(This is today .. still January ... BT had some crack and has gone broke so I wrote this on word.. today
Zooooom in
last pic of 2023
January 2024
Reminder - I haven't lived in NZ since' 95 - 2011 - pedoes - capitalise make about themselves - 2016 - get siccccccker MORE ridicccccculous - 2024 - STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles that pillage someone el;se life and make about themselves and serial raping traffickers that capitalise ON thier paedophilia to make thier paedophilia about themselves - when ALREADY ARE vulgar revolting inbreds capitalising on the 'opportunity' TO BE ridicccccculosuly retarded grotesque vulgar revolting paedophiles - they're not pedoes once - they're pedoes- alllllll the tiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmee - siccccccck hidddddddeous MORE
Close up of 'pedoes in action':
*EVEN* when - someone else's life has got *nothing* to do with them - they will pillage it and make about themselves & 'recruit' more paedophiles to 'help out' with BEING paedophiles so pedoes are 'free' to make thier paedophilia about themselves - when ALREADY ARE vulgar revolting grotesque paedophiles capitalising ON and 'making the most' of thier retardation - hidddddeous retards - sicker MORE. Like for 'example' (there's plenty of 'examples' of paedophiles BEING ridiculously retarded paedophiles - cos they ARE - paedophiles and worse - sicker MORE) like - Nicki Minaj and JLo slopping around with thier anacondaaahs with a spot of bear 'shagging' and the cesspit is so sludgey Rose McGowan jumps in - because - she doesn't want to miss out on BEING a paedophile. And while she's slopping around in thier cesspit she 'gave it' to some more pigs, sheep, cows and bloated carcasses so thier 'hearts are full' (of pedoes - more 'code' for pedoes - just like pizza and wearing mackadess (in order to let thier pedo mates know that Harvey, Ben & Damon have 'stiffer' competition across the pond in the paedophilia 'stakes' - not including Paris and her dingoes - paedophiles - get siccccccker MORE waaaay waaay more ridicccccculous MORE. Pedoes find thier own paedophilia 'interesting' - in Pedowood *everything* is 'code' for pedoes - because - that's what they ARE - pillage, 'fix' & 'lolz' - annnd repeat - they *must* 'pray' for Sharon - the paedophile with the sheep fetish- siccccck sicccccck hideous inbreds - sicker MORE
ridiculous.. more
It’s *still* January 2024 … I gave myself a pedicure.. rhymes!! Who's yah daddy? Aren't I brilliant - yes I am - nicely done - me. standing ovation for myself.. it's quite long - about a couple of decades... so far
– get sicker sicker sicker more more ridiccccccculous MORE.
2024 – STILL ridiculously retarded paedophiles – have lunch with someone and pedoes – capitalise on pedoes to make their paedophilia about themselves – when ALREADY ARE – they were told in 2011. Another paedophile on a boat – in 2011. And their paedophile ‘combination’ – results in this ‘interesting’ ‘search’. 2024 – still ridiculously retarded inbreds making their paedophilia about themselves. Paedophiles and paedophile politicians and paedophile ‘actors’.. yah yah of they abuse the victim they’re pillaging to make their paedophilia about themselves and pay paedophiles to make stuff up & ‘lolz’ and carry on being paedophiles – paedophiles convince *themselves* they’re not paedophiles – siccccccker MORE retarded way way waywaaaaaay more ridiccccculouly vulgar revolting demonic grotesque MORE
I’ve not met him (elonsky) nor have I spoken to him – at all – in my whole entire life - but – be ‘interesting’ to hear what kind of ‘relationship’ he has with Miley Cyrus and Margaret as she was saying ‘no one wants it’ (has anyone ever asked him - caught up in some kind of ‘love triangle’ 58 kilometres east of Bermuda – that was a couple of years before Brooke Shields became ‘traumatised’ again after recalling her rape experience with Tom Cruise – I think the whole point of her rape movie was about herself jumping out of a cake and when the cake stopped – the rape became a mini series because – if they don’t make the cake they won’t give you ‘free’ publicity or something like that. Not my industry. Paedophilia – is their ‘industry’. A Kennedy ‘pwize’.. it’s a bit like… well actually more like – the ‘Savile awards’… glaaad I’m not a kennneedeeeee…. Someone else goes to another city in a different country and somehow – paedophiles – make about themselves and so on and so forth.
Where’s all the names… they ‘forgotten’ that they’re paedophiles, terrorists, serial raping traffickers and ‘fixers’ for alllll things vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded and grotesque.. they said what? THEY said “if you make sumfink up to ‘fix it’ for pedoes – you’ll get a cash bonus” annnd they clap for themselves – think they’ll apologise for calling the victim that they’ve spent decades pillaging to capitalise on being paedophiles etc – a ‘paranoid schizophrenic’(‘lololz’ go the pedoes) – again – my own life pedoes have pillaged and made about themselves –WTF you doing messing with someone else’s life – WTF are you doing pillaging it – EW – sicccck – they’re paedophiles rapists serial raping traffickers so retarded – its ridiculous – sicker – they’re spectacularly retarded inbreds – sicker MORE ridiculous MORE – paedophiles and their ‘pedo shows’ - sicccccker MORE retarded waaay waaay more deeeeeeeply disturrrrrrbed MORE
Nearly the end of January... they're a bit slow aren't they. Ridiculous MORE
30 Jannnnueeeereeee
Miley Cyrus bends over – there’s her crack – there it is. And Pamela ‘the skanky one’ pops over to the Uk to ‘do’ Assange as a ‘favour’ because he is used to pigs and since pamela’s vagina is for hire and she wanted to ‘compete’ with the ‘pee pee tapes’ that Trump supplied to Russia because that kind of deprivation catapulted the Karshadian Paedophiles into Pedowood where they made a huge ‘success’ of their pig porn sheep whale movies – and are famous – for sucking – not much else. I’ve never met them – they’re paedophiles ‘spinning’ their own paedophile bullshit – because THEY ARE – paedophiles. "want some crack?" "yessss" go the pedoes - and the pedoes said if you combine it with horse tranquilisers you'll think you're superman!! annnnnnd make *another* 'documentary' about themselves BEING paedophiles etc- Ridiculous MORE
I don’t own any ‘control nickers’ – I don’t need to now. Result!! And and and and .. I got a 7D Hifu- that’s Brad Pitt’s ‘secret’ – although he probably does drink the blood of babies because he thinks it’d make him younger. They’re paedophiles. “no way” “yes way” jimbo the pedoe - Sicker sicker and sicker MORE.
I can’t believe I chucked my mouse in the bin by accident – it’s so small – I’ve had it for years. All the other ones are really big and the shop is shut now.. as in – closed. Permanently. That’s ‘arkrights’ ‘influence’.. get sicker sicker MORE
4th February…
space.. the final frontier…
I found a mouse – it’s not wireless and it’s bigger.
The bathroom is finished – can’t do anything else to it. Garden of Eden. Paradiso.
Never buy an apple. Riddled with worms. Samsung is much much better. It’s like their microwaves – they go the distance. 28 year old microwave and it was a very very long distance microwave. A world travelling microwave. The fridge/freezer went missing off the boat. Purchase/rent a shipping container – wouldn’t do that now it’s much cheaper – like most - it’s way less expensive to sell & leave (especially now with mass migration ‘issues’ – at least their passports are blue – mine isn’t – and that ‘option’ is available to them). The Samsung tablet is about 14 years old – so halfway. Replaced the battery a couple of times. Nothing major. Think they’ll apologise for being paedophiles rapists child molesters serial raping traffickers & ‘fixers’ for their retardation that make stuff up and laugh in yah face and carry on being paedophiles? Lol. Ridiculous MORE. Sicker and sicker way more. ‘Good times’ being paedophiles – who? – never heard of him – he’s got nothing to do with my life apart from him and his paedophiles mates meddling with someone else’s life & creating their own ‘dramas’ – slurping up their own shit - because they’re paedophiles – ridiculously retarded inbreds like that – probably put another ‘naaahzi’ poster up and Gervais will probably do another ‘comedy’ about the ‘afterlife’ – the imbecile – where there’s pedoes - completely retarded grotesque more - just get sicker MORE ridiculous.
My space is clutter free.
Middle of February 2024
There’s 29 in February this
year. Never ending ‘articles’ about ‘the
joooos joooooos’.. and ‘he knows real naahziis’ along with Malala the terrorist
and Greta the paedophile with their ‘crusading paedophile’ ‘gang’. Paedophiles – the many many ways ridiculous
retarded paedophiles rapists child molesters serial raping traffickers etc etc ‘fix
it’ for – themselves – ridiculous. Hideouser more & more. Benedict’s ‘freedom’ for
In other news – my Jovs Blacken device is broken (no record of purchase). So I emailed Jovs – they’ve asked to video it not working, so I did and sent them the clip. That’s it – there’s no where to send it to get repaired – even if there was a record the warranty – I got the impression they try avoid repairing their devices. Prior to that I thought it might’ve been the switching adapter – so I bought a new off them – doesn’t work – so I’ve asked for them for a return and refund on the plug (the same – doesn’t work) so I emailed again and they asked for a video of it not working – again – so I did and sent them the clip….and they’ve disappeared. Also - I have a tip. 7D Hifu. How to test your 7D Hifu machine. There’s a video on you tube called ‘7D hifu test’. Exactly the same machine, testing it – there’s no lines and the water does not bubble. That means – the machine does not work – it produces no energy. Because – with ultrasound – it’s invisible and you won’t know it works/worked til a few months after the procedure. The influx of dodgy machines and those attempting to flog their broken machines to the unsuspecting customer. A 7D hifu machine is for life. 20,000 shots in those cartridges. Bye bye saggy jowls toodles toodle pip tata. I’ve watched ‘TJ’ and I don’t subscribe. Once and done – is brilliant. It’s really pathetic actually – because most of these devices you use between 5-15 minutes, daily or weekly or turning into and it’s about standing there or sitting down for 15 minutes – it’s about whether you can be bothered or not – to do something nice for your skin. Got really nice serum, supply of eye patches. Eye patches are really nice – especially in the morning.
Zap everything. I’m the lookout for one. Most of the machines advertised on google ‘don’t ship to your country’. Is that Benedict’s fault?
I didn’t even go down south
when I went back to NZ (after the ‘kidnapping’ debacle - a long time ago – when
the daughter was at school, I got ‘permission’ to go back for a month – then got
landed with a child abduction summons – completely retarded inbreds – sicker MORE)
– I say that – I went to Christchurch up to Kaikoura, Kaiteriteri. When I was in Kaikoura, the lady at the hotel
asked me if I thought
Nice lil pad around there – they’ve already poured in about 98 TRILLION into the ‘Brexit’ fund – not including sponsors, advertising fees and graffiti on buses etc – surely they can afford a mansion on a Kaiteriteri beach PLUS a rooftop apartment in Auckland – cheap – and possibly a condo in Sydney - especially for that unsuspecting tourist that they all ‘had a hand’ raping and pillaging and abusing for reward, careers & ‘favours’ among hidddeous vulgar revolting demonic paedophiles etc – ridiculous more – the ‘pedo files’.. Ridiculous, Stunningly grotesque. Spectacularly retarded MORE.
“I think I might pillage someone else’s life and make about myself” – sicccccccck sicccccck hiddddeous inbreds – sicker sicker and sicker – I certainly didn’t give *anyone* ‘permission’ to BE paedophiles – that’s what they ARE, he was a movie once – that’s why they’re paedophiles, they sung a song once – that’s why they’re paedophiles & so on and so forth – they’re not pedoes once – they’re pedoes – allllllll the timmmmmme – siccccccker MORE ridiculous.
They don’t ‘understaaaaannnd’ – there she is dressed up in her paedophile outfit that she was ‘gifted’ to her as a reward for supplying victims to paedophiles rapists and terrorists when they’re ‘busy’ BEING paedophiles rapists and terrorists themselves – sicker more – what’s that paedophiles name again? Actually there’s a few.. drumroll….sicccck hiddddeous inbreds – sicker MORE
I don’t understand – if a hifu machine is working and the seller has had long before they put it up for sale – how can they test it wrong? Should know how. The line test. The bubble test – need to see energy coming from it otherwise it’s a dud. Those treatments are so expensive – hifu, microneedling, meso, thermage dot matrix etc. There wasn’t a ‘retreat’ for medical tourism when I was in Kaiteriteri – it’s a European thing is probably why – given the huge success of the ‘Brexit’ movie – it’s ‘interesting’ that shops are closing rather than opening. I don’t get coffee mate anymore I get blue top. ‘bird book’ – yah yah siccccck sick birds – sicker MORE.
Spectacular. MORE.
Red 3. They really ARE vulgar revolting demonic
ridiculously retarded scum aren’t they.
Unsure how long ago that was filmed – they’re STILL making their paedophilia
– about themselves, they ‘forget’ that they’re paedophiles rapists serial
raping traffickers and worse.. the ‘west’ – they talking about fred west and
2024 .. join up the pickchass - the screen is too small
As I said I wasn't as massive as Mila Jovavich - still in 'lymphatic drainage' .. 'mode'
It's mid-march, I made another montage... wwwhhhhhhhyyyy am I not getting any 'jewish cash?;.. 'the joojoos'.. hideous more .. 'he knows real naahzis' - good for him - and he scrunches up his paedophile face 'the naahhhzis the nahhhziis' - they're hideously vulgar demonic ridiculously retarded degenerates - point at the pedoes - grotesque paedophiles - sicker MORE
This is 'interesting'This is what it looks like covered up
Pedoes.. so 'hilarious' said the degenerates.
I didn’t mention anything about the ‘holy grail’ – that’s paedophiles that graffiti headstones and – make about themselves and pay grotesque degenerates to make stuff upppp to fix it FOR degenerates so degenerates are ‘free’ to make their degeneration – about themselves – VULGAR revolting ridiculously demonic SCUM and he scrunches up his paedophile face “the nahhhhzis the nahhhzis - he’s from ‘lundin bruv’” – I’m not and he’s’ not my brother – he’s from the brotherhood of the paedophile cult wif da karshadians - paedophiles – there go rose – jumps in cos she doesn’t want to miss out on being a paedophile – hiddddddddeous degenerates – sicker MORE. What's their fav meal?... 'joojoo beans'.. joooish the jooos the joooos - pandora - pedoes - panama - pedoes the 'waaaay of the peeedoes' - hideous degenerates - yes BUT is there anyfink about the naaahhhzis the nahhhzis - mila kunis 'escaped the joos' that's why she's a nazi wif thier three pedoes, pigs, whales, sheep and bloated carcasses etc - they're paedophiles - pedoes and animal farrrr-baaahh-mms vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded degenerates - revolting SCUM - sicker & sicker MORE.. and and and BC = before christ - they're so retarded it's ridiculous - the many ways ridiculously retarded degenerates make thier retardation about themselves - vulgar revolting ridiculously demonic SCUM - so he goes to New York - takes a photo of a sign - to make his life about someone else - because he's 'keeping up with paedophiles' -remember that time they went to Armenia to snort some ashes and have a roast - pedoes - they're so 'hilarious' said the hiddddeous inbreds - hidddddeous - sicker MORE - sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker & sicker MORE. £3.7 billion 'climate fund' - I reign supreme. Waaaaay beyonnnnnnd the 'jihaddy bride' - 'something to do with a ring' - yah yah pedo rings rapey rings serial raping trafficking rings, pizza rings, cheese rings - hidddddddeous inbreds the jooface for the jooocash - that I haven't got any of - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded degenerates - sicker MORE. 'Gotgot' greta the paedophile to help 'cleverly disguise' thier paedophilia that gets spoon fed by her pimps aye Clooooney the 'spokesperson' for pedoewood that are 'fighting over chocolate milk at greggs' - whatever that means - it's pedowood - everything is 'code' for pedoes - like minnie driver the paedophile that morphs into anne hathway 'bring back thier gurrrrrrlz' - from where? Hiddddddeous inbreds - tell them that they're paedophiles - they orgasm over it because that's what they are, amazing how George Floyd 'changed the world' - hidddddeously vulgar demonic degenerates - scicccccker MORE. 'Fix it for us' said the pedoes - siccccccker MORE. hideous degenerates - sicker MORE. Pedoes that capitalise on pedoes ARE pedoes - pedoes that copy pedoes ARE pedoes - pedoes that pillage ARE pedoes - pedoes that capitalise on pedoes being pedoes - ARE - pedoes - pedoes that capitalise on pedoes BEING pedoes to make thier paedophilia about themselves when they ALREADY ARE vulgar revolting demonic scum ARE ridiculously retarded paedophiles - and nothing else. hideous degenerates - sicker& sicker & sicker more more ridiccccccculous MORE - vulgar revolting ridiculously demonic SCUM - sicker MORE - she's Yeah been in some magazines, done a bit of modelling, did a bit of acting, travelled a bit, been to a few concerts – pedoes are well jell aye– my own life - hidddeeeeeeously vulgar inbreds plus I didn’t call Sarah Jessica Parker ‘horseface’ – I called her a paedophile because she IS - ridiculously demonic SCUM and someone called Kate moss a moose once – that’s why she’s a paedophile and if your name is 'green' - wear it like you're a paedophile with their fashion for pedoes and designer terrorists, comic relief for pedoes & 'space jam' for rapists etc - Ridiculous degenerates – sicker MORE – he was in a movie once that’s why he‘s a paedophile and so on and so forth – sicccccccker MORE ridddddicuulous MORE – point at the pedoes – there’s a good pedo – hidddddeously demonic vulgar scum – sicker MORE.
relaxxxxx yeah breathe innn breathe ouuuut
That reminds me the first time I had gas - she says 'breathe breathe breathe' - when I'm in pain I hold my breath so she screaming at me "breathe!!" So I took a deep inhale and I puffed it out like a ciggerette and I said to her 'there's no smoke coming out' - LOL... "suck the gaassss suck the gasssss".... .'moments'..
Mid April 2024
I was bornzzz borrnz borrrrnz in ’74 – from 2011 onwards – just get sicker more waaay mooooore ridiculously demonic –way more. “WTF are you doing pillaging someone else’s life? WTF are you doing making stuff upppp?” – “uh uh dunnnnoooos jus being peeedoes coscos peeedoes you know haha’s” – that’s them – vulgar revolting ridiculously demonic SCUM – sicccccker – what are yooooooo? Besides hideously grotesque paedophiles, rapists, serial raping traffickers & ‘fixers’ for allllll things vulgar revolting ridiculously demonic and grotesque – “uh uh they dunnnoooos coscos peeeedoes haha’s” – they do actually talk like that - siccccccck vulgar revolting ridiculously demonic degenerates – and and you must 'pray' for Sharon - the paedophile with the sheep fetish - vulgar revolting ridiculously retarded degenerates - paedophiles - totally completely demonic SCUM - sicker MORE – hideous inbreds – get more and more ridicuslousy demonic as thier 'pedo ball' rolls along coscos they make the 'pedo games' - hiddddddeous inbreds grotesque revolting ridiculously vulgar SCUM grotesque revolting hideously retarded degenerates - sicker MORE & 'lololz' liiiiike hideously revolting paedophiles DO - point at his wife 'that's my wife - Myra - 'loves' babies - just like Myra including the female Ian watkins - point at da pedoes - there's a good pedo - hiddddddeous inbreds grotesque revolting demonic ridiculously retarded degenerates - sicker hiddddeouser MORE )
It’s May, the year of the big
five O
The Hifu machine arrived!! Hurrah!! So exciting – I tested it and couldn’t get the lines, their customer service is amazing because it took less than ten minutes for them to answer my question – it was nearly straight away. Put some gel on the cartridges and the gel jumped and certainly feel it on your face etc. Zap zap zapping away. It’s amazing on the eyes, see results pretty much straight away – its apparent that this is the only machine I will ever need to maintain the face of a thirty year old (still have to wait too see the results from this treatment for at least a couple of months). Amazing. There’s 20026 ‘shots’ left in the 2mm cartridge – I used about 15-20 shots for one treatment. Face 4.5mm/3/0mm and 1.5mm neck/jowl, 1.5mm face, 13mm and 9mm inner thighs and 9mm on outer, 6mm underarms. So can’t wait to see results. The cartridges have about 20,000 shots each and use about 180 per treatment and treatments must be spaced out at least 6 months to a year. First treatment is followed by a second treatment four months after if required – then once a year. This hifu machine is going to last me for the rest of my life. Totally amazing. I have tried the Orogold 24k DMAE wrinkle solution *and* Tresor Rare eye wrinkle formula, not sure what it is but it’s like glue – it decreases – but – it leaves a residue. So I’ve not bothered with them – it’s good to try it out for less than a tenner though. Now I don’t need it – even if I didn’t use it – because of my beautiful Hifu machine.
So far – for my 50th
– I gave myself a face lift. Might paint
my nails tomorrow. I wonder if I can
still go on the dole in
I’m keeping hydrated with my smoothies and water etc. I had a green smoothie on the set of Pirates years ago – it was green (apples, spinach, kiwifruit.. ) and when you drank it you felt instantly awake - I’ve not been able to recreate it, no shops sell anything like it. Maybe ginseng or something like that.
So got kiwifruit, pineapple, spinach & banana with apple juice in my sistema.
It’s been a couple of weeks
since the Hifu, I am amazed. Prague did
a brilliant job of my eyes, I can see my eyelids and they’re almost symmetrical
now as I always had one eyelid bigger than the other so it’s so nice to have
that corrected, looking less ‘weathered’.
Soon as I did the Hifu on my eyes - I was relatively careful with it –
didn’t use too many shots – the wrinkles were gone. And it takes a couple of month to results. Correct the saggy jowls but not look ‘skeletal’
by losing too much fat in the face – there’s been very little improvement on
that so far (jowls, neck & lower face).
Microneedle acne scars and they’ve improved slightly. Pitts – in your face. Improved.
The texture of my skin is amazing – it’s so soft. Feel my face every two seconds (not really) –
it’s so niiiice. Put makeup on and it
goes on much much better than it did before – which is fabulous. My face looks ‘awake’ – prior to Hifu it
looked sluggish and tired. Back in the capaccino
days - get slightly – what’s the word I’m looking for.. stand back and look at
it – like Sally said – no one is going to get within 2cms of your face to check
your wrinkles out – you do that at home – get really really close to the mirror
to check those wrinkles out – and as you get older (obviously) don’t have to
stand so close to the mirror to see them. Marvellous – I’m starting to look exactly the
same as I did twenty years ago. J I haven’t
changed a bit – I’m still me. (they just
get sicker more ridiculous).
The microneedling was quite
harsh – focusing on acne scars. Definitely
improved and it’s been a couple of weeks since I did that. Stay indoors for a good few days while it
peels and heals. I’ve only done it once
(properly) and it’s made a huge difference.
I had a
Next – face peels – to compliment and maintain results of Hifu & microneedling. I have tried the PCA Skin enzyme peel that you leave on.. mm so so.. and also the Dennis Gross wipes. So now I have ‘discovered’ Dermalogica Peels (professional use only – not for retail sale). Not used it yet – will do soon.
Found a new recipe for
Ever get “pack it in – or I’ll
turn this vehicle around”
End of May.. 2024
June ‘24
I have recovered from micro needling my chin – not as severe as a TCA peel but still quite severe. To the point of it peeling. There is a definite improvement with scars – they’re not as deep and I discovered hydrocolloid bandages. Feels a bit weird having a bandage on your face but it pulls out the oils that create the bacteria – I left them on overnight. Amazing. They also help with scars. Getting older and want to avoid looking like your face is shrivelled up and ‘weathered’ looking. Some of these devices cost more than plastic surgery. Avoid having pitts in your face etc. Having a facelift – you skin is literally stretched – and that’s a look that I want to avoid, so having done the Hifu – I’m still waiting for those ‘dramatic’ results. It’s been about 6/7 weeks (did it beginning of May) – there’s no dramatic fat melting as yet, my skin certainly feels a lot more softer, dewier and looks ‘cared for’ and the wrinkles/lines appear less deeper (they’re still there but much less noticeable than what they were).
I haven’t used any devices on my face until the mid 40’s, just stuck with the standard cleanse/tone/moisturise and had a couple of face peels (pearl laser) in 30’s. Not a big makeup wearer – I tend to stick to tinted moisturiser as before makeup didn’t go on as nicely especially with dry mismanaged skin. Goes on so nice now.
My neck looks less ‘old’ than
what it was – obviously only do the sides of the neck (hifu and other gadgets) and
leave the middle alone – which is – how to tighten the skin in the middle of
the neck .. hmm.. I’m pleased I don’t
have a ‘turkey’ neck (yet) and my décolletage is pretty much wrinkle free – I’m
pleased about that too – as they are body parts that didn’t get a lot of
attention in ‘skin care regimes’ that I had (basic skin care routine – cleanse tone
moisturise). So now – when doing peels etc
also include neck and chest. I don’t
To combat my age spots I have purchased Gundry MD Polyphenol Dark Spot Diminisher Serum – which is supposed to clear them in a couple of weeks – if it does that without the need for harsh laser or a severe chemical peel I will be a happy girly. I have peels – that don’t peel the skin as such – BUT – I have peels. Currently using a multi acid peel that you wash off with water after ten minutes (no more than twice a week until it’s used up). I have tried Dr Dennis wipes – there wasn’t that much of an improvement or any changes that were noticeable. Contemplating doing a TCA – contemplating – as after my multi acid peel is used up I have Dermilogica set of peels to use. (I have the Dermilogica peels – used only for 4 minutes so far – like a test first). Can leave Dermilogica’s peels on for up to 20 minutes. Must use my serums etc – it’s a feeling of accomplishment when I use an entire bottle of a product. Just run out of Lacura Caviar Illuination eye cream, had the avocado eye cream of Lacura’s – used that all up too. They do some nice creams and serums (dupes of La Prairie and La Mer etc) – so I bought Lacura La Soie off ebay as I’ve never seen it in the shop – it’s an amazing cream – and some more Caviar eye cream (off ebay – for pretty much triple of what it would cost in store – it’s been discontinued – sad face). Note to self – when Aldi has eye creams in – buy in bulk.
Frown Lines/squint lines – gave it a Hifu ‘browlift’ – avoiding zapping the centre of the forehead, temples etc (used incorrectly could end up with facial paralysis) – again 6/7 weeks there’s not a lot of difference at the moment.
Massage in the middle of the eyes (the ‘11’s) – with hands and with Therabody, also a new device that I have acquired called the Skinology Soundwave device. Great for pushing products deeper into the skin as well as using as a massager. Unlike sonic (sonic just vibrates not much else) – this gadget uses soundwaves and vibration. I don’t need anymore gadgets – but – if there is an opportunity to try something out for less than £20 – all for it. Like my Foreo Faq1 – RRP £350 – purchase price £18.50. Lumo RRP £500 – purchase price - £20. Pretty much the same with all my gadgets – never the full RRP - as I wouldn’t have them. Simple as that. The biggest device ‘investment’ is the Hifu – that can be used on the face and body – 6/7 weeks in.. not noticed any major changes – yet - skin feels ‘fresher’, ‘softer’ – but – there’s been no fat loss at the moment and I certainly felt it – especially round the jowls/neck area, underarms and inner thighs. Zappity zap zap zapping.
Apparently collagen
production ramps up a couple of months after treatment.. couple of weeks to go
I’ve seen reviews on the Lumo and one of them goes to the extreme of downloading a timer app – it is a very powerful device – and when you’re holding it in your hand you definitely know you have a professional bit of kit – certainly not a toy. I’ve not used it for a couple of months – again - stopped while my dental implant was being fitted etc (tried it after implant settled and it’s fine – implant didn’t jump out of it’s socket and there was no taste of metal – that some have said they tasted after using devices around the jaw line with implants) and haven’t used it due to Hifu recovery – probably be too much for my face to handle – too many treatments at once type thing.
I have also acquired the Portable HF Skin Therapy wand (that can use for hair and scalp) for a tenner. Got some scalp serum (Aldi dupes) - so be interesting to see what that’s like when it arrives. I have a couple of greys now – don’t need to dye my hair yet – but I do – have a couple of greys. The Opatra Luxe brush is my favourite, a vibrating red & blue LED detangling brush (less than £30) – I use it all the time – it detangles and conditions and when I go for hair cuts they always tell me how great the condition of my hair is. Colour Perfection.. yah yah uh huh. All those years ago “your hair is in really great condition” – thank you… a decade and a bit later “your hair is in really great condition”.. thank you – not changed at all - only bar a couple of greys.
Hifu will be two months on 2 July. Vein treatment is another thing on my list, since the damage to my hips and knees – it actually looks like an explosion went off and the veins go right down my leg now. Both of them – as well as broken capillaries on the face due to sun damage/age etc.
All in all – looking pretty good for 50.
Sent the forms off to
immigration… ie: - this is what YOU said and that is the result etc
Nearing the end of June ’24. Hifu update: the creases right in the corner
of my eyes have all but disappeared – BUT – it’s made the wrinkles under the
eyes more noticeable. Around the mouth
is amazing – spend a lifetime sucking straws – end up with wrinkles – as well
as sagging skin around the jaw – the wrinkles around the mouth are much much
less deeper than what they were before – definitely. Especially one particular wrinkle that I’ve
had since the early/mid 30’s. How much
does Hifu treatments cost? £180 upwards
for half hour. There’s been no fat loss
as yet, which is what I’m after. Zap
everything, under the arms, back, inner thighs, hips – ‘body contouring’. The beauty of this particular machine is that
it makes the collagen cells think they are younger than what they are. In saying that – over the years – there is a
lot of sun damage & environmental ‘issues’ that go along with being outside
majority of the time. 50 degrees in
Looking at pain prohibitors and multi-functional machines - red laser helps with inflammation, arthritis etc etc. How much for vein removal treatment? Schlerotherapy is about £1,500 per leg, red veins £210 per session, shockwave pain treatment £150 per session, laser pain treatment/shockwave treatment £150-300 per treatment, lymphatic drainage massage - £60 per session, face peels £180 upwards, laser face treatment £1,000 upwards so on and so forth – massively expensive. So I have invested in a 980nm diode laser. 4-in-1. Treats veins, nail fungus (I don’t have that – I have a split toenail that has never grown back properly since been jumped on at a movie set somewhere a very long time ago) – still treat it anyway. Skin rejuvenation and pain therapy. For the cost of a little over one session of red vein removal. IF IT WORKS. The prior RF vein removal machine that I had – too zappy for me and requires copious amounts of numbing cream and even then – still zappy. Probably could take a couple of pain killer prior – I didn’t – still too zappy for me. Difference between the two machines is – one is laser and the other is RF.
Having an arthritis ‘flare up’ anywhere on you body – get your diode laser and zap it. The sauna and infrared has helped out with that as well as helping with lymphatic drainage – so will this machine cure it. Get rid of veins but the end result is – you will probably have to go back for more treatment sessions on different areas because more veins might pop up in the future – so this machine is worth the investment – that on it’s own – is worth the investment - if it works. Having the machine on hand to zap any pain in the joints – is also worth the investment. I also ‘discovered’ that you can use Aloe Vera gel instead of ultrasound gel while using cavitation & RF devices – and that will save lots because ultrasound gel is expensive – just as expensive as the Nuskin gels – that they say ‘must’ be used with their devices – so that leaves the ultrasound gel needed for the Hifu only. Galvanic gels are sold for about £20 – vs – the Nuksin gels (a set of 5 treatments) for over £80; whereas the bottle of galvanic gel would last probably over a year and have some left over.
Also being a huge fan of serums – I tried the Aldi scalp serum with the RF wand as well as the Nuskin device. I prefer the RF wand on dry hair with no serum – and the Nuskin device with scalp serum. Feels nice and cool on the scalp when put it on but I won’t be buying it again. That’s the first time I used scalp serum, it leaves the hair oily looking as you have to leave it on overnight to get the full benefits of it. Nearly used up one bottle and I can’t say that I’ve noticed that much difference actually. I’ve nearly used up the ‘Hydrate and moisturise Scalp serum’ (leaves hair looking oily and greasy) and the next one is ‘Multi-peptide serum for hair & scalp’.. both were about £4 each in comparison to other hair and scalp serums – that I have never tried. I’m wondering if I can use the Nuskin hair attachment with plain ‘ol hair oil – I’ve not tried that yet. Nearly out of my huge pot of Loreal hair mask and will be moving on to Lacura’s hair oil when it runs out. I’ve had and been using Loreal Elvive’s full resist Power Mask – for nearly a year now. That’s how long it’s lasted. Hair oil lasts for much much less. Only need a little bit on wet hair to condition it. Or you can use it as a mask – I liked to used it as a leave-in conditioner and that’s probably why it’s lasted for as long as it has. I have very few split enz – actually none. Even if hair is left uncut for more than 8 months – still very few - next to no split enz at all - just have to cut the length. Basic cut.
Also now I have a skin care
diary ie: not as anal as the Lumo lady
that got a timer on an app – BUT – a separate diary for skin care treatments ie:
microneedle is a monthly thing, cavitation & RF – 10 to 14 days, face peels
– once a month depending on strength, Lumo is once a week for EMS function
whereas ENI pushes products further into the skin so two to three times a week
so on and so forth. Things like the
Nuskin, soundwave device, massage devices etc can be used as and when required
so have to keep note. And a small bottle
of 30% TCA peel has just showed up, test patched on the back of my arm for 4
minutes. That will probably be a winter
thing as obviously the skin peels and have to avoid sun and the downtime is
over a week. Reviews on youtube..
aaahhhh…skooooz me can I borrraah cup a shoooogahh.. there’s face peeling in
Tasted like a raindrop – she’s
got the look.(they got the pedo look – cos they ARE) - join the joyridiiiiiddddde (they got the pedo look cola’s ‘rape room’ –
siccccker MORE).. lil bit dannnngerus, I so did – wanted a body like that when
I was younger
I’m so excited about the prospect of getting rid of these unsightly veins on my legs.
So I have been writing down what I’ve been doing to my body J Some fascinating youtube ‘vlogs’ out there – like ‘beautyover50’ – she did that (to herself) without plastic surgery – absolutely amazing. Looks like she took twenty years off, really does. I had to get a plumber out as my kitchen taps started leaking (couple of weeks ago actually – and it stopped leaking during the interim – kind of weird, turned out it was the tap that I got, the barrel inside it was loose and the tap had to be replaced – complimented and impressed by my interior design skills. It’s a small flat – every inch of space is valuable. I don’t like clutter. Look at places like Hong Kong etc the ‘apartments’ are minuscule so you *have* to be genius about ‘space saving’ utilising clever ‘hacks’ wherever possible. These machines are big – they take up room, they need a lot of storage space – and that is something that I’ve pretty much just finished (taken a few years just to build storage – as there wasn’t any). Like my drawers. I’m still finding little bits of wood over the place – and I will probably be picking them up for a long time. Did the woodwork inside – can’t really do it outside, I no longer have a garden – there’s only a couple of chunks taken out of the kitchen worktop – which I think is pretty good going. The drawers had to be made to measure as typical bedroom drawers are too big and it would swamp the room giving it that claustrophobic ‘vibe’, so the drawers are made to measure and the way that they are makes the room look bigger than what it is. Also made a cabinet for the RF machine (which is quite big), it’s resting on an angle which makes it – smaller. You can also get hydraulic beds – BUT – if you lift up the bed using hydraulics all the bedding will come off or slide off and you’ll have to remake the bed if you want something from underneath it – plus- you only get half the space as the hydraulics – take up room. So the way that the bedroom is and the way I’ve got loads of storage space now is – drawers/storage box/drawers – made to measure, cabinet with pull out storage box with wheels – made to measure – fits under the RF machine cabinet and that also acts like a seat. So when doing RF etc – can actually sit down or lie down and do it rather than standing up. Foot spa fits nicely in the storage box etc, only put things under the bed that I can fit through the slats – as a general rule – OR – use if I pull the mattress over from left to right & vice versa. Using hydraulics – losing all that space whereas if you slide the mattress across and it rests on the made to measure drawers – so much storage under the bed. So the way that the bedroom is now – it looks bigger than what it is.
I’ve also ‘discovered’ how to get that ‘outdoor freshness’ drying clothes without a dryer. I have blinds, I have coat hangers, I have towel racks. They fit nicely on the blinds. Kitchen looks a bit like a Chinese kitchen – but - amazing – they dry (clothes) within a couple of hours. Multi-purpose kitchen, I have a gym in the cupboard, a spa cupboard, a pantry with a wine rack and blinds that act like clotheslines. Pot lids on the inside of the cupboards, handle-less pots and pans with a couple of ‘old fashioned’ handle pots that fit on the inside of the cupboards. A laundry basket fits nicely into the kitchen cupboard corner – the one where you can’t reach – more space – just have to pull out the containers. Having kitchen stuff in containers is a great idea – because you can pull the whole container out and it acts like a big drawer. Fit so much in there. And the inside of the cupboard – looks tidy and clutter free. Not rummaging around trying to find something, not pulling everything out to get something out from the back, just pull the container out – like a drawer. Someone apparently phoned the plumber about the condensation in their toilet – if she does again - tell her to put bubble wrap around the edge of the cistern – it works. That’s a clever ‘hack’ – see if it works and yes it does. Not sure how or why it works - but it does prevent condensation on the tank of the toilet.
I also finished off the
Lacura hair & scalp serum, standing there using this pathetic pump getting
two squirts at a time, used the whole bottle – and there wasn’t enough for
alllll of my hair, so I left it in and washed it out. After that I used the Lacura Hair oil (as I’ve just finished off the L’Oreal hair mask) – oh my goodness, my hair feels
gorgeous. I only used about 4 or 5
squidgy drops so its going to last much much longer than L’Oreal’s hair oil
that I used to get – and much much cheaper - I’m not sure what it’s a dupe
of. £3.99. Huge difference in condition in relation to
hair mask vs hair oil. Hair oil - all
the time. Bathroom is like Garden of
Eden, the entire wall/s is tiled with iridescent small tiles and if you pull
the curtain, turn on the colour led lights, turn the music up – you could think
you’re in a
Another lady was impressed that I put sparkly glitter in the paint – and lots of it – (in the kitchen) with gold glass mosaic tiles on the doorframes (took the door off – ‘open plan’ – more room) – it sparkles when the sun shines on it J
My 30% TCA peel that I test patched on elbow area is just starting to peel (after about a week), left it on for 4 minutes and it looks like it’s removed the freckle that I covered – obviously back of elbow skin is more sensitive than your face, so that’s ‘interesting’. Reeeeeallly strong peel – resurfacing peel – something that is line with a laser and that does pretty much the same job *as* a laser but for much much less, not even a fraction of the cost of a laser resurfacing treatment, pearl laser is £1,000 – its stayed on that price and TCA is £15. Basically free. Pretty much the same recovery/downtime process. Only difference is you’re doing it to yourself at your own risk. ‘Spaandtell’ 30% TCA peel – youtube. There’s a couple that put 30% under their eyes. First – I’m using up the phytophenol (?) serum by MD.. who is Anthony/tony Robbins’ best pal apparently – to combat my freckles and age spots. First. Do that first, I’m about half way through my bottle and haven’t noticed any changes yet, about a couple of weeks they say. Okay.
Had a busy week. RF thighs, RF knees, spa, sauna, heat and LED therapy .. .. etc..
July ‘24
Interior Design pics – I was looking for that javascript where you click the picture and it clicks into a different picture in the same picture – don’t know what it’s called – picture click - picture in a picture click – not a slideshow – couldn’t find it so made – a montage. The kitchen taps lasted about 6 months, they started leaking – and then – it stopped. I thought – well – I’m not cancelling the plumber as I had waited for a couple of weeks and it stopped leaking during the interim. Very mysterious. That mystery was solved by finding that the barrel inside the tap was broken so the taps had to be replaced. So now I have new taps, they’re quite solid looking not the petite and dainty that I had. I’m not a ‘dude’ – I have priorities – like a spa cupboard. I have self-made pull out kitchen cupboard drawers – like the posh ones that you get that cost much much less than £2k a cupboard. Some pictures that I took of my ‘design skills’- that purple damask wallpaper was upside down and I had to do it again – it was upside down on the roll so it was really awkward trying to get it on and all lined up as the wall itself – is crooked. With lockdowns. Covid, crowvid, pedowood and everything else - the taps were the last thing. I moved the LED’s from off the floor and stuck them under the bench. I had them on the floor on one side of the kitchen, need like a cove-type thing for them to go in ideally, anyway put them under the bench – and I pulled out the fridge and didn’t realise that I dented the vinyl floor – oh nooooooes – there’s a HUGE pull mark where the fridge feet were. How clever is this – I got the iron and ironed it out J Brilliant – you can’t even tell there was nearly a huge hole in the middle of the floor. Heat & vinyl – mould it back into shape and flattens it out. Teeny weeny Swan iron, a travel iron that has the same heat as standard irons – that’s so small – it sits on the canvas shelf that is beside the boiler. So impressed with myself – brilliant. So, the LED’s are under the bench and concealed. Now there’s a big white thing that looks out of place – the radiator. There are ‘radiator covers’ you can get, all it is is a magnet with material on. I have some magnet strips left over from the mozzy nets that I made (for allllll the windows). Magnet strips, white canvas for the edges and fishnet/mozzy net material – take them down and wash them as & when required. The mozzy fabric is cheap enough if it gets worn out can be replaced and I have the magnets already so I don’t have to buy them again – just replace the fabric. So I got my magnet that was left over and put it round the edge of the radiator, I have enough for kitchen and the bedroom radiator so now all I need is material. If it’s sparkly – the LED will make it – more sparkly. The cost of these radiator covers are £50 and upwards (£50 for the smallest size). I’m not going to spend that much on material – not just to cover one radiator, might do – to cover the whole lot – but – the material has to go with the colour scheme of the room obviously. Put tin foil down the back of the radiator to prevent heat loss – do that – just to see if it works and/or reflector fabric. How to - dress a radiator.
Also a big tub of Aloe Vera arrived and I used it with nearly all my microcurrent/RF devices – and it’s much much better. Because with the gel – it is not pleasant, probably why I have been inclined to use it less and been slightly put off – because the gel is quite ick and not giving my skin any benefits other than being a conductor for the devices. With the Aloe Vera – it dries up less quickly and is so much more nicer on the skin – it’s like your skin a drink of water, don’t have to wipe it off or wash it off and it feels so nice afterwards that I look forward to the next treatment.
My vein machine has not showed up – the updates on it said it was ‘delayed’ and then it said it had been ‘delivered’ – and it hasn’t – not to me. I spoke to their customer service and it’s now a ‘refund’ update. Their customer service was much better this time (AliExpress – sponsor of ‘garef sowfgate & ‘Frexit’ ‘24’) –horrible, patronising, purposely irritating idiotic customer service rep – I said to him – “stop calling me ‘dear’ – I’m not your ‘dear’” – I’m not an old lady either. Try and avoid talking to them because two seconds later “…. dear” – on the end of every sentence - only talk to them - if it’s *absolutely necessary* - so my machine hasn’t showed up and I had to talk to them – it was necessary – there were no ‘dears’ involved – it was a woman I spoke to probably why. ‘…. ‘dude’’ Injin innit..it’s probably ‘dooood’ – dude lyin in the bath with all his drug money and then he goes on a show to win millyins by getting his friend to google the answers live on air. Slum cheaters. Ahhh ‘fashion for pedoes’ complete with ‘designer terrorists’ etc – what a delightful ‘charity’/’charities’ they are - sicker more. Hideously demonic disgusting scum – sicker much much more.
Anyway – my vein machine - it’s a 4 in 1 machine, it eradicates foot fungi – if you have it – and veeeeeiiinnnns - it does veins. That’s why I got it – the fact that it also treats arthritis is a bonus as is skin rejuvenation. Vascular Removal – my legs haven’t seen any sun at all - especially not in the last few years. Skin graft is still healing and he took that from my thigh and of course from the damage of my hips and knees – I have veins all around my knee, thigh and all the way down my leg – I think he was pretty careful not to get ‘veined up’ skin and get a descent bit instead. So that’s still healing, for a ‘TT’ it takes about a year to heal anyway – with the skin graft a little bit longer.
I’ve been using MD’s phyto..? serum for over a week now and my freckle is still there… 30% TCA – I’m looking at it. Considering – contemplating.. maybe.. maybe get a 15%... finking about it. Don’t normally buy things to ‘think about it’ – but – it’s there should I decide to use it. Are able to dilute it apparently - not sure how to as I haven’t checked that out yet.
The ‘no-sew’ radiator cover by Prestigious Textiles called ‘Lava Carbon’.. the volcanooooo. Looks better with Led off the floor and the sparkles in the paint when the sun shines on it.. oozes coolness (pic to follow - unable to upload it for some strange reason - (must be those silent bugs.. in Nantucket)
Next – I am going to attempt to make an LED plant pot using Resin and fairy lights. (I decided against that)
Amyway, about a month or so in at being 50. I gave myself Botox J ‘Dude’ – I don’t call anyone ‘dude’- its like putting ‘woo!!’ at the end of every sentence – because they get excited about the excitement of being paedophiles they want everyone else to be excited about being paedophiles – that’s why they clap for themselves (as they make their own shit up and laugh in yah face cos they got so exited about being pedoes they got/get more excited abut making their paedophilia – about themselves – when they already ARE – etc – hideouser MORE completely totally retarded hideously disgusting demonic SCUM – get sicker and sicker as their ‘pedo ball’ rolls along). – ‘dude’ – put $1 thousand bucks in his face. ‘here and here and here’.. okay.. couple of days ago.. checking out my frown lines.. try and avoid ‘resting frowning’ – so I’m testing out my frown.. little bit less wrinkly than it was yesterday. And apparently – there is a saline shortage in the US and the doctors have been told to ‘use other means’ *cough* - be pedoes – whatever it takes – that’s the name of their ‘game’ – sicker – yes – they ARE paedophiles – they have established that – all on their own – with encouragement by other paedophiles to BE paedophiles rapists and terrorists – etc – ridiculous. More. So anyway, re: the saline shortage – they have been told to use ‘whatever else’ – and have tested the saline and it’s safe 199 days later – it doesn’t *have* to be used within 4 days after opening. ‘Interesting’. I’ve got Botox in the fridge!! $50 bucks. Botox Party!! Gave myself a ‘lip flip’ – feeling a bit.. weird .. at the moment – it’s probably starting to work probably why it’s feeling a bit.. can’t think of a word to describe it.. couple of days in.. The ‘neuromodulator’ in Ottawa, Canadaaaa says – that you can even do wrinkles under the eye – but – if you squeeze the skin under they eye and it doesn’t flatten within 3 seconds – shouldn’t do it otherwise – you’ll get ‘scrotum’ eyes.. so I squeezed and it flattened pretty much straight away… not sure if I’ll do it, wear off in under 3 months.. 3 months of ‘scrotum eyes’.. nahhh
So I testing out my frown, go outside, sunnies on – no squinting. Brilliant.
‘sensible’ .. they’re paedophiles,
rapists, child molesters, pillagers plagiarists serial raping trafficker profiteering
terrorists and ‘fixers’ for their own vulgarity – that’s THEM – not the paedophiles
rapists child molesters serial raping traffickers etc that they lock up – chuck
‘em a fiver - hideous degenerates, absolutely completely revolting hideously
disgusting totally completely demonic SCUM – get sicker & sicker &
sicker & sicker – oh look!! There you are!! BEING a paedophile, a rapist
and a terrorist etc – sicker & sicker along with paedophile Eastenders
degenerate coronation street killer neighbours and Home & away ‘security
services’ – that take it upon themselves to pillage and abuse someone they may
or many not have met because.. – they’re hideously disgusting demonic scum
raping for rapists that milk their own paedophilia for all its worth and then
some – sicker and sicker and sicker and sicker hideouser hideouser waaaaaay
waaaaaay more grotesque – deeeeeply disturbed revolting degenerates – hideouser
MORE. I’m not Scottish (either) – Ewan paedophile
Mcgregor is though. Sicccccccccck hiddddeous
degenerates – sicker MORE. Chelsea
Garden – is still there – considering how much miney they wanted to have it
removed (bankruptcy bill) while and during ‘fixing’ their paedophilia for
themselves – again & again & again – it’s unkept mess, there’s mould
all over the pillars – looks horrible.
If you had younger kids living there – they’d be the last thing anyone
would want in their garden. There’s a
patio then steps up into the garden where the pillars are – and a trampoline is
in the middle of that. Probably has a safety
net going round the trampoline because – obviously if bounce of that – straight
into a concrete pillar. They wanted £23,
£24k – something stupid – stupid amount of money – to have it removed and it’s
*STILL* there. Ridiculous. That was 2016 – between 2016 and 2024 – they just
get sicker – waaaay more ridiculously retarded demonic vulgar revolting MORE.
Now I don’t have a garden – I’m
thinking… where am I going to put the
I found some ‘before’ Hifu pictures - it’s the most unflattering picture – my face isn’t all scrunched up but I made sure my fat was visible and took some ‘after’ Hifu pictures – there is – huge difference, under the chin and jowls could be done again, maybe a 1.5 or a 2 on the neck, same around the eyes. The 2 cartridge is what sells it, especially for the eyes and around the mouth. It is painful, the lower the mm of cartridge the more it hurts due to the layering of skin. 6mm upwards – don’t feel a thing. Might get a twinge from the 6 – basically nothing upwards.
Mesotherapy, microneedling, cavitation, vacuum, Radio Frequency, Ultrasound, Microcurrent, Galvanic devices and of course Bosiden IPL laser hair remover with a skin rejuvenation mode. Brilliant device, haven’t shaved my legs in months, leave it for months and only have a little patch of hair that’s been missed – that’s all that grew back over months and months - *must* be persistent. Sounds easy but it’s the most challenging thing – not difficult, using something as per manufactures instructions over a period of time then maintenance afterwards – why the Hifu is a marvellous invention – once and done (generally) and perhaps again every 10/11 months. Collagen collagen collagen. So, the second 980nm diode laser – hasn’t even been sent and there was an issue with that so that’s not going to show up. IPL lasers with ‘skin rejuvenation’ mode – are they the same that target vascular lesions. So I emailed Bosiden and they sent me a quick explanation on what their ‘SR’ mode is for, didn’t mention anything about thread veins – so I’m doing that to see if it ‘whitens’ my skin (that’s what they call basically making freckles disappear), if it does the same to my broken capillaries and maybe my leg/s – it’d be amazing.
I’m thrilled what Botox has done to my frown line – thank you Dan Aesthetics from Ottowaaa Canadaaaahh. Really got up close and personal, had his youtube on my 80” screen and got up reeeaaaaally close to get a good view of where he’s put that needle. Couple of weeks and the frown lines are starting to disappear, everyone… 99% of people of the whole wide world squint and eventually end with frown lines – the trick is – to get Botox before you need filler before you get permanent frown lines in between your forehead. I’ve never injected anything in my life. Have now. J Nicely done – ME!
Over half way through 2024 – that wizzed by. I’ve also got a compression suit that’s due to arrive soon that is specifically for lymphatic drainage – to be used twice a week. Skin graft has settled, skin is growing – not fully healed yet, Lost 5kg – it literally fell off rather than being sucked out. I go by dress sizes – I very rarely weigh myself – if – ie: sluggish, tired, exhausted etc that basically means I’m putting on weight and/or now – thyroid issues and/or both. 125mg to 50/25 alternate days. At 125mg – I could only stay awake for about 4 hours a day – it’s as if it’s recouped itself but not quite.
Pressure Suit. I have a leg compression massage – they do feel better afterwards so it’d be ‘interesting’ how/if it kick starts the bodily functions with regards to lymphatic drainage.
This is what *I* call ‘funny: Astronaut Compression Skinsuits | Australian Space Agency
So, the vein laser never
arrived and the second one nearly triple more with ‘customs duties’ so got a
refund on that and found a far more superior brand by the name of Zemits – can’t
wait for it to arrive because one of these sessions apparently ‘allegedly’
equates to ten lymphatic drainage massages and prevents varicose veins.. ‘allegedly’
– plus – I also found a IPL-e-light-RF laser for a fraction of the cost and
that’s apparently to destroy thread veins etc
Lol at that ‘while floating around’.. lol … ‘in micorgravity’’ it continues and then it will start ‘talking’ about how Nasa ‘pirated’ Star Trek or vice versa accompanied with and by ‘cheese’, ‘pizza’.. etcertrahhh
Nasa.. this one time .. at bandcamp..
Sicker MORE
End of August – my eyebrow muscles are totally strong. Can actually see the muscle – I can hold it/them between my fingers - I have a small forehead – no wrinkles - at all - on my forehead - if I put Botox in the no-go area my forehead won’t drop much – I can still frown. They will start shrinking soon hopefully. ‘Be conservative’ they said – ‘this stuff is ‘precious’.. lol. A lady tells her injector – “I don’t want my forehead to move”. Inserts a whole bottle in her forehead. Little bit too conservative I think. I also ‘discovered’ a more precise mesotherapy device – the Lilly insulin pen with refillable cartridges. Genius. A session of Mesotherapy - £450. I seen a woman from NZ doing it on youtube (oh wow! They have internet over there!! Probably an ‘algorithm’ – there’s lots of them about! - Miracle H) –but - there’s another guy on Youtube, goes by the name of ‘Viana Care’ – lol at the introduction. I put a drop under my eye – just to test it out and it left a lump that took a couple of days to go down – and today – the lump is gone and it has smoothed out that area of skin. Amazing.
Learn how to cut your own hair – on youtube, bought a pair of scissors especially for that. They wonder why 85% of their viewers don’t subscribe – if you buy something – there is probably a review for it – (Brexit is the exception – there’s ‘comedies’, ‘movies’, ‘news’, ‘magazines’, ‘fake nooz media’ , ‘tv series’, numerous ‘documentaries’ marketing AND *paid sponsors’ AND ‘PR’ complete with hundreds of paedophile politicians and thousands of rapist ‘actors’ – with one ‘goal’ – to convince themselves they’re not paedophiles - *and* it’s got some ‘fantastic’ reviews – there’s Benedict – rolling around in his wods of cash he got pretending he’s not a paedophile etc whereas most of youtubers end up competing against other youtubers that will buy shit they don’t need – just to review it - and what they bought – doesn’t pay for itself – can’t even take it back and get a refund – because they’ve used it – once – and probably never will again. There’s no ‘comedy’ channels on youtube (contrary to popular ‘belief’ –Brexit isn’t a ‘comedy’ – it’s a paedophile frenzy and nothing else – there’s no ‘sitcoms’ either – I’ve never met that retarded twat that thinks he’s a giraffe with their ‘tribute’ to the holocaust on the pizza pedo express (ridiculously retarded degenerates – sicccccck siccccck – ‘awight luv’ – ‘have some pizza luv’ ‘free food’ – yeah yeah there’s Rita whore with her cheezles (that incidentally married jojo rabbit that dresses up as Hitler and ‘the naahhhhzis the nahhhzies’ etc with the ‘jooface’ the jooface’ scrunches up his paedophile face like he’s a constipated because he’s been taking it from the rear with shatter – I mean shatner – while Blair & Murdoch whisper sweet nothings in each others ears while ‘arranging’ more notches on their bed posts with their sheep & pigs etc – ‘the flake noooz meedeeyahh’ and their ‘glaring’ paedophilia that is classed *as* ‘comedy’ that all hold hands and sing ‘koombayahhh’ while abusing the victim they’re pillaging – ridiculous waaay more - hideous degenerates – sicker MORE – basically youtube is all reviews and ‘how-to’s’ – look at you cutting your own hair – I shan’t be doing it with a glass of wine. Injins and Idians – super fast – they waaaaay slowwww.
My immigrant photo doesn’t look too bad actually – considering I’m 50. slightly saggy jowl there – not bad not bad. RF lower face accompanied by another Hifu treatment possibly and Botox to lift the corners of the mouth, IPL vein treatment as well correct sun damage and broken capillaries followed by a facial peel. S-shape max and Zemits Pressotherapy – I never have to go to a beauty salon – ever again. Just like I’ve never bought KFC since finding the KFC recipe (not identical – duplicate – but amazingly close). The pressotherapy machine is amazing – but – you couldn’t have a facial at the same time if anyone did it at the salon – LED over your face is better. ‘photofacial’. I have just injected my face with 0.2ml of Miracle – haven’t used the whole lot nor did I numb my face either. The needle is 2.5mm – really really small – pretty much the same as microneedling as it is a ‘nano needle’ and I’ve just done my eyes and around the mouth. Insulin needle is 4mm that can use for other areas of the face. Botox needle is 8mm – anything above that is way too long. How good is my lymphatic drainage – brilliant – now that I have Zemits… ‘Expert’.. Dannn
So my upper lip is slightly swollen and under my eyes is slightly red at the moment. Comparing the two – botox and Miracle – totally different – BUT – under my eyes can hold botox (pleased about that because it indicates that the skin around my eyes is in relatively good nick) - that only lasts for a month or so as the dose is teeny weeny and it paralyses muscles so prevents/slows down the ageing process - whereas this Miracle - I put a drop in and it smoothed out and lasts for up to a year. Also IPL vascular treatment to eradicate unsightly veins (fingers crossed it works) along with Zemits that prevents varicose veins. Sort my legs out – then I’ll get a fake tan. Have you ever? – had a face scan to check out your sun damage.. slip slap slop – I didn’t – haven’t – used that much sun screen on my face – ever. I have SPF50 now. Don’t look too ‘weathered’ or ‘run down’ by life – which is pretty good all things considered. Can definitely tell what side I sleep on though. Haven’t lost any important facial fat which is good because I don’t want to end up getting fat injections in my cheeks – just jowls/jaw area. The ‘cult’ Rejuran Healer – the face ‘fixer’. Soon. And there’s ‘ogliopeptide’ – on sale for less than a tenner – that is found in £800 topical face creams. The building blocks of skin. And and and – that ‘PRP’ plasma injections – is a pile of shit – apparently (won’t be trying that) – where you extract blood, separate the blood and plasma and inject plasma back into your face – yeah nah – won’t be doing that. Estrogen cream – helps with wrinkles – allegedly - it costs less than a fiver.
Dan in
So I’ve got my hairdressing scissors… (I did a pretty good job actually - thanks myself)
I gave myself another Hifu treatment followed by IPL ‘facial’ – totally expensive – if it was done in a salon. But it wasn’t. so far so good – the veins on my legs HAVE faded – so excited. Really good because my legs are so white and the veins are like – in your face – and on my face. Do that too. Hurts. Yes it does. Do décolletage too. Really nervous as I have little tiny eye patches that block IPL laser and having laser so close to the eyes – I developed a ‘technique’. There is an RF handle on it that I have ‘lightly’ used – ‘lightly’ – testing it out. It goes up to 25jm2 – not entirely sure if that is salon grade because the other RF handle I have the skin gets hotter and while sitting there doing my knees I get sleepy because it’s so warm and relaxing – plus have to get it to 40-43 degrees for five minutes for fat loss. Have to be careful don’t get fat loss in the wrong places.
Thinking about a holiday – done the ‘medical tourism’ – done the ‘backpacking’ – done the ‘first class’ – I don’t need to go to a ‘spa retreat’ .. finking finking. ‘action’ holiday – I’m old now. Do I really need to be telling that to myself – no – generally there was a point where I couldn’t remember how old I was – because no one tells me how old I am – birthdays/new years etc – been – on my own – more so since 2011 – ‘spam’ ‘bot’ ‘troll’ etc - horrendous hideously eeeeevil pieces of shit – go to a different country – don’t take a paedophile as a guest along with so-called ‘justice ministers’ that are in the serial raping trafficking business with their ‘fixers’ for their own hideously demonic vulgarity – siccccker MORE – and they pillage someone else’s life and make about themselves and make their own shit up and laugh in yah face and – sicccccck hideously demonic SCUM – sicker and sicker and sicker MORE and more way more ridiculously retarded MORE. Hideous degenerates – sicker MORE. 2024 – sicker. Sicccccccccck hideously revolting inbreds – sicker & sicker & sicker more preciousssss - more ridiculous MORE. 50. Bit different – it’s like when first passport expires – where have you been in those ten years – what have you done in those ten years etc 50 – what have you done to get those saggy jowls? 50 … neigggghhh
Sicker & sicker. Not that many have noticed that they’re ridiculously demonic paedophiles slopping around in their own cesspit they affectionately refer to as their ‘pedo paradise’– ‘they can do anything they want’ –yah yah – so they’re pedoes and nuffink else – hideous degenerates- sicker MORE and their paedophile parties rage on.
That was Pirates
2011 to Prague 2022 to my espresso martini in 2024 - they done something to
'upgrade' blogger - not entirely 'tech savvy' but those pedoes sure do get
precious - hideouser more. I will attempt to figure out how to upload
soonish - while the pedoes 'find’ more ways of making their retardation about
themselves - that's their 'pedo files' and their paedophile bullshit all wapped
up in the Brexit movie - siccccck MORE.
Obama trump and
Phuket. Hep A injections left over from
From the city to the beach. I don’t have a favourite beach - I have lots of favourites – there’s lots of beaches – everywhere in the whole wide world – some are more polluted than others. I’m off to Phuket and I’m going to be as lazy as I can possibly be. Checking out the ‘scams’ on youtube.... doing my ‘research’ .. travel light-ly etc
Uhoooooohhh sometimmmes I get
a feeling.. yeah
Flo Rida.. is from
At least Brandy are ‘good kids’ – like that time they were on ‘punked’.
‘The ultimate Thailand Travel itinerary’… the finger… the cave… the finger… the cave.... Chiang Mai.. Chiang Rai. Then I read the comments.. .. yeah.. thaaaat. Fellow travellers - they go there (I got a postcard of an invisible shrimp once) - and they end up staying for longer.
The ‘quintessential traveller’ – so much nicer when someone else does it all for you
From backpacking to first class to VIP to quintessential… I’m old now – I don’t want to be sleeping on rickety beds.
not 'presentable' at the moment... but..
Look somewhere to put my travels – they have ‘make money’ links on their platform
The internet boom – that made
the internet go bust… the piracy boom – that made pedowood go bust – and they’ll
cut your internet off as a ‘favour’ for paedophiles (cos they pillaged someone else’s
life and made about themselves etc etc – over 30 years later.. know how fcked
up that is. That’s how paedophiles ‘fix’
their retardation for *themselves* - they ‘believe’ that if they make their paedophilia
about themselves – when they already are – pedoes convince pedoes that they’re
not pedoes.
Currently still planning hols
to Thailand, it sounds very boring – but - the boiler needs a service later on
in the month – which is normally January (changed service date as new boiler
was fitted a while back), Nov/Dec –Feb is good time to travel apparently. Massive Buddha there. On the trip to
Had full intention of going
there and doing nothing – I doubt very much that’s going to happen though. In the planning stage.
The gas has been serviced –
done for another year. The cupboard – I had
to be inventive because I ran out of wood – so it was like bits of a puzzle joined
together with plastic corner joints - trying to work around the pipes for
shelving. Lasted a couple of years
before it fell down – didn’t fall down completely but that side went a bit
awol. After taking it to pieces – again –
to attempt to redo it, I was outside with my table and hand saw sawing two
minutes at a time – having a rest, saw for two minutes – have a rest. The neighbour heard me and said he would cut
my wood for me!! Ahhhh yess!! He has one of those jigsaws – I have tried to
use one – never again. He also said that
he has some wood that I could use – so cut that to size for shelving. Ten hours later – it looks presentably ‘professional’. Plus I made some small shelving beside the
boiler so I don’t have to take everything out of the cupboard when it gets
serviced again. Added bonus.
Back to planning hols. Nearly a year since last check up at the
plastic surgery clinic – be a year on the 30th November. Found the train ticket in my wallet. Actually – possibly another one in December
last year might’ve been the last one. I’m
*still* all about ‘lymphatic drainage’.
I knew it would take a while to heal – but - with the flesh wound a
little bit longer. It’s not as rock
solid as it was – whole midriff/abdomen was hard. For ages.
Still is but not as much. Still
flat. Probably be flatter in a while as
I will still be doing lymphatic draining on a regular basis with the
Zemits. The NZ govt is getting my condo
ready for me *obviously* - I think they’ll find I’m neither a ‘dude’ nor
Nigerian either. I don’t have an
American passport – because I’m not. Nor
do I have a British one – or Russian – Chinese – French – German – Canadian – Australian
– or Saudi Arabian etc etc – either. I
got a letter from credit card people informing me that they’ve increased my
credit limit – fabulous – you can’t travel without one – nor a passport either ‘funnily
enough’. Especially being forced into bankruptcy
and people I’ve never met making their own shit up and laughing in my face etc –
don’t’ give it a second thought – it’s ‘lolz’ – everything is ‘lolz’ – paedophiles
‘so hilarious’ ridiculous waaaaaay waaaay more.
There’s some more pedoes ‘destroying’ ‘evidence’ of their paedophilia
with hammers and bleach etc while they shagged a sheep to give birth a pig to consummate
their paedophilia etc – because
The laser is working well on my legs – not so much with my broken facial capillaries or freckles – I didn’t get the ‘speckling’ that they talk about in the youtube videos. Have to play around with the settings – still not entirely sure about them and because it’s e-light (a more advance IPL as it has RF energy – that hurts less) – have to be cautious as it is a laser and could do some serious damage with it if used inappropriately. And I gave myself another Botox treatment – much much better than the last time, the dents – ‘number 2’s’ – have decreased as have the muscles above my eyes. Really really pleased about that. Anyone knows – trauma ages, stress ages, life ages – get a glimpse of what you’ll like when your’re really really old – and that – is the treatment that needs to be ‘performed’.. hifu, laser, botox, microneedling… growth factor.. and all that. I also ‘discovered’ some people are having botox injected in their skull to prevent sweaty hair.. ‘interesting’. Save a few quid on dry shampoo – I never got on with that, it’s powdery like talcum powder kind of.
The latest gadgets I have acquired for the fraction of the cost – is Ninja 10-in-1 ice cream maker and Tefal Sphericook multicooker – 16-in-1. All about space saving. I have a crockpot – it only slow cooks – etching to try the Tefal out as well as my coffee frappe that I have in the freezer for the creami. (put some baileys in it). I have an ice cream maker – but – make it and it goes straight in the freezer or you could eat it straight away as it’s softer obviously – the creami – you freeze the ingredients first and have to wait for 12 hours. It’s so loud. It’s like when you got a microwave when they first came out – switch it on – reluctantly – thinking its going to bang. But all is fiiiinnnne. Then you start getting a bit more confident with it. I tried a raspberry blueberry slushy (put some vodka in it). So nice, it was just basically frozen fruit – scoopable not drinkable - maybe didn’t put enough liquid on top of the mixture to make it slushier.
Good that the creami has its own shelf in the boiler cupboard (that is being held up with an adjustable shower rail) and the tefal is going to go in the laundry basket that will be in the corner of the kitchen cupboard that normally can’t get to.
Fingers crossed the rest of my shelving…
Nearing the end of November,
be nice to spend New Year in
say – that I’ve never met Ricky Gervais – what makes him think he’s ‘free’ to
pillage and abuse someone he’s never met.
Just get more retarded - my car – one of the Ad’s on his show
complimented me on my car ‘nice car’ – ‘thank you; - after that it got stolen –
the next one they blew up and the last one got destroyed as it sat for soooooo
loooong as paedophiles rapists and terrorists were making their own shit up and
laughing in my face – because they all got cash incentives to be murderers
basically. That’s their NHS – they all
got a couple of million each for that with backhanders and bribery & ‘favours’
for pedo mates etc. Now – if I talk to
the doctor (thyroid medication has gone down – again) – they literally hang up
before the conversation ends type thing – they refuse to ‘investigate’ their own
paedophilia and don’t like the result of their OWN retardation. One of them a while back ‘don’t want to talk
about your mental health’ - they definitely know they’re paedophiles –
terrorists and worse – I have even told them myself – personally – face to
face. Shrug it off – laugh it off. Way passssed totally demonic – have the audacity
to patronise more ie;– paedophile soccer players ‘it’s coming home’ – yeah you
should – send me back to my own fckn country – with house – replacement vehicle
and disability – that’s the absolute minimum – oh look there’s Chuckie and Randall
with their ‘metaphors for rape’. Waaaaay
back in 1990 – there was another incident - after my brother was murdered I went there
before I got a job and left – they had be pinned up against the wall and a then
girlfriend of one of them at the time walked in and she screamed at the top of
her lungs ‘RAPIST’ – they beat her to a pulp.
On the ground, kicking her face, her head – everywhere – a few days
later someone said that she too – was raped – that was waaaaay back in 1990 –
and they made about themselves over 30 years later – on a scale of fccccckd
upppppp… how the fuck do paedophiles make someone else’s life – about themselves
- because they’re paedophiles capitalising on their demonicness – they block
mock troll because they don’t want anyone knowing that they’re paedophiles
rapists terrorists and worse – even more ridiculously vulgar – meddling pillaging
profiteering paedophiles. Brain damaged
rugby players, paedophile soccer players = rapist actors – serial raping trafficking
politicians – terrorist singers etc etc – my own life – how fck dare YOU pillage
it meddle interfere etc etc hiddddeously
eeeeevil pieces of shit – sicker. Because if you have empathy for someone who
makes an allegation after – a serious incident has taken place – that make up their
own stories in an effort to conceal their vulgarity years later – more than once
– they’re leeches that think they can take advantage (& do because they’re paedophiles
etc ) and ‘recruit’ more pedoes to ‘help out’ with being paedophiles and use
abuse as a tool to abuse more and the retards ‘dunnoooss’ what they are – they were
told in 2011 that they’re paedophiles etc there they are taking advantage –
again & again & again & again - siccccckkk hidddeous degenerates. Lol at Greta
– that ‘climate change’ fund is worth a few billion – chuck ‘em a fiver as well
as some pizza that they ‘love’. ‘Interesting’
how a massacre in
Anyway, repaired the storage where the boiler is and even made a little stand for my new gadgets. So much better because when I need to get the air fryer out I don’t have to pull everything out of the cupboard because it was all piled up and sat on top of each other. So much better. Got a miniature shelf beside the freezer – snug fitting shelf that can hold lemonade. Never buy lemonade – but I found a couple of recipes for the ninja creami with lemonade. That’s the only reason I bought lemonade. I mixed up some Blue Lagoon cocktail and stuck it in the freezer. Pina Colada – it’s in there too. Espresso Martini – yip that too. So yummy – can’t wait to drink it later – I had a spoonful of it frozen and un-ninja’d… mm mm mmm… used up all my Blue Curacao that’s been sat in the cupboard for a reeeeealllly loooooong tiiime. Pleased the shelving decided to near fall down before I go on hols.
The airfyer – I only really use it for KFC. Haven’t bought any KFC in years – that recipe is my favourite. The Tefal 16-in-1 is impressive, tried the porridge – brilliant – chuck it all in and done. Timer works too. Brilliant. Made a yummy Beef Bourguignon – delish. Had a go at rice – el cheapo first – not brilliant, second attempt was better.
I have a machine flying to me from China, waiting on that to arrive – been about 8/9 weeks wait so far – it was delayed for 30 days – should be any day now – then I’ll be flying to Thailand because I definitely won’t get there on a boat.
far it’s
Even if I don’t get there for New Years, it’ll defo be 2025.
I don’t mind cooking porridge
now – I don’t mind eating it either.
This Tefal has a porridge function – just whack it all in and it does it
all for you. Went through a noodle faze
for ages. Tried a breadmaker.. hmm so so. The rice cooker in the Tefal – better on the second
attempt. In
I’ve been to America and now they
have Trump going be President (again – because that other thing Malakala knows all
her mates are pedoes and paid her billions & vice versa so she was obliged to
perform – really are that - ‘happily stupid’ and vacant – and after Pizza Pedoes
detested and protested and had lots and lots of paedophile performances – they’re
still pedoes. In the trump camp it
appears he’s being advised by another savile – ‘be best’ was another TV program
with LOTS of pedoes in it and also that paedophile actor Channing Tatum – that was
also in a movie with lots of pedoes in it.
Why they call Pedowood – Pedowood.
Pedoes.. duh with ‘
I am going to be booking my
flight to
‘What’s around the corner for
Waaaaaaaay passssssed toooootally demonic. They laugh it off and laugh in yah face - all they do - make stuff up laugh in yah face - make stuff up laugh in yah face - hideous pieces of grotesque revolting shit - sicker and sicker. Someone said to me a while back ‘sometimes it’s easier to watch it sink’. A steady downward spiral for ‘quite some time’ - They’re ridiculous - waaaay waaay more. They do - froth at the mouth. Whether it’s on social media or face to face - that’s govt’s and it’s agencies paedophiles - not someone suffering from rabies - SICK SICK - hideous totally demonic scum - grotesque inbreds - sicker MORE.
Hear that? ‘sssshhhh’ - It’s the sooooooound of peeeedoes - hideous revolting inbreds - sicker and sicker and sicker and sicker waaaay more ridiculously vulgar grotesque MORE.
They saiiiiiddddd....CLICK HERE..
Back to booking my hols
Haven’t done any bookings as
yet (hols to
Ideally - it’d be nice to travel with people and be shown the sights via chauffeur (because I’m old and getting lazy) - and since having no friends - at all - especially not since 2011 - and that’s a paedophile that knows someone that’s a paedophile so on and so forth and if going abroad - don’t take a paedophile as guest - because that paedophile knows that paedophile is a paedophile that is also a ‘quintessential’ paedophile that somehow ended up on Paedophile Island via media transfer where they all demonstrate eating pizza along with paedophile ‘syndicates’ etc sicker and sicker waaaay waaaay more grotesque way more.
Ridicccc - completely retarded - waaay MORE. Totally brain damaged - sicker MORE.
So I haven’t booked anything as
yet… scam scam scam - get off the plane
- it’s a scam - someone talks to you - it’s a scam - I’m sure it’s not that
bad. Because I have googled. Hurrahh!!
What they like? ‘Hilarious’ everything is ‘lolz’.. make stuff
up and ‘lolz’ and they do - laugh in your face as they make their own shit up
and patronise antagonise because they’re paedophiles ‘getting off’ on being
demonic scum. Sue the Minster of Justice
= ‘paranoid schizophrenic’ What does
that mean - in the ‘polls’ - it means they’re peeedoes rapists and terrorists -
‘you know’ ‘haha’s’. Ridiculous more. 51p on
What they like? Totally ‘hilarious’ aren’t they - happily
stupid - must be nice to be ‘airy fairy’ and not give the slightest fuck how
the ‘actions’ of paedophiles rapists child molesters serial raping traffickers and
terrorists in their paedophile frenzy - pretty much destroyed the world - for a
‘laugh’ - all ‘fun’ - then they get the aftermath of the afterparty of the paedophile
frenzy - that’s ongoing and majority of imbeciles are totally oblivious that
that is a direct result of their paedophilia terrorism and serial raping trafficking
and profiteering on being totally demonic inbreds. That’s just me - I’m not a ‘hit and run’ type
person - nor have I ever pillaged someone else’s life or meddled or interfered
with another persons life - because that
is a criminal ‘act’ - on it’s own - nor have I received any ‘joo cash’ - nor
have I paid paedophiles rapists and terrorists to make stuff up to ‘fix it’ FOR
paedophiles rapists and terrorists etc - like so many do and so many that like
to ‘pretend’ they’re not totally demonic scum like that - laugh it off - it’s
all ‘lolz’. ‘rofl’s’ and ‘lolz’. Ridiculous.
More. FBI.. CIA.. they’re supposed
to be more ‘intelligent’ than the serial raping trafficking police and the
Killer NHS - that clap for themselves as they make their own shit up and laugh
in yah face etc.. Awight Colz? Colz wif
his pizza and Benedict with his bat and lettuce etc. The next episode of ‘
Grotesque. So much more than *just* totally completely demonic - hideouser and hideouser waaay more.
Quite a mellow start to 2025, pleased that I have more than 51p now.. phew!! Still on a budget though and planning hols. Fixing the kitchen for less than £50, got glue remover all over the bench by accident and it damaged the vinyl so replace that.. all DC fix. Brilliant stuff. Amazing. Fixed the cupboard door for £8 (took a couple of chunks out of it while building drawers) - so that’s done. Replaced all the cupboard handles - £16. Had to get a new phone because my phone is so old the ebay app no longer works on it - prior to that it was the Samsung. The Samsung phone at the Samsung launch (years ago) was so small and cute - I don’t think it had internet on it. I lost it while ‘working’ on War Horse (made about himself! did you know Steven Spielberg is a paedophile - and if you call standing around in a field doing f all ‘working’ - it was ‘hard core’, it was Pinkus that found it - such a fluke. Didn’t think I’d see that again).. What’s Brexxxxxit? The ‘documentary’ about paedophiles being paedophiles capitalising ON their paedophilia pillaging someone else’s life to make their retardation about themselves when they ALREADY ARE hideously demonic scum and have been for decades etc etc etc - definitely not a ‘fan’. They could probably tell - which is why they block mock pillage gloat flaunt make stuff up & lolz annnd repeat.. ridiculous waaay more.
“you’ve been demonised” said a paedophile (in 2018 -along with ‘spam’, ‘bot’, ‘troll’ etc - because they meddled and pillaged someone else’s life to play rape for rapists ‘game’ - pedoes - if one of them gets caught BEING a paedophile - they just allll gang up and rape for rapists) - since then there’s been covid lockdowns and all kinds of ‘gates’ and ridiculous ‘inquiries’ with the sole purpose of ‘not finding anything’ - because they’re paedophiles spinning their own bullshit and rolling around in it - that still like to ‘pretend’ that they’re not hideous degenerates tooootally hideously disgusting demonic ridiculously retarded SCUMMM - sicccker MORE. What they like? Lol .. oo oo I know - hideously demonic SCUM revolting inbreds - hideouser & hideouser waaay more.
Meanwhile they just get grosser and grosser and more and more retarded way way more demonic - way more. Wow - demonic. Spectacularly hideously demonic… not just *any* demonic.. so so evil - with lotsa lotsa ‘rofls’ and lotsa lotsa ‘lolz’ - what they like? - like that - hideously disgusting revolting ridiculously retarded demonic scummmm.. sicker MORE.
Anywaaaayyy - 2025. chilled house. Relax relax relax yeahhh.. hommm. Testing out coffee frappes in the Ninja Slushy as well as coke slushy, its quite nice - never drink coke - or snort it - but - slushy coke is somehow… different. Red bull & vodka in the ninja - amazing, It makes the most amazing milkshakes as well, put just ordinary hot chocolate and milk - amazing milkshake - so amazing I think I might sell the creami .. maybe .. maybe not. I have cuisinart ice cream maker that I usually use (mainly for jaffa ice cream) and the creami hasn’t been used much since the arrival of the slushy. That is how I’m going to be drinking all my beverages from now on. In the ninjaaaahh.
Feb 2025 - how to start the ‘conversation’
- firstly who is ‘Micky dawker’ .. lol
did she ever have to repeat thousand times over that they’re paedophiles
rapists child molesters pillagers plagiarists serial raping traffickers profiteering
terrorists and ‘fixers’ for their own retardation - no - because they ‘fixed it’
in order to attempt to blame the murder on their parents - thanks to Daniel Craig,
Calum Best and all the same degenerates that had their snouts in a trough in
Leveson 1. Leveson 2 - same paedophiles
except much much way more hideously disgustingly revoltingly demonic - more
than what they were before. Shut Leveson
2 down in 2016 because it’s part of Brexit and the paedophile plague in the
media transfer ‘game’. 2011 - Monaco - on
a boat - Matt Le blanc wasn’t there - Ray Winstone was there, Simon Cowell wasn’t’
there (but knows a paedophile that’s a paedophile etc) - neither was the
karsadians or Richie McCaw or Sonny Bill Williams, Spain 2011 - Fred West wasn’t
there, Kanye West wasn’t there Obama wasn’t there, Harvard wasn’t there, Helen
Clark wasn’t there (who rapists affectionately call ‘aunty). New York 2011 - Sarah Jessica Parker wasn’t
there, Kim Catrell wasn’t there etc and so on and so forth (and neither was
Danny Boyle who offered his legion of pedoes cash to get pregnant which is
probably why Rose McGowan dressed up as a cheeseburger and somehow that’s *their*
‘tribute’ to the holocaust victims featuring Margaret, Kate and Andrew and
spawn with the cast of ‘friends’ etc (in 2024/2025) Still ridiculously retarded paedophiles ‘funnily’
enough. James Macvoy ‘like
Pedoes that don’t like being told what they ARE - so must be pedoes - more - to make their paedophilia about themselves - when they ALREADY ARE hideously disgusting scum and have been for decades *anyway* - make stuff up and ‘lolz’, ‘lolz’ some more as they ‘fix’ their vulgarity more & more for themselves, Brexit - they got paid to be murderers that clap for themselves - laugh it off - and he scrunches up his paedophile face ‘the nahhhzies the nahhhzies he’s from Lundin Bruv’ - so gross - I’m not - that’s not my ‘brother’ - that’s a terrorist and a paedophile from the ‘brotherhood’ of the paedophile cult that Macron thanked for setting the Notre Dame on fire. Not a ‘dude’ either. Arnold Swazzenger (paedophile) “he knows real Nazis - they are burning in hell” - okay - paedophile politicians say ‘If you make stuff up you will not be punished’ - and the pedoes & terrorists said ‘you’re next’ ‘go die in a fire’ (& the killer NHS ‘fixed it’ for ‘em) - obviously I’m going to teach myself about my own life. Sicccck hideous degenerates. Totally grotesque. More. Woo ‘george floyd’. What is ‘pizzagate?’ The paedophile terrorist serial raping trafficking ‘conspiracy’ that pays paedophiles rapists and terrorists to pillage and abuse someone they’ve never met - or spoken to in their lives - for £9 million - ‘self styled crusading paedophiles serial raping traffickers and terrorists - where Macron whispers ‘Good Luck’ and Margaret ‘purrs like a kitten’ down the phone to David Cameron featuring Judith Collins who - I’ve never met or spoken to in my life - because a murderer went to the same school - capitalised on the ‘opportunity’ to be revolting hideously disgusting scum - that are ‘making a movie’ about themselves BEING hideously disgusting scum - I got blocked - and banned - for some ‘strange’ reason - pedoes - terrorists - paedophile ‘syndicates’ pillaging frenzy ‘syndicates’ etc - duh - and somehow Carole Vorderman makes about herself (probably because she’s mates with the Clintons who are completely brain damaged with their ‘team’ of degenerate ‘PR’ ‘gurus’ that spin their own shit capitalise on it and make about themselves - nothing to do with *my* life - at all - only cos Carole is extremely eager to get under that desk - well ‘jell’ of Lewinsky - who was out ‘campaigning’ for the American election in 2024/25 just like Kanye West and his boat blowjob for ‘fashion aid’. ‘Crisis Management’ is all about ‘damage control’ - spin capitalise ‘fix’ make something up make about themselves cry victim and repeat etc - that’s what ‘crisis management’ is - a.k.a George Clooney and Holly Valance - how the fuck did she make someone else’s life -about herself - because someone said ‘Good Luck’ - that’s why - that’s how - and because they’re ‘making a movie’ and a few ‘documentaries’ - about themselves - being demonic scum. Never spoken to her in my life. Someone went to New York and took a photo of a sign - and somehow that’s how paedophiles made their paedophilia about themselves - so he goes to New York - takes a picture of himself to make his life about someone else - they’re paedophiles completely totally eeevil hideously revolting pieces of grotesque degenerate shit - just get sicker and sicker more grotesque. They want £50 million in compensation so David Beckham & Rebecca Loos as well as Michael J Fox can ‘Repair Britain’s Brand’ so they jumped out of a plane to land in their own shit as part of the Olympic paedophile ‘campaign’ and as part of a ‘tribute’ to ‘Ghostbusters’ in the rapist version of ‘Back to the future’ featuring Peter Jackson and Temuera Morrison as Savile. ‘Britains brand’ - lol - how precious - they ‘recruited’ George Floyd - that ‘fixed it’ for ‘em - with £200 million worth of ‘donations’ - impressive. Brexit £2 billion a week - is that from ‘acquired’ businesses? What with fashion for pedoes and designer terrorists etc in the ‘Spectre’ movie where James Cameron and Sam Mendes ‘get it on’ with some cave dwellers to produce some pigs from sheep seamen so that Daniel Craig is ‘free’ to call the extra they pillaged and abused a ‘Russian Villain’ that morphs into Britney Spears’ skull baby where they ‘demonstrate’ eating ice cream to each other. I wonder if Ms ‘Dawker’ ever met her abusers. Totally completely brain damaged hideous degenerates - more retarded waaay waaay more. Poor Chuckie - the ‘media victim’ and her paedophile pal Randall strolling around checking out all thier carcasses in their ‘tribute’ to the holocaust - I’m not Jewish - haven’t got any ‘jewish cash’ - but - apparently they can make millyinzzz on ‘onlyfans’ being ‘influencers’ for their ‘Blue’ movie - ‘stiff’ competition with someone called ‘Bonnie’ in the Disney production of ‘BozoBranson’s Sheep shagging Virgins’ - total contradiction - it will have most stumped - a joint venture - also featuring some queers, lesbians and trannies from Pizza Express that get sex changes *specifically* so that they can fly over the ‘Star Wars’ set to land in Trump Tower to have it off with pigeons. Ridiculous waaay more retarded - what does that mean - in the ‘pollz’ - they ‘dunnooss’ coscos they’re pedoes ‘you know haha’s” - and the paedophiles “don’t understaaaaand don’t understaaaaand” which is why they’re incredibly busy staring at walls and talking to lampposts. It’s astounding - the amount a chunk of concrete has. Full of ‘ideas’ - concrete - putting ‘think tanks’ to shame. “Didn’t find anything” - what was/is it - that they’re looking for? They have everything they need at Pizza Express - including Bob & Bobo’s bush that they got from shaving Lily Allens pubes - she did say that ‘she’s only ever been raped by white men’ - so they thought be ‘nice’ and give her the opportunity to partake in the ‘all black’ ‘games’ - she excelled - she has so many ‘boaty mcboatface’ mates now. Like a ‘Game of Thrones’ rape scene on location location - Kit hasn’t got ‘issues’ from that - he’s got ‘issues’ because Greta the Great lost her virginity to someone else and he’s supposed to be a ‘heart throb’ - ‘you stole my…’… lol at Greta.. ‘hearts’ ‘the mark of the paedophile’ in their ‘heart of the ocean unplugged’ ‘movie’ featuring Steven Spielberg, Indiana Jones, ‘Garef Sowfgate’ and the Pizza Express.
Ridiculous way way waaaay more.
What they like? They’re so ‘hilarious’ aren’t they. A decade a half later - still ‘hilarious’ paedophiles rapists child molesters serial raping traffickers and profiteering terrorists etc.. Totally ‘hilarious’ - sicker & sicker more way more grotesque more. ‘lolz’ ‘lolz’ everything is ‘lolz’ make their own shit up and laugh in your face and ‘lolz’ some more because they’re pedoes and worse ‘fixing’ their vulgarity - for themselves - hideouser way more retarded more. Spectacularly.
Envision it - someone they’ve never met or spoken to in their life rocks on up in a government office and says ‘this is what you said & did while I am living in a different country’ - ‘this is what you did - to my life - while I’m living in a different country’ - that is what & how your ‘team’ of paedophiles rapists serial raping traffickers and terrorists said and did to ‘fix it’ for you and your ‘team’ of paedophiles rapists and terrorists and that is what & how those paedophiles rapists terrorists did to me and my life - in a different country. Stunningly spectacularly demonic - waaaay waaay more. They’re *FULLY* ‘aware’ they’re hideously demonic scummy completely retarded ridiculous degenerates - hideouser and hideouser way more.
Wow demonic. That’s soooo much more than *just* ridiculously demonic - and they’re totally unfazed which is even more spectacular - laugh it off - ‘lolz’ ‘lolz’ - grotesque more. Their paedophilia is like contagion - if one of them gets caught BEING a paedophile - they just all gang up and rape for rapists and that resulted in ‘over the top’ paedophile UN ‘PR’ campaigns with the sole purpose of getting everyone to be paedophiles rapists and terrorists and - that’s how they ‘fixed it’ for themselves - again and again and again. Like to ‘pretend’ they didn’t do what they did and with ‘Pizzagate’ ‘Partygate’ Bill gates etc - they have exhausted all ‘angles’ of ‘damage control’ making an extraordinary effort to make paedophiles rapists and terrorists - not look like what they are. Spectacular. Stunning.
When - ‘famous’ 'socialites' (her face is lopsided because she swallowed the spunk of an octopus) - paedophiles rapists and serial raping traffickers say - “It’s actually worse than that”.
Pirates Piracy and Paedophiles. Hideouser - more,