Hideous.. more
The day after.. (a couple of days after the day after tomorrow.. ackshully) 1.12.2022
Date of the start of being paedophiles *isn't* the 2nd of December - they've been paedophiles for waaaaayyy longer than that, more convenient scandals to help his terrorist 'brothers' out - the pillagers the plagiarists the kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers the deluded retarded -'church of Kanye' cos cos being pedoes is 'like a cult' you know haha's 🤮
What movie is this? (see da pictchass) ohhh it's another movie they made about themselves BEING paedophiles - be pedoes for as loooonnnng as you can - less likely to look like pedos - said the pedoes - being pedoes is 'discriminatory' to pedoes, orcs and more pedoes - he be 'getting that jewish cassssshh - he want to make good on it' " Ike Ike".. fi dollar fine - SICK retards MORE simply the worst - SICK RETARDS MORE lols, it's like a record company that send themselves anthrax not by 'accident' (specifically to blame someone else for being pedoes), coscos being pedoes - is worth billions moving up to trillions to help pedoes fix it FOR pedoes - sounds alot like brexit dunnit - offer cash incentives TO pedoes to fix it FOR pedoes to avoid the stigma OF BEING pedoes - so pedoes can make being pedoes about themselves - cos thats what they arrrrrrrre.
How much is your electricity this month? Do pedoes give a shit about your little household bills LOLZ they'll nick your house, car, blow it up - make about themselves, make stuff up and laugh in yah face coscos pedoes fixing it for themselves coscos the got 'jewissssshh casssshh' as incentive to BE ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting inbreds SICK - SICKER MORE.
PEDOS - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE & more fixing it for themselves and more ways of making being pedoes, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists - about themselves coscos thats what they ARE - MORE 🤮& lolz sicccck retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮 if I scroll down in *my* random pictures it's really easy to see where they decided to be pedoes that pillage to capitalise on being paedophiles, oh the poor lil paedophiles cry copyright for being pedoes that abuse to capitalise and cry victim while BEING paedophiles- that pillage someone else's life make about themselves COS pedoes that give themselves permission' to BE paedophiles, all lolz innit - lotsa larfs being pedoes (said the pedoes coscos pedoes you know haha's 🤮 )
"I'm goin to premier of John Carter tomorrow" - not been In New Zealand for years - who the fuck is Suzanne Rectum', miley cryus the paedophile, she can dedicate the lightning strike that hit the plane to her pedo pal Taika now can't she (taika wot? taika the piss - they're pedoes - vulgarrr revolting ridiculously retarded embarrassingly grotesque inbreds) MORE 🤮 pedoes being pedophiles coscos that's what they ARE, MORE 🤮
Being a paedophile is 'political' from the Dowlers to way past Brexit - pedoes fixing it for themselves to capitalise on being paedophiles - who to blame? butbut thought more pedoes would block it coscos it was a political spin to help gloss over BEING paedophiles and vulgar ridiculous retarded inbreds -like they block myself -to pillage capitalise make being pedos about themselves to avoid the stigma of GETTING caught BEING paedophiles & vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds - it was Harvey- Harvey made them be pedoes. Paedophiles with paedophile excuses FOR BEING paedophiles, MORE 🤮 heeeeer piggy piggy piggy 🤮 SICK SICK retarded sick vulgar sick ridiculous sick MORE 🤮 I'm not a politician - who sank what? RETARDS (clearly says PEDO - capitalise make about themselves coscos dats wot dey ARE), the ongoing 'crisis' is the 'crisis' of getting caught BEING paedophiles so create a 'crisis' to help gloss over the 'crisis' of … getting caught BEING paedophiles & so on & so forth. Ridiculous retarded inbreds grotesque hideous ridiculously retarded paedophiles MORE 🤮& lolz
They're going to tell the world that they're hideous vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles and rapists and kidnapping child raping terrorists and pillaging PEDOPHILES and vulgar retards that help themselves to someone else's life coscos their names is peedoes haha's - they often rape and molest and pillage visitors to their country to capitalise on being vulgar revolting retarded hideous paedophiles - sicccck retards MORE more ridiculously grotesque MORE MORE RETARDED more - TOTALLY COMPLETELY VULGAR REVOLTING RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED INBREDS MORE WAAAAAAY MOOOOOOORE TOTALLY COMPELTELY VULGAR REVOLTING RIDICULOUS -
Aren't vulgar revolting retarded paedophiles 'hilarious' SICK SICK completely totally retarded - they're *FULLY* aware that they're vulgar ridiculous paedophiles - tell them that they're paedophiles - they capitalise and make about themselves cos that's what they ARE
my blog MY BLOG - *I* went to Spain and pedoes pillage capitalise and make about themselves etc etc SICKER MORE RETARDED - VULGAR REVOLTING RIDICULOUS INBREDS - RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED HIDEOUS PEDOPHILES - the paedophiles says "they *must* BE paedophiles MORE to make BEING paedophiles about themselves WHEN THEY ALREADY ARE - VULGAR REVOLTING RETARDS - annnnnd get da pedoes to fix it for demselfs to ENSURE they make being vulgar revolting retards - about themselves - BECAUSE THEY ARE - soooooo much mooooore than just an international embarrassment soooooo much more than *just* a total complete fucking disgrace - SICK - RETARDED VULGAR RIDICULOUS & lol lolz cos pedoes 'incredibly' 'busy' making being paedophiles about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' OF BEING vulgar revolting retards and ridiculous inbreds MORE - MORE MORE RETARDED MORE & LOLZ
PEDOPHILES - they're 'demonstrating' how paedophiles (themselves) 'fix it' for demslefs coscos VULGAR revolting ridiculously retarded - peeeeeeedophiles that are in the serial raping trafficking business that pillage someone else's life to promote their OWN paedophilia- what's their 'job' 'description' … serial raping traffickers vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous paedophiles - they'll go off to have a think - to 'think' of more ways of making being retarded ridiculous inbreds about themselves MORE deluded deranged vulgar revolting completely retarded MORE - spectacularly ridiculously retarded MORE... the 'greatest pedo' show with assorted numerous paedophile 'campaigns' designed to help - paedophiles - not look like what they ARE, the *many* 'angles' of THIER paedophilia, pillaging and helping themselves BE paedophiles and 'fixing' it for demslefs coscos peeeeedoes - RETARDS - MORE

Paedophiles - completely totally retarded ridiculous inbreds - they have a lot wrong with them - they're paedophiles that capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves, they 'front' 'campaigns' promoting thier *own* paedophilia but neglect to address their own paedophilia - rather blame someone else for thier retardation while they capitalise on thier retardation and make about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' of BEING - retarded paedophiles and … lolz - cos awfully busy making being paedophiles - about themselves - because - that's what they ARE - when they ALREADY are - paedophiles capitalising ON paedophiles that capitalise on paedophiles and rape for rapists when they ALREADY ARE - vulgar revolting retards - sicccccccccck ridiculous hideous inbreds - annnnnnd lololz - toooooootttally retarded ridiculous VULGAR inbreds MORE - Paedophiles etc - toooootally RETARDED ridiculous inbreds MORE -sooooooooo *MUCH* moooore than *juuusssst* an international fucking embarrassment - siccccccccck MORE

Points to his wife "That's my wife, Myra - loves babies - just like Myra (that's why they named their kid after a terrorist (of course they 'shagged' under a sheep cos they're paedophiles - they're SICK & fucked up - completely retarded totally - why not just call it 'vulgar-retard' - double banger name (that's 'posh') - it's more appropriate cos not only do they look like - vulgar retards - they 'act' like it too and guess wot - it means what it means and it means - vulgar retard - get sicker MORE retarded MORE and more vulgar retards being retarded that get alllllll excited about capitalising ON THIER retardation & so on and so forth. Be 'honest' about what they ARE - retarded paedophiles in da paedophile business cos ARE -SICK VULGAR RETARDED PEODPHILES MORE RIDICULOUS MORE..
What an embarrassment they ARE - it's unfortunate they don't see themselves as the ridiculous inbreds that they ARE nor do they like BEING TOLD that they ARE ridiculously retarded inbreds - they'll capitalise on their retardation and make about themselves BECAUSE they ARE totally and completely retarded - VULGAR revolting ridiculous inbreds MORE spectacularly ridiculous - more & more retarded MORE
Tooooootally gonnne - spectacularly ridiculous MORE - paedophiles, rapists, pillaging terrorists and profiteering terrorists etc - they're ridiculous vulgar retards that capitalise on thier vulgarity and make about themselves and meddle with someone else's life to profit on thier paedophilia - sicccccccccckkk ridiculous inbreds - more ways for paedophiles to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves - what an embarrassment they are - they ridiculous retards - MORE
They *don't* 'ignore' paedophiles - they capitalise on them - make about themselves (cos they ARE) annnnnd rape for rapists to get allllll they can out of being retards because 'standard' paedophiles help those paedophiles not look sicker and more retarded - there they are 'demonstrating' how paedophiles rapists and terrorists and kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers (*themselves*) 'fix it' - for themselves coscos pedoes being pedoes raping for rapists that pay terrorists to help them not look like paedophiles etc etc - get sicccckkerrrr MORE totally spectacularly retarded MORE
Real paedophiles & rapists, terrorists & kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers in a 'paedophiles paradise' demonstrating their paedophile 'abilities' - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE & MORE totally completely retarded inbreds grotesque ridiulous paedophiles - waaaay mooore spectacularly ridiculouser - SICK SICK - sicker than the sickest vulgar revolting retards - totally completely totally retarded - PEDOPHILES - SICK MORE
Paedophiles, Steve is a paedophile (all good though - cos he's not the *ONLY* vulgar revolting retarded inbred and grotesque hideous ridiculous paedophile) the Mandela affect, looook there's yoooooo - BEING A PEDOPHILE - paedophiles and more paedophiles capitalising on BEING pedoes - total disregard for everything *EXCEPT* their paedophilia - capitalise make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds and lols, what are you? PEDOPHILES, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficker's 'fixers' for all things vulgar.
They're 'reaching' - 'reaching' for anything they can to avoid the reality of what they ARE... make sumfink up make about themselves - get that 'sympathy' for being a child molestering sick vulgar serial raping traffickers Her mate 'Uncle Bully' & co (including Minnie Driver, Banki Moon and that other snicker sniffing vulgar ridiculously retarded paedophile that is in charge of 'head' of the paedophile factory that is the UN *annnnnnd* and other assorted ridiculously retarded paedophiles that live in different countries cos she loves paedophiles because they ARE) get togeva for gang bangers to capitalise cry victim make about themselves to profit on the back of raping and pillaging, she has *many* paedophile 'priorities' like that of visiting a paedophile in a foreign country in foreign embassy to spin more bullshit to create more drama to take the focus off themselves BEING RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED - PEDOPHILES - it's the 'greatest paedophile show' - with thier 'fashion for paedophiles' thier 'designer terrorists', thier pillaging politicians, thier plagiarising thier meddling thier vulgar revolting kidnapping and child raping and serial raping trafficking - like that warped fucked in the head retard that calls his 'gandad' 'bruv' - PEDOPHILES - vulgarrrrr revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds.
Romper Stomper is a violent movie, Once were Warriors is a violent movie, Paris Jackson ' a dingo ate her baby' - they are movies based on fact - these inbreds like to capitalise make about themselves and change those facts to PROFIT ON THIER VULGARITY and make about themselves *annnnnnnd* 'market' thier *OWN* paedophilia by creating thier *OWN* 'drama' to take the focus off *THIER* PEDOPHILE drama, with 'scandals' to cover the 'scandal' that they're sicccccccccck ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES and meddle with someone else's life - for thier gain - because they arrrrre vulggarrrr retarrrds- siccccccccck ridiculous inbreds - MORE. Thier 'PR' has been over compensating FOR paedophiles - to take the focus off what they are - thier 'PR' is all about thier paedophilia & 'fixing it' for themselves & the many ways to take the focus OFF themselves BEING ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES - VULGARRRRRR REVOLTING RETARRRRRDS - SICKER MORE RIDICULOUS MORE.. ohhh looook at the paedophile - she has no make up on - what a 'crisis' - tooooooootally eeeeeeeevil hideous inbreds MORE more so when they meddle & abuse & pillage, capitalise and make about themselves *WHILE* *DURING* & *AFTER* thier raping and pillaging frenzies *AND* rape for rapists *AND* make about themselves *AND* get da paedophiles TO 'fix it' for demselfs because they're paedophiles capitalising ON THIER vulgarity BECAUSE they ARE VULGAR REVOLTNG RETARDS - MORE astonishingly embarrassingly ridiculous retarded hideous inbreds grotesque more & more retarded MORE
'FREE BRITNEY' - *STILL* PEDOPHILES (they're blank and they're vacant retarded hideous paedophiles 'helping' paedophiles capitalise on what they ARE - paedophiles - retards helping more retards be retards capitalise on their retardation annnnnd make about themselves (cos ARE retards as well as paedophiles rapists serial raping traffickers pillaging paedophiles and profiteering terrorists - meddling vulgar retarded paedophiles - there's no denying that - oh wait - they did - pizza paedophiles - RIDICULOUS RETARDS MORE retarded MORE...'fake outrage' 'performing paedophile drama' 'convenient scandals' - to take the focus off themselves BEING VULGAR RETARDS - sickest of the sickest hideous vulgar revolting cretins MORE spectacularly retarded MORE) to help their pedo peers not loooook like... paedophiles. Ridiculous inbreds more more astonishingly embarrassingly grotesque waaaaay moooore retarded. PEDOS - more🤮 & lolz.. Monaco-ago-go ... pedoes... loooooong tiiiiiime, (to ensure they make being pedos about themselves coscos that's what they ARE) MORE🤮 & lolz. Retards - ridiculously retarded more & more ridiculous more. "gotgot the fweedom to be sick as fuck" - don't need to manipulate sick as fuck to make about themselves cos that's that what they ARE - hideous vulgar severely retarded inbreds.
ooo theres a 'message' from their 'God' - he doesn't like you - he *knows* they're hideous pieces of shit that belong in the sewer - in life and in death. Fully *AWARE* that they're paedophiles & kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, abusers of the sickest kind that help themselves be paedophiles - that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves & get pedoes to fi it FOR *themselves*. It's not my religion - I'm not a politician - I'm not a paedophile - in *my* world steak means steak
Here there demonstrating BEING kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers & pillaging paedophiles and profiteering terrorists etc - make sumfink up fix it for da pedoes - PEDOPHILES - is what they ARE -vulgar ridiculously retarded inbreds. Completely totally retarded. Sick ridiculous inbreds more & more astonishingly grotesque & lolz waaay more, pedophiles call other pedophiles 'useful ' pedophiles - they're peodphiles sicccccck ridiculosuly retarded inbreds more more grotesque more retarded MORE
abbreviated: (pedoes - sicker MORE retarded MORE)
PEDOS - completely blank and vacant retarded grotesque revolting ridiculous paedophiles

Lol, pedos that are really into Helter Skelter - what did Hitler do with the swastika? They know how to be paedophiles rapists kidnapping child rapist and profiteering terrorists, they know how to blame someone else for THIER paedophilia while crying victim and helping themselves BE paedophiles - They don't need to 'educate' *themselves* on their paedophilia - they're pros - SICK SICK absolutely completely totally retarded. MORE annnnd lolz. And the documentary is callllled 'pedoes and their raping pillaging frenzies to help pedoes be pedoes avoid stigma of being pedoes and if make being pedoes about demselfs -guess wot - STILL pedoes!!' - quite long - just like their 'pedo drive' and 'pedo campaigns' to help pedoes capitalise on what they ARE & make about themselves - PEDOS - compleeeeeetly retarded. SICKER MORE 🤮 & lolz.. george best ('bebest' pedoes you can be - SICK) george floyd, george clooney - how many ways of making being vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds about themselves - annnd if they shag more sheep they give birth to... more paedophiles - completely retarded vulgar inbreds MORE & lolz - pedoes making the most of being pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves cos retards BEING retards. That's what they are - severely retarded paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping terrorists etc etc etc

And Liam Neeson says he wants to 'kill all black people' but pass on calling himself out FOR BEING a ridiculous paedophile - completely retarded ridiculous inbreds - they're *FULLY* 'aware' that they're paedophiles - SICK retarded inbreds MORE 🤮 Obviously that's going to be included in their 'new' documentary about themselves being ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles rapists terrorists and 'fixers' for alll things vulgar revolting demonic and grotesque.
They've 'worked' incredibly 'arrrrd to make sure they make being ridiculous inbreds about themselves (pedoes *still* convincing *themselves* that they're not pedoes while everything sinks and disintegrates around them, their paedophilia is 'unprecedented', they've convinced *THEMSELVES* they're not pedoes because they've paid pedoes to fix it for *THEMSELVES* coscos paedophiles that do *anything* to make BEING paedophiles - about *THEMSELVES* . They're not sure what's happening to their countries BUT no matter - as long as *THEY* don't look like what they ARE - PEDOPHILES rapists TERRORISTS - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded grotesque hideous inbreds & lolz)
Sicker more & more retarded wayyyyyy waaaay more astonishingly embarrassingly vulgar revolting demonic grotesque more like ridiculously retarded revolting paedophiles DO & lolz
They play 'games' all the time coscos they're pedoes - that's what they do - that's what they ARE - PEDOS. They dunnnoooos wot pedoes ARE because they ARE: 'game day' for pedoes, 'game changing' paedophiles, all in the 'game' together, 'bebest' - be the best pedoes you can be, yah yah goooood times being pedophiles. Lotsa larfs, lotsa fun for the pedoes to enjoy - sicccccck retards MORE 🤮 oooh look what that? Looook looook its yoooooo -being a paedophile capitalising on paedophiles, making the most out of being a paedophile, paedophiles for political points among paedophiles & rapey 'banter' among paedophiles. More fixing it for themselves & the sick ridiculous pedo 'buddies'. RETARDS, vulgar heinous revolting retarded inbreds more & more spectacularly ridiculous liiiiike the vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous paedophiles that they ARE& lolz
PEDOPHILES - RIDICULOUS RETARDED VULGAR REVOLTING INBREDS, RETARDS, waaaayyyyyyyy moooooore astonishingly embarrassingly grotesque more & more ridiculous & lolz MORE 🤮
ohhhhh looook at the pedoes fixin' it for themselves - siccccccck vulgar retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮

More paedophiles BEING paedophiles - Yah being pedoes is a cult - they have 'pedo drills'. What happened in 2011? I slapped my daughter (after Minnie Driver capitalised on the abuse of *myself* and made about *herself* - because - she's a PEDOPHILE and they love pedoes- can't get enough of them - more pedoes the better for their raping pillaging frenzies) The police came and got her and I've not seen her since because pedoes like to play 'games' while being pedoes capitalising on being pedoes using whatever they can as tools to promote their paedophilia while making being pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma OF BEING PEDOPHILES -and Liam Neeson says 'he's not taken' - lolol and (2016) it's the police that make their own shit up and laugh in yah face cos PEDOPHILES fixing it for &themselves - VULGAR retards 🤮What happened in 2016? Apart from Brexit? oo oo more Pedoes making stuff up to avoid looking - pedoes that capitalise *ON* pedoes and rape for rapists & haha's (& they laugh in yah face as they make their own shit up to avoid looking like sick ridiculous retarded - PEDOPHILES- cos they're 'clever' paedophiles that fixed it for demselfs to make being pedoes about demselfs to avoid the 'reality' of their paedophilia pcoscos that's what they ARE *ANYWAY* -PEDOPHILES. No one has asked where she is or how she is -coscos pedoes busy making being pedoes about demselfs to avoid the stigmmmmaaaa of being PEDOPHILES - RETARDS, MORE 🤮
The culture of pimps & ho's & hareems of pedoes & 'fixers' for alll things vulgar revolting demonic retarded & grotesque - PEDOES. Could always sell Pamela Anderson for a fiver although her vagina probably isn't as tight as a six year olds and she IS pedowoods highest ranking skank and she'll probably give you a really bad infection that you can't get rid of - like margaret and her pedo pals - sounds alot like Brexit. Attempt to gloss over the result of pedoes being pedeos fixing it for themselves = Brexit, yes - the really ARE - PEDOPHILES sicker more & more ridiculously retarded, get the 'guardian' of alll the pedoes to fix it for the pedeos & make being paedophiles - about themselves - coscos that's what they ARE & lolz - hideous vulgar ridiculous inbreds, MORE 🤮
They're *FULLY* 'aware' OF their paedophilia - they *KNOW* that they're pedoes, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE 🤮& lolz being pedoes is lotsa lolz innit - RETARDS, MORE ridiculous more & more heinous, vulgar, revolting, retarded MORE & lololz hiddeous vulgar ridiculous inbreds
oh looook MORE pedoes fixin' it for themselllllves
Who is ... what's the name? dunno - got nothing to do with *my* life - I can tell you that he's a paedophile and they're paedophiles & I've not even met him. 'The power of their paedophilia is soooo powerful they can make shops shut down just by looking at them" "I know I know " said the pedoes "So blown away by the power of pedoes they made an award for it - special - called Brexit - so everyone can reap the rewards of being pedoes. More & more astonishingly vulgar more & more retarded more ridiculous more of everything vulgar revolting retarded and grotesque & lolz - hidddddddeous retards MORE 🤮 & lolz
"Where's Maddy?"
dunnnnoooos coscos - they're peeeeedoes haha's 🤮
Found Maddie back in 2011 - they gave you Brexit to 'take the focus off' *themselves* BEING paedophiles, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, meddling murderers & profiteering terrorists & to keep that pedo ball spinning for as looong as they can -"as long as it takes" to make being pedoes about themselves - when they ALREADY ARE & lolz. They'll probably release the Reagan files next to avoid 'coming out' *as* paedophiles. SICK ridiculous inbreds, RETARDS, MORE 🤮& lolz
Brexit = peeeeedoes beeeeeing peeeedoes cos that's what they are - paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, terrorists, vulgar revolting ridiculous retarded inbreds. They're giving everyone 'the gift' of their paedophilia - it's called Brexit - RETARDS MORE🤮
Get more & more vulgar as their pedo ball - rolls along - get sicker if no one has noticed -and if they do 'notice' that they're pedoes - shrug their shoulders and walk off cos it's got nothing to do with them (*awks* esp when they're pedos that put so much effort into making being pedoes - about themselves - by pillaging someone else's life to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves & laugh in yah face as they make stuff up TO 'FIX IT' FOR *THEMSELVES* coscos that's what they ARE - vulgar retarded inbreds, grotesque ridiculous paedophiles & lolz, more 🤮) & no one - especially not the police, security agencies etc wants to admit they're paedophiles & 'fixers' for allllll things vulgarrrrr revolting retarded and grotesque - which is also why pedoes make being pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma of being pedoes as it's widely 'accepted' that's what they ARE *anyway*. RIDICULOUS RETARDED VULGAR PEDOPHILES - which is also why pedoes pillage someone else's life and make about themselves - cos pedoes - that's what pedoes do - BE pedoes cosos that's what they ARE- PEDOPHILES, vacant retarded inbreds - look into their eyes - it's blank - it's vacant -all they think about is being pedoes - capitalising & fixing it FOR (another 'charity' for pedoes made by pedoes for pedoes to 'enjoy') Ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE 🤮
More pedoes - where do you come across paedophile governments that goad a victim pillage that victim to capitalise on being pedoes and lie to suit themselves cos they're paedophiles fixing it for themselves busy making BEING paedophiles about themselves capitalising on their vulgarity - they're obviously talking about the mental health of paedophiles, rapists, serial killers, terrorists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers the pillage someone else's life & make about themselves - cos cos PEDOS - ridiculous retards - what part of vulgar inbreds don't YOU understand, NONE- 'hard core' PEDOS- it's a soooonnnng it's about PEDOS making being pedoes about themselves cos that's what they ARE - ridiculous vulgar revolting retarded grotesque inbreds - sicccccccccckkkkk. They're *FULLY* aware they're pedoes - with more pedo excuses for BEING pedoes meddling with someone else's life to make being vulgar inbreds about themselves when they already arrrrrrre. I'm having lunch with someone and someone on the other side of the world - makes about themselves etc etc - retarrrrrrds. Spent so many years put soooo much effort into making being vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds about themselves when they already are and pay someone, (more pedoes) offer incentives TO pedoes to fix it so *they* (pedoes) don't look like - peeeeeeedophiles - vulgarrrrrr ridiculous inbreds RETARDS MORE 🤮 & lolz - siccccccccck retards. He went to a festival& met himself & made *his* life - about himself -- without interfering or meddling with someone else's to make being pedoes -about themselves. Retarded - PEDOS - sick ridiculous retarded inbreds- PEDOS - more & more ridiculous - they have thousands of pedo excuses for being pedoes - coscos they're PEDOES that have 'pedo drills' ie; pillage fix capitalise make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds &lolz annnnnd repeat - they're vulgar ridiculously retarded inbreds, MORE 🤮

Tell them that they're pedoes - they'll capitalise make about themselves - regardless -if it someone else's life that pedoes are helping themselves to - they'll capitalise make about themselves - get the pedoes to make stuff up and fix it for themselves cos they're pedoes - that's what they live for - being pedoes capitalising & fixing it for. "Gotgot jewish cash" - incentives for George the paedophile George the murderer and if they shag under the full moon they can give birth to something that crawls out of Mordor - PEDOPHILES - astonishingly sick ridiculous retards. How to make someone else's life about themselves to capitalise on their paedophilia - that's what they ARE - PEDOS - vulgar retarded ridiculous revolting inbreds & lols. They went to some countries and took a photo of some signs to make their life about someone else - RETARDS - or do a Beyonce, she stole the sign capitalised made about herself and Obama claims the victim they're pillaging 'stole his stuff' - retarded MORE. More meddling- make about the St George's cross and get Banksy and Stormzy (more pedoes that's I've not met) to do some more fixing it for themselves while Woopi Goldberg 'spices up their lives' with Hitler & Nazi 'banter' (because they've spent years making sure they make being pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma of BEING paedophiles - they '*must* do more' to ensure they make being ridiculous retards - about themselves. Yah the holocaust - it's totally easy to gloss over being paedophiles coscos 'they can' & do - capitalise on the abuse of someone else - make about themselves etc coscos pedoes BEING pedoes and retarded vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds - cos that's what they ARE) pedoes that capitalise on pedoes and make about themselves to avoid the stigma OF BEING ridiculously retarded - PEDOS - RETARDED vulgarrr ridiculously hideous - "You're so vain" - doesn't even come close to these ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicccccccck RETARDS
What does that mean? They are Paedophiles - that's what that means - PEDOS, rapists child molesters pillagers plagiarists sick demented ridiculously retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds - that's what that means - get siccccccckkerrrrrr sicccckkkerrrr siccckkkkerr - seriously retarded hideous ridiculous inbreds, they hang out in graveyards in the 'hope' they find some ashes lying around to snort - PEDOS - VULGAR revolting ridiculous retards - MORE 🤮 Got caught BEING pedoes - better the guardian of all the pedoes to fix it for the pedos so pedos can make being pedoes about themselves coscso that's what they ARE- RETARDS
What does this mean? "uhuh dunnnoss jus being peedoes" said the pedoes "coscos peeedoes haha's" 🤮
Paedophiles, rapists, terrorists, kidnappers, child rapists, serial raping traffickers - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded hideous inbreds. RETARDS - more & more spectacularly ridiculous & more fixing it for themselves - sure they cannnnn make being pedoes about themselves coscos that's what they ARE *anyway* siccccckkkk retards MORE MORE retarded MORE 🤮 & lolz hidddddeeous inbreds

I did laugh - it looks like a Freemasons meeting - alllll pedophiles busy making being paedophiles - about themselves coscos that's what they are - that's *their* 'life' - BEING paedophiles, rapists, child molesters, serial raping traffickers- pillaging someone else's life & make about themselves to avoid the stigma of being ridiculously retarded inbreds that 'think they're Gods'. Vulgar demonic ridiculously retarded inbreds, my life - go and meddle with someone else's ridiculous retards - absolutely priceless, "how 2011 changed the world" a feature in Hello Magazine of Paris Jackson with her Dingo. 'timeforchange' - run to the shop with their fiver they earnt from - raping & pillaging & being paedophiles - to buy crack. Hideous ridiculous more 🤮 get sicker sicker more & more deluded revolting MORE and Clintons about to write her book about being a prolific paedophile coscos Cameron's book about pig shagging is a best seller (unsure about the panda situations ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮 & lolz sell like hotcakes - RETARDS
What movie is this? Pedoes - at work - again? 'Working harrrrrrd' to ensure the 'safety' of retarded paedophiles that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves coscos PEDOS - sicccck ridiculous inbreds grotesque retarded paedophiles MORE & more astonishingly ridiculous waaay more vulgarrrrr revolting demonic retarded & grotesque MORE coscos thier namez iz peeedoes you know haha's 🤮 - hiddddddeous pedophiles MORE 🤮 He went to London and met .... himself? RETARDS MORE 🤮 & lolz - what's your name? ooo ooo I know I know - it's peeeeeeeedophile isn't itttttt - siccccccckkkkkk vulgarrrrrrrrr inbreds isn't itttttt - RETARDS more spectacularly vulgar more & more ridiculously retarded MORE 🤮& lolz

PEDOPHILES - sicccckkerrr sicccckkkerrr moooooore retarded vulgar revolting ridiculously grotesque MORE & that's how pedoes 'fix it' for *themselves* - by pillaging someone else's life and make about themselves - sicccccccccck retards - PEDOPHILES - ITS A FACT & THAT FACT DOES NOT CHANGE NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY FIX IT FOR *THEMSLVES* - SPIELBERG BEING A RETARDED INBRED -what did they sell? They sold Sarah Jessica Parker for a fiver because her pathetic little mini-series about themselves being pedoes wasn't making enough money -so do a documentary about the Cameron's & their sheep/pig/bear/bloated carcasses fetish - it's a best seller - pedoes are amazing aren't they? They're all watching Cameron stick his dick in a pig in awe -they're totally blown away by his pedo prowess. "Thats 'real' leadership" said the pedos "Make bestiality acceptable" "Okayyyy" said the pedoes. ("Know your audience" said the pedoes- make sure it's an audience *OF* pedoes) Being pedoes, rapists serial raping traffickers - is second nature to them - coscos peeeedoes you know haha's 🤮have the Cameron's even been to the States? They take their paedophilia on tour infecting as many as they can - coscos less likely to look like- paedophiles - UK has nothing to do with American elections - pedoes being pedoes that fix it for themselves to avoid the stigma of being pedoes, the 'rigging' the 'witchunts' - PEDOS - sicker sicker more more retarded vulgar revolting grotesque inbreds MORE🤮 'People' 'love' pedoes - they can't get enough PEDOS- capitalise make about themselves coscos that what they ARE -NO UNDERSTANDY THAT THO COSCOS RETARDED PEDOES - siccccccck retards, more & more ridiculous MORE 🤮 "What does that meeean? "uh uh uh YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE" - that's what that means - sicccccccccccccck retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮 & lolz, dey dunnnooos wot pedoes are - because they ARE - means...
What does that mean? "Uh uh uh dunnnooooos coscos peeeedoes haha's" MORE 🤮 sicker than pigs sicker than the sickest vulgar revolting retarded hideous shit - get sicker MORE &lolz. vulgarrrrrr revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE & MORE 🤮 means...
What does that mean? "uh uh dunnnooosss coscos peeeedoes haha's" 🤮 means....
What does that mean? "uh uh dunnnooos being pedoes making being pedoes about demselfs to avoid stigmaa of being pedoes - vulgarrrrrr spectacularly ridiculously retarded inbreds, means...
This is also means: YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE, a rapist, a kidnapping child raping terrorist, ridiculous inbreds- astonishingly vulgar. What's brexit? "uh uh dunnnnnooss jus being peeedoes haha's" 🤮 "dunnnooos wot your gripe is coscos peeeedoes being peeedoes haha's (that's the police being - paedophiles, rapists, terrorists, serial raping traffickers - with more pedoes fixing it for themselves coscos in pedo business you know haha's🤮 PEEEEEDOPHILES - MORE 🤮
VULGAR REVOLTING RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED INBREDS, MORE 🤮 & more fixing it or themselves and their paedophile peers - "EDUCATE YOURSELF ON HOW TO BE A PEDOPHILE" - they don't need to cos that's what they ARE - PEDOS - 'learn from this... paedophile, learn from that ... paedophile - be the 'best' paedophile you can be - RIDICULOUS RETARDS, sicker sicker more & more vulgarrrrrr. COMPLETELY TOTALLY RETARDED, sicker sicker more more ridiculouser & lolz "dunnoooos wot your gripe is" - coscos they're peedoes haha's (vomit) - sicccccker MORE
And this *ALSO* means - YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE - retarded demonic vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds - get sicccckkkkkkerrrrr sickkkkkkkerrrrr more more ridiculous - like vulgar revolting pedophiles, rapists, serial raping traffickers terrorists that they ARE- DO sicccccck ridiculous RETARDS -SICKER MORE (CLEARLY says PEDO - capitalise make about themselves coscos thats what they ARE - PEDOPHILES - SICCCCCCKKKKKERRR more 🤮
*ALSO* means - YOU ARE A PEDOPHILE - A RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED VULGAR REVOLTING HIDEOUS INBRED & more fixing it for themselves to ensure they make being pedoes about themselves coscos dats wot dey ARE - PEDOPHILES- RIDICULOUS RETARDS, sicker sicker more & more astonishingly ridiculouser MORE 🤮 & lolz
Retards - sicker & sicker MORE & MORE GROTESQUE
PEDOPHILES - they *know* they're pedoes, they got the 'message' that they're paedophiles - capitalise make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE & lolz🤮
Sicker more & more ridiculous vulgar revolting grotesque MORE 🤮 RETARDS more 🤮 & lolz
Sicker sicker sicker more more ridiculously retarded MORE more spectacularly ridiculous
& The pedoes thinking that they're gettin 'one over' FOR BEING pedoes that pillage someone else's life make about themselves and get pedoes to make stuff up and laugh in yah faaaace cos pedoes fixing it for themselves coscos pedoes - in da pedo business you know haha's 🤮
More fixing it for themselves and their rapey mates and - more pedoes convincing *themselves* they're not pedoes. Ridiculous retarded vulgarrrrr revolting ridiculous inbreds, sick sick sickerrrr than sickest hideous inbreds - grotesque paedophiles - sicker sicker sicker more & more retarded. MORE 🤮 & lolz
Not really 'whistleblowing' they're *FULLY* aware that they're paedophiles that do all sorts to fix it for themselves, like Snowden - obviously went to Russia coscos Clintons are paedophiles and his mate greenwald is a paedophile 'journalist' ( like them all- sicker - worse than pigs - ridiculous inbreds) that meddles with someone else life - coscos - 'game day' FOR paedophiles -ridiculous retards - so the pedoes follow the 'pedo protocol' create a 'scandal' to gloss over the 'scandal' of pillaging someone else's to capitalise ON BEING paedophiles - make being pedoes about themselves and fix it for *themselves* coscos PEDOES you know haha's 🤮 UN is a paedophile organisation - it's defunct - it's obsolete - the UN are pedoes that employ pedos to fix it FOR pedoes that pillage & spin their own bullshit to avoid looking like - pedos & convince *themselves* they're not paedophiles - actually sicker more & more vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds. RETARDS, spectacularly ridiculous MORE 🤮

It's not my religion either (but it IS *my* life) more ways of making BEING PEDOPHILES - about themselves) pedoes have been pillaging fixing capitalising making about themselves and getget da pedoes to fix it so pedoes can make being pedoes about demselfs & lolz coscos dats wot dey ARE - retarded ridiculous demonic vulgar revolting inbreds grotesque ridiculous pedopiles - yah yah make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz MORE hidddddeous retards 🤮 How many ways to make being pedoes and ridiculously retarded inbreds - about demselfs... MORE 🤮 PEDOS - siccccckkkerrr sicccckerrr moooore ridicccccculous retarded vulgar grotesque waaaay mooore spectacularly retarded (baaaaaa) MORE 🤮 'migrant' 'issue' - capitalise make about themselves - show your paedophile side- coscos that's what they ARE - make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz MORE ways of making BEING PEDOPHILES about themselves. Kanye is Hitler, oh no wait - he's a Jew - all black people are Jewish - that get 'Jewish cash' to BE ... PEDOPHILES and cry racism while capitalising on their paedophilia - lots of Myra Hindley 'fans' Shipley's, Savile's etc with terrorists that capitalise on pedos to help pedos not look like terrorists and terrorists not look like pedos & vice versa -so fix it for themselves to ensure they make being vulgar revolting hideous inbreds about themselves - coscos thats what they ARE-SICK - MORE ways of making BEING PEDOPHILES - about demslefs coscos that's what they ARE, MORE 🤮
The paedophiles 'earthshot' pwize - surprised mark Wahlberg isn't there sniffing up the carcasses etc coscos they're pedoes you know haha's 🤮- it is in Boston, what's so special about Boston? Jihaddy got the front page of the Rolling Stone to make terrorists famous (as if they're not already) &make them feel like they're 'included' - to be fair - the 'award givers' are sicker pedoes & they *know* they're pedoes *FULLY* aware of their paedophilia - being pedoes is worth trillions to them.
For instance - there's a picture of a heart -pedos capitalise make about themselves cos hearts mean - kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers & there's Madonna being a pedo and Minnie Driver 'signalling' to her pedo mates (cos she did capitalise on a paedophile to make being a paedophile about herself with total disregard for anything else except herself BEING a pedo coscos pedoes are their fav 'roles' to 'play' - don't need to 'act' - that's what they ARE- tell them that they're pedos - they capitalise make about themselves cos they ARE.
Another example of pedophiles being pedophiles: "Put victims in the heart of the criminal justice system" ummm.. do they really? Not talking about me obviously - after all it IS my life they've been pillaging making about themselves like the vulgar ridiculous retarded pedos that they are - solution: make some more victims to gloss over being pedoes. Pedophiles is what they are- everything is a 'code' - to peadoes. Oh noooess - got caught being pedoes - better make sumfink up to make being pedoes about themselves. Pedoes - pillage fix capitalise cry victim make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lols annd repeat - retards - seriously extremely retarded inbreds MORE & more ridiculous, MORE 🤮 &lolz
*AWKS* (but not for pedoes coscos that's what they ARE) Here they are being pedoes helping themselves be pedoes blocking mocking trolling abusing capitalising & fixing to make being pedoes about themselves when they already arrrrre - "gotgot jewish casshhh" & they also offer incentives TO paedophiles to fix it FOR paedophiles (themselves) to avoid the reality of their paedophilia. Amazing what they do - to my own life - to make being pedoes - about themselves - when they ALREADY ARE, they capitalise ON pedoes - cos that's what they ARE. Look at that - pedoes helping themselves. Pedos believe their own lies, they lie to suit themselves and they fix it for themselves COS pedoes. Ridiculous severely retarded inbreds, not just *any* sick - they're spectacularly sick more & more ridiculous & lolz.
Robert de Niro being a pedoe: "Doesn't care how many people die" lolz pathetic ridiculous retarded inbreds, he better 'act' like he's not a paedophile (before, during & after the sinking of pedowood & the death of many industries - so pedoes don't look like pedoes because 'they might lose their jobs' if they 'come out' as being pedoes *anyway*) As long as they don't look like pedoes that pillage someone else's life & make about themselves and get pedoes to make stuff up and laugh in yah face to help their pedo pals out to avoid looking like pedoes that pillage someone else's life to capitalise on the vulgarity & lolz. S'all good.
Not bovared about a stranger making stuff up and laughin in yah face cos pedoes being paid to fix it FOR pedoes so pedoes can carry onnn BEING pedoes, Ricky Gervais- not bothered they're pillaging to capitalise to profit & to help their pedo pals out, being pedoes is 'art', 'comedy, 'fun, & 'entertainment' FOR pedoes. Ridiculous - spectacularly retarded -MORE 🤮
PEDOS - what part of - PEDOS - don't they understand - NONE - coscos that's what they are - they're vacant - they're blank - they're like serial killers & prolific paedophile's - they've been getting away with being pedoes for soooo loooong - it's like second nature to them, totally blazay they *only* talk pedo coscos dats wot dey ARE haha's 🤮get da pedoes fixit for da pedoes & lolz hidddddddeous inbreds MORE 🤮
Capitalise on death & make about themselves, capitalise on anything & make about themselves coscos peeeedoes - it's a FACT, demise of -everything really isn't it - to help gloss over BEING pedoes, rapists, serial raping traffickers, pillagers plagiarists etc etc PEDOS more 🤮 & lolz hideous vulgar retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮
How much do they pay for the 'privilege' of being pedoes (COSCOS THEY'RE PEDOES -FOR 'FREE') how much do they pay pedoes to fix it for themselves, they have a pedo syndicate, they think about *not* being pedoes for liiiike - 2 seconds - the 'perks' of being pedoes are just too good to miss - coscos thier names iz peeeeedoes you know hahaha's 🤮 PEDOS moooooore 🤮 WHAT YOUR NAME AGAIN? OHHHH IT'S PEEEEEDOE INNITTT
*my* life - not the fake victim that copies someone else's life & makes about themselves to avoid the stigma OF BEING pedoes, pedos that capitalise on being pedoes, that abuses security services to promote their pillaging & raping & helping themselves be pedoes, must be awfully 'difficult' for them to 'come out' as a paedophile organisation, ridiculous retards MORE 🤮 waaay waaayy mooore spectacularly ridiculous MORE
Pedos - jack/pillage/make about themselves/ make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz (to avoid the reality of their paedophilia coscos dats wot dey ARE)
Sick ridiculous inbreds - if there's *anything* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists THEY WILL cos they're pedoes, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers that capitlise on their vulgarity and make about themselves cos that's what they arrrrrreee - vulgarrrrr revolting ridiculous retards - got caught BEING pedoes - *STILL* make stuff up and fix it for themselves - sicker siccccckkkerrrrr sicccckkkkerrrr mooooooore ridiculous & lolz MORE retarded and more. And more Pedos capitalise on them being pedoes making the most of being pedoes, that's the result of the Kensington, never guess what the result of Monaco & Spain (and new york is... yup MORE pedoes pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves coscos peeedoes you know haha's 🤮 sicccccccck ridiculously retarded vulgarrrrr inbreds MORE 🤮

Sicker sicker sicker mooooore & mooooore retarded vulgar revolting grotesque more more spectacularly ridiculouser MORE 🤮 & loz hiddddddeous ridiculous retards PEDOS mooooore 🤮 & more fixing it for themselves siccccccccck retarded inbreds hideous
PEDOS - if you lie - about being pedos - pedoes will makes stuff to make sure pedoes make being pedoes about themselves coscos dats wot dey ARRRRRE - they're *FULLY* aware of their paedophilia & they definitely *know* - they're pedos - etc - MORE 🤮 They're really 'upset' about being paedophiles... lolololz - hiddddeous inbreds MORE🤮
Paedophiles, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers - it's a FACT - that FACT - does not change -sicccccccck ridiculous retarded vulgarrrr revolting inbreds MORE 🤮 pedoes sickkkkkerrrrr sickkkkkkkerrrrr moooooore ridiculous & lololz hideous inbreds MORE 🤮
Paedophiles - ridiculous vulgar retarded inbreds - look at that psycho retarded hideous ridiculous inbred, they don't like being told what they they are - so - capitalise makes abotu themselves coscos they ARE - paedophiles - vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds, he knows 'real nazis' - good for him - they don't like being told they're 'real paedophiles'' - more fixing it for themselves - sicccccck retarded inbreds MORE spectacularly ridiculouser MORE 🤮 - peeeedoes - get sicker & sicker more more retarded vulgar revolting grotesque MORE & lolz - sicccccckkkkerrrr , retarded inbreds 🤮
What's Brexit? "uh uh dunnnooossss jus being peeedoes haha's" 🤮
A bit clearer, the paedophiles are soooooo much more easier to spot - ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE spectacularly vulgarer more & more ridiculous retarded grotesque MORE like ridiculously retarded paedophiles DO MORE & lolz "What's Brexit?".... "I dunnnoooos jus be peeeeedoes coscos peeeedoes haha's" 🤮 ohhhhh the 'stress' of being a paedophile, ohhhhh the 'stress' of getting CAUGHT BEING a paedophile, MORE & more retarded MORE 🤮
Got caught BEING paedophiles years ago - *STILL* make stuff up and fix it for *THEMSELVES* PEDOS - vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE spectacularly ridiculous more & more retarded sicker sicker sicker MORE 🤮 & lolz hidddddddeous vulgar retarded inbreds grotesque ridiculous paedophiles MORE 🤮 what movie is this, Gerald? oo oo I know- it's *another* documentary they made about themselves BEING paedophiles

and here they are demonstrating their 'pedo prowess' (pillage fix capitalise make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds and lolz), perfectly 'normal' for pedoes TO BE pedoes coscos that's what they ARE - ridiculous retarded disturbed demonic ridiculously retarded inbreds grotesque paedophiles, SICK - what 'part' of hideous ridiculous paedophiles don't they understand *NONE* coscos pedoes being pedoes capitalising on their vulgarity pillaging someone else's life to profit on back of raping pillaging & helping themselves BE pedoes coscos thats what they ARE - PEDOS - more fixing it for themselves and more convincing *themselves* they're not retarded ridiculous inbreds
Pardon? Got caught BEING paedophiles - better make sumfink up and fix it for yourselves *EVEN* if it's a googleable fact - they'll change those facts to avoid looking like pedoes & lie to suit *themselves* & laugh in yah face as they make their own shit up to avoid the stigma of their vulgarity & fix it for *themselves* coscos pedoes - is what they ARE - good job I'm not a spy cos then they'd be really fucked... oh wait... (more ways of making being pedoes - about themselves) how much to fix it for the pedoes? The flew over ... what? sickerrrrr moooooore ridiculous & lolz MORE 🤮

siccccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE & more ways to capitalise on their vulgarity & make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - vulgar revolting hideous paedophiles & grotesque retarded inbreds - more & more ridiculous & more fixing it for themselves cos cos pedoes fixing it for themselves coscos - pedoes you know haha's SICK SICK ridiculously retarded sick MORE 🤮 & lolz coscos apparently - according to pedoes - there's no 'law' that says they can't make being pedoes about themselves while helping themselves to someone else's life to capitalise on being pedoes & make about themselves to avoid the stigma OF BEING pedoes, if you get caught BEING pedoes - the pedoes will fix it for the pedoes to make sure they make being pedoes about themselves coscos being pedoes really IS their 'idea' (coscos that's what they ARE - PEDOS - haha's 🤮) retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮 & lolz

As you can see - they're really 'upset' about being paedophiles (lol lolz 🤮) hideous vulgarrrr inbreds , siccckkerrrr sickeeer more more more vulgarrrr retarded grotesque MORE 🤮
Date of entry: 1st December 2022... From Spain in 2011 to Prague in 2022, nearing the end of 2022
Lols, REAL LIFE = PEDOPHILES who? never met him - 'real life paedophiles', pedoes, rapists, child molesters - another paedophile that I've not met - 'space jam' for rapists etc, how much to fix it for the pedoes that pillage someone else's life to profit on back of raping & pillaging & fixing it for THEMSELVES - vulgarrr ridiculous retarded inbreds. Make sumfink & lols - hideous ridiculous retarded - paedophiles, rapists, child molesters, terrorists & 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar MORE 🤮 siccccccck ridiculous vulgar paedophiles🤮, demonic severely retarded grotesque ridiculous inbreds.
What's Leveson about? soooo - pedos can capitalise on being pedoes - make about themselves - make money from being pedoes & get da pedoes to make stuff up so pedoes can make being pedoes about demselfs & also to avoid the stigma of being pedoes - offer cash incentives TO pedoes to makes sumfink up and fix it for themselves to 'cleverly disguise' their pillaging & raping and helping themselves be pedoes coscos dats wot they arrrrrre - worth £350 million a week for strangers that I've never met (given it's my own life they've been helping themselves to & raping for rapists ensuring that they make being pedoes about themselves to gloss over being pedoes) to make stuff up, fix it for the pedoes and laugh in yah face - Get Sicker.
What's Brexit -another documentary about themselves being pedoes - they find being pedoes 'interesting'. Sicker &sicker* sicker more more vulgar retarded demonic & grotesque more and more ridiculous, waaaaay more astonishingly embarrassingly ridiculouser - shit they come with as an excuse for being vulgar revolting retarded inbreds & the shit they make up to fix it FOR revolting grotesque retarded peophiles (*themselves*) is even more ridiculous, sicker - more & more ridiculous & LOLZ 🤮 hidddddeous vulgarrrr inbreds MORE 🤮 Severely retarded moooore
That's their life - being pedoes capitalising on BEING - paedophiles - MORE & MORE retarded ridiculously grotesque MORE 🤮 He's jewish - I'm not jewish - "he be gettin that jewish casssh" (to be a pedophile) "jewish cash jewish cash" - is that like koosh lash, another song about a paedophile that morphed into the Towie Ebola band? MORE 🤮 More ways of making being pedoes - about themselves - Retards, ridiculous vulgar sick - obviously that's all down to all those cows, pigs & sheep & assorted farm animals - they be 'gettin' down on animal farrrrrrm - siccccck ridiculous inbreds more & more embarrassingly grotesque MORE 🤮 sick sick get siccckkkker MORE.. what does 'twerking' really mean? does it really mean they *know* they're peeeedoes MORE 🤮
What's Brexit? I dunnos - just being peeeadoes innittt... my life -I can say whatever the FUCK I like
you vulgar revoting demonic groteque retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE projectile vomit sicker MORE & lolz hideous inbreds MORE, found someone else to pillage vulgar ridiculous pedophiles MORE 🤮 he must be talking about the apple that went on tour to capitalise on being pedoes (talksport, make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz 'brigade'.... "don't you know who I ammmm" pedoes - yah the pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves and get da pedoes to make stuff up so that pedoes - can make being pedos - about themselves - when the already ARE - pedoes, rapists, terrorists, kidnaping child raping retarded inbreds ridiculous vulgar revolting grotesque pedophiles, they dunnnooosss wot pedoes are coscos they ARE, yah make sumfink up fixitttt (my own life) - retarded ridiculous inbreds spectacularly sick ridiculouser MORE 🤮 hiddddddeous retards

'PR Guru Genius'' lolz they're retards that pillage capitalise & make about themselves ie: shatner - (pillage someone else's life - make about themselves & get da pedoes to make stufff upppp - dey only talk pedo - coscos dats wot dey are - especially when pedoes get to fix their paedophilia *themselves* by making being pedoes about themselves so on & so forth
Your president/s are paedophiles, your prime ministers are paedophiles, your politicians - are paedophiles. This is what happens when paedophiles pillage an innocent civilian to capitalise on being pedoes & make about themselves - to capitalise on their paedophilia - cos that's what they are, yeah talk about 'violence against women' lol Hannibal lecter supplies victims to pedoes so pedoes can enjoy being pedos without repercussions & fix it for *themselves* COS pedoes being pedoes capitalising profiting on back of raping pillaging and get pedoes make stuff up fix it for themselves and laugh in yah face coscos pedoes.
How many years was that paedophile 'in power' - they took the world to war - and lost - because they're paedophiles -how embarrassing - for *THEM*. Better make sumfink up and fix it for themselves and their pedo, kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficking terrorist pals& to avoid looking like pedoes that are 'determined' to make being pedoes about themselves - coscos that's what they ARE &make sure they 'fix it' for *themselves* coscos - that's what vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds & grotesque pedoes.
All that matters is their paedophilia, messing with someone else's life is what pedoes do - it's 'lols', it's 'fun', it's 'comedy', it's 'art', it's 'entertainment' - for pedoes-(PEDOS - find more ways of making being pedoes - about themselves- only when they start to lose their jobs, can't pay the electricity, all the shops are closing down, the movie business is pumping out duds & losing money, the fashion industry has become a 'haven' for money laundering paedophiles that use their stores for 'tax break' purposes while gloating about BEING paedophiles - get sicker more & more retarded.
They made a movie (more than one actually, to get their tax back/'tax break movies' and 'deals' with governments -if make sure it's so dire it doesn't make any money and get a sub from the gov to cover the cost of making a dud movie. Paedophile movies (Brexit) are 'best sellers' cos pedoes find pedoes 'interesting'.
The music industry are pedoes, scavenging for what they can, they even sing about their paedophilia, I don't sing, not an actor - if they wanna be 'famous' - get down on all fours and suck those testicles to get themselves in the 'spotlight', ridiculously retarded inbreds, pedoes - they tease (minors, anyone coscos pedoes -with 'fame' - pedoes believe if they're famous and more famous than victim they're pillaging and then - if you have sex with that pig - it sure will- 'make them famous'.
The army guys have slash marks all over their body cos they believe if they self-harm they'll get movie roles like Cara in 'suicide squad' so they get to be 'performing pedoes' as a bonus. 'PR' is all about more fixing it FOR pedoes - ah loook there's someone you know - plastered all over the front page - capitalise make about themselves coscos they wanna be famous for .... BEING PEDOS, rapists, child molesters, terrorists, criminals & RIDICULOUSLY RETARDED INBREDS etc etc MORE 🤮
They don't like being told what they ARE so capitalise on pedoes - rape for rapists - make being pedoes about themselves to avoid the 'stigma' OF BEING pedoes and get da pedoes to make stuff up & laugh in yah face to *ensure* they make being pedoes about themselves when they ALREADY ARE - like vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded paedophiles DO & lolz coscos being pedoes 'is a drill'- that's *thier* life -like Brexit is for life - can't change what they've done, no matter how much stuff they make up or how many 'convenient scandals' they create to help gloss over their paedophilia *STILL* pedoes - pedoes no understandy that - eg: Richard Branson - 'let's be pedoes again -lets have another vote' - they know what they've done. They're *FULLY* 'aware' that they're pedoes - nothing else matters apart from - BEING paedophiles & fixing it FOR PEDOS (themselves), manipulating & fixing, pillaging someone else's life & making about themselves WHILE abusing the victim they're pillaging - retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮 - sick sick retarded sick ridiculous sick
oh - to be popular
Oh - to be a 'popular paedophile'
Oh - to be a paedophile that capitalises on BEING pedoes
Oh to be a paedophile that gloats about being 'powerful paedophiles' - nothing sick about that at all - nothing retarded vulgar revolting grotesque about that is there. They're pedoes - that's what pedoes do - with *THEIR* lives - "what are you doing with your life.... BEING PEDOS" "what are you doing with someone else's life - meddling pillaging to capitalise on BEING PEDOS & make being pedoes about themselves coscos PEDOS HAHA'S 🤮" pedoes -capitalise on pedoes & rape for rapists- make being pedoes about themselves coscos that's what they ARE. Pedos that find more ways of making being pedos - about themselves - they've had over a decade of capitalising on their vulgarity and fixing it for themselves coscos pedoes haha's 🤮- prepare - to be amazed how VULGAR, ridiculously retarded they are - get sicker sicker sicker more & more ridiculous retarded - every year -'the gift of Brexit' the 'gift' that keeeeeeps onnnn giving:
That *IS* 'funny' innit cos I've actually got no followers on the twitter cos the peados at twitter don't like being told what they ARE so called it spam - to capitalise on being pedoes coscos thats what they ARE
If yah get da pedoes to make stuff up so pedoes can capitalise on being pedoes & make about themselves to avoid stigmaaaa of being pedoes - they'll get a cash bonus for helping the pedoes out - sicccck retarded vulgar inbreds MORE & MORE ridiculously retarded more more more 🤮 with lots & lots of fixing it for themselves and their pedo pals *FULLY* 'aware' that they're pedoes - siccccccck seriously retarded inbreds MORE 🤮 make it more clearer later, seth mcfarlane married simon cowell at a comic relief 'fundraiser' and another paedophile at abbey road 'recruited' Paul McCartney to help out with being pedoes (that dig up graves and have sex with bloated carcasses etc coscos they're pedoes and demonic inbreds like that) that also do a 'march for life' (Pedos fixing it for pedoes PR)because someone *he* knew died in a spot where he stood 32 years ago while 'conveniently' glossing over the FACT that they're paedophiles that want to 'drink up all that teen spirit' and snort their ashes through a straw- meddling pedoes that recruit more pedoes to help out with their paedophilia.
PEDOS - yah yah make sumfink up - my own life - pedoes making being pedoes about themselves, helping pedo pals out for 'favours' 'rewards' 'careers' 'banter' among pedoes - there's a band called the 'Jihaddy Beatles' like Towie's fav 'Ebola band' they're *FULLY* 'aware' they're pedoes - been fixing it for *themselves* for decades now. PEDOS - pedoes make everything about themselves *including* BEING pedoes, pillage/fix and make someone else's life about themselves coscos pedoes fixing it FOR pedoes (*themselves*) & lolz , it is 'odd' no one told them they're pedoes coscos everyone that knows them *KNOWS* they're pedoes -MORE 🤮

Not a politician eitherrrrr - more ways of making being pedoes about themselves - soooo harrrrrd for them to 'come out' as being vulgar ridiculously retarded hideous paedophiles, so haarrrrrrd to 'learrrrn' that their 'precious' paedophiles with 'hareems' of pedo fans will do anything they cannn to avoid looking like grotesque vulgar ridiculous - paedophiles - MORE waaaayyyy mooooore spectacularly VULGAR more & more ridiculous 🤮 That's 'interesting' because that's a picture of an Albatross that my brother drew (that pedoes jacked and made about themselves) and that's my chopper on Spooks (Somali Pirates, they're also world famous) that morphs into piracy. Like Hitler is also a 'household name' capitalise make about themselves etc. "If there's *anything* to rape, pillage, molest, capitalise on - make about themselves *while & during* raping for rapists THEY WILL" (coscos peeeedoes you know haha's 🤮 - TRUE. The pyramids, Monte Carlo, a cake of a pedo & a snake in a dressing room. They haven't 'recovered' from being pedoes since 2011 - capitalise - make about themselves & muster up more ways of making being pedoes about -themselves - sicker more & more ridiculous MORE 🤮 & lolz

'Get naked' - is a 'code' for pedoes, 'snakes' are 'code' for pedoes like pizza is for pedoes, meddling pedoes sickest of the sickest, capitalise make Tatooine about themselves- more & more retarded vulgar revolting grotesque MORE & MORE waaaaay mooooore ridiculous & lolz PEDOS - ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE 🤮
*IMAGE REMOVED* (on continuation page)
Could always replace it with Sonny Bill Williams 'snake in the dressing room' that morphs into 'snake on a plane' pedoes - they're *STILL* pedoes - *FULLY* 'aware' that they're paedophiles MORE & MORE spectacularly ridiculouser MORE 🤮
Pedoes, rapists, child molesters, kidnappers, serial raping traffickers - what's 'beautiful' about them or the 'games' they play *nothing* ie: rape & pillage capitalise fix make about themselves, get pedoes to make stuff up & lolz coscos their names is peeeedoes you know haha's 🤮 liverrrrpoooo another 'city of pedoes' (capitalise cry victim make about themselves - cos that's what they ARE - pedoes) being pedoes is a HUGE selling point for them - retarded inbreds more & more ridiculous & lolz
Again... they dunnossss wot pedoes are - coscos they ARE - all that matters TO pedoes *IS BEING* pedoes, capitalising meddling making about themselves and fixing it FOR - sicccccck vulgarrrr retards
sickest of the sickest, Tony Blair fav' alice alice - who the fuck is Alice - siccccccck ridiculous inbreds - completely totally retarded - they 'picked' up that disease from their sheep pig bear and bloated carcasses fetish - siccccccccck vulgarrrr inbreds -more & more ridiculous vulgar revolting grotesquer - like pedoes DO, they were told that they're pedos - but they ARE *anyway* hideous retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮 & lolz
Pedophiles - on the 'world stage', I visit these countries so pedoes can capitalise on being pedoes and make someone else's life about themselves and get da peeedoes to make stuff uppp fix it for the peeedoes & laugh in yah face, same applies with people *I* meet - pedoes make about themselves🤮
Bradley cooper - the paedophile with his mate Gerard Butler - pedos - he in was a movie about slapping a child - they aggravate to kidnap & rape and use as tool to further agendas of paedophiles - it's not their life - whatever makes them think that it is - retards - ridiculously vulgar revolting inbreds -coscos pedoes - if make being pedoes about themselves pedoes 'believe' they're not pedoes.
Beyonce the paedophile david bowie the paedophile, 50 cent the paedophile with his Nigerian pedo pals, if yah dress up as a mackadee - you're not a paedophile - oh waaaaait, got got 'freeedom' to capitalise on their vulgarity and make about themselves cos that's what they ARE - retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds & more fixing it for themselves cos cos peeedoes you know haha's 🤮
Rami 'playing' the 'role' of a kidnapping child rapist on the 'world stage' - already 'in character' - of a kidnapping child raping terrorist, Daniel craig (fuck milly dowler too - they're much much much sicker - have the dowlers ever met Daniel craig, Calum best, piers Morgan Karshadians etc leveson pedoes - no probably not - but capitalise make about themselves etc use a political tool and help da pedos be pedoes - have they met someone that went to same school as brothers murderer and they capitalise - nick yah life make about themselves - abuse to capitalise gag rape pillage & make stuff up to fix it for themselves - pedoes - rapists -terrorists - it's a FACT - no matter how they try and change those fact - FACTS don't change.
Oh look he's got a pedo award & a 'star' that he made - about himself while calling the victim a 'russian villain', 'spam', 'troll' etc (for decades- not just a couple of days) who was an extra in a movie (skyfall)that was the 'target' of their paedophilia- that's what they do to extras - gag pillage abuse repeat - fix it for the pedos & lolz - that's what they do to VIP guests - gag rape pillage capitalise make about themselves make stuff up fix it for the inbreds & lols, what do they do to a victim and a migrant hmm 🤮 - and guess what governments do to avoid the stigma of their vulgarity - fix it it mooooore - for paedophiles - so pedoes can make being pedoes about themselves by making someone else's life - about themselves - and get da pedoes to make stuff up and fix it for *themselves* coscos peedoes being pedoes fixing it FOR pedoes - siccccccck ridiculous retarded vulgar revolting inbreds PEDOS =sicker sicker sicker more more more riddiccccculouser MORE 🤮

They walk like paedophiles - because they ARE paedophiles, they talk like paedophiles - because - they ARE paedophiles, they rape & pillage to make rape about themselves - because - they ARE - rapists, they antagonise to capitalise cry victim to make being pedoes about themselves WHILE pillaging someone else's life to make about themselves COS pedoes being pedoes fixing it FOR pedoes to avoid the stigma of being pedoes - because - they ARE ridiculous paedophiles, retarded sicker more & more ridiculous- rapists, terrorists, kidnappers, child rapists, child molesters & vulgar revolting retarded hideous inbreds, pedoes - don't ask 'permission' to be pedoes - they help themselves capitalise ON pedoes and rape for rapists cos cos that's what THEY ARE - ridiculous paedophiles and their names iz iz peeeeedoes tooo you know haha's 🤮
PEDOS - sicker sicccccker MORE spectacularly vulgarer more & more ridiculous & lolz PEDOS PEDOS PEDOS moooore astonishingly grotesque more & more - RETARDED, sick ridiculous inbreds & lolz, they dunnnooos wot pedoes are - because they ARE - sicccckerr MORE 🤮
Cut & pasted on to the Brexit - keep your paedophilia - to yourselves -vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds more & more ridiculous more & more retarded - spectacularly - it *IS* 'the greatest pedo show' - sicccck inbreds

Thier paedophilia is an 'open secret'. What chapter does he 'come out' as being a paedophile coscos being pedoes is LOLZ, 'fun' 'entertaining' 'art' 'comedy' it's also 'shocking and irresponsible' that pedoes capitalise on pedoes to make being pedoes about demselfs coscos dats what they ARRRRRE (lololz 🤮) RETARDS (thinks he's Will Smith dunnhe coscos their names iz iz peeeeedoes you know hahaha's 🤮 and it just so happens Will Smith *IS* a paedophile just like Hancock! Woo yeah being pedoes is fun - mix & match - names, dates annnnd - peeeeedophiles. They like to 'debate' about being pedoes, they 'debate' about who's sicker than who as they rape to make rape about themselves & stage their very own dramas to gloss over being retarded ridiculous inbreds. Farage and the fake helicopter crash was probably one his finest 'moments' being a paedophile - that capitalises on pedoes and makes the most of being pedoes for 'banter' among pedoes, political paedophiles that use their paedophilia as tools to BE paedophiles - coscos that's what they ARE - MORE 🤮 For eg: this a heart - look at Madonna being a paedophile, look at pedos manipulating to make being pedoes about themselves (when they already are), look at the pedo pope with 'death in his soul', ridiculously retarded - what parrrrrrrt of vulgar demonic retarded ridiculous inbreds don't they understannnnnd - NONE - coscos pedoes doing allllll they cannnn to ensure they make BEING pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma OF BEING - PEDOPHILES - WHAT PARRRRRRT OF -YOU ARE A RIDICULOUS PEDOPHILE - DON'T UNDERSTANNNNNNDY? NONE - COSCOS PEDOES PILLAGING SOMEONE ELSE'S LIFE TO MAKE BEING PEDOES ABOUT DEMSELFS COSCOS THEY ARE - PEDOPHILES - PEDOES HELP PEDO MATES BE PEDOES YAH
Sicker sicker more & more retarded, yah being pedoes is 'too funny', they're really 'upset' about being - pedophiles (lololz) hidddddeous retards MORE 🤮& more fixing it for *themselves* siccccckkkkkerrrrr mooooooore retarded vulgar ridiculous MORE 🤮 & lolz RETARDS more & more retarded MORE 🤮 & lolz

Peeeedophiles - get sicker sicker sicker more more ridiculous retarded vulgar revolting grotesque MORE 🤮& lolz, what movie is this? they're going to get their 'pedo hats' onnnnn & think of more ways of making being pedoes about themselves, MORE 🤮& lolz. Had to make the pedo pool bigger - coscos the more pedoes there are the better where pedoes are concerned - be pedoes for as loooong as yah can, the more pedoes there are - they're less likely to look like pedoes and vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded grotesque inbreds - 'pedo logic' - something they're *very* familiar with coscos they ARE 'professional paedophiles' coscos pedos -make everything about themselves *including* BEING paedophiles. 'Total Disregard' for everything *EXCEPT* BEING pedoes, (old movie that's been renamed to suit the agendas of pedos) capitalising & fixing it FOR (*themselves* coscos PEDOES) - hiddddddeous ridiculous retards MORE 🤮VULGAR more
PR for pedoes, rapists & child molesters... kidnappers, child rapists & serial raping traffickers, spinsters schemers& liars, PR = all about fixing it FOR pedoes, they get allllll excited about being pedoes & 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting & grotesque - so pedoes are 'free' to capitalise on their vulgarity - retards - don't need to manipulate 'vulgar' cos that's what they ARE *anyway*, tell them that they're pedoes - they capitalise & make about themselves& cry victim & get pedoes to fixit for the pedoes (*themselves*) coscos thats what they ARE - PEDOPHILES -VULGAR ridiculously retarded PEDOPHILES & haha's 🤮 MORE 🤮

I've got *nothing* in common with Joan Collins - because I'm not a paedophile or a rapist or a kidnapping child raping terrorist - I don't pillage someone else's life to make about myself - to help pedos be pedoes cos that's what they ARE - vulgar revolting retards that are *FULLY* aware that they're paedophiles & more fixing it for *themselves* coscos... MORE 🤮 hideous retards more & more 🤮 & lolz
Sue the Ministry of Justice? Better make sumfink up and fix for *yourselves* hiddddddeous retards ridiculous vulgar revolting inbreds MORE 🤮
And that's how paedophiles fix it for *THEMSELVES* & lols - who asked them to be pedoes? not me - and it's my own life - sicccccccccck vulgarrrrrr ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE 🤮
PEDOS - sicker sicker more & more ridiculous - PEDOS - make everything about themselves *including* being paedophiles - sure they can make being paedophiles about themselves - sure they can make the holocaust about themselves - they 'attach' themselves to something that is totally evil & make about themselves to avoid the stigma of being paedophiles - what do they think is going to happen - watch it sink - see someone like Tony Blair sinking in quicksand... what do you do...?
cos cos got 'jewish cash' to help them capitalise on *being* paedophiles & offer incentives TO pedoes to fix it FOR pedoes=Brexit=every single person in every part of the world is effected BY THEIR paedophilia=turns out noone is interested in Brexit - it's all about fixing it FOR paedophiles to avoid the stigma OF BEING pedophiles+ (not my country and they're pedoes who've spent many years already capitalising pillaging fixing to ensure they make being pedoes about themselves when already ARE & laugh in yah face as they make stuff up to fix it FOR pedoes cos cos pedoes being pedoes fixing it FOR pedoes
PEDOS - more & more grotesque, retarded vulgar revolting demonic ridiculous - siccccccck retarded inbreds MORE 🤮 hidddddeous retards & more fixing it for *themselves* sicccccccck sick sick more more 🤮 & lolz
Sick retarded inbreds MORE & MORE spectacularly ridiculous more more vulgar revolting retarded MORE 🤮& lolz MORE 🤮
Pedoes - spectacularly ridiculous retarded inbreds, sicker sicker sicccccker more more ridiculous like retarded vulgar grotesque paedophiles DO MORE 🤮& lolz coscos peeeeedoes haha's 🤮 - siccccccck retarded inbreds more & more ridiculous, spectacularly ridiculouser
Sicker - what was Leveson wanting to achieve? if meddle & lie to suit themselves to help pedoes fix it for the pedoes - pedoes believe they're not pedoes innnitttt, if they get the 'guardian' of all the pedoes to make being pedoes about themselves and get more pedoes to fix it for the pedoes & lolz can carry on being pedophiles - and that's what they've done - pedoes that find more ways of making being pedoes about themselves *STILL* ridiculous retarded pedophiles, rapists, kidnappers, pillagers, serial raping traffickers &terrorists - vulgarrrr revolting ridiculous retarded inbreds MORE 🤮
Sick vulgar ridiculous retarded inbreds, grotesque paedophiles MORE & MORE retarded vulgar revolting grotesque more & more ridiculous MORE 🤮 & lolz
Completely retarded inbreds MORE & more spectacularly ridiculouser MORE 🤮 and more fixing it for themselves and their pedo mates - siccccccck vulgarrrr ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮
Here's another documentary they made about themselves and their paedophilia - sicccccck ridiculous vulgarrrrr inbreds MORE 🤮
Brendon Fraser - is/was pedowood's favourite paedophile? Just like Sonny Bill Williams is another paedophile that I've never met that went to the 'university of pedoes and vulgar revolting ridiculous retarded inbreds' that share 'rapey tekkas' with other paedophiles (like Helen Clark, UN pedoes &famous paedophiles TO CAPITALISE on being paedophiles with 'charities' that - abuse someone that they've never met to profit on raping & pillaging - which is the total opposite of what that 'charity' is meant to be about like 'childline' - is for pedoes.
Pick a 'charity' *ANY* 'charity' =PEDOPHILES & lolz. Adam and Weepu and jane are all hanging out with 'funny' guy Winston peters with their trophy they thieved off the next-door neighbours shelf to attempt to convince their mates - they are rugby players -nothing more - they're not going to morph into Sharon Stone. Their heads have been bashed about a bit, they've lost the ability to think- probably why they capitalise on being pedoes and pillage MY life for THIER gain & get da pedoes to make stuff up and laugh in yah face COS pedoes fixing it FOR THEMSELVES.
They often 'fly over Star Wars sets' - and land in their own shit - alllll the time - they do it allll the time yah they doooo cos cos love being pedoes soooooo MUCH, PEDOS - ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE 🤮 soccer players - lolz - pedoes - *known* prolific paedophiles - sicker sicker sicker more & more retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous waaaaayyyy moooore astonishingly embarrassingly ridiculously hideouser more & more ridiculous & lolz

and some more pedoes being pedoes - helping themselves be pedoes - coscos that's what they arrrreeee - siccccckkkk vulgarrrr retarded ridiculous inbreds, pedoes, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, vulgar ridiculous inbreds, yah I met him once - years ago -obviously that's more than enough reason for that paedophile to capitalise on that paedophile, I watched him on the tele once he doesn't know where the Falklands are so I switched it off - obviously that's 'ample' reason to pillage someone else's life and play rape pillage the victim 'game' while crying victim. I also gave him £50 for his little 'charity' -once- what'dyah know - he spent it on crack - their favourite drug of choice - PEDOS -VULGAR retarded ridiculous inbreds, Aldo Zilli - is a pedophile - sicccckkkkkkerrr more more ridiculous vulgar revolting MORE 🤮
Clearly says- Pedophile - they capitalise and make about themselves coscos that's what they ARE - PEDOS - more 🤮
Ridiculous retarded vulgar revolting hideous inbreds grotesque ridiculous paedophiles -MORE & MORE retarded - MORE of everything sick vulgar revolting grotesque MORE 🤮
All that matters to pedos - is BEING pedoes, capitalising & fixing it FOR, if anyone had a cure for cancer - would you give it to them? They've proved - to themselves - that they'll fix it FOR pedoes by making stuff up and laughing in yah face cos pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to avoid the stigma of their vulgarity, nick ya house life car blow it up, capitalise on abuse spend years raping and pillaging to make being vulgar inbreds about themselves when THEY ALREADY ARE pedoes rapists & vulgar revolting retarded inbreds, lie to suit themselves and laugh in your face COS pedoes fixing it FOR themselves cry victim while BEING pedos- they see you getting raped they'll gang up TO rape & check your veins for cash - to see what they can get out of it - Sicker sicker sicker more more grotesque, ridiculous retarded vulgar inbreds MORE 🤮
I got to to Spain - pedoes capitalise - make about themselves, I go to Monaco - pedoes capitalise make about themselves, I go to New York take some photos of signs - pedoes capitalise and make about themselves, "I like her life, might pillage it make about ourselves" said the pedoes.
I have lunch with someone - pedos capitalise make about themselves ignoring the guest they had lunch with to capitalise on being pedos - make about themselves. I got molested in the midst of a murder trial & over 20 years later get abused BY the pedo and pedoes gang up to rape for rapists - and pedoes (Minnie driver etc) make about themselves.
I was pushed up against a wall by rapists after brother's murder - over 20 years later pedos and rapists - make about themselves - cry victim - ohhh it happened to you to -"you too them too all sick and hideous ridiculous shit together".
I was an extra - pedoes pay the pedos to make stuff up to insist something different to help pedos avoid looking like pedoes. Pedoes -make everything about themselves including someone elses's life.
Steven Spielberg was 'put on earth' to capitalise on being a paedophile & cry victim while pillaging someone else's life and making about themselves etc etc.. "Ohhh got caught being pedoes- oh noooeess better make sumfink up and for themselves & lols" What 'part 'of hideous vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds don't they understand? - NONE - cos they're paedophiles being pedos fixing it for PEDOS coscos that's what they ARE.
Here they are - making someone else's life - about themselves - to avoid the stigma of being pedoes, rapists, kidnappers, serial raping traffickers, terrorists etc 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting demonic retarded and grotesque - they're *fully* aware they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles, get sicker more & more ridiculously vulgarer MORE 🤮 "ohhh got caught being pedoes - oh noooess" "get pedoes fix it for the pedoes, cry victim & make sumfink up & lols.. but but cressida is the trafficker" etc etc PEDOS sicker sicker more more vulgar, completely retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE - wooorrrse than pigggs (and the pig races away as it knows - and doesn't want to be messed with) sicckkkkerrr than Savile more 🤮 & lolz

Not my industry - pedoes in da pedo business being pedoes precious little vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds helping themselves be pedoes capitalising on their vulgarity profiting on raping pillaging crying victim get da pedoes to make stuff upppp fix it for da pedoes - so pedoes can make being pedoes about demselfs coscos thats what they ARE.
They dunnoos wot pedoes are because they arrrrrre - SICK retards - Pedoes - in front of the camera behind the camera - anywhere there's a camera - BE PEDOS!! So pedos can capitalise on raping pillaging someone else life and make about themselves coscos that's what pedoes innnniittt - help themselves be pedoes coscos thats what they are - pedos - ridiculous vulgar revolting retarded inbreds MORE - find someone else to pillage yet - siccccck ridiculous fucking inbreds MORE 🤮🤮& lols
They dunnooosss wot pedoes are - because they ARE, more 🤮
They don't *get* how much they're hated - for what they do and what they are - paedophiles rapists kidnappers child rapists serial raping traffickers pillagers plagiarists and 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting demonic retarded and groteque - they seem to 'believe' that everyone loves pedoes - being pedoes - works for them coscos get pedoes make stuff up laugh in yah face coscos pedoes - don't give a shit about anything - as long as they get to be pedoes - capitalise cry victim and fix it for & make about themselves. Meddling pedoes and profiteering terrorists - sicccccck vulgarrrrr revolting retarded ridiculous demonic hideous retards MORE 🤮 yah yah good times being peeedoes make someone else's life about yourself to avoid the stigmaaaaa of being pedoes - sick sick ridiculous vulgarrrr inbreds MORE🤮

Pedoes - in yah face - capitalising & fixing it for - what's 'sodomy?' - whatever it is - got nothing to do with me - that's pedoes being pedoes that use gay lesbian trans whatever they can to further agendas of pedoes & to help their pedo peers *BE* PEDOS - that capitalise on pedos and rape for rapists, turn raping into 'art', 'comedy' and 'entertainment' - a 'friend' to pedoes is a 'friend' to *many* pedoes. The UN for example is a paedophile organisation, fervent defenders of child molesters etc, PEDOS vulgarrrr revolting ridiculously retarded demonic hideous inbreds MORE 🤮 & lols
(just to be clear - that's *THIER* life - being pedoes and vulgar revolting demonic ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮
(got paedophiles written all over it - get sicker more retarded ridiculous vulgar More 🤮
They dunnnoooos what pedophiles are - because they ARE with paedophile presidents& politicians etc - PEDOS kidnappers child rapists serial raping traffickers pillagers plagiarists and 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting demonic retarded and groteque. Who makes the abuse of someone else about themselves -PEDOS DO- minnie driver does - pedos that are convicted and capitalise on abuse of their victim - cry victim while BEING pedoes- piggggggsss vulgarrrrr revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds more - peeeedoes vulgarrrrr revolting ridiculous inbreds - alllll the pedoes come out TO CAPITALISE ON BEING PEDOS- (and rape for rapists to help pedo peers avoid looking like pedos that give themselves 'permission' to BE PEDOS= sicccccccck vulgarrr retarded ridiculous inbreds.
They had an opportunity *NOT* to be pedoes back in 2011 - can't help themselves - well they do help themselves be pedoes - coscos thats what they ARE - PEDOS -VULGAR revolting ridiculous inbreds -MORE 🤮
Got molested during a murder trial over 20 years later get abused by the pedo - and there's Minnie driver capitalising on the abuse of myself and makes about herself & then go on to abuse more BECAUSE THEY'RE PEDOS - heart is 'code' for pedos & serial raping traffickers like 'pizza' is for pedoes- they were TOLD they're pedos - but they ARE *ANYWAY* sicccckkkkkk VULGAR revolting retarded demonic ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮& lolz sooooooo much more than *just* an international embarrassment
As you can see - they're *really* 'upset' about being paedophiles... (lol lolz... 🤮) they're going to the islannnds - not ibiza, not shutter island - pedo island - pedoes - rapists - serial raping traffickers - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded grotesque inbreds & more fixing it for themselves - PEDOS more & more RIDICULOUS, retarded more annnnd LOLZ cos cos pedoes you know haha's More 🤮& lolz
Ridiculous inbreds get sicker more & more vulgar revolting retarded demonic grotesque MORE spectacularly vulgarer MORE 🤮 & lolz ridiculously retarded inbreds more & more 🤮
so can actually seeeee - pedoes - at worrrrrrk:
BUT BUT "our country is going to hell in a hand basket"-no matter - as long as yah don't look like pedoes, clap for pedoes, kneel for terrorists, make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds and lols, PR Pedoes fixing it for pedoes to avoid the stigma OF BEING pedoes cos cos being pedoes is 'shocking' & 'irresponsible' (lol lolz 🤮 sicccccck retarded inbreds MORE 🤮 & lolz MORE
the whale? capitalise - make about themselves coscos pedoes doing alll they can to avoid the stigma of their vulgarity PEDOS - sick ridiculous retarded vulgar inbreds MORE 🤮 they dunnnoooos wot pedoes are - because they ARE - sicker sickerrrrr more more vulgar & lolz
More pillaging and fixing it for themselves and their pedo pals - 'time to act as if they're not pedoes' stand & watch and partake in mass rape (like a 'game of thrones' rape scene - that they made to 'make light' of pedoes BEING pedoes (pedoes behind the camera with saliva dripping from their mouths - that's them, pedoes in front of the camera gloating about being pedoes - that's them - pedoes making stuff up to ensure they make being pedoes about themselves when they ALREADY ARE - pedoes - that's them - PEDOS.
"No not savile" they 'jokingly' say - they're right -they're worse - sicker - clearly says PEDO - capitalise make about themselves cos that's what they ARE. Don't need to manipulate sick as fuck to make about themselves cos they ALREADY ARE sick as fuck. More & more retarded vulgar revolting demonic and grotesque, ridiculous inbreds, waaay more astonishingly embarrassingly vulgar ie: create a 'crisis' to help gloss over the 'crisis' of being pedoes "lets stage a 'fake' argument between pedoes to keep that pedo ball spinning" PEDOS - sicker sicker sickerrrrrr -ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮
Retarded ridiculous inbreds & more fixing it for themselves - sitting behind the screen with saliva dripping from their mouths - that's them - PEDOS = that's what they're like -sicccckkkkkkkkk hideous ridiculous paedophiles an then they'll cry victim lie to suit themselves fix it for themselves cos pedoes being pedoes and vulgar revolting demonic ridiculous inbreds.
UN paedophiles -they *ALWAYS* pillage someone else's life to capitalise on being pedoes don't they - yah yah 'good times' being pedoes VULGAR, MORE 🤮 & lolz - total disregard of everything - *except* their paedophilia- the *only* thing that matters is their paedophilia and fixing it for themselves to avoid embarrassment - they've embarrassed themselves more than enough - and they continue to embarrass themselves even more. Pedos - in denial -sick ridiculous retarded demonic hideous inbreds, more & more ridiculous & lolz
And more Pedoes being pedoes with more fixing it for themselves, my own life - they're pedoes , vulgar revolting inbreds, I don't remember when China came to the UK (cos I'm not British so when get pedoes fixing it for pedoes, they're pedos making stuff up to fix it FOR pedoes to avoid the stigma of BEING pedoes - that's the probably the moment, a long time ago - when Cameron realised he'd lose any war to capitalise on being pedoes, rapists, kidnappers, child rapists, serial raping traffickers - even more retarded is capitalising on the abuse of someone else and make about themselves - to hep pedoes capitalise on their vulgarity and more fixing it for themselves - sick MORE - Pedos - ridiculous inbreds, more and more astoninghly grotesque & lolz 🤮
This is another 'take' of pedoes BEING pedoes coscos being pedoes is worth more than a fiver but LESS than £50 million - watch them capitalise on being pedoes and make someone else's life about themselves to profit on the back of raping and pillaging and helping themselves be pedoes - thats THEIR life -BEING PEDOS- convicted criminals with pedoes capitalising ON pedoes BEING pedoes = and make about themselves to avoid the stigma of BEING pedoes, get the pedoes to make stuff up and LOLZ -(my own life) SICK retarded inbreds - cos cos their names is peeeedoes haha's 🤮 rapists, terrorists, kidnappers child rapist serial raping traffickers = how much is brexit worth - over £250 billion and counting - that is absolutely priceless.
SICK RETARDED RIDICULOUS PEDOPHILES = world cup paedophiles yah yah 'good times being pedoes, make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lols - PEDOS - vulgarrrr retarded ridiculous inbreds get waaaaayyyy more embarrassingly grotesque MORE like ridiculous retarded paedophiles DO MORE & lolz hideous vulgar retarded inbreds MORE 🤮 They dunnnnoooos what pedoes are - because they ARE, like to spread their paedophilia about - the more pedoes the better where pedos are concerned - sick ridiculous inbreds MORE, what's that? got caught BEING pedoes - THEY *STILL* make stuff up and fix it for THEMSELVES - sicccccck retarded inbreds grotesque vulgar hideous paedophiles MORE& MORE ridiculously retarded MORE 🤮 & lolz
documentary of the same name called "They're pedoes, vulgar revolting ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮
This is another 'this is their life - BEING pedos, rapists, child molesters, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers that help themselves be pedoes coscos thats what they ARE, sick vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded grotesque inbreds MORE 🤮 & lols COS pedoes, sicker MORE
is he crying? maybe he wants to marry them - siccccck retarded ridiculous inbreds more & more retarded like pedos do MORE 🤮 The 'crisis' is the crisis of getting caught being pedoes - if yah be pedoes for as looooong as yah can - less likely to look like pedoes (pedo logic= capitalise fix make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & lolz = MORE 🤮)

Yes it is - 'comic relief' - for peadoes rapists & child molesters, 'game day' for pedoes, 'game changing' pedoes, they have loads of ways of making being pedoes about themselves coscos that's what they arrrre - PEEEEDOES "too funny" - for pedoes, they dont *get* how much they're hated & capitalise on the abuse they receive FOR BEING sick vulgar retarded ridiculous paedophiles - doesn't bother them that they're hated COS PEDOES - cos pedoes 'believe' if victim is angry they're doing a great job at being paedophiles - capitalise make about themselves make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & laugh in yah face COS pedos fixing it FOR pedos -and they have done a 'great job' at being pedoes, businesses are going bust, losing trillions, art - fashion - music - movies - culture - everything started to disintegrate around them years ago and they 'believe' they've done *themselves* a 'favour' for fixing it for thier pedo mates - and they have 'fixed' it for themselves coscos peeeedoes you know haha's 🤮
Global famine nearly, numerous 'scandals' to help gloss over being paedophiles, plenty pillaging fixing it for *themselves* - pick a 'charity' *any* 'charity' - PEDOS - capitalising on being pedoes to profit on back of raping & pillaging for rewards, careers, 'favours' among grotesque ridiculously retarded - peeeeedophiles. Pedos - don't ask 'permission' to be pedoes - they help themselves - COS PEDOS, rapists, kidnappers, child rapists, child molesters, serial raping traffickers, pillagers. That is what they ARE - PEDOS - vulgarrrr revolting ridiculous inbreds, MORE 🤮& lolz
They dunnnnooos wot pedoes arrrre - because they arrrrrrre
They're sick retarded vulgar revolting paedophiles, get sicker sicker more & more ridiculous - millions of pedo excuses from pedoes-by-pedoes cos they're pedos that get ,jewish cash, to be pedoes - offer incentives to pedoes to fix it for pedoes to avoid looking like pedoes in the buy sell swap rape for rapist's brigade - PEDOS - siccccck vulgar retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮& lolz hidddddeous inbreds more 🤮
Siccckkkkerrrr siccckkkkerrrr moooooore moooore demonic vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous MORE 🤮 waaaay moooore spectacularly vulgarer MORE & lolz
Another angle, more angles of pedoes being pedoes helping themselves be pedoes coscos that's what they ARE - paedophiles. Get sicker mooore spectacularly vulgarer MORE more ridiculous - retarded - pedoes sicker sicker sicker woooorse than pigs sicccccccck severely mentally retarded inbreds, shagging too many sheep, pigs, bloated carcasses, keep 'lookout' for the pedoes while the pedos fix it for the pedoes- vulgarrrrrr ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮
Another angle of - that's *their* life BEING pedoes rapists serial raping traffickers & 'fixers' for allllll things vulgar revolting demonic retarded and grotesque
And more documentaries about themselves being pedoes... what's happened in 2016? *shrugs shoulders* more peadoes fixing it for themselves SURPRISE!! PEDOS - errr no - they've ALWAYS been pedoes rapists child molesters serial raping traffickers, abusers of the sickest 'kind' cos they ARE the sickest of the sickest retarded vulgar inbreds - pedoes - if there's *ANYTHING* to rape pillage molest capitalise on make about themselves while raping for rapists THEY WILL cos they're pedoes and vulgar revolting ridiculous retarded hideous inbreds like that - and *ALWAYS* have been.
worse than pigs - (their fav farm animal) sicccckkkkkkkk moooooooore 🤮
And some more documentaries about themselves BEING paedophiles (again - my own life and here they are pillaging while abusing capitalising and making about themselves, if you complain about them BEING pedoes they get more pedos to 'gang up' and rape for rapists fix it for themselves to avoid looking like pedoes that pillage someone else's life TO CAPITALISE on being pedoes. 'Game day' for pedoes, 'game changing pedoes' - how do peadoes fix it for themselves - they 'fix' it - like that - sicker MORE 🤮

Get sicker more & more vulgar revolting ridiculous more 🤮 & lols cozcoz pedoes fixing it FOR pedoes to ensure they make BEING pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma OF BEING pedoes coscos that's what they ARE - PEDOES more 🤮
Here is another angle of themselves BEING pedophiles. Where in the world - do peadoes capitalise on being pedoes and make someone else's life about themselves to avoid the stigma of their vulgarity, pillage a guest, an extra, a migrant, a victim - to capitalise on being pedoes and make about themselves when they ALREADY ARE pedoes rapists vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds, PR PEDOS, "youtoo themtoo allllll" sick VULGAR retarded ridiculous inbreds together, sicker than the sickest vulgar ridiculous, didja get molested during a murder trial? no matter -someone else will capitalise on the abuse of someone else and make about themselves COS pedoes, VULGAR RETARDED INBREDS more 🤮 & Lols ridiculously retarded demonic vulgar revolting inbreds MORE 🤮
Who? never heard of him - has nothing to do with my life - apart from them being - PEDOPHILES MORE 🤮
Another angle of 'pedos at work: I spoke to an extra that was going to play Jonah Lomu but turned it down - from Kensington to Monaco/ 2011, they've spent decades *being* pedoes. They capitalise on pedoes & rape for rapists - pillage & lie - like pedophiles do- to profit on back of raping and pillaging - pillage someone else's life to make being pedoes about themselves when they already ARE and got the pedoes to fix it for themselves by making stuff up and laughing in yah face cos 'determined' pedos - they're 'determined' to make being pedoes about themselves coscos thats what they ARE and have been for decades.
And pedos - don't like being told what they are - so pillage capitalise and gloat about being paedophiles & more fixing it for themselves, soooo much mooooore than *JUST* an international embarrassment, absolutely completely totally evil, astonishingly ridiculous inbreds More 🤮 capitalise and make about themselves - siccccccckkk inbreds moooooore
🤮 & lolz
This is what pedoes have done prob from 2007 but definitely 2011 to present day in 2022. They've been incredibly busy being pedoes: capitalising pillaging meddling & fixing - for themselves - the *many* ways of making being pedoes, rapists, kidnappers child rapists, serial raping traffickers about themselves - that's what they ARE - ridiculous vulgar criminals MORE 🤮 (for technical purposes, the images might be huge as it's not a website program like dreamweaver - headed the wrong direction *intentionally* to avoid looking like pedoes that pillage someone else's life and make about themselves & get pedoes to fix it for *themselves* - should get the gist of it - they're PEDOES.
PEDOS pedoes pedoes
From that to that - what vulgar revolting heinous ridiculously retarded inbreds - didja dream it up didja? didja abuse to capitalise on your paedophilia didja - didja make stuff and fix it yourselves & lololz didja "yah yah says the pedoes coscos peeedoes you know haha's" says the pedoes - HIDEOUS RIDCULOUS RETARDS more SPECTACULARLY VULGARER MORE & MORE RETARDED & LOLZ - MORE 🤮 SICK SICK retarrrrrrds
She probably bought it to have sex with it - they're pedoes - doesn't sink in to pedoes that they're pedoes - pedoes find more ways of making being pedoes - about themselves - coscos that's what they ARE - PEDOS - MORE 🤮 heeer piggy piggy pigggy - sicccccccck sick sick ridiculous retarded sick MORE 🤮 & lolz hideous vulgar inbreds
More fixing it for themselves
And more fixing it for themselves - that's how pedoes fix it for *themselves* to get that Jewish cash (and to avoid looking like pedoes, rapists, child molesters, terrorists, pillagers plagiarists kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers - ridiculously retarded criminals annnnnnd 'fixers' for alllll things vulgar revolting & grotesque. Soooo *MUCH* more than *JUST* an international embarrassment. What will the pedoes tell you next? "uh uh it's a tribute to Andrew Lloyd Webber & Brian Cox lolz naah jus bein pedoes innitt coscos" 🤮 - ridiculously retarded more. Obama and Merkel -they're so close, they could be lovers.... spoke too soon. Sicker sicker sicker sicker more & more & more
What's this? Pedoes - 'fixing it' for *THEMSELVES* - pedoes BEING pedoes capitalising & fixing it FOR to get that 'Jewish cash' & to avoid the reality of their paedophilia so fix it for themselves some more and carry on being pedoes- spectacularly ridiculous MORE🤮
Nope - not a spy - OR - a 'russian villain', oh look at Madonna and the illuminati pedoes with another paedophile helping his podophile mother & so on so forth "coscos being pedoes is like a cult - they might lose their jobs if they come out as being pedophiles"- Sick retarded spectacularly ridiculous vulgar inbreds MORE 🤮
what are theyyyyyy? (peeedoes) What are theyyyyy? (peedoes) What are theyyyyyy? PEDOS more 🤮
It's not their biggest fraud, my life, I'll document *my* life how *I* like - watch the pedoes capitalise pillage make about themselves make stuff up fix it for the pedoes and laugh in yah face - pedos being pedoes capitalising and fixing it for - 2011 world cup paedophiles... 2016... pedoes fixing it FOR pedoes... and another couple of years of pedoes - fixing it FOR pedoes - capitalise on abuse of someone else make about themselves and/or profit on back of raping pillaging and helping themselves be pedoes coscos thats what they ARE - PEDOES.
Yah Game of Frones gave him mental health issue whereas peeedoes fixing it for pedoes that make stuff upppp and laugh in yah face COS pedoes being pedoes fixing it FOR *THEMSELVES* - think nuffink of it - laugh it off - turn being pedoes into 'art', 'comedy. 'entertainment' among pedoes, political paedophiles PEDOS siccccckkk MORE 🤮
The police work for PEDOS - especially in britain, they'll nick yah car house life make stuff up laugh in yah face and attempt to blame someone else for THEIR CRIMES, New Zealand police are worse, America, Australia etc that antagonise to capitalise and goad while they pillage and fix to avoid the stigma of being pedoes- pedowood is worser cos pedoes pay the police to fix it FOR pedoes.
THE UN - the pillaging UN paedophiles, helen clark, banki moon, the other paedophile that'd sniff yah nickers geterrra's 'yah the world is in a bad way' say the pedo - absolutely got nothing to do with themselves BEING paedophiles pillaging someone else's life capitalising on their vulgarity - make sumfink up - my own life - sick ridiculous retards MORE 🤮
PEDOS ridiculous inbreds
Criminal justice system= Pedoes, a 'victim support' 'organisation' that rapes & pillages, makes stuff up and laughs in yah face COS pedoes fixing it for THEMSELVES. Serial trafficking police that are 'fixers' for all things vulgar revolting grotesque, pedoes at pedowood - well thats pretty standard - they've ALWAYS been pedoes - in pedowood - governments paedophiles, spies etc - not a 'Russian villain' siccck peeeedoes with pedo excuses for BEING PEDOS, RIDICULOUS inbreds more 🤮 & lolz
Not bovared they're pedoes - it's lols they make stuff up to fix it for the inbreds and laugh in yah face- SICK SICK More 🤮
They dunnnooos wot pedoes are - because they ARE - sicker sicker sicker more more retarded vulgar revolting ridiculous more 🤮 & lolz
Pedo party that morphs into - piracy - that morphs into more pedoes that capitalise on pedoes & rape for rapists AND make about themselves to avoid the stigma OF BEING pedoes.
Reading through some comments of what they think Brexit is - Brexit = pedoes being pedoes capitalising & fixing it FOR, 'no dirt has stuck to his office... go die in a fire.." - that's fabulous isn't cos it's my own life they been pillaging making about themselves and got pedoes to make stuff up and laugh in yah face so pedoes can make being pedoes about themselves when they already arrrrrree -vulgarrr retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮
being pedoes it .... totally worth it (for pedos - pillage fix capitalise make about themselves, make sumfink up fix it for the inbreds & laugh- in yah face - cos cos pedoes fixing it FOR pedoes to ensure they make being pedoes about demselfs to avoid the 'stigma' OF BEING pedoes coscos that's what they ARE more 🤮 Trillions- that's not even globally

If they 'come out' as being pedoes-they might lose their jobs *anyway* (fashion for pedos & designer terrorists etc - think of Gucci, Tom Ford, Fashion fringe, Model agencies etc you assume they're not a dodgy modelling agency that recruits pedos to 'scout' for minors like some dodgy back alley 'modelling agency' - turns out they're sicker more ridiculouser, allll pedoes sick ridiculous retarded vulgar inbreds, EG: Naomi Campbell cries 'racism' for being a paedophile while pillaging someone else's life to capitalise on their vulgarity - not my industry either, another eg: Louise Redknapp "Remember the time....."(front page pedo) "yah remember the time - she's *ALWAYS* been a pedophile, obviously she gave herself 'permission' to make someone else's life about herself cos the person that they're pillaging sat behind her at an awards show - RIDICULOUS- Pedos - make everything about themselves *including* BEING pedos - SICK retards.
They do what pedos do - sit back & watch & partake in mass rape to profit on raping & pillaging, capitalise ON death & make about themselves.... okay - isn't that what terrorists do? death cult death cult death cult =tony abbot said that 39 times in one sentence (googleable - easily fact checked).
Ricky Gervais obviously gave *himself* permission to capitalise and turn pillaging into an 'idea' of his - bekozzzz - the victim they're pillaging was an extra but s'all good because get the pedoes make stuff uppp fix ittt for the pedoes so pedoes have 'freedom' to capitalise on their vulgarity & to profit on being pedoes *knowing* pedoes will fix it FOR pedos cos that's what they ARE- not really a 'slow' death, pedoes - in yah face - they've already spent years making being pedoes about themselves to avoid the stigma of being pedoes & as long as they can capitalise make about themselves & get pedoes to make stuff up and fix it for *themselves* coscos peeeedoes you know haha's 🤮 they 'forget' they're pedoes, they like to pretend they're not - pedoes.
Watch the pedoes 'in action' - film it - turn being pedoes into 'art', 'comedy' & 'entertainment' among pedoes - for lolz like innit
I'm not an actor - and they're/you're a paedophile & they're FULLY aware of that fact that they're pedoes, rapists, kidnapping child raping serial raping traffickers, terrorists&'fixers' for alllll things vulgarrr revolting and grotesque& lols more, also a rapist, a kidnapping child raping serial raping trafficker, a pedophile that capitalises on abuse of someone else and makes about themselves - pedoes in da pedo business, the pillaging raping for rapists business, the fix it for pedoes and lols business, the make sumfink fix it for pedoes so peados can make being pedoes about themselves business.. yeah yeah they're 'baaaaa-aaad pedoes' lolols- Paedophiles - vulgar revolting retarded ridiculously demonic disturbed vulgar retarded inbreds.
I'm not nigerian or a russian 'villain' or a spy - more fixing it for themselves to help pedoes capitalise on what they are - PEDOS - vulgar revolting retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮 minnie driver is a pedophile morphs into nigerian pedophiles, sicccck ridiculous vulgar revolting retarded inbreds MORE 🤮 annnnnd lololols hiddddddeous vulgarrrrr inbreds MORE 🤮
Sicker sicker sicker - yah yah famous paedophiles you know haha's🤮 - sicccccckkk vulgarrrrr revolting ridiculous inbreds MORE waaaaay moooooore astonishingly retarded - PEDOS more & more & more 🤮 siiiiccccck ridiculous inbreds MORE
Paedophiles, rapists, child molesters, serial raping traffickers, pillagers plagiarists, is this the Lion King movie? sicccckkk retarded inbreds - ridiculous retarded criminals - they're FULLY aware they're pedoes & more fixing it for themselves, make sumfink up to help pedoes capitalise on what they ARE - PEDOS - exceptionally sick ridiculous retarded inbreds - MORE 🤮 & lolz, they 'care' - about their paedophilia *very* much - more than anything in the world - RETARDED INBREDS MORE 🤮
He's a paedophile, she's a paedophile, they're paedophiles, that pedo is helping the pedos be pedoes, get da pedoes to make stuff up so pedoes can make being pedoes about themselves - coscos thats what they ARE - PEDOS - vulgarrrrr retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮 & lolz
Sicker more & more retarded vulgar revolting ridiculouser MORE 🤮 & lolz

Totally awkward - for Bruce Lee - but not for pedoes coscos thats what they ARE - siiiicccccck ridiculous retarded vulgar revolting inbreds MORE & MORE 🤮 What 'animals' are they? ooo oo I know - they're PIGS, they can 'feel it in their water' which is 'funny' coscos they've ALWAYS been pedoes -surprised they didn't tell themselves they're pedoes before butbut coscos pedoes that 'forget' they're pedoes that capitalise on pedoes coscos that's what they are - to make being pedoes about themselves when they ALREADY ARE - they are able to reassure themselves that THEY ARE pedoes, great news for pedoes!!
They're much much sicker than 'average- run-of-the-mill' ridiculously retarded paedophiles - much much sicker than that, more & more retarded ridiculous MORE 🤮 (she dresses up as a cheeseburger to let other pedoes know - there's a raping & pillaging to capitalise on being pedos/make about themselves & make sumfink up & fix it for themselves 'festival' going onnnnn. They might lose their jobs if they 'come out' as being pedoes, the convenience of pedos BEING pedoes helping the pedos out cos cos that's what they ARE. Vulgar retarded ridiculous inbreds MORE 🤮 PEDOS more & more vulgar revolting ridiculous MORE 🤮 more & more waaaaaay more astonishingly embarrassingly vulgarer more & more retarded -sicker, not just *any* sick - they're spectacularly sick vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded inbreds MORE 🤮
2011 - world cup pedoes
2013 - being pedoes capitalising manipulating fixing make about themselves
2016 - more pedoes fixing it FOR pedoes (my own life - pillage make about themselves SICK RIDICULOUS retarded inbreds more 🤮
2018 = more pedoes insisting they're not pedoes
Pedo logic - be pedos for as lonnnng as you can less likely to look like pedoes that pillage someone else's life make about themselves get pedoes make stuff up and fix it for themselves & laugh in yah face COS pedoes
2022 - STILL pedoes - and pedoes - in denial
2023 - *STILL* ridiculously retarded paedophiles - sicker MORE retarded MORE
much much sicker waaaaaaay mooooore sicker, ridiculous vulgar revolting retarded inbreds - hidddddeous grotesque revolting paedophiles MORE 🤮& lolz ridiculous inbreds, heeeeer piggy piggy piggy oink oink oink - PEDOS more 🤮 retarded more
This is 'interesting' because Britain is 'America's Bitch' and Brexit = Pedoes - that - in order to avoid looking like paedophiles pillage capitalise & fix it - for *themselves*.. that's lolz' - especially to paedophiles that - pillage someone else's life and make about themselves to profit on the back of raping and pillaging - and because - they're ridiculously retarded paedophiles & serial raping traffickers that offer cash incentives TO paedophiles to 'fix it' FOR paedophiles to ensure they make thier paedophilia - about themselves - to avoid the 'stigma' of thier retardation - probably find someone else to pillage won't they - ewww - coscos peeeedoes you know "haha's" sicccccker MORE retarded MORE
More fixing it for themselves and their pedo pals. 'Break down the walls of their paedophilia" lolz says Merkel "lololz like that's going to happen" she says "lololz" MORE 🤮
Basically a paedophile page (=Brexit) = PEDOES - MORE 🤮
Retards - MORE 🤮