knowing what vulgar revolting ridiculous paedophiles we are", they then proceed to 'spin' themselves silly (and *their* shit splatters everywhere) - to avoid looking like what they ARE (paedophiles) & blame everyone else for being paedophiles *except* themselves - whether it's 'Barry' or Jacinda or the many 'scandals' paedophiles produce to help paedophiles take the focus OFF THEMSELVES BEING paedophiles etc - PEDOPHILES- is what they ARE - totally compleeeeetly vulgar retards MORE and more ridiculous MORE. "what's brexxxit?"... "Uh uh uhhhh dunnnoooos jus pedo bullshit haha's" 🤮 PEDOPHILES - compleeeeeetly retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous PEDOPHILES
What they liiiiike? - They're like THAT - ridiculously retarded paedophiles - SICKER MORE
Did you know that there are approx. 20,000 pore pitts in your face
(sicker more retarded MORE & lolz)
It's marvellous that paedophiles are able to capitalise on being paedophiles that share their paedophilia 'tekkas' across & among paedophile 'networks' that 'use' migrants to capitalise on being paedophiles that cry victim *while* being paedophiles - that 'ole shoogah plantation got confused and started growing cotton - and is now looking for - compensation - because the invisible thread sold out faster.... 'migrants' - hideous creatures aren't they - always making being paedophiles about themselves. 'Lucky' they're they right colour to capitalise on their vulgarity (& make about themselves) sicker MORE retarded MORE. How to 'spin' to capitalise and promote agendas OF pedoes rapists and terrorists & lolz more COS retarded paedophiles 'fixing it' *more* for *themselves*- that *must be paedophiles MORE* to help the paedophiles out that capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves bekooozzzz they're hideous peeeedophiles. How did they 'fix it' for themselves- "uh uh uhhh dunnnooos jus being peeedoes haha's" 🤮 Totally completely retarded paedophiles etc - more & more spectacularly ridiculous MORE. Benedict pays all his money into a paedophile 'syndicate'- to play rape & pillage victim 'game', makes a documentary about himself being a paedophile to take the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles etc - has to pay the cotton pickers now cos they got run over a by a tractor on their farm & damaged a toe nail - oh look there's yooooo - being a paedophile *AGAIN* - 'baaa heeer piggy piggy oink oink oink' - down on animal farm - paedophiles - hideous vulgar retards MORE -Completely totally retarded MORE & lolz- MORE retarded MORE
When paedophiles are the 'best' PR 'agency' in the world (that employ paedophiles, rapists and terrorists to 'fix it' FOR paedophiles, rapists and terrorists that lolz as 'fix it' FOR pedoes, rapists and terrorists cos pedoes, rapists and terrorists BEING pedoes, rapists and terrorists fixing it FOR pedoes, rapists and terrorists to profit on raping pillaging and terrorising - to capitalise on being paedophiles - to avoid looking like what they ARE - paedophiles, rapists and terrorists - oh looooook there's yooooo - BEING a paedophile with yah 'pedo hat' on .. sicker MORE totally completely retarded MORE.
The paedophiles and the terrorists the pillagers the plagiarists the serial raping traffickers the vulgar revolting retards - are reeeeeeealllleeee easy to spot - *including* paedophiles that use 'charities' to promote their own paedophilia. They're hideous vulgar revolting extremely retarded - PEDOPHILES - MORE... 'the waaaaaay of the peeeedoes' sicker MORE vulgar MORE. They *can* liken themselves to the paedophile that's in a Nicholas Cage movie - cos that's what they ARE - hideously retarded peeeeedophiles, "make sumfink up fix it for the pedoes" said the pedoes - oh looooook - not pedoes - …. oh waaaait... MORE retarded MORE .. ….the red what?
Their 'religion' is paedophilia - a whole lot worse than *just* paedophilia isn't it - especially if look at what *they've* 'achieved' over the past decade and over (without more decades - possibly a 'century' of being notorious prolific paedophiles prior) -by BEING ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - cos pedoes - presume - they can help themselves to someone else's life - without permission - annnnnd make about themselves aaaannnd get more pedoes to 'fix it' for themselves (my own life, retarded- MORE)- to avoid looking like what they ARE - paedophiles - cos ridiculously retarded paedophiles, kidnapping child raping traffickers and terrorists - sicker than the 'average' terrorists. 'Holy' to them is supplying victims TO paedophiles to capitalise on BEING paedophiles cos that's what they ARE - paedophiles. Recap - "whhhhhhy wasn't Savile arrested?" "Uh uh uhhhh dunnnooos jus being pedoes haha's" 🤮
Its not my religion - paedophiles that pillage someone else's life - to capitalise - on BEING paedophiles - that - plagiarise - & make about themselves etc and are in the 'buy sell swap serial raping trafficking business' - completely totally retarded inbreds MORE. Spectacularly sick vulgar retards. They dunnnooos wot pedoes are - because they ARRRRE - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds, they're blank & they're vacant - extremely retarded - paedophiles- just get sicker MORE retarded MORE... what's brexxxit? "dunnnooos jus being pedoes haha's" 🤮 more.. more more more waaaaaaaay waaaaaaay more toooootally compleeeetly retarded MORE.. lol - It wasn't me that said that - a paedophile wrote that (plenty of them - worldwide) - sicker more retarded MORE, pedoes 'playing' the 'roles' of pedoes etc cos that's what they ARE, MORE
… then Benedict made a documentary about himself being a paedophile - to prove to *himself* - that *he* 'doesn't exist' - oh look at thaaaat - paedophiles 'fixed it' FOR paedophiles... . loooook not pedoes.. oh waaaait - compleeeeetely totally retarded - MORE ridiculous MORE.. "the mortuaries are nearly full, look at the carcasses" said the pedoes and the pedoes get allll excited … "whhhhhy was Savile never arrested?" "uh uh uh Dunnnooos jus being peedoes haha's" 🤮- toooootallly compleeeetly retarded inbreds MORE and
lookada pedoes capitalising on being pedoes - for 'Jewish Cash' - and 'favours' among vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds.. Ukraine paedophiles after cash from ' you're sons and your" your what? -they're paedophiles" hideous retarded ridiculous cretins.
Did they get more 'Jewish Cash' for their little pedo show, what's 4D? pedoes being pedoes that shag under a sheep to … they're RETARDS - completely totally retarded paedophiles - pedoes 'making the most' of BEING vulgar revolting - paedophiles - siccccccccck retards MORE.. lots of 'Jewish Cash' to go round - although *I've* not received any annnnd (again) it's my own life - *MORE* ways of making BEING paedophiles - about themselves. Totally compleeeeetly retarded MORE
Pedoes that pillage someone else's life and & make about themselves (cos paedophiles and) to get 'Jewish Cash' (they were TOLD they're pedoes BUT *ARE* *ANYWAY* -and pedoes don't like being TOLD what they ARE so capitalise make about themselves and gloat & goad etc to capitalise on their vulgarity etc etc toootally retarded MORE). I'm not Jewish and they're paedophiles - more ways to make being vulgar retards - about themselves - (cos ARE).
What they liiiiiike? they're like thaaaat - pimps & hos and hareeeeems of pedoes - hideous vulgar revolting retarded paedophiles - spectacularly retarded inbreds MORE. They made a map of themselves BEING paedophiles (pillaged directions & changed location to capitalise on being paedophiles etc) and just seem to be swimming around in their own cesspit *they* made by BEING paedophiles (capitalising on & 'fixing it' for - themselves COS paedophiles capitalising ON paedophiles & 'fixing it' FOR - themselves - cos pedoes BEING pedoes etc) - and now - watching them sink into their *OWN* cesspit - they made - BY BEING - ridiculously vulgar revolting retarded grotesque paedophiles annnnnd they're sooooo totally retarded they *STILL* dunnoos wot paedophiles are - coscos they ARE - Paedophiles - capitalising ON and fixing it FOR (themselves) COS paedophiles - cos- hideous vulgar retards MORE, totally completely retarded.. They're not sure what's happening to their countries - they "dunnnoooos coscos jus bein' peeedoes haha's" 🤮 siccccck totally completely retarded PEDOPHILES - MORE
annnnnnnd the aliens caaaaaame dooowwwwwn in the lightening
Totally completely retarded more & more ridiculous MORE & lolz, they're 'shameless' paedophiles - evereeeeeething about them is vulgar revolting grotesque, gloating & showing off *their* paedophile 'skills' that pillage to capitalise to profit on being - paedophiles - completely totally retarded.
They're not bothered they're pedoes - it's 'lolz', i.e.: oh loook its' a selfie of yoooo being a paedophile - loook there's yoooo with yah 'pedo hat' on - being paedophiles is 'lolz' FOR paedophiles coscos get pedoes to make stuff upppp fix it for da peeedoes that pillage someone else's life TO capitalise on BEING paedophiles and pedos help pedo peers out cos pedoes that like to blame everyone else *except* themselves FOR BEING retards & lolz.
They capitalise ON pedoes - cos they ARE - they were told - do they stop being pedoes? noooo cos being retards is 'fun' for retards - miley bends over to help out the pedoes cos they got paid lots of money to promote George Floyd (pedoes & more 'fixing it' for themselves). There are bigger paedophiles than her that like to profit on their vulgarity just like paedophiles offer cash incentives TO paedophiles to 'fix it' FOR paedophiles to avoid looking like what they ARE - and they ARE PEDOPHILES. dey 'LEGIT' paedophiles - totally completely retarded MORE. Pedoes and their pedo 'syndicates' - SICK retards MORE.
Trump circles the Clintons - they put on a paedophile show, he declares "'Obamagate' makes Watergate look small time", they *know* they're paedophiles *FULLY* 'aware' they're retards - Trump goes to prison - trump thanks *his* hareeem of paedophiles that helped to put him there - to help *his* 'gang' of paedophiles not look like what they ARE - that is - paedophiles & so on and so forth - while other ex-presidents etc are *STILL* milking their *own* paedophilia - if in doubt - bring Lewinsky out - it's all good they say - cos she wasn't a minor & so on and so forth. More ways of making BEING paedophiles and ridiculously retarded inbreds- about themselves - and the pedoes *STILL* dunnnoooos what's happening to their countries coscos pedoes are *being* pedoes 'fixin' it' for demselfffs to make BEING pedoes about themselves (when ALREADY ARE) to avoid the 'reality' (Chewbacca for the pedoes) of *their* paedophilia.. the paedophiles resigned bekozzzz.... "uh uh dunnnoooos jus bein peeedoes haha's"🤮 "Whhhhy was Savile never arrested?" "Uh uh uh dunnnoooos jus being peeedoes haha's"🤮 "What's brexxxit?" "Uh uh uh dunnnooos jus bein' peedoes haha's" 🤮 Paedophiles - completely blank & vacant ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - sicker sicker more more retarded MORE grotesque MORE ridiculously retarded MORE
Not *even* including the Monaco paedophiles - Billy who? nothing to do with me - more paedophiles 'cleverly disguising' their paedophilia with their 'fun' 'paedophile detectors', making the most of being paedophiles that capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of being ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - that turn BEING paedophiles into 'art' 'comedy' and 'entertainment' among ridiculously retarded - paedophiles - totally completely retarded MORE.. where she going on her bike? yah yah Ibiza - PEDOS, retards - completely blank and vacant retards MORE - pedoes - all they think about - is - BEING - paedophiles (capitalising ON & fixing it FOR etc) cos that's what they ARE - totally completely retarded - paedophiles - sicker MORE retarded MORE ridiculous MORE
lol. It works, beeeer with itttt. I haven't shaved my legs in months - cos I don't need to. This particular device is a '2 in 1' with 'skin rejuvenation'. Had a Braun Silk Expert - just stopped working.
Gervais is 'excited' that he 'found' more 'material' that he 'sourced' himself - by BEING a (pillaging) paedophile and he can't wait to tell everyone what he is - and it's not Nostradamus (hint: peeeedophile). Sam (let's be pedoes) Mendes did spectre because he is a paedophile that wants to blame *his* paedophilia on someone else *while* capitalising on BEING paedophiles to profit on back of raping & pillaging & to help his pedo peers be pedoes etc COS paedophiles etc etc so on and so forth RETARDS - extremely retarded paedophiles SICK ridiculous inbreds - they're *FULLY* 'aware' they're vulgar revolting retarded paedophiles, Kit can make being a terrorist about himself too - sure they cannn - make being paedophiles about themselves cos *ARE* *ANYWAY* - RETARDS - totally compleeeeeetly retarded MORE - PEDOPHILES sick ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES vulgar more
Vast majority of 'people' are 'predicting' 2023 is going to be more paedophile bullshit - like it has been - for over a decade - while they find more ways of making BEING paedophiles - about themselves. I just googled 'Richard Branson on being a paedophile' - never guess.. completely totally retarded ridiculously grotesque paedophiles get sicker sicker MORE.. here are the results..
lolz, they gave you Brexit - to take the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles AND paedophiles in denial - which has resulted in …. …. on a global scale and more 'fixing' it FOR paedophiles (themselves) etc. think they give a shit if someone they've never met (who may or may not live in their country who may or may not come from their country) loses their job because of *THEIR* paedophilia when they say "Being paedophiles is like a cult & if come out as being paedophiles - might lose their jobs *ANYWAY*....lol The 'ongoing drama' of the NHS (& of being paedophiles in denial) is staged - to give the illusion that they *AREN'T* paedophiles. And Benedict, knows he's a paedophile and more paedophiles create more convenient 'scandals' to take the focus off themselves *being* paedophiles and now paedophiles want compensation from Benedict - not just because he & they are paedophiles. Paedophiles being paedophiles has resulted in more staged 'squabbles' between paedophiles to take the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles. Round and round they go... it's what the pedoes call the 'magic roundabout' while 'shagging' Zebedee on it under the influence of - crack.. yah pedoes doin' it for demsleffffs. Totally completely retarded MORE. what does that mean? dey dunnnoooos cos they peeedoes .. paedophiles with paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles that make being paedophiles about themselves TO profit on being paedophiles while being paedophiles.. and paedophiles being paedophiles FOR paedophiles.. what happened in 2016? dey dunnnoooos coscos peeedoes fixin' it for demselffffs
That's *also* *THIER* £88 million pound 'documentary' - they made - about themselves - *being* ridiculously retarded paedophiles - like Sean Penn, Benedict and Daniel Radcliffe etc that sit back & watch & partake in mass rape - to capitalise on being vulgar retards- that *also* make documentaries about themselves BEING paedophiles (no 'secret' to paedophiles that they're paedophiles etc) that *also* offer incentives TO pedoes rapists and terrorists (£350 million a week incentive for pedoes) to 'fix it' for *themselves* so paedophiles are 'free' to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves - what are theyyyyy? - uh uh uhhhh TERRORISTS. Being hideous vulgar terrorists - clearly working out well for them coscos got da pedos to make stuff up & 'fix' it for themselves etc & lolz-ridiculously retarded MORE. What tall building is Benedict going to lodge a plane in - to help take the focus off themselves- BEING terrorists - Benedict the terrorist - probably prefer to get called Benedict the paedophile - actually - he's both: 'hilarious' paedophile that 'cleverly disguises' his terrorism - in film - like many, the 'art' of being vulgar retards, MORE ridiculously retarded MORE
They lost a war - to capitalise on BEING paedophiles - they're paedophiles capitalising on being paedophiles to help rapists not look like rapists capitalising ON paedophiles BEING paedophiles that like to blame the someone else for themselves being terrorists that 'fix it' for themselves to avoid looking like what they ARE - ridiculously retarded paedophiles, rapists, terrorists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, pillagers, plagiarists annnnnd 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque MORE ridiculously retarded inbreds- MORE. Look how 'jubilant' they are about being 'global terrorists' without any repercussions. Oh no - wait - how much has being paedophiles cost them so far? They can ask Benedict cos he might be good with numbers - actually probably not - they just read scripts don't they - they don't write anything they just pillage capitalise and make about themselves COS retarded paedophiles etc like that - that *ALSO* refuse to read their 'mean' tweets cos paedophiles busy BEING paedophiles finding more ways OF MAKING BEING paedophiles - about themselves - Completely totally retarded MORE & lolz
Eg: ohhh - does that tweet say "you are a retarded paedophile" - pedoes don't read that out - the paedophiles might lose their jobs, lets have a ridiculouser 'mean' tweet "You look like a turnip" -that's better, they can cry victim over that & market themselves "ohhh its difficult having dysmorphia" and then go on to promote their own 'body image' etc etc The pedoes say: "Producers want pedoes to BE pedoes" - so they ARE. Being paedophiles - is *always* - someone's 'fault' - never the paedophiles that do everything vulgar and revolting in attempt to 'cleverly disguise' their heinous paedophilia & use whatever as a tool TO BE paedophiles - capitalising ON and 'fixing it FOR- they dunnnnoooos wot pedoes are - because they ARE - pedoes with pedo excuses FOR BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - MORE totally completely retarded MORE
Example of Paedophiles and their Mental Retardation: Farage is a paedophile that capitalises on paedophiles being paedophiles to 'further' his 'career' - of being a paedophile that - takes advantage of pedoes being pedoes - for *his* gain (no one else's) and Benedict gets paid to 'play' the 'role' of a paedophile while being a paedophile while crying victim about *his* industry but neglects to mention they're vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles capitalising on BEING paedophiles - for *his* gain (no one else's - and he gets paid to help pedoes BE pedoes by making a documentary about themselves BEING paedophiles while making someone else's life about someone else to avoid the stigma of BEING TERRORISTS) and so on and so forth. Minnie Driver is a paedophile - so is Daniel Craig etc - completely totally retarded - PEDOPHILES - MORE retarded & lolz . SICK ridiculous retards MORE
They 'forget' they're paedophiles and not in a Will Smith movie, there's Tony Abbott saying "death cult death cult death cult" and there's the pedoes "pedo cult pedo cult pedo cult" and there's someone climbing out of the window like Rapunzel - except the escapee is an adult male, what's their location are they North West? Are they even from their country - were they drugged & smuggled - like 'pwoppa' traffickers that paint their faces with a French flag as demonstrated by pedoes that are having a 'silent revolution' (paedophiles) that say "being pedos 'is like a cult'" & they might lose their jobs if they 'come out' as being pedoes - so capitalise & make about themselves annnnnd fix it for - themselves - cos - peeeedoes etc - ridiculous retards MORE. Titanic is boring - it sank ages ago. "Let's drive it in into the berg to see if it sinks"... Success. And that was that. Nothing happened after that - cos it sank - no angles of a franchise there, can't make any more money out of it - not even a tourist destination.
.. and Butler strops around the Whitehouse. Does he pin his tail on the donkey? what movie is that? Can they guess, it's about pedoes, cheeseburgers, whales, pigs & pizza .. etc.. sicker MORE retarded MORE
When the pedoes are sicker than than the terrorists and terrorise to capitalise on being pedoes and blame someone else for their pillaging and raping and helping themselves BE paedophiles to capitalise on BEING terrorists. British Airways are terrorists &Virgin are paedophiles that are in the serial raping trafficking business. As you can see by the look on their hideous paedophile faces - they get allllll excited about being paedophiles (they think about allllll the money they can make, you're so famous!! A famous paedophile that capitalises ON BEING a paedophile and is famous FOR BEING a paedophile cos he's capitalising on other paedophiles BEING paedophiles. He got 'global stardom' - that's what they want - they want alllll the trimmings, the yachts, the private jets, the chin wags with other retarded paedophiles that discuss their paedophile 'tekkas' across networks of other paedophiles, rapists and terrorists - to get - allll they cannnn out of being ridiculously retarded paedophiles and they muster up more ways of making being retarded paedophiles - about themselves - 'together'.
They employ terrorists & militants to 'fix it' for pedoes so pedoes can capitalise on what they ARE and blame someone else for THIER paedophilia while making being paedophiles about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' OF BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles cos - ARE. If you were in an industry where your boss is a paedophile that is responsible for blowing up his own planes to blame it on terrorism/ sabotage etc to take the focus off being paedophiles that capitalise on pedoes that rape for rapists & 'favours', 'careers' and 'reward' & 'banter' among ridiculously retarded paedophiles and 'fix it' for themselves to avoid looking like what they are (paedophiles, rapists and terrorists) annnnd carrry onnnn BEING retarded paedophiles (cos pedoes 'fixed it for 'em etc) - 'take the money and run like Benedict, although Benedict gets paid way more than £10k a year for his 'services' to paedophilia sooo what do they do to take the focus off BEING retards - point at a passenger & shout 'Al Qaeda' - cos they're *known* terrorists - everyone knows what they are and the passenger could be anyone at all - and their seat number *isn't* '57' - who've they've just blamed for their terrorism to take the focus off themselves BEING paedophiles, paedophiles and their paedophile frenzies continue. Completely retarded. MORE.
The BoSiden arrived.. .. the review... Zappy Zap Zappy because it does lovely stuff, I'll never 'dermaplane' cos I don't want to be ape, I don't want a beard - but then there's a machine to get rid of the unwanted hair.. annnnnd the pedoes will be after her wanting compensation for using paedophile music on her review - sicker MORE - completely retarded MORE.
Paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and the paedophiles cry 'copyright' (completely totally retarded MORE) and get da pedoes to fix it for da pedoes COS pedoes that profit on BEING paedophiles that make someone else's life about themselves to avoid looking what they are - and that is ridiculously retarded paedophiles.. yah yah make sumfink up (my own life) fix it for the retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE spectacularly ridiculous MORE - PEDOPHILES - evereeeeeeethinnnnnng about them is VULGAR- MORE retarded MORE & lolz.. how much to 'fix it' for the pedoes? siccccckkkerrrr MORE.
The 'art' of being vulgar revolting - paedophiles & kidnapping child raping terrorists, pillagers plagiarists - sick ridiculous retards - peeeeeedophiles - capitalise & make about themselves cos that's what they ARE - ridiculously retarded peeeeeedophiles - that's them - that's their 'entertainment' capitalising on pedoes and raping for rapists with their 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting demonic ridiculously grotesque to help da pedoes avoid looking like what they ARE and that is ridiculously retarded paedophiles- Siccccccccck retards, MORE & MORE retarded, more of everything vulgar and ridiculously grotesque- vulgar revolting paedophiles - MORE retarded MORE..
Mandela paedophiles did what? .. 'Obamagate makes Watergate looks small-time' cos he black - that's good enough reason to pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to capitalise on their vulgarity and make being pedoes rapists and terrorists etc about themselves (when ALREADY ARE) to avoid the 'stigma' of their vulgarity obviously cos it would be totally embarrassing.. oh no wait - Morgan Freeman has the embarrassment covered by *being* an embarrassingly retarded paedophile that makes being a paedophile about himself to help paedophiles take the focus off BEING paedophiles (there's loads of retarded paedophiles and ridiculous inbreds *just* like him to 'help out' with BEING vulgar revolting retarded -paedophiles) with their 'culchaaa of pimps & ho's and hareeeems of pedoes' and everyone is on the edge of their seat cos Whoopi Goldberg is *also* 'dying' to tell everyone she's a ridiculously retarded paedophile *as well* as a terrorist that rapes for rapists, 'reward' 'favours' among ridiculously retarded paedophiles to help *her* retarded pedo pals not look like what they ARE - and that is - completely totally retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous pillaging peeeedophiles and 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque - MORE & MORE sicker and sicker more spectacularly ridiculous MORE
Benedict Cumberbatch is a terrorist and won't 'recall' being a paedophile that pillages someone else's life to capitalise on BEING paedophiles cos that would be - 'bad' - for *THIER* industry - which is BEING paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists, pillagers plagiarists - sick retarded inbreds - pedoes - capitalising ON and fixing it FOR - (not *even* taking the paedophiles that work in government agencies into account - that work 'arrrrrd to make sure they don't look like what they ARE - vulgar retarded ridiculous paedophiles) cos they get paid too much money to BE paedophiles- both capitalising on and fixing it for annnnd making documentaries about themselves BEING paedophiles to help take the focus OFFF themselves BEING paedophiles that sue 'pirates' - so the easiest way of fixing it for themselves is to PAY pedoes, rapists and terrorists to make stuff up and laugh in yah face to avoid looking like the vulgar retarded inbreds that they ARE & lolz cos pedoes fixed it for demselfs. What are cumber's movies... none about himself being a paedophile - they're about other people being paedophiles that capitalise on pedoes and rape for rapists with total disregard for everything else *EXCEPT* capitalising on their own paedophilia to get alllllll they cannnn out of being pedoes that make the most of being ridiculously retarded inbreds cos they know the pedoes will fix it for 'em - annnnd they offered a cash incentive to do so and *plus* the paedophiles received 'Jewish Cash' as another incentive to capitalise on their vulgarity annnnd make about themselves while being retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles, rapists and terrorists etc - SICCCCCCCK ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE... pedowood - is called pedowood - bekozzzzz..."whhhhhhhy was Savile never arrested?" "uh uh uh dunnnnnoooos jus' bein' peeeedoes hahaha's" 🤮 SICK SICK sicker than sickest hideous shit MORE ridiculously retarded MORE.
Mandela memorial - can yah spot the ridiculous paedophile prancing around cos he black paedophile that gloats about his vulgarity that pillages & meddles with someone else's life to make being paedophiles, rapists, terrorists - about themselves - COS ARE. The paedophiles say that being paedophiles is "like taking candy from a baby" wooooow. - the pigeon that prances while pillaging a civilian to capitalise on their vulgarity and cry racism while being ridiculously retarded racists & terrorists etc etc. "Being hideous paedophiles is so much fun, let's alllll be pedoes together" said the paedophiles, they say yah "youtoo themtoo alllllll sick vulgar retards together wooo!!"
Compleeeeetly totally retarded annnnd Danny Boyles' 'grain of sand' & 'everything dies' - okaaaaay - are we watching the death of pedowood etc etc cos pedoes making being pedoes - about themselves - cos ARE - PEDOPHILES - wooo!! I'm not bothered about it sinking cos the pedoes would rather go down with their 'ship' to avoid looking like what they ARE *ANYWAY* - and they ARE - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles (which I've said *more than once*). Danny Boyle gets out his lubricant that he got off Tom Daley to make sure Peter Jackson's arse is ready and waiting for his insertion etc with more paedophiles that look like their favourite farm animal tarantino/Elton John with his tongue hanging out producing as much saliva than a whales seamen - that's pedoes *thinking* about being pedoes which morphs into 'acting on' their paedophilia (fascinating fact - there's more than one paedophile just like that in their paedophile serial raping trafficking industry that they affectionately call 'pedowood') to capitalise on their paedophilia and make about themselves cos ARE - paedophiles - "yah yah they did- they got 'artificially inseminated' by a pig" the pedoes say excitedly - it was a miraculous birth and they named their spawn accordingly - for the *FULL* 'paedophile experience' - dey 'legit' paedophiles and vulgar revolting retards. *BOTH* socially and a work environment - PEDOPHILES - evereeeeeeething about them is vulgar - tell them that they're pedoes - they capitalise make about themselves COS ARE - hideously retarded paedophiles -Sicccccck retards MORE ridiculously grotesque MORE retarded MORE
Pink is a paedophile and so is snooky, Pink puts her kids genitals online to blame everyone else for being paedophiles, they're like "ooh pedoes ooo lets capitalise and rape for rapists" - that's them - vulgar revolting retards -they're paedophiles that capitalise ON paedophiles cos THEY ARE - they dunnnooos wot pedoes ARE - because they ARE - paedophiles BOTH socially and at work - sicccccck retards MORE. I don't like her music I never have done - *never* been a 'fan' BUT she's *ALWAYS* been a paedophile, always up in someone's face making the most of *her* paedophilia getting what she can out of being a retard - liiiike 'Oh loooook theres yooooo with yah paedophile hat on" - RETARDS - ohhh she a Jewish paedophile tooo - did she get paid for BEING a paedophile? While Minaj & J Lo insist they're hitlers pimps & 'stage' drama between *themselves* to see how far their 'ratings' go up - cos paedophiles sell more (and what paedophiles sell - is not theirs TO sell OR pillage annnnd thaaaat makes themmmm ….."uh uh dunnnoooos jus bein' peeedoes haha's🤮) as well as being soooooooo much moooooore than juuuuuust an international embarrassment. Pedoes, rapists, serial raping traffickers, terrorists etc - spectacularly vulgar more retarded inbreds more ridiculous MORE. Yah get da pedoes to 'fix it' so dey 'legit' retarded paedophiles - peeeeedophiles - is what they ARE - they're *always* on the 'lookout' for the next victim to rape pillage molest - hidddddeous retards MORE. bleughhhh MORE
Compleeeeeeetley toooootallly retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds MORE
'Hilarious' isn't it - someone that he walked past in the street - his 'cast mates' pillaged an extra to capitalise on BEING paedophiles - they capitalise ON paedophiles & they rape for rapists & make about themselves etc - make someone else's life about themselves & get da pedoes to fix it for demselfs - spend (and spent) years making BEING paedophiles ABOUT THEMSLEVES to avoid looking like what they ARE - and they ARE paedophiles - with bigger paedophiles fixing it FOR paedophiles with more 'staged' drama among their ridiculously vulgar paedophile peers. My own life that paedophiles have pillaged and made about themselves to capitalise on what they are - paedophiles - and to profit on the back of raping & pillaging and helping themselves BE hideous vulgar retarded paedophiles "Ohhh harrrvey made me a paedophile"- vulgar revolting retarded paedophiles rapists terrorists and serial raping traffickers - sicker MORE - sicker sicker sicker sicker sicker sicker mooooore- MORE & lolz, Completely totally retarded MORE - how long can they be ridiculously retarded paedophiles for? - as loooooong as it takes to make being paedophiles about themselves - WHEN ALREADY ARE - ridiculous retards. Migrants - hideous creatures aren't they- they all be climbing over trumps wall that he stole from China to pay for the pedo parade - retards MORE- sicccccck vulgar retarded hideous MORE *many* 'angles' of paedophiles BEING paedophiles. If there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on & make about themselves *while* and *during* raping for rapists THEY WILL - because they're vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous paedophiles SICKER MORE
Astonishingly ridiculous retards - pillage fix capitalise cry victim make about themselves - make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz annnnnnd repeat - completely totally ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE *including* more hideous vulgar retarded paedophiles that - capitalise on paedophiles BEING paedophiles coscos that's what they ARE - with more paedophiles copying paedophiles BEING paedophiles to help paedophiles avoid looking like what they ARE - and they ARE - peeeeedophiles. He goes to New York - takes a photo of a sign - to make his life - about someone else (obviously) - SICK ridiculously retarded paedophiles SICKER MORE.
Sarah Jessica parker has it off with Rebel Wilson who has it off with a pig (cos they're in competition to see who the sickest paedophiles are) to make their paedophilia on par with the Cameron's etc & other political paedophiles that have sex with sheep etc - to make *another* movie - about themselves - being vulgar revolting retards - that capitalise on paedophiles & pillage someone else's life & turn raping into 'art' 'comedy' & 'entertainment' among paedophiles - to profit on their vulgarity - while being paedophiles and vulgar revolting retards - hideously retarded MORE... "What's Brexxxxxit?" "uh uh uhhh dunnnoooos jus bein' peeedoes hahaha's" 🤮 wotsabook - not yours - hideous retarded paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE … suuuure they cannnn make being paedophiles about themselves cos that's what they ARE *ANYWAY* - hideous paedophiles that capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves COS ARE VULGAR RETARDS that *also* recreate BEING pedophiles (again & again &again) - to avoid looking like what they are - severely mentally retarded - peeeedophiles & worse ohhh loook peeedophiles fixed it for demslefffs - again - totally completely retarded inbreds - blank & vacant ridiculosuly retarded paedophiles.
A couple of black eyes, a split lip and a broken jaw would look fabulous on Davina - make it a permanent feature - be like a 'gift' from the 'black eyed' - peas - paedophiles - blank vacant retards - completely totally retarded - look at Ant & Dec - they don't see themselves as the ridiculously retarded paedophiles that they are - they see a teleprompter - they smile at a screen while reading something - that has not been written for them AND pillaging politicians who are just as sick and retarded as they ARE etc - RETARDED paedophiles - hideous ridiculously retarded inbreds - Clarkson etc - paedophiles - "feed Britain' - lol pedoes being pedoes, the 'global goals' of paedophiles is BEING paedophiles cos paedophiles thaaaaat pillage someone else's life and make about themselves COS paedophiles BEING paedophiles TO capitalise on BEING paedophiles and pedophiles think 'they're getting one over' cos pedoes that capitalise on being pedoes to make the most of BEING pedoes that capitalise on their vulgarity to profit on the back of raping and pillaging and helping themselves BE pedophiles - Vulgar revolting grotesque retards -SICK - sicker than sickest hideous shit - sick sick MORE
They're completely totally gone - there's nothing there - completely blank vacant retards MORE. The same vacantness as serial killers & prolific paedophiles (that hump whales to give birth to pigs etc). Paedophiles that make documentaries about themselves BEING paedophiles cos they're paedophiles - that is what they ARE. SICK retards - "if we had known that we're paedophiles we would stop being paedophiles" said the paedophiles - they drugged & raped their next victim and as the poor sod's drugs wear off he's greeted by Davina that asks "You've just been fucked by a farm animal haha's - how does it feel? - can you guess what animal you've been fucked with?" And shoves the microphone in his face and her pedo face is going all spastic cos she's 'excited' about being a retarded paedophile "That's more exciting than eating animal testicles to stay on tele" she says and scurries off - PEDOPHILES - that is THIER 'entertainment' that's 'rewarding' for paedophiles - and paedophiles *ONLY* - cos thaaaaat's what they ARE - vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous peeeedophiles - make about themselves & lolololz etc - sicccccck ridiculously retarded MORE
They're completely vacant retarded paedophiles that *only* think about BEING paedophiles - capitalising ON pillaging and fixing it FOR- to profit ON BEING - paedophiles - cos being ridiculously retarded paedophiles is a 'drill' - they've done it *many* times before... "Whhhhhhy was Savile never arrested?" "uh uh uhhhh dunnnnooos jus bein' peeedoes hahaha's" 🤮 Tooooootally retarded MORE
Paedophiles - make everything about themselves - *including* being paedophiles annnnnnd make about themselves (cos pedoes) annnnnnd get pedoes to fix it for demselfs -- ohhh look at yoooo being hijacking terrorists & blank vacant ridiculously retarded paedophiles & more pedo 'campaigns' for the pedoes and ridiculously retarded inbreds. RETARDS vulgar revolting ridiculous cretins MORE retarded MORE "What's brexxxxit?" "Dunnnooos jus being pedoes cos food means pedoes and pedoes love bein pedoes that capitalise on pedoes coscos pedoes that make being pedoes about demselfs & get pedoes fix it for pedoes so pedoes make money by BEING pedoes to take focus off - BEING - PEDOPHILES. Compleeeeeetly blank vacant retards MORE
Think- if someone they've never met who may or may not live in their country or isn't from their country loses their job because of THIER paedophilia when they say if they 'come out as being paedophiles' they might lose their jobs *anyway*- is a 'concern' to paedophiles. lol
PEDOPHILES - compleeeeeeetly retarded inbreds - them annnnnd their spawwwwn - siccccker MORE
For anyone -that works in *any* 'security field' - knowing what happens next is a very sought after 'skill' (without the use of tapping devices or other electrical equipment that 'used' to be used in casino's and other game shows etc i.e.: the paedophiles predicted ….. they 'predicted' that they'll be paedophiles that'll fix it for their paedophile peers to capitalise on what they are - and that is - paedophiles - that fix it FOR paedophiles to make BEING paedophiles about themselves - WHEN ALREADY ARE- 'genius-ly' retarded paedophiles. What's behind the door - totally completely retarded paedophiles!! Ridiculously retarded MORE. What they liiiiiike? they're like thaaaaaat - hideous vulgar retarded peeeeeedophiles - sicker sicker and sicker and sicker and sicker more & more ridiculously retarded MORE
new paaaage - taliban vs harry potter - lol - retards with more adolescent paedophiles that are 'recruited' BY paedophiles to help paedophiles in their 'quest' TO BE paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles being paedophiles that get fed lines BY paedophiles while being paedophiles that cry victim - ohhhh he stole her whaaaat? Completely retarded inbreds - don't need to 'educate' themselves on how to be retards cos they're pro's in the field of mental retardation. What the fuck is George Clooney - yahhhh he paedophile that blames his president (ex) for being a paedophile that blames a prime minister/s of a different country for being serial raping traffickers that blames the UN - that does allllll they can to make sure paedophiles don't look like what they are (paedophiles) that pay paedophiles and offer financial rewards TO paedophiles to fix it FOR paedophiles to avoid looking like what they are (and they ARE PEDOPHILES) so paedophiles can 'reap the rewards' of BEING paedophiles - without repercussions - what are theyyyyyy?
uh uh uhhhh uhhhhh - can you guess - i give you hint.. uh uh peeeeedophiles - ridiculous retards - vulgar revolting inbreds MORE & MORE retarded MORE & lolz
That's *THIERS* - they made by BEING paedophiles, sicker MORE retarded MORE